First I want to say Obama just won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize and I think that is fantastic not because of his accomplishments but because of his efforts to unite the world. It is a bit ironic for the President of a country fighting two wars to win the peace prize. However if he can bring peace to the middle east and bring Afghanistan to a successful conclusion. This award will be a fitting tribute and a message to the entire world to cooperate with Obama. This is big! A peace prize for hope not accomplishments man are we desperate! Now!
FACTBOX: Issues dividing Syria and Saudi Arabia
Fearful of Iran's influence, Saudi king reaches out to Syria
Saudi king aiming to split Syria-Iran alliance
Since it is starting to bear fruit I think it is time once again to revisit some of what we have discussed about Bush's attack on Iraq to get into the middle east with the goal of helping Israel create an new middle east (dis)order. Bush had long planned to attack Iran and unite the rest of the middle east to take Iran on. Our discussions go back 5 years so here are just a couple important highlights!
We as you know already upset the balance of power in the middle east and Bush purposely did it to go after Iran. What Gates proposed a couple weeks ago as to arming the middle east against Iran was already done by us. I had to go back to July 2007 to find the story but you will find this interesting because even under Obama this is still going to happen. The middle east is uniting against Iran and it will explode. This will in the end be long and ugly!
Balancing power they called it. U.S. promises of military aid or arms sales to strengthen its Middle Eastern allies against Iran and other regional foes was aimed at repairing a balance of power destroyed by the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. That is not what is going to happen or what this is about. Supposedly Toppling Saddam Hussein ended Iraq's role as a counterweight to Iran, a part it had played since the 1980s in a Gulf security system that Washington had hoped would contain the rival powers. Like everywhere else we tried to have our way it did not work! We set Iran free!
That was only the smallest of the repercussions. Toppling Saddam gave Bush the excuse to get into the middle east, upset the balance of the entire middle east as Bush knew would be the case, and set the stage for Bush's new middle east order that has long been planned and it will not stop now even under Obama. This is still just beginning but it will increase rapidly once the rest of the middle east unites. I had some interesting conversations yesterday in relation to yesterdays conversation on this story. I do not like what we see developing here.
That made me remember how long this has all been planned, and put the rest of this developing scenario together. After 50 years of middle east policy and not arming them to fight wars Bush has changed that in hopes of getting them to fight Iran and Syria. Hopefully Saudi Arabia will succeed in peeling Syria away from Iran now. The theory was that we would be freed to attack Iran from the Gulf as Iraq quiets and others fight Iran on the ground! Bush started this now Obama has pushed his effort to attack Iran in part to a proxy war via Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other so called middle east allies.
He will now be free to go after Pakistan and Iran from the Gulf with our carrier and battle Groups while others will be doing the brunt of the fighting and ground combat. Everything is almost prepared. Bush is prepared in the Gulf and we have a seasoned fleet Admiral in command of middle east forces set to lead events while others expend their efforts on Iran. Gorbachev was right and this will not be good. I have heard that we are thinking of sending undercover special forces to Turkey in order to combat Kurds from Iraq. I wouldn't put it past Bush at all but that too will backfire on us.
You know there are those of us that expected Bush to attack Pakistan too and I hope under Obama this can be avoided.. I expect it in conjunction with the attack on Iran this fall or shortly thereafter. Now he will be in a position to do it.With what he is now doing with Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other so called middle east allies, He will be freed to go after Pakistan while others focus on Iran. With our carrier and battle groups in the Gulf He will be free to take them both on. Bush is one happy camper. July 2007 Middle east balance of power Pay particular attention to the part of Bush's old plan from 2001 as it is coming to fruition. It is the part with the details listed called "a clean break"
So having pointed that out I still find it disingenuous for Gates to have said that the 'Arab world should arm against Iran' You know, on a good day the middle east was unstable but did not have the advanced weaponry the US Russia and China have made available to them. With the middle east now uniting to go against Iran this is going to be long and dirty unless they can uncharacteristically learn how to live together in peace!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I think you're looking at just the surface here Jim. This is the mess that Bush handed him. Yes it may get ugly in the short term but in the long run things will settle down. For Bush this was a way to get back at Hussein and keep a presence in the middle east. By doing so he was able to perpetrate the largest thieft in world history. First with giving Haliburton the largest no bid contract and by getting oil prices to the highest levels. When oil hit $20 a barrel Bush said he would talk to the Arabs in getting the price down. We saw how that worked out.
Pakistan is in a very delicate balance as we've already discussed. They also have nukes so I don't think we'll be going after them any time soon. It will only be after negotiations with them that we may be able to do something there.
With the removal of the Suuni leaders in Iraq Iran has been developing a closer relationship with Iraq. As seen by their latest statement that they'll prevent anyone from using their air space to bomb Iran.
I think the only reason that we're in the middle east at all is due to the oil and our desire to protect it. Money and power trumps all.
It is all about oil and energy. I think we do have a chance at some kind of peace in the middle east especially now that Obama won the peace prize. It is Israel that is the biggest barrier to peace and them jumping is my biggest concern!
I think the Saudi-king-thing is a real good one! Goes to show who really is in power and which interests they follow. No I don't think it's only oil. oil and weapons are still fairly clean business compared to how sick some of the real and truely powerful assholes are behind all the shit we're facing today.
Quite something that with Obama!There's usually the ceremony in the townhall in the morning and in the evening they have the BIG concert-event going on in a very weird and modern concert hall in the center of Oslo. It's a society-thing and everybody shows up to be seen there. But it's terribly un-scandinavian and you reallty wonder what this fuzz still has to do with the Nobel prize of peace. it's a giant TV-event, shown in more than 100 contries, but not at in DK and it seems that Scandinavia is hardly involved in the whole thing. US-interests seem to have taken over the Nobel-price enterely - rather strange...
but once in a while they pick some interesting winners...
and I guess Obama's prize was probably intended more for the American people than for him himself.
By the way Obama was here some days ago trying to convince Frederik that he should vote for the US to get the Olympics, but frederik had his own agenda and desperately wants Obama to act a little greener and attend the climate summit in december - no idea who won...
and as far as your commend re the Kurds is concerned: let's see: undercover agents operating from Turkey to handle the Kurds in Iraq - that's gonna be good!!! I'm sure the local warlords are gonna be really happy to meet them! As if the Turks hadn't done enough already! If they actually really wanted to help it would be this simple: let the kurds have their part of turkey and perhaps then they'll shut up for a little while. Well, wouldn't last for too long because civil war conditions have become part of their natural way of life. they even enjoy "happy fire" raining down from the sky...
so it really takes a little bit more than superficial BS-ops to handle that mess...
let's see what the world does with the foundation President Obama has laid! We lost any hope for the future because of Bush's war mongering and the world unifying to take the US on!
The entire world now sees hope for the future once again. There may be peace yet!
I have been listening to people laughing about Obama getting the prize saying he did nothing! It was mentioned that Reagan should have gotten it.
Hell Reagan started the mess with his over spending and war mongering that Bush was following. Obama is the shining knight the entire world has been waiting for.
He gives us all hope for peace!
let's see what the world does with the foundation President Obama has laid! We lost any hope for the future because of Bush's war mongering and the world unifying to take the US on!
The entire world now sees hope for the future once again. There may be peace yet!
I have been listening to people laughing about Obama getting the prize saying he did nothing! It was mentioned that Reagan should have gotten it.
Hell Reagan started the mess with his over spending and war mongering that Bush was following. Obama is the shining knight the entire world has been waiting for.
He gives us all hope for peace!
"I expect it in conjunction with the attack on Iran this fall or shortly thereafter.
Jim, you are not giving up this mantra, are you? :))
Friend, you have been promising this war for the past 4 years--time you tune to a different channel!
It's about time we had a Jaw, Jaw instead of a War, War. Especially with Pakistan they are the BIG problem in that region, and they don't have any oil.
Naj I want to! We no longer have to worry about Bush and Cheney now my big concern is Natanyahu taking matters into his own hands! I do not trust Israel!
I think you've got a big surprise coming. The Middle-east is uniting alright. But it won't be against Iran.
I speak with a certain amount of authority on this. In general, the West does not comprehend, nor appreciate, the Islamic faith. Though the Arabs and the Persians may disagree on many things, faith is not one of them. Sure, you have different sects (Shia, Sunni, Wahabee, Alawi, Ismaili, et al), but well over 90% of the region is Muslim. Just like here in America, Catholics have problems with Baptists, and Methodists with Pentecostals, and so on and so on; but they are all Christian and in time of peril will stand together. When push comes to shove, no Muslim will side with the infidels to attack their Muslim brothers. They may signify, and give us a false hope, but they're only out to get whatever they can from us. At one time, it may have been possible; but after witnessing what happened in the Iraq/Iran fiasco, they realize that the U.S. is a fickle friend.
China and Russia are a lot smarter than given credit for; note how they deal with them.
Brother every time we screw with geopolitics it always turns on us and despite any feigned hope and optimism It most likely will this time too!
Like everything else it is Bush's fault. All his weaponizing of supposed allies and China and Russia's to take us on will ultimately be turned on us.
When all is said and done I still have hope that China and Russia realize the planet can not take it at this stage of its life cycle and will take the open hand into the future.
Hope, it is all we have left!
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