Iranian ex-MPs challenge Khamenei
We have been watching events in Iran unfold on a daily basis as those protesting the stolen election to keep Ahmadinejad and his fascist agenda in power. Despite the brutality and death inflicted on those protesting the election along with constant threats and demands to cease and desist the demand by the people to be heard may have gone underground just a bit but it continues.
Cries of death to the Dictator Khamenei continues and knowing President Ali Akbar Rafsanjani, who heads the Assembly of Experts is himself still protesting loudly over the stolen election and the way Ahmadinejad has been selecting his new cabinet along with the brutal performance of Ayatollah Khamenei this new development is very promising. Rafsanjani too wants the alleged rapes and murders in prison probed along with the brutality and deaths inflicted on the children of the 1979 revolution.
Knowing a month ago Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the former Iranian president said that Iran is in crisis and openly continued to support Moussavi despite condemnation for doing so. I am pretty pleased to know that the power to remove Khamenei may be in Rafsanjani's hands as the cries of death to the dictator have been changed to requests by former MP's to have Khamenei removed as the so called Supreme leader because as far as they are concerned Khamenei has proven incapable of fulfilling his constitutional duties and should be dismissed.
As most of you know by now Rafsanjani heads the Assembly of experts who amongst other things can dismiss the Supreme leader if it is deemed that he is incapable of fulfilling his constitutional duties I know I am an outsider but he undoubtedly has. Anyway events continue to ratchet up towards a regime change in Iran as a group of MP's have now sent a letter to Rafsanjani expressing their concern that Khamenei may be unable to perform his constitutional duties. The brave souls were not named nor did they sign the letter!
He is unfit as he does not care about the will of the people therefore by that alone by Revolution standards he should step down or be replaced. The letter was addressed to former Iranian President Ali Akbar Rafsanjani, who heads the Assembly of Experts demanding a legal probe on the basis of Article 111 of the constitution, which is one of the responsibilities of the Assembly of Experts.
Unless they identify themselves endangering their lives and the stability of Iran the letter can be dismissed as phony and even written by Rafsanjani himself. I agree with this but it could be very dangerous and destabilizing for Iran allowing the ruthless IRGC and Basij to brutally clamp down and quell this once and for all. Maybe they wrote the letter.
The letter denounced the recent trials of protesters held in Tehran and the fascist joke of court hearings. . It also said Kahrizak prison where much of the alleged abuse of detainees took place including rape and murder, was worse than Abu Ghraib, Iraq, and Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. As of yet there has so far been no response from the assembly to the letter.
The letter breaks a taboo among Iran's political classes against openly challenging the supreme leader, whose word has long been unquestioned. I am stunned that instead of releasing the innocent protesters there are calls for Islamic justice which is the amputation of hands and feet or worse. Amidst the fascism and stolen elections Iran has actually issued a new stamp to commemorate the stolen elections. Adding insult to insult to insult to insult. It just doesn't stop! Below are the links to the items of interest discussed if you are interested in reading the stories!
Iranian Cleric Denounces Allegations of Torture Against Jailed ...
Hardline Iran cleric urges tough stance on detainees
Iranian opposition in direct challenge to Supreme Leader. Can it work?
Khamenei appoints new chief of Iran judiciary
Iran issues new stamp to commemorate election
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Not an easy situation there at all!
James, I have send you an e-mail and I also left another comment on yesterday's post for you. Hope, you can use that for something.
Oh Okay Sarah
I saw the E but I have been out taking care of things here, the heat is on! I do not like what I see happening in Iran and it is going to affect the entire world adversely! I will read that and address your comment thanks Sarah!
Usually when a regime/government is in as much trouble as Iran seems to be, they usually find an external enemy to unify the country. A threat, usually imagined, but demonized.
The people in charge are not going to quit because they have been accused of fraud, but they have to take the pressure off themselves somehow. No doubt they will be getting some good advice from their Russian and Chinese buddies.
There is no evidence at all that the Iran elections were fraudulent. See IranAffairs.com for the list of fraud claims debunked.
Hass - IranAffairs.com should be renamed IranCanDoWrong.com, 100s of thousands of Iranians suggest the elections were fraudulent. I only said: "they have been accused of fraud". It is possible the election was won fair and square, it is also possible that people were not beaten, killed, jailed, tortured and put on trial for daring to stand up to the government. The riots we saw, were a computer animation trick, the real Iran has no dissidents and the people are living in perfect peace.
Well why don't we ask the Iranians about that?
Frankly I didn't ask, I just couldn't stop this guy, who was standing in my kitchen, from complaining that the world didn't give a shit at all... at the time it was happening... so to me that's a darn good sign that they didn't like it and didn't think it was fair. what do you think?
You're right holte1 They have been trying to use us and the Brits that's why it was right for Obama to show support but stay out of it. This will keep ratcheting up until...
Hi hass
Welcome! You might find this interesting! Iran Elections Official Cries Foul
Tucked near the very bottom of a dispatch from Iran written by New York Times’ executive editor Bill Keller, an anonymous Interior Ministry employee claims the presidential elections were rigged.
He said the government had purged his office, which counts the votes, of anyone who might raise a fuss a few weeks before the elections. “They didn’t rig the vote,” said the man. “They didn’t even look at the vote. They just wrote the name and put the number in front of it.”
Keller adds after the official’s quote that the Iranian government has “little patience” for anyone questioning the election’s fairness.
Tehran has exploded in protests since the election results were announced. Protesters cry election fraud at Ahmadinejad’s surprise victory, but no definitive proof has surfaced either way.
Sarah did you see what I sent to hass, that says everything!
You're right about Iran, they are like the Bush regime. Thank God he is gone but they won't get rid of their fascist regime too easily. Everything that was said about the abuse is true but anyway did you see what I sent Hass?"
No I didn't see what you sent him, for some reason all I got was a blank space? Would like to see it.
My word, Holte, that first comment described perfectly, what happened here in the U.S. preceding our invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
One more thing, Holte: Too bad for Iran that they're not our 'buddy', we could give them much better advice on that kind of sh*t than the Russians or Chinese could. ;)
Hi Holte!
Sorry I just got back on and got this. Here you go! Tucked near the very bottom of a dispatch from Iran written by New York Times’ executive editor Bill Keller, an anonymous Interior Ministry employee claims the presidential elections were rigged.
He said the government had purged his office, which counts the votes, of anyone who might raise a fuss a few weeks before the elections.
“They didn’t rig the vote,” said the man. “They didn’t even look at the vote. They just wrote the name and put the number in front of it.”
Keller adds after the official’s quote that the Iranian government has “little patience” for anyone questioning the election’s fairness.
Tehran has exploded in protests since the election results were announced. Protesters cry election fraud at Ahmadinejad’s surprise victory, but no definitive proof has surfaced either way. What a surprise huh?
Brother I have to laugh, I love it when I turn on the computer and see you smiling face. You know, when I was just posting that to Holte I was thinking it sounds like America under Bush and you know what Holte said is exactly what happened and in many ways much worse!
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