Medvedev suggests Europe missile defense plan I am psyched!
Russia stated clearly“NATO poses no threat to Russia”
Now we can say the cold war is over "at least with Russia" but it is on with China! After the Berlin wall fell we kept hearing that the cold war was over. The cold war was not over, it just got colder and moved further underground every time Bush threatened and Putin responded with weapons improvements to meet his threat. This could only happen under Presidents Obama and Putin. After the war mongering of Bush and the ramping up of Putin to take him on, I am psyched
Russia is actually agreeing NATO poses no threat to her and agreeing to work with NATO on the European defense shield splitting Europe's defense shield so they would be responsible for half of Europe. I finally feel the cold war with Russia is over and very pleased it is because China's star is rising and they are increasingly the threat the US, NATO, and Russia must unify against.
Over a year ago after Obama met with Dmitri Medvedev and proposed Russia and the US press the reset button after the mess Bush made of Russian US relations. I am happy to see they have under Medvedev. We have unity with Obama and Medvedev instead of the race to war with Putin and Bush! Obama started this new detente, this new cooperation as had to be the case to send the message. Obama was criticized for it by Republicans as usual but it was the right thing to do. I am glad to see Russia under Medvedev has picked up the baton.
I like the way this new relationship is going, now one up them! Put the onus on Russia! Put them to the test and advertise it to the world. Supposedly Russia views the expansion of the alliance to include former Soviet republics as a direct threat to Russian interests but are ready again to seek together responses to modern challenges and threats to international security.
NATO is not a threat to Russia. We need Russia as an ally to fight the so called war on terror in Afghanistan and around the world and to successfully proceed through the 21st century. Remind Russia of their past desire to join NATO and offer it to them. There is only one choice! end all this! Invite Russia to join NATO. This is not a new idea. Once upon a time, it was openly entertained in diplomatic circles East and West. In late 1991, the final days of the U.S.S.R Boris Yeltsin stunned a NATO meeting by sending a letter with this unilateral declaration: "Today we are raising a question of Russia's membership in NATO.
Even Putin, in his first days in the Kremlin, seized on the issue. Instead of taking the perfect opportunity to unite the world Reagan and at least the Bush's chose to make a worse enemy of Russia and widen the gap between the west and Russia by instigating them to war.We had the perfect opportunity to unite the world in peace and our past leaders chose to divide it further by trying to rule the world.
We must put an end to this desire to rearm to fight each other, threaten each other, dominate each other. World unity is the only way for a successful future. As China's fortune rises and she is increasingly emboldened not just in Asia but with the US and around the world it is increasingly apparent we are going to need Russia and our future lies with Russia. Ask them to join NATO!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
In Afghanistan we are resting our hopes on "the malignant actor" Col. Abdul Razzik and he is in bed with Ahmed Wali Karzai
Col. Razzik and his force of some 250 men have become invaluable to the U.S.-led operations to seize Taliban redoubts in Kandahar province, U.S. commanders say. Unlike other Afghan security forces—often ineffectual, reluctant to fight or simply unfamiliar with Kandahar's terrain—his men have wowed American commanders with their tactical skills and determination.
"I have a clear strategy: When the enemies are killing us, we shouldn't be giving them flowers," Col. Razzik said in an interview, as he awaited a visit by the American ambassador to his fort-like base in the border town of Spin Boldak.
Col. Razzik's ability to safeguard the strategic Spin Boldak crossing from the Taliban in recent years has allowed him to stay in office. That job security comes despite what officials in Kabul and Washington say are well-founded concerns that he has been enriching himself and his patron, President Hamid Karzai's brother Ahmed Wali Karzai, with revenue from heroin smuggling, customs-skimming and bribes. people from his own tribe are scared to death of him and leaving the area. In Afghanistan, U.S. Turns 'Malignant Actor' Into Ally
Just a week ago a NATO drug raid carried out by United States and Russia without Karzai's permission raised his ire and we said Great, they were probably his! The raid netted more than a ton of heroin and morphine worth $US250 million ($256.1 million), as well as equipment, Viktor Ivanov was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying.The report said Afghan interior ministry officials had been involved in the operation. This is huge and in the past Russia frequently criticized what it describes as the inadequate anti-drug policies of United States and NATO forces in Afghanistan, leading to an increased flow of drugs into Russia through Central Asia.
I think this was great and despite Karzai's anger at the raid saying he was not informed and we had no right performing a unilateral attack on drug labs without his permission, this Russian US cooperation was perfect and I love it. Hell Karzai is upset because those drugs and labs most likely were his, his brothers, families and friends. He couldn't warn them and spoil the raid, boo hoo!
Remember discussing this exactly a year ago: It was terrible finding out Ahmed Wali Karzai a brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai is a CIA agent.It was bad enough knowing he is a Drug Lord and frauded the election for his brother but finding out he is in bed with the CIA raised many questions.Remember the chopper that crashed killing DEA agents returning from a mission? I suspected foul play. I am sure of it as Karzai knew of this in advance and this time he did not. Hmm go figure!
Knowing how illicit Ahmed's activities are I was a bit surprised to find out he has been working with the CIA since day one. Have they been turning their backs on his poppy growing and drug trafficking? In exchange for what? There has certainly been no real accomplishments in Afghanistan since day one despite our soldiers heroic efforts.
Ahmed runs the National Protective Program amongst numerous other things. Ahmed Wali Karzai News - The New York Times Quite interesting! I do not know what you think about Ahmed working for the CIA or "rumors" of him being a Drug Lord but think about this!
First hearing he is a drug lord made me wonder what was being discussed in all the pictures I see of him visiting towns and conversing with tribal leaders. Being a a prominent political figure in the southern region of the country with regular visits makes for a lucrative convenient position in the opium world. I refuse to believe it can be ignored though Ahmed denies any involvement. Yeah like the million rigged ballots he didn't rig.
Okay! Ahmed is a drug lord. Him and his profits are probably helping to fund the war against us. Think about it! It gets worse. While returning from a successful mission searching a compound for drugs the helicopter crashed killing 7 troops and as we now know, 3 DEA agents. In the fight after the crash 12 "insurgents" were killed. They were just returning from a successful mission cleaning out opium interests in Ahmed's region. Makes you wonder doesn't it? Poor Karzai's! Go Russia and US cooperation! Good luck to the malignant actor! Okay we're in the drug business until we leave Afghanistan!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, November 28, 2010
China is arming and allowing North Korea to instigate a very dangerous war for them
N. Korea warns region is on brink of war. North Korea warned Friday that U.S.-South Korean plans for military maneuvers put the peninsula on the brink of war, and appeared to launch its own artillery drills within sight of an island it showered with a deadly barrage this week.
China instigated this, remember they warned us? but they let it go too far as South Korea Rejects China Call for Talks as Naval Drills Begin
Now the truth comes out! China has long warned about our navy in the seas near their coast. Particularly as they flex their increasing military might in the region. They are arming and allowing North Korea to at least instigate a very dangerous war. They do not want millions of refugees flooding China and that is the least of it! China issues warning ahead of U.S.-SouthSEOUL (Reuters) - China warned on Friday against military acts near its coastline ahead of U.S.-South Korean naval exercises that North Korea, days after shelling a South Korean island, said risked pushing the region toward war.
The recent incident of North Korea firing on South Korea's island and civilians and killing 2 soldiers after a recent visit from the Kim's shows me China is pulling the strings and will not allow there to be peace between the Korea's. This might be just what China is instigating as Japan Calls For Attack On North Korea, Tensions Mount After Shelling and South Korea's military is on crisis status
A while ago I was hoping Kim Jong Il was paving the way for his son to take over and I still think so but am very concerned as to what that entails and China's real role here as her goal seems to be to keep Democracy off her doorstep and the Kim regime in power because they will remain a puppet whose strings China can pull.
Kim Jong Il said he was committed to establishing "a lasting peace system" on the Korean peninsula and to making it nuclear-free "through dialogue and negotiations" a lasting peace system, what is that? donations of food and supplies from us while he maintains his 7 million man army for China and continues to toy with advanced weapons and starve its people?
In the end I don't care what they say. This is a confrontation long in the works. MacArthur was right wanting to go right through North Korea then China back than because it would eventually have to be done. There is a lot behind the scenes to be concerned with here and yes China is our banker but they are over stepping their boundaries. We owe them trillions but with Russia's cooperation we can come out on top here. I fully expect we would and in the end being victors we would cancel our debt to China!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, November 27, 2010
China's Nobel fury unmatched since Soviet and Nazi regimes. Not good!
China's Nobel fury unmatched since Soviet and Nazi regimes
US Worries Over Nobel Pick's Wife as China keeps her cut off from the world
Six countries turn down Nobel ceremony invite 16 have not replied due to threats from China
I fell for the line of thought that the so called experts were floating that China realized that if we go down so do they. I thought they were going to accept their new position in the world but they are more than concerning me with their muscle flexing. I use to think they would be our ally if Russia became a problem I am now thinking Russia will ally with us against a more militaristic boisterous China.
Cooperation between China Russia and the US is critical! Obama was right to say our ties will shape the future of the 21st century. The US and China are eyeing each other and moving very cautiously as they try to strike a balance. A few years back I began to view our relationship with China as the most important in the world. Not because we drove each others economy but because if at the time with Bush's instigation to war with Russia China due to the fact of how our 2 economies are so intertwined that if something happened China would side with us not Russia. I never imagined that today problems between China and Japan would be the issue.
As we discussed there have been at least three cases of groups of Chinese military ships crossing through the area of Okinawa since November 2008, first 4 ships then 6 then 8 and now 10 including destroyers and submarines. The latest case appeared to be the first involving surfaced submarines. The group of 10 ships, including the submarines, was observed about 90 miles (140 kilometers) southwest of Okinawa in international waters.
Two missile destroyers and three frigate ships from the same group were spotted participating in a flight exercise of carrier-based helicopters April 7-9, the Defense Ministry's Joint Staff Office said in a statement The war ships were in international waters but close to Okinawa and Japan was not notified. That area as you may know has natural resources under the ocean and islands claimed by both Nations. It is important that we stay in Okinawa as China plays a more important role in Asia and around the world as she gains strength militarily and economically as we just discussed. Remember our discussion on the importance of China and the US staying together to move successfully through the 21st century
We must maintain as much of the old world balance and order as we can to maintain a balance as we try to move progressively and successfully through the 21st century! I know of China and Japan's past, I know of the still ongoing Island disputes, the disagreement over natural gas in another area of the East China Sea, I also remember that with China's economic clout rising she took the number 3 seat on the world bank and we talk constantly that China is taking the leading role in Asia and Asia relations.
Being in a superior position puts one in a unique position of power and that power must be handled gracefully, with humility, responsibly, and not abused. That is something I taught all my sons and America under Bush did a lousy job of handling. I am a little worried that China too is getting a little too heavy handed and abusive with her new position of power and beginning to take what she wants instead of being content with what she has which is what I constantly lecture has to be the case if we are to have a future. The time when man and the planet could handle war and colonialism is over, period or else!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, November 26, 2010
US tanks head for Afghanistan, I thought we were getting ready to start pulling out?
Biden: 'Take the training wheels off'
The US is escalating its assault on the Taliban with a sharp rise in bombing and missile raids, more relaxed rules on the destruction of civilian property and the deployment of heavily armored M1 Abrams tanks to Afghanistan for the first time.US tanks head for Afghanistan
There is no way in hell we are going to defeat the Taliban who are indigenous and belong in Afghanistan. It is their country. There is also no way Karzai is going to be able to hold his so called Government together and stay in control of Afghanistan. It is critical that someone up there realize we have accomplished our goal and pull out before we join Afghanistan's graveyard of nations. Putting Abrams in at this time tells me we are going to get in deeper and not preparing to start pulling out in 2011, a pull out to be completed in 2014. Yeah right!
As I keep saying the battle lines are still just forming and this will go on for generations unless we capitulate! NATO Pakistan, India, Karzai, even Iran and indeed the entire world are needed! * If we are to have a victory Russia, India, Iran, indeed the entire so called civilized world is going to have to unite. This region throughout history has never been defeated militarily and will not be now unless we all realize the future we want will not be unless as a whole we realize how critical the situation is and that united we stand divided we fall, one at a time!
We better unite as a world and quick! We could add a million troops and it would only be matched by the Taliban and other insurgents. They can and will more than match us fighter to fighter and this is their home turf. I used to say if we could secure the Afghan Pakistan Border we could then concentrate on the Taliban and rebuilding Afghanistan. However, knowing the territory and seeing the map there is no way in hell that is going to happen. I thought the Mexican border was violent and it is but the Pakistan Afghanistan Border is the most violent in the world today.
I have been long convinced Bush guaranteed a loss in Afghanistan and everywhere else when he insisted on attacking Iraq so he could help Israel create a new middle east order. I am afraid this is just taking shape and both sides, the Taliban and our so called allies are still just forming the front lines and gathering forces, Both sides are still just beginning to build and This is still just beginning! Afghanistan has never been defeated but that is not even my biggest concern. We have for generations been angering Muslims and certainly in the last 9 years done everything possible to ensure an endless supply of martyrs wanting to give their life to kill infidels for Allah!
We are not smart enough to get the hell out of there so If we are to have a victory Russia, India, Iran, indeed the entire so called civilized world is going to have to unite. This region throughout history has never been defeated militarily and will not now unless we all realize the future we want will not be unless as a whole we realize how critical the situation is and that united we stand divided we fall, one at a time! Obama is being majorly tested!
* In closing, Rove and Cheney are concerned about continuing the lie we lived under them and Bush and rewriting their dire History and preserving Bush's legacy of destruction as a great thing. Bush the servant of God, purveyor of war torture and destruction, doing it all for God in the name of peace. Sick! I do not see the necessary rosy scenario happening that would lead to a successful outcome for us.
Rove, Cheney, Hannity, Limbaugh, Beck, Palin, and other right wing extremists have succeeded in undermining Obama's good intentions of restoring unity and world order. We somehow have to unite with Iran and the rest of the world to take on what is now a common enemy or get the hell out as we should right now the hell with 2014. I hate to say it but I think Iran is the one that should be in the forefront. At one time they offered their help well it is time to take it and unite the world as they are all on the Taliban's menu.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Bush's Forever war is barely beginning!
JMJ 1st 2nd and 3rd, 4th?
I know many think I am crazy as the truth is and must be laughed at if you are to survive it but my sons know this is barely beginning.
I have told them and said for years this will dwarf the hundred years war. Remember someone at least in our minds that don't matter have to be able to live here when they are done.
End of days seems to be the goal! I remember right wing idiots under Bush saying it was his goal and they are ready was I.
I was talking to my EOD son Jim yesterday, he lost 17 friends and many have what he calls bouncy legs. He is trying to train one up now who has severe PTSD and one leg left and they had to cut off the better of the two.
He is happy that now that EOD is considered special forces he can PT the hell out of the kids and many are dropping out unable to take it. Better than having them die from inadequate training as many are.
One of his buddies that is also a battle hardened crazy lost more than a dozen friends and vehicles around him and a couple limbs along with the stress of losing many friends he tried to save.
They were PTing the kids when his leg flew off and they laughed themselves silly before a couple kids panicked and started crying before dropping out. It is a horror comedy still in the making.
You have to laugh, some can step out but they too are along for the ride like it or not. Anyway all my sons know to them this is just starting and it is job security.
I figure like it or not Yemen or Somalia "the Gulf of Aden" is next Jim believes it is Iran who they think they will take on from 5 or 6 carrier battle groups in the Gulf. Jim just says "whatever" I would rather be back in combat with a 70 pound pack on my back than 3 kids.
To that I say WTF? Did you ever read the 70s science fiction story "the forever war"? get it if you can. That is becoming reality like all the rest of the horror we used to fantasize about.
Hold on, I use to worry about these kids stepping up when called on but step up they have and now it is I that am worried not them and the world with his war mongering.
This is the reality Bush has created for them. That is why I would like to slap him and cringe when I hear him brag and many calling him a great President.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I know many think I am crazy as the truth is and must be laughed at if you are to survive it but my sons know this is barely beginning.
I have told them and said for years this will dwarf the hundred years war. Remember someone at least in our minds that don't matter have to be able to live here when they are done.
End of days seems to be the goal! I remember right wing idiots under Bush saying it was his goal and they are ready was I.
I was talking to my EOD son Jim yesterday, he lost 17 friends and many have what he calls bouncy legs. He is trying to train one up now who has severe PTSD and one leg left and they had to cut off the better of the two.
He is happy that now that EOD is considered special forces he can PT the hell out of the kids and many are dropping out unable to take it. Better than having them die from inadequate training as many are.
One of his buddies that is also a battle hardened crazy lost more than a dozen friends and vehicles around him and a couple limbs along with the stress of losing many friends he tried to save.
They were PTing the kids when his leg flew off and they laughed themselves silly before a couple kids panicked and started crying before dropping out. It is a horror comedy still in the making.
You have to laugh, some can step out but they too are along for the ride like it or not. Anyway all my sons know to them this is just starting and it is job security.
I figure like it or not Yemen or Somalia "the Gulf of Aden" is next Jim believes it is Iran who they think they will take on from 5 or 6 carrier battle groups in the Gulf. Jim just says "whatever" I would rather be back in combat with a 70 pound pack on my back than 3 kids.
To that I say WTF? Did you ever read the 70s science fiction story "the forever war"? get it if you can. That is becoming reality like all the rest of the horror we used to fantasize about.
Hold on, I use to worry about these kids stepping up when called on but step up they have and now it is I that am worried not them and the world with his war mongering.
This is the reality Bush has created for them. That is why I would like to slap him and cringe when I hear him brag and many calling him a great President.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Look at the events and think: China is behind what North Korea is doing!
What happened to North Korea wanting a unified nuclear free Korean peninsula?
North Korea has shown two visiting US nuclear experts a vast new plant it secretly and rapidly built to enrich uranium, raising the prospect that the country is preparing to expand its nuclear arsenal or build a far more powerful type of atomic bomb.
Siegfried Hecker, a Stanford professor who previously directed the Los Alamos National Laboratory, said he had been ''stunned'' by the sophistication of the new plant, where he saw ''hundreds and hundreds'' of centrifuges that had just been installed and that were operated from what he called ''an ultramodern control room''. The North Koreans claimed 2000 centrifuges had been installed and were running, he said. Pyongyang shows off nuclear secret
North Korea in New Nuclear Claims They must need more food for their citizens they are starving while they play games with advanced weapons and their citizens lives. What happened to North Korea wanting a nuclear free Korean Peninsula? North Korea says it wants nuclear-free peninsula
That was at the beginning of the year. At the same time they are threatening nuclear war, now this and all after Bush's so called success and taking North Korea off his list of terrorist States and the axis of evil list. WTF? You know I have been very concerned about North Korea and her Shenanigans as she was firing missiles testing nuclear weapons and as a matter of policy, antagonizing the west in order to bring us to the bargaining table and barter cooperation for food for its citizens.
I have long ago realized that average citizens of countries around the world do not matter and they are mere pawns and bargaining chips for a countries ruling party to use and get what they want. North Korea has routinely sacrificed its people while pursuing its expensive military endeavors.
As you know, famine is one of the biggest and oldest problems in the world. It will only get worse as responsible nations fight to regain their economic footing. We are talking responsible nations one of which North Korea is not. Right now there are over 800 million people around the world suffering from hunger.
North Korea ranks as the worst in the world in that category and a share that distinction with the likes of Somalia, Ethiopia, and Sudan but North Korea has one of the largest military’s in the world and plays with nuclear weapons while starving her citizens.
The main problem is North Korea is closed to the outside world so the Government can ravage the people and follow their militaristic agenda. Most North Koreans do not realize they are among the poorest Nations on the planet and bow to and thank Kim Jong Il for their one meal a day they get and are told is good for them.
Most of the millions of starving citizens have family and friends in North Korea's 7 million man army. Kim Jong Il is rightly concerned about unrest in his Government and military. Whatever the reason he supposedly wants peace with the West and a nuclear free Peninsula now this, this fool just won't stop and our so called ally China is the enabler.
The recent incident of North Korea firing on South Korea's island and civilians and killing 2 soldiers after a recent visit from the Kim's shows me China is pulling the strings and will not allow there to be peace between the Korea's. North Korean dictator-in-waiting linked to deadly artillery attack
This might be just what China is instigating as
Japan Calls For Attack On North Korea, Tensions Mount After Shelling and South Korea's military is on crisis status
A while ago I was hoping Kim Jong Il was paving the way for his son to take over and I still think so but am very concerned as to what that entails and China's real role here as her goal seems to be to keep Democracy off her doorstep and the Kim regime in power because they will remain a puppet whose strings China can pull.
Kim Jong Il said he was committed to establishing "a lasting peace system" on the Korean peninsula and to making it nuclear-free "through dialogue and negotiations" a lasting peace system, what is that? donations of food and supplies from us while he maintains his 7 million man army for China and continues to toy with advanced weapons and starve its people?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, November 22, 2010
simple: Stay home if you don't want your junk checked
TSA Rage Hitting All Age Demographics Now It's simple, stay home! Leave my junk alone. Fine then just leave your junk home!
Big controversy my eye! This is a necessary evil! Not for pilots who have axes in their cabin to take a plane down or the ability to crash the plane if they felt suicidal but for all passengers I agree that it is a necessary evil! I use to think airport security was a farce. Largely it still is! Despite the hundreds of millions and billions spent we are less secure today than we were on 9/11.
For some reason terrorists seem to have focused on planes but our borders and ports and coast line have always concerned me and remain largely untended. That said, the recent spate of attempts resulting in bombs being found in Dubai and Britain showed just how vulnerable we are. We did not find those bombs, as you may know now they were revealed by a repentant Al Qaeda before they could do their dirty work.
That said, it showed how vulnerable we are. The bombs were flown on passenger planes before they were transferred to freight planes to reach their final destination a couple synagogues in Chicago I think it was, one which serviced Jews and gays which would have given them a two for. So far far we have been lucky period not vigilant.Molloy: 'Groin check' is necessary evil at airports
We remember the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber. These people are crazy! Can you imagine setting your crotch on fire to explode a plane? We really do have to remain vigilant like we have yet to be. If that means the new all revealing security so be it. If you do not want your "junk" checked keep it home. The rest of us have valuable bodies and lives we would like to ensure reach their final destination in one piece.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
The Great depression had Hoovervilles! the great Recession is bringing tent cities

Homeless in America!
During the Great Depression, many families lost their homes because they could not pay their mortgages. These people had no choice but to seek alternative forms of shelter. Hoovervilles, named after President Hoover, who was blamed for the problems that led to the depression, sprung up throughout the United States. The following photos provide a glimpse of some Hoovervilles. In what ways do you think life changed for people who lost their jobs, life savings, and homes, and ended up living in Hoovervilles? Do you think most Hooverville residents had a choice about how they lived? Can you think of anything similar to Hoovervilles in the United States today? If so, how are they different or similar to the Hoovervilles of the Great Depression? click on the pictures, here we go again!
Two years ago I updated my rant about the homeless because as bad as things were getting all of a sudden how they count the homeless was changed and we were told the homeless situation in the country is improving.WTF! I am so sick of the lying the fact manipulation by these scum running the country! I have written so many stories about Homeless dumping by hospitals that is still going on. Stories of increasing homelessness of our veterans that is now around 25% of the total homeless.
I did a post on cities, San Diego in particular opening public lots and guarding them so those increasingly losing their homes can at least have a safe place to sleep in their cars that they increasingly can't afford gas for. I did a story on home foreclosures being up 121% nation wide from a year ago and 330% here in Massachusetts, there is no end in sight. Where are those people going? This is just the beginning as these people most often cannot afford health care and are increasingly faced with food kitchens closed because they have no food are there are too many to feed. THIS REALLY IRKS ME! Wait until the Republicans get their hands on things!
* Well now we hear the truth and it will get a lot worse! Back when I first wrote this and things were better A few tents cropped up hard by the railroad tracks, pitched by men left with nowhere to go once the emergency winter shelter closed for the summer. Then others appeared -- people who had lost their jobs to the ailing economy, or newcomers who had moved to Reno for work and discovered no one was hiring. Within weeks, more than 150 people were living in tents big and small, barely a foot apart in a patch of dirt slated to be a parking lot for a campus of shelters Reno is building for its homeless population. Like many other cities, Reno has found itself with a "tent city" -- an encampment of people who had nowhere else to go. From Seattle to Athens, Georgia, homeless advocacy groups and city agencies are reporting the most visible rise in homeless encampments in a generation.
Nearly 61 percent of local and state homeless coalitions say they've experienced a rise in homelessness since the foreclosure crisis began in 2007, according to a report by the National Coalition for the Homeless. The group says the problem has worsened since the report's release in April, with foreclosures mounting, gas and food prices rising and the job market tightening. What are tough times forcing you to give up?
"It's clear that poverty and homelessness have increased," said Michael Stoops, acting executive director of the coalition. "The economy is in chaos, we're in an unofficial recession and Americans are worried, from the homeless to the middle class, about their future." The phenomenon of encampments has caught advocacy groups somewhat by surprise, largely because of how quickly they have sprung up. "What you're seeing is encampments that I haven't seen since the 80s," said Paul Boden, executive director of the Western Regional Advocacy Project, an umbrella group for homeless advocacy organizations in the California cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Oakland -- and in Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington.
The relatively tiny city of Santa Barbara, California, has given over a parking lot to people who sleep in cars and vans. The city of Fresno, California, is trying to manage several proliferating tent cities, including an encampment where people have made shelters out of scrap wood. In Portland, and Seattle, homeless advocacy groups have paired with nonprofits or faith-based groups to manage tent cities as outdoor shelters.
Other cities where tent cities have either appeared or expanded include include Chattanooga, Tennessee; San Diego, California; and Columbus, Ohio. As we said, The Department of Housing and Urban Development recently reported a 12 percent drop in homelessness nationally in two years, from about 754,000 in January 2005 to 666,000 in January 2007. But the 2007 numbers omitted people who previously had been considered homeless -- such as those staying with relatives or friends or living in campgrounds or motel rooms for more than a week.
In Seattle, which is experiencing a building boom and an influx of affluent professionals in neighborhoods the working class once owned, homeless encampments have been springing up -- in remote places to avoid police sweeps. "What's happening in Seattle is what's happening everywhere else -- on steroids," said Tim Harris, executive director of Real Change, an advocacy organization that publishes a weekly newspaper sold by homeless people.
Homeless people and their advocates have organized three tent cities at City Hall in recent months to call attention to the homeless and protest the sweeps -- acts of militancy, said Harris, "that we really haven't seen around homeless activism since the early '90s." In Reno, officials decided to let the tent city be because shelters were already filled. Officials don't know how many homeless people are in Reno. "But we do know that the soup kitchens are serving hundreds more meals a day and that we have more people who are homeless than we can remember," said Jodi Royal-Goodwin, the city's redevelopment agency director. tent cty's cropping up all across the country Things are not getting better!
** Those have you that have followed me for a while know I keep saying this is just beginning and will dwarf the Great Depression call it what you want and it gets worse but I will shut up!We are already seeing the Hoovervilles of the 21st century thanks to Bush's success and this is just beginning okay I better shut up! More than 3 years into this they say things are getting better but this too is still just beginning!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, November 21, 2010
NATO-Russia Relations at 'Turning Point', excellent then ask them to join NATO as they wanted
NATO-Russia Relations at 'Turning Point' Excellent then ask them to join NATO as they wanted!
Give NATO the shot in the arm they need. Russia is already cooperating in Afghanistan, make them a full participant. Let them join NATO as they have wanted for years. This is a new world we are facing, it is high time so called authorities realize it and act accordingly. I have begun to realize that as China's star rises and the power is getting to her head Russia is more important than ever to us and not just in Afghanistan and the so called war on terror but to ally with us and keep China in check. NATO fights new threats and withering from within
Ever since Obama pressed the reset button the relationship between Russia, NATO, and the US has been improving. The Republicans are fighting it but In April it was announced that a new strategic arms control treaty reducing nuclear warheads to 1,550 and delivery vehicles to 800 on each side, would be signed on April 8 in Prague and a meeting to ratify it would take place in Washington an April 19th.
At first I did not discuss this because my thought was great we can only destroy the world a thousand times over. But this is all great news as we will depend on each other as we try to proceed into the future successfully. First I have to say thanks to Obama lightening up the mood between Russia and the US I am feeling very optimistic about working together to proceed successfully into the 21st century. Switching to the Aegis missile system which is mobile and already used and proven and scrapping Bush's war mongering worthless MDS Boondoggle was a GREAT IDEA!
First as I said already I am psyched that Russia is now cooperating on Iran and their nuclear program. We could be important allies to a prosperous future in many instances not just Iran, Afghanistan, and the so called war on terror. There is now a possibility that NATO the US and Russia will work on a joint missile defense system thanks to Obama's smart move to use the Aegis missile system and scrap Bush's worthless missile defense shield.
We keep hearing from the war mongers on the right that that when Obama went with the AEGIS and scrapped Bush's war mongering plan that we gave Russia the farm and screwed America and Europe. Quite the opposite is true and you hear it from the horses mouth! This is a win for everyone! Russia now knows they are not the target and have started being productive partners. All of Europe are winners as Russia's nukes will not be turned on them. The reset button has obviously been reset and we are seeing positive results from it every day.
Over a year ago after Obama met with Dmitri Medvedev and proposed Russia and the US press the reset button after the mess Bush made of Russian US relations. I am happy to see they have under Medvedev. We have unity with Obama and Medvedev instead of the race to war with Putin and Bush! Obama started this new detente, this new cooperation as had to be the case to send the message. Obama was criticized for it by Republicans as usual but it was the right thing to do. I am glad to see Russia under Medvedev has picked up the baton.
I like the way this new relationship is going, now one up them! Put the onus on Russia! Put them to the test and advertise it to the world. Supposedly Russia views the expansion of the alliance to include former Soviet republics as a direct threat to Russian interests but are ready again to seek together responses to modern challenges and threats to international security.
NATO is not a threat to Russia. We need Russia as an ally to fight the so called war on terror in Afghanistan and around the world and to successfully proceed through the 21st century. Remind Russia of their past desire to join NATO and offer it to them. There is only one choice! end all this! Invite Russia to join NATO. This is not a new idea. Once upon a time, it was openly entertained in diplomatic circles East and West. In late 1991, the final days of the U.S.S.R Boris Yeltsin stunned a NATO meeting by sending a letter with this unilateral declaration: "Today we are raising a question of Russia's membership in NATO.
Even Putin, in his first days in the Kremlin, seized on the issue. Instead of taking the perfect opportunity to unite the world Reagan and at least the Bush's chose to make a worse enemy of Russia and widen the gap between the west and Russia by instigating them to war.We had the perfect opportunity to unite the world in peace and our past leaders chose to divide it further by trying to rule the world.
We must put an end to this desire to rearm to fight each other, threaten each other, dominate each other. World unity is the only way for a successful future. As China's fortune rises and she is increasingly emboldened not just in Asia but with the US and around the world it is increasingly apparent we are going to need Russia and our future lies with Russia. Ask them to join NATO!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Perfect location for 9/11 trial: Leavenworth Kansas, United States Penitentiary!
U.S. close to decision on 9/11 trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed It's easy, Fort Leavenworth!
My experience with Fort Leavenworth aside along with the fact that they kept OJ and other notables there it is the safest place in the world to hold military prisoners and conduct trials especially that of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other high-value detainees ! Watch the secret Leavenworth Prison tutorial and learn. Very interesting!There are two kinds of soldiers at Fort Leavenworth, those without rank and pay and those with the keys. I am an ex MP and have had friends on both sides of the bars. As far as prisons go it and its record and reputation are stellar. This is not only where Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other high-value detainees should be held but where they should be tried! Why have we not heard the obvious, that they should be at the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth?
Alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other high-value detainees being held at GITMO and should be brought to Leavenworth! That would kill the Guantanamo and the New York problems. Kansas has had worse and there is no viable argument to use against using United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth.
U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth
United States Penitentiary, Leavenworth - Wikipedia, the free ...
Fort Leavenworth is the obvious location for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other high-value detainees and why on earth has once again the obvious been ignored while both party's pursue their biased ignorant self interest. I do not get it, this is where they should be and where they should be tried!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Okay save America on the backs of the needy then put them to work rebuilding our infrastructure

Obama: Strong US economy key to global recovery. Yes it is and the entire world should realize that and do something about it as in one form or the other the entire world rides on the back of the US economy.
Obama: Strong US economy key to global recovery No kidding?
Targeted tax cuts and rebuilding America should be the Goal! Cutting 3.8 trillion on the backs of those already hurting will work if one more plan will be implemented and that is to rebuild our failing infrastructure. It worked for FDR and it will work for us if Republicans stop trying to make us and Obama fail. If not get rid of those SOB's! US Debt Proposal Would Cut Social Security, Medicare suppposedly saving 3.8 trillion
Bush, the chief idiot had been purposely working tirelessly to undo FDR's entire legacy, if he really cared about helping our America he would not be giving the majority of the incentives to the wealthy and Businesses. Once again savings are being sought from the neediest. Fine then put as many as we can back to work. We should sink the money into an FDR kind of program to rebuild our immensely failing infrastructure and get all America and American's back to work and get us back in order.
Put average Americans back to work in meaningful constructive jobs that would rebuild our America and her failing infrastructure. The Interstate Highway System turned 50 already but the government neglected to give the system a much-needed birthday present. The government at all levels consistently underfunds infrastructure projects, from dams, bridges, and highways to aviation, railroads, and water systems.
The tragic collapse of the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis was a wake up call to pay attention to our decaying infrastructure. But really, this bridge was the third wake up call for the United States to reevaluate how we treat critical infrastructure. The first was 9/11, which showed us that infrastructure is vulnerable to terrorism. Hurricane Katrina was a second wake up call, which showed us that infrastructure is vulnerable to natural disasters. This time, we know that infrastructure is vulnerable to use, age, and neglect.
The tragic collapse of the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis was a wake up call to pay attention to our decaying infrastructure. But really, this bridge was the third wake up call for the United States to reevaluate how we treat critical infrastructure. The first was 9/11, which showed us that infrastructure is vulnerable to terrorism. Hurricane Katrina was a second wake up call, which showed us that infrastructure is vulnerable to natural disasters. This time, we know that infrastructure is vulnerable to use, age, and neglect.
Maintenance on highways, bridges, dams, and water treatment systems is a convenient place to cut corners when politicians need to appear tough on spending, since the results of routine upkeep are not flashy. But perpetual underfunding and deferred maintenance accelerates structural decay and contributes to disasters, as in the cases of the New Orleans levees or Minneapolis bridge. It’s time to make planes, trains, and automobiles safe again and restore the jewels of American ingenuity and engineering.
**Our bridges are crumbling. 590,750:Number of bridges in the United States. 160,570: Number of bridges in the United States rated structurally deficient or functionally obsolete* as of 2003. It’s not just bridges. The 50-year-old interstate highway system is decaying and in need of modernization, too. Funding levels aren’t even adequate for basic maintenance. And it’s not just bridges and roads. Infrastructure of all types faces neglect and funding shortfalls. Tunnels, Dams, everything is failing and Bush wants to ignore it while giving the wealthy back more taxes? If he cared about Average American's and our America not his, he would do just what I suggest. How can he be this openly ignorant? Look at these stats
**The world has a vested interest in us getting it together and bringing America back. All countries by now must realize their once wish to see America fail means failure for them too. Rebuilding our economy and our country is in the best interest of the world. The only ones that can want failure is the Republicans and that is sick putting party before country.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, November 19, 2010
Netanyahu says military threat only way to stop Iran, problem is how do you stop Israel?
This is really sickening, Israel wants us to instigate war with Iran and fight their battles for them. They do not want peace they want war. WTF?
Netanyahu Says US Must Show a Military Strike Against Iran Is Possible
Israel to build more homes in East Jerusalem
Israeli PM: Iran the world's biggest threat
Netanyahu says military threat only way to stop Iran Israel has a lot of chutzpah
US Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday that American diplomatic and economic efforts to halt Iran's nuclear program need more time, rebuffing Israel's call for military force. Gates: Military force is not the only way to deter Iran
I am sick of Israel's provocation while they blame it on Palestinian's and the rest of the world. They are the problem not the cure! Iran is a big problem but Israel thinks they are the chosen ones and can do whatever they want. They are the biggest problem and we created her.
UN Envoy Condemns New West Bank Settlements No kidding but damn it they could care less! They will not stop until they instigate a middle east war and overwhelmed as we already are, forces us to have to come to their rescue as I said years ago.
The only thing to do is to force the instigating war mongers Israel to adhere to 181 or leave them to their own demise and Iran would see to it. You know, first reading how Israel and Palestine was allotted their territories in 1948 I do not condone that Israel has not been forced to adhere to that resolution. We, the US Britain and Europe especially are as guilty as Israel for not insisting Israel adhere to UN Resolution 181.
You know I say often that we are Israel's lap dog, her pit Bull that will do the fighting for her when she gets in trouble. Israel I came to realize is the worlds chief warmonger and the US the enforcer. It became obvious that coming to Israel's rescue would be how the US has the excuse to go after Iran. No bargaining make Israel adhere to UN resolution 181, no alternative! It is more than fair and equitable.
The Israel, Palestinian, Iran, Syria, Middle East issue will never be resolved peacefully Knowing that I have to agree with Ahmadinejad when he said if the US and Europe felt so bad for what happened to the Jews during WW2 then they should have given them part of their country.
The best we could hope for is an adherence to UN resolution 181. That will never happen either and all I can see is a total Middle East breakdown that Bush guaranteed when he attacked Iraq to help Israel set up their buffer zone. There will never be peace in the Middle East period unless there is a return to the original borders set in UN resolution 181!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, November 18, 2010
NATO to begin handing over Afghanistan to Afghan Government: Obama on track to being a legend!
About 339 mid-level Taliban commanders and 949 foot soldiers have been killed in the past three months
NATO to begin handing over Afghanistan to Afghan
Security handover to Afghan forces has quietly begun, 2011 looking better!
Wow! When all is said and done I remember when it came out that Karzai was corrupt and he won the election. The people’s attitude was oh well, one corrupt Government is as good as the next .At least the Government is not killing and maiming the people in the name of Sharia law. The government might be corrupt but it is better than the alternative.
This is big and keeps getting better and better! I am pretty pleased that Gulbuddin Hekmatyar Representatives of his major insurgent faction have presented a formal 15-point peace plan to the Afghan government of Hamid Karzai. This is the first concrete proposal to end hostilities and get us the heck out of there. Obama can do this, he is doing it.
This would not even be a thought under Bush. As we said in Iraq the Afghan's too must come together so we can leave. They can then turn on each other as I fully expect to be the case in Iraq and also in Afghanistan. Anyway representatives of Hezb-e-Islami met on Monday with representatives of the Government. This is huge as Hezb-e-Islami, or Islamic operates under a separate command from the Taliban, it has links to the Taliban leadership and Al Qaeda and has fought on a common front against foreign forces in Afghanistan.
They only want what I want and that is a withdrawal date for all foreign forces on Afghani soil. That is doable under Obama. We can really do this! They want us to start in July and have it completed in 6 months. The 6 month time frame would have to be flexible and they would have to police the still militant Taliban and keep the peace amongst themselves even if only until we leave as I expect. Insurgent Faction Presents Afghan Peace Plan
Seems what the militants want holds more sway than most think and that is a good thing. NATO beginning to pull out of Afghanistan handing the reins over to the Afghan Government corrupt or not will free Obama up to do the same. They want to start handing over control in July like the Taliban wanted which is perfect. The Afghan government, which has been hampered by a Taliban insurgency, political corruption, a dysfunctional economy and a dependence on foreign assistance, is starting to take more responsibility for running the country's affairs. Great!
This is working and freeing Obama to start disengaging next year. Some compromise can be worked out here. Now if only the Taliban will cool it and cooperate. Their insurgency will only force us to stay. I hope they are smart enough to quell it until we start to disengage. Even the hard core Taliban will go along with this plan if we will only guarantee that we will leave. I really believe we can do this under Obama like health care it would not have happened under Bush or anyone else. Health care, Afghanistan, and the peace prize, what a heck of a trifecta, what a legacy, Obama has already secured his legacy but success in Afghanistan will make him a legend but then there is the Republicans!
James Joiner
Gardner, Massachusetts
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Lying, plagiarizing, and typical laziness: Bush's book of lies! Why should anyone be surprised?
George Bush accused of borrowing from other books in his memoirs Lying, plagiarizing, and typical laziness you mean!
Think about George Bush’s entire Hippocratic philosophy! His entire Hippocratic Presidency! Do as I say not as I do!
His entire supposed God fearing Administration advocated and fought for a principle only applied to us and then many of them got caught in one unlawful illicit affair or another, extra marital affairs, pedophilia, bribery, treason, they run the gamut! The amount of underhanded deceitful Politicians saying one thing and doing another has blossomed since Bush’s horrible example!
I always said he could talk out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it and smile all the while. His example has fostered to our detriment a lot of company! He was a total hypocrite and set a terrible example! His brand of say one thing and do another politics was sickeningly obvious and debilitating to the entire world as we saw it daily!
Thinking of all this and knowing he went back to Crawford proud of his lies and destruction of our lives and morality Just remember who his spiritual adviser was! The purveyor of perverted Religiosity, Ted Haggard! Remember his Administrations never ending indiscretions. Forgive them all? No way not now not ever! Not this time. Let them pray about that. Forgive and forget is greatly over rated!
I don't know who was in charge when Bush was President but it was not Bush! Bush was the puppet! The real behind the scene leaders "whoever they were" needed to follow their corporate agenda in what has become a corporatocracy not a Democracy. Remember when Cheney who was the real leader in the White House was picked by Bush to look for a Vice President and he chose himself so he could direct operations directly from the White House?
We knew from day one of Bush's campaign to be President that he was a mindless lying total life long loser and we were right. Bush was elected precisely because he was mindless clueless and could be led and controlled. He was a proven liar, a life long loser, just what the powers behind the Republican party needed to follow their societal and world agenda. He was always a lazy worthless liar other men built. Why should we not expect to see that reflected in his lying book of failures?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Decision Points,
George Bush's memoirs,
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
White House considers Yemen drone strikes, officials say: what do they think they've been doing for the past year?
White House considers Yemen drone strikes, officials say Not for nothing but they have been quietly doing this for many months if not years but Yemen and the US better be careful and keep US boots off the ground or face dire peril. The worst of the worst are in this area!
Yemen faces 'complicated' juggling act on security Remember this?
Supposedly the so called experts say the three forces operating to destabilize Yemen from the North, South, and East will not join forces but you bet they will! Al Qaeda has been leaving Iraq, Afghanistan, and Mauritania; to use Yemen as their new base we in turn better meet them there with force.
I understand the so called Al Qaeda headquarters in Yemen was just raided killing one Al Qaeda. There have been two admitted attacks already by the US! The first according to Shiite Houthi rebels killed some 63 people including 28 children while injuring 90. Yemen reported it as 34 Al Qaeda killed! US air raids kill 63 civilians in SE Yemen
Most recently an attack on Anwar al Awlaqi the Yemeni American cleric linked to the Fort Hood attack! Al Awaqi is thought to have been killed in the attack. Yemeni air strike kills 30, targets home of cleric linked to Ft. Hood attack Imam tied to Ft. Hood shootings killed - Video News Live
Then we hear we have quietly stepped up air attacks in Yemen hunting down and killing Al Qaeda. It is no secret we have been discussing it and the fact that Iran's revolutionary guard is also there supporting Houthi rebels in an effort to get Shiite dominance. The attack on a packed air bus on Christmas day came from Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula; a terrorist cell led by a former personal secretary to Osama bin Laden and was in retaliation for recent attacks in Yemen by the US. There are promises that this was the first of many. I'm the first of many, warns airline 'bomber'
Despite 2 insurgencies and Al Qaeda Yemen is already in trouble. They are running out of water! Wells are down 65 feet per year, many wells have dried up and they can not grow food. They are rapidly running out of water and that problem too is now. Yemen water woes in the poorest Arab Nation
With our air raids in the East, civil war looming in the north, pro-independence protests in the south and al-Qaeda in the background threatening a wave of attacks on America, Yemen is today’s war. To top it off Yemen is running out of water! There is more Al Qaeda there than in Afghanistan why are we in Afghanistan and not Yemen?
Somalia will be the next war as those Al Qaeda who did not flee the existing wars to help in Yemen have gone to Somalia! Al Qaeda has always been in Yemen but it has now become Al Qaeda central. Their principle targets are Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the US, allies and allies in this so called war on terror.
The Saudi and Yemen branches of Al Qaeda have joined forces and many outsiders are moving in to join the fight. We must act in kind! Yemen is on the verge of being a failed state as you already know especially if you have been following my story line. Yemen is on the Abyss and we must help them for own good!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, November 15, 2010
So called rogue Afghan soldiers killed 10 Americans in 2 years, 5 NATO troops in a week, the latest event 3 more
I am sick of the frequent so called rogue afghans killing our troops!
A suspected Afghan army trainer on a shooting range in northern Afghanistan opened fire on his fellow instructors killing two American civilian trainers and one other Afghan soldier before being killed himself. This really scares me because my youngest just finished his tour in Iraq and arrived in Afghanistan to aid in the training. I do not trust them at all. They are Muslim's repelling the infidel, us, they are not our allies. Suspected Afghan army trainer opens fire on fellow instructors killing 2 more Americans
This was just one week after another rogue Afghan soldier killed three British soldiers at a base in Helmand province. They are still looking for that so called rogue traitor who went ballistic.
The Afghan military identified the rogue Afghan National Army (ANA) soldier who went ballistic and killed 3 British troops on Tuesday in Helmand province.
I am pretty pissed! I just found the article I wrote on Afghan soldiers killing Americans and realized in that instance too the worm they call a rogue or a traitor killed the Americans while they slept.
Afghan soldier shoots dead two American troops Man WTF? They had just returned from a joint operation with Afghanistan and the SOB shot the US soldiers dead wounding 2 others while they slept! Isn't it obvious? How many more have to die? Get the hell out America don't you get the message? Sharia law is preferred not Democracy!
I reiterate though it is a waste of time that like Afghanistan Pakistan is largely tribal but they want a central Government and freedom from the Taliban to continue to have their tribal customs and freedoms and are fighting for it! NATO go home! Scale back! Get out! We keep hearing how tough Afghani's are. Prove it! Pakistan has shown what they want and so has Afghanistan. Can't we take a frigging hint?
We keep hearing how we must get to Taliban moderates and Afghan moderates well get with it do it now and let them fight for their country. Moderate tribesmen in parts of militant-ravaged north-west Pakistan are challenging Taliban extremists threatening to overrun their area, in what will develop into a mass resistance movement.That is what Afghanistan must do!
America and NATO must get out! We have been there over 9 years, more than twice as long as WW2, now our longest war! If Afghanistan wanted freedom from the Taliban they would already be trained and fighting for it instead of just letting themselves be killed as pawns.
Our soldiers did their job leave now with heads held high not our tails between our legs like in Saigon! Give food and supplies to the Afghans and if they want their freedom they will fight for it like the Pakistani tribes are. We should be helping Pakistan who has proved they want their freedom from Taliban and Sharia law. Don't keep adding more troops this is Afghanistan graveyard of Nations. Cheat history get out now!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Is the gulf of Mexico safe? No way!
I was just discussing with a couple of my sons that we have heard nothing about the Gulf, in fact I had to go back 10 weeks to find any pertinent information. I have to tell you first that the Government and BP's lies have been bought by many including my son who I am holding personally libel for allowing my grandchildren to swim in that toxic mess.
Gulf Coast residents, fishermen, seafood distributors, and scientists believe that living on the coast and eating seafood from the Gulf has become hazardous to their health and you know damn well it is.
In response to their oil disaster last summer that released at least 4.9 million barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, BP admitted to using at least 1.9 million gallons of widely banned toxic Corexit dispersants (which have been banned in 19 countries) to sink the oil. The dispersants contain chemicals that many scientists and toxicologists have warned are dangerous to humans, marine life, and wildlife.
They have been forcing fisherman to tell people it is okay to eat the purposely mistested fish and shellfish. They are doing this so when people start suing they can't go after the Government or BP but will go after the fishermen instead. Please read this report this is not good. I am sick of the damn lies! Is the gulf of Mexico safe? No way!
Despite the lies the Gulf is as bad as we knew it was There is more than good reason for people that live in the Gulf area to be suffering of depression, worried about their future and ever fishing again, and contemplating starting over elsewhere. Unless they plan on drilling for oil they better start packing while they are still healthy and despite the lies that the shellfish, fish, and shrimp are fine do not touch it period!
I watched a program on cnn and the shrimpers were being forced to go out because of their financial positions and they have families. They found much smaller catches and were concerned their catches were edible of even keep able. They were seeing 3 inch oil balls everywhere and were being warned not to tell anyone. I hope you watched the above video. Trust it, it was independent of BP and Government lies. It was done by University of South Florida.
Gulf oil plume extends 21 miles from source
Fishermen who work in more remote areas are expressing concern about oil they have recently spotted in places where boats have not been deployed and they are being told to keep quiet! The oil is not breaking down as they say.
All the way from the deep water horizon to 40 miles south of Panama City they they discovered what they described as a constellation of microscopic droplets of oil and dispersant killing phytoplankton the basic building block of the entire life of the sea. It was headed to Desoto canyon an area critical to all sea life for commercial and sport fishing.
The Government is still lying saying the sea and the fish will break it down and BP is still denying it. I am very troubled for everyone there in particular my sons and grandchildren. I better reiterate the residents very real concerns for those that missed it as we are getting closer to the whole picture and the awful truth:
More than eight out of 10 respondents reported worrying about their family, friends and community's survival to the complications caused by the environmental disaster. 46 percent said it prevented them from getting a good night’s sleep • 43 percent said it prevented from being able to focus on their usual job or work • 40 percent felt sick to their stomach "some of the time" or ‘almost constantly’ • 38 percent experienced headaches.
The toxic formula growing in the Gulf of Mexico is no different than spraying Agent Orange in Viet Nam. All it takes is a strong wind or a hurricane and those of us living along the Gulf Coast are finished. If the toxins don't suffocate us, we will suffer from contaminated potable water. Reality dictates a long term toxicity of air, water and land. Everyone had might as well start preparing by reading all you can find on the internet about Gulf War Syndrome. We're all about to experience it. Gulf of Mexico Illness = Gulf War Illness
Children are coming down with respiratory problems from toxic gases, another aspect of the Gulf of Mexico Syndrome is the very real stress and anxiety from knowing you are living in poison and have no way of surviving. While the devastating ecological impacts of BP’s oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico are obvious, the less visible but also long-lasting psychological, community and personal impacts could be worse, according to social scientists, psychologists and psychiatrists.
“People are becoming more and more hopeless and feeling helpless,” Dr. Arwen Podesta, a psychiatrist at Tulane University in New Orleans told Truthout. “They are feeling frantic and overwhelmed. This is worse than [Hurricane] Katrina. There is already more post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and more problems with domestic violence, threats of suicide and alcohol and drugs.” They say they do not know how many years they will be dealing with this but I hate to say it but I want to say "till death do us part" The Indypendent » Gulf Residents Likely Face Decades of ...
Over one-third of parents reported that their children had experienced either physical symptoms or mental health distress as a consequence of the oil spill. One in five households has seen their income decrease as a result of the oil spill, and eight percent have lost jobs. Only five percent of coastal residents reported having received any cash or gift cards from BP, although over fifteen percent believe they may be eligible for compensation from BP for health consequences of the spill.Over one-quarter of coastal residents think they may have to move from the area because of the oil spill. Kenneth Feinberg, who is administering the BP claims process, has said mental health claims will not be covered.
Those poor people are screwed and they know it. This is horrible! As we have been saying for months the gulf is dead for fishing they might as well destroy the rest of the earth looking for their frigging oil. At this point it is human life there itself I am concerned about, You know that shit is evaporating and will come down with the rain on crops and in drinking supplies. I wish they would stop their lying! The guy in the tape is right those people's lives do not matter they are just eaters, the little people!
This will be the worst in the world because of where it is, set aside the dispersant added in. This already is the nightmare scenario they are not talking about. You really have to question what it is they are trying to correct with this so called corexit they poured in the gulf to kill everything? Us the eaters who do not matter? The little people, oh the small people!
We are so screwed as we know. We do not matter and instead of doing the right thing for the people and the gulf they are going to lie until once again the awful truth becomes undeniable and they will just act surprised. WTF?
The people in the Gulf might as well keep drilling for oil because their fishing is going to be dead for generations if we are around that long. This is of epic and Biblical proportions. This is life changing, this is planetary changing. Oil swallow, Jean Michal Cousteau, all the special clean up methods aside will be worthless as Billions of gallons of oil and 2 million gallons of deadly dispersant make the trip around the Gulf stream and not only destroy the gulf but diluted or not alter the entire food chain around much of the world.
Their lives are altered forever and they know it! I feel sorry for the likes of my son whose health is sacrificed in wars but him and all our military in the gulf where we have a heavy multi branch presence will be kept there and their long term health mental and physical will be sacrificed. The people who live there along with military families should look at moving elsewhere.
I am very concerned that BP is going to skip on us as costs mount! You can bet they are working on it. They will form new corporations and shift assets around to screw the people of the Gulf, all taxpayers, and America, file bankruptcy then they will do this again the inept asses they are. WTF?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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