Pakistan kills 80 in assault on Taliban
Fear and defiance brewing at Pakistan
Taliban kill US 'spy' in NW Pakistan
I think at this point you can agree that this is just beginning and the Taliban and Al Qaeda as you may know have united not to capitulate as one but to persevere over the infidels. This is not good for our successful future! I reiterate please The Taliban get their wish
* If we are to have a victory Russia, India, Iran, indeed the entire so called civilized world is going to have to unite. This region throughout history has never been defeated militarily and will not now unless we all realize the future we want will not be unless as a whole we realize how critical the situation is and that united we stand divided we fall, one at a time!
We better unite as a world and quick! We could add a million troops and it would only be matched by the Taliban and other insurgents. They can and will more than match us fighter to fighter and this is their home turf. I used to say if we could secure the Afghan Pakistan Border we could then concentrate on the Taliban and rebuilding Afghanistan. However, knowing the territory and seeing the map there is no way in hell that is going to happen. I thought the Mexican border was violent and it is but the Pakistan Afghanistan Border is the most violent in the world today.
I have been long convinced Bush guaranteed a loss in Afghanistan and everywhere else when he insisted on attacking Iraq so he could help Israel create a new middle east order. I am afraid this is just taking shape and both sides, the Taliban and our so called allies are still just forming the front lines and gathering forces, Both sides are still just beginning to build and This is still just beginning! Afghanistan has never been defeated but that is not even my biggest concern. We have for generations been angering Muslims and certainly in the last 8 years done everything possible to ensure an endless supply martyrs wanting to give their life to kill infidels for Allah!
If we are to have a victory Russia, India, Iran, indeed the entire so called civilized world is going to have to unite. This region throughout history has never been defeated militarily and will not now unless we all realize the future we want will not be unless as a whole we realize how critical the situation is and that united we stand divided we fall, one at a time! Obama is being majorly tested!
* In closing, Rove and Cheney are concerned about continuing the lie we lived under them and Bush and rewriting their dire History and preserving Bush's legacy of destruction as a great thing. Bush the servant of God, purveyor of war torture and destruction, doing it all for God in the name of peace. Sick! I do not see the necessary rosy scenario happening that would lead to a successful outcome for us. Rove, Cheney, Hannity, Limbaugh, and other right wing extremists have succeeded in undermining Obama's good intentions of restoring unity and world order. Republican Extremists are creating chaos and disorder here. The Taliban has now offered Bin Laden safe haven. The Taliban has extended their territory to within 65 miles of Pakistan's Capitol of Islamabad. As you know, they have supposedly been driven back but forget it. Pakistan and Afghanistan is just beginning and thanks to Bushies will be hell on earth.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I think at this point we may have some background agreements with Russia and China in the event that the Taliban head for the arsinals. I know India wouldn't be in play unless it was to support the U.S. I also wouldn't expect Iran either since they have been backing their own in the region for years. It would take Russia to get Iran to do anything yet I still doubt it.
This is going to take quite some time. If you studied the histories of Afghanistan and Pakistan you'd know that Afghanistan has nearly nothing except opium their number one export. Pakistan isn't much better off than Afghanistan economically speaking. Corruption has been rampent in the region for decades.
My guess is that the U.S. wanted and still wants a military base in the region as a policeman of the oil fields but as we're considered infidels it's not going to happen. Notice that the Saudis invited us to leave their country when extremists started making their life difficult. (We had a base at Ryad (sp) )
It would be nice if the world would unite and bring control and peace to the region but considering the different factions, economies, and ideologies I don't see it happening.
Pardon me James but I couldn't help but laugh upon reading the title...
"I have heard of an eye for an eye but a head for a head?"
Spot on article. This is the most scary place and the taliban MUST be wiped uot. Realize once and for all, they don't understand diplomacy, compromise and peace.
I hate war, but I hate the taliban more. Don't waste time on niceties. Just kill them like the vermin they are.
Is this a recycled post? I went through deja vu reading it.
The world will NOT unite against Afghanistan, period. The peoples of the world are much more cognizant of history than the dumb-*ss Americans.
Let me, once more, reiterate how we achieve victory: We summarily declare 'victory' (regardless of the fallacy) and withdraw ALL military troops and support personel from Muslim lands.
I think you would be surprised at the quality and quantity of peace that would bring. It's time to put the 'bogeyman' and 'fear-mongering' to rest, once and for all. Contrary to the popular Neocon/Zionist propoganda, the Muslims have no desire to 'conquer the world'. They simply want to be left alone, to govern and live as their 5,000+ year culture and history dictates.
They don't hate the West for their 'freedoms', they hate the West for their intrusions into their lands and governments. They hate the West's hegemonious attitudes and the pilfering and stealing of their resources.
They have resisted (quite successfully) foreign intrusion for thousands of years; and they will continue to resist it for thousands of years to come. Anyone who thinks differently is delusional.
We can drop thousands of bombs from 30,000 ft in the air, or send in Tomahawk and Cruise missiles by the hundreds; it takes 'boots on the ground' to win a war in that neck of the woods. We're not dealing with people like the Japenese, who bowed down and surrendered, we're dealing with people like the North Vietnamese, who are more than willing, and quite capable to 'fight to the death'.
The current mindset of America and it's political and military leadership is not cut from the same cloth as was the America of a few generations ago. If the American military machine was as mighty and ferocious as it likes to claim itself to be, it would send in the necessary troops to accomplish the mission, accepting the casualties and carnage that is certain in any war. The 'big bad Americans' don't have the stomach for THAT kind of warfare, the people we are currently fighting DO. We like to kill from afar, lacking the courage to go in and kill someone face-to-face in man-to-man combat; especially if the other person is also armed and may possibly kill us first.
This is not to say there are not brave and courageous people in the rank and file of our military, as there are many, but the civilian and military leadership are almost all cowards.
Americans ARE willing to fight and die, as witnessed by our long history of warring, but only when the cause can be seen as just and noble. This is the reason our current fiascos in Iraq and Afghanistan do not have resounding support from the average American. These are the Viet Nams of the 21st century, and will most assuredly end on the same note.
How many more must die (on all sides), and how much more treasure is flushed down the sewer of war, before we say, "Enough is enough"?
ib42 says, "This is the most scary place and the taliban MUST be wiped uot. Realize once and for all, they don't understand diplomacy, compromise and peace.
I hate war, but I hate the taliban more. Don't waste time on niceties. Just kill them like the vermin they are."WTF??????????????
A prime example of the Neocon/Zionist mindset I described above. What a pity. *sigh*
The allure of war and the lust of economic ruin make the mantra of their vision and our future.
Re: "I hate war, but I hate the taliban more. Don't waste time on niceties. Just kill them like the vermin they are."I suggest that the brave, courageous and valiant author of this comment go to Afghanistan illico and start acting on what he/she preaches...
Brother not in its entirety but it is a reiteration and an update.
Anna I just read and reread what you said and had to laugh but I went over everything including that statement and I didn't know what to say.
Demeur as usual you are right and as Brother knows, the Taliban not letting us put a pipeline through Afghanistan is why 9/11 happened and we attacked Afghanistan as Bush warned we would.
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