US decision to reject Czech radar predictable'
"Stronger, Smarter, and Swifter" Europe Missile Defenses"
US abandons plans for massive ground-based missile defense system ...
Scrapping missile shield sweeps obstacles to "resetting" Russian ...
Bipartisan Senate concern over Obama decision on missile defense ...
I think this is stupendous! Bush was using the missile defense shield to instigate Russia to war! Putting it in Czechoslovakia was by no means the best position for the system. Britain more than once expressed an interest in having it on their soil. They were flatly refused. I have always agreed with Russia that putting the system on the door step was a direct affront to them and was targeted at them. Putin had expressed his concerns vehemently. Russia even suggested working on the system jointly and of course was flatly refused.
This is fantastic! I had high hopes for this even before Obama met with his Russian counterpart and hinted depending on Russia's stance he might be amenable to altering Bush's plan for a sedentary missile shield in Czechoslovakia and Poland. It was not even known if That MDS worked as we were told it did. It had never been tested in a realistic multiple fire missile situation which in fact is what would be encountered.
Obama did consult our allies including Czechoslovakia and Poland and let them know we would still be there for them. Despite the negative rhetoric we are hearing from the likes of Partisan war monger John McCain Europe is not now in danger and Czechoslovakia and Poland betrayed but once again quite the opposite is true. If you remember. if the MDS was to be deployed their Russia had threaten to once again turn its nuclear missiles in their direction.
That will not be the case now and Russia has even volunteered to stop work on their own missile defense shield. This is a very positive development despite the fear mongering we are once again being fed. This is a win win for Russia NATO and the US. I am psyched at the possibilities. Russia has already said they will entertain sanctions on Iran and their nuclear program. We could be important allies to a prosperous future in ,any instances not just Iran, Afghanistan, and the so called war on terror.
The ides is to swap the system for a better mobile proven system that we already use. This is a far superior idea and a money saver! The Aegis system is well tested! Nothing can be farther from the truth! We use to totally mobile proven aegis right now. It is already for medium and short rang missiles and can be relocated at a moments notice anywhere around the world. Long range ICBM capabilities are well under way.
Robert Gates was Bush's defense secretary too!He too says it is a great idea and you have to believe he kowtowed to Bush the wrongheaded sole decider. Russia and NATO have even been invited to share in it and Moscow shelved their own plans. All bias aside this is a great development! US, NATO, and Russia's consider linking MDS systems this is big
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Imagine if you were Russian, and for years, have watched the US and a few allies, tiptoeing around the Russian borders in Eastern Europe, Afghanistan and the Persian Gulf.
How would the CIA and military hawks react if Russia started sending troops by the 10s of thousands, to Central America or the Caribbean? Remember what happened in Cuba in the early 60s, almost WWIII.
I think the Russians have shown a lot of restraint in the face of massive US military presence so close to home soil.
Russia is still a very authoritarian and sinister society, but they have come a long way since Gorbachev turned the hair-dryer on the icy relationships they had with the west, and the Obama Administration has done a very sensible thing in abandoning the shield.
" US, NATO, and Russia's consider linking MDS systems this is big"
When pigs fly.
Holte we would have been just as peeved! I don't know how much restraint they've shown though. The whole idea of the untested MDS was to instigate war and Bush just ran out of time.
Hey Brother wasn't that you that sent me that picture of a flying pig! I think Obama's reasoning with going with the Aegis is right on and I can not let the hope go that we will work together. It is the only hope we have at a successful future.
Successful future of what, Jim, global domination?
Russia will not be happy with the new system either. The naval deployment still feeds, and perhaps justifies, the Russians' paranoia.
It is still all about US military dominance of the world.
Hey Brother you need a hug?
I don't know Dave! The aegis is already deployed and their is no need to move them to target Russia or their interests! Well there is Iran!
I could use a truckload of hugs, buddy. :)
I know Brother just show me how to do it! Remember when you made a face on line and said just turn your head side ways and I said it looks the same whether I look at it straight or otherwise. Not too Brilliant here!
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