It was a month ago that the Dow hit 14,000 and many people were elated. As I have been saying for years that Bush has created a false artificial, inflated economy I was not happy to see it go up like that knowing that it was bound to crash big time. For quite a while now I have been expecting reality t catch up with the market as to the house of cards Bush has built. At the link are half a dozen related stories including the predicted crash and why titled The Second Greatest Depression. I asked you to look back at the Crash of 1929, look at the conditions that prevailed, and look what Party was in office. That was a another very telling story in relation to what is happening today and what is going to happen. I recommend looking at the saecond greatest Depression and look at what exactly Greenspan and Bernanke have been up to.
The market is telling officialdom, and specifically Bernanke, that like in the lead up to the 1929 stock market crash (which was 90%), the true health of the economy is not being interpreted correctly, and that official policy is not sufficiently accommodative. As alluded to during the course of the week, this misread and mishandling of the situation has a great deal to do with the stubborn resilience of
The market is telling officialdom, and specifically Bernanke, that like in the lead up to the 1929 stock market crash (which was 90%), the true health of the economy is not being interpreted correctly, and that official policy is not sufficiently accommodative. As alluded to during the course of the week, this misread and mishandling of the situation has a great deal to do with the stubborn resilience of
This is why the Fed is now suggesting that only a calamity will cause them to soften official policy, because they must get prices under control soon if traditional Presidential Cycle policy considerations are to be managed successfully. this is a calamity but they will not stop this one either.
What's more, like Greenspan, Bernanke is a gradualist, but he is a rearview mirror gradualist, meaning he actually manages official policy based on history. Again, like the '29 experience, this is causing a misread of measures currently needed to stave off a real deflation risk, which is why prices are falling in spite of supportive price constraints . In a nutshell, people are panicking, and for this reason Monday could be very interesting. http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/...
Bernanke would be wise to remember who has been at the helm during this entire facade of a build up and that absolutely nothing under Bush is as it seems. He should remember Greenspan's and his role in artificially alowing the market to inflate. I have said it more than a few times but the real depth of this crash will not be felt until the Republicans are hopefully gone in 2008 and the depth of Bush's deceit and lies are know or at least begin to come out.
The stock market will not go all the way back to 9,00 but maybe it should. However I do purely as a common sensed observer of what Bush has been doing and the nonsensical activity of the stock market since Bush has been at the helm fully expect to see the stock market settle around Dow 10,000 in the not too distant future. Certainly shortly after a Democrat is elected if we even have an election as I fully expect Bush to cancel elections and declare martial order.
If that is the case the Dow will definitely go below 10,000 if not lower. Right now down 179 it is at 12692 give or take.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
The stock market will not go all the way back to 9,00 but maybe it should. However I do purely as a common sensed observer of what Bush has been doing and the nonsensical activity of the stock market since Bush has been at the helm fully expect to see the stock market settle around Dow 10,000 in the not too distant future. Certainly shortly after a Democrat is elected if we even have an election as I fully expect Bush to cancel elections and declare martial order.
If that is the case the Dow will definitely go below 10,000 if not lower. Right now down 179 it is at 12692 give or take.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Bush is already preparing for martial law by getting someone to deal with us:
Could martial law ever become a reality in America? Some fear any nuclear, biological or chemical attack on U.S. soil might trigger just that. KSLA News 12 has discovered that the clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem: Us.
Charleton Heston's now-famous speech before the National Rifle Association at a convention back in 2000 will forever be remembered as a stirring moment for all 2nd Amendment advocates. At the end of his remarks, Heston held up his antique rifle and told the crowd in his Moses-like voice, "over my cold, dead hands."
While Heston, then serving as the NRA President, made those remarks in response to calls for more gun control laws at the time, those words live on. Heston's declaration captured a truly American value: An over-arching desire to protect our freedoms.
But gun confiscation is exactly what happened during the state of emergency following Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, along with forced relocation. U.S. Troops also arrived, something far easier to do now, thanks to last year's elimination of the 1878 Posse Comitatus act, which had forbid regular U.S. Army troops from policing on American soil.
If martial law were enacted here at home, like depicted in the movie "The Siege", easing public fears and quelling dissent would be critical. And that's exactly what the 'Clergy Response Team' helped accomplish in the wake of Katrina.
Dr. Durell Tuberville serves as chaplain for the Shreveport Fire Department and the Caddo Sheriff's Office. Tuberville said of the clergy team's mission, "the primary thing that we say to anybody is, 'let's cooperate and get this thing over with and then we'll settle the differences once the crisis is over.'"
Such clergy response teams would walk a tight-rope during martial law between the demands of the government on the one side, versus the wishes of the public on the other. "In a lot of cases, these clergy would already be known in the neighborhoods in which they're helping to diffuse that situation," assured Sandy Davis. He serves as the director of the Caddo-Bossier Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness.
For the clergy team, one of the biggest tools that they will have in helping calm the public down or to obey the law is the bible itself, specifically Romans 13. Dr. Tuberville elaborated, "because the government's established by the Lord, you know. And, that's what we believe in the Christian faith. That's what's stated in the scripture."
Civil rights advocates believe the amount of public cooperation during such a time of unrest may ultimately depend on how long they expect a suspension of rights might last.
I think we are headed for a modern day depression with millions of people about to lose their homes, because of the AMR rates coming due, and credit being har to obtain.
Once the economy falls, Bush can install martial law for "economic reasons" and thus comes the beginning of the New World Order.
Damn that's twice I hit something and blew my comment away so yhis will be short. You know for a fact the idiot will declare martial order and Heston's My cold dead hands speech like everything else today is worthless.
Bush is going to do what he wants and use his pandered to paid for clergy and the military who effectively runs America today. Lifting of Psse Comitatus was just one more dangerous action and poer taken by the Chief abuser has he follows his plan for new order and nothing will stop him.
I have commented on Lydias site on this and that the worthless talk amongst ourselves must stop and someone must come forward and tak some positive action for "our America" not Bush's as we are rapidly running out of time.
Anyway What happened in Katrina worked with the clergy but it will not work on a country wide level. As of late I have been saying that, that is the straw that will break the camels back.
Bush will abuse that too and it will not be short. That action is what is going to get people off their backsides and attempt to get our country back.
I see all talk shows, media, and Politicians, playing the tlking head money earning game while nothing is getting done bar none and I have decided to take it to the next level myself.
If you read my links or past stories you know I have been calling for the second and greatest Depression and it is not far off.
when Bush's house of cards is found out and comes crashing down and it will bush will declare martial order.
Anyway as I was saying I have decided to take the next step myself. My nephew knows computers amd all the behind the scenes stuff pretty well and another is tech support for NBC and CBS, they have a band and are DJ's on the side.
They are going to tie our computers together and teach and help me get an online progressive station going geared towards talking too young voters and get them involved in what is happening to their America too and talk about what we have to do to ensure we move successfully into the future.
I hope you get those comments and you respond because I think I better leave it all here. Hope to hear from you!
I think it is a good idea to get a progressive station going and coincidentally we will have Lydia's upcoming show broadcast on her new site, along with video broadcasts she will do.
The more the words spreads, especially among younger people, the better off we will be.
Good idea.
I'll drop you an email later today about this.
I liked the idea.
Wow, really glad to hear back from you so quickly. Glad you like the idea. After talking to my ex para rescue 32 year old nephew I realized they feel the same way we do though he may be going back into the military to join the CIA so he has to keep mum.
He Dj's on the side and another nephew who specializes on the internet and has a band on the side also sees the truth and together they can help me get going and it would be an outlet for their talents and hopefully an avenue for like minded progressives and like minded young musicians to be heard and speak out.
I will do this, if I say something I will back it up. I know nothingg else. Someone has to do something and I guess it has to come from the bottom up. Stay in touch!
I look forward to hearing from you and any ideas you may have. You are proving to be a like minded Patriot at the least and I for one have to do something to save the America of my grandkids and that my sons are fighting for. Don't rush. I have to get things going now and we will be in touch.
OKAY..I don't want to pester you two...really good work men...I just wanted to say that this is all connected and good on you for realizing that...you know wouldn't it be great if Lydia could Interview Bloggers on her show? wouldn'tthat be awesome? many don't want to be seen, but many would be willing to speak...and many like you are very articulate...and educated on all the issues...
Are you reading this Larry- what do you think?
I like that both of ypu recognize that Blogs are an important tool to save this country....
sigh....about the post...yes yes ..I sat nodding like a carsick pidgeon...yup....sad...already underway here...i have a neighborhood of empty houses...
Still waiting to hear back from Larry but your idea of Lydia interviewing Bloggers on her show would be great. It is time to stop talking amongst ourselves though. We are rapidly runniing out of time.
Someone must come out to stop Bush. You read it I guess but I was telling Larry I am waiting to hear back from some nephews but they are going to help me get together an online progressive show not just plitics but new music so the youngsters can have a place to be heard on every level.
Blogs and the internet are extremely important to us in getting heard and getting the truth out. It is the printing press of our forefathers. That is why as then their are those who are trying to shut us down. Stay in touch we have to do comething.
As for the market, the Fed's intervention yesterday was another temporary fix to stave off the inevitable but the crash happen especially once dems get in and the truth starts coming out.
I still absolutely expect Bush to cancel elections and declare maartial law in order to fight his current and future wars.
This nightmare Bush has purposely created for his so called new world order is still just getting underway and will not be controlled as there are too many outside forces in play now, ie: China and Russia, etc.
thanks for saying that...and yes, we need to work together and figure this out and how to save this country...
You are welcome! I heard from Larry and just responded to him but he was saying that when Lydia's new site is up he is sure she will be interviewing knowledgeable bloggers such as yourself. You really care enigma and I like and respect that. we will work our way through all this and get ourselve through this.
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