Amidst partisan bickering over failing surge report Allawi returning to take charge of Democracy, Iran is not Happy! This Speaks volumes for Iran's plans for Iraq.
This should be interesting: I have been gleaning various reports looking for information in regard to the upcoming Surge Report. I have been thinking of this because as far as I am concerned our troops have done their job well but that does not matter. I really do not know if the surge is working or not but I do know that the Iraqi infrastructure continues to fail and basic human needs can not even be met. What is called a Government has not and will not take security control of even 1 of the 1,200 construction projects and to me there is no sign of a viable Iraqi Government.
I was looking at the partisan efforts to paint the report to favor one party or the other and realized the report is worthless. The Associated Press has learned the Government Accountability Office, or GAO, will report that at least 13 of the 18 benchmarks to measure the surge of U.S. troops to Iraq are unfulfilled ahead of a September 15 deadline. That's when Bush is to give a detailed accounting of the situation eight months after he announced the policy, according to three officials familiar with the matter.
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the report has not been made public, also said the administration is preparing a case to play down the findings, arguing that Congress ordered the GAO to use unfair, "all or nothing"
The Iraqi Government is a failure to me and I realized that because of the partisan posturing so each side could follow their own desires that once again we were not going to hear the truth from our Government. If you read the spin put on this report by each side you are as confused as I am. Then I found out that Ayad Allawi is returning to Iraq to take things under control.
Ayad Allawi said Sunday he will soon return to Baghdad to "reverse the course in Iraq." Speaking from Amman, Jordan, Allawi told CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer," that al-Maliki leads a government loyal to Iran and Shiite interests. Allawi accused the prime minister of "supporting militias to take the rule of law in their hands." That really goes without saying in light of the role Ahmadinejad is playing with Al-Maliki. It is a little to cozy for neutrality. Allawi also said he would like to see the United States begin to withdraw troops immediately, but realizes the process could take more than two years.
"I would play my role in Iraq in whatever capacity is required to change Iraq into an unsectarian country, to a peaceful country, to a democratic country," Allawi said.
However, Allawi's ties to a powerful Washington-based GOP lobbying firm raised eyebrows. Allawi has hired Barbour Griffith & Rogers, a GOP lobbying firm that employs two of Bush's former foreign policy aides: Robert Blackwill served as Bush's envoy to Iraq and helped form Allawi's interim government in 2004, and Philip Zelikow formerly served as counselor to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
I was looking at the partisan efforts to paint the report to favor one party or the other and realized the report is worthless. The Associated Press has learned the Government Accountability Office, or GAO, will report that at least 13 of the 18 benchmarks to measure the surge of U.S. troops to Iraq are unfulfilled ahead of a September 15 deadline. That's when Bush is to give a detailed accounting of the situation eight months after he announced the policy, according to three officials familiar with the matter.
The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the report has not been made public, also said the administration is preparing a case to play down the findings, arguing that Congress ordered the GAO to use unfair, "all or nothing"
The Iraqi Government is a failure to me and I realized that because of the partisan posturing so each side could follow their own desires that once again we were not going to hear the truth from our Government. If you read the spin put on this report by each side you are as confused as I am. Then I found out that Ayad Allawi is returning to Iraq to take things under control.
Ayad Allawi said Sunday he will soon return to Baghdad to "reverse the course in Iraq." Speaking from Amman, Jordan, Allawi told CNN's "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer," that al-Maliki leads a government loyal to Iran and Shiite interests. Allawi accused the prime minister of "supporting militias to take the rule of law in their hands." That really goes without saying in light of the role Ahmadinejad is playing with Al-Maliki. It is a little to cozy for neutrality. Allawi also said he would like to see the United States begin to withdraw troops immediately, but realizes the process could take more than two years.
"I would play my role in Iraq in whatever capacity is required to change Iraq into an unsectarian country, to a peaceful country, to a democratic country," Allawi said.
However, Allawi's ties to a powerful Washington-based GOP lobbying firm raised eyebrows. Allawi has hired Barbour Griffith & Rogers, a GOP lobbying firm that employs two of Bush's former foreign policy aides: Robert Blackwill served as Bush's envoy to Iraq and helped form Allawi's interim government in 2004, and Philip Zelikow formerly served as counselor to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
It seems to me that Allawi is just what Bush has been hoping for and at the same time I have to wonder who is funding Allawi's efforts. This could be Bush's out. I do not remember what the original problem was so I was curious as to Allawi's true intentions to unite Iraq until I saw Iran's response. Iran is after Allawi! The Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei described Allawi’s possible re-election as the Iraqi primer a “red line” not to be crossed at all costs.
It seems to me that Allawi is just what Bush has been hoping for and at the same time I have to wonder who is funding Allawi's efforts. This could be Bush's out. I do not remember what the original problem was so I was curious as to Allawi's true intentions to unite Iraq until I saw Iran's response. Iran is after Allawi! The Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei described Allawi’s possible re-election as the Iraqi primer a “red line” not to be crossed at all costs.
Allawi supporters are being arrested and that tells me that Allawi at least appears to be the right man to unify Iraq but Iran for one does not want it. I have to believe they are showing their hand in coming out against Allawi and I for one wish him luck and have to wonder what Bush will do next.
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
James Joiner
Gardner Ma