Things have really been looking up since the death of Baittulah Mehsud! When Baittulah Mehsud was killed we thought Mehsud in the end may prove to have been more important than Bin Laden as he gave the leaders protection and held them all together. As you know I said many times that if we are to succeed in bringing calm back to Pakistan and victory in Afghanistan it must begin with control of the the Swat valley and Waziristan and more importantly the death of Baittulah Mehsud so it has begun! Does Mehsud's Death Mean the End of Al Qaeda? | Newsweek ...
As you know, Taliban commanders have been killing each other as they have been jockeying for position since Baittulah was killed. We know Hakimullah Mehsud was supposedly elected as Pakistan's new Taliban leader. Meanwhile Waliur Rehman said that Baittulah had given him full control over the network. Also Mehsud's in-laws were being murdered as they were suspected of targeting him for the drone. Civilian militia's have also as you know started helping the military and have been hunting down the Taliban.
My best hopes are coming true here! The Pakistani army is making tremendous inroads as Pakistan army kills 45 Taliban; border reopens There seems to be a decapitation of the Taliban and al Qaeda at least in Pakistan. As hoped the Taliban are in disarray and hopefully will kill themselves off.
I really do not care who is killing them as long as they are killed! I feel a bit sadistic but I am very happy to hear Taliban bodies keep showing up! 30 more Bodies were just found sprinkled around the Swat Valley bringing the total to more than 150 in the last month. Last week, 22 bodies were found on the outskirts of Mingora some shot many times some with their hands bound behind their back. That sounds like Al Qaeda!More bodies in Pakistani valley
The military denies any reprisal killings and the militia is not taking credit so I am hoping the Taliban continues to do what they do best and that is kill! It is a big plus that they be killing each other instead of us and the Pakistani citizens. It is no coincidence to me that Taliban bodies started showing up all over the place there after Baittulah was killed. I can only hope whoever is doing it, it continues unabated! For whatever reason the Taliban is obviously feeling the heat as 105 Taliban surrender plus...
Eight of those that surrendered are close aides to Swat Taliban chieftain Maulana Fazlullah and two of those killed that led to their surrender were Taliban Commanders. I know there are 50 million more to go but this is a good start and momentum at least in Pakistan is on our side. Now if only Afghanistan will follow their example!!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Before the US invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban's big crime was in being right wing religious fundamentalists, that were executing drug lords, enforcing religious law and destroying religious icons that ran counter to the Muslim faith, right?
So why are we slaughtering Saudis and Kuwaitis for the same reasons?
If we're slaughtering them for their religious beliefs and laws, we have a lot of targets in the world to go after.
Maybe the old style Afghani warlords are claiming their territory back, they could be tired of the foreign fighters that have flooded their homelands, to support the Taliban, and disrupted their business enterprises. All the bodies turning up could be the result of good old-fashioned tribal conflict. One can live in hope.
Wease you know you said a mouth full Bud1 We should get the hell out and monitor them if we can to ensure they stay there but that will never happen. Oh man!
You know I never thought about that one. http://www.hindu.com/2008/02/11/stories/2008021155261400.htm"> could be the Wali
One group or another, it's all the same. As long as we maintain our hegemonic foreign policy of trying to steal their natural resources, we will remain at war. Our 'friendships' with the people in that area are always short-lived. One must remember that WE created and supported the Taliban, bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, etc, etc.
Our 'friends' may change, but we will NEVER conquer the region. Take it to the bank.
whoops try this
Nothing new Brother and it will never happen but we have to get the hell out! I refuse to belie people are buying Cheney's lies and his polls are up to 60% while 57% want us out if Afghanistan for what it's worth!.
Swat is definitely looking up and whether the military or local militias are involved in the killings is irrelevant.
As I have written in my blog, the Swat valley is limping back to normalcy.
South Waziristan is a different matter altogether.
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