Clinton: Fighting Extremism Can't Be Avoided as bomb hits Peshawar Bazaar
Pakistan's Taliban offensive rages on
On Pakistan's frontline
a potent car bomb ripped through Peshawar's Meena Bazaar, a crowded market selling women's clothes Targeting women and children, this shows Taliban resolve to kill everyone. The people better steal their resolve. They have got to be on the look out for anyone or thing that is not familiar or looks out of place or suspicious.
At the same time Pakistan advances in Taliban area as the offensive rages on The mass killing of their women and children in a friggen clothing market should enrage the soldiers and further steel their desire to rid Pakistan of these murderous militants. Pakistan is at war!
US Quietly Aids Pakistani Drives on Taliban I know many Pakistani's despise the US and I have to admit we deserve it. However Pakistan is in the fight of her life and it is our fault. This is critical and I was very pleased to see how much we are helping Pakistan despite denials by top officials.
The United States has quietly rushed hundreds of millions of dollars in arms, equipment and sophisticated sensors to Pakistani forces in recent months for the operations in the Swat valley and in South Waziristan. Obama spoke with a top General and personally gave the order to send whatever was need within limits of course.
We hurriedly and on the QT sent 10 Mi-17 troop transport helicopters, spare parts for Cobra helicopter gunships, night vision goggles, body armor and eavesdropping equipment. Supplying the infrared night vision for their f16 war planes has to be invaluable too . Drones while publicly bringing complaints have got to be a large part of the success in finding where the Taliban are hiding. We control the drones but the video and coordinates are immediately fed to ground commanders.
Lately I have been hearing from Pakistani friends that there has been an increase there in our military and undercover personnel. I hope these personnel are the American Special Forces soldiers and support personnel who are training and advising Pakistani Army and paramilitary troops for these operations. I know we heard it before but we are told they train only and do not engage in combat.
Like it or not we are in this together. I believe that our mutual success or failure in Afghanistan and Pakistan are intricately intertwined. One is worthless without the other. Pakistan's victory will be defined by eradicating the militants. To me our victory will be defined as doing what the local Afghani leaders suggest. If that is give us supplies and leave so be it. See you later our job is done!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Is Hamid Karzai an American agent his brother is? Does Obama add troops?

Karzai brother a drug-dealing CIA agent?
It is terrible finding out Ahmed Wali Karzai a brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai is a CIA agent.It was bad enough knowing he is a Drug Lord and frauded the election for his brother but finding out he is in bed with the CIA raises many questions.Remember the chopper that just crashed killing DEA agents returning from a mission? I now suspect foul play. Please watch the video!
Knowing how illicit Ahmed's activities are I was a bit surprised to find out he has been working with the CIA since day one. Have they been turning their backs on his poppy growing and drug trafficking? In exchange for what? There has certainly been no real accomplishments in Afghanistan since day one despite our soldiers heroic efforts.
Ahmed runs the National Protective Program amongst numerous other things. Ahmed Wali Karzai News - The New York Times Quite interesting! I do not know what you think about Ahmed working for the CIA or "rumors" of him being a Drug Lord but think about this!
First hearing he is a drug lord makes me wonder what was being discussed in all the pictures I see of him visiting towns and conversing with tribal leaders. Being a a prominent political figure in the southern region of the country with regular visits makes for a lucrative convenient position in the opium world. I refuse to believe it can be ignored though Ahmed denies any involvement. Yeah like the million rigged ballots he didn't rig.
Okay! Ahmed is a drug lord. Him and his profits are probably helping to fund the war against us. Think about it! It gets worse. While returning from a successful mission searching a compound for drugs the helicopter crashed killing 7 troops and as we now know, 3 DEA agents. In the fight after the crash 12 "insurgents" were killed. 14 Americans die in Afghanistan chopper crashes
They were just returning from a successful mission cleaning out opium interests in Ahmed's region. Makes you wonder doesn't it?
Now our commander in chief: He has done his homework in what will be the most important decision he has ever made. He has done his homework dotting the eyes and crossing the T's. He has done his homework and is close to a decision. He has listened to General McChrystal, his advisers, all his joint chiefs, and all involved. He just paid a midnight visit to Dover to Salute the caskets and Honor 18 US soldiers that were killed this week in Afghanistan. Obama never stops impressing me! He is the first US President to go to Dover and honor the returning dead!
Anyway to top it off amidst escalating violence in Afghanistan Obama has sent his Commanders on the ground in Afghanistan province by province and village to village to talk to all tribal leaders find out what they need, what their issues are, and discern how many more troops will be need and what type. Obama take your time! He will do this if anyone can. What if his analysis dictates we leave? Think about it! Afghan provinces to be analyzed Details should help president determine need
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Ahmed Wali Karzai,
CIA Agent,
Drug Lord,
Hamid Karzai
Thursday, October 29, 2009
America needs health care not Insurance care! Get rid of the Filibuster 5!

Conservatives are a problem, in this case it is conservative Democrats! Obama should campaign against them! Conservative Democrats are already conniving to defeat the opt out public option. I hope they do, it will be their Waterloo! This was a wise move by Senator Reid. It may save his Senate seat! I just love this. We keep hearing that 75% of the public want the public option and Republican Senators do not want to give it to them. This is great, now the people will take it out on their Senators if they don't give them the public option. People need help.
Many are losing their houses and going bankrupt because of ill health and no insurance. You know, 14,000 every day lose their health insurance. Premiums are going through the roof and will continue to skyrocket. The insurance industry will continue to raise them and blame it on Obama and the public option.
This is a crisis and something has to be done! This was gutsy of Reid, It is about time! Like it or not the system is going to change.
The opt out public option won't destroy the industry but they will go up on the rates just to say see we told you. They decide who lives and dies and do not want to be forced to cover sick people.
I heard this morning that the insurance companies take 30% right off the top. That is worse than the Mafia. Vegas is only allowed to take 18%
I also heard that Obama is being ridiculed saying he will cut $80 Billion saving it in waste. I listened to it on Keith Olbermann and there was an analysis done and it was grossly underestimated. It was more like $800 Billion because of waste and fraud. Expensive tests are given when not needed to save the Doctor time to squeeze in more patients.
Expensive procedures are used when a cheap one would suffice so Doctors can make more profit and they are trying to minimize law suits. All this has to stop and I am sure it is much worse.
As you may know, Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson, and Mary Landreaux, Lincoln, and Bayh, are threatening to vote with the Republicans to defeat the public option. With so many people hurting I wish they would. It would be the end of their career. When all is said and done and this comes up to a vote I am confident there will be compromise but it will pass in some form. We better start holding this slime accountable now and at the polls!
I keep hearing today Pelosi is going to introduce another Bill some say it will not have a robust public option, Some like Congressman Clyburn who knows what she is going to introduce says it will have a very robust public option. Man my head is spinning again! If Pelosi introduces a bill without a healthy public option that will be a defeat.
* I used to be a fan of Lieberman's if only because his wife is from my town of Gardner and they were here when he was running for President. Forget it! That turncoat was for the public option before he was against it because his state of Connecticut's insurance industry gave him a million dollars. He used to represent the 68% of blue voters that make up his State. They better start calling out their turncoat Senator! Get rid of him.He does not represent them or America only the insurance industry! * IT IS TIME FOR A THIRD PARTY! We no longer have a party that represents the people. The hell with the phony tea partiers being called the Real Americans. THE REAL AMERICANS BETTER STAND UP!
I understand that even if it passes it will not be in effect until 2013 meaning those that think they will get instant relief are going to continue to hurt for years! The way things go 2013 would be early and I expect much later is more like it. That it will happen and a public option looking more likely bodes well for Obama in 2012 but only if our economy, the average Americans economy improves as the other economy the economy of the wealthy is now! The only way our economy will recover is if health care reform is passed with some form of a public option is passed. I believe op out in the end will make enough op in to get it passed!
As you can see we must pass this and can not put it off as it will take years to get it activated and those against it will keep prolonging it. I hope all Democrats remember Teddy Kennedy. Hear his voice and come together to give health care to all Americans. Think of his legacy! Conservative Democrats seem to want nothing but to stand in the way. They have to be put in their place by Obama. He must grow a spine!
Obama should stand up and let Democratic Senators know that he will campaign against any one that votes against the public option. Lieberman threatens to filibuster his friend Harry Reid's Bill but Reid said that though Lieberman represents Connecticut's huge insurance Industry his friend will not disappoint him in the end. Lieberman he said is the least of his worries though I do not like him always making his worthless self the center of attention!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Two Vietnam's for Obama: Bush's gifts to Obama just keep on coming!
Iraqi's Mourn After Worst Bombings in 2 Years
14 Americans killed in chopper crashes
In Iraq and Afghanistan it is Horrific and Horrific and don't forget Pakistan! As you know, three helicopters just crashed in Afghanistan killing 14 Americans supposedly in no hostile accidents. In Iraq the dual car bomb explosions that destroyed three Government Ministry buildings leaving so far 159 dead and more than 500 injured due to the Sunni Shiite civil war as Sunni's try to topple the Shiite led Government. Plus Pakistan!
Iraq Blast Toll Continues to Rise, Includes Children
Helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans in Afghanistan
Pakistan Battles Militants as Leaders Prepare to Meet
Obama is between a rock and a hard place in Afghanistan and Iraq compliments of Bush! I see nothing but disaster in Iraq. We knew this would be the case the day Bush ignored all good advice took his eye off Afghanistan so he could attack Iraq to get into the middle east as he spoke to God and God told him to straighten out the middle east. The civil war in Iraq will spread throughout the entire middle east before the entire world is engulfed as we knew would be the case from day one!
What do we do with the troops in Iraq? Another of my sons goes to Baghdad in November. If we add more troops in Afghanistan it is just more for the militants to kill. What can or will Obama do? Will any of this have anything to do with Obama's decision as to whether or not to add more troops in Afghanistan or how many to add? Please read on and watch the videos!
I do not believe either incident will affect Obama's decision. Security and safety can not be and will never be at 100%. Accidents will continue to happen, insurgents will continue to kill! I do not think the troop withdrawal from Iraq will or even can be changed. I still can not forget that Bush wanted a permanent Korea style force in the middle of his Iraqi civil war and middle east breakdown and wonder what Obama is going to do?
As soon as Bush illegally attacked Iraq he guaranteed a loss of both countries. All the troops in the world will change nothing besides creating more militants and getting more NATO troops killed. Before Bush attacked Iraq, Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with each other. Today they are inextricably intertwined!
I understand the decision to add more troops may come before Afghanistan's runoff election and Friday Obama is going to have a meeting with the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff to listen to the input from the leaders of all branches before he makes a decision. At that point all fronts will have been heard from and I would expect to hear from Obama as to his decision shortly thereafter.
With increasing violence and a fraudulent Government in Afghanistan and violence erupting in Iraq prior to the elections as the Sunni's attempt to bring down the Shiite led Government we are stuck between a rock and a hard place with no good choices. Draw down in Iraq? Speed up the withdrawal? Pull out of Iraq all together? Stay in Afghanistan? Draw down? Add troops in the battle the Taliban call the End of Days War? I am afraid along with our and the worlds economic crisis Bush and the Republicans have succeeded in creating "Two Vietnams for Obama"
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
14 Americans killed in chopper crashes
In Iraq and Afghanistan it is Horrific and Horrific and don't forget Pakistan! As you know, three helicopters just crashed in Afghanistan killing 14 Americans supposedly in no hostile accidents. In Iraq the dual car bomb explosions that destroyed three Government Ministry buildings leaving so far 159 dead and more than 500 injured due to the Sunni Shiite civil war as Sunni's try to topple the Shiite led Government. Plus Pakistan!
Iraq Blast Toll Continues to Rise, Includes Children
Helicopter crashes kill 14 Americans in Afghanistan
Pakistan Battles Militants as Leaders Prepare to Meet
Obama is between a rock and a hard place in Afghanistan and Iraq compliments of Bush! I see nothing but disaster in Iraq. We knew this would be the case the day Bush ignored all good advice took his eye off Afghanistan so he could attack Iraq to get into the middle east as he spoke to God and God told him to straighten out the middle east. The civil war in Iraq will spread throughout the entire middle east before the entire world is engulfed as we knew would be the case from day one!
What do we do with the troops in Iraq? Another of my sons goes to Baghdad in November. If we add more troops in Afghanistan it is just more for the militants to kill. What can or will Obama do? Will any of this have anything to do with Obama's decision as to whether or not to add more troops in Afghanistan or how many to add? Please read on and watch the videos!
I do not believe either incident will affect Obama's decision. Security and safety can not be and will never be at 100%. Accidents will continue to happen, insurgents will continue to kill! I do not think the troop withdrawal from Iraq will or even can be changed. I still can not forget that Bush wanted a permanent Korea style force in the middle of his Iraqi civil war and middle east breakdown and wonder what Obama is going to do?
As soon as Bush illegally attacked Iraq he guaranteed a loss of both countries. All the troops in the world will change nothing besides creating more militants and getting more NATO troops killed. Before Bush attacked Iraq, Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with each other. Today they are inextricably intertwined!
I understand the decision to add more troops may come before Afghanistan's runoff election and Friday Obama is going to have a meeting with the entire Joint Chiefs of Staff to listen to the input from the leaders of all branches before he makes a decision. At that point all fronts will have been heard from and I would expect to hear from Obama as to his decision shortly thereafter.
With increasing violence and a fraudulent Government in Afghanistan and violence erupting in Iraq prior to the elections as the Sunni's attempt to bring down the Shiite led Government we are stuck between a rock and a hard place with no good choices. Draw down in Iraq? Speed up the withdrawal? Pull out of Iraq all together? Stay in Afghanistan? Draw down? Add troops in the battle the Taliban call the End of Days War? I am afraid along with our and the worlds economic crisis Bush and the Republicans have succeeded in creating "Two Vietnams for Obama"
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Abdullah rejects power sharing and may Boycott reelection creating crisis Republicans want our troops rushed into. Think! ...

Officials say Karzai rival may choose to boycott runoff
Afghan President, Main Rival Reject Power Sharing
Republicans: Clock Is Ticking on Afghanistan Troop Decision
I ask again, this is what Republicans want us to rush into? The troops that are there will not be abandoned and until the right decision as to what to do next is decided they will take care of business! A reiteration and then my synopsis:
Combatants should not be added with the goal of hunting Al Qaeda. They, Mullah Omar, and Bin Laden are in Pakistan. Our combatants should largely be on the border after we hopefully secure some semblance of a fair election. Then I reiterate Karzai's brother is a drug lord and was found rigging ballots. Why would we think a new vote would bring new results? I just see increased violence and corruption in this battle between truth and fraud to control Afghanistan!
What we should do after the people get their central Government if that is what they want and not what Karzai wants is go home: I reiterate that Our soldiers did their job send them home. Unless their job is to create as many enemies as possible which is all they are doing in Afghanistan get them out. Getting rid of Al Qaeda and eliminating their Afghan safe haven was supposed to be the goal not building a puppet Government like in Vietnam.
Think! Do it the right way! Refocus the mission! After 8 years of mismanagement under Bush it is right that Obama take time think and listen to good advice not war mongering Republicans. Listen to Max Cleland who has learned the lessons of Vietnam the hard way. Listen to Biden! Listen to McCain, then think about it and do the right thing.
They may be now but the Taliban was not the enemy Al Qaeda was and is they attacked us not the Taliban. We keep hearing the Taliban are resurging. Who the hell cares as long as they stay in Afghanistan. THEY ARE NOT THE ENEMY! At least they weren't! Or is the friggen goal to see how many Muslim's we can get to fight us? Get out and Monitor them with drones.
Work on Al Qaeda around the world! Afghanistan and the Taliban as I said were not the enemy though they may be now! Karzai is using us so he can steal Afghanistan for him and his brother! We do not need a hundred years ground war unless keeping our military and a war going in Afghanistan is how they plan on saving and driving our economy! I have faith whatever he decides, Obama will do the right thing no matter how unpalatable it may be!
* This stupefies me! Russ Feingold and others and others in Congress are already prepared to stop Obama if he takes McChrystal's advice and goes with a troop increase. There should be a troop increase but it has to be hybridized to insure success! Success must be redefined as Any Government elected by the people with the proven ability to unify and fight for the average Afghan! We should then go home. Feingold should not fight a troop increase cart blanch. If the job can be done with the troops at hand fine.
There has to be a reeducation of Afghan defense forces and all the people. Teach them to stand up! Give them the equipment. Let them show us they want to and can do this! We can stand down and concentrate on helping Pakistan and Afghanistan on the border. If the Afghan army is ready to stand up take control and fight we can do this! However I have my doubts that they and the people want to do it!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, October 26, 2009
Army captures Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah's home town of kotkai as Pakistan is understandably on edge! What's next?
Pakistan on edge after Taliban attacks
Pakistan troops retake Taliban stronghold in Waziristan
Army captures Pakistani Taliban leader's hometown recapture Hakimullah's home town of kotkai as Pakistan is understandably on edge!
Pakistan Air Force Site Is Bombed People are understandably nervous! They panic going to the market wondering where the next explosion will be? People are on edge after a string of attacks throughout Pakistan in retribution for military action in South Waziristan.
This offensive is increasingly defensive for Pakistan and all Pakistani's as Pakistan and the extremists go tit for tat. Victory hangs in the balance and can go either way or so it appears as Pakistan pounds the Taliban and closes in on Haikimullah! They are not backing down and can not as Pakistan bombs Taliban after capturing key town
I reiterate: The attack started Friday night and the Taliban backing up threats in some cases is actually bringing the fight to the Government. This is a defining moment. Now 1000,000 of the 1/2 million area residents are on the move as a result of the fighting further complicating the Governments efforts. 30,000 Government troops are taking on some 10 to 15,000 militants many of them from the Mehsud tribe, hardened, desperate to kill and on their own turf. They are closing in on Haikimullah and must kill or capture him and all his killers period!
In this mountainous terrain long avoided by the Pakistani Government at elevations from 7 to 8,000 feet this is going to be a long tough fight! In fact it is being called the mother of all battles and it will be a mother! This is the third attempt by the Pakistani Government having sued for peace and withdraw in the past. They can not fail this time!
It will a huge setback if they are not successful in fact think about it, it would be catastrophic and short of putting boots on the ground we better be doing what we can behind the scenes to make sure they succeed! I am concerned about Pakistan's nukes falling into militant hands but not like I used to be. Despite a recent increase in bombings on Government buildings specifically targeting where the attack on South Waziristan was being planned I think it will backfire and Pakistan can do this!
I am impressed with Pakistan and her military as I have said many times. The Pakistani people are in a hell of a fight themselves and the world can be proud of them. I have more trust in Pakistan's ability to deal with the Taliban and other militants than with ours. Good luck and God bless, God bless the Lashkar too they are pivotal in this!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Pakistan troops retake Taliban stronghold in Waziristan
Army captures Pakistani Taliban leader's hometown recapture Hakimullah's home town of kotkai as Pakistan is understandably on edge!
Pakistan Air Force Site Is Bombed People are understandably nervous! They panic going to the market wondering where the next explosion will be? People are on edge after a string of attacks throughout Pakistan in retribution for military action in South Waziristan.
This offensive is increasingly defensive for Pakistan and all Pakistani's as Pakistan and the extremists go tit for tat. Victory hangs in the balance and can go either way or so it appears as Pakistan pounds the Taliban and closes in on Haikimullah! They are not backing down and can not as Pakistan bombs Taliban after capturing key town
I reiterate: The attack started Friday night and the Taliban backing up threats in some cases is actually bringing the fight to the Government. This is a defining moment. Now 1000,000 of the 1/2 million area residents are on the move as a result of the fighting further complicating the Governments efforts. 30,000 Government troops are taking on some 10 to 15,000 militants many of them from the Mehsud tribe, hardened, desperate to kill and on their own turf. They are closing in on Haikimullah and must kill or capture him and all his killers period!
In this mountainous terrain long avoided by the Pakistani Government at elevations from 7 to 8,000 feet this is going to be a long tough fight! In fact it is being called the mother of all battles and it will be a mother! This is the third attempt by the Pakistani Government having sued for peace and withdraw in the past. They can not fail this time!
It will a huge setback if they are not successful in fact think about it, it would be catastrophic and short of putting boots on the ground we better be doing what we can behind the scenes to make sure they succeed! I am concerned about Pakistan's nukes falling into militant hands but not like I used to be. Despite a recent increase in bombings on Government buildings specifically targeting where the attack on South Waziristan was being planned I think it will backfire and Pakistan can do this!
I am impressed with Pakistan and her military as I have said many times. The Pakistani people are in a hell of a fight themselves and the world can be proud of them. I have more trust in Pakistan's ability to deal with the Taliban and other militants than with ours. Good luck and God bless, God bless the Lashkar too they are pivotal in this!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Latest Republican Psycho babble!

Bush admits to some regrets! Ya think? Roger Ailes of Fox news may run for President in 2012! What? Is that the White House Fox war is setting up? Obama promoting volunteerism to save America called a liberal conspiracy! Sarah Palin Going Rogue comes out against a parody Sarah Palin Going Rouge!
Okay! Bush was speaking yesterday and he admitted to having some regrets over what he did during his Presidency! Main regret? During Katrina he now regrets not sending troops in immediately and that he should have done more! Ya think? Regret # 2: The dummy regrets the mission accomplished Banner hung on air craft carrier. With a classic Bush Freudian slip he said he regrets the "mission impossible" banner!
What about abandoning Afghanistan? What about illegally attacking Iraq? What about every other crisis he created during his so called "watch"? What about all his slam dunks that bit us in the rear? Regrets? The regret is ours that he ever happened in the first place to destroy America and world order creating the mess we are all living in and Obama is trying to deal with? Bush left proud of his accomplishments! Regrets?
Now this is funny! As you know, Sarah Palin the short term Alaska Governor who abandoned her post where she saw Russia from her house had someone write a book about her lies and idiocy titled Going Rogue. 4 months after abandoning her people! At the same time her book is coming out, the parody comic book version is coming out titled "Going Rouge"
I have to laugh I don't think she can even read. Knowing the class of people that follow her I have to wonder if they know the difference between Rouge and Rogue and will buy the right one! which one do you think will sell better? The comic book should far outsell Palings book of lies. If not it will only be because Oprah is going to interview her and promote the book. I predict another Oprah book scandal!
This really peeves me and has to be a joke! Fox News CEO Roger Ailes is contemplating running for President in 2012 at the prodding of friends. That really makes you wonder about his allowing the BS coming from talk show hosts and their guests. Is this what this so called war between Fox and the White House is all about? Is he gathering his following for a run? Is he setting the stage?Much is said about the White House getting involved with this but they must to avoid the anarchy Fox is instigating!
Ailes is the force, the mastermind behind all the negative Obama attack ads that keep backfiring on the Republican party insuring they remain "the pup tent" party. He will not run but I wish he would because it would mean another win for us! Running Fox is no preparation for taking on Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the so called war on terror. The fools on the right keep comparing Obama to Nixon and his enemies list so should Obama do the same and have the IRS audit Ailes! Think Progress » Roger Ailes for president in 2012?
Lastly, I have been pretty pleased with President Obama's efforts at promoting volunteerism as a way of uniting the country and helping the down trodden. He is not saying Democrats we want you to volunteer. He is not saying Republicans and Independents we want to brain wash you into becoming Democrats. He is saying to all Americans "volunteer" to help our America! Remember America? That is what this should all be about not Republicans and Democrats! Obama asks nation to participate in volunteer services
Obama promoting volunteerism is a liberal conspiracy! Beck said it is Maoist China! how can they turn volunteering for America into a bad thing? A Partisan thing? A communist thing? They are friggen sick! LBJ did it, FDR, JFK. Volunteerism has been promoted many times. Hell Obama and McCain both pushed volunteering as Presidential candidates. Paranoid Right-Wingers See Obama's Volunteer Service Project as ... A Liberal brain washing conspiracy! What the hell is next?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, October 24, 2009
NATO endorses McChrystal plan, this does not pressure Obama it frees him up to follow Clelands plan and ignore Cheney!
US military families comment on Afghan war
US Lawmakers Hear Diverse Opinions on Afghanistan
NATO Defense Ministers Endorse Wider Afghan Effort
Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off
Thanks to Cheney and Bush adding only 6,000 troops to combat the Taliban in Afghanistan and adding over 100,000 to fight their created unnecessary war in Iraq so they could get into the middle east to create what they thought would be a new middle east order Obama has to now clean up another of their created crises. Cheney should shut up and will not so he must be ignored. Watch the video on the US military families comments, listen to them and Max Cleland.
Obama has enough advice he does not need the advice of a deferment king who did not serve his country in combat but avoided it at all costs! He created the war in Afghanistan and used Bush to prosecute it. Did you ever read his plans? A clean Break
Cheney and Bush created this crisis and it is now Obama's to fix and fix it he will but not the way Cheney and others think. He will do as I would do! Listen to all advice chew it swallow it and regurgitate it as the right thing! I am glad NATO thinks McChrystal is right and they are ready to add more troops. I agree that they are right that training Afghani's and securing the citizen's should be the goal and the primary goal.
That said, combatants should not be added with the goal of hunting Al Qaeda. They, Mullah Omar, and Bin Laden are in Pakistan. Our combatants should largely be on the border after we hopefully secure some semblance of a fair election. Then I reiterate Karzai's brother is a drug lord and was found rigging ballots. Why would we think a new vote would bring new results? I just see increased violence and corruption in this battle between truth and fraud to control Afghanistan!
What we should do after the people get their central Government if that is what they want and not what Karzai wants is go home: I reiterate that Our soldiers did their job send them home. Unless their job is to create as many enemies as possible which is all they are doing in Afghanistan get them out. Getting rid of Al Qaeda and eliminating their Afghan safe haven was supposed to be the goal not building a puppet Government like in Vietnam.
Think! Do it the right way! Refocus the mission! After 8 years of mismanagement under Bush it is right that Obama take time think and listen to good advice not war mongering Republicans. Listen to Max Cleland who has learned the lessons of Vietnam the hard way. Listen to Biden! Listen to McCain, then think about it and do the right thing.
They may be now but the Taliban was not the enemy Al Qaeda was and is they attacked us not the Taliban. We keep hearing the Taliban are resurging. Who the hell cares as long as they stay in Afghanistan. THEY ARE NOT THE ENEMY! At least they weren't! Or is the friggen goal to see how many Muslim's we can get to fight us? Get out and Monitor them with drones.
Work on Al Qaeda around the world! Afghanistan and the Taliban as I said were not the enemy though they may be now! Karzai is using us so he can steal Afghanistan for him and his brother! We do not need a hundred years ground war unless keeping our military and a war going in Afghanistan is how they plan on saving and driving our economy! I have faith whatever he decides, Obama will do the right thing no matter how unpalatable it may be!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
US Lawmakers Hear Diverse Opinions on Afghanistan
NATO Defense Ministers Endorse Wider Afghan Effort
Karzai says wants "better" Afghan election run-off
Thanks to Cheney and Bush adding only 6,000 troops to combat the Taliban in Afghanistan and adding over 100,000 to fight their created unnecessary war in Iraq so they could get into the middle east to create what they thought would be a new middle east order Obama has to now clean up another of their created crises. Cheney should shut up and will not so he must be ignored. Watch the video on the US military families comments, listen to them and Max Cleland.
Obama has enough advice he does not need the advice of a deferment king who did not serve his country in combat but avoided it at all costs! He created the war in Afghanistan and used Bush to prosecute it. Did you ever read his plans? A clean Break
Cheney and Bush created this crisis and it is now Obama's to fix and fix it he will but not the way Cheney and others think. He will do as I would do! Listen to all advice chew it swallow it and regurgitate it as the right thing! I am glad NATO thinks McChrystal is right and they are ready to add more troops. I agree that they are right that training Afghani's and securing the citizen's should be the goal and the primary goal.
That said, combatants should not be added with the goal of hunting Al Qaeda. They, Mullah Omar, and Bin Laden are in Pakistan. Our combatants should largely be on the border after we hopefully secure some semblance of a fair election. Then I reiterate Karzai's brother is a drug lord and was found rigging ballots. Why would we think a new vote would bring new results? I just see increased violence and corruption in this battle between truth and fraud to control Afghanistan!
What we should do after the people get their central Government if that is what they want and not what Karzai wants is go home: I reiterate that Our soldiers did their job send them home. Unless their job is to create as many enemies as possible which is all they are doing in Afghanistan get them out. Getting rid of Al Qaeda and eliminating their Afghan safe haven was supposed to be the goal not building a puppet Government like in Vietnam.
Think! Do it the right way! Refocus the mission! After 8 years of mismanagement under Bush it is right that Obama take time think and listen to good advice not war mongering Republicans. Listen to Max Cleland who has learned the lessons of Vietnam the hard way. Listen to Biden! Listen to McCain, then think about it and do the right thing.
They may be now but the Taliban was not the enemy Al Qaeda was and is they attacked us not the Taliban. We keep hearing the Taliban are resurging. Who the hell cares as long as they stay in Afghanistan. THEY ARE NOT THE ENEMY! At least they weren't! Or is the friggen goal to see how many Muslim's we can get to fight us? Get out and Monitor them with drones.
Work on Al Qaeda around the world! Afghanistan and the Taliban as I said were not the enemy though they may be now! Karzai is using us so he can steal Afghanistan for him and his brother! We do not need a hundred years ground war unless keeping our military and a war going in Afghanistan is how they plan on saving and driving our economy! I have faith whatever he decides, Obama will do the right thing no matter how unpalatable it may be!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Dick Cheney,
General McChrystal,
Hamid Karzai,
Friday, October 23, 2009
The Oath keepers: The Patrol movement to Help the people Revolt against Obama!
The Oath Keepers Orders: We will not obey!
I saw this being discussed on hardball with the Founder Stewart Rhodes. I found an interview on him and what this"anarchist" group is up to! They are flat out instigating anarchy against Obama and are recruiting thousands of military and law enforcement to stand down if the Government calls on them for help and to help the people against the Government instead! I was stunned at how out front and in your face this is! Watch the video it is down right scary!
READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in ...
The Group was founded shortly after Obama was elected but since they are supposed to be protecting the constitution and protecting the peoples rights they should have been after Bush! Anyway they are openly recruiting current and retired military and law enforcement officers to go against the Government "Obama" because they are the ones with the weapons!
They say Obama destroyed the constitution and the Oath keepers are asking the military and law enforcement to stand down if they are asked to oppress the people. This continues to grow and is not good. I hope to God something is being done behind the scenes! How can they with a straight face accuse President Obama a Constitutional Lawyer of destroying the Constitution? Get real!
They are recruiting these current and prior ex military and law enforcement officers to to promise to keep our cities from becoming prison camps at the same time thousands and thousands of armed militia are forming and may necessitate just that. They want the military and police to help their cause of anarchy and not to help the Government contain them and enforce order. They are openly instigating and advocating armed Revolution. This can not be legal!
Their call is to not aid in martial law but to me they are necessitating it! Many of those recruited are active duty military and law enforcement and say they will not subjugate any states sovereignty! If that was the case during the civil war I guess we just would have let the South secede as they want all States to have the right to do today.That means they will not help if called on if there is a law enforcement problem in any State and the Feds. have to get involved!
They expect concentration camps like for the Japs in WW2! I will say again that we do have the supposed FEMA concentration camps that were supposedly set up during the Bush years and many of us figured they ware for us if martial law was enforced and we rebelled. The oath keepers, armed militia, Birther Obama is a Nazi nutcases are determined that they will be used on them. They are trying to bring Armageddon to our America!
The "Oath keepers" feel there will be a crack down of right wing militia's, there better be and soon! Martial law, concentration camps, from my cold dead hands. They want a fight with the Obama Government and are doing their damnedest to instigate it! The anarchists are openly instigating the angry whites who want to take back their America they feel they lost to a Black President! They are many thousands strong and growing in numbers.
They are openly saying if you revolt we are behind you! Why is this condoned? They call themselves defenders of liberty but in reality are defenders of Anarchy! We are getting closer to the second armed Revolution many Republicans have long been instigating. They are appealing to the growing angry fringe! The growing number of nut cases, Birthers, tea partiers, town hallers, gun toters, angry whites who call Obama a Nazi a fascist a nigga and who knows what else! This just gets worse and worse daily. We have to quell this before it erupts. I hope someone is paying attention. This is more dangerous than they realize!
James Joiner
Gardner' Ma
I saw this being discussed on hardball with the Founder Stewart Rhodes. I found an interview on him and what this"anarchist" group is up to! They are flat out instigating anarchy against Obama and are recruiting thousands of military and law enforcement to stand down if the Government calls on them for help and to help the people against the Government instead! I was stunned at how out front and in your face this is! Watch the video it is down right scary!
READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in ...
The Group was founded shortly after Obama was elected but since they are supposed to be protecting the constitution and protecting the peoples rights they should have been after Bush! Anyway they are openly recruiting current and retired military and law enforcement officers to go against the Government "Obama" because they are the ones with the weapons!
They say Obama destroyed the constitution and the Oath keepers are asking the military and law enforcement to stand down if they are asked to oppress the people. This continues to grow and is not good. I hope to God something is being done behind the scenes! How can they with a straight face accuse President Obama a Constitutional Lawyer of destroying the Constitution? Get real!
They are recruiting these current and prior ex military and law enforcement officers to to promise to keep our cities from becoming prison camps at the same time thousands and thousands of armed militia are forming and may necessitate just that. They want the military and police to help their cause of anarchy and not to help the Government contain them and enforce order. They are openly instigating and advocating armed Revolution. This can not be legal!
Their call is to not aid in martial law but to me they are necessitating it! Many of those recruited are active duty military and law enforcement and say they will not subjugate any states sovereignty! If that was the case during the civil war I guess we just would have let the South secede as they want all States to have the right to do today.That means they will not help if called on if there is a law enforcement problem in any State and the Feds. have to get involved!
They expect concentration camps like for the Japs in WW2! I will say again that we do have the supposed FEMA concentration camps that were supposedly set up during the Bush years and many of us figured they ware for us if martial law was enforced and we rebelled. The oath keepers, armed militia, Birther Obama is a Nazi nutcases are determined that they will be used on them. They are trying to bring Armageddon to our America!
The "Oath keepers" feel there will be a crack down of right wing militia's, there better be and soon! Martial law, concentration camps, from my cold dead hands. They want a fight with the Obama Government and are doing their damnedest to instigate it! The anarchists are openly instigating the angry whites who want to take back their America they feel they lost to a Black President! They are many thousands strong and growing in numbers.
They are openly saying if you revolt we are behind you! Why is this condoned? They call themselves defenders of liberty but in reality are defenders of Anarchy! We are getting closer to the second armed Revolution many Republicans have long been instigating. They are appealing to the growing angry fringe! The growing number of nut cases, Birthers, tea partiers, town hallers, gun toters, angry whites who call Obama a Nazi a fascist a nigga and who knows what else! This just gets worse and worse daily. We have to quell this before it erupts. I hope someone is paying attention. This is more dangerous than they realize!
James Joiner
Gardner' Ma
Thursday, October 22, 2009
US Navy changes its motto to A Global Force for Good! The Tsunami made that obvious then and has to hold true for the future!

I do not care what they say about this motto change. It has been done over the years as the mission changes as you will read at the next link then read the sailors response. First mine! This is great! I wrote a little piece more then 5 years ago and then updated it because of the promise of Obama! He is coming through and we stand a chance. Please read Life's cycles and the future duties of our military!
Navy celebrates 234th birthday and change to its slogan - WTKR
Sailors take aim at new recruiting slogan - Navy News, news from ...
We should be using our military for the sole purpose of helping and ensuring honesty among the Nations of the world. There can be no action taken without the knowledge and complicity of all Nations that have the future of man and the planet as their goal. This is what we should have done with Iraq. This is what we should be doing with Iran, North Korea, and many other potential hot spots around the world today. We as the United States, must stop meddling and interfering with the Politics of other Nations around the world. We should be using our military not to wage war but to wage peace. Our military efforts after the tsunami were a shining example of the way our military should be used in the future. The world as a whole must be made to realize the fragility of our situation.
We can make this work despite the tenuous situation we have put ourselves in. With that said we must proceed and work as a world unit. It will not work as separate competitive entities as we have done in the past. We must Proceed into the future as one. We must proceed into the future with the future life of man and the planet as our only goal. Nothing less than the survival of man and the planet are at stake. Shortly the planets life sustaining ecosystems will no longer have the ability to sustain the current population of man.
We can not afford to destroy them altogether. That complete destruction and no less is what we have facing us right now. It would do man, the world well to wake up to that fact and act accordingly. This is exactly what will happen if there is another unnecessary world war. Countries must be made to realize that what they have today is all they are going to get. We can trade throughout the world for the items necessary for ones civilization and survival. However, the domination of the past must be history or we will be. We must take care of what we have. It is all we are going to get. The world must be made to realize that we march into the future with what boundaries and countries we have or suffer the dire consequences.
Our prime concern, our only concern at this point in mans and the planets life cycle has to be one of self reservation. The world must wake up to the fact that preservation of man and the planet has to be our only goal and ultimate victory. Shortly we will illustrate the life cycles in any life form and you will understand where man and the planet are in them today. We went into this in great detail in our first two books. It is very obvious and very plain, it bears repeating as we seem to be learning nothing. As we said in the past, life moves only in one direction, forward. We must not go back or attempt to go back to a cycle of life that man and the planet have already grown through and survived. We will not the next time. We have lived through the development stage of man and this planet. It is long overdue for us to get it together as a species and realize this and then face this important fact. We are now in the preservation stage of any life form. We have reached and passed the maturity stage of any life form as a species and as a planet. World wars, world dominance, world destruction, the times for that are passed. It is up to us as a world body to realize this and act accordingly.
Life’s stages
The aforementioned observances are the realization that this is not a utopian idea. It is absolutely necessary for mans survival. We must get the message to all countries of the world. Whosoever chooses to ignore the future of man and the planet must be held accountable for their action. We must get Nobel Laureate’s to publish papers on this subject. It is necessary to have someone reputable and believable write on the subject. They must sound the sense cal alarm. It must be published throughout the Nations of the world and filtered down through all levels of society. Below are the various stages of mans life cycles and where we are in them.
* The Infantile Stage – This is mans longest stage to date. With some luck we can surpass this in our maturity stage, our nurturing stage. Man was very much in his developmental stage. From mans beginning caveman day’s right up through The Dark Ages. Man was very much a live and learn being. You can not accuse man of that today. Man has lost this ability since what we will refer to as The Learning Stage. The 20th century seems to have killed this ability with its perceived lack of need. He now thinks he knows better and he knows everything. We know the thought as most of us have children. He wrongly thinks he has all the answers. We would do well to remember this phase of life.
* The Learning Stage – This period marks the end of The Dark Ages. The end of the Dark Ages coincidentally enough is marked by another perfectly cyclical event known as the Christian Crusades. This was in a point of time appropriate for the horror. The horrific thing is that Islam is going through this cycle right now. Their version of the Christian Crusaders is the Islamist Jihadists. This is occurring at a point in time when mans and the planets life cycles are beyond accepting or tolerating this behavior. At the point of time of the horrors that the Christian Crusaders committed they were accepted and tolerated.
This period covers the end of the Dark Ages up to the 20th century. This period covers the birth of mans great Religions. It covers the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. With the exception of the maturing of the Muslim Religion it marks the maturing of these Religions. It marks their role in the world order. This is again with the exception of the Muslim Religion. It is that time of Religious maturity which there is no place for in the world today. We, the world, humanity, have already gone through that. As a result we do not find what is happening with the Islamist Jihad particularly palatable. This period also opened the way for colonization. It marked the point in mans life cycle when the forceful taking of another country was the accepted norm. This was the time in mans and the planets life for needless pointless death and destruction. It was survivable by both man and the planet. This time is over and can no longer be accepted or tolerated.
*The Maturing Stage – This period includes WW1, WW2, and the recognition of man made hazards to mans and the planets life. This was the period in mans and the planets life cycles when world war was survivable by man and the planet. Our weapons are now too horrific for man or the planet to survive. Life only moves in one direction and for a reason. We can not allow any Nation to try and slide backwards and return to those ways. The time for that in the life cycle of the planet is over. We are becoming aware as to the frailty of the planets life sustaining ecosystems.
* The Nurturing Stage – This is mans mature stage. This is mans preservation period. The time is now. This period marks mans awakening as to the realization of mans negative impact on the life sustaining life cycle of the planet as a whole. This period marks the awakening of man as to the as to the necessity of revitalizing Natures life sustaining ecosystems. This period marks the necessity for an end to all out war. We must come to the realization that as a world we must destroy all advanced weaponry and their systems throughout the world. This is an absolute necessity for the survival of man and the planet. We must form a world board to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit and survival of mankind and the planet. We now know the fragility of our planet and our negative role in it. As a world we must act responsibly, be held accountable, and act accordingly.
** Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet as we know and need it.
Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.
* With the advent of President Obama We now have a chance at a future despite Bush's damage! America America God shed his grace on thee! Now crown they good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! That includes the worlds people. All the seas all the oceans, the entire world. Our future is dependent on us coming together!
We are all interdependent. We are one like it or not. We are all, all life, part of the planet we call earth! We are all part of that one organism called earth! Under Bush we had the worst, the divider, the destroyer. Under Obama MLK's words now ring true "The Greatest among you shall be your servant" He is the guiding light we have been waiting for to lead us out of the dark tunnel Bush has us, the entire world in! This is not only Obama's time this is our time and Obama can lead the way if given the chance.
Obama has already made a difference in the middle east. The entire world is prepared to work with Obama the uniter! He can lead but the world must follow! It is up to all of us collectively!
I believe we are on the right track!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
US blamed for anger over Iran's election now for killing Iranian Revolutionary Guard the killers of the people!
This guy is right on: Suicide bombing targeted commanders of Irans "elite" Revolutionary Guard. Love it!
Iran defiant as three more given death penalty over election protests Iran still insists on Killing the children of the 1979 Revolution who are angry over the stolen election that was enforced by the Revolutionary Guard and the Basiji killers!
Revolutionary Guard under attack, Great! Jundallah takes responsibility but Iran assigns responsibility to the US. As you know, we also got responsibility because the protesters were and still are furious over the election being stolen! 5 IRG commanders killed along with some 238 others and an estimated 40 injured!in their perverse way in order to justify crushing all opposition Iran is blaming this too on the US!
Iranian official blames deadly bombing on 'US actions'
Just a recap: With the horror unleashed by the IRG and Basij and calls for death to opposition leaders by their General a Q & A on the IRG and the Basij is a must read! There is a question and answer session below that you will want to look at. The more I learn about The IRGC and the Basij the larger and more powerful they get. I am convinced they are now in control period and this will continue to devolve!
Iran's Revolutionary Guard set up to protect the ruling authority after 1979 and are supposed to be controlled By Ayatollah Khamenei who is supposed to be the final authority. I know Ahmadinejad and 2/3 of his first 21 member cabinet are ex IRGC members and that simply reinforces that I am increasingly led to think the IRGC has become the final authority not the Supreme leader.
The Supreme leader is appearing as a puppet needed to keep the religious leaders together and to make it appear that they are still in charge. I know I am not Iranian but I was stunned to find the thugs in the IRGC and the Basij number in the millions. General Yadollah Javani, director of the IRGC's political arm says his thugs we all saw in action beating and killing protesters prevented an attempt to overthrow Islamic rule.
From what I can see Kharroubi, Moussavi, and Khatami want a return to the peoples will and Islamic rule and the IRGC who is now in charge is preventing that at all costs. The IRG has a very strong Political arm. The IRGC also conducts popular military training, they operate a domestic media apparatus and run education programs or should we say brain washing programs to constantly increase their numbers.
Since the 1979 Revolution they have also become a major contractor with ties to firms controlling billions of dollars in business, construction, finance and commerce and are a major contractor, with ties to firms controlling billions of dollars in business, construction, finance and commerce. The IRGC is thought to be factionalized as standouts such as ex IRGC officer Ali Larijani being critics of Ahmadinejad but I certainly do not think so. They have become a major force capable of taking control of Iran and I am afraid nothing less than that is what has happened.
Not only has the IRGC perpetrated the horror and brutality we have all witnessed in and out of jail and lord knows the horror we will never know about but to add insult to injury Brigadier General Yadollah Javani a senior official with Iran's increasingly powerful Revolutionary Guard is calling for the prosecution of two key opposition leaders and a former president, accusing them of fanning the protests that have gripped the nation since its disputed presidential election two months ago.
Opposition leaders Mir Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, along with former reformist President Mohammad Khatami, he says should be tried for attempting to lead a Western-backed revolution that aimed to topple the regime. I am sick of hearing that crap. That was not western backed though I am sure they and us have been cheering this on. Those people merely want their true people led Republic back not the IRGC controlled Islamist Republic of Iran.
He wants the judiciary to go after them, arrest them, put them on trial and punish them according to the law. Do you know what that will do to the unrest in Iran? it will blow big time and you have to think that is what Javani wants. Then he will be able to get all this out in the open and have his millions of thugs put this to rest once and for all but I don't like what I see happening.
Javani heads the Guard's political bureau. The Guard, which was initially created to protect the leaders of the revolution, is under the direct control of Iran's supreme leader and enforces the governments' Islamic codes and morality supposedly but I believe they are actually in control. Q & A on Iran's Revolutionary Guard and the Basij militia
At this point I have to hope Jundallah, the Soldier's of God partner with the Protesters! Like it or not Ahmadinejad and the IRGC are not going to relent, will continue their persecution of all opposition and will continue to blame it all on outside instigation mainly Britain and the US and not their corruption so they can maintain control over Iran and her Democracy minded people. Like it or not when all is said and done all opposition forces are going to have to unite and take on the IRGC, Ahmadinejad, and the current corrupt Dictatorial regime. Good luck with that people!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Iran defiant as three more given death penalty over election protests Iran still insists on Killing the children of the 1979 Revolution who are angry over the stolen election that was enforced by the Revolutionary Guard and the Basiji killers!
Revolutionary Guard under attack, Great! Jundallah takes responsibility but Iran assigns responsibility to the US. As you know, we also got responsibility because the protesters were and still are furious over the election being stolen! 5 IRG commanders killed along with some 238 others and an estimated 40 injured!in their perverse way in order to justify crushing all opposition Iran is blaming this too on the US!
Iranian official blames deadly bombing on 'US actions'
Just a recap: With the horror unleashed by the IRG and Basij and calls for death to opposition leaders by their General a Q & A on the IRG and the Basij is a must read! There is a question and answer session below that you will want to look at. The more I learn about The IRGC and the Basij the larger and more powerful they get. I am convinced they are now in control period and this will continue to devolve!
Iran's Revolutionary Guard set up to protect the ruling authority after 1979 and are supposed to be controlled By Ayatollah Khamenei who is supposed to be the final authority. I know Ahmadinejad and 2/3 of his first 21 member cabinet are ex IRGC members and that simply reinforces that I am increasingly led to think the IRGC has become the final authority not the Supreme leader.
The Supreme leader is appearing as a puppet needed to keep the religious leaders together and to make it appear that they are still in charge. I know I am not Iranian but I was stunned to find the thugs in the IRGC and the Basij number in the millions. General Yadollah Javani, director of the IRGC's political arm says his thugs we all saw in action beating and killing protesters prevented an attempt to overthrow Islamic rule.
From what I can see Kharroubi, Moussavi, and Khatami want a return to the peoples will and Islamic rule and the IRGC who is now in charge is preventing that at all costs. The IRG has a very strong Political arm. The IRGC also conducts popular military training, they operate a domestic media apparatus and run education programs or should we say brain washing programs to constantly increase their numbers.
Since the 1979 Revolution they have also become a major contractor with ties to firms controlling billions of dollars in business, construction, finance and commerce and are a major contractor, with ties to firms controlling billions of dollars in business, construction, finance and commerce. The IRGC is thought to be factionalized as standouts such as ex IRGC officer Ali Larijani being critics of Ahmadinejad but I certainly do not think so. They have become a major force capable of taking control of Iran and I am afraid nothing less than that is what has happened.
Not only has the IRGC perpetrated the horror and brutality we have all witnessed in and out of jail and lord knows the horror we will never know about but to add insult to injury Brigadier General Yadollah Javani a senior official with Iran's increasingly powerful Revolutionary Guard is calling for the prosecution of two key opposition leaders and a former president, accusing them of fanning the protests that have gripped the nation since its disputed presidential election two months ago.
Opposition leaders Mir Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, along with former reformist President Mohammad Khatami, he says should be tried for attempting to lead a Western-backed revolution that aimed to topple the regime. I am sick of hearing that crap. That was not western backed though I am sure they and us have been cheering this on. Those people merely want their true people led Republic back not the IRGC controlled Islamist Republic of Iran.
He wants the judiciary to go after them, arrest them, put them on trial and punish them according to the law. Do you know what that will do to the unrest in Iran? it will blow big time and you have to think that is what Javani wants. Then he will be able to get all this out in the open and have his millions of thugs put this to rest once and for all but I don't like what I see happening.
Javani heads the Guard's political bureau. The Guard, which was initially created to protect the leaders of the revolution, is under the direct control of Iran's supreme leader and enforces the governments' Islamic codes and morality supposedly but I believe they are actually in control. Q & A on Iran's Revolutionary Guard and the Basij militia
At this point I have to hope Jundallah, the Soldier's of God partner with the Protesters! Like it or not Ahmadinejad and the IRGC are not going to relent, will continue their persecution of all opposition and will continue to blame it all on outside instigation mainly Britain and the US and not their corruption so they can maintain control over Iran and her Democracy minded people. Like it or not when all is said and done all opposition forces are going to have to unite and take on the IRGC, Ahmadinejad, and the current corrupt Dictatorial regime. Good luck with that people!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, October 19, 2009
Obama says no extra troops until Karzai proves election was credible! Q & A: Afghanistan elections, what's next?

I must admit I am stunned that Republicans are insisting the additional 40,000 troops that General McChrystal wants and now despite the fact that their is no Government in Afghanistan. Afghanistan's Electoral complaint's commission has thrown out thousands of fraudulent votes cast for Karzai! Karzai's representatives have indicated that they might not accept the ECC ruling which has sparked a flurry of diplomatic activity to avoid a protracted political crisis. Election Audit Said to Show Karzai Has 48 Percent
This will embolden the enemy but what are we going to do? Once again we are between a rock and a hard place. I am not convinced that adding thousands of more troops would do anything but get them killed because the people do not back Karzai and are indifferent to the Taliban. The IEC (independent election committee) is seen as not likely to accept the ECC findings as they are seen as corrupt and favor Karzai! Hamid Karzai 'stripped of outright win' after fraud inquiry
Abdullah Abdullah will entertain a power sharing deal with Karzai but first he has to accept Afghanistan's Electoral complaint's commission findings and he will not. We can not keep our troops in the middle of this mess to be killed for what? Afghanistan has never had a central Government and we can not enforce one especially a corrupt one the people do not want! what are the options? Q & A: Afghanistan elections, what's next?
I heard this morning that with 1/3 of Karzai's votes rejected as fraudulent he is now prepared to admit he won the election out right! What does this mean? Runoff election? Power sharing? When? Remember no accepted Government no new troops regardless of the mission! This is critical! We can not put our troops in the middle of this fraud of a Government, death, violence, corruption and volatility forever! Time to step up now! Karzai's brother is a drug lord and was found rigging ballots. Why would we think a new vote would bring new results? I just see increased violence and corruption in this battle between truth and fraud to control Afghanistan!
What we should do after the people get their central Government if that is what they want and not what Karzai wants is go home: I reiterate that Our soldiers did their job send them home. Unless their job is to create as many enemies as possible which is all they are doing in Afghanistan get them out. Getting rid of Al Qaeda and eliminating their Afghan safe haven was supposed to be the goal not building a puppet Government like in Vietnam. Staying in Afghanistan I understand has only brought a threat from the Taliban to attack us in the US once they get us out of Afghanistan.
The alternative to getting out now is adding more troops and staying there in the forever war Bush set up. They said we have two options making the issue black and white, right or wrong, which only highlights the politicization of the issue. Our choices are not All in or Withdraw. Making this an issue of doing it the Republican way or the Democrat way is the problem. Think! Do it the right way!
Refocus the mission! After 8 years of mismanagement under Bush it is right that Obama take time think and listen to good advice not war mongering Republicans. McChrystal is out to accomplish the wrong goal! Listen to Max Cleland who has learned the lessons of Vietnam the hard way. Listen to Biden! Listen to McCain, then think about it and do the right thing.
They may be now but the Taliban was not the enemy Al Qaeda was and is they attacked us not the Taliban. We keep hearing the Taliban are resurging. Who the hell cares as long as they stay in Afghanistan. THEY ARE NOT THE ENEMY! At least they weren't! Or is the friggen goal to see how many Muslim's we can get to fight us? Get out and Monitor them with drones. Work on Al Qaeda around the world! Afghanistan and the Taliban as I said were not the enemy though they may be now! Karzai is using us so he can steal Afghanistan for him and his brother! We do not need a hundred years ground war unless keeping our military and a war going in Afghanistan is how they plan on saving and driving our economy!
James Joiner
Gardner, ma
The Texas sanctioned Willingham murder and cover up gets deeper and deeper! Please sign the petition!

petition I have been following this closely and as you know have written about it a couple of times already. I will not recap it but if you are curious look at and please sign the petition. You can contact the Governor directly and or look at some of the asinine horrible things that Perry is saying as he endeavors to cover this up!
I will just get into the latest nitty gritty BS as this cover up deepens! The half dozen arson experts that were used but ignored believe it was not Arson that started the fire! 17 years later and one Juror is sleepless with guilt hearing all the proof only now coming out and does not believe Todd Cameron Willingham lit the fire that killed his 3 young children. It gets worse!
This too was ignored to convict Willingham! In 1993 this Juror admitted that she personally knew the investigator that convicted Willingham but the Judge ignored that little conflict of interest! Willingham's ex wife did say Willingham told her while behind bars that he did it so she would stay with him. Killing someone's babies so they would stay with you? Come on! Willingham of course went to his death saying they are executing an innocent man. I agree!
Governor Perry says all the hype about hanging an innocent man is babble coming from anti Death Penalty organizations. Yeeaahhh? Anybody with any sense can see that an innocent man was executed. It has nothing to do with being anti Death penalty. I want to see Governor Perry prosecuted for murder! He knowingly executed an innocent man and is now trying to stack the deck to cover it up at least until he can he hopes get reelected!
Scientific advances have knowingly made the methods used to justify his execution invalid.There is more than one guilty party here. Seems the death penalty advocates were having a field day! Even Willingham's defense attorney still backs the faulty evidence to cover his hide and says Willingham was guilty! He stupidly said you do not believe the 6 experts. No? Then what the hell do you use them for? Believe them only if they concur with you?
The so called Defense Attorney said you test the evidence then decide for yourself! Why does that fly in the face of logic? These guys are murderers. We can not let them get away with this! Perry and the so called defense attorney say it is absurd to believe what they dismiss as Bunk! I say it is absurd to believe what Perry and this vile so called Defense Attorney say! He sounds like a prosecutor not a defense attorney.
In closing Every single fire and arson expert says the fire was not a case of arson and eliminated that possibility all together. That said, Willingham's so called Defense Attorney insists that it was set because he used an accelerant to start a fire with like materials to burn and it burned the same as a fire would having been started with an accelerant. Yeeaahhh! Now think...
This Death penalty advocate and "appointed" Death Penalty Lawyer I mean Defense Lawyer wanted Willingham put to death! He too should be investigated. Please, please, please sign the petition to hold Perry and Texas accountable for knowingly executing an innocent man. This Defense Lawyer and the whole mess fails the smell test miserably. In fact it stinks to high heaven. I often accuse lawyers of tying for the guilty. This defense attorney is lying for the innocent to put him too death.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, October 18, 2009
South Waziristan the Hub, the Taliban Epicenter under attack by the Government despite Taliban attacks and threats!

Despite threats and numerous recent bombings from the Taliban if this stronghold was attacked by the Pakistani Government we knew the Government of Pakistan was necessarily getting more resolved to go into South Waziristan and clear out the militant hornets nest. It is now underway and thank God the Government has the Lashkar helping them!
I was very impressed watching these people. I just watched the video for the sixth time. I have never seen this kind of a greeting given to the Pakistani army and American reporters. We usually see the brandishing of weapons and zealous firing into the air and enthusiasm coming from the Taliban and other interests trying to take down one Government or another and to kill Americans. I recommend watching this I am not the only one who needs a boost. Volunteer militias push back Taliban
In the north western frontier soldiers were moving in a pincer movement from government areas in Razmak in the north into Makeen; from Wana in the west into Kani Gurram, and from Jandola in the east into Spinkai Raghzai. Reinforced by Pakistani fighter jets and watched over head by US drones ready to strike at available Taliban Al Qaeda militant targets.
The region is inside a ring of government-held towns of Jandola, Razmak and Shakhai, is the homeland of the Mehsud tribe.The death of Baitullah Mehsud I believe is what set all this in motion. You would be wrong to think the militants are on the run but they are under pressure and Pakistan will not relent. Pakistan Moves Troops Into Taliban Stronghold 60 militants killed in Pakistan's tribal area operation
The attack started Friday night and the Taliban backing up threats in some cases is actually bringing the fight to the Government. This is a defining moment. 80,000 of the 1/2 million area residents are on the move as a result of the fighting further complicating the Governments efforts. 28,000 Government troops are taking on some 10 to 15,000 militants many of them from the Mehsud tribe, hardened, desperate to kill and on their own turf.
In this mountainous terrain long avoided by the Pakistani Government at elevations from 7 to 8,000 feet this is going to be a long tough fight! In fact it is being called the mother of all battles and it will be a mother! This is the third attempt by the Pakistani Government having sued for peace and withdraw in the past. They can not fail this time!
It will be a huge setback if they are not successful in fact think about it, it would be catastrophic and short of putting boots on the ground we better be doing what we can behind the scenes to make sure they succeed! I am concerned about Pakistan's nukes falling into militant hands but not like I used to be. Despite a recent increase in bombings on Government buildings specifically targeting where the attack on South Waziristan was being planned I think it will backfire and Pakistan can do this!
I am impressed with Pakistan and her military as I have said many times. I have more trust in Pakistan's ability to deal with the Taliban and other militants than with ours. Good luck and God bless, God bless the Lashkar too they are pivotal in this!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Pressing the reset button with Russia continues to look better every day! Cooperation on Iran and a joint missile defense system?

Clinton: We want to eliminate Russian concerns
America wants to protect Israel from Iran' Russian Professor: Russia can really help US!
US, Russia: No New Sanctions on Iran Yet Russia was against sanctions against Iran before they were for them!
US says Medvedev backs sanctions if Iran fails to comply Cooperation on Iran is still a matter of intense negotiation and give and take from Russia and the US but I see it happening. More so than I do with China who at the same time we are strengthening ties with Russia China is also strengthening ties with Russia. I do see a convoluted relationship but when all is said and done something beneficial to all three countries will be worked out as I believe they see the necessity if any of us are too move into the future successfully!
It has only been a short time since Obama pressed the reset button with Russia and decided to drop Bush's worthless war mongering MDS in favor for the proven mobile Aegis missile defense system. I know talk is cheap and nothing concrete has come from pressing the reset button. However it sure is a pleasure to at least be able to talk civilly! Bush was using the missile defense shield to instigate Russia to war! Putting it in Czechoslovakia was by no means the best position for the system.
Britain more than once expressed an interest in having it on their soil. They were flatly refused. I have always agreed with Russia that putting the system on the door step was a direct affront to them and was targeted at them. Putin had expressed his concerns vehemently. Russia even suggested working on the system jointly and of course was flatly refused.
This is fantastic! I had high hopes for this even before Obama met with his Russian counterpart and hinted depending on Russia's stance he might be amenable to altering Bush's plan for a sedentary missile shield in Czechoslovakia and Poland. It was not even known if That MDS worked as we were told it did. It had never been tested in a realistic multiple fire missile situation which in fact is what would be encountered.
Obama did consult our allies including Czechoslovakia and Poland and let them know we would still be there for them. Despite the negative rhetoric we are hearing from the likes of Partisan war monger John McCain Europe is not now in danger and Czechoslovakia and Poland betrayed but once again quite the opposite is true. If you remember. if the MDS was to be deployed there Russia had threatened to once again turn its nuclear missiles in their direction.
That will not be the case now and Russia has even volunteered to stop work on their own missile defense shield. This is a very positive development despite the fear mongering we are once again being fed. This is a win win for Russia NATO and the US. I am psyched at the possibilities. Russia has already said they will entertain sanctions on Iran and their nuclear program. We could be important allies to a prosperous future in ,any instances not just Iran, Afghanistan, and the so called war on terror.
The idea is to swap the system for a better mobile proven system that we already use. This is a far superior idea and a money saver! The Aegis system is well tested! Nothing can be farther from the truth! We use to totally mobile proven aegis right now. It is already for medium and short rang missiles and can be relocated at a moments notice anywhere around the world. Long range ICBM capabilities are well under way.
Robert Gates was Bush's defense secretary too!He too says it is a great idea and you have to believe he kowtowed to Bush the wrongheaded sole decider. Russia and NATO have even been invited to share in it and Moscow shelved their own plans. All bias aside this is a great development! Some said this would never happen but this proposition looks even more promising. I love it!
Clinton Calls for Joint Missile-Defense System on Russia Trip
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
joint US NATO Russia missile shield,
Friday, October 16, 2009
The "new" Right is worse than ever as Lindsey Graham is called a traitor and in Bed with Kerry at town hall!

Lindsey Graham called a traitor asked why he's in bed with John Kerry
Keep America safe's BS about Obama: Rhetoric vs Reality
As you know, The lies and idiocy do not stop it only continues to get worse every day as Republicans get increasingly desperate to stop Obama, Democrats, and empathy. Lindsey Graham said Republicans are poised to come roaring back. God help us! He better look at his big tent party again, it is the Big Top party, a circus. I was stunned to hear Graham say Republicans are closer to Americans than Obama. Where has he been the last few years?
I was pretty happy seeing that at least Graham who I personally never liked realize the Republican party was too far right and too radical! Lindsey Graham is right saying the brand is tainted. It is! He said they lost their principles but they did not. They are simply showing their true colors. In the National Council for a new America you have the same old group choosing the old face as the new face of their party. Nothing has changed.
I was pretty pleased when Graham said that anyone who thinks President Obama was not born in Hawaii and not an American is just plain crazy! Finally someone in the Republican pipes up and says we must stop this! Graham: Obama is not a Muslim he is a good man. Let's knock this off! Now he is taking major heat from the crazies for trying to Right the party and the country. It really is dismaying!
I have always found Lindsey Graham to be way over the top! That said he sees his party getting too radical so he is trying to right it and I commend him for it! That said the birther Nazi town haller radicals heckling him saying him and others are not conservative enough and will be left by the road side. Please watch the video, these nuts are livid at the thought of unity in America!
I have been pretty happy with Graham of late but the Republican fringe does not share the enthusiasm and it twill take Boehner to step forward and he never will as he is one who wants a second revolution! The tea party activists are now saying they have to "purify" the party! Purify the party? Get real! If that is the case then disclaim the birthers and tea partiers as Graham has.
Get rid of the growing radical fringe before this blows! Recover the true, the real conservative party. There really are some good true conservatives! Instead a group called the tea party patriots vow to get rid of anyone that cooperates with John Kerry Barack Obama or Democrats. Some of them being dismissed as the radical fringe by their misleaders who condone what they say are calling Graham a traitor for saying sometimes you have to come together and do the right thing for the country!
Tea party organizer Allen Olson called Graham a RINO (Republican in name only) I have to say I disagree. I do not like him but he is a conservative and a good Republican but not a divisive radical and therein lies the problem! In the next breath Olson said there is no global warming. I mean get real! What percentage is man made or natural can be debated but like it or not Global warming is here!
He put the icing on his idiocy and made me cringe when he imbecilic ally said Palin would make a great President. I will never comprehend anyone thinking that ditz and insult to all women let alone qualified female politicians Sarah "Paling" is Presidential material. I mean cut the crap! That alone must tell serious Republicans that they must take their party back. Palin and Liz Cheney along with these crazies are the new face of the Republican party whether true conservatives like it or not and true conservatives better come forward enmasse or America will become a party on one, the Democratic party. Look at Liz at work, a true Cheney! Liz Cheney's New Group Blasts Obama Foreign Policy - The Note
James Joiner
Gardner' Ma
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Where is the outrage? Sign the petition to have Texas Governor Perry held accountable for knowingly hanging an innocent man!

Governor Rick Perry knowingly hung an innocent man
Sign the petition to Governor Rick Perry and the State of Texas to acknowledge that the fire in the Cameron Todd Willingham case was not arson, therefore no crime was committed and on February 17, 2004, Texas executed an innocent man. The petition is in French Dutch and Italian to, please take a second to sign it and pass it around. We can not let him get away with this!
I was pretty disturbed when I first heard about this. Then I was steaming by the time I finished reading about it. It was immediately obvious that Governor Perry knowingly and deliberately hung an innocent man. The story drew over a thousand readers and I was happy about that but this is not just a damn story. This is a friggen outrage. He damn knowingly hung an innocent man and for political gain!
I am not going to leave this alone! I discussed this in depth on 10/7 as Governor Perry of Texas was the first to knowingly execute an innocent man!" And again on Tuesday as he was stacking the deck so he could get away with it
The slime now says he will be vindicated! He is guilty as hell! The absolute best in the country investigated this! The Michael Jordan of forensic fire science unequivocally was an accident and could not have been set! Perry simply dismissed him as a joke and a day later knowingly executed an innocent man, Cameron Todd Willingham. I know everyone in prison is innocent but he really was and the last words out of his mouth was that they were killing an innocent man!
I do not understand why he did this and why and how he is getting away with executing a known innocent man! This is dead wrong pardon the pun! Perry replaced 4 members of the board set up to investigate his hanging an innocent man. One day before they were going to announce their finding that the fire was definitely an accident and Texas hung an innocent man Perry dismissed the 4 members the law allowed him to saying their time was up.
He then replaced them with 4 members he thinks will vindicate him. This gives him a majority on the 7 member panel and this is supposed to be a coincidence? Reelection is his only concern! This is wrong! He knowingly killed an innocent man! Can he get away with this? How can he get away with killing an innocent man? You should be damn mad, this is not right! He should be tried for murder not reelected! Where is the outrage? Please show yours and sign the petition!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wow! White House calls a spade a spade saying Fox news is an arm of the Republican Party! Takes on Faux News!

White House Slams Fox News
White House says fox news research arm of Republican party
Once again I am going to let the links tell the story and you can hit on the one or all of them that interest you. Fox and MSNBC have been going at it for years. After 9/11 I started listening to Fox because I thought they were right on top of what was happening with us militarily and terrorist wise. Eventually I realized that Fox was biased and being less than honest. Speaking of that I am right now listening to Rove and his lies an Faux news!
I was going to say it is not the news reporting where the misinformation is coming from it is the talk shows. The likes of Sean Hannity and Bill Oreilley and their lying biased guests. I am sick that Rove and many of these other hard line lying idiots even have a forum. Fox News commentators have been among the leading and harshest critics of Obama with Glenn Beck suggesting he is a racist trying to take America down the path to Communist and Huckabee saying that awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama was little more than a joke. They are purposely feeding the nut cases.
The White House has taken exception, in particular, to some of these commentators evident delight in some of the administration’s setbacks. Faux has taken it upon themselves to make Obama fail and to carry the torch of Bush Cheney and the Fascist Republican party. We have been watching tit for tat between Fox and MSNBC primarily between Oreilley and Hannity on Fox and Olbermann and Ed on MSNBC. I have to admit it is obvious there has been intentional misrepresentation from Fox commentators. Obama vs. Fox News: Now, the gloves are off
I agree that the White House does have to step into this and it peeves me that Faux has put them into a position that they are forced to play this game. I agree that the news is fair and balanced that is not the issue the talk shows and their guests are biased and fueling the fire of the nut case. We keep hearing the BS excuse that Fox is not responsible for Hannity Oreilley and their guests and opinions but I beg to differ.The station owners are accountable for who they pay and what they say! White House: Fox News 'a wing of the Republican Party'
Jeffrey Immelt, chairman of G.E., and his counterpart at the News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch said they express regrets over what has been said but that is BS! With me it has nothing to do with party. Right is right and wrong is wrong. MSNBC has been right and Fox has been wrong. Murdoch should step up and put an end to what he is facilitating. This is not good for they country and that has to be the bottom line like it or not. Think Progress » A truce between MSNBC and Fox News?
You can check out this link comparing Obama's White house to that of Nixon Agnew. What a bunch of BS! The White House is not being thinned skinned. They are not punishing Fox for its point of view. White House war on Fox: Echoes of Nixon-Agnew
In closing: I wish Fox and MSNBC coud stop the feud but the lies have to stop and Murdoch must hold everyone accountable but will not. The White House though is doing the right thing though a little late. Faux talk shows have been whipping the nut cases up egging them to hate and fear Obama and Democrats. That has to be highlighted and reigned in before Republicans succeed in instigating their 2nd Revolution or succeed in spurring a nutcase to shooting Obama.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Fox news,
Republican Party,
The White House
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