Saturday, April 30, 2011
Gaddafi's son and Grandchildren killed in airstrike - Libyan government
Gadaffi's son Saif was killed in a NATO airstrike. Three of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi's grandsons were also killed in the strike, the spokesman said.Gaddafi's son killed in airstrike - Libyan government Well he wanted to die on Libyan soil, one down! Gaddafi is safe, darn!
Muammar Gaddafi son killed by Nato air strike – Libyan government
He was a civilian and a lot were wounded and 3 grandchildren killed but there were military taking breaks there to. More details to follow!
Libyan Official Confirms Muammar Gaddafi's Son Saif Al-Arab Killed In NATO Strike
Gaddafi and his wife were there but are said to be safe. It makes me wonder! Very shortly ago we heard Gaddafi threaten to go to war with Italy and he did so from an undisclosed location. I guess that transmission was traced and there is no such thing as a safe location if you are communicating. Well that is unless you are Bin Laden.
from Africa news, most in depth story yet
Syria: Signs Of Dissent Among Ruling Party, Syrian soldiers 'switching allegiances': Life in Syria's psychological prison of fear
Life in Syria's psychological prison of fear
Syria: Signs Of Dissent Among Ruling Party
Some 200 members of Syria's ruling Baath party are reported to have resigned over the violent crackdown against pro-democracy demonstrations.
At least 400 civilians killed in Syria revolt
Witness: Dead bodies left out in Syrian city under siege
Western powers push for end to Syria crackdown
Turkey urges Syria to stop crackdown
Russia blocks Security Council censure of Syria Actually Russia, China and Lebanon have blocked a move for the UN Security Council to condemn Syria's crackdown on dissent. Sanctioning slaughter is more like it!
This is all our fault after more than a century of interference in the Middle East and Africa. Bush set it all in motion by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too. Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama.
You have to be very concerned about what is happening in Syria especially. Iran is not going to allow Syria to fall to Democracy. What we saw after the voter fraud in Iran was mild compared to what the IRG will do if this movement spreads to Iran. I really wish Bashir would step down but Iran is the elephant in the room any way you look at it. The total middle east breakdown we have written about numerous times is well under way. We can only hope we keep it from erupting into WW3.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Iraq must decide in "weeks" on U.S. troops: Admiral Mullen: One way or the other the breakdown we started will proceed
Two US Service Members Killed in IraqThe month of April continues to be a deadly one for US troops in Iraq. According to a news release by military officials, two US service members were killed on Friday while conducting operations in the ...
Stop the presses, literally in Iraq
Iraq must decide in "weeks" on U.S. troops: Admiral Mullen
Remember this? Iraqi cleric warns he will unleash his army that is his sponsor Iran too if U.S. troops don't go in 2011
Iraqis protest U.S. after comments from Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates suggested that American troops could stay for years, tens of thousands of protesters allied with Moktada al-Sadr flooded the streets.
Iraq's fiery anti-American cleric Moqtada al-Sadr will "escalate military resistance" and unleash his Mehdi Army militia if U.S. troops fail to leave Iraq as scheduled this year, his aides said on Saturday.
Iraqis demonstrate against US troop presence
Angry crowds in Baghdad, Falluja protest conditions in Iraq
I hope they do not think things will get better once we leave. They will get much worse as the Bush created civil war gets going full swing.
If we don't leave Iraq in 2011 it will be Custer's last stand on a grand scale period: I hate to say it but that appears to be our goal, perpetual war wherever we can find it.
If you have been following my line of thought on this illegal war in Iraq you know civil war was guaranteed from day one when Bush ignored the warning and why. Many of you will agree it is coming soon and it is inevitable. The Kurd's want us there to protect their free Kurdistan which will be over when we are gone.
The Sunni want us to stay in order to protect them from Shiite violence they feel is backed by Iran. Incidentally you can bet if not now Saudi Arabia will be helping the Sunni. Well what a surprise huh?
Meanwhile right from day one of his return Muqtada Al-sadr told his people to fight the American's any way they can till we leave in 2011. I don't think that will be the result of it but knowing the army is largely Shiite I have to believe the two soldiers were doing his bidding and my worst fears about Iraq and the middle east are coming true.
I have to reiterate something I have said too many times since Bush chose to ignore all warnings of total civil war spreading throughout the entire Middle East so he could attack Iraq and straighten out the Middle East as God spoke to him and instructed him to. You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran.
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East. He has long wanted a Korea style force in Iraq to secure the peace! We were concerned because we knew that would never work in Iraq or the Middle East! Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program would be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale!
I still see a total civil war Sunni against Shiite erupting in the Middle East because Bush freed up Iran to instigate it on their end and they are. I still am concerned we will have a permanent presence in the Middle East but feel we will have to largely leave Iraq to her own demise. We will still be there but it looks like Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden will be the prime focus unless Iran gets something going between the US and Iran.
As you know, I talk about it often as I watch Bush's new Middle East (dis)order progress. He ignored Afghanistan so he could use the patriot acts powers to divert from Afghanistan to attack Iraq using the excuse of unseating Saddam so he could get in the Middle East to help Israel establish a buffer zone and establish a new middle east (dis) order or so Israel and Cheney thought. Bush at Cheney's urging made an abrupt shift in policy towards Syria, a shift that has now brought the entire Mideast region to the brink of war and chaos. Much worse than the hell on earth they created for Iraq. Did you ever read A clean Break
That plan was put together in 1996 for Israel. They were just waiting for an idiot to come along so they could implement their plan for the Middle East. Along came the life long follower and life long alcoholic loser Georgie Bush. I wish I could say the rest is History but this is still barely beginning and just beginning to take shape. All Bush did by ignoring Afghanistan and attacking Iraq was to guarantee a loss of everything and a complete Middle East and Asian Breakdown.
He freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
What about the Kurds who want their autonomy and they do not want to share their oil fields period. Nuri Al-Maliki wants that issue resolved and it will never be. The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too.
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he still calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East Sunni against Shiite. Bush had long wanted a Korea style force in Iraq to secure the peace! That will never work in Iraq or the Middle East! Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama. Watch out Iran!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, April 29, 2011
Syrian opposition vows to 'break the regime: Hell they say!
Syria braces for 'day of rage' protests
Syrian opposition vows to 'break the regime 'Activists say democratic transition will safeguard the country from "a period of violence, chaos and civil war". Hell they say!
Five EU nations have summoned Syrian ambassadors to condemn Damascus' recent violent crackdown on anti-government protesters, France has said. Paris said the diplomatic action had been carried out jointly by France, Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain. Syria does not care what they think, only Iran matters.
Tehran squirms as crackdown by ally Syria creates global uproar
No way in hell! we just had this discussion, remember Syria launches war to annihilate protesters: They are good at annihilating their own people and Iran will help if needed. Syria sends army reinforcements into Deraa
Soldiers in Syria are going door to door in Deraa and Douma knocking on doors even in the middle of the night and shooting people as they answer the door and then shooting everyone in the house. Supposedly this expected situation is begging for us to get involved but we damn well better not. Unless that is going to war with Iran is the goal.
Bad idea as UN Security Council may tackle Syria violence WTF? Play right into Syria and Iran's hand why don't you? Go ahead make their day!
Those of you that follow me know going after Iran is why Bush lied to get attack Iraq and get back into the Middle East. Iran is helping Syria, us helping the protesters is exactly what Iran wants so they can bring out in the open the war against the United States.
I have to reiterate something I have said too many times since Bush chose to ignore all warnings of total civil war spreading throughout the entire Middle East so he could attack Iraq and straighten out the Middle East as God spoke to him and instructed him to. You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran.
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East. He has long wanted a Korea style force in Iraq to secure the peace! We were concerned because we knew that would never work in Iraq or the Middle East! Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program would be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale!
I still see a total civil war Sunni against Shiite erupting in the Middle East because Bush freed up Iran to instigate it on their end and they are. I still am concerned we will have a permanent presence in the Middle East but feel we will have to largely leave Iraq to her own demise. We will still be there but it looks like Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden will be the prime focus unless Iran gets something going between the US and Iran.
As you know, I talk about it often as I watch Bush's new Middle East (dis)order progress. He ignored Afghanistan so he could use the patriot acts powers to divert from Afghanistan to attack Iraq using the excuse of unseating Saddam so he could get in the Middle East to help Israel establish a buffer zone and establish a new middle east (dis) order or so Israel and Cheney thought. Bush at Cheney's urging made an abrupt shift in policy towards Syria, a shift that has now brought the entire Mideast region to the brink of war and chaos. Much worse than the hell on earth they created for Iraq. Did you ever read A clean Break
That plan was put together in 1996 for Israel. They were just waiting for an idiot to come along so they could implement their plan for the Middle East. Along came the life long follower and life long alcoholic loser Georgie Bush. I wish I could say the rest is History but this is still barely beginning and just beginning to take shape. All Bush did by ignoring Afghanistan and attacking Iraq was to guarantee a loss of everything and a complete Middle East and Asian Breakdown.
He freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too. Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama. Watch out Iran!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Syrian opposition vows to 'break the regime 'Activists say democratic transition will safeguard the country from "a period of violence, chaos and civil war". Hell they say!
Five EU nations have summoned Syrian ambassadors to condemn Damascus' recent violent crackdown on anti-government protesters, France has said. Paris said the diplomatic action had been carried out jointly by France, Britain, Germany, Italy and Spain. Syria does not care what they think, only Iran matters.
Tehran squirms as crackdown by ally Syria creates global uproar
No way in hell! we just had this discussion, remember Syria launches war to annihilate protesters: They are good at annihilating their own people and Iran will help if needed. Syria sends army reinforcements into Deraa
Soldiers in Syria are going door to door in Deraa and Douma knocking on doors even in the middle of the night and shooting people as they answer the door and then shooting everyone in the house. Supposedly this expected situation is begging for us to get involved but we damn well better not. Unless that is going to war with Iran is the goal.
Bad idea as UN Security Council may tackle Syria violence WTF? Play right into Syria and Iran's hand why don't you? Go ahead make their day!
Those of you that follow me know going after Iran is why Bush lied to get attack Iraq and get back into the Middle East. Iran is helping Syria, us helping the protesters is exactly what Iran wants so they can bring out in the open the war against the United States.
I have to reiterate something I have said too many times since Bush chose to ignore all warnings of total civil war spreading throughout the entire Middle East so he could attack Iraq and straighten out the Middle East as God spoke to him and instructed him to. You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran.
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East. He has long wanted a Korea style force in Iraq to secure the peace! We were concerned because we knew that would never work in Iraq or the Middle East! Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program would be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale!
I still see a total civil war Sunni against Shiite erupting in the Middle East because Bush freed up Iran to instigate it on their end and they are. I still am concerned we will have a permanent presence in the Middle East but feel we will have to largely leave Iraq to her own demise. We will still be there but it looks like Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden will be the prime focus unless Iran gets something going between the US and Iran.
As you know, I talk about it often as I watch Bush's new Middle East (dis)order progress. He ignored Afghanistan so he could use the patriot acts powers to divert from Afghanistan to attack Iraq using the excuse of unseating Saddam so he could get in the Middle East to help Israel establish a buffer zone and establish a new middle east (dis) order or so Israel and Cheney thought. Bush at Cheney's urging made an abrupt shift in policy towards Syria, a shift that has now brought the entire Mideast region to the brink of war and chaos. Much worse than the hell on earth they created for Iraq. Did you ever read A clean Break
That plan was put together in 1996 for Israel. They were just waiting for an idiot to come along so they could implement their plan for the Middle East. Along came the life long follower and life long alcoholic loser Georgie Bush. I wish I could say the rest is History but this is still barely beginning and just beginning to take shape. All Bush did by ignoring Afghanistan and attacking Iraq was to guarantee a loss of everything and a complete Middle East and Asian Breakdown.
He freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too. Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama. Watch out Iran!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Britain in Libya 'for long haul' Good for them! Libya: Britain 'may have to look at' deploying ground troops: you asked for it
Remember the tribal chiefs Gaddafi said were on his side and would finish his slaughter in Misrata? CHIEFS or representatives of 61 tribes across Libya last night called for an end to Muammar Gaddafi's dictatorship, in a statement released by French writer Bernard-Henri Levy. They want a free Democratic and united Libya under Democratic principles, that is fantastic!
Britain in Libya 'for long haul' Good for them!
Britain's Hague warns UK and allies must prepare for long haul in Libya Nope they wanted it them and France got it, I want to see them and the rebels stand up and do this themselves.
Italy once Libya's colonial ruler has succumbed to pressure by the US, Britain, and Franc to join in the fray in order to try and bring this to an end or so the allies think. Silvio Berlusconi said Italian air-force jets will carry out strikes against Libya as NATO seeks to break an impasse in the nine-week struggle to oust Muammar Qaddafi’s regime. Italian planes will target military installations in Libya, Berlusconi told reporters in Rome today after ...
Despite the growing effort by NATO as expected Libya: Col Gaddafi remains defiant as fighting rages on: Col Muammar Gaddafi remained defiant after his compound was hit by Nato bombs as fresh fighting raged in the besieged city of Misurata.
Libya: Britain 'may have to look at' deploying ground troops
Good luck Britain we are already doing enough. We are getting in deeper and deeper. I understand Gaddafi has a lot on some of our misleaders and they do not really want to kill him but we are getting dragged into a third protracted war with a Muslim country. This is going to work against us. We are also gearing our navy with weapons to deal with the unique threat Iran portrays in the Gulf. We are getting more involved with Syria which will bring Iran on. I am absolutely nonplussed over all this!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Italy france,
military advisers,
Moamoar Gaddafi,
Obama to Republicans: 'You think we're stupid?' Well since you asked...
In one of three political fund-raisers for his re-election campaign, Obama spoke candidly to supporters about the closed-door White House conversations that led to a deal that barely avoided a shutdown of the U.S. Government. President Obama said he challenged Republicans to try to repeal his landmark health care reform in private budget talks last week, taunting his opponents with a question: "You think we're stupid?" Obama to Republicans: 'You think we're stupid?'
Democrats have been tit on a bull since Bush's Presidency. They had a majority and got nothing done. Reid and Pelosi along with the rest of them have proven they have no spine. Republicans have been having their way with the Democrats for ten years and it only got worse when the tea party came on board. Why shouldn't they think Democrats are stupid? Look at their track rerecord!
I say "be careful what you ask for" you may get it in this case you will. I have been totally disappointed with Reid, Pelosi, and all Democrats since Bush's reign. It was sickening to watch as Democrats bent to every whim of G W. We said Democrats must learn how to stand up to Republicans and their my way or the highway terrorist tactics.
With the advent of Obama I thought we had the person to do it. I saw his being a community organizer as a plus also his eloquence. Republicans have wanted nothing but his failure and defeat not caring that it meant failure and defeat for us and our America. As a result we have seen Obama do a pretty good job "in my mind" around the world However he has been a total failure at home.
Obama and the Democrats have shown they are stupid. They have a proven track record of letting the Republicans ride roughshod over them. It is very debilitating to watch. The only thing they can look at and call a victory is the health care Bill but most of us do not look at it as a victory because Democrats allowed it to be whittled down by the ever powerful tea partiers, lobbyists, and main stream Republicans in their pocket.
Obama is quite an orator but I wouldn't be looking for a fight with Republicans as he has proven he can not handle a fight. I can not remember one thing he has accomplished for the benefit of the average American can you? I absolutely want to see him reelected because the alternative is worse, He is right now trying to regain the youth vote the helped get him elected but what has he done for them?
Obama said social security, Medicaid, and Medicare were on the table then when he started his reelection campaign he wanted the elderly vote so he told them he is on their side and will fight to protect Medicaid and Medicare. It should be protected but I do not see it happening. I hate to say it but everything does have to be on the table including ending the tax cuts for the super wealthy.
I do not see that happening because Republicans said it is off the table and if there is any compromise since the last election they wrongly think gave them a mandate by the people do undo everything FDR and Democrats have ever accomplished. I hope they pay next election and believe they will but time will have to tell. I for one have to say to the affirmative that yes we think you are stupid. If you aren't "prove it"
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
President Obama,
U.S. Government
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Syria launches war to annihilate protesters: Any bets that Iran is behind this?
Syrian troops poured into cities across the restive country and fired at civilians, residents and rights campaigners said on Monday, in what could be a new and deadly stage in the country's escalating crackdown on protesters. Meanwhile, the country's government appeared to close all its ... You know Bashar's only friend Iran is dictating that this slaughter is a necessity though Syria knows how to brutalize its people all to well.
Syrian troops and tanks stormed Deraa where the uprising started, on Monday, residents said, seeking to crush resistance in the city where a month-long uprising against the autocratic 11-year rule of President Bashar al-Assad first erupted.
Syria: Eyewitness accounts
Analysis: Why Syria matters
Soldiers in Syria are going door to door in Deraa and Douma knocking on doors even in the middle of the night and shooting people as they answer the door and then shooting everyone in the house. Supposedly this expected situation is begging for us to get involved but we damn well better not. Unless that is going to war with Iran is the goal.
Bad idea as UN Security Council may tackle Syria violence WTF? Play right into Syria and Iran's hand why don't you? Go ahead make their day!
Those of you that follow me know going after Iran is why Bush lied to get attack Iraq and get back into the Middle East. Iran is helping Syria, us helping the protesters is exactly what Iran wants so they can bring out in the open the war against the United States.
I have to reiterate something I have said too many times since Bush chose to ignore all warnings of total civil war spreading throughout the entire Middle East so he could attack Iraq and straighten out the Middle East as God spoke to him and instructed him to. You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran.
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East. He has long wanted a Korea style force in Iraq to secure the peace! We were concerned because we knew that would never work in Iraq or the Middle East! Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program would be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale!
I still see a total civil war Sunni against Shiite erupting in the Middle East because Bush freed up Iran to instigate it on their end and they are. I still am concerned we will have a permanent presence in the Middle East but feel we will have to largely leave Iraq to her own demise. We will still be there but it looks like Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden will be the prime focus unless Iran gets something going between the US and Iran.
As you know, I talk about it often as I watch Bush's new Middle East (dis)order progress. He ignored Afghanistan so he could use the patriot acts powers to divert from Afghanistan to attack Iraq using the excuse of unseating Saddam so he could get in the Middle East to help Israel establish a buffer zone and establish a new middle east (dis) order or so Israel and Cheney thought. Bush at Cheney's urging made an abrupt shift in policy towards Syria, a shift that has now brought the entire Mideast region to the brink of war and chaos. Much worse than the hell on earth they created for Iraq. Did you ever read A clean Break
That plan was put together in 1996 for Israel. They were just waiting for an idiot to come along so they could implement their plan for the Middle East. Along came the life long follower and life long alcoholic loser Georgie Bush. I wish I could say the rest is History but this is still barely beginning and just beginning to take shape. All Bush did by ignoring Afghanistan and attacking Iraq was to guarantee a loss of everything and a complete Middle East and Asian Breakdown.
He freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too. Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama. Watch out Iran!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
As Dolphin Death Tolls off the California coast Rise, Marine Experts Look for excuses while ignoring the truth: We did it!
As Dolphin Death Tolls Rise, Marine Experts Look for Answers
They say it is Domoic acid a naturally occurring biotoxin found in algae blooms off the California coast. It is caused in part from fertilizers, industrial waste and other pollutants that wash out to sea. What is so natural about fertilizers, industrial waste and other pollutants in the sea ? Many are dying out at Sea. You don't think it has anything to do with Japan and its debris field hitting the area?
What the hell is wrong with them? What about the sea life we are increasingly finding diseased and cancerous? sea life? Remember the sea is the root of life, phytoplankton is the largest source of oxygen on the planet Algae bloom, hypoxia, that and much more is man's fault.
Less than a month ago we saw millions of dead sardines show up in California and I immediately suspected we were at the root of that evil. Of course they said they all panicked and corralled themselves into a small spot ran out of oxygen and suffocated. I thought we had our dirty little hands in it somehow. Well they just found out the millions of sardines found dead in California were contaminated with toxins from algae bloom they ate making them susceptible to lack of oxygen. Toxin found in dead sardines
First I have to ask what? In some spots, such as off the Southern California coast, oxygen levels have dropped roughly 20 percent over the past 25 years. Elsewhere, scientists say, oxygen levels might have declined by one-third over 50 years. Then I have to remember the algae bloom also grows in great quantities due to mans interference. I remember the big die off in the Chesapeake they supposedly couldn't pin point. Millions of dead fish in Chesapeake Bay blamed on limited habitat and cold water stress, wake up! Face the truth!
Authorities in Maryland were investigating the deaths of about 2 million fish in Chesapeake Bay they are blaming on cold water stress, over population "come on, overpopulation of our decimated fish stocks", and limited deep water habitat, natural causes. Yes on a much smaller scale it happened twice before in 1976 and 1980 but there is nothing natural about it and it is getting worse. millions of dead fish in Chesapeake Bay
Yes there is growing limited habitat but there is nothing natural about it and we know it. We are destroying the ocean and our very basis of life on earth. One of the largest of the 400 or so ocean dead zones is in the Gulf of Mexico, near the mouth of the Mississippi.However, scientists now say that some of these areas, including those off the Northwest, apparently are linked to broader changes in ocean oxygen levels.The Pacific waters off Washington and Oregon face a double whammy as a result of ocean circulation. Growing low-oxygen zones in oceans worry scientists | McClatchy
In 2004 I was alarmed because there was 150 dead spots today there are 400. Commonly, ocean "dead zones" have been linked to agricultural runoff and other pollution coming down major rivers such as the Mississippi or the Columbia.
Scientists may have found the most devastating impact yet of human-caused global warming — a 40% decline in phytoplankton since 1950 linked to the rise in ocean sea surface temperatures. I happen to think it is largely due to man and our pollution though some may be natural but I doubt it. We’ve known for a while that we are poisoning the oceans and that human emissions of carbon dioxide, left unchecked, would likely have devastating consequences. We are all part of the whole.
“Phytoplankton are a critical part of our planetary life support system. They produce half of the oxygen we breathe, draw down surface CO2 and ultimately support all of our fishes said marine biologist Boris Worm of Canada’s Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. We say the ocean is critical to life but personally I had no idea how critical. I thought we were talking giving up fish for food not life itself. Somebody of consequence better wake up!
What a coincidence with those two kill offs being in the 70's and 90's, look at this: In the 1970s, the Chesapeake Bay was discovered to contain one of the planet's first identified marine dead zones, where hypoxic waters were so depleted of oxygen they were unable to support life, resulting in massive fish kills. Today the bay's dead zones are estimated to kill 75,000 tons of bottom-dwelling clams and worms each year, weakening the base of the estuary's food chain and robbing the blue crab in particular of a primary food source. Crabs themselves are sometimes observed to amass on shore to escape pockets of oxygen-poor water, a behavior known as a "crab jubilee". Hypoxia results in part from large algal blooms, which are nourished by the runoff of farm and industrial waste throughout the watershed.
The runoff and pollution have many components that help contribute to the algal blooms which is mainly fed by phosphorus and nitrogen.[13] This algae prevents sunlight from reaching the bottom of the bay while alive and deoxygenates the bay's water when it dies and rots. The erosion and runoff of sediment into the bay, exacerbated by devegetation, construction and the prevalence of pavement in urban and suburban areas, also blocks vital sunlight. The resulting loss of aquatic vegetation has depleted the habitat for much of the bay's animal life. Beds of eelgrass, the dominant variety in the southern bay, have shrunk by more than half there since the early 1970s. Overharvesting, pollution, sedimentation and disease has turned much of the bay's bottom into a muddy wasteland.[14]
One particularly harmful source of toxicity is Pfiesteria piscicida, which can affect both fish and humans. Pfiesteria caused a small regional panic in the late 1990s when a series of large blooms started killing large numbers of fish while giving swimmers mysterious rashes, and nutrient runoff from chicken farms was blamed for the growth.[15 Chesapeak Bay wikipedia
Natural? Hardly! We are killing our oceans faster than ever not to speak of the continent size garbage swirls all around the world. We have to stop this mentality we are illustrating again towards the sea saying we are okay if the radiation blows out to sea it won't affect anyone. It will at some point affect everyone. We are never going to smarten up. I am so disgusted!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, April 25, 2011
Jury out on marine damage a year after Gulf oil spill: Not for me
The Gulf Spill: One Year Later, they say it is nearly back to normal "a 69 where it was a 70 before the disaster" That is BS! despite the lies of coming back it is dead as the fishing and shellfish industry need it and for many generations!
I keep listening to people in the seafood business down there say business is great eat the shellfish and come on down for a visit. They are great pitchmen to rebuild their industry and life style. I watched a special where they were rebuilding the oyster beds saying they are going to reseed and will be back better than ever. That is all great but I have to remember the millions of gallons of oil and dispersants used.
Most of that is still out and about somewhere albeit widely thinned out and dispersed. It just did not evaporate and much of the sea bottom is dead. I watched a special on CNN and some of the fishermen were saying they are thinking if leaving maybe going further south or to the east coast of Florida where people are not afraid to go fishing and eat the fish and shellfish so they can start a new life.
We keep being told the Gulf is almost back to where it was before the disaster and despite wishful thinking and feel good campaigns to get people back to rebuild the fishing and tourist industry there is no way this is true. I watched as one of the small boats showed us an example as they revved up the motor and churned up the water dredging up mass amounts of oil. It was terrible and that is going nowhere for generations.
There are 67 miles of coastline moderately or severely impacted. I was looking at thousands of acres of marshland that were totally dead and they said it would be open ocean in a year. That is not success. Nothing can live in the oil and dispersant which makes me ask about the oysters and other shellfish they are seeding. What about them? They will die once they get involved with the oil. Turtles birds dolphins and fish are still turning up dead daily!
As we have been saying for many months, the gulf is dead for fishing as they knew and need it.You know that mess is evaporating and will come down with the rain on crops and in drinking supplies. I wish they would stop their lying! This already is the nightmare scenario they are not talking about. We do not matter and instead of doing the right thing for the people and the gulf they are going to lie until once again the awful truth becomes undeniable and they will just act surprised. WTF?
The people in the Gulf might as well keep drilling for oil because their fishing is going to be dead for generations if we are around that long. Their lives are altered forever and they know it!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Standard and Poor cuts long term outlook for US Debt to negative: Thank you Congress, WTF?
Stocks Trade Sharply Lower on US Debt News
Stocks continued to tumble on news Standard & Poor's has a negative outlook on the long-term debt of the United States because of concerns lawmakers won't come to an agreement over how to address budgetary challenges.
Cost To Insure US Sovereign Debt Rises 16%
S&P cuts long term outlook for US Debt to Negative This is not good and we can thank our screw ball worthless Politicians as they continue to play their childish games.
Tell me what you think of this! America's Impending Master Class Dictatorship Frightening but you can not deny this reality! We are in serious trouble and as I have pointed out for years it was done on purpose and right under our unsuspecting noses! Our real debt including Debt and unfunded liabilities is $120 trillion! Wrap your mind around that!
Think about it! What is the world without America? What would happen to the entire world if we were to file for Bankruptcy? China for one would be in anarchy and go under as the country she is today and wants to be tomorrow. I find this all very disturbing because it is laid on Obama's shoulders and being credited with this mess. Unfunded liabilities, ballooning deficit, ballooning debt, it is all Chinese to most of us. One thing I do know is President Clinton ran a surplus inherited by G W Bush. He was even looking at retiring the Debt. Bush changed all that forever!
Bush Cheney Greenspan Rove Gonzales, all the enablers, do not get enough credit for what they did in allowing the moral and financial bankrupting of America. I won't bother you with another link but Michael Whitney did a great piece detailing how Greenspan set it up. Those so called men are heralded as heroes by some. You have to realize they are all benefactors.
I always said Bush or those behind him learned their lessons well and anything they touched would be much worse than a like event in History. During the Depression when Roosevelt was trying to rebuild America we knew it happened on the Republican's watch and who to blame. They also knew and wanted to help fix it not make it worse as Republicans are doing today.
Anyway think back and you will see that everything was done on purpose and especially the timing was no coincidence. Bush and Greenspan kept the collapse off until he was out of office. People say get over it! Move on! However we will never get over it or be able to forget Bush as much as we want as his damage will affect our and the worlds lives forever. No I am not giving that bunch too much credit.
They shaped our future and the future of the whole world like it or not!et over it, not hardly! The debt clock had to be started during Reagan's time because of his success but could only register 9 trillion. Because of Bush's so called success it had to be altered to register 10 trillion. Now the debt is moving so fast it is going virile. 3.8 trillion is our new record budget for next year. How far off can bankruptcy be especially knowing how bad it really is?
Bankruptcy Questions & Answers
James m Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Palestinians hail international 'birth certificate' of statehood but only Israel matters
Palestinians hail international 'birth certificate' of statehood
Palestinians to Seek Statehood Approval in September, Abbas Says
Israel absent or only negative presence in PA textbooks'
Forget it, Israel in their eyes are the only ones that matter and they do not want our 2 State solution period!
I wrote about it numerous times, to hell with Israel they are the problem. Netanyahu does not want peace until he gets everything he wants which includes all of Jerusalem. We have to take care of our own and let them hang themselves. Ahmadinejad was right in one thing when he said years ago that is Europe and the US felt so bad for what happened to the Jews in ww2 they should have given them part of their country. We would have no problem then.
The movement to rightly recognize Palestine has continued to grow as Bolivia became the third country and Ecuador the fourth to recognize a state of Palestine."Bolivia and Ecuador recognizes the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders, like Brazil and Argentina," the Palestinian Ma'an news agency reported Bolivian president Evo Morales as saying during a visit to Brazil.Uruguay as expected followed suit! All this despite efforts by Israel, Israeli groups, and the US despite their feigned efforts to form a two State union.
I reiterate, Palestinian's have bent backwards: Lack of a peace solution to the Israeli crisis we created keeps being blamed on the Palestinians and I for one am quite sick of it! remember this? Israel could lease Palestinian lands in exchange for Palestinian statehood: report I am thinking this can be done after all my apprehension. With Palestine rebuffing Iran, Iran would be the one left out in the cold.
Palestinian refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish state shows they are not serious about two-state solution. What about Israel's refusal to go back to 1967 borders where they should be? to stop building settlements? or to let Palestine have a homeland free of Jews if they want? What about UN resolution 181 established in 1947? That should be made binding and without a vote by Israel.
remember this? PLO wants map from US with future Israeli border Can you blame them? No bargaining make Israel adhere to UN resolution 181, no alternative! It is more than fair and equitable.
The only thing to do is to force the instigating war mongers Israel to adhere to 181 or leave them to their own demise and Iran would see to it. You know, first reading how Israel and Palestine was allotted their territories in 1948 I do not condone that Israel has not been forced to adhere to that resolution. We, the US Britain and Europe especially are as guilty as Israel for not insisting Israel adhere to UN Resolution 181
"In the eyes of Palestinians, the occupation began in '48 and not in '67," Ya'alon told Army Radio. "Not only Hamas thinks this – Abu Mazen [Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas does too." I think that too! I refuse to believe we took it upon ourselves to displace the Palestinians and give their land to the Jews in 1948 because we felt bad for them.
I hate to say it but I agree with Ahmadinejad that if Europe and the US felt so bad about what happened to Jews during WW2 then they should have given them part of their country. If they did we would not be in this situation. There will never be peace in the middle east unless there is an agreement to go back to UN Resolution 181 that was established in 1947.
We should in fact take care of Jewish American's and American's and our interests in Israel and otherwise tell them in no uncertain terms they are on their own if they continue to instigate war not peace and expecting us to come to their rescue. I love the way this is gaining momentum and I finally believe there is a chance for a two State solution but not peace in the Middle East. * The ball is in Israel's court not the world court where it should be!
Palestinians for their part are doing their share for peace but it is futile: They are willing to let Israel control the wailing wall and just want East Jerusalem as their capital but there is no way in hell Israel is going to give that up as they swear it belongs to them. It does not belong to them. They do not want peace unless they get everything they want and they will not. This will only end in war and we will be dragged in. That is why Bush ignored Afghanistan to get into the Middle East. Right from the get go helping Israel against Iran was the goal.
Again I reiterate there will never be peace in the Middle East, period! Israel wants it her way and Iran/Syria want Israel obliterated, period, seems like peace is in Palestinian hands and depends on how much they are willing to bend because Israel will not. Israel and Iran have long been in preparation for this confrontation. As you know, when asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran in 1979 after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply was “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.
On the other side there is Israel who will give nothing and expects Palestinians to give up everything! I realized a long time ago that Israel is the world's chief war monger and we seem to do their bidding and fighting. If they get into a war with Iran we will end up coming to their rescue regardless of what they do or what Hillary says and that is sad! We should in fact take care of Jewish American's and American's and our interests in Israel and otherwise tell them in no uncertain terms they are on their own if they continue to instigate war not peace and expecting us to come to their rescue.
* The ball is in Israel's court and I do not like what they are doing with it as they want to hold the ball till they get their way. Well the heck with them, we have given enough!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, April 22, 2011
US using armed drones in Libya is a game changer
13 Libyan soldiers, including a General turned themselves over to the Tunisian military at the border as rebels seize border post. The rebels seized the Wazin post after up to 200 pro-Gaddafi soldiers fled to Tunisia on Thursday.Libyan rebels 'seize Tunisia border post' A spokesman for the rebel transitional council, Abdul Hafeez Ghoga, said Col Gaddafi wanted a ceasefire because his forces were being destroyed by Nato air strikes. That I would have to hear for myself!
Libya conflict: EU awaits UN approval for deployment of ground troops
Libyan government troops pounded the besieged rebel-held city of Misrata overnight, undeterred by Western threats to step up military action against Muammar Gaddafi's forces.
NATO has issued a new warning to Libyan civilians to stay away from military areas -- foreshadowing plans for stepped-up air strikes on targets seen as strategically significant in stopping the Gadhafi regime's attacks against civilians, according to a NATO military official. NATO warns Libyans to avoid military areas
Britain, France and Italy are sending military advisers and the US contribution is going to be drones.US to use armed drones over Libya Those are going to be the game changer as they will be able to watch for muzzle flash of tanks and weapons hiding in buildings.
Misrata: Lethal stand-off explained
Misrata map: City under siege
Tripoli witness: Covert defiance
We are getting in deeper and deeper. I understand Gaddafi has a lot on some of our misleaders and they do not really want to kill him but we are getting dragged into a third protracted war with a Muslim country. This is going to work against us. We are also gearing our navy with weapons to deal with the unique threat Iran portrays in the Gulf. I am absolutely nonplussed over all this!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
military advisers,
Moamoar Gaddafi,
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Britain, Italy and France send military advisers to Libyan rebels, Libya calls it an act of war. This is how Vietnam went, remember?
Libya rebels to get $25m of US military equipment under Pentagon proposal We are getting in deeper and I do not like it!
UN slams Libyan regime for alleged use of cluster bombs, saying such attacks could be international crimes.
UK to Send Military Advisers to Help Libyan Rebels
UK 'mission creep' fear grows Don't forget who their number one ally is and NATO wants us to take the lead again!
Italy and France sending troops to advise Libyan rebels
Libya calls it an act of war says European military advisers for rebels will extend fighting
This is as Qaddafi Forces Shell Mountain Towns in Western Libya
Rebels will 'fight until they die'
This is another nightmare that is just taking shape. Do not forget Russia and China want Gaddafi's oil and are dead against this and sending advisers first is the way we got involved in the mess in Vietnam. I am sick that we have learned nothing and this will dwarf Vietnam. Let the rebel's fight to the death we are already close enough to ours between all the wars and our growing bankruptcy.
We can't do this and we are getting dragged into it! This is not going to be good especially if Russia and China get involved helping Gaddafi in one way or the other in turn for his oil.
I am all for dropping a MOAB (mother of all bombs) or a 30,000 pound bunker buster designed to dig 7 or 8 levels underground before exploding right in the middle of Gaddafi's 4 acre compound. We are going to end up doing this I am afraid and what about Russia and China?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
UK to Send Military Advisers to Help Libyan Rebels, they request NATO troops on the ground: Here we go
Libya death toll 'touches 10000'
UK to Send Military Advisers to Help Libyan Rebels
"NATO conducted deliberate, multiple strikes against command and control facilities of the Gaddafi regime last night, including communications infrastructure used to coordinate attacks against civilians, and the headquarters of the 32nd Brigade located 10 km south of Tripoli," NATO said in a statement. It's about time, now go after Tripoli!
Meanwhile Misrata is surrounded on all sides by Mr. Gadhafi's forces, who pummel the city with rockets, artillery shells, and cluster bombs on a daily basis and a spokesman says they are doing nothing. The leadership of the besieged rebel-held city of Misrata called for the urgent intervention of foreign ground forces to protect the city's half a million citizens, the first such call by Libyan rebels since the country's uprising began two months ago. "We are calling for foreign forces to protect our citizens immediately," Nouri Abdallah Abdel Ati, a member of Misrata's 17-person leadership committee, said Tuesday. "We want the UN or NATO on the ground. This is not a Western occupation or colonialism. This is needed to protect our people."
As Gaddafi forces lay siege to Misrata and slaughter the people any way they can NATO is being accused of over dramatizing the situation. The UK is sending military advisers, need we remind them that is the way we started in Vietnam? This is not good and is a no win situation.
Any way you look at it Kaddafi is no Mubarak and Egypt's army is not the army of blood thirsty mercenaries Kaddafi's Billions buys. They aren't going to be able to take out Gaddafi. He is going to keep slaughtering the "rats" The no fly zone stopped working when we handed it to the Brits and French though they seem to be doing better now the Bgabgo is captured and they can focus on Libya though now this is all really starting to worry me.
I just see no way in hell that Moamar, Saif, any of the Gaddafi men, or his daughter for that matter are going to go anywhere. I believe we screwed up again unless France or Britain takes control on the ground as seems to be happening. We can't do it and we are getting dragged into it! This is not going to be good especially if Russia and China get involved helping Gaddafi in one way or the other in turn for his oil.
I am all for dropping a MOAB (mother of all bombs) or a 30,000 pound bunker buster designed to dig 7 or 8 levels underground before exploding right in the middle of Gaddafi's 4 acre compound. I was just listening to Gaddafi's bitchy daughter speaking in Tripoli and Gaddafi hiding in a car while Loyalist planes circled overhead. What the heck is that in a supposed no fly zone? We are going to end up doing this ourselves I am afraid and what about Russia and China?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
George W. Bush calls for backing off government involvement in padding economy: GUILTY!
Bush calls for backing off government involvement in padding economy
Bush defends bank bailout at opening of economic forum in Dallas
Whitman speaks at Bush Institute conference
Bush, Rove, Greenspan, they and their cohorts purposely did all this saying everyone can have everything in this American dream they turned into a night mare. They better be held accountable and should not be allowed to get away with blaming this too on President Obama. They built this house of cards purposely in the bankrupting of America. No apologies my rear!
I will say, I accused Bush from day one of micro mismanaging 100% of every fiasco he purposely created for us while he was widening the gap between the haves and the have not's. Us responsible citizens were having routine heart attacks watching him tell people to buy a house, everyone can have a piece of the American dream. That was BS and we were getting an ulcer.
When I was first starting out I had to get my parents to co sign a loan for a ring so I could get married. You needed 20% down in order to buy a house and Bush through Greenspan fixed it so most Americans were living this lie too and gave everyone a loan regardless of what they earned. They purposely created our housing bubble. We are finally back to responsibility and we are hearing how tough it is on peope now that they must put 20% down. There is a reason why damn it as many found out the hard way thanks to Bush and his cronies.
While Greenspan warned this collapse could be worse than the depression and Bush warned of the severe damage it could cause the country if the bail out is not passed I just want to remind you of what an expert Michael Whitney wrote explaining this set up 4 years ago.
Greenspan successfully piloted the nation into virtual insolvency. In fact, the parallels between our present situation and the period preceding the Great Depression are striking. Just as massive debt was accumulating in the market from the purchase of stocks "on margin", so too, mortgage debt between 2000 and 2006 soared from $4.8 trillion to $9.5 trillion. In both cases the "wealth effect" spawned a spending spree which looked like growth but was really the steady, insidious expansion of debt which generated economic activity. In both periods wages were either flat or declining and the gap between rich and working class was growing more extreme by the year. As Paul Alexander Gusmorino said in his article, "Main Causes of the Great Depression": "Many factors played a role in bringing about the depression; however, the main cause for the Great Depression was the combination of the greatly unequal distribution of wealth throughout the 1920's, and the extensive stock market speculation that took place during the latter part that same decade".
The same factors are at work today except that the speculation is in real estate rather than stocks. Just as in the 1920's the equity bubble was not created by wages keeping pace with productivity (the healthy formula for growth) but by the expansion of personal debt. Also, one could buy stocks without the money to purchase them, just as one can buy a $600,000 or $700,000 house today with zero-down and no monthly payment on the principle for years to come. The current account deficit ($800 billion) could also weigh heavily in any economic shake-up that may be forthcoming. Bob Chapman of The International Forecaster made this shocking calculation about America's out-of-control trade deficit: "US debt was up 10.1% to $4.085 trillion and accounts for 58.8% of all the credit issued globally last year. That means the US expanded credit at a much faster rate than the economy grew. This was borrowing to maintain a higher standard of living and attempt to pay for it tomorrow." Think about that; the US sucked up nearly 60% of ALL GLOBAL CREDIT in one year alone. That is truly astonishing.
There are many similarities between the pre-Depression era and our own. Paul Alexander Gusmorino says: "The Great Depression was the worst economic slump ever in U.S. history, and one which spread to virtually all of the industrialized world. The depression began in late 1929 and lasted for about a decade....The excessive speculation in the late 1920's kept the stock market artificially high, but eventually lead to large market crashes. These market crashes, combined with the misdistribution of wealth, caused the American economy to capsize. "(The income disparity) between the rich and the middle class grew throughout the 1920's. While the disposable income per capita rose 9% from 1920 to 1929, those with income within the top 1% enjoyed a stupendous 75% increase in per capita disposable income A major reason for this large and growing gap between the rich and the working-class people was the increased manufacturing output throughout this period. From 1923-1929 the average output per worker increased 32% in manufacturing. During that same period of time average wages for manufacturing jobs increased only 8% (This ultimately causes a decrease in demand and leads to growth in credit spending)
The federal government also contributed to the growing gap between the rich and middle-class. Calvin Coolidge's (pro business) administration passed the Revenue Act of 1926, which reduced federal income and inheritance taxes dramatically(At the same time) the Supreme Court ruled minimum-wage legislation unconstitutional. On Monday October 21, 1929, the over-valued stock market began its downward plunge. It managed a brief mid-week comeback, but 7 days later on Black Tuesday it plummeted again; 16 million shares were dumped and there were no buyers. The game was over. Confidence evaporated overnight. People stopped buying on credit, the bubble-economy collapsed, and the mighty locomotive for growth, the American consumer, hobbled into the Great Depression. Tariffs were thrown up, foreigners stopped buying American goods; banks closed, business went bust, and unemployment skyrocketed. Tens years later the country was still reeling from the implosion. Now, 77 years later, Greenspan has led us sheep-like to the same precipice. The economic dilemma we're facing could have been avoided if the expansion of personal credit had been curtailed by prudent monetary policy at the Federal Reserve and if wealth was more evenly distributed as it was in the '60s and '70s. But that's not the case; so we're headed for hard times. Mike Whitney the second Great Depression
Bush saying Obama should not be padding the economy is hypocritical, this is his mess. Him and Rove should not be giving advice period.
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
allen Greenspan,
George W Bush,
Karl Rove,
Meg Whitman
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