Pakistani tribesmen form their own Lashkar's to defeat the Taliban Lashkar is an armed military camp! I am impressed, I had to look it up so I could speak authoritatively on what tribe the Lashkar was and where they were from. They are not a tribe but are volunteers from many tribes. The Lashkar's are appearing in many areas, including Bajaur, in the tribal zone, and Dir and Buner in North-West Frontier province.
Lashkar's are armed military camps and the fighters volunteering to join them to fight and kill the Taliban fight for the Government and love their country they gladly leave their families and fight for nothing, eradicating the Taliban is their sole goal. One of the tribal leaders said there is a civil war, the people against the Taliban. Those at this Jirga came with their Russian machine guns from fighting in Afghanistan in the 80s talking of the horrors they saw committed by the Taliban in the Swat valley and vowed to kill them all.More than 10,000 volunteered to join.Pakistani tribesmen form their own Lashkar's to defeat the Taliban
I was lucky enough to find the article I watched on cnn two days ago on the Lashkar. This particular camp was in Dir. As the team approached the camp they were greeted by the firing of weapons in the air and much enthusiasm. I recommend watching the videos in this link they are quite impressive. The mountainous region is their home and they are tenacious and will happily fight to the death. They just want to kill Taliban and secure their country for Democracy. I love it!
I was very impressed watching these people. I just watched the video for the sixth time. I have never seen this kind of a greeting given to the Pakistani army and American reporters. We usually see the brandishing of weapons and zealous firing into the air and enthusiasm coming from the Taliban and other interests trying to take down one Government or another and to kill Americans. I recommend watching this I am not the only one who needs a boost. Volunteer militias push back Taliban
After a 2 hour drive into the mountains followed by a half hour climb even further in they came upon the camp high up into the rugged mountains overlooking the Swat valley. I can't say enough how impressed I was. I hate to say it but these reclusive tribesmen were even right on about America. "It's a democracy," said one of the Lashkar members. "They like peace in their country," said another. What they dislike most about America? "They're cruel to the Muslims," "They interfere with other countries" and "They promote peace within their borders," "But they're against peace in other countries." Man that is the truth and could have come from me!
* In closing I just want to say these men are fierce and not few in numbers. Their happy goal is too kill all the Taliban and secure their country. Only then they will happily lay down arms and go home. The monstrous Russian ground machine gun powerful enough to take down a helicopter shook the ground. To unschooled westerners this may seem ineffective today. However this is Pakistan. These are the rugged boarder mountains to Afghanistan. Many Taliban are apologizing to them and switching sides. These men are rugged and tough! Killing and dying is their game too and this is their turf they are defending!
These men are fighting on the Taliban's terms and on their own land not the Taliban's. They are deadly and will defeat them. My question is why is their zeal to kill the Taliban and their allies not broadcast daily to Afghani's? If they do not feel guilty and start taking care of business we should just leave or I reiterate once again just help Pakistan and concentrate on the border. The awesome action taken by the Lashkar getting arms ammunition and food from the Government in support of killing the Taliban is exactly what must occur in Afghanistan if there is to be any success!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I watched to CNN video about the Lashkars. Impressive that they are taking a stand against the Taliban. It appears that the Taliban leadership, that they'd captured, were not willing to die for their cause, as they encourage others to do, and looked quite sheepish as they were paraded for the cameras.
Holte that is the one I watched and the video and another is in the link. I have watched it 6 or 7 times. I was impressed and that is what Afghanistan would be doing if they wanted their own way and not the Taliban's!
Give it some time. The U.S. will eventually declare the Lashkars the enemy.
The simple fact is: In that region of the world (Middle-east and Central Asia) there is no national identity. These people are tribal, and whether we like it or not, they are not going to change. It's impossible to break a 5,000 year habit.
We shift from strategy to strategy, when the only answer is: Get off their land, and let them sort it out for themselves. When we help one group, we distance three others.
Americans think they have all the answers and can 'cure' anything.
Give it some time. The U.S. will eventually declare the Lashkars the enemy.
The simple fact is: In that region of the world (Middle-east and Central Asia) there is no national identity. These people are tribal, and whether we like it or not, they are not going to change. It's impossible to break a 5,000 year habit.
We shift from strategy to strategy, when the only answer is: Get off their land, and let them sort it out for themselves. When we help one group, we distance three others.
Americans think they have all the answers and can 'cure' anything.
Brother they are totally tribal snd entrenched on their tribal lands. It is they, they are killing the Taliban for. If Afghani's want their land they would do the same thing. We should get the hell out and put them to the test. Screw em! I guess we already did that.
Darn Tim you must be reading my mind. Thinking exactly the same thing. When the Lashkars somehow squeeze into corporate profits or prevent some other major oil contract they'll be as loved as Al Qeada.
We know this won't happen in Afghanistan (home grown troops) because they're too divided.
Problem with Afghanistan is that if we move out the Taliban and Al Qaeda move back in. Not that the Taliban aren't running most of the southern part of the country right now.
What I want to know is, where are the American Lashkars working to defeat the American Taliban??
Dave I guess Religious extremism is condoned here unless it steps on the toes of the Government!
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