Remember when Bush was first looking for an excuse to attack Iraq to get into the middle east and establish a new middle east order? I will spare you but I did a story called Bush's 10 point plan for attacking Iraq. That was because Bush changed his excuse and reason for attacking 10 times before he found one people fell for. One theme however remained constant.
He was doing Gods work and he was on a Crusade. As usual he slipped and spoke the truth. Bushed on national television called his quest a crusade. It really was no accident but the country took offense as they should have and the verbiage was changed as we were smart enough to know the sh@% would hit the fan with Islam and the world if that were the case. Many of us knew it was though denied but advertising that stupidity would have been to our demise.
Years ago I did do another story on Bush's Christian Crusader Army.
As usual the truth will again be denied but it is coming out. The truth about the perverted Christians and their new crusades is coming out. This would have gone over well with our allies and the Muslim world wouldn't it have? What the hell was wrong with that idiot? No wait a minute I know. The Islamists, the Muslim world, and us were right all along once again. To Rummy and Bush this was a Religious war.
Rummy was quoting Biblical passages to Bush to update his endeavors and Crusades in Iraq and the middle east. We knew the idiot thought he talked to God. We knew he thought God told him to go back to the middle east and straighten out its problems. We knew the fool was talking to someone but it was not God. Well we were right! It was Rummy the Dummy who was filling his full of crap. Rummy was appealing to his perverted Christian Crusader mind or lack there of.
Rumsfeld's use of Biblical military quotes in his daily reports to psyche Bush up makes sense. All along there were those who said Bush was being misled and played by those he trusted. Me I was not sure. Now I do! It now looks like Bush was played, a pawn of more than Cheney's. The chief idiot was being played by everyone. Rumsfeld used quotes from the bible to fire up and manipulate Little Georgie.
Daily DOD reports and classified briefings were covered with militaristic Crusader quotes from the Bible about fighting and winning battles. Proverbs and Isaiah were favorites. Bush loved the imagery and symbolism. Bush suspected early on the Rumsfeld was over his head so he played Bush into complacency by appealing to his inflated Evangelical Crusader ego.
I guess Rummy was overwhelmed as we knew he was. Rumsfeld did not want to help during Katrina either. All he had to do was send the 82nd who was not in Iraq or combat ready but they would have made the difference in New Orleans. Bush did not even know what was going on there until he saw the awful truth on a video. To his credit he chastised Rummy for his inactivity saying it looked like a third world country. Sadly some of it still does. Rumsfeld mixed Bible with intelligence for Bush: report
Anyway I wished then and still do that Bush would have been honest and up front about his Christian Crusader reasons for attacking Iraq as it never would have happened and he knew it. I am so sick of living a lie but in this instance, of Bush being called deeply Religious. He was deeply Religiously perverted. If the public and the world knew Bush was Using Religious scripture to justify this war it would have been devastating.
* In closing We now know for a fact that Bush was using the Christian Religion to justify inflicting horror against Islam. As we said from Day one, Bush was doing the same thing we have been accusing Al Qaeda and all the so called Islamists of doing. That reminds me of one of the quotes Rummy used. It is God's will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men. Peter 2:12 Does that apply to Bush co too? Intelligence was cherry picked and justified military action by feeding Bush Biblical military quotes. Republicans are down playing this as nothing new. Which means it is of consequence. Bush was after all talking attacking a Muslim Nation justified by Christian Biblical quotes. You bet this is of consequence!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
and i have seen more than one article stating that the troops were expected to proselytize and convert the muslim folks- and one today that said they burned afghan bibles. if that wasn't a war profiteering crusade- then what the hell has it been?
This shit is so sick and the whore media lets it slide just like when the monkey said that jeebus or was ir god spoke to him.
The imbecile bastard should have been run out of town then.
Bush was certainly influenced and guided by Cheney and Rumsfeld, but only because the Decider was heartless and power-mad enough to begin with to listen to the evil bastards.
Thanks for the notes, Rummy.
We now have the crystal clear picture of Christo-fascism within our government.
It was for Bush. Remember the idiot thought God tole him to straighten out the middle east? I guess Rummy and everyone did play the fool Bush.
one fly
It is sick and I refuse to believe Bush got away with the obvious Christian BS lies in the first place. When this just came out it was casually dismissed as normal. BS just consider the source.
It sickens me that it was so obvious in the first place. When it just came out about this it was casually dismissed as normal. There is nothing normal about Bush or what he did. We had perverted Religiosity on both sides of this issue.
You might recall that the name of the war was changed from Operation Iraqi Liberation to Operation Iraqi Freedom. A Freudian slip?
The first name was an insult to Islam or so they say.
Bush use to slip and accidentally tell the truth often. When called on it he would change it and find a lie people would fall for. I absolutely refuse to believe he ever got in let alone that people still believe in the lying scum.
This is one of the best posts you've done in years. :)
This shows the idiocy of the Bush Adm.: The Book of Isaiah was written for the Jews, not the Christians. As for Peter 2:12, Bush and his minions did just the opposite.
You would be hard-pressed to find someone who has more love of Scripture than I, but I find this use of Scripture to be despicable...... No,...... SINFUL.
May God have mercy on us for not stopping that evil and horrific cabal in it's tracks. Forgiveness will not come without repentence, and repentence requires that we right our wrongs. Are we strong enough? Do we, as a people, have the moral fortitude? Are we just complacently sitting back, waiting for God to right these wrongs? If so, we may well be remorseful of the punishments meted out.
God is no respecter of persons. All men will be judged equally, and by the same standards. Oh woe is us, but worse yet, are the woes to come.
Thanks Brother
God is going to make us all pay for Bush's sins. That ass played us and Cheney and Rummy amongst others played that fool. I know how much you like scripture I am just stunned the way it was used to juice up the fool in his Crusade, That he ever happened blew me away let alone his perverted version of Christianity. I keep seeing him called ultra Religious. That is BS!
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