Rammell isn't the first Rexburg resident who has drawn attention for making an anti-Obama comment. This is really sick and indicates how deep this hate mongering is going. Last November, second-grade and third-grade students on a school bus there chanting Assassinate Obama after he was elected. The mayor of Rexburg, Idaho publicly apologized for the incident but the damage was done. Remember the Aryan Nation? In the 1980's, the white supremacist Aryan Nations was headquartered in North Idaho. GOP gubernatorial candidate talks of "hunting" Obama
Sarcasm or threat: Did Rex Rammell cross the line? You bet he did! Calling for the President to be assassinated is illegal. Threatening the president is a felony punishable by five years in prison and a $250,000 fine and for good reason.
This is not funny! The atmosphere is too tense to tolerate explosive language like assassination. The following presidents have been assassinated in the United States: Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, William McKinley and John F. Kennedy. There were attempted assassinations on the following presidents: Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
GOP blasts Idaho candidate's 'Obama tags' comment They were slow in coming out and slamming what he said. They let it fester for a day. I'm telling you, I do not like the way this is headed.
Yesterday I noted It gets more vile and vitriolic every day. I am blown away by the hate and the calls for Obama's death! We know it is because Obama is black and some whites are angry as they fear they lost control of their America! I know President Obama receives more death threats than any other President in history So far 400 in total 30 per day. I just can not believe it! I encourage you to read this link it is short. This is a so called Preacher and this is so vile and hate filled it is horrific as this idiot tells his flock he goes to bed every night praying that Obama be killed.
You know, that so called pastor a Preacher in Arizona named Steven Anderson said "I am going to pray Obama dies" " his wife should be husbandless and his daughters Fatherless" That hate and he is preaching it on the pulpit, Is too much. It is horrible for anyone to say that plus he he demands that all gays and lesbians face the death penalty. Then he said the country is run by faggots and he called Barney Frank a pedophile before praying for Obama to melt like a snail. Gospel of Hate: Arizona pastor Steve Anderson spews bile toward ...
This increasing hateful vile should be illegal and I do not understand how it is condoned because it is just getting worse and worse every day. Now there is no denying it is because President Obama is Black! We have got to reign this end before it is too late and Republicans get the second Revolution they have been asking for since Preident Obama was elected!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma