Balancing power they call it. U.S. promises of military aid or arms sales to strengthen its Middle Eastern allies against Iran and other regional foes seem aimed at repairing a balance of power destroyed by the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. That is not what is going to happen or what this is about.
Supposedly Toppling Saddam Hussein ended Iraq's role as a counterweight to Iran, a part it had played since the 1980s in a Gulf security system that Washington had hoped would contain the rival powers. That was only the smallest of the repercussions. Toppling Saddam gave Bush the excuse to get into the middl east, upset the balance of the entire middle east as Bush knew would be the case, and set the stage for Bush's new middle east order that has long been planned and he will not stop now.
This is still just beginning but it will increase rapidly once Bush has others to fight for him. I had some interesting conversations yesterday in relation to yesterdays conversation on this story. That made me remember how long this has all been planned, and put the rest of this developing scenario together. After 50 years of middle east policy and not arming them to fight wars Bush has changed that in hopes of getting them to fight Iran and Syria.
Bush will be freed to attack Pakistan and Iran from the Gulf as Iraq quiets and others fight Iran on the ground!
Realizing Bush has now pushed his effort to attack Iran in part to a proxy war via Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other so called middle east allies, and after yesterdays dose of ignorance. I realized that it is time to stop talking because it is worthless and Bush will not stop or be stopped. We must make a Difference!
He will now be free to go after Pakistan and Iran from the Gulf with our carrier and battle Groups while others will be doing the brunt of the fighting and ground combat. Everything is almost prepared. Bush is prepared in the Gulf and we have a seasoned fleet Admiral in command of middle east forces set to lead events while others expend their efforts on Iran. Gorbachev is right and this will not be good.
I have heard that we are thinking of sending undercover special forces to Turkey in order to combat Kurds from Iraq. I wouldn't put it past Bush at all but that too will backfire on us.You know there are those of us that expect Bush to attack Pakistan too. I expect it in conjunction with the attack on Iran this fall or shortly thereafter. Now he will be in a position to do it.With what he is now doing with Israel, Saudi Arabia, and other so called middle east allies, He will be freed to go after Pakistan while others focus on Iran. With our carrier and battle groups in the Gulf He will be free to take them both on. Bush is one happy camper.
One other victim of Bush's is a surprise to some I am sure, It is Saudi Arabia and they know it and have expressed their concern to Russia. When Bush is done using Saudi Arabia he will then turn on them. This is old but right on. Let me know what you think.Bush's terrible plan for new middle east order! now I have the proof! This is not good!
I was looking at the notes I took down last night from the various articles I had from Bush's most recent Rant on Iraq. Like you, I find his senseless babble very disturbing. Especially knowing that he is going to say or do anything to follow his plan for new world order. Many of you know I have been saying for quite a while that Bush will do or say anything in order to follow his Russian Doctrine of Destruction for new societal, middle east, and world order. His plan at the link!
Please look past the source and look at the reality called the proven truth. I knew Bush purposely upset the middle east, Iraq would be lost, Iran attacked, and the entire middle east embroiled. I now have the proof and this is old news.
In this short policy memo, which Netanyahu, and his successor-Likud Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, totally adopted as the core strategy of their administrations, spelled out a four-pronged attack on the peace process and the entire Arab world. It has become a self-evident truth that, since the Bush "43" and Sharon governments came into power simultaneously in early 2001, "A Clean Break" has been the guiding strategic doctrine of both--particularly following the irregular warfare attacks on New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001.
The Perle-Wurmser policy document demanded: 1) Destroy Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority, blaming them for every act of Palestinian terrorism, including the attacks from Hamas, an organization which Sharon had helped launch during his early 1980's tenure as Minister of Defense. 2) Induce the United States to overthrow the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq. 3) Launch war against Syria after Saddam's regime is disposed of, including striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and targets in Syria proper. 4) Parlay the overthrow of the Ba'athist regimes in Baghdad and Damascus into the "democratization" of the entire Arab world, including through further military actions against Iran, Saudi Arabia, and "the ultimate prize," Egypt
The timeline for this is a little different from what we now know. As for the reality of what the real reasons and goals for all this, we will never know. I will again guarantee you that there will be a new middle east order. It will be total disorder and no one will like it. With Bush and Israel wanting their idea of a new middle east order and the so called Islamist's wanting their conflicting version, they have guaranteed a disastrous result for the entire middle east and Bush promises to keep our troops in the middle of it
None of this can surprise you now but until it all unfolds as truth it will be denied like everything else until it becomes horrible, undeniable, reality.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Bush's Iran plan almost complete! Overwhelmed by Israel, battle Groups in Gulf, Iraq, middle east militarization by Bush!
As Bush continues to squeeze Iran in his effort to create his version of a new middle east order, with his recent proposal to supply Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, advanced equipment and weaponry from the arms sales under consideration he is tightening the noose around Iran. How will China and Russia react to all this? I can't see them just sitting there.
The proposed package of advanced weaponry for Saudi Arabia, which includes advanced satellite-guided bombs, upgrades to its fighters and new naval vessels, has made Israel and some of its supporters in Congress nervous as it should. Senior officials who described the package on Friday said they believed that the administration had resolved those concerns, in part by promising Israel $30.4 billion in military aid over the next decade, a significant increase over what Israel has received in the past 10 years.
As a result of the increase in military aid to Israel they now say they are not concerned about the $20 Billion in military hardware in the middle east because Bush has them convinced that these so called moderate States will aid Israel and us in containing Iran in their efforts to dominate the middle east instead of Bush and Israel. I don't know about that? This is not going to be good.
Worried about the impression that the United States was starting an arms race in the region, State and Defense Department officials stressed that the arms deal was being proposed largely in response to improvements in Iran's military capabilities and to counter the threat posed by its nuclear program, which the Bush administration contends is aimed at building nuclear weapons. who the heck cares why they are doing it they are still doing in the middle east what they are around the world. They are arming the world to fight for his new world order. We see it and are powerless to stop it.
To top off Bush's middle east arms race and increased militarization of the middle east in order to Bully Iran as you know, we have three Carrier battle groups in the Gulf and our military and equipment kept in Iraq's civil war to further intimidate Iran but it will all backfire and only worsen the explosion Bush started.
Counter to 50 years of middle east policy Bush is now arming the middle east so they can help him fight for "his" version of new middle east order as the war monger is doing around the world as highlighted by his missile defense shield whose primary goal seems to be to instigate Russia into war so Bush can further his new world order.
I have to agree with Gorbachev as you must and that is that Bush's imperialism is directly responsible for the growing global disarray. Former President Mikhail Gorbachev said yesterday that the fall of the Soviet Union, which his policies helped bring about, ushered in an era of US imperialism responsible for many of the world's gravest problems.
Bush had a great opportunity to steer the world in a peaceful direction instead he chose to try and remain the worlds lone super power and dominate the world for his desired new world order. It won't happen!
Bush's efforts to dominate the world has since made Gorbachev a supporter of President Vladimir Putin's assertive foreign policy and resistance to American power, his criticism of the United States yesterday was especially harsh and you can't blame him.
He said: "The Americans want so much to be the winners. The fact that they are sick with this illness, this winners' complex, is the main reason why everything in the world is so confused and so complicated," he said at a packed news conference. Instead of ushering in an era of cooperation with the West, the USSR's collapse put the United States into an aggressive, empire-building mood, he said. Ultimately, that has led the United States to commit a string of "major strategic mistakes," he said.
"The idea of a new empire, of sole leadership, was born," Gorbachev said. "Unilateral actions and wars followed," he added, saying that Washington "ignored the Security Council, international law and the will of their own people." Gorbachev, 76, shared Putin's opposition to the US war in Iraq. Russia has fallen out with Washington on a host of other issues as has the rest of the world thanks to Bush's new world order mess pushing relations to a frosty state that some commentators have likened to the Cold War.
Gorbachev, who won the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize for his role in ending the Cold War, echoed Putin's frequent endorsement of a so-called "multipolar world," without the perceived dominance of the United States. I thought Gorbachev deserved it and agree that the world today must be governed multi laterally.
"No one, no single center, can today command the world. No single group of countries . . . can do it," Gorbachev said. "Under the current US president, I don't think we can fundamentally change the situation as it is developing now. . . . It is dangerous. The world is experiencing a period of growing global disarray."
Gorbachev is 100% right about all of this including the disability to change the situation under Bush. Bush is militarizing the entire world and very quickly it will be too late to stop all he has set into motion. I think it is too late now but damn we have to keep trying!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
The proposed package of advanced weaponry for Saudi Arabia, which includes advanced satellite-guided bombs, upgrades to its fighters and new naval vessels, has made Israel and some of its supporters in Congress nervous as it should. Senior officials who described the package on Friday said they believed that the administration had resolved those concerns, in part by promising Israel $30.4 billion in military aid over the next decade, a significant increase over what Israel has received in the past 10 years.
As a result of the increase in military aid to Israel they now say they are not concerned about the $20 Billion in military hardware in the middle east because Bush has them convinced that these so called moderate States will aid Israel and us in containing Iran in their efforts to dominate the middle east instead of Bush and Israel. I don't know about that? This is not going to be good.
Worried about the impression that the United States was starting an arms race in the region, State and Defense Department officials stressed that the arms deal was being proposed largely in response to improvements in Iran's military capabilities and to counter the threat posed by its nuclear program, which the Bush administration contends is aimed at building nuclear weapons. who the heck cares why they are doing it they are still doing in the middle east what they are around the world. They are arming the world to fight for his new world order. We see it and are powerless to stop it.
To top off Bush's middle east arms race and increased militarization of the middle east in order to Bully Iran as you know, we have three Carrier battle groups in the Gulf and our military and equipment kept in Iraq's civil war to further intimidate Iran but it will all backfire and only worsen the explosion Bush started.
Counter to 50 years of middle east policy Bush is now arming the middle east so they can help him fight for "his" version of new middle east order as the war monger is doing around the world as highlighted by his missile defense shield whose primary goal seems to be to instigate Russia into war so Bush can further his new world order.
I have to agree with Gorbachev as you must and that is that Bush's imperialism is directly responsible for the growing global disarray. Former President Mikhail Gorbachev said yesterday that the fall of the Soviet Union, which his policies helped bring about, ushered in an era of US imperialism responsible for many of the world's gravest problems.
Bush had a great opportunity to steer the world in a peaceful direction instead he chose to try and remain the worlds lone super power and dominate the world for his desired new world order. It won't happen!
Bush's efforts to dominate the world has since made Gorbachev a supporter of President Vladimir Putin's assertive foreign policy and resistance to American power, his criticism of the United States yesterday was especially harsh and you can't blame him.
He said: "The Americans want so much to be the winners. The fact that they are sick with this illness, this winners' complex, is the main reason why everything in the world is so confused and so complicated," he said at a packed news conference. Instead of ushering in an era of cooperation with the West, the USSR's collapse put the United States into an aggressive, empire-building mood, he said. Ultimately, that has led the United States to commit a string of "major strategic mistakes," he said.
"The idea of a new empire, of sole leadership, was born," Gorbachev said. "Unilateral actions and wars followed," he added, saying that Washington "ignored the Security Council, international law and the will of their own people." Gorbachev, 76, shared Putin's opposition to the US war in Iraq. Russia has fallen out with Washington on a host of other issues as has the rest of the world thanks to Bush's new world order mess pushing relations to a frosty state that some commentators have likened to the Cold War.
Gorbachev, who won the 1990 Nobel Peace Prize for his role in ending the Cold War, echoed Putin's frequent endorsement of a so-called "multipolar world," without the perceived dominance of the United States. I thought Gorbachev deserved it and agree that the world today must be governed multi laterally.
"No one, no single center, can today command the world. No single group of countries . . . can do it," Gorbachev said. "Under the current US president, I don't think we can fundamentally change the situation as it is developing now. . . . It is dangerous. The world is experiencing a period of growing global disarray."
Gorbachev is 100% right about all of this including the disability to change the situation under Bush. Bush is militarizing the entire world and very quickly it will be too late to stop all he has set into motion. I think it is too late now but damn we have to keep trying!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
George W. Bush,
Mikhail Gorbachev,
Nobel Peace Prize,
Saudi Arabia,
United Arab Emirates
Sunday, July 29, 2007
California proves It is time to implement a Verifiable Voting System, electronic voting machines manipulated, unverifiable!
California proves It is time to implement a Verifiable Voting System, electronic voting machines manipulated and unverifiable!
I understand getting caught up in the all day long underhanded corruption By Bush and his MIS Administration. I kept looking at the unbelievable dose of today's stories and realized I better talk about California's findings because I don't see it getting much coverage and we cannot allow this to happen again.
As we are heading towards the 2008 elections I am reminded that the problems we experienced the last two times still persist. until California I have not heard anything done to resolve them. We cannot wait until we are in the middle of an election once again before this becomes an issue again. It seems as the usual out of sight out of sound is applying once again. As I watch and listen to the nightmare Bush I am increasingly concerned that a nightmare like him could happen again. I keep hearing that the powers behind who really gets elected and the agenda that is actually followed will ensure that a President is elected that will continue Bush's stridence towards so called new world order.
There are those in both party's that allow abuse of our election process for many reasons. First, many people are still lazy and think in the end their elected officials will do the right thing for them. That will never happen and they will continue to do the right thing for themselves. People fall for the line that we must move our election system into the 21st century and that is why we must go electronic. California proved what we know and that is that those machines guarantee a given election outcome and we must get them outlawed and quickly. Again we are running out of time.
Our voting system should be updated but not influenced by the 21st century of political lies we are surrounded by! It should start with an Abolishing of the outdated electoral system that wrongly let Bush in as President in the first place. The Electoral College no longer serves the "peoples" purpose. It was needed when America was so Rural people could not be made aware or get their opinions to the polls so we needed someone to represent us.
That is no longer necessary! We are capable of getting to the polls and representing ourselves. Doing away with the Electoral College would eliminate what got the slime Bush into office in the first place. That is only one problem! Also, we know these electronic voting machines can be manipulated. Sadly, you know they will be in order to benefit one special interest or the other.
It is a sad situation as we are constantly lied to and manipulated for political gain. In order to have a paper trail and verification to move forward sometimes you have to move back to what worked in the past. We must go back to the paper and pencil system that can be verified individually. Until we do that and do it universally there is too much room for selfish exploitation.
We do have a grassroots movement in order to get rid of the electoral College. We must also take the courts out of our Election process, give the process too the people who it is supposed to represent, and return to a verifiable paper process, so the entire process can be monitored and truly representative of the people and their desires.
This will not happen as long as we leave it up to the Politicians. They will try to manipulate the process in their Political favor as seems to be the prevailing thought process today. That is the case in every instance in today's Political environment and is the primary reason for the majority of the countries problems today. How can "We the People" get involved and ensure that a voting system representative of the people not special interests is in place for 2008. We cannot wait until the last minute when we have another crisis and I am afraid we are.
First I am reminded of an old saying that "As California goes so goes the Nation" That should certainly apply in this case. In California Three of California's electronic voting systems can be easily hacked into, potentially compromising millions of votes, according to a detailed review announced Friday.
I have to be suspicious as to why but Makers of Los Angeles County's InkaVote system did not submit its equipment in time, so it wasn't included. The three systems evaluated, used by more than two-thirds of California's counties, also had problems with accessibility requirements for disabled and non-English-speaking voters. The findings of what some believe to be one of the most comprehensive electronic voting studies to date come as California registrars rush to prepare for the state's presidential primary election Feb. 5.
Over two months, dozens of experts in information technology organized by the University of California tested machines made by Diebold Election Systems, Hart InterCivic and Sequoia Voting Systems. The analysts tried to infiltrate the three systems physically and electronically, without the safeguards that voting machine vendors or counties might use. "Under these conditions, the technology and security of all three systems could be compromised," the review said.
For example: Testers accessed the insides of Sequoia machines by prying open seals or unscrewing external screws to bypass locks. The experts connected to secure data in a Diebold machine by hacking into its Windows operating system. Testers "were able to bypass both physical and software security in every system they tested." "The severity of what it means, whether counties have adapted [security] procedures already ... is something we have to analyze," she said.,1,6799644.story?coll=la-headlines-technology&ctrack=2&cset=true
Our very existence as a democracy is dependent on our having voting systems that are secure, reliable and accurate, and we have found that out the hard way. This is one State people! I am sure this is repeated around the country. Officials who did this study of course disagree as to the findings and are not sure their is a smoking gun.
I do not have any doubts. There is a smoking gun and it is in the form of an electronic voting machines. We must outlaw them. We must get rid of them before the next election or we will have serious trouble. We cannot afford another Bush or false elections.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I understand getting caught up in the all day long underhanded corruption By Bush and his MIS Administration. I kept looking at the unbelievable dose of today's stories and realized I better talk about California's findings because I don't see it getting much coverage and we cannot allow this to happen again.
As we are heading towards the 2008 elections I am reminded that the problems we experienced the last two times still persist. until California I have not heard anything done to resolve them. We cannot wait until we are in the middle of an election once again before this becomes an issue again. It seems as the usual out of sight out of sound is applying once again. As I watch and listen to the nightmare Bush I am increasingly concerned that a nightmare like him could happen again. I keep hearing that the powers behind who really gets elected and the agenda that is actually followed will ensure that a President is elected that will continue Bush's stridence towards so called new world order.
There are those in both party's that allow abuse of our election process for many reasons. First, many people are still lazy and think in the end their elected officials will do the right thing for them. That will never happen and they will continue to do the right thing for themselves. People fall for the line that we must move our election system into the 21st century and that is why we must go electronic. California proved what we know and that is that those machines guarantee a given election outcome and we must get them outlawed and quickly. Again we are running out of time.
Our voting system should be updated but not influenced by the 21st century of political lies we are surrounded by! It should start with an Abolishing of the outdated electoral system that wrongly let Bush in as President in the first place. The Electoral College no longer serves the "peoples" purpose. It was needed when America was so Rural people could not be made aware or get their opinions to the polls so we needed someone to represent us.
That is no longer necessary! We are capable of getting to the polls and representing ourselves. Doing away with the Electoral College would eliminate what got the slime Bush into office in the first place. That is only one problem! Also, we know these electronic voting machines can be manipulated. Sadly, you know they will be in order to benefit one special interest or the other.
It is a sad situation as we are constantly lied to and manipulated for political gain. In order to have a paper trail and verification to move forward sometimes you have to move back to what worked in the past. We must go back to the paper and pencil system that can be verified individually. Until we do that and do it universally there is too much room for selfish exploitation.
We do have a grassroots movement in order to get rid of the electoral College. We must also take the courts out of our Election process, give the process too the people who it is supposed to represent, and return to a verifiable paper process, so the entire process can be monitored and truly representative of the people and their desires.
This will not happen as long as we leave it up to the Politicians. They will try to manipulate the process in their Political favor as seems to be the prevailing thought process today. That is the case in every instance in today's Political environment and is the primary reason for the majority of the countries problems today. How can "We the People" get involved and ensure that a voting system representative of the people not special interests is in place for 2008. We cannot wait until the last minute when we have another crisis and I am afraid we are.
First I am reminded of an old saying that "As California goes so goes the Nation" That should certainly apply in this case. In California Three of California's electronic voting systems can be easily hacked into, potentially compromising millions of votes, according to a detailed review announced Friday.
I have to be suspicious as to why but Makers of Los Angeles County's InkaVote system did not submit its equipment in time, so it wasn't included. The three systems evaluated, used by more than two-thirds of California's counties, also had problems with accessibility requirements for disabled and non-English-speaking voters. The findings of what some believe to be one of the most comprehensive electronic voting studies to date come as California registrars rush to prepare for the state's presidential primary election Feb. 5.
Over two months, dozens of experts in information technology organized by the University of California tested machines made by Diebold Election Systems, Hart InterCivic and Sequoia Voting Systems. The analysts tried to infiltrate the three systems physically and electronically, without the safeguards that voting machine vendors or counties might use. "Under these conditions, the technology and security of all three systems could be compromised," the review said.
For example: Testers accessed the insides of Sequoia machines by prying open seals or unscrewing external screws to bypass locks. The experts connected to secure data in a Diebold machine by hacking into its Windows operating system. Testers "were able to bypass both physical and software security in every system they tested." "The severity of what it means, whether counties have adapted [security] procedures already ... is something we have to analyze," she said.,1,6799644.story?coll=la-headlines-technology&ctrack=2&cset=true
Our very existence as a democracy is dependent on our having voting systems that are secure, reliable and accurate, and we have found that out the hard way. This is one State people! I am sure this is repeated around the country. Officials who did this study of course disagree as to the findings and are not sure their is a smoking gun.
I do not have any doubts. There is a smoking gun and it is in the form of an electronic voting machines. We must outlaw them. We must get rid of them before the next election or we will have serious trouble. We cannot afford another Bush or false elections.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, July 28, 2007
U.S. Voices Frustration With Saudis' Role in Iraq yet set to offer them huge arms deal to counter Iran and further destabilize middle east!
U.S. Voices Frustration With Saudi Role in Iraq, set to offer them huge arms deal to counter Iran anyway to further destabilize the middle east!
Those of you that follow my coverage of events in Iraq and the middle east know I unequivocally expect the entire middle east to be embroiled in Bush's caused middle east breakdown and that it will pit Saudi Arabia led Sunni against Iran led Shiite as they each pursue their new order while Bush insists on staying in their civil war until he can find an excuse to attack Iran and further his version.
The Shia-Sunni divide has existed from the dawn of Islam, but the geographical and ethnic isolation of non-Arab Shiite Iran, together with Sunni Arab countries' dominance of their Shia minorities, mostly kept this rivalry in the background. These tensions further receded in the tide of the "Islamization" created by the Iranian revolution, for in its wake Arabs' sectarian identity as Sunni was pushed further into the background as a generalized "Islamic" assertiveness appeared.
That all changed when Al Qaeda, a Sunni terrorist force that draws heavily on Saudi Wahabbi ideology and personnel, launched its attacks on America in September 2001.
A specifically Sunni brand of militant Islam was now on the march. When the United States initiated wars on both the Sunni Taliban in Afghanistan and the Sunni Iraqi regime, this new radical Sunni strain became even more emboldened. Bush messed Up!!!
In Sunni eyes, the Shia dominate the oil-rich areas of Iran, Iraq, and the eastern region of Saudi Arabia and are attempting to usurp the role of "protector" of the central dream of all Arabs. It is because the Saudi royal family derives its legitimacy from a strict form of Sunni Islam and doubts the loyalty of the Shia population that the Kingdom is taking action. Ironically, it is America, Saudi Arabia's longtime protector, which made Shia empowerment possible by overthrowing Saddam Hussein and bringing Shiite parties to power in Iraq. The Bush administration seems to recognize what it has done; as the Shia arc rises in the east of the Arab Muslim world, the US is attempting to strengthen its protection of the Sunni arc - Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia - in the region's west. Israel, the once implacable enemy of the Arab cause, now seems to be slotted into this defensive structure. Too late!
Knowing Iran is behind much of what is happening in the middle east more specifically Iraq and that I for a long time have been convinced that Saudi Arabia whoever it is there, is behind much of what the Sunni is doing in Iraq, I was happy to hear yesterday that Bush administration officials are voicing increasing anger at what they say has been Saudi Arabia's counterproductive role in the Iraq war.
They say that beyond regarding Mr. Maliki as an Iranian agent, the Saudis have offered financial support to Sunni groups in Iraq and they have proof. Of an estimated 60 to 80 foreign fighters who enter Iraq each month, American military and intelligence officials say that nearly half are coming from Saudi Arabia and that the Saudis have not done enough to stem the flow. Officials in Washington have long resisted blaming Saudi Arabia for the chaos and sectarian strife in Iraq, choosing instead to pin blame on Iran and Syria. Even now, military officials rarely talk publicly about the role of Saudi fighters among the insurgents in Iraq.
I thought that was pretty good that this mis Administration realized that the Saudi's were doing their share in this Bush created Shiite, Sunni, civil war until this morning when I found out that The Bush administration is preparing to ask Congress to approve an arms sale package for Saudi Arabia and its neighbors that is expected to eventually total $20 billion.
The proposed package of advanced weaponry for Saudi Arabia, which includes advanced satellite-guided bombs, upgrades to its fighters and new naval vessels, has made Israel and some of its supporters in Congress nervous. Senior officials who described the package on Friday said they believed that the administration had resolved those concerns, in part by promising Israel $30.4 billion in military aid over the next decade, a significant increase over what Israel has received in the past 10 years.
But administration officials remained concerned that the size of the package and the advanced weaponry it contains, as well as broader concerns about Saudi Arabia’s role in Iraq, could prompt Saudi critics in Congress to oppose the package when Congress is formally notified about the deal this fall.
Unbelievably to me In talks about the package, the administration has not sought specific assurances from Saudi Arabia that it would be more supportive of the American effort in Iraq as a condition of receiving the arms package, the officials said. That tells me Bush is instigating and funding this breakdown too.
By mis Administration officials own admission Saudi Arabia is helping the Sunni in this civil war I have to wonder how much of this military hardware will find its way to Iraq? Also how much of it will our soldiers be facing and maybe killed by?
Realizing that Bush is arming those around the world he thinks will support his new world order efforts I was still surprised to see he has not only reinstituted an arms race with Russia and the rest of the world but is now including the middle east. He wants to fund Saudi Arabia so they can prosecute his new middle east order partially by proxy. I have to believe that as bush's middle east breakdown progresses we will eventually be facing our own weapons. When will this madness stop?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Those of you that follow my coverage of events in Iraq and the middle east know I unequivocally expect the entire middle east to be embroiled in Bush's caused middle east breakdown and that it will pit Saudi Arabia led Sunni against Iran led Shiite as they each pursue their new order while Bush insists on staying in their civil war until he can find an excuse to attack Iran and further his version.
The Shia-Sunni divide has existed from the dawn of Islam, but the geographical and ethnic isolation of non-Arab Shiite Iran, together with Sunni Arab countries' dominance of their Shia minorities, mostly kept this rivalry in the background. These tensions further receded in the tide of the "Islamization" created by the Iranian revolution, for in its wake Arabs' sectarian identity as Sunni was pushed further into the background as a generalized "Islamic" assertiveness appeared.
That all changed when Al Qaeda, a Sunni terrorist force that draws heavily on Saudi Wahabbi ideology and personnel, launched its attacks on America in September 2001.
A specifically Sunni brand of militant Islam was now on the march. When the United States initiated wars on both the Sunni Taliban in Afghanistan and the Sunni Iraqi regime, this new radical Sunni strain became even more emboldened. Bush messed Up!!!
In Sunni eyes, the Shia dominate the oil-rich areas of Iran, Iraq, and the eastern region of Saudi Arabia and are attempting to usurp the role of "protector" of the central dream of all Arabs. It is because the Saudi royal family derives its legitimacy from a strict form of Sunni Islam and doubts the loyalty of the Shia population that the Kingdom is taking action. Ironically, it is America, Saudi Arabia's longtime protector, which made Shia empowerment possible by overthrowing Saddam Hussein and bringing Shiite parties to power in Iraq. The Bush administration seems to recognize what it has done; as the Shia arc rises in the east of the Arab Muslim world, the US is attempting to strengthen its protection of the Sunni arc - Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia - in the region's west. Israel, the once implacable enemy of the Arab cause, now seems to be slotted into this defensive structure. Too late!
Knowing Iran is behind much of what is happening in the middle east more specifically Iraq and that I for a long time have been convinced that Saudi Arabia whoever it is there, is behind much of what the Sunni is doing in Iraq, I was happy to hear yesterday that Bush administration officials are voicing increasing anger at what they say has been Saudi Arabia's counterproductive role in the Iraq war.
They say that beyond regarding Mr. Maliki as an Iranian agent, the Saudis have offered financial support to Sunni groups in Iraq and they have proof. Of an estimated 60 to 80 foreign fighters who enter Iraq each month, American military and intelligence officials say that nearly half are coming from Saudi Arabia and that the Saudis have not done enough to stem the flow. Officials in Washington have long resisted blaming Saudi Arabia for the chaos and sectarian strife in Iraq, choosing instead to pin blame on Iran and Syria. Even now, military officials rarely talk publicly about the role of Saudi fighters among the insurgents in Iraq.
I thought that was pretty good that this mis Administration realized that the Saudi's were doing their share in this Bush created Shiite, Sunni, civil war until this morning when I found out that The Bush administration is preparing to ask Congress to approve an arms sale package for Saudi Arabia and its neighbors that is expected to eventually total $20 billion.
The proposed package of advanced weaponry for Saudi Arabia, which includes advanced satellite-guided bombs, upgrades to its fighters and new naval vessels, has made Israel and some of its supporters in Congress nervous. Senior officials who described the package on Friday said they believed that the administration had resolved those concerns, in part by promising Israel $30.4 billion in military aid over the next decade, a significant increase over what Israel has received in the past 10 years.
But administration officials remained concerned that the size of the package and the advanced weaponry it contains, as well as broader concerns about Saudi Arabia’s role in Iraq, could prompt Saudi critics in Congress to oppose the package when Congress is formally notified about the deal this fall.
Unbelievably to me In talks about the package, the administration has not sought specific assurances from Saudi Arabia that it would be more supportive of the American effort in Iraq as a condition of receiving the arms package, the officials said. That tells me Bush is instigating and funding this breakdown too.
By mis Administration officials own admission Saudi Arabia is helping the Sunni in this civil war I have to wonder how much of this military hardware will find its way to Iraq? Also how much of it will our soldiers be facing and maybe killed by?
Realizing that Bush is arming those around the world he thinks will support his new world order efforts I was still surprised to see he has not only reinstituted an arms race with Russia and the rest of the world but is now including the middle east. He wants to fund Saudi Arabia so they can prosecute his new middle east order partially by proxy. I have to believe that as bush's middle east breakdown progresses we will eventually be facing our own weapons. When will this madness stop?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
arms race,
George W. Bush,
middle east,
Saudi Arabia
Friday, July 27, 2007
Longest Bull Run in 80 Years, remember who was in Charge, what Happened then and what's Forecast Today!
This is not a Blip as the so called experts say. This is a long overdue major "correction" I discussed it after april's "correction" and most just do not seem to realize the artificiality or our over inflated financial system or how bad this too is going to get. The second Greatest Depression is right around the corner! Please read on. I think you will agree!
Of course , we know as the U'S. goes so goes the rest of the world. Yesterday In the U.S., the Dow Jones -- which shed 311 points on Thursday -- slipped further in early trading today. Right now it is down another 80 mpoints. In Europe, where markets suffered their worst losses in five months on Thursday, the FTSEurofirst 300 index closed down 0.5 percent -- and down 5 percent for the week -- having earlier showed signs of a recovery amid robust corporate results led by automaker Volkswagen.
London's FTSE 100 closed down 0.6 percent at 6,215.2 -- its lowest close since March -- while Paris' CAC slipped 0.55 percent to 5,643.96 and Germany's was down 0.76 percent at 7,451.68. There were further losses in Asia where Tokyo's Nikkei shed 2.7 percent to slump to its lowest level since May despite strong results from electronics manufacturer Sony, which posted trebled first quarter profits.
South Korea's benchmark KOSPI was down 2.5 percent, Hong Kong fell 2.7 percent and Australia slipped 2.8 percent, while MSCI's index of Asia Pacific stocks excluding Japan fell 3.4 percent at the end of a week in which it had posted record highs.Friday's volatility was triggered by Thursday's worldwide losses, culminating in the Dow Jones' second-biggest point loss of the year.
The so called experts are doing their best to keep this artificial Bull market going saying this is no big deal and the economy is getting better . This is just a minor correction and our economy will keep improving. Bush is also talking it up, doing his share to keep up this facade of Sucess continue until he gets out of office and the truth is found out and the market and the economy crashes so he can blame it on Democrats.
This is not a blip, this is not a minor correction. The market is correcting and it is long overdue. as we all know, the stock market ebbs and flows until it settles onto which direction it is going.It has been going up and down but when this settles in, it is going to be a very big downward correction. I was looking at my past writings on this and this is so perfect as to what is happening right now I really hope you read this and see who was at the helm the last time this happened 80 years ago. Good or bad give credit where due!
The Dow industrials has been increasing to ridiculous artificially inflated highs in a streak that matched an 80-year-old record on Wall Street. This will all crash down on us when the truth of Bush's control and lies come to light.
"The market improvement we've seen over the last few months is a result of higher-than-expected corporate profits," said Richard Hoyt, portfolio manager at KDV Wealth Management. What a surprise huh? How could you expect anything else in this pro industry, pro corporate, anti average American,environment Bush has created today?
Bush has had, micro managed every facet of life today, from the so called war on terror, to those that we call heroes such as Jessica Lynch, to the reasons behind 9/11 and the artificial strength of our economy. This is a Bush created facade of a great economy and only for those able to partake while the elderly and needy have suffered exponentially, so he can follow his new order.
With that said, it is very dangerous that investors are looking beyond any short-term questions about the strength of the economy and focusing on longer-term expectations. You cannot ignore the reality of Bush putting off Trillions in Debt off until he is out of office. You cannot ignore the reality of increasing food stamp use, prohibitive health care costs to the most needy, the loss of core jobs, and the real economy Bush has created. It is another facade!
Knowing that life today is a false creation of Bush's in every respect I ask you to take a step back and remember that amidst all the bragging about this great economy and this being the longest Bull run in 80 years, the reality average Americans face, who was in control 80 years ago and what happened. Remember, Republican Calvin Coolidge was President from 1923 to 1929 and Republican Herbert Hoover took over in March of 1929. I realize we now have a system in place so there will never be a repeat of the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
However, as Bush brags every friggen day how great his economy is while we are left dumbfounded. People in staggering numbers are losing their homes, ending up on the street, going hungry, unable to receive or afford even basic healthcare, or even satisfy life's basic needs. This is happening in America and I find it overwhelming. Why? In America? When will this facade crash?
I am reminded of "The Second Great Depression By Mike Whitney" He points out The US economy is in danger of a recession that will prove unusually long and severe. By any measure it is in far worse shape than in 2001-02 and the unraveling of the housing bubble is clearly at hand. It seems that the continuous buoyancy of the financial markets is again deluding many people about the gravity of the economic situation. The housing bubble is quickly crashing to earth and hard times are on the way.
There’s no doubt now, that Fed chairman Alan Greenspan’s plan to pump zillions of dollars into the system via "low interest rates" has created the biggest monster-bubble of all time and set the stage for a deep economic retrenchment. Greenspan’s inflationary policies were designed to expand the "wealth gap" and create greater economic polarization between the classes. as you can see, it has. Greenspan's trusted replacement is following suit.
By the time the housing bubble deflates, millions of working class Americans will be left to pay off loans that are considerably higher than the current value of their home. This will inevitably create deeper societal divisions and, very likely, a permanent underclass of mortgage-slaves. With the staggering increase of foreclosures you see just the beginning of Bush's "created" reality.
In real terms, the economy is already in recession. The growth numbers are regularly massaged by the Commerce Department to put a smiley face on an under performing economy. Industrial output continues to flag (In January it was down by another .5%) while millions of good paying factory jobs are being air-mailed to China where labor is a mere fraction of the cost in the USA. Also, automobile inventories are up while factory production is in free fall. Also Toyota has now replaced us as Number one!
Please read the entire report. It is very sobering and the first honest appraisal I have ever seen as to our dire Bush hidden financial future.
In closing Mike say's Greenspan has led us sheep-like to the same precipice as the great depression and Bernanke is faithfuly following suit. The economic dilemma we're facing could have been avoided if the expansion of personal credit had been curtailed by prudent monetary policy at the Federal Reserve and if wealth was more evenly distributed as it was in the ‘60's and ‘70's. But that’s not the case; so we're headed for hard times.
This is stunning! Be prepared for reality to catch up to all the lies! It is all Happening right now!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Of course , we know as the U'S. goes so goes the rest of the world. Yesterday In the U.S., the Dow Jones -- which shed 311 points on Thursday -- slipped further in early trading today. Right now it is down another 80 mpoints. In Europe, where markets suffered their worst losses in five months on Thursday, the FTSEurofirst 300 index closed down 0.5 percent -- and down 5 percent for the week -- having earlier showed signs of a recovery amid robust corporate results led by automaker Volkswagen.
London's FTSE 100 closed down 0.6 percent at 6,215.2 -- its lowest close since March -- while Paris' CAC slipped 0.55 percent to 5,643.96 and Germany's was down 0.76 percent at 7,451.68. There were further losses in Asia where Tokyo's Nikkei shed 2.7 percent to slump to its lowest level since May despite strong results from electronics manufacturer Sony, which posted trebled first quarter profits.
South Korea's benchmark KOSPI was down 2.5 percent, Hong Kong fell 2.7 percent and Australia slipped 2.8 percent, while MSCI's index of Asia Pacific stocks excluding Japan fell 3.4 percent at the end of a week in which it had posted record highs.Friday's volatility was triggered by Thursday's worldwide losses, culminating in the Dow Jones' second-biggest point loss of the year.
The so called experts are doing their best to keep this artificial Bull market going saying this is no big deal and the economy is getting better . This is just a minor correction and our economy will keep improving. Bush is also talking it up, doing his share to keep up this facade of Sucess continue until he gets out of office and the truth is found out and the market and the economy crashes so he can blame it on Democrats.
This is not a blip, this is not a minor correction. The market is correcting and it is long overdue. as we all know, the stock market ebbs and flows until it settles onto which direction it is going.It has been going up and down but when this settles in, it is going to be a very big downward correction. I was looking at my past writings on this and this is so perfect as to what is happening right now I really hope you read this and see who was at the helm the last time this happened 80 years ago. Good or bad give credit where due!
The Dow industrials has been increasing to ridiculous artificially inflated highs in a streak that matched an 80-year-old record on Wall Street. This will all crash down on us when the truth of Bush's control and lies come to light.
"The market improvement we've seen over the last few months is a result of higher-than-expected corporate profits," said Richard Hoyt, portfolio manager at KDV Wealth Management. What a surprise huh? How could you expect anything else in this pro industry, pro corporate, anti average American,environment Bush has created today?
Bush has had, micro managed every facet of life today, from the so called war on terror, to those that we call heroes such as Jessica Lynch, to the reasons behind 9/11 and the artificial strength of our economy. This is a Bush created facade of a great economy and only for those able to partake while the elderly and needy have suffered exponentially, so he can follow his new order.
With that said, it is very dangerous that investors are looking beyond any short-term questions about the strength of the economy and focusing on longer-term expectations. You cannot ignore the reality of Bush putting off Trillions in Debt off until he is out of office. You cannot ignore the reality of increasing food stamp use, prohibitive health care costs to the most needy, the loss of core jobs, and the real economy Bush has created. It is another facade!
Knowing that life today is a false creation of Bush's in every respect I ask you to take a step back and remember that amidst all the bragging about this great economy and this being the longest Bull run in 80 years, the reality average Americans face, who was in control 80 years ago and what happened. Remember, Republican Calvin Coolidge was President from 1923 to 1929 and Republican Herbert Hoover took over in March of 1929. I realize we now have a system in place so there will never be a repeat of the Stock Market Crash of 1929.
However, as Bush brags every friggen day how great his economy is while we are left dumbfounded. People in staggering numbers are losing their homes, ending up on the street, going hungry, unable to receive or afford even basic healthcare, or even satisfy life's basic needs. This is happening in America and I find it overwhelming. Why? In America? When will this facade crash?
I am reminded of "The Second Great Depression By Mike Whitney" He points out The US economy is in danger of a recession that will prove unusually long and severe. By any measure it is in far worse shape than in 2001-02 and the unraveling of the housing bubble is clearly at hand. It seems that the continuous buoyancy of the financial markets is again deluding many people about the gravity of the economic situation. The housing bubble is quickly crashing to earth and hard times are on the way.
There’s no doubt now, that Fed chairman Alan Greenspan’s plan to pump zillions of dollars into the system via "low interest rates" has created the biggest monster-bubble of all time and set the stage for a deep economic retrenchment. Greenspan’s inflationary policies were designed to expand the "wealth gap" and create greater economic polarization between the classes. as you can see, it has. Greenspan's trusted replacement is following suit.
By the time the housing bubble deflates, millions of working class Americans will be left to pay off loans that are considerably higher than the current value of their home. This will inevitably create deeper societal divisions and, very likely, a permanent underclass of mortgage-slaves. With the staggering increase of foreclosures you see just the beginning of Bush's "created" reality.
In real terms, the economy is already in recession. The growth numbers are regularly massaged by the Commerce Department to put a smiley face on an under performing economy. Industrial output continues to flag (In January it was down by another .5%) while millions of good paying factory jobs are being air-mailed to China where labor is a mere fraction of the cost in the USA. Also, automobile inventories are up while factory production is in free fall. Also Toyota has now replaced us as Number one!
Please read the entire report. It is very sobering and the first honest appraisal I have ever seen as to our dire Bush hidden financial future.
In closing Mike say's Greenspan has led us sheep-like to the same precipice as the great depression and Bernanke is faithfuly following suit. The economic dilemma we're facing could have been avoided if the expansion of personal credit had been curtailed by prudent monetary policy at the Federal Reserve and if wealth was more evenly distributed as it was in the ‘60's and ‘70's. But that’s not the case; so we're headed for hard times.
This is stunning! Be prepared for reality to catch up to all the lies! It is all Happening right now!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Fox and Bush wrong again about Al Qaeda and Iraq, Top analyst ignored but right that Afghanistan and Pakistan most important!
During his recent televised speech about Iraq, the president hammered home the point once again that a loss in Iraq is a victory for Al Qaeda. Of that, no realist without a political agenda could argue. What he failed to mention with clarity, however, is that a loss in Iraq is also a victory for Iran — a clear victory at that, and one whose ramifications may extend far beyond those of a victorious Al Qaeda.
Fox analyst Lt. Col. Bill Cowan is wrong again as he says the real issue is not about an Al Qaeda victory in Iraq. It’s worse. It’s about an Iranian victory in Iraq. Iran as empowered and emboldened, quick to fill the void, on the threshold of having nuclear weapons and openly frank in their desire to wipe Israel and the U.S. off the map.,2933,290723,00.html
I don't have to tell you but a loss in Iraq, the entire middle east, and Pakistan and Afghanistan was guaranteed the day Bush diverted from the so called war on terror in Afghanistan to attack Iraq not to unseat Saddam or free the Iraqi's but to get our military in the middle east to prosecute his new middle east order "God" told Him too. He will not leave period until he finds an excuse to use our military further while they are over there. He is still insisting that the biggest threat too Iraq is Al Qaeda.
He is only saying that to get the American people behind him as he endeavors to stay in Iraq until he finds his excuse to attack Iran or Pakistan, whoever comes first now. You know my concern has increasingly become for Al Qaeda, Islamists, Taliban, Mujahadeen, Insurgents, whatever you want to call them, coming from Pakistan. I was glad to hear that a day after President Bush sought to present evidence showing that Iraq is now the main battlefront against Al Qaeda, the chief US intelligence analyst for international terrorism told Congress that the network's growing ranks in Pakistan and Afghanistan pose a more immediate threat to the United States.
You know he will be ignored because he is right but In rare testimony before two House committees, Edward Gistaro, the national intelligence officer for transnational threats, said that Al Qaeda terrorists operating in South Asia are better equipped to attack the United States than the network's followers in Iraq are.
Asked which arm of Al Qaeda concerned him the most, Gistaro told a joint session of the House armed services and intelligence panels that it was South Asia. "The primary concern is in Al Qaeda in South Asia organizing its own plots against the United States," he said. Al Qaeda planned the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks from its bases in Afghanistan.
The top leaders of the terrorist network, Gistaro added, are "able to exploit the comfort zone in the tribal areas" of Pakistan and Afghanistan and are "bringing people in to train for Western operations and we know this is true.
You know I am increasingly concerned that Bush is going to wrongly keep us in the middle east until he can attack Iran and at the same time as this is going to happen he will find it necessary to go into Pakistan. Listening to Gistaro some of us might want to feel vindicated for our concerns but me, knowing that Bush will ignore this threat too because it does not fit his plans until it becomes another "Bush allowed" crisis, I am troubled that Pakistan will quickly become priority one. Man are we ever in serious trouble because of Bush's corruptive ineptitude as his only concern is pursuing his so called new world order.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Fox analyst Lt. Col. Bill Cowan is wrong again as he says the real issue is not about an Al Qaeda victory in Iraq. It’s worse. It’s about an Iranian victory in Iraq. Iran as empowered and emboldened, quick to fill the void, on the threshold of having nuclear weapons and openly frank in their desire to wipe Israel and the U.S. off the map.,2933,290723,00.html
I don't have to tell you but a loss in Iraq, the entire middle east, and Pakistan and Afghanistan was guaranteed the day Bush diverted from the so called war on terror in Afghanistan to attack Iraq not to unseat Saddam or free the Iraqi's but to get our military in the middle east to prosecute his new middle east order "God" told Him too. He will not leave period until he finds an excuse to use our military further while they are over there. He is still insisting that the biggest threat too Iraq is Al Qaeda.
He is only saying that to get the American people behind him as he endeavors to stay in Iraq until he finds his excuse to attack Iran or Pakistan, whoever comes first now. You know my concern has increasingly become for Al Qaeda, Islamists, Taliban, Mujahadeen, Insurgents, whatever you want to call them, coming from Pakistan. I was glad to hear that a day after President Bush sought to present evidence showing that Iraq is now the main battlefront against Al Qaeda, the chief US intelligence analyst for international terrorism told Congress that the network's growing ranks in Pakistan and Afghanistan pose a more immediate threat to the United States.
You know he will be ignored because he is right but In rare testimony before two House committees, Edward Gistaro, the national intelligence officer for transnational threats, said that Al Qaeda terrorists operating in South Asia are better equipped to attack the United States than the network's followers in Iraq are.
Asked which arm of Al Qaeda concerned him the most, Gistaro told a joint session of the House armed services and intelligence panels that it was South Asia. "The primary concern is in Al Qaeda in South Asia organizing its own plots against the United States," he said. Al Qaeda planned the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks from its bases in Afghanistan.
The top leaders of the terrorist network, Gistaro added, are "able to exploit the comfort zone in the tribal areas" of Pakistan and Afghanistan and are "bringing people in to train for Western operations and we know this is true.
You know I am increasingly concerned that Bush is going to wrongly keep us in the middle east until he can attack Iran and at the same time as this is going to happen he will find it necessary to go into Pakistan. Listening to Gistaro some of us might want to feel vindicated for our concerns but me, knowing that Bush will ignore this threat too because it does not fit his plans until it becomes another "Bush allowed" crisis, I am troubled that Pakistan will quickly become priority one. Man are we ever in serious trouble because of Bush's corruptive ineptitude as his only concern is pursuing his so called new world order.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Revamping the entire Military system from the ground up starting with recruitment should be job one with the future Bush has created!
I have been waking up the last 3 mornings to a series WBZ has been holding on the fact that in Massachusetts the National Guard has been pulling a lot more than its fair share of tours and Duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. I believe they said that 70% of the guard has served while only a third of the regular Army. Knowing I have heard like concerns from many States I was wondering what the actual percentage was. Any way you look at it the entire military system is at breaking point and needs to be revamped from the ground up.
I refuse to believe that knowing the systemic problems on every level in the military There has not been a "military Czar" appointed with the expeditious duty of building a military system from the ground up capable of dealing with Bush's wars present and future, starting with recruitment. From what I can see the only thing that has worked right is the American service men and women.
Those of you that know me know I have 2 sons that I am aware of serving today. One just returned from Afghanistan as EOD and a brother flying support for Iraq until some time in September. My three oldest sons stopped talking to me about about their youngest brother joining the marines when I told them his life was on their heads. At least one son can't go because he has asthma unless those rules change too. he would have gone years ago if he could.
That brings me to our military system that is inadequate from the ground up to continue to conduct itself as a viable fighting force into the future under the load of current wars, soon to come wars, and future wars set in motion by war monger new world order Bush that will not be avoided because of his departure.
I understand that the selective service system has been set in motion and is prepared to act if called into action. However, I have heard of no serious effort to monitor those of age or to find out who we can rely on when the time does come and it is coming. I have seen no serious efforts to get prepared for the future mess Bush has created.
As many of you know, I expected Bush to attack Iran next, and we keep hearing Cheney and others telling him to do so. However as we watch events in Pakistan and concerns grow over their nukes getting into Islamists hands, growing insurrection in many areas, the real possibility of Musharaff being over thrown, threats of future U.S. attacks formed in Pakistan. and the threat by Bush that he will go into Pakistan if he has too, I am increasingly concerned that Bush will go after Pakistan and Iran at the same time with as Rummy the dummy said "the army he has" not the one he wants. Then as you know, there are the traditional threats of Russia and China, etc.
All this adds up to an emergency to me and I have heard nothing serious to address obvious issues that soon will not be future but "now" I and others may not like it but Senator Rangle was right when he said we need a draft. To me that should be both sexes, ages and responsibilities should be worked out right now, with a choice of civil or military service, length of service determined by type of service.
That is just the beginning! the military medical system must be rapidly brought up to snuff and after all the promises it has not proven adequate for current needs let alone future needs. Multiple "over deployments" must be addressed and yesterday. Our beleaguered military soon to be more so must be given more of a rest while being asked to do even more, this too must be given top priority.
Lastly our active, reserve, and guard units, must receive even more $Billions to rebuild used up equipment and for now not even thinking of future needs. Bush has put a serious stress on the future of our military and our America and there is no concerted effort to address it. Why? Because Bush has other plans!
We have been increasingly told that if disaster strikes in whatever form we are on our own as the Government cant be expected to be there. Knowing that and knowing that we are headed to what appears to be all out war, think of this fact:
* When all hell breaks loose the Government is well taken care of and will survive, the military, families included will be well protected so that in the end whoever survives will have all that is needed to live, fight another day, and start over again. What no one remembers is this planet, supposedly God’s that they seem to wantonly be destroying, is in its Nurturing stage and man’s weapons are too deadly for it to survive and be life sustaining as we know it! Give me your thoughts please.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I refuse to believe that knowing the systemic problems on every level in the military There has not been a "military Czar" appointed with the expeditious duty of building a military system from the ground up capable of dealing with Bush's wars present and future, starting with recruitment. From what I can see the only thing that has worked right is the American service men and women.
Those of you that know me know I have 2 sons that I am aware of serving today. One just returned from Afghanistan as EOD and a brother flying support for Iraq until some time in September. My three oldest sons stopped talking to me about about their youngest brother joining the marines when I told them his life was on their heads. At least one son can't go because he has asthma unless those rules change too. he would have gone years ago if he could.
That brings me to our military system that is inadequate from the ground up to continue to conduct itself as a viable fighting force into the future under the load of current wars, soon to come wars, and future wars set in motion by war monger new world order Bush that will not be avoided because of his departure.
I understand that the selective service system has been set in motion and is prepared to act if called into action. However, I have heard of no serious effort to monitor those of age or to find out who we can rely on when the time does come and it is coming. I have seen no serious efforts to get prepared for the future mess Bush has created.
As many of you know, I expected Bush to attack Iran next, and we keep hearing Cheney and others telling him to do so. However as we watch events in Pakistan and concerns grow over their nukes getting into Islamists hands, growing insurrection in many areas, the real possibility of Musharaff being over thrown, threats of future U.S. attacks formed in Pakistan. and the threat by Bush that he will go into Pakistan if he has too, I am increasingly concerned that Bush will go after Pakistan and Iran at the same time with as Rummy the dummy said "the army he has" not the one he wants. Then as you know, there are the traditional threats of Russia and China, etc.
All this adds up to an emergency to me and I have heard nothing serious to address obvious issues that soon will not be future but "now" I and others may not like it but Senator Rangle was right when he said we need a draft. To me that should be both sexes, ages and responsibilities should be worked out right now, with a choice of civil or military service, length of service determined by type of service.
That is just the beginning! the military medical system must be rapidly brought up to snuff and after all the promises it has not proven adequate for current needs let alone future needs. Multiple "over deployments" must be addressed and yesterday. Our beleaguered military soon to be more so must be given more of a rest while being asked to do even more, this too must be given top priority.
Lastly our active, reserve, and guard units, must receive even more $Billions to rebuild used up equipment and for now not even thinking of future needs. Bush has put a serious stress on the future of our military and our America and there is no concerted effort to address it. Why? Because Bush has other plans!
We have been increasingly told that if disaster strikes in whatever form we are on our own as the Government cant be expected to be there. Knowing that and knowing that we are headed to what appears to be all out war, think of this fact:
* When all hell breaks loose the Government is well taken care of and will survive, the military, families included will be well protected so that in the end whoever survives will have all that is needed to live, fight another day, and start over again. What no one remembers is this planet, supposedly God’s that they seem to wantonly be destroying, is in its Nurturing stage and man’s weapons are too deadly for it to survive and be life sustaining as we know it! Give me your thoughts please.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Farm subsidies Corporate Welfare, Dead Farmers get Billions, Corporations get millions! More spent than on Homeland Defense!

Farm subsidies is largest Corporate Welfare program with more given to them than we spend on Home Land Defense. Dead Farmers get Billions, Corporations get millions and needy farmers get nothing but for Willie Nelson!
A week and a half ago I became aware of another corruptive program I never realized before because it was well hidden by corruptive Politicians. I keep seeing more and more related information and because of all the unfolding corruption and problems this is getting no attention and it should!
Having gone to an Agricultural High School I am a Farmer by Vocation I worked on and managed many farms. Struggling small farmers was to me normal and just thought that was part of the hard but fun life of today's farmers. That was before I served my country, became an accountant, then turned to writing the truth about Bush and the ever growing corruption
Thinking that Farm Subsidies were out there to help average farmers, I should have known better but I was really caught off guard when I became aware that Washington spends more on corporate welfare than on homeland security and farm subsidies are America's largest corporate welfare program.
Farms have come a long way since subsidies were introduced as a temporary solution to alleviate the effects of the Great Depression. Today farms have one of the lowest failure rates of any industry in the country. But that is because of the millionaire farmers subsidized by Politicians as the small farmer continues to be left to fail and helped only by Willie Nelson and Farm Aid.
If farm subsidies were really about alleviating farmer poverty, then lawmakers could guarantee every full-time farmer an income of 185 percent of the federal level ($38,203 for a family of four) for under $5 billion annually — one-fifth the current cost of farm subsidies. Instead, small farmers are largely excluded from farm subsidies. Farm subsidy payments are based on acreage, so by definition, the largest agribusiness's get the largest subsidies. Consequently, commercial farmers — who report an average income of $200,000 and net worth of nearly $2 million — now collect the majority of farm subsidies. Most farm subsidy dollars go to millionaires.
The Environmental Working Groups farm subsidy database reveals that from 1995 to 2005, farm subsidies have been distributed to Fortune 500 companies such as John Hancock Life Insurance ($2,849,799) and Westvaco ($534,210); as well as celebrity hobby farmers like David Rockefeller ($553,782) and Ted Turner ($206,948). Even Members of Congress who vote on farm legislation have received subsidies, such as Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa, $225,041) and Rep. John Salazar (D-Colo., $161,084).
Then like all the rest of the underhanded activities going on today it gets worse. I found out the U.S. Department of Agriculture distributed $1.1 billion over seven years to the estates or companies of deceased farmers and routinely failed to conduct reviews required to ensure that the payments were properly made, according to a government report. In a selection of 181 cases from 1999 to 2005, the Government Accountability Office found that officials approved payments without any review 40 percent of the time.
The report cited a 1,900-acre soybean and corn farm in Illinois that collected $400,000 on behalf of an owner who lived in Florida before his death in 1995. The company did not notify the government of the death but certified each year that the dead shareholder, who owned 40 percent of the company, was "actively engaged" in managing the farm. again the more you hear the worse it gets.
In that report we hear from,Surprise! Senator Grassley of all people that these programs are to help- "needy" farmers, that to him is needy Millionaire corporate farmers. Knowing this Billion dollar corporate Welfare system has been going on at least under my radar can anyone really expect the no over sight, corruption champion Bush to veto the $300 billion farm bill expected to come before the U.S. House of Representatives this week? No way!
The farm bill, which includes $35 billion in crop subsidies for farmers, also contains production incentives that would benefit some of the world's biggest food companies, including Tyson Foods Inc. and Archer Daniels Midland Co.
This Bill will pass because many Republicans need it an it primarily benefits wealthy Corporations not Needy or small family farmers. In steps Willie Nelson and Farm Aid. I have to say that I never realized how valuable him and farm aid was to average farmers. His help is priceless and often the only way small farmers in "serious" trouble can turn.
Willie is Working to keep family farmers on their land, Farm Aid brings together family farmers and citizens to guarantee family farm food is available to you. Together we can restore family farm-centered agriculture that ensures safe, healthful food, protects natural resources, and strengthens local economies. Please learn more about Willie and farm aid!
I guess when all is said and done it should be no surprise that every single program that can be used to help the wealthy, is and as usual if average Americans are to get help they cannot rely on the Government but must rely on private interests as Katrina has highlighted.
Are we ever going to be able to get our Government honest and helping those that really need it?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Charles Grassley,
corporate welfare,
Farm Aid,
farm Bill,
Farm subsidies,
Willie Nelson
Monday, July 23, 2007
It should be Impeachment, Censure would be good, cancelled elections and Martial Law is more likely!
I wanted to talk about Senator Feingold's second effort at Censuring Bush To me he should be Impeached for too many crimes against America and our Constitution. He will escape that like he escapes all responsibility and accountability.
I wholeheartedly agree with Senator Feingold that Bush should then at the very least be censured. I noticed Harry Reid saying the damage is done to Bush so Censure is needless. I disagree 100% these fools better start realizing they must get together and stop Bush before it too late for us and the world. He must be stopped anyway possible before ha can cause more damage and attack Iran in a failed attempt to establish new middle east and world order.
While I was researching the valid reasons for Censure I found a couple very interesting items. One is Comedy Central's Lil. Bush clips, videos, pics and more. Check them out and have a laugh before looking at
the reasons for and validity of having Bush censured as he should be. A brief example of Feingold's valid argument for Censure: When the President of the United States breaks the law, he must be held accountable. That is why today I am introducing a resolution to censure President George W. Bush. The President authorized an illegal program to spy on American citizens on American soil, and then misled Congress and the public about the existence and legality of that program. It is up to this body to reaffirm the rule of law by condemming the Presidents actions. All of us in this body took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and bear true allegiance to the same. Fulfilling that oath requires us to speak clearly and forcefully when the President violates the law. This resolution allows us to send a clear message that the Presidents conduct was wrong. And we must do that. The Presidents actions demand a formal judgment from Congress. At moments in our history like this, we are reminded why the founders balanced the powers of the different branches of government so carefully in the Constitution. At the very heart of our system of government lies the recognition that some leaders will do wrong, and that others in the government will then bear the responsibility to do right. This President has done wrong. This body can do right by condemming his conduct and showing the people of this nation that his actions will not be allowed to stand unchallenged. Please read all the Remarks of Senator Russ Feingold Introducing a Resolution to Censure President George W. Bush. You can also listen to them if you wish. Feingold's long list of valid reasons for Bush's censure was pretty comprehensive but I wanted to check into it a little further and found this. George W. Bush the Dark Side, the skeleton's in his closet. Besides everything Feingold mentioned in addition there is a sundry of lifelong lies, corruption, and cover ups. How on earth to our demise did this joker ever get in, really? Anyway, he lied at press conferences, lied in Court, Lied to "the Dallas Morning News, lied to "Meet the Press", Lying about DUI's of which at 3 Bush and Cheney hold a world record three for a ticket, Lying under oath, OMG it goes on and on and on. You cannot convince me there is not enough reasons to censure this guy or even get rid of him.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I wholeheartedly agree with Senator Feingold that Bush should then at the very least be censured. I noticed Harry Reid saying the damage is done to Bush so Censure is needless. I disagree 100% these fools better start realizing they must get together and stop Bush before it too late for us and the world. He must be stopped anyway possible before ha can cause more damage and attack Iran in a failed attempt to establish new middle east and world order.
While I was researching the valid reasons for Censure I found a couple very interesting items. One is Comedy Central's Lil. Bush clips, videos, pics and more. Check them out and have a laugh before looking at
the reasons for and validity of having Bush censured as he should be. A brief example of Feingold's valid argument for Censure: When the President of the United States breaks the law, he must be held accountable. That is why today I am introducing a resolution to censure President George W. Bush. The President authorized an illegal program to spy on American citizens on American soil, and then misled Congress and the public about the existence and legality of that program. It is up to this body to reaffirm the rule of law by condemming the Presidents actions. All of us in this body took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and bear true allegiance to the same. Fulfilling that oath requires us to speak clearly and forcefully when the President violates the law. This resolution allows us to send a clear message that the Presidents conduct was wrong. And we must do that. The Presidents actions demand a formal judgment from Congress. At moments in our history like this, we are reminded why the founders balanced the powers of the different branches of government so carefully in the Constitution. At the very heart of our system of government lies the recognition that some leaders will do wrong, and that others in the government will then bear the responsibility to do right. This President has done wrong. This body can do right by condemming his conduct and showing the people of this nation that his actions will not be allowed to stand unchallenged. Please read all the Remarks of Senator Russ Feingold Introducing a Resolution to Censure President George W. Bush. You can also listen to them if you wish. Feingold's long list of valid reasons for Bush's censure was pretty comprehensive but I wanted to check into it a little further and found this. George W. Bush the Dark Side, the skeleton's in his closet. Besides everything Feingold mentioned in addition there is a sundry of lifelong lies, corruption, and cover ups. How on earth to our demise did this joker ever get in, really? Anyway, he lied at press conferences, lied in Court, Lied to "the Dallas Morning News, lied to "Meet the Press", Lying about DUI's of which at 3 Bush and Cheney hold a world record three for a ticket, Lying under oath, OMG it goes on and on and on. You cannot convince me there is not enough reasons to censure this guy or even get rid of him.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Dick Cheney,
George W. Bush,
Harry Reid,
Russ Feingold
Sunday, July 22, 2007
In Bush's misguided effort to bring Democracy to the middle east he might've inadvertantly done right for the wrong reason But!
In Bush's misguided effort to bring Democracy to the middle east he might've done right for the wrong reason, but we must leave now in order to benefit from it!
I was watching the talk shows this morning about Bush, his democratization efforts in the middle east, and Iraq. Of course you never hear the right take but only bias Partisan rhetoric so each side can follow the course they want. It did though set me to thinking!
I think we can all agree that it was the dead wrong thing Bush did when he diverted from the so called war on terror to attack Iraq not to save Iraqi's from Saddam but to get America's military in the middle east and as I keep saying, he will leave for nothing until he at least attacks Iran and really gets this going.
Anyway listening to the talk shows and communication with many of you we always come to the common sensed conclusion that Bush should not have attacked Iraq. Iraq is in civil war and many of us believe it will spread throughout the middle east and then really get going. The problem for us is that Bush will stay in the middle of that still developing mess until he can use our forces elsewhere in the area.
If you think only about the larger issue being the so called global war on terror and nothing else, if Bush had unseated Saddam in another fashion as he should have done and pulled out immediately as he should have done, this really could have worked in our favor. We all know Muslims for whatever reason think only their sect and the way they practice their faith is right and acceptable. All other sects including those in their own that do not practice it the way the dominant force thinks they should, should be killed.
We keep saying the Islamists will only concentrate on killing each other once we leave for whatever reason. We talk about the middle east breaking down to Sunni against Shiite and Bush right in the middle attempting to assert his new middle east order. Then it dawned on me!
I am not the only one that believes that, we do not want it but this is a war between us and the majority of Islam. With that in mind we should pull out of Iraq immediately if fighting terrorism was Bush's real goal. We should concentrate on fortifying America for the inevitable. Watching Pakistan, Afghanistan, and too many other parts of the world we know this is still just getting started and our efforts will be needed and better served elsewhere.
Meanwhile, that explosion in the middle east that Bush started if handled right could work out in our favor if we were to leave right now but you know that will not happen. That so called civil war will not be stopped whether we leave today or 100 years from now. We should realize we cannot stop them from killing each other and step back and let them do their thing.
There is nothing we can do now to stop it. Allowing them to do so would keep them busy and save us a lot of unnecessary trouble. Anyway you look at it I think if we took ourselves out of their mix they would merely concentrate on each other instead of trying to get us off their land. I cannot envision them ever getting along with each other if we were not there to give them a reason to come together. The enemy of our enemy is our enemy!
I am always concerned with Pakistan falling apart and those nukes falling into Islamist hands where they would be instantly used on us and our interests and they would be. That aside and Russia and China, I think we have enough on our plate and we should let the civil war commence without us because it would keep them busy for a while. When they are ready they will be following us home regardless of Partisan rhetoric but we would be more ready if we concentrated on America and not Bush's new world order.
Anyway, with the middle east exploding Sunni against Shiite, Pakistan being 77% Sunni 20% Shiite and erupting, Russia and China having their own Muslim problems, Africa, Indonesia, and most of the rest of the world, it seems we would be best served at this point to protect ourselves and sit back and watch Islam fight it out amidst themselves for now. What do you think?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I was watching the talk shows this morning about Bush, his democratization efforts in the middle east, and Iraq. Of course you never hear the right take but only bias Partisan rhetoric so each side can follow the course they want. It did though set me to thinking!
I think we can all agree that it was the dead wrong thing Bush did when he diverted from the so called war on terror to attack Iraq not to save Iraqi's from Saddam but to get America's military in the middle east and as I keep saying, he will leave for nothing until he at least attacks Iran and really gets this going.
Anyway listening to the talk shows and communication with many of you we always come to the common sensed conclusion that Bush should not have attacked Iraq. Iraq is in civil war and many of us believe it will spread throughout the middle east and then really get going. The problem for us is that Bush will stay in the middle of that still developing mess until he can use our forces elsewhere in the area.
If you think only about the larger issue being the so called global war on terror and nothing else, if Bush had unseated Saddam in another fashion as he should have done and pulled out immediately as he should have done, this really could have worked in our favor. We all know Muslims for whatever reason think only their sect and the way they practice their faith is right and acceptable. All other sects including those in their own that do not practice it the way the dominant force thinks they should, should be killed.
We keep saying the Islamists will only concentrate on killing each other once we leave for whatever reason. We talk about the middle east breaking down to Sunni against Shiite and Bush right in the middle attempting to assert his new middle east order. Then it dawned on me!
I am not the only one that believes that, we do not want it but this is a war between us and the majority of Islam. With that in mind we should pull out of Iraq immediately if fighting terrorism was Bush's real goal. We should concentrate on fortifying America for the inevitable. Watching Pakistan, Afghanistan, and too many other parts of the world we know this is still just getting started and our efforts will be needed and better served elsewhere.
Meanwhile, that explosion in the middle east that Bush started if handled right could work out in our favor if we were to leave right now but you know that will not happen. That so called civil war will not be stopped whether we leave today or 100 years from now. We should realize we cannot stop them from killing each other and step back and let them do their thing.
There is nothing we can do now to stop it. Allowing them to do so would keep them busy and save us a lot of unnecessary trouble. Anyway you look at it I think if we took ourselves out of their mix they would merely concentrate on each other instead of trying to get us off their land. I cannot envision them ever getting along with each other if we were not there to give them a reason to come together. The enemy of our enemy is our enemy!
I am always concerned with Pakistan falling apart and those nukes falling into Islamist hands where they would be instantly used on us and our interests and they would be. That aside and Russia and China, I think we have enough on our plate and we should let the civil war commence without us because it would keep them busy for a while. When they are ready they will be following us home regardless of Partisan rhetoric but we would be more ready if we concentrated on America and not Bush's new world order.
Anyway, with the middle east exploding Sunni against Shiite, Pakistan being 77% Sunni 20% Shiite and erupting, Russia and China having their own Muslim problems, Africa, Indonesia, and most of the rest of the world, it seems we would be best served at this point to protect ourselves and sit back and watch Islam fight it out amidst themselves for now. What do you think?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
George W. Bush,
middle east,
new world order,
war on terror
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The war against Islam that isn't, because of Iran and Pakistan is about to get out of control!
Those of you that follow my posts know that I believe unequivocally that Bush diverted from the so called war on terror to attack Iraq not to free them of Saddam but in order to get the American military back in the middle east and nothing is going to get in his way as you bear witness. Going after Iran was only one of the original plans. Bush is pursuing a new middle east order as part of his new world order. It is all about to come crashing down on us.
We have a lot to be concerned about around the world and much of it due to Bush's new order instigation. Put this all together as a whole picture and you see what is about to happen and it will not be prevented or controlled.
We think of the obvious such as China gearing up militarily to become the next super power and they may be already. we take into account the fact that Russia and China now routinely hold joint military and Naval exercises supposedly in order to counter terrorism. We watch as Bush and Putin go tit for tat in their threats. Bush to put the WW3, new world order provoking missile shields in Chezhoslovakia and Poland, and Putin raising the Iron Curtain, rearming, dropping arms treaties, and retargeting missiles. We watch as Chavez and the other 135 non-aligned Nations join with Iran and call for "Death to America" in particular Bush.
As we watch helplessly as Bush gleefully war mongers around the world creating what he thinks will be his new world order, Bushco is overlooking some serious unmentioned repercussions that are preparing to be added to the volatile mix we all watch and I just mentioned.
Knowing that I have been saying for years now that when all is said and done Bush will have his new world order war but it will not turn out as anyone thinks or can imagine. I keep saying it will be us, the Brits, ans Israel, against the rest of the world.
I have done more than a few stories detailing Documented action by Pakistan long before 9/11 including its funding of Muhamad Atta and others involved in the 9/11 attacks and too much more. Knowing the very shady history of Pakistan's involvement with 9/11, later Tora Bora, and terrorism proliferation and what is happening today in the madrassas and a call for Jihad against Musharaff, I remembered it is getting worse but we had this discussion almost a year ago on 9/23. Under the title, 9/11 Press For Truth: Very Best accurate movie exposing 9/11 cover up!
We knew how important Pakistan was in keeping Afghanistan supplied with fighters when they were fighting the Russians. We knew for whatever reason that it would be impossible to tame that area. Bush is threatening so called Islamists on every front possible as he tries to prosecute his new order.
Amidst calls for a Jihad against Musharaff,s Government by Al-Zawahiri we have Musharaff laughingly saying he will clean up the Madrassas and the extremists. President Pervez Musharaff vowed to wipe out extremism from Pakistan, saying in a defiant address to the nation that the raid on Islamabad's Red Mosque was necessary to save the country. That was done for Bush and it will only serve to bring about the same conditions his intervention in Iraq has brought to Iraqi's and soon the entire middle east.
Military ruler Musharaff, still being called a key ally in the US-led "war on terror," also said he would beef up security forces along the border with Afghanistan, where Taliban militants are active, giving the troops extra tanks and guns. The televised address came amid fears of a possible Islamist backlash following the raid on the mosque this week that killed 11 soldiers and 75 people inside the complex, mainly militants.
Now that the Judge whose incarceration by Musharraf has just been ordered released he is being hailed as a hero and The flags of Pakistan's rival political parties waved, for once, in unison. Members of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party, of Nawaz Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League, of conservative Jammat Islamia and fundamentalist Jamiat Ulema Islam, were out in full force, as were thousands of ordinary Pakistanis. Rauf Naizi, a 33-year-old farmer, had been waiting hours for the Chief Justice to pass through Haripur, the halfway point on Chaudhry's route.
"The government rents crowds for their rallies, but we are not getting money or food to be here," he said. "We come just to pay tribute to the Chief Justice, because he stood up against the army generals." Musharraf has united the fragile Nation of Pakistan against him at a very critical time for us.,8599,1628168,00.html?xid=feed-cnn-topics
Knowing Bush believes Ayman Al-Zawahiri and Bush are both in Pakistan and that at least Congress is getting frustrated at not having captured Bin Laden and ridiculously they doubled his and Al-Zawarihi's bounty to $50 million. I first have to laugh! They know that money means nothing to those people, only bringing us down and nothing is going to change that. Also I wouldn't doubt if Bush knows where they are and is waiting to use his "capture" at the end of his election.
Also Taliban military commander Mansour Dadullah, in an interview broadcast on ABC News' "World News With Charles Gibson," said the London attacks were "not enough" and that bigger attacks were coming. "You will, God willing, be witness to more attacks," he told a Pakistani journalist in an interview conducted just four days ago.
Just last month, Dadullah presided over what was termed a terror training camp graduation ceremony in Pakistan, supposedly dispatching attack teams to the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Germany. In this new interview, Dadullah talked about the ease with which he and his men operate inside Pakistan. "We have many friends," he said. "It is very easy for us to go in and out of the tribal areas. It is no problem." Of course Pakistan continues to deny they have safe haven as you can be sure they do.
Knowing the situation in Pakistan is getting more tenuous and that terrorists do have safe haven there I am getting increasingly concerned that Bush will, forced or not, openly send our military in there and worsen things all around. No way you say! Then I remembered we have had his warning before that he indeed would.
We had this discussion too last September. It was titled Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan after 9/11 would send troops in if he knew where Bin Laden was? He will get us in deeper somehow!
Bush has vowed to follow terrorists wherever he deems necessary and has proven a propensity to do so even if he has to create the situation. I am increasingly concerned that Pakistan will soon become yet another front in the so called war on terror for us. I thought Iran would be his next misstep but what do you think about that?
This is getting lengthy but just one more note. I recieved an Email from an Indian Politician about 2 years ago that somehow got deleted and I wish I still had it. Anyway with what I just said in mind he said that when all is said and done Iran would unite with Pakistan to repel the infidel invaders, us.
Anyway you look at it pakistan is exploding and it will not be good for us. At the same time Bush is in the middle east and it is preparing to explode and deepen our commitment exponentially we may have no choice but to get overwhelmed in the Pakistan Afghanistan region. and remember there are nukes to worry about in what is increasingly developing into a Islamist controlled nation. Bush must be pretty happy with all these wars at his disposal. What a mess!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
We have a lot to be concerned about around the world and much of it due to Bush's new order instigation. Put this all together as a whole picture and you see what is about to happen and it will not be prevented or controlled.
We think of the obvious such as China gearing up militarily to become the next super power and they may be already. we take into account the fact that Russia and China now routinely hold joint military and Naval exercises supposedly in order to counter terrorism. We watch as Bush and Putin go tit for tat in their threats. Bush to put the WW3, new world order provoking missile shields in Chezhoslovakia and Poland, and Putin raising the Iron Curtain, rearming, dropping arms treaties, and retargeting missiles. We watch as Chavez and the other 135 non-aligned Nations join with Iran and call for "Death to America" in particular Bush.
As we watch helplessly as Bush gleefully war mongers around the world creating what he thinks will be his new world order, Bushco is overlooking some serious unmentioned repercussions that are preparing to be added to the volatile mix we all watch and I just mentioned.
Knowing that I have been saying for years now that when all is said and done Bush will have his new world order war but it will not turn out as anyone thinks or can imagine. I keep saying it will be us, the Brits, ans Israel, against the rest of the world.
I have done more than a few stories detailing Documented action by Pakistan long before 9/11 including its funding of Muhamad Atta and others involved in the 9/11 attacks and too much more. Knowing the very shady history of Pakistan's involvement with 9/11, later Tora Bora, and terrorism proliferation and what is happening today in the madrassas and a call for Jihad against Musharaff, I remembered it is getting worse but we had this discussion almost a year ago on 9/23. Under the title, 9/11 Press For Truth: Very Best accurate movie exposing 9/11 cover up!
We knew how important Pakistan was in keeping Afghanistan supplied with fighters when they were fighting the Russians. We knew for whatever reason that it would be impossible to tame that area. Bush is threatening so called Islamists on every front possible as he tries to prosecute his new order.
Amidst calls for a Jihad against Musharaff,s Government by Al-Zawahiri we have Musharaff laughingly saying he will clean up the Madrassas and the extremists. President Pervez Musharaff vowed to wipe out extremism from Pakistan, saying in a defiant address to the nation that the raid on Islamabad's Red Mosque was necessary to save the country. That was done for Bush and it will only serve to bring about the same conditions his intervention in Iraq has brought to Iraqi's and soon the entire middle east.
Military ruler Musharaff, still being called a key ally in the US-led "war on terror," also said he would beef up security forces along the border with Afghanistan, where Taliban militants are active, giving the troops extra tanks and guns. The televised address came amid fears of a possible Islamist backlash following the raid on the mosque this week that killed 11 soldiers and 75 people inside the complex, mainly militants.
Now that the Judge whose incarceration by Musharraf has just been ordered released he is being hailed as a hero and The flags of Pakistan's rival political parties waved, for once, in unison. Members of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party, of Nawaz Sharif's Pakistan Muslim League, of conservative Jammat Islamia and fundamentalist Jamiat Ulema Islam, were out in full force, as were thousands of ordinary Pakistanis. Rauf Naizi, a 33-year-old farmer, had been waiting hours for the Chief Justice to pass through Haripur, the halfway point on Chaudhry's route.
"The government rents crowds for their rallies, but we are not getting money or food to be here," he said. "We come just to pay tribute to the Chief Justice, because he stood up against the army generals." Musharraf has united the fragile Nation of Pakistan against him at a very critical time for us.,8599,1628168,00.html?xid=feed-cnn-topics
Knowing Bush believes Ayman Al-Zawahiri and Bush are both in Pakistan and that at least Congress is getting frustrated at not having captured Bin Laden and ridiculously they doubled his and Al-Zawarihi's bounty to $50 million. I first have to laugh! They know that money means nothing to those people, only bringing us down and nothing is going to change that. Also I wouldn't doubt if Bush knows where they are and is waiting to use his "capture" at the end of his election.
Also Taliban military commander Mansour Dadullah, in an interview broadcast on ABC News' "World News With Charles Gibson," said the London attacks were "not enough" and that bigger attacks were coming. "You will, God willing, be witness to more attacks," he told a Pakistani journalist in an interview conducted just four days ago.
Just last month, Dadullah presided over what was termed a terror training camp graduation ceremony in Pakistan, supposedly dispatching attack teams to the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Germany. In this new interview, Dadullah talked about the ease with which he and his men operate inside Pakistan. "We have many friends," he said. "It is very easy for us to go in and out of the tribal areas. It is no problem." Of course Pakistan continues to deny they have safe haven as you can be sure they do.
Knowing the situation in Pakistan is getting more tenuous and that terrorists do have safe haven there I am getting increasingly concerned that Bush will, forced or not, openly send our military in there and worsen things all around. No way you say! Then I remembered we have had his warning before that he indeed would.
We had this discussion too last September. It was titled Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan after 9/11 would send troops in if he knew where Bin Laden was? He will get us in deeper somehow!
Bush has vowed to follow terrorists wherever he deems necessary and has proven a propensity to do so even if he has to create the situation. I am increasingly concerned that Pakistan will soon become yet another front in the so called war on terror for us. I thought Iran would be his next misstep but what do you think about that?
This is getting lengthy but just one more note. I recieved an Email from an Indian Politician about 2 years ago that somehow got deleted and I wish I still had it. Anyway with what I just said in mind he said that when all is said and done Iran would unite with Pakistan to repel the infidel invaders, us.
Anyway you look at it pakistan is exploding and it will not be good for us. At the same time Bush is in the middle east and it is preparing to explode and deepen our commitment exponentially we may have no choice but to get overwhelmed in the Pakistan Afghanistan region. and remember there are nukes to worry about in what is increasingly developing into a Islamist controlled nation. Bush must be pretty happy with all these wars at his disposal. What a mess!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Al Qaeda,
George W. Bush,
Pervez Musharraf,
United States
Friday, July 20, 2007
The Schmooze Award for Quality Community Involvement

Schmoozing is the natural ability “to converse casually, especially in order to gain an advantage or make a social connection.” Good schmoozers effortlessly weave their way in and out of the blogosphere, leaving friendly trails and smiles, happily making new friends along the way. They don’t limit their visits to only the rich and successful, but spend some time to say hello to new blogs as well. Bloggers who accept the award should then each pass it on to five blogs of their choice.I want to thank Larry from Lydia Cornell's Blog for nominating Humble me. As soon as he helps me learn how to do it I will post the Award and attempt to pass it on to 5 deserving Bloggers.
Lessons of Bush and the past unheeded as increasing numbers want Separation of Church and state Erased!
Lessons of Bush and the past unheeded as increasing numbers want Separation of Church and state Erased saying it never existed nor was it intended too. I would like your thoughts on this. It is very convoluted!
It is unbelievable to me too hear that the nightmare Bush has created with his purposeful infusion of his perverted Religion into our Government is not noticed by and even wanted an ever increasing number of Americans and they do not see the tremendous damage Bush and past Presidents that did this have done to the Constitution and to America. Increasing numbers are calling for the removal of Separation of Church and State and hoping to see a return to good sense I am amazed to see this happening as I expected and want just the opposite.
We cannot let this happen. It will complete the downfall of "our America" and seal the nightmare Bush is creating in his new America. Remember this and then the following cries for the removal of Separation of church and State will be put in context and be more disturbing. We cannot let this happen.
We all know of Bush's abuse and misuse of Religion in his misadministration. The president's infusion of Christian fundamentalism is destroying America as we know it. Unbridled religiosity is the most dangerous weapon in the world, whether it's Christian, Jewish, or Muslim. It does not matter.
The president likes to talk about the Islamists hijacking their religion and Islam. He has done the same thing to Christianity and America! They are playing the same game! My only concern is for truth, honesty, justice, and the American way and we do not get any of it from this administration. It has struck me why as I read a story about Richard Nixon's abuse of Religion for his political gain as Bush is fond of doing. I can't believe people can want more of either of those terrible examples.
With Bush we have unbridled, perverted, abused, misused, Religiosity being pushed by Bush and his warped sense of Christian fundamentalism and corrupt democracy just for his own political gain. The worse part is that Bush has hijacked Christianity and America and is in control of the (for now), most powerful country on the planet.
I thought this was very unique to George W. and very distasteful indeed! In light of the fact that Ford set a powerful example with his own Presidency insisting on keeping his Religion to himself and believing in separation of Church and State I did not understand Bush's perversion of Christianity only for political gain. We can never know the real story about a President's faith. We only know what he does—or refuses to do—in God's name.
Voters were unwilling to forgive Gerald Ford for his great act of forgiveness the unconditional pardon of Richard Nixon and I was one of them, thinking it was purely political. But there was another side to the pardon, the presidency and the 1976 campaign that received much less attention, in part because Ford wanted it that way. The contest between Ford and Jimmy Carter was a battle between two born-again Christians—but only one was willing to run as one. I never really realized that about Ford and that is as it should be. A truly strong man keeps his Religious beliefs to himself.
One of his first acts as President was some spiritual housecleaning. Among the more ingeniously cynical inventions of the Nixon Administration was the much publicized White House Church Service, which in addition to providing genuine fellowship for those so inclined, was a prime tool for image building, fund raising, arm twisting and deal making for the President's men.
It appalls me that Bush had such a fine example of how to conduct himself and separation of church and State in President Ford and he opted instead to follow the example of Nixon's failed misadministration did only for their political gain. Knowing that Cheney was in that mess too and that many of us believe Cheney is behind this misadministration I find it telling that once again Religion has been perverted and misused for political gain. Is Cheney the common nut behind the wheel?
Anyway I find it very disturbing that knowing the problems of blurring or erasing the line of separation between Church and State, there is a growing number calling for Christianity not influencing as is fine but running America and want it removed altogether saying it is wrong and never existed.
On Anderson Cooper last night they said that In the beginning, there was a wall, a mighty barrier built by the founding fathers to separate church and state, block one from meddling in the affairs of the other. In school, we are taught that's what makes our country special. But what if that wall never existed? What if it's a myth conjured up in our lifetime to mask a greater truth, that America was conceived as a Christian nation?
It was! When I was researching for a book I ran into the statement Ronald Reagan used once in referencing America as the shining City on a hill. I found it when researching the morality influencing America at the time of our founding. It was a reference to our Christian roots and that America was designed so when God had his return he would feel right at home in the United States.
I understand we swear on a Bible in court, etc., and that In God we trust is not only on our money as I feel it should be but that thought heavily influences us but that should not mean that our country should be run by Christian beliefs or that it ever was. If I remember correctly it was the Calvinist's and born again Christians that did indeed influence our founding but I never thought Christian beliefs blatantly and overtly ran our country. Any Religion's positive influence is fine but not its open advocating to solely govern America. We must keep Religion separate for what seems to me to be very obvious reasons not just her but look at Iraq and middle east countries.
The arguments I kept reading over and over got more confusing every time I looked at them. There are some powerful arguments on both sides of this issue. Myself I believe Thomas Jefferson's interpretation of Separation of Church and State. I do though recommend you too give a quick look at the growing effort to say it never existed and to return "God" to running America. I would like to hear what you think once you read the strong argument made on Anderson Cooper.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
It is unbelievable to me too hear that the nightmare Bush has created with his purposeful infusion of his perverted Religion into our Government is not noticed by and even wanted an ever increasing number of Americans and they do not see the tremendous damage Bush and past Presidents that did this have done to the Constitution and to America. Increasing numbers are calling for the removal of Separation of Church and State and hoping to see a return to good sense I am amazed to see this happening as I expected and want just the opposite.
We cannot let this happen. It will complete the downfall of "our America" and seal the nightmare Bush is creating in his new America. Remember this and then the following cries for the removal of Separation of church and State will be put in context and be more disturbing. We cannot let this happen.
We all know of Bush's abuse and misuse of Religion in his misadministration. The president's infusion of Christian fundamentalism is destroying America as we know it. Unbridled religiosity is the most dangerous weapon in the world, whether it's Christian, Jewish, or Muslim. It does not matter.
The president likes to talk about the Islamists hijacking their religion and Islam. He has done the same thing to Christianity and America! They are playing the same game! My only concern is for truth, honesty, justice, and the American way and we do not get any of it from this administration. It has struck me why as I read a story about Richard Nixon's abuse of Religion for his political gain as Bush is fond of doing. I can't believe people can want more of either of those terrible examples.
With Bush we have unbridled, perverted, abused, misused, Religiosity being pushed by Bush and his warped sense of Christian fundamentalism and corrupt democracy just for his own political gain. The worse part is that Bush has hijacked Christianity and America and is in control of the (for now), most powerful country on the planet.
I thought this was very unique to George W. and very distasteful indeed! In light of the fact that Ford set a powerful example with his own Presidency insisting on keeping his Religion to himself and believing in separation of Church and State I did not understand Bush's perversion of Christianity only for political gain. We can never know the real story about a President's faith. We only know what he does—or refuses to do—in God's name.
Voters were unwilling to forgive Gerald Ford for his great act of forgiveness the unconditional pardon of Richard Nixon and I was one of them, thinking it was purely political. But there was another side to the pardon, the presidency and the 1976 campaign that received much less attention, in part because Ford wanted it that way. The contest between Ford and Jimmy Carter was a battle between two born-again Christians—but only one was willing to run as one. I never really realized that about Ford and that is as it should be. A truly strong man keeps his Religious beliefs to himself.
One of his first acts as President was some spiritual housecleaning. Among the more ingeniously cynical inventions of the Nixon Administration was the much publicized White House Church Service, which in addition to providing genuine fellowship for those so inclined, was a prime tool for image building, fund raising, arm twisting and deal making for the President's men.
It appalls me that Bush had such a fine example of how to conduct himself and separation of church and State in President Ford and he opted instead to follow the example of Nixon's failed misadministration did only for their political gain. Knowing that Cheney was in that mess too and that many of us believe Cheney is behind this misadministration I find it telling that once again Religion has been perverted and misused for political gain. Is Cheney the common nut behind the wheel?
Anyway I find it very disturbing that knowing the problems of blurring or erasing the line of separation between Church and State, there is a growing number calling for Christianity not influencing as is fine but running America and want it removed altogether saying it is wrong and never existed.
On Anderson Cooper last night they said that In the beginning, there was a wall, a mighty barrier built by the founding fathers to separate church and state, block one from meddling in the affairs of the other. In school, we are taught that's what makes our country special. But what if that wall never existed? What if it's a myth conjured up in our lifetime to mask a greater truth, that America was conceived as a Christian nation?
It was! When I was researching for a book I ran into the statement Ronald Reagan used once in referencing America as the shining City on a hill. I found it when researching the morality influencing America at the time of our founding. It was a reference to our Christian roots and that America was designed so when God had his return he would feel right at home in the United States.
I understand we swear on a Bible in court, etc., and that In God we trust is not only on our money as I feel it should be but that thought heavily influences us but that should not mean that our country should be run by Christian beliefs or that it ever was. If I remember correctly it was the Calvinist's and born again Christians that did indeed influence our founding but I never thought Christian beliefs blatantly and overtly ran our country. Any Religion's positive influence is fine but not its open advocating to solely govern America. We must keep Religion separate for what seems to me to be very obvious reasons not just her but look at Iraq and middle east countries.
The arguments I kept reading over and over got more confusing every time I looked at them. There are some powerful arguments on both sides of this issue. Myself I believe Thomas Jefferson's interpretation of Separation of Church and State. I do though recommend you too give a quick look at the growing effort to say it never existed and to return "God" to running America. I would like to hear what you think once you read the strong argument made on Anderson Cooper.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Canada reports Cheney Pushing Bush to attack Iran before his time is up!
This really bothers me. I had something important to discuss today but I just got in and this was waiting for me from World Can't Wait. It was reported in Canada that the real Decider Cheney is pushing Bush too attack Iran before his time is up because they do not want to leave the job undone. It blows me away that this was reported in Canada but not here under the Bush controlled Media.
Those that read my posts know I expected it this fall though there are some here that think it can be avoided. Bushco will not allow it to be left undone. He will find his excuse to attack Iran to further his middle east breakdown and he will do it before Congress can stop him. the fools will do this and the job will be more undone than before.
Bush attacking Iran before his time is up will leave us in turmoil not just in the middle east but around the world for a long, long time to come. Please read the article. We have got to get Congress to stop this fool immediately. This can not be allowed to happen!
Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,
The following made Headlines in the Guardian UK on Monday July 16, but not in the US:,,2127115,00.html
Cheney pushes Bush to act on Iran
"The balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has shifted back in favour of military action before President George Bush leaves office in 18 months, the Guardian has learned.
The shift follows an internal review involving the White House, the Pentagon and the state department over the last month. Although the Bush administration is in deep trouble over Iraq, it remains focused on Iran. A well-placed source in Washington said: "Bush is not going to leave office with Iran still in limbo."
As I travel around the country, people I’ve spoken with have been at turns unaware of the Bush regime’s open plans to attack Iran, with some sure that it would not happen because of Bush’s difficulties in Iraq. Bush is telling us his plans; he is unconcerned with the public’s opinions, with the votes of Congress. I think he’s telling us what he will do if he’s not removed from office, and that direction rebuked.
This fall, developments in Iraq and preparations for war on Iran are likely to come to a head. Making Declare Yourself! Wear Orange go viral before then, together with the sharp and intensifying developments of the Bush program, can give rise to the situation where people make a stand against what’s intolerable, and began to see themselves as an independent political force.
Sincerely,Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Those that read my posts know I expected it this fall though there are some here that think it can be avoided. Bushco will not allow it to be left undone. He will find his excuse to attack Iran to further his middle east breakdown and he will do it before Congress can stop him. the fools will do this and the job will be more undone than before.
Bush attacking Iran before his time is up will leave us in turmoil not just in the middle east but around the world for a long, long time to come. Please read the article. We have got to get Congress to stop this fool immediately. This can not be allowed to happen!
Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,
The following made Headlines in the Guardian UK on Monday July 16, but not in the US:,,2127115,00.html
Cheney pushes Bush to act on Iran
"The balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has shifted back in favour of military action before President George Bush leaves office in 18 months, the Guardian has learned.
The shift follows an internal review involving the White House, the Pentagon and the state department over the last month. Although the Bush administration is in deep trouble over Iraq, it remains focused on Iran. A well-placed source in Washington said: "Bush is not going to leave office with Iran still in limbo."
As I travel around the country, people I’ve spoken with have been at turns unaware of the Bush regime’s open plans to attack Iran, with some sure that it would not happen because of Bush’s difficulties in Iraq. Bush is telling us his plans; he is unconcerned with the public’s opinions, with the votes of Congress. I think he’s telling us what he will do if he’s not removed from office, and that direction rebuked.
This fall, developments in Iraq and preparations for war on Iran are likely to come to a head. Making Declare Yourself! Wear Orange go viral before then, together with the sharp and intensifying developments of the Bush program, can give rise to the situation where people make a stand against what’s intolerable, and began to see themselves as an independent political force.
Sincerely,Debra Sweet, Director, The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Condoleeza Rice,
Dick Cheney,
George W. Bush,
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
We're reduced to Worthless Political games, media jokes and critical Iraq issues ignored!
We accomplish more as we sleep: We're reduced to Worthless Political games while the media jokes and critical Iraq issues are ignored!
As we listened to the Partisan bickering over an Iraq withdrawal we have been reduced to playing Republican games. In this instance it is the Political theater of a Senate sleep over. The vote of course failed and is being called a defeat for the Democrats but it is not. It is a defeat for America and our troops.
Meanwhile some very important Issues to our troops and their care is being ignored and swept under the rug. As I was researching news sources to talk about what was happening or "not happening" in the Senate I discovered the usual biased coverage. While CNN took this seriously Fox accused Democrats of playing games. Meanwhile nothing is going to get accomplished and I had to go to other sources and stories to get the serious news on this that is glossed over, ignored, and not mentioned to us.
The CNN story did show that as we know, that all night session was absolutely worthless as everyone interviewed insisted on holding their Partisan course while ignoring the real issues at hand.
It is sickening to hear the childish senseless banter to Protect Bush and his mess while our troops are in real danger, being ill cared for, and their equipment needs go unmet and underfunded by Bush.
Sen. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut did say that he would introduce an amendment to the defense authorization bill that would cut funding for combat missions in Iraq and he would use the billions in savings to rebuild the nation's military. that of course is something else that may be needed but will never happen. Millions of dollars a week are being squandered in Iraq . While our nation's military is calling out for additional resources to repair the damage caused by the administration's policies Dodd said.
Dodd said the National Guard has requested $38 billion from Congress to replace vehicles, aircraft, equipment and personal gear that were transferred to Iraq, and that shortfall remains unfunded in the current defense authorization bill.
"It means that we are short of equipment to respond to natural and man-made disasters here at home, short of equipment for training, short of equipment to maintain the standard of maintenance rotation for equipment currently in the field ... short of equipment to protect the American people," he said.
How can we ignore those issues and make a joke out of the very important issue of troop withdrawal? I was disappointed to see that the Washington Post also treated the all night debate as a joke instead of treating our situation seriously. Amidst all these wasted Partisan arguments on withdrawing our troops I did run into an important story that is unfolding at least under my radar and on the Washington Post. Maybe things will get done right, there now.
Anyway the secretary of veterans affairs, resigned yesterday and said he would leave his post by Oct. 1, ending a tenure marked by the largest data breach in the federal government's history and sharp criticism of the care given to injured veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
He has done such a great job of mismanaging the Department of Veterans affairs that I am sure he too will be given a medal.
I'm sure you remember that The agency has faced considerable criticism for its treatment of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans as they move from the military healthcare system to VA's, and for its chronically slow processing of disability claims by injured or sick veterans from all eras. Critics complain about lost paperwork, a shortage of VA caseworkers, a caseload of 400,000 pending disability claims and long waits for initial appointments in the VA healthcare system.
The criticism grew louder this year when The Washington Post revealed decrepit conditions and poor outpatient treatment of wounded troops at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, though that facility is run by the Pentagon, not VA.
Yet Nicholson said he was not asked to step down. He said It is a good time -- if there ever is a good time -- to leave the VA. There were no frustrations causing me to think about resigning.
Sadly, I can believe that as like Bush, his whole MisAdministration, and the bias Media, they all think they are doing a great job and they are but for them. Someone has to start doing the right thing for our soldiers in Iraq and get them home while treating them right if they are wounded. All this back slapping and game playing must stop or our soldiers situations everywhere are going to continue to degrade and get much worse.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
As we listened to the Partisan bickering over an Iraq withdrawal we have been reduced to playing Republican games. In this instance it is the Political theater of a Senate sleep over. The vote of course failed and is being called a defeat for the Democrats but it is not. It is a defeat for America and our troops.
Meanwhile some very important Issues to our troops and their care is being ignored and swept under the rug. As I was researching news sources to talk about what was happening or "not happening" in the Senate I discovered the usual biased coverage. While CNN took this seriously Fox accused Democrats of playing games. Meanwhile nothing is going to get accomplished and I had to go to other sources and stories to get the serious news on this that is glossed over, ignored, and not mentioned to us.
The CNN story did show that as we know, that all night session was absolutely worthless as everyone interviewed insisted on holding their Partisan course while ignoring the real issues at hand.
It is sickening to hear the childish senseless banter to Protect Bush and his mess while our troops are in real danger, being ill cared for, and their equipment needs go unmet and underfunded by Bush.
Sen. Christopher Dodd of Connecticut did say that he would introduce an amendment to the defense authorization bill that would cut funding for combat missions in Iraq and he would use the billions in savings to rebuild the nation's military. that of course is something else that may be needed but will never happen. Millions of dollars a week are being squandered in Iraq . While our nation's military is calling out for additional resources to repair the damage caused by the administration's policies Dodd said.
Dodd said the National Guard has requested $38 billion from Congress to replace vehicles, aircraft, equipment and personal gear that were transferred to Iraq, and that shortfall remains unfunded in the current defense authorization bill.
"It means that we are short of equipment to respond to natural and man-made disasters here at home, short of equipment for training, short of equipment to maintain the standard of maintenance rotation for equipment currently in the field ... short of equipment to protect the American people," he said.
How can we ignore those issues and make a joke out of the very important issue of troop withdrawal? I was disappointed to see that the Washington Post also treated the all night debate as a joke instead of treating our situation seriously. Amidst all these wasted Partisan arguments on withdrawing our troops I did run into an important story that is unfolding at least under my radar and on the Washington Post. Maybe things will get done right, there now.
Anyway the secretary of veterans affairs, resigned yesterday and said he would leave his post by Oct. 1, ending a tenure marked by the largest data breach in the federal government's history and sharp criticism of the care given to injured veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.
He has done such a great job of mismanaging the Department of Veterans affairs that I am sure he too will be given a medal.
I'm sure you remember that The agency has faced considerable criticism for its treatment of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans as they move from the military healthcare system to VA's, and for its chronically slow processing of disability claims by injured or sick veterans from all eras. Critics complain about lost paperwork, a shortage of VA caseworkers, a caseload of 400,000 pending disability claims and long waits for initial appointments in the VA healthcare system.
The criticism grew louder this year when The Washington Post revealed decrepit conditions and poor outpatient treatment of wounded troops at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, though that facility is run by the Pentagon, not VA.
Yet Nicholson said he was not asked to step down. He said It is a good time -- if there ever is a good time -- to leave the VA. There were no frustrations causing me to think about resigning.
Sadly, I can believe that as like Bush, his whole MisAdministration, and the bias Media, they all think they are doing a great job and they are but for them. Someone has to start doing the right thing for our soldiers in Iraq and get them home while treating them right if they are wounded. All this back slapping and game playing must stop or our soldiers situations everywhere are going to continue to degrade and get much worse.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Russia Deploys missiles as Bush instigation for WW3 is working!
Bush raising the Iron curtain with the missile shield as Russia deploys missiles, Bush instigation for WW3 is working!
Those that have been following my series on the missile shield know that while many say it does not work that it does work at least for Bush's purposes. It has been my contention right along that its main and only purpose is as a tool for Bush to have to fight and appear "forced". You know I believe Bush has to destroy existing order and then replace it by force with his.
Anyway, it is working well! Despite Putin's numerous threats if the shield was put in Poland and Czechoslovakia many of which have already been acted on, Bush insists of course with going ahead with his plans.
A U.S. missile-defense system will be built in Poland despite Russia's anger over the plans, Polish President Lech Kaczynski said on Monday after a meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush. "The matter of the shield is largely a foregone conclusion," Kaczynski said at a news conference following the meeting.
The location has already been decided. One sticking point still to be worked out I never even thought of but I should have known. This makes me think about so much! Stupid me thought these missile defense systems would only be staffed by technicians.
One thing being debated is how many U.S. soldiers will be there. The missile defense systems and all the issues surrounding them aside. No wonder Russia is dead against this. Plus The Czech Republic has already agreed to the radar site on their soil.
As we know, Russian President Vladimir Putin late last week suspended Moscow's participation in the Conventional Forces in Europe, or CFE, treaty in a move widely seen as an effort to raise pressure over the U.S. plans. It isn't working. As a result we have the Iron Curtain rising once again!
In the wake of a summit meeting between Putin and President George W. Bush in the US State of Maine earlier this month, there was little optimism about Moscow's latest proposal to develop bilateral missile defense cooperation. Putin suggested at a meeting with Bush on 2 July that the two countries jointly use the Armavir radar station now under construction in southern Russia. Last month, Putin offered to share with the US the Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan. While not overtly rejecting Russian initiatives, Washington reiterated plans to go ahead with its missile shield in Eastern Europe.
The Kremlin has warned that Russia would respond by targeting European countries with its missiles, "turning Europe into a powder keg," while blaming the US missile defense plans for raising the risk of a nuclear confrontation in Europe. On 31 May, Putin made it clear that Russia's latest missiles tests were in response to the US missile shield program and NATO's perceived failure to ratify the adapted CFE Treaty.
Russia's CFE move may be backed up by arms buildup in Kaliningrad, the Russian Western enclave between Lithuania and Poland on the Baltic Sea. On 4 July, first deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov warned that Russia could deploy short-range missiles in the Kaliningrad region. Former defense minister Ivanov - a possible successor to Putin - said such a deployment would come as a response by Russia against US missile defense.
Russia is also now questioning the validity of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and threaten to pull out of it altogether. The deployment of Iskander ("Alexander the Great") missiles in the Kaliningrad region could put a sizable part of NATO territory within Russia's range. In other words, these short-range tactical missiles would become strategic weapons, if placed in Kaliningrad, changing the region's strategic balance.
Yes, Bush's missile shield is doing its job as we are heading closer to world confrontation so Bush can fight to prosecute his new world order. That is, whoever has the misfortune of following this fool will have the misfortune of being forced to do the dirty job Bush instigated.
Like everything else Bush has started around the world this too will not be controlled, stopped, or prevented.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Those that have been following my series on the missile shield know that while many say it does not work that it does work at least for Bush's purposes. It has been my contention right along that its main and only purpose is as a tool for Bush to have to fight and appear "forced". You know I believe Bush has to destroy existing order and then replace it by force with his.
Anyway, it is working well! Despite Putin's numerous threats if the shield was put in Poland and Czechoslovakia many of which have already been acted on, Bush insists of course with going ahead with his plans.
A U.S. missile-defense system will be built in Poland despite Russia's anger over the plans, Polish President Lech Kaczynski said on Monday after a meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush. "The matter of the shield is largely a foregone conclusion," Kaczynski said at a news conference following the meeting.
The location has already been decided. One sticking point still to be worked out I never even thought of but I should have known. This makes me think about so much! Stupid me thought these missile defense systems would only be staffed by technicians.
One thing being debated is how many U.S. soldiers will be there. The missile defense systems and all the issues surrounding them aside. No wonder Russia is dead against this. Plus The Czech Republic has already agreed to the radar site on their soil.
As we know, Russian President Vladimir Putin late last week suspended Moscow's participation in the Conventional Forces in Europe, or CFE, treaty in a move widely seen as an effort to raise pressure over the U.S. plans. It isn't working. As a result we have the Iron Curtain rising once again!
In the wake of a summit meeting between Putin and President George W. Bush in the US State of Maine earlier this month, there was little optimism about Moscow's latest proposal to develop bilateral missile defense cooperation. Putin suggested at a meeting with Bush on 2 July that the two countries jointly use the Armavir radar station now under construction in southern Russia. Last month, Putin offered to share with the US the Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan. While not overtly rejecting Russian initiatives, Washington reiterated plans to go ahead with its missile shield in Eastern Europe.
The Kremlin has warned that Russia would respond by targeting European countries with its missiles, "turning Europe into a powder keg," while blaming the US missile defense plans for raising the risk of a nuclear confrontation in Europe. On 31 May, Putin made it clear that Russia's latest missiles tests were in response to the US missile shield program and NATO's perceived failure to ratify the adapted CFE Treaty.
Russia's CFE move may be backed up by arms buildup in Kaliningrad, the Russian Western enclave between Lithuania and Poland on the Baltic Sea. On 4 July, first deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov warned that Russia could deploy short-range missiles in the Kaliningrad region. Former defense minister Ivanov - a possible successor to Putin - said such a deployment would come as a response by Russia against US missile defense.
Russia is also now questioning the validity of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty and threaten to pull out of it altogether. The deployment of Iskander ("Alexander the Great") missiles in the Kaliningrad region could put a sizable part of NATO territory within Russia's range. In other words, these short-range tactical missiles would become strategic weapons, if placed in Kaliningrad, changing the region's strategic balance.
Yes, Bush's missile shield is doing its job as we are heading closer to world confrontation so Bush can fight to prosecute his new world order. That is, whoever has the misfortune of following this fool will have the misfortune of being forced to do the dirty job Bush instigated.
Like everything else Bush has started around the world this too will not be controlled, stopped, or prevented.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, July 16, 2007
Bush done lying about doing Right for America and about Libby, Says it's time to move on, How?
Bush done lying about doing the right for America and about Libby, says it is time to move on. Unsolved this is dead? How's he get away with it?
Let's take a minute to go through the corruptive lies we were fed before Bush moves on. First I have to say once again, how does he continue to blatantly lie to us and just brush it off and move on to another? Like you I was disgusted to see Libby get Pardoned By Bush saying in essence it was just treason so it's no big deal. I am sick of hearing routine comparisons to Clinton and Democrats when Clinton pardoned tax evader Mark Rich. It is down right outrage to see anyone justify letting Libby off the hook for what he did, Republican or not.
I am not the only one I am sure that has reminded many times and to no avail that you said in 2000 when running for President to ruin our lives and our America that you would restore honor and integrity to the White House? Is it right for a top official to obstruct an investigation, to be found guilty, sentenced to prison, and have you spring him from jail because he was part of your MIS Administration and knows the corruptive lying truth behind everything?
I remember Bush pledging he would prosecute anyone that was doing anything against the law. As you know, in this one example Bush pledged to fire anyone who was involved in the leaking of Plame's name. Yet when it became clear that multiple administration officials were running off at the mouth about Plame to various journalists, Bush did nothing. Bush's chief strategist, Karl Rove, talked about Plame, yet he still has his job. And Libby? He only resigned after he was indicted -- not for leaking Plame's name, but for lying to investigators and obstructing the investigation. I just do not get it.
Bush pledged to fire anyone who was involved in the leaking of Plame's name. Yet when it became clear that multiple administration officials were running off at the mouth about Plame to various journalists, Bush did nothing. Bush's chief strategist, Karl Rove, talked about Plame, yet he still has his job. And Libby? He only resigned after he was indicted -- not for leaking Plame's name, but for lying to investigators and obstructing the investigation. I just do not get it, Libby Is a liar and did commit treason pure and simple and once again Bush shows us his word and rules do not apply to him and his new order cronies?
As we watch it happen every day as a result of Bush setting a bad example for others to justify and follow. Defense lawyers across the nation are fighting the Justice Department over their clients being sentenced to prison for obstruction of justice, and are using the exact same rationale that Bush used to free Libby.
Bush has just added one more notch in his destruction of our rules of law and order as he destroys our America and replaces it with his new order version. Now, done lying about everything he has said and done in covering up the designed corruption in his MIS Administration he said he is done talking about it and it is time to move on. We have learned absolutely nothing but the decider said it is time to move on. How?
Bush stated that the matter of outing Valerie Plame because her husband spoke out against him has been exhausted but it has only been exhausted to him. We have learned absolutely nothing beyond the fact that the entire Bush MIS Administration is corrupt and that it is okay with Bush and what he needs to follow his plan for new order.
He has deemed the issue closed while all the guilty get away scot free. You know the issue is now dead as far as Bush is concerned except for Libby's upcoming Pardon and Presidential Citation for being so loyal to Bush and his America and Disloyal to us and our America. Once again Bush has succeed in hiding the truth from us and we're supposed to be thankful.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Let's take a minute to go through the corruptive lies we were fed before Bush moves on. First I have to say once again, how does he continue to blatantly lie to us and just brush it off and move on to another? Like you I was disgusted to see Libby get Pardoned By Bush saying in essence it was just treason so it's no big deal. I am sick of hearing routine comparisons to Clinton and Democrats when Clinton pardoned tax evader Mark Rich. It is down right outrage to see anyone justify letting Libby off the hook for what he did, Republican or not.
I am not the only one I am sure that has reminded many times and to no avail that you said in 2000 when running for President to ruin our lives and our America that you would restore honor and integrity to the White House? Is it right for a top official to obstruct an investigation, to be found guilty, sentenced to prison, and have you spring him from jail because he was part of your MIS Administration and knows the corruptive lying truth behind everything?
I remember Bush pledging he would prosecute anyone that was doing anything against the law. As you know, in this one example Bush pledged to fire anyone who was involved in the leaking of Plame's name. Yet when it became clear that multiple administration officials were running off at the mouth about Plame to various journalists, Bush did nothing. Bush's chief strategist, Karl Rove, talked about Plame, yet he still has his job. And Libby? He only resigned after he was indicted -- not for leaking Plame's name, but for lying to investigators and obstructing the investigation. I just do not get it.
Bush pledged to fire anyone who was involved in the leaking of Plame's name. Yet when it became clear that multiple administration officials were running off at the mouth about Plame to various journalists, Bush did nothing. Bush's chief strategist, Karl Rove, talked about Plame, yet he still has his job. And Libby? He only resigned after he was indicted -- not for leaking Plame's name, but for lying to investigators and obstructing the investigation. I just do not get it, Libby Is a liar and did commit treason pure and simple and once again Bush shows us his word and rules do not apply to him and his new order cronies?
As we watch it happen every day as a result of Bush setting a bad example for others to justify and follow. Defense lawyers across the nation are fighting the Justice Department over their clients being sentenced to prison for obstruction of justice, and are using the exact same rationale that Bush used to free Libby.
Bush has just added one more notch in his destruction of our rules of law and order as he destroys our America and replaces it with his new order version. Now, done lying about everything he has said and done in covering up the designed corruption in his MIS Administration he said he is done talking about it and it is time to move on. We have learned absolutely nothing but the decider said it is time to move on. How?
Bush stated that the matter of outing Valerie Plame because her husband spoke out against him has been exhausted but it has only been exhausted to him. We have learned absolutely nothing beyond the fact that the entire Bush MIS Administration is corrupt and that it is okay with Bush and what he needs to follow his plan for new order.
He has deemed the issue closed while all the guilty get away scot free. You know the issue is now dead as far as Bush is concerned except for Libby's upcoming Pardon and Presidential Citation for being so loyal to Bush and his America and Disloyal to us and our America. Once again Bush has succeed in hiding the truth from us and we're supposed to be thankful.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Today it is Nuri Al-Maliki's turn to show that Bush is a liar! What's going on?
We are used to everyday seeing one world leader or another out Politic Bush, call his Bluff, and uncover his real, underhanded, "denied" mis agenda. Usually it is Vladimir Putin who thanks to Bush's idiocy is once again starting to raise the "iron curtain"
Today it is Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's turn. As you know, despite the civil war in Iraq Bush started, despite a failing interim report on his "surge" Bush insists on staying the course in the middle of his civil war until he can find an excuse to attack Iran or use our military assets somewhere else in the middle east or beyond.
Bush keeps using the excuse that we must stay in Iraq or it will fail and the insurgents will follow us home. He guaranteed a failure in Iraq, the entire middle east, and Afghanistan, when he attacked Iraq to start the new middle east order he told us tears ago that God told him to.
It seems to me that I have heard rumors of the belief I heard expressed by Al-Maliki but this is the first time that I recall it being said publicly and officially. Personally I believe Iraq will fail whether we leave today or 100 years from now and the entire middle east will follow. anyway while Bush is saying how important it is for us to stay in Iraq he is being told to please fell free to leave.
Yesterday Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki shrugged off U.S. doubts of his government's military and political progress saying Iraqi forces are capable and American troops can leave "anytime they want." Al-Maliki sought to display confidence at a time when pressure is mounting in Congress for a speedy withdrawal of U.S. forces. As you know on Thursday, the House passed a measure calling for the United States to withdraw its troops by spring.
Al-Maliki said his government needs "time and effort" to enact the political reforms that Washington seeks particularly since the political process is facing security, economic and services pressures, as well as regional and international interference. But he said that if necessary, Iraqi police and soldiers could fill the void left by the departure of coalition.
I really can't see Iraq coming together and handling insurmountable problems and again have to believe they want us out so they can go after each other as we know they will. but I also have to say Bush brought all Iraq's problems about himself as we all know.
As bush expected and ignored cooperation has been blocked by divisions among Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders. I also see an increase in Iraqi police and security forces shooting at our soldiers. I have to agree with Al-Maliki that it is time we pull out immediately and leave them to their own demise. We heard yesterday that even if we start tomorrow in would take 20 months to withdraw our 20 divisions and millions of tons of equipment.
The Partisan, harmful to America rhetoric must stop and now but it will not. I do not want to see a repeat of our departure from Vietnam and I see that and a lot worse in this mess that Bush purposely created and insists on making a lot worse than Vietnam so he can have the excuse to further his so called "new order".
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Today it is Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's turn. As you know, despite the civil war in Iraq Bush started, despite a failing interim report on his "surge" Bush insists on staying the course in the middle of his civil war until he can find an excuse to attack Iran or use our military assets somewhere else in the middle east or beyond.
Bush keeps using the excuse that we must stay in Iraq or it will fail and the insurgents will follow us home. He guaranteed a failure in Iraq, the entire middle east, and Afghanistan, when he attacked Iraq to start the new middle east order he told us tears ago that God told him to.
It seems to me that I have heard rumors of the belief I heard expressed by Al-Maliki but this is the first time that I recall it being said publicly and officially. Personally I believe Iraq will fail whether we leave today or 100 years from now and the entire middle east will follow. anyway while Bush is saying how important it is for us to stay in Iraq he is being told to please fell free to leave.
Yesterday Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki shrugged off U.S. doubts of his government's military and political progress saying Iraqi forces are capable and American troops can leave "anytime they want." Al-Maliki sought to display confidence at a time when pressure is mounting in Congress for a speedy withdrawal of U.S. forces. As you know on Thursday, the House passed a measure calling for the United States to withdraw its troops by spring.
Al-Maliki said his government needs "time and effort" to enact the political reforms that Washington seeks particularly since the political process is facing security, economic and services pressures, as well as regional and international interference. But he said that if necessary, Iraqi police and soldiers could fill the void left by the departure of coalition.
I really can't see Iraq coming together and handling insurmountable problems and again have to believe they want us out so they can go after each other as we know they will. but I also have to say Bush brought all Iraq's problems about himself as we all know.
As bush expected and ignored cooperation has been blocked by divisions among Shiite, Sunni and Kurdish leaders. I also see an increase in Iraqi police and security forces shooting at our soldiers. I have to agree with Al-Maliki that it is time we pull out immediately and leave them to their own demise. We heard yesterday that even if we start tomorrow in would take 20 months to withdraw our 20 divisions and millions of tons of equipment.
The Partisan, harmful to America rhetoric must stop and now but it will not. I do not want to see a repeat of our departure from Vietnam and I see that and a lot worse in this mess that Bush purposely created and insists on making a lot worse than Vietnam so he can have the excuse to further his so called "new order".
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Pakistan, Taliban, Al Qaeda, I am very concerned that Bush will move on Pakistan with recent events!
Like many of you I have a habit of paying attention when something happens in "our great allies" country, Pakistan. I was very concerned when Pakistan declared a safe zone in certain areas of Pakistan Primarily because one of my sons was on the Afghanistan border. He is home for now but I am getting increasingly concerned about what is happening in Pakistan because I see that it is about to really affect us.
Knowing the very shady history of Pakistan's involvement with 9/11, later Tora Bora, and terrorism proliferation and what is happening today in the madrassas and a call for Jihad against Musharaff, I remembered it is getting worse but we had this discussion almost a year ago on 9/23. Under the title, 9/11 Press For Truth: Very Best accurate movie exposing 9/11 cover up!
We knew how important Pakistan was in keeping Afghanistan supplied with fighters when they were fighting the Russians. We knew for whatever reason that it would be impossible to tame that area. Bush is threatening so called Islamists on every front possible as he tries to prosecute his new order.
Amidst calls for a Jihad against Musharaff,s Government by Al-Zawahiri we have Musharaff laughingly saying he will clean up the Madrassas and the extremists. President Pervez Musharaff vowed to wipe out extremism from Pakistan, saying in a defiant address to the nation that the raid on Islamabad's Red Mosque was necessary to save the country. That was done for Bush and it will only serve to bring about the same conditions his intervention in Iraq has brought to Iraqi's and soon the entire middle east.
Military ruler Musharaff, still being called a key ally in the US-led "war on terror," also said he would beef up security forces along the border with Afghanistan, where Taliban militants are active, giving the troops extra tanks and guns. The televised address came amid fears of a possible Islamist backlash following the raid on the mosque this week that killed 11 soldiers and 75 people inside the complex, mainly militants.
Knowing Bush believes Ayman Al-Zawahiri and Bush are both in Pakistan and that at least Congress is getting frustrated at not having captured Bin Laden and ridiculously they doubled his and Al-Zawarihi's bounty to $50 million. I first have to laugh! They know that money means nothing to those people, only bringing us down and nothing is going to change that. Also I wouldn't doubt if Bush knows where they are and is waiting to use his "capture" at the end of his election.
Also Taliban military commander Mansour Dadullah, in an interview broadcast on ABC News' "World News With Charles Gibson," said the London attacks were "not enough" and that bigger attacks were coming. "You will, God willing, be witness to more attacks," he told a Pakistani journalist in an interview conducted just four days ago.
Just last month, Dadullah presided over what was termed a terror training camp graduation ceremony in Pakistan, supposedly dispatching attack teams to the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Germany. In this new interview, Dadullah talked about the ease with which he and his men operate inside Pakistan. "We have many friends," he said. "It is very easy for us to go in and out of the tribal areas. It is no problem." Of course Pakistan continues to deny they have safe haven as you can be sure they do.
Knowing the situation in Pakistan is getting more tenuous and that terrorists do have safe haven there I am getting increasingly concerned that Bush will, forced or not, openly send our military in there and worsen things all around. No way you say! Then I remembered we have had his warning before that he indeed would.
We had this discussion too last September. It was titled Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan after 9/11 would send troops in if he knew where Bin Laden was? He will get us in deeper somehow!
Bush has vowed to follow terrorists wherever he deems necessary and has proven a propensity to do so even if he has to create the situation. I am increasingly concerned that Pakistan will soon become yet another front in the so called war on terror for us. I thought Iran would be his next misstep but what do you think about that?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Knowing the very shady history of Pakistan's involvement with 9/11, later Tora Bora, and terrorism proliferation and what is happening today in the madrassas and a call for Jihad against Musharaff, I remembered it is getting worse but we had this discussion almost a year ago on 9/23. Under the title, 9/11 Press For Truth: Very Best accurate movie exposing 9/11 cover up!
We knew how important Pakistan was in keeping Afghanistan supplied with fighters when they were fighting the Russians. We knew for whatever reason that it would be impossible to tame that area. Bush is threatening so called Islamists on every front possible as he tries to prosecute his new order.
Amidst calls for a Jihad against Musharaff,s Government by Al-Zawahiri we have Musharaff laughingly saying he will clean up the Madrassas and the extremists. President Pervez Musharaff vowed to wipe out extremism from Pakistan, saying in a defiant address to the nation that the raid on Islamabad's Red Mosque was necessary to save the country. That was done for Bush and it will only serve to bring about the same conditions his intervention in Iraq has brought to Iraqi's and soon the entire middle east.
Military ruler Musharaff, still being called a key ally in the US-led "war on terror," also said he would beef up security forces along the border with Afghanistan, where Taliban militants are active, giving the troops extra tanks and guns. The televised address came amid fears of a possible Islamist backlash following the raid on the mosque this week that killed 11 soldiers and 75 people inside the complex, mainly militants.
Knowing Bush believes Ayman Al-Zawahiri and Bush are both in Pakistan and that at least Congress is getting frustrated at not having captured Bin Laden and ridiculously they doubled his and Al-Zawarihi's bounty to $50 million. I first have to laugh! They know that money means nothing to those people, only bringing us down and nothing is going to change that. Also I wouldn't doubt if Bush knows where they are and is waiting to use his "capture" at the end of his election.
Also Taliban military commander Mansour Dadullah, in an interview broadcast on ABC News' "World News With Charles Gibson," said the London attacks were "not enough" and that bigger attacks were coming. "You will, God willing, be witness to more attacks," he told a Pakistani journalist in an interview conducted just four days ago.
Just last month, Dadullah presided over what was termed a terror training camp graduation ceremony in Pakistan, supposedly dispatching attack teams to the United States, Canada, Great Britain and Germany. In this new interview, Dadullah talked about the ease with which he and his men operate inside Pakistan. "We have many friends," he said. "It is very easy for us to go in and out of the tribal areas. It is no problem." Of course Pakistan continues to deny they have safe haven as you can be sure they do.
Knowing the situation in Pakistan is getting more tenuous and that terrorists do have safe haven there I am getting increasingly concerned that Bush will, forced or not, openly send our military in there and worsen things all around. No way you say! Then I remembered we have had his warning before that he indeed would.
We had this discussion too last September. It was titled Bush threatened to bomb Pakistan after 9/11 would send troops in if he knew where Bin Laden was? He will get us in deeper somehow!
Bush has vowed to follow terrorists wherever he deems necessary and has proven a propensity to do so even if he has to create the situation. I am increasingly concerned that Pakistan will soon become yet another front in the so called war on terror for us. I thought Iran would be his next misstep but what do you think about that?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, July 13, 2007
Best chance for Democrats to undo Bush's MisAgenda in 2008 is for Failed McCain to back failed Giuliani, then...
The Best Chance for Democrats to undo Bush's MisAgenda in 2008 is for Failed McCain to back Giuliani! Democrats will get elected and get rid of "bush's Two Americas" talked about at the NAACP meeting wher Dems shined.
McCain's campaign was a failure before it even start. The sooner he realizes he has only wasted time and money the sooner he can put it into another failed enterprise like defending sure loser Giuliani. Just an hour before he had to go to the floor of the Senate to defend President Bush's Iraq policy against a growing Republican rebellion McCain the onetime front-runner for the GOP nomination accepted the resignation of his top two campaign staffers, manager Terry Nelson and chief strategist John Weaver. And almost as soon as he wrapped up his Iraq speech, he was besieged with rumors that another top adviser was bolting, and tried his best to refute growing speculation that his once promising campaign is all but finished.
Nelson arrived a year ago; a veteran of the Bush 2004 campaign, his presence was the most concrete example that McCain 2008 was intended to be a sequel to the incumbent President's successful reelection run four years ago. Nelson's resignation, say aides, came after a fraught 10 days of debate in the wake of the campaign's second quarter fundraising results, which showed an astonishing "burn rate" that left the campaign with just over $2 million cash on hand, after raising just $11.2 million. As you know and McCain is yet to figure out, his attempt to follow in Bush's little foot steps and to a fault was his demise before he even attempted to run. Bush chose to ignore "we the people" and we are powerless to stop him. We are not going to allow this to happen again. I only hope that once McCain does pull out that he puts his little clout behind another failure, Giuliani. I said over a year ago that when all is said and done for the Republicans, Mitt Romney will get the nomination and then we will defeat that lying loser too. Only then can we focus on the plans to recover our America and its societal balance. We have been hearing calls for Bush to address the widening gap between the haves and the have nots, "the rich and the poor" and we know Bush widened this gap on purpose in creating his "new idea" of our Societal order so there is no way he is going to reverse that anymore than he is going to reverse is stance in Iraq or anywhere else around the world in his also failed endeavor for new middle east and world order. I was pleased this morning to see that today at the NAACP meeting Dems vowed to bridge the increasing rich-poor divide that Bush purposely created for his new societal order. The NAACP cheered eight Democratic presidential contenders plus a lone GOP hopeful; Obama got loudest applause. Nine of the 10 Republican presidential hopefuls took a pass at attending the Detroit convention. Some in the audience said their absence was a snub, and disrespectful and I have to agree and hope it is one more death knell to the future of the Republican Party. "The NAACP is a nonpartisan organization but President Bush and the Republican Party have continuously disrespected this organization," said Ruthie Stevenson of Mount Clemens, president of the Macomb Chapter of the NAACP. "It's totally disrespectful only one Republican came." Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo was the only GOP candidate to show up. The average American realizes the dangers in the Republican party and I believe will no longer desire to suffer under their rule. Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards said there are public schools and health care systems for the affluent and different systems for everybody else."Doing something about the two Americas is the cause of my life," Edwards said. "We need a movement, brothers and sisters." There are two Americas, ours and Bush's. We need to get ours back and make it one for all. I was happy to see the Republicans show their continued contempt for the NAACP and a desire to go back to our successful societal order. It will be the undoing of the Republican Party and a guarantee of a Democratic President in 2008.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
McCain's campaign was a failure before it even start. The sooner he realizes he has only wasted time and money the sooner he can put it into another failed enterprise like defending sure loser Giuliani. Just an hour before he had to go to the floor of the Senate to defend President Bush's Iraq policy against a growing Republican rebellion McCain the onetime front-runner for the GOP nomination accepted the resignation of his top two campaign staffers, manager Terry Nelson and chief strategist John Weaver. And almost as soon as he wrapped up his Iraq speech, he was besieged with rumors that another top adviser was bolting, and tried his best to refute growing speculation that his once promising campaign is all but finished.
Nelson arrived a year ago; a veteran of the Bush 2004 campaign, his presence was the most concrete example that McCain 2008 was intended to be a sequel to the incumbent President's successful reelection run four years ago. Nelson's resignation, say aides, came after a fraught 10 days of debate in the wake of the campaign's second quarter fundraising results, which showed an astonishing "burn rate" that left the campaign with just over $2 million cash on hand, after raising just $11.2 million. As you know and McCain is yet to figure out, his attempt to follow in Bush's little foot steps and to a fault was his demise before he even attempted to run. Bush chose to ignore "we the people" and we are powerless to stop him. We are not going to allow this to happen again. I only hope that once McCain does pull out that he puts his little clout behind another failure, Giuliani. I said over a year ago that when all is said and done for the Republicans, Mitt Romney will get the nomination and then we will defeat that lying loser too. Only then can we focus on the plans to recover our America and its societal balance. We have been hearing calls for Bush to address the widening gap between the haves and the have nots, "the rich and the poor" and we know Bush widened this gap on purpose in creating his "new idea" of our Societal order so there is no way he is going to reverse that anymore than he is going to reverse is stance in Iraq or anywhere else around the world in his also failed endeavor for new middle east and world order. I was pleased this morning to see that today at the NAACP meeting Dems vowed to bridge the increasing rich-poor divide that Bush purposely created for his new societal order. The NAACP cheered eight Democratic presidential contenders plus a lone GOP hopeful; Obama got loudest applause. Nine of the 10 Republican presidential hopefuls took a pass at attending the Detroit convention. Some in the audience said their absence was a snub, and disrespectful and I have to agree and hope it is one more death knell to the future of the Republican Party. "The NAACP is a nonpartisan organization but President Bush and the Republican Party have continuously disrespected this organization," said Ruthie Stevenson of Mount Clemens, president of the Macomb Chapter of the NAACP. "It's totally disrespectful only one Republican came." Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo was the only GOP candidate to show up. The average American realizes the dangers in the Republican party and I believe will no longer desire to suffer under their rule. Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards said there are public schools and health care systems for the affluent and different systems for everybody else."Doing something about the two Americas is the cause of my life," Edwards said. "We need a movement, brothers and sisters." There are two Americas, ours and Bush's. We need to get ours back and make it one for all. I was happy to see the Republicans show their continued contempt for the NAACP and a desire to go back to our successful societal order. It will be the undoing of the Republican Party and a guarantee of a Democratic President in 2008.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Barack Obama,
John Edwards,
John McCain,
Rudy Giuliani,
Tom Tancredo,
two Americas
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