Some of the lunatic conspirators I hear right here defy any reasoning! Yes Clinton certainly screwed up and asked for what he got. However what started out as a limited investigation by Ken Star into White water turned into a lynch mob. Ultimately we can thank Clinton and Monica Lewinsky for getting the life long failure of an alcoholic elected to do to us what he had done to his life. The right wing conspirators bailed him out!
A right wing conspiracy brought Clinton down and now it is working to bring down President Obama! The right wing conspiracy I am afraid is not as small today as President Clinton thinks. He believes it was much larger and worked much harder against him. Dream on! Even though the Republican party has shrunk the nut bag conspirators has not. As they get increasingly desperate they are getting more heinous!
Yes Clinton provided the fuel but the right wing conspiracy brought Clinton down. They are concentrating on President Obama and working over time to bring him down too! We ca not let their depravity prevail. They bring him down creating his Waterloo and it will be all out Waterloo. Democrats, Republicans, and independents alike. As I said, Clinton and Lewinsky were directly responsible for getting the life long alcoholic failure elected.
Pelosi is right saying the conspiracy rhetoric we are hearing coming from the right is getting worse and can lead to violence. It will! and by design! As we speak another Birther campaign has been started around the country. They will not stop and this is particularly cynical because they are looking for a $30 donation and that will get you a bumper sticker for your car saying Obama is not an American. That is a lie and is friggen sick!
Remember Michelle Bachmann and her census idiocy about Obama trying to control our census to control demographics and the vote? Well it was no coincidence that a census worker was found hung from a rope with a sign around his neck identifying him as a census worker. The vast right wing conspiracy is more than alive it is thriving as the conspirators that brought down Clinton and got Bush the destroyer elected continue to gear up to bring down Obama too. Only now their efforts are based purely on lies and fear mongering!
They called President Clinton a murderer a rapist and a drug dealer. They are painting Obama as a Black illegal socialist who stole their country. I will concede that calling it a right wing conspiracy even though it is plays into the hands of those that dismiss its existence as lunacy. The Republican party may be smaller but the campaign against president Obama is much more virile than with Clinton!
* They are getting more maniacal as they become increasingly desperate to get rid of our Black President and his so called death panels and have their 2nd Revolution! the FBI just stepped in and shut down a poll that was on Face Book asking whether or not you thought Obama should be killed? Possible answers were yes no maybe and Yes if he touches my health care. 700 people responded before the site was shut down. This is not good!
What the hell are we waiting for , assassination? This is exactly the way it went with JFK! To bring down Clinton White Water morphed into the Lewinsky affair. What will Bringing down our Black President morph into, assassination? Geezuz think about the aftermath in this country if we failed to keep hope alive.Wow!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Scare mongery? Those seem to be everywhere.
I am concerned about the potential violence but as I see it the more the right pushes the lies the more the country is moving to the left. Unlike when Clinton was in office todays right is a fringe element and that element is shrinking. They may have the backing of corporate America but the truth is coming out. We saw that after the teabagging in August. And people are now pushing the conservedems to get with the program or they'll need to find a new job come next election.
Yeah well, it's always like that, isn't it?! have you ever seen a country where people were satisfied with a fairly sensible leader?! No, they're always gonna complain, no matter what! AND some other succers are gonna make arrangements to bring that leader down in some way or another. And if taht doesn't work, you can always arrange for a nutcase to be framed for pulling the trigger...
The uncle of the boyfriend of a friend of mine had made it to become president years ago - he lasted just one single day!!! I have no idea if he was a good or a bad guy but he obviously didn't have the backup of the financial powers, that's why he was brought down so quickly.
So I have no illusions, especially that I see the merchants of chaos at work everywhere - keeping us all nicely confused and pre-occupied, so we won't notice what's really going on.
Yeah conon fodder... that's about right, James!
re busy... yes, I have to confess, I'm really trying to push it as far as I can... but the day has to few hours and I never get all of it done! Still haven't answered my mails... and so many other things... but it's colder today, so I couldn't do too much outside...
When FDR implemented the New Deal, he was branded a communist etc. etc., JFK was answering to the Vatican, etc. etc., you mentioned how they hounded Clinton, the movie they made about Hillary that was banned (for now). In 2009 it's Obama's turn, but there's no right-wing conspiracy, it's just Democrats being paranoid. But a conspiracy suggests something underhanded, something done behind closed doors, this thing going on is right out in the open.
Hi Monique, fear mongering is what it is all about today to get what you want. Bush started it and everyone does it now!
Hi Demeur! It is funny but the right keep saying people are going there way and I expect many are buying their fear mongering lies.
The pup tent party is smaller but the fringe is getting larger and more radical. I do not like this!
That's it Sarah, they keep you confused so they can keep their agenda hidden it and hopefully follow it. I hate this! You just relax and don't over do it!
Holte I really wish we were just being paranoid but this is for real.
Do you remember the Gubenetorial candidate who wanted to issue hunting licenses to hunt him down and kill him? He later said he was kidding but too late.
We all know anyway the truth is often said in jest! I just wrote about that a couple of times along with the Pastor who goes to bed every night and prays for Obama to die and his daughters to be fatherless!
Check out this tiny bit of Reichmarshall Limbaugh's hate mongering from just today.
"This is what Democrats want; this is who they are. They don't like the Constitution. They don't like the concepts of freedom and liberty, private property rights.
It's the American left that wants you to die. They want you to die in the womb, and they want you to die when you're no longer productive toward the end of your life. It's the Democrat Party that's obsessed with your death."
And yes, Rush still says the dems have established death panels.
No sane person buys this crap, but the unstable violent types do. We have not seen the last of these vile fascists.
Dave I am sick of it! I was just listening to the latest from Beck. What the hell does it tell you when the likes of Beck Palin and Limbaugh control your party? This is really sick!
Dave it never ceases to blow me away! I keep hearing there is a fringe that feels like him and are against everything Obama. However it is not just a fringe and they will continue to get louder until...
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