Of course Republicans are giddy over this but remember under Reagan unemployment was 10.8% right now it is at 9.6%. They keep saying we are in a recovery but no way. States are collapsing and it took Bush 8 years to this but I am afraid this is not a recovery. We are thanks to Bush and Greenspan just putting of the inevitable. Remember the economy collapsed on Bush's watch. What most do not realize is it was done on purpose. Bush did not just turn a blind eye to what was happening on wall street he instigated it and Greenspan was his tool. Michael Whitney's second Great Depression
Obama: Job figures sobering, but show recession is slowing
US sheds 2 million jobs since Obama took office
46 Of 50 States Could File Bankruptcy In 2009-2010 | PUPPETGOV
The economic collapse of 2009, this is all proving true and should not be ignored
The situation is critical. We will see higher taxes and much less services across the Nation and this is just because of the collapse of California. New York and Arizona are also in serious trouble. As you read above, 46 of 50 States could file for Bankruptcy in 2009-2010. Cash poor California is now working off of IOU's. IOU's are flying off the shelves. How long can the world's 8th largest economy operate like that?
With 46 of 50 States facing Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy could be coming to a state near you. I have been trying to warn people for years now that this like everything else Bush had his grubby mitts on will be far worse than anything in the past. The economic recovery effort is supposed to be working. We are not losing the 700,000 jobs per month we were when Obama was elected.
Do not be fooled, this is not going to get better before it gets much worse. I saw a Republican propaganda video showing Obama as a Nazi and likening him In contrast to Hitler. It was way over the top and said it was time to rise up against Obama. Republicans are doing their damnedest to make him fail and every time they block him they brag about his failure saying we have to get rid of him quick.
Bush started all this and on purpose while creating his version of a new societal order. The resultant new disorder is just beginning. Since this so called down turn or recession we have lost 6 million jobs and by the end of 2008 1 million homes were foreclosed on and 6 in every 1,000 homes were hit. I wrote about this numerous times but have you ever read Michael Whitney's second Great Depression
* In closing, without a doubt despite all trillions and efforts to curb this what I call the second Greatest Depression is just starting and will not be stopped. Like everything else Bush had his grubby hands on this will dwarf anything the world has seen in the past. Greenspan set this up for Bush and there is no surprise here especially the timing. This is not a recovery and I hope you looked at The economic collapse of 2009, this is all proving true and should not be ignored I am not a believer in any of that but just take a quick read and none of it can be denied!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Survivalism is our best security. I'm glad I was a girl scout, who's motto was "be prepared." It is hard to be adequately prepared for what's coming.
I'd like you to change the year on this to 2008 just so that history knows that Obama had nothing to do with it. Actually it all began in 2007.
And the childish republicans as things get worse before they get better will say with glee how it was all Obama's fault.
It's so bad this time around that I don't see people rushing out to buy forclosed homes even though the real eastate gurus are crawling out of the woodwork.
Hi Billie
You are right about that. I am a lifelong survivalist and am not concerned at all. I am a make due kind of guy and whatever it takes, no big deal.
Bush did all this shit and on purpose that is why I get pissed off at Republicans harping on Obama. That Mike Whitney report is from 2007.
Bush flushed the budget surplus down the shitter eight years ago.
Anyone who thinks Prez O can wave a magic wand overnight and fix it immediately is as empty-headed as Sarah Palin!
Like you I am so sick of hearing everything Bush did blamed on Obama as he endeavors to straighten it out.
Why the Dems aren't out with some kind of ad campaign about this being the doings of Bush, Greenspan, Milton Friedman, Ronald Reagan, et al is completely beyond me.
As to whether or not this was planned and instigated, I will admit I do wonder. What better way to control people than to make things so dire that only the most dire "fixes" become accepted as what has to be done? I don't completely care for the Obama way, but I believe it beats the hell out of what the other guys would have done... which would have been to allow the automakers and banks to go belly up, thus creating absolute chaos.
As far as I'm concerned, those who currently advocate boycotting GM, letting the banks and automakers fail, etc. only say such things because they want to keep people angry, out of work, and eventually in the streets committing violent acts. This would insure the failure they want for Obama, it would allow a mere handful of people to control things even more than they now do, it would allow for the military to crack down, etc. ad nauseum. I think the same general philosophy underlies Dick Cheney's recent Obama policy-slamming tour of the major networks. Get people angry, get them afraid, get them to start shouting. In other words, foment revolution!
But wait! Doesn't that amount to sedition, or treason or something like that? 8-)
I am not surprised such financial devastation started and got going full bore under Bush-Cheney. I am surprised we got out of their administration without a second major terror attack on American soil. Things are not good today, but I think they are better than they would be had the Republicans won the last presidential election.
Man Snave do I ever agree with you 100%
You said: As far as I'm concerned, those who currently advocate boycotting GM, letting the banks and automakers fail, etc. only say such things because they want to keep people angry, out of work, and eventually in the streets committing violent acts. This would insure the failure they want for Obama, it would allow a mere handful of people to control things even more than they now do, it would allow for the military to crack down, etc. ad nauseum.
I think the same general philosophy underlies Dick Cheney's recent Obama policy-slamming tour of the major networks. Get people angry, get them afraid, get them to start shouting. In other words, foment revolution!
They have instigated lone wolf's but they will not stop until they create their revolution. It really pisses me off that Bush started all this and they blame it on Obama!
Hi Jim,
There seems to be little doubt that the US is headed for economic crash of an immense order.
To blame it on Bush, or Obama is, imho, incorrect.
The malaise is endemic, and centres around the cost of decades of military expansionism, which has brought the US to having the most expensive armed forces on the planet.
Trillions of dollars spent on weapons and manpower that is now failing against a rag-tag gang of insurgents in the middle east and Asia.
Sadly, as the debts grow, and the dollar wanes,the accusations of torture are rising, fewer and fewer people are going to invest their money in anything remotely connected to the american dream.
The days of cream may yet turn to very hard cheese, if you`ll pardon the lactal pun.
It was obvious what Bush was doing with Greenspan's help. It was the purposeful bankrupting of America. We are more than well on our way, it will not be stopped, and the timing was no coincidence!
Can't do anything about it all but take care of your own affairs and I'm sitting okay in that respect. It'll have to get really damn bad before I'm affected but losing my SS income would hurt.
But if that happens a whole hell of a lot of people are still going to be in a worse position than me.
BBC I am in the same boat and not overly concerned because the country has to face collapse first then I will switch to the VA because they will keep that going!
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