I have done more than a few stories on the fact that while there may be valid excuses for the animosity towards President they are merely excuses to cover the reality that is is all about racism on both sides of the color barrier. I did a story 4 days ago showing that
Having said that, I like you was disappointed in President Obama when he sided with the Black professor before knowing the facts and said Cambridge Officer Gates acted stupidly while to an unbiased eye it appears the Professor acted racist. President Obama showed even he has his ingrained racial issues. I am afraid Blacks are more guilty of racism than many whites. I am afraid the Black Reverend in the video in the above link is right saying 90% of Racist Blacks voted for Obama.
I do not care what color a person is just that they do the job at hand the best. That said, during the hearing on whether or not to admonish Joe Wilson for yelling "you lie" interrupting President Obama's speech the Black Caucus came out saying it was racial and Wilson had to be held accountable. Black Representative Hank Johnson said pretty soon we will have men riding around wearing white robes and wearing white hoods.
Dem rep: Wilson outburst 'instigated more racist sentiment'
I found that a bit strong but I had to agree with Congressman Clyburn and certainly saw his point. He said the reason for wanting Wilson admonished had nothing to do with playing Politics. After listening to his reasons for wanting Joe Wilson rebuked I have to agree! He was a teacher his son is a teacher in Joe Wilson's District and his grandchildren go to school in Wilson's District.
Republican Boehner said this is hypocrisy and wanted to get on with the people's Business. What? They have not done the peoples business since Bush was elected! It is hypocrisy but Republicans are guilty of it. So to is Joe Wilson who called President Obama a liar and accused him of wanting to give illegal aliens medical coverage.
* I found out Joe Wilson in 2003 in the Medicare prescription modernization Act for prescription medicine under Bush that "DID cover illegal aliens. * Also was a member of the sons of confederate Veterans that has been dominated by racial extremists. In the Bill I must say as we all know, there were elements that included illegal immigrants but they were removed around a month ago. However as most also know, there is a 1986 Law "President Reagan by the way" that says illegal aliens must be treated by hospitals. That has always bothered me and that will not change.
That said, the facts in this case show Wilson is wrong and even lying or not telling the truth whatever you want to call it! However that has proven to be a plus to other racists who support him and so far have donated more than $2 million to his reelection campaign. His competition for the seat has also received around $1.5 million. It appears that creating controversy and commotion is now a way of life in gathering political contributions. I don't like this!
If Wilson just went on the floor of the House and apologized this would have gone away but then he wanted have gotten $2 million in campaign contributions. Pelosi really did want this to go away but despite what they are saying Republicans did not want this to go away and as you know they do not want to do the peoples work. For what it is worth the vote for admonishment was approved 240 yay 170 nay's so the slap on the hand is official. Please check How House has handled other Joe Wilson-like moments
* In closing this will now melt into Congressional obscurity I mean history along with the rest of their worthless activity or more apt, inactivity Since Partisan bickering under Bush took the place of doing the peoples work. Like him or not President Carter sees what is happening in the country! He said that not only was what Wilson said all about racism and the belief by many whites that Blacks are incapable of running the country but underlying everything is Racism! I am sick of Republicans denying it to hide their divide and conquer racist agenda!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
You and Jimmy are on the same page and are correct as well and as we all know.
That's good company!!
Hi Tom thanks! It just stinks that is is denied and no one is doing anything about it. White Democrats in the Senate better wake up and start addressing this before it goes too far as I think it already has!
It's also amazing that 'You lie' Wilson stated he is not racist or against immigrants, and that he worked as an immigration lawyer.
This has been proven to be untrue, yet 99% of the MSM refuses to report on HIS lie. The *sswipe has only practiced real estate law.
This is just one taxpayer example of the 'Rule of law' that has cost taxpayers billions of dollars. A nurse admitted last weekend, according to Review-Journal reported that cash-strapped UMC hospital in Nevada is providing more than $20 million a year in emergency dialysis care for uninsured, illegal immigrants. Is American society insane when poverty stricken Americans are turned away, go bankrupt and sometimes die? TAXPAYERS ARE TAXED FOR THIS, BUT NOT FOR OUR OWN PEOPLE? We must insist that a Birthright Citizenship lawsuit be filed with the federal court and its original intent revisited? That E-Verify should be fully funded and a highly skilled MIT team, building on the original Immigration enforcement database to a highest level of security that cannot be compromised by the use of fraudulent documents.
The PC oriented application must be installed permanently on every business computer across this country? ICE should have the manpower to audit every workplace, with the power to arrest and detain employers who snub immigration laws? Repeat offenders should be dealt with harshly, including prison and confiscation of business assets. There should be no mitigating excuses because illegal immigrants are—STEALING JOBS-- on any rung of the employment ladder? These employers for years have been an intended magnet for destitute labor in many cases, but have left the burden of paying for schooling for the children, health care and a veiled miscellaneous core of government handouts to US taxpayers. THIS IS NOT ABOUT RACISM, BUT AN ULTIMATE FINANCIAL MATTER OF SURVIVAL FOR US ALL!
Insist your politicians guarantee E-Verify is fully funded and is not scuttled by Sen. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Janet Napolitano or any other high ranking Democrats. The Washington switchboard has their number at 202-224-3121. Research these laws, true facts and incredulous stats at NUMBERSUSA & JUDICIAL WATCH
I think this is less about racism although that is in the background, and more about republican loss of power. Notice during the speech republicans holding signs stating "What Bill?". How immature was that?
The real issue was the loss of decorum and the violation of the house rules.
Its time to re-examine instant citizenship (Anchor babies) which hasn't been illuminated enough, to growing concern of the American public. For decades now pregnant women have arrived on tourist’s visas, through the fence and even at ports of call. Very aware of our mis-interpreted law governing "birthright citizenship", that attributes full rights to the Mother of an illegal immigrant. How can Americans benefit from this Health care reform package, when we must subsidize millions of households and not just the original interloper? Outlined in the spring issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons is an article that will stun a prudent person. An illegal alien entered the states in 1997 to work as a fruit picker, bringing with him his wife and three children; all illegal aliens.
The lady gave birth to a fourth child, and with that birth the family had an "anchor baby"—an American citizen by birth, who provided the entire family with a free pass to remain in the United States permanently and collect government, subsides. Unfortunately the baby was born prematurely, spent three months in the neonatal incubator, and cost the San Joaquin Hospital more than $300,000. Meanwhile, the oldest daughter married an illegal alien and gave birth to her own anchor baby, and then Cristobal’s wife gave birth to yet another baby. ALL PAID FOR BY—YOU!
Brother it sickens me that no one has spoken up about this guy! Just today a heckler at Obama's speech copied him yelling "you lie" That is the danger of what he did plus racist or not he psyched up his racist base earning 2 million for him and his competitor.
It really is sick! Welcome by the way, sorry I was at the VA. Anyway 50% of the people are already on one form of Government health care or another.The insurance Industry wants to keep the status quo so the hospitals and others pay for the care not them.
They want to keep their gravy train going. They dictate who lives and dies and they want to keep it that way. Preconditions and caps has to end period!
(((fear & smear)))
to: All Shills & Trolls
from: AIPAC Neocon Megaphone
re: Demonization of President Carter
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Israel-first dual-nationals of AIPAC
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9/11 sham
I agree Brittanicus that anchor Babies should be sent back home. Birth them but then send them on their way.
We can not take everyone under our wing any more it is broken! It bothers me that the friggen law that says hospitals must treat illegals is from Reagan and those bastards talk about Obama. I hate this Hypocrisy crap!
Hi Ryan, you're okay!
(((fear & smear)))
to: All Shills & Trolls
from: AIPAC Neocon Megaphone
re: Demonization of President Carter
Ventura Sheehan Perot Paul Nader McKinney Kucinich Kaptur Gravel Gonzalez Clemente Choate Carter Baldwin Anderson
Israel-first dual-nationals of AIPAC
Willful media disinformation
Federal Reserve Scam
Anthrax intimidation
9/11 sham
Whoa - What's going on here today, after reading all the comments I forget what I going to say.
Ok, got my thread back, Joe Wilson, as prophesied, has turned into a right-wing hero, "he was totally wrong to insult the President, but like him more for it." He will have his own radio show and job on Fox News soon, he will fit right in.
Considering the USA is a country of immigrants, there is a lot of anger against (illegal) immigrants. Go after the people who hire them, they wouldn't come if they weren't encouraged to. The promise of nice easy work, like picking fruit and vegetables is just to hard to resist. Fine the crap out of the companies that hire them.
I'm an immigrant (legal) and I had to go through all sorts of crap, medicals, x-rays, police check etc etc., but there again, I had no intention of picking fruit, so it was harder.
Hi Holte
I am part American Indian but otherwise off the boat. My grandfather fought in WW1 for his citizen ship when in his thirties!
Anyway there is a lot of animosity towards illegals and getting worse with the economy.
To me if you want to come in my house use my front door and stand in line.
That said what Wilson did has already served its purpose earning over 4 million in reelection donations.
The bad part to me is the message it sent and already today at Obama's speech someone yelled you lie! It has been getting bad but now it will get much worse!
Hi Jim,
"Illegal immigrants"?.....no, I won`t go there, but as commented by many... quien va recoger a la fruta etceteras.
Life in jail for employers who hire them, and then the problem would soon go.
More disturbing than the movements and lifestyles of "non-legal workers", is the obvious abscence of Afro-Americans, Native Americans and Latinos from the "tea-baggers" and the anti-health care groups.
Maybe it`s just the way the European media has covered the story, but all we are seeing on our TV screens are hordes of protesters, all of them "Paleskins". ;).
"Life in jail for employers who hire them, and then the problem would soon go."
I'm with you there, Brother, but that is really unrealistic in America........... Where would we put our marijuana smokers then????? ;)
Hi Landsker!
Nope Europe has been covering it right. They are all angry whites. Look at today's post, Pelosi warned of blood and Boehner smugly denied any racism,. Any blood is on his hands.
Brother I agree and that is funny and so screwed up, I guess that is America!
Europe had a problem with racism back from 1939-`45, which got to be a *big problem*...., only it was more a case of the mega-rich inciting the masses into hating each other enough to keep fighting for the survival of the arms trade.
Don`t get me wrong, there`s still a few here that shout about "foreigners", and "outsiders", mostly they`re just right-wing populists...but particularly amongst most younger folk, racial identity is of less importance than career and personal lifestyle.
Until President Obama who I voted for and still think is the best here for the job despite disappointment I never envisioned this.
I feared from day one this would happen and I see nothing good coming out of this. Someone of consequence better wake up and speak out quick!
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