Justice Alito's "you lie moment"
Joe Biden Talks Congress Reaction
He know what that indecision did: As you know, President Obama lambasted the Supreme court injustices for handing a huge victory to special interests and their lobbyists as the so called conservative led Supreme court lifted restrictions on campaign funding by corporations and unions. No kidding! What a coincidence huh? With mid terms approaching the corporations and unions can now lead the way in bringing down the Democrats and their agenda.
Blatant lying and fear mongering using radio and TV advertisements is what those scum are getting away with calling freedom of speech? Now we will just see the asinine lies used in the Health care debates used to bring down the Democrats only now the lying ads will be on steroids as they take the lead in defeating Obama's agenda and the Democrats.
Alito blatantly defending that move to subvert our Democracy mouthing "Not true, not true" while sitting in the front row during President Obama first state of the union address which was in fact a State of Disunion address" was dead wrong, shows there will be no coming together to solve we the people's growing problems, and led me to look at why Alito is so anti Obama!
However it was true! If then Senator Obama had been listened to Alito would not even have been in the chambers. As a senator, he voted against Alito's confirmation. He said President George W. Bush's second nominee to the court was a man of "great character" which is definitely now in question and that he was an accomplished jurist which I now doubt 100%.
"But it is too bad he was ignored because he was dead on when he said "when you look at his record when it comes to his understanding of the Constitution I have found that in almost every case he consistently sides on behalf of the powerful against the powerless; on behalf of a strong government or corporation against upholding American's individual rights. Man what else is there to say. As they say it is too late and the proof is in the pudding. History plays a role in Obama-Alito flap
* Now Obama is hoping Congress can get together, both sides of the aisle as the super majority is gone and I doubt it 100% as the Republicans see their much worked for defeat of President Obama and his ours and the Democrats Waterloo. They are giddy but knowing the election of independent Scott Brown was a vote against them too they most likely are creating their own Waterloo!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Schwarzenegger proposes Mexican jails take US inmates and they may, it’s a start!

Mexico 'could take US inmates'
I think sending Prisoners to be housed in American built prisons is a great idea! I know California has severe financial difficulties and thus think it is a great idea to build Prisons in Mexico and house the estimated 20,000 Mexican illegal immigrants being housed in California's prisons alone. With an estimated cost of $45,000 per prisoner and 20,000 prisoners we are talking a sizable saving with housing them in Mexico being half the cost. Mexico 'could take US inmates'
I have to wonder how it is in other states with Education and Prison budgets but it seems to me that Arnold is right and we should be spending more on Education than to keep our failures in prison. Thirty years ago 10 percent of the general fund went to higher education and 3 percent went to prisons as Arnold points out and today almost 11 percent goes to prisons and only 7½ percent goes to higher education.
Spending 45 percent more on prisons than universities is no way to proceed into the future. 45% more on prisons, that should be against the Constitution not, not giving your prisoners enough room to live and enough mental health care. Schwarzenegger wants a constitutional amendment to prevent California lawmakers from ever spending more on prisons than on higher education. I think it is sick that you have to try to pass an amendment to do what is only right! Calitics:: What Does it Mean to Spend More on Prisons than Higher ...
I remember when California's judges last year ordered the release of tens of thousands of California's prison inmates to relieve overcrowding that amongst other things was ravaging prison medical and mental health care saying it had to be done to bring California prison's up to Constitutional standards. I didn't know the constitution had standards for prisons. As far as I'm concerned they are no longer protected by the Constitution as they at the very least violated others constitutional rights and the Constitution.
California's 33 prisons hold nearly 160,000 inmates, about twice their designed capacity and that is okay with me. Take their TV's too! The judges said they were prepared to impose a limit of between 120 and 145 percent of capacity, which would require 37,000 to 58,000 prisoners to be released back into the economy prematurely posing a significant threat to public safety. Of course the Schwarzenegger administration immediately announced plans to appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court and I have yet to hear where that stands. It must still be pending or Mexico would not have been put into play. Judges tell state to free thousands of inmates - SFGate
California has got to get their priorities back in order! Housing illegal immigrants in Mexico would be a win win saving California money and putting Mexican's to work. It is the right thing to do as long as Mexico can keep them secure! Mexico can start with her own citizens and we may have a lucrative import export prison business here. After California we can incorporate the other States.We make them they hold them. Sounds like a deal!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, January 29, 2010
Divide and Conquer are not new Democratic tactics but old Republican tactics!

Divide and conquer are Rove taught Bush tactics he used not only on the Democrats but in the Middle East and around the world. I called it 3D Politics (divisive, deceptive, deceitful, politics) designed to create a problem where there is none to divide and conquer. Think back as to how often and regularly that was done.
If there was no issue Bush created on and put Democrats on the other side so he could divide and conquer “get his way” It was painful to watch it being done around the world but worse here and see the Democrats powerless to fight it, recognize it, or realize they better play the game too or they are done.
It may be too late but primarily because they are stupid enough to advertise it not do it and deny it as Republicans do! I just noticed this is a fox news story, it figures!
Senate Dems Unfurl New Electoral Strategy: Divide and Conquer GOP
I have to say that I am from Massachusetts and a proud constituent of Kennedy’s, that said Brown's victory was not a stinging defeat fro Democrats. Last weeks election in Massachusetts is being called a mandate against a party, a mandate against the Obama agenda, a Revolution against a party "the Democratic party" WRONG! Wake up and think about what just happened.
What Scott Brown just did should not be misinterpreted by the Republican Party as a denial of Obama, his agenda, or the Democratic Party. It was not! It should be a wake up call to both party's that we the people are sick of the games, sick of the partisanship, sick of the concern being for the Party's not we the people. It is a Revolution however it is not a revolution against 'a party" It better serve as a wake up call to both party's. We the people want to matter!
The party’s are our biggest problem not the so called terrorists. They only care about themselves not we the people! The games must stop; they must stop acting like spoiled brats while we go down the tubes. Obama is on his own that is why nothing has gotten done. I use to say Bush is the only person I know that can talk out of both sides of his mouth while his foot is in it, sh@t eating smirk on it all the time. Sadly that has become status quo and the face of politics today.
Remember Brown never once mentioned the Republican Party but instead ran as an independent. He promised he would work for the people not as Republicans do but as Ed Kennedy did and to make him proud. It is not a revolution against a party it is just the people wanting we the people that was removed during the last Administration put back in the equation. It is a move against incumbents "all incumbents"
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Despite the Biased rhetoric I got I was right as without a doubt, Iran has both civilian, military nuke programs!

'Without a doubt, Iran has both civilian, military nuke programs' I have been saying for years that they are stalling us until they achieve their goal of attaining nuclear weapons. I knew their civilian program was a cover for their long term effort of acquiring nuclear weapons. It may or may not be true that they are very close but as this report comes from the German's I absolutely believe it. What's next?
Report: Iran could produce nuclear bomb this year
A month ago I wrote a story about Iran's nuclear program, how we started it in the 50s, and how close they were to acquiring the knowledge to make a nuclear bomb. They continue to up the ante with militarism and nuclear concerns. They are antagonizing Israel, the US, and others in their quest for war to unite their country!
A reminder: As you know, when asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran in 1979 after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply was “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.
I have tried to give Iran the benefit of the doubt when they say their nuclear desires are peaceful knowing they could use nuclear power as an energy source for their growing population. I have always asserted that perceived need could be cover for the real goal of developing a nuclear weapon.
The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program.[1] The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran. We are so concerned about Pakistan and Iran today in regard to nuclear abilities and nuclear weapons and security. I was blown away to find out that we built the first nuclear Reactors in both Iran and Pakistan. Nuclear program of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I would have to assume this was after we overthrew the democratically elected President of Iran Mohammad Mosaddeq to install our ruthless puppet the Shah of Iran. We built and supplied Iran's first reactor because we thought we were in control. What the hell is wrong with us? That makes us personally responsible for the 1979 Revolution in Iran, the capture of our hostages, the disaster in the desert after a failed attempt to rescue them, the rise of the Revolutionary Guard, the protesters dilemma, the nuclear issue in Iran today, everything!
You know, I have long said that Iran’s civilian nuclear program is a cover for their nuclear weapons program. Now I see that Arab leaders feel the same way. They fear a nuclear arms race and I can only conclude that knowing how far along Iran is and how they feel that they are hedging their bets and it is already under way clandestinely.
The Gulf Corporation Council “Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, Oman. And the United Arab Emirates, who are all incidentally armed by us with advanced conventional weapons and technology and missile defense batteries all want the Middle East to be declared a nuclear safe zone. That as you know is DOA as neither Israel or the US will never agree to that. The centuries of acrimony and convoluted Relationships throughout the Middle East though I knew of it is mind boggling and worse than I thought so I invite you to read the report it is eye opening. ! Why Arab leaders worry about Iran's nuclear program | Bulletin of ...
Now what?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Go back to your roots President Obama! Remember what you ran on!
Obama, Biden Set Agenda to Boost Middle Class
Obama facing State of the Union Address tries to reinvent himself and Middle America!
Obama does not have to reinvent himself! He has to remember who he is. He has to remember what he ran on. After the politics of division and partisanship along with financial disaster and war mongering Obama promised change. He promised bipartisanship Republicans promised to defeat him and heretofore they have. Remember "yes we can"
The whole world felt the promise of Obama pressing the reset button. He went around the world bringing hope. So far that is all we have, hope! Last weeks election in Massachusetts is being called a mandate against a party, a mandate against the Obama agenda, a Revolution against a party "the Democratic party" WRONG! Wake up and think about what just happened.
What Scott Brown just did should not be misinterpreted by the Republican party as a denial of Obama, his agenda, or the Democratic Party. It should be a wake up call to both party's that we the people are sick of the games, sick of the partisanship, sick of the concern being for the Party's not we the people. It is a Revolution however it is not a revolution against 'a party" It better serve as a wake up call to both party's.
Remember he never once mentioned the Republican party but instead ran as an independent. He promised he would work for the people not as Republicans do but as Ed Kennedy did and to make him proud. It is not a revolution against a party it is just the people wanting we the people that was removed during the last Administration put back in the equation. It is a move against in incumbents "all incumbents"
Our Government of the people, for the people, and by the people, fed by the Constitution has become a Government of the Politicians, for the corporations and affluent, by the Media, fed by the legal system. SCOTUS just made that sickeningly true however I now think both party's as the relentless liberal said, will start doing what the people want if only to save their jobs. I think we the people may be put back into the equation!
Right now the Supreme Court of the United States decision is a huge win for Republicans and corporations. They stole our America and the legal system made it possible. I have to hope the election of Republican Senator Scott Brown in the bluest of blue States Massachusetts will negate that!
Losing the peoples seat kept by the peoples Senator for 46 years bothers me only because Health care was Senator Kennedy's legacy and I feel we let him down. However I think Brown is the next best thing unless he proves me wrong. We just elected a young charismatic Senator as our President because he offered change and hope. With Senator Scott Brown, he is a future President of the United States, a likely candidate in 2012 to lead and unite us but let us see if he can be true to what he ran on, Obama has so far failed! Obama to reintroduce himself during State of the Union
Most say lots of stimulus $$$ wasted
Obama Unveils Tax Initiatives to Help Middle Class
Obama has gotten the message. I think Obama is smart enough to stop giving the message that the Democrats will go alone if they have to but truly be bipartisan and now that the Capitalist system has been rescued, focus on the middle class and our America. Ronald Reagan turned it around when he saw this happening to him. I know Obama is now working on it and he too can turn this around and work for the masses not the party. If he does that he will win reelection!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Obama facing State of the Union Address tries to reinvent himself and Middle America!
Obama does not have to reinvent himself! He has to remember who he is. He has to remember what he ran on. After the politics of division and partisanship along with financial disaster and war mongering Obama promised change. He promised bipartisanship Republicans promised to defeat him and heretofore they have. Remember "yes we can"
The whole world felt the promise of Obama pressing the reset button. He went around the world bringing hope. So far that is all we have, hope! Last weeks election in Massachusetts is being called a mandate against a party, a mandate against the Obama agenda, a Revolution against a party "the Democratic party" WRONG! Wake up and think about what just happened.
What Scott Brown just did should not be misinterpreted by the Republican party as a denial of Obama, his agenda, or the Democratic Party. It should be a wake up call to both party's that we the people are sick of the games, sick of the partisanship, sick of the concern being for the Party's not we the people. It is a Revolution however it is not a revolution against 'a party" It better serve as a wake up call to both party's.
Remember he never once mentioned the Republican party but instead ran as an independent. He promised he would work for the people not as Republicans do but as Ed Kennedy did and to make him proud. It is not a revolution against a party it is just the people wanting we the people that was removed during the last Administration put back in the equation. It is a move against in incumbents "all incumbents"
Our Government of the people, for the people, and by the people, fed by the Constitution has become a Government of the Politicians, for the corporations and affluent, by the Media, fed by the legal system. SCOTUS just made that sickeningly true however I now think both party's as the relentless liberal said, will start doing what the people want if only to save their jobs. I think we the people may be put back into the equation!
Right now the Supreme Court of the United States decision is a huge win for Republicans and corporations. They stole our America and the legal system made it possible. I have to hope the election of Republican Senator Scott Brown in the bluest of blue States Massachusetts will negate that!
Losing the peoples seat kept by the peoples Senator for 46 years bothers me only because Health care was Senator Kennedy's legacy and I feel we let him down. However I think Brown is the next best thing unless he proves me wrong. We just elected a young charismatic Senator as our President because he offered change and hope. With Senator Scott Brown, he is a future President of the United States, a likely candidate in 2012 to lead and unite us but let us see if he can be true to what he ran on, Obama has so far failed! Obama to reintroduce himself during State of the Union
Most say lots of stimulus $$$ wasted
Obama Unveils Tax Initiatives to Help Middle Class
Obama has gotten the message. I think Obama is smart enough to stop giving the message that the Democrats will go alone if they have to but truly be bipartisan and now that the Capitalist system has been rescued, focus on the middle class and our America. Ronald Reagan turned it around when he saw this happening to him. I know Obama is now working on it and he too can turn this around and work for the masses not the party. If he does that he will win reelection!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
SCOTUS BS ruling was so industry could sink Obama's agenda!

Obama attacks US Supreme Court election ruling
America is a Corporatocracy! I can't believe the SCOTUS just took it upon themselves to kill our Democracy altogether. 5-4 that's a so called conservative court for you! I am quite stunned actually that supposed educated so called legal minds can equate buying what you want in politics as freedom of speech. Obama Turns Up Heat Over Ruling on Campaign Spending
President Obama lambasted the Supreme court injustices for handing a huge victory to special interests and their lobbyists as the so called conservative led Supreme court lifted restrictions on campaign funding by corporations and unions. No kidding! What a coincidence huh? With mid terms approaching the corporations and unions can now lead the way in bringing down the Democrats and their agenda.
Blatant lying and fear mongering using radio and TV advertisements is what those scum are getting away with calling freedom of speech? Now we will just see the asinine lies used in the Health care debates used to bring down the Democrats only now the lying ads will be on steroids as they take the lead in defeating Obama's agenda and the Democrats. I do not like this!
Our so called Democracy has been subverted by a Corpratocracy sanctioned and legalized by SCOTUS! Republicans are ecstatic while while Democrats are disappointed as we all should be. This does not strike at Democracy as President Obama says. To start with this is not a Democracy and has not been since the last Administration. This is not a Democracy this is a facade of a Democracy only used to Pursue a hidden agenda.
* Democracy is Dead! Obama thinks he is going to get a bipartisan panel to work on ways to try and stop this? Forget it! Republicans are ecstatic. They smell blood! Brown and then this. They see the beginning of the end of Obama his agenda and the dominance of the Democratic party and their agenda whatever that was. The Republican five declared a victory for the first Amendment and freedom of speech. My eye! It was a defeat of our Democracy and a victory for Republican Corporatocracy!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, January 25, 2010
P5 plus one: Six powers to check Iran nuclear ambitions to benefit Ahmadinejad and the nuclear agenda!

I refuse to believe that after all these times all these threats by us we are stupid enough to really think we can get Iran to bend to our wishes. All these years all the insistence by Iran that they are going to continue with their nuclear ambitions and it is their God given right to have nuclear power period. We gave them the knowledge in the fifties and they have gone to far and are too close to stop now.
Six powers to check Iran nuclear ambitions
Supposedly any new sanctions will be targeting the Revolutionary Guard but any new sanctions will benefit Ahmadinejad and the current regime will make sure they are used in their favor! They are not going to loosen their grip, they are not going to stop anything. They have gone too far, the IRG has too much power, and they smell blood. They have been freed up from dealing with Iraq and are not going to stop ensuing their version of new Middle East order with the Shiite in the dominant role!
Ahmadinejad Will Gain From Sanctions, Iranian Official Says
On top of all the instigating Iran is doing in every instance I am very concerned with her desire for nuclear weapons, her willingness to use them, and the fact that we gave Iran her nuclear start in the 50s. The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program.[1] The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran. We are so concerned about Pakistan and Iran today in regard to nuclear abilities and nuclear weapons and security. I was blown away to find out that we built the first nuclear Reactors in both Iran and Pakistan. Iran's nuclear program
A reminder: As you know, when asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran in 1979 after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply was “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.
I have tried to give Iran the benefit of the doubt when they say their nuclear desires are peaceful knowing they could use nuclear power as an energy source for their growing population. I have always asserted that perceived need could be cover for the real goal of developing a nuclear weapon.
The current regime in Iran continues to up the ante inside and outside of Iran with militarism and nuclear concerns. They are antagonizing Israel, the US, and others in their quest for war to unite their country! Iran is not going to settle for world peace but instead inside and out they will settle for nothing less than dominance and will destroy the world to get it!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Korea think tank says Kim Jong-il nearing death now I know why Kim Jong Il has been doing so much out of Character!

Korea think tank says Kim Jong-il nearing death
You know I have been very concerned about North Korea and her Shenanigans as she was firing missiles testing nuclear weapons and as a matter of policy, antagonizing the west in order to bring us to the bargaining table and barter cooperation for food for its citizens.
I have finally realized that average citizens of countries around the world do not matter and they are mere pawns and bargaining chips for a countries ruling party to use and get what they want. North Korea has routinely sacrificed its people while pursuing its expensive military endeavors.
As you know, famine is one of the biggest and oldest problems in the world. It will only get worse as responsible nations fight to regain their economic footing. We are talking responsible nations one of which North Korea is not. Right now there are over 800 million people around the world suffering from hunger.
North Korea ranks as the worst in the world in that category and a share that distinction with the likes of Somalia, Ethiopia, and Sudan but North Korea has one of the largest military’s in the world and plays with nuclear weapons while starving her citizens.
The main problem is North Korea is closed to the outside world so the Government can ravage the people and follow their militaristic agenda. Most North Koreans do not realize they are among the poorest Nations on the planet and bow to and thank Kim Jong Il for their one meal a day they get and are told is good for them. North Korea Disaster hunger and famine
Well I finally think Kim Jong Il is getting it! In a round about way it is us but you know the average citizens of the world are just pawns and are of no concern to the Government until you squeeze them to hard. Devaluing North Korea's currency starving man already starving citizens a month ago was the straw that broke the camels back. North Korean misery as currency evaporates
Most of the millions of starving citizens have family and friends in North Korea's 7 million man army. Kim Jong Il is rightly concerned about unrest in his Government and military. Whatever the reason he supposedly wants peace with the West and a nuclear free Peninsula. A while ago I was hoping Kim Jong Il was paving the way for his son to take over and I still think so.Kim Jong Il, has settled on his third son, 26-year-old Kim Jong Un, as his successor as you may know. I would have to say a new era will begin once he takes control and the stage has now been set for that. North Korea's ailing leader, Kim Jong Il, has settled on his third son, 26-year-old Kim Jong Un, as his successor.
Kim Jong Il if you can believe it called for an end to hostile relations with the US in his new year message and said he was committed to making the Korean peninsula nuclear-free through negotiations. He actually sounds like he means it! He said he was committed to establishing "a lasting peace system" on the Korean peninsula and to making it nuclear-free "through dialogue and negotiations" a lasting peace system, what is that donations of food and supplies from us while he maintains his 7 million man army? North Korea calls for end to hostile relations with US
Kim Jong Il may be doing it for his son or his Government but he has extended an olive branch to the US, he wants to continue working for peace with South Korea, most odd to me is he wants to improve the people's living standard. He just got through devaluing the currency because the starving people were living too large and they were rebelling. North Korea makes peace pledge in New Year column
Has the beloved leader finally decided to live in peace and prosper as he acknowledged that when the people's living standards are decisively improved the gate to a prosperous nation will be opened. I may be naive but I think he means it and time will tell!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Guns for Jesus! What?

Muslim anger over US military 'Jesus' scopes
FOX Guest Defends Bible Verses on Military Weapons
I am stunned that the company Trijicon was and is putting Biblical references “scripture verse” on the gun scopes and other parts they make. Then I am further amazed that ABC rushed to break the news. Again someone puts the almighty dollar ahead of country. They know what this will do and is doing in the Muslim world.
You know I have written often of my disgust with those who said we did nothing to deserve 9/11 or anything that has happened before and since. We more than asked for everything we got and we just can not stop making things worse. Remember the Berlin conference Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 to Divide Africa
India and Pakistan being ad hoc divided by Britain the forming of Israel, Bush’s failed Middle East Democratization program. We asked for everything we get and we just keep instigating at every opportunity. I just don’t get it unless we do it on purpose. Why else would we be so stupid?
Right from the beginning (9/11) all the so called terrorists ever wanted was our respect and do get off of their land. Of course the answer was to attack them instead and to issue one instigating insult after the next. Remember Salman Rushdie, who went into hiding under threat of death after an Iranian fatwa, was knighted by the Queen? The French headscarf Ban? The Danish Muhammad cartoons? The Swiss Minaret Ban?
That is a small sample and we just can't stop. Now this: Why do we always seem to purposely shoot ourselves in the foot? To cut off our nose to spite our face? What the heck is wrong with us? I can not fathom putting personal gain over doing what is right for the country but it seems all businesses can!
Anyway some of those weapons are being used by Afghan’s and Iraqi’s we are training. What the heck is wrong with us? Trijiron says as part of their faith and belief in country they have been doing it for decades. Come on! They may be extremists but on a gun used to kill Muslim’s? Muslim anger over US military 'Jesus' scopes
'Jesus Guns': Two More Countries Rethink Using Weapons with Secret Bible ...
One of the inscriptions is 2Cor4:6, that is 2nd Corinthians 4:6 of the New Testament reading “for God commanded the light to shine out of the darkness and into our hearts to give the light of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ” I am Christian too but on a weapon? There is verse from Revelations, Mathew, and John, about Jesus bringing light to the world.
This is not going over well even with our soldiers who think it will further anger the extremists and I have to agree! I just found out that Trijiron has agreed to discontinue adding the verses and will issue kits to sand them off if the user wants. Very good!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, January 21, 2010
In Haiti the worst and hopefully the best is yet to come!
82nd Airborne: Delivering Aid to Quake Survivors
Amidst rapes, orphanages being held up, looting, pillaging, increased chaos, the 82nd Airborne arrives to deliver aid and security! As expected, sporadic violence is erupting; gangrene and disease are setting in, like it or not but security is necessary and critical. The 82nd Airborne has arrived on the ground to supply it.
The 82nd will supervise the arrival and dispersal of critical food, water, and medical supplies. From the point of landing it on the ground to getting it to where it is needed and to make sure it is not stolen once it gets to where it is needed boots on the ground is a necessary evil. There are 10,000 troops prepared to get critical supplies on the ground and dispersed.
I hear many complaints that more guns are not needed but the Haitians who need the supplies know and agree that they are. Some doctors are frustrated that the soldiers are coming in before supplies saying why should I operate if the patient is going to die from lack of medicine. Looting is just beginning and will be worse as desperation increases.
They feel they need supplies first then security but without security the supplies will not go to them but those strong enough to take them and they will. Just one thought! Remember those prisons that emptied out? People are hungry and thirsty but just as critical is medical supplies. People are dying from their injuries; they need antibiotics and surgical supplies. This is destruction, deprivation, and injury, on a massive, massive scale.
Haiti earthquake: the struggle to distribute aid
Haiti earthquake survivors face growing disease threat
Security in Port-au-Prince erodes, hampering relief efforts
C17's are air dropping food and supplies in order to circumvent angry mobs and clogged streets. We must get medical supplies, food, and water where it is needed and quick time is running out! This is not a military take over. This is a large scale rescue and recovery mission. Like it or not NGO's are necessary but the military are the ones prepared to supervise the logistics of a mission of this scale. As we discussed our military made the difference during Katrina and the Tsunami, and they are making the difference here. There is a new role for the military of the 21st century!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Amidst rapes, orphanages being held up, looting, pillaging, increased chaos, the 82nd Airborne arrives to deliver aid and security! As expected, sporadic violence is erupting; gangrene and disease are setting in, like it or not but security is necessary and critical. The 82nd Airborne has arrived on the ground to supply it.
The 82nd will supervise the arrival and dispersal of critical food, water, and medical supplies. From the point of landing it on the ground to getting it to where it is needed and to make sure it is not stolen once it gets to where it is needed boots on the ground is a necessary evil. There are 10,000 troops prepared to get critical supplies on the ground and dispersed.
I hear many complaints that more guns are not needed but the Haitians who need the supplies know and agree that they are. Some doctors are frustrated that the soldiers are coming in before supplies saying why should I operate if the patient is going to die from lack of medicine. Looting is just beginning and will be worse as desperation increases.
They feel they need supplies first then security but without security the supplies will not go to them but those strong enough to take them and they will. Just one thought! Remember those prisons that emptied out? People are hungry and thirsty but just as critical is medical supplies. People are dying from their injuries; they need antibiotics and surgical supplies. This is destruction, deprivation, and injury, on a massive, massive scale.
Haiti earthquake: the struggle to distribute aid
Haiti earthquake survivors face growing disease threat
Security in Port-au-Prince erodes, hampering relief efforts
C17's are air dropping food and supplies in order to circumvent angry mobs and clogged streets. We must get medical supplies, food, and water where it is needed and quick time is running out! This is not a military take over. This is a large scale rescue and recovery mission. Like it or not NGO's are necessary but the military are the ones prepared to supervise the logistics of a mission of this scale. As we discussed our military made the difference during Katrina and the Tsunami, and they are making the difference here. There is a new role for the military of the 21st century!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
In the 21st century military’s should wage peace not war!

I have been hearing the fact that the USS Carl Vinson is in Haiti criticized. However, our military made the difference during Katrina and the Tsunami, and they are making the difference here. There is a new role for the military of the 21st century and we will discuss it again soon. The Carl Vinzon is is critical right now and recovery efforts are being coordinated from her decks. She also has the ability to make the much needed potable water.
There are so far 10,000 US troops slated to help in Haiti and thousands are already there. They are mission enablers in order to clear the way to supply and rebuild a better Haiti. I understand what some say in that you do not feed the hungry at gun point. However as people get desperate and attempts to feed the sick, elderly, children, and women, are sometimes blocked by desperate men sometimes wielding machetes so security is critical for a successful mission.
I agree with General Honore that despite criticism from some right wing radio hosts that Obama responded too quick because Haitians were black that the response was too slow. Also that the military experienced with rapid deployment should be in charge of the efforts in Haiti not the Agency for International Development "AID" as it is too slow and confused.
He is right! we should be paying Haitians to help distribute food and water to their compatriots. Get General Honore out of retirement! He was the white knight of New Orleans during Katrina. We need him once again to coordinate efforts in Haiti. With 37 years experience he is the man and an asset we can not waste and need now.
I wrote a little piece more then 5 years ago and then updated it because of the promise of Obama! He is coming through and we stand a chance. Please read Life's cycles and the future duties of our military!
We should be using our military for the sole purpose of helping and ensuring honesty among the Nations of the world. There can be no action taken without the knowledge and complicity of all Nations that have the future of man and the planet as their goal. This is what we should have done with Iraq. This is what we should be doing with Iran, North Korea, and many other potential hot spots around the world today. We as the United States, must stop meddling and interfering with the Politics of other Nations around the world. We should be using our military not to wage war but to wage peace. Our military efforts after the tsunami were a shining example of the way our military should be used in the future. The world as a whole must be made to realize the fragility of our situation.
We can make this work despite the tenuous situation we have put ourselves in. With that said we must proceed and work as a world unit. It will not work as separate competitive entities as we have done in the past. We must Proceed into the future as one. We must proceed into the future with the future life of man and the planet as our only goal. Nothing less than the survival of man and the planet are at stake. Shortly the planets life sustaining ecosystems will no longer have the ability to sustain the current population of man.
We can not afford to destroy them altogether. That complete destruction and no less is what we have facing us right now. It would do man, the world well to wake up to that fact and act accordingly. This is exactly what will happen if there is another unnecessary world war. Countries must be made to realize that what they have today is all they are going to get. We can trade throughout the world for the items necessary for ones civilization and survival. However, the domination of the past must be history or we will be. We must take care of what we have. It is all we are going to get. The world must be made to realize that we march into the future with what boundaries and countries we have or suffer the dire consequences.
Our prime concern, our only concern at this point in mans and the planets life cycle has to be one of self preservation. The world must wake up to the fact that preservation of man and the planet has to be our only goal and ultimate victory. Shortly we will illustrate the life cycles in any life form and you will understand where man and the planet are in them today. We went into this in great detail in our first two books. It is very obvious and very plain, it bears repeating as we seem to be learning nothing. As we said in the past, life moves only in one direction, forward. We must not go back or attempt to go back to a cycle of life that man and the planet have already grown through and survived. We will not the next time. We have lived through the development stage of man and this planet. It is long overdue for us to get it together as a species and realize this and then face this important fact. We are now in the preservation stage of any life form. We have reached and passed the maturity stage of any life form as a species and as a planet. World wars, world dominance, world destruction, the times for that are passed. It is up to us as a world body to realize this and act accordingly.
Life’s stages
The aforementioned observances are the realization that this is not a utopian idea. It is absolutely necessary for mans survival. We must get the message to all countries of the world. Whosoever chooses to ignore the future of man and the planet must be held accountable for their action. We must get Nobel Laureate’s to publish papers on this subject. It is necessary to have someone reputable and believable write on the subject. They must sound the sense cal alarm. It must be published throughout the Nations of the world and filtered down through all levels of society. Below are the various stages of mans life cycles and where we are in them.
* The Infantile Stage – This is mans longest stage to date. With some luck we can surpass this in our maturity stage, our nurturing stage. Man was very much in his developmental stage. From mans beginning caveman day’s right up through The Dark Ages. Man was very much a live and learn being. You can not accuse man of that today. Man has lost this ability since what we will refer to as The Learning Stage. The 20th century seems to have killed this ability with its perceived lack of need. He now thinks he knows better and he knows everything. We know the thought as most of us have children. He wrongly thinks he has all the answers. We would do well to remember this phase of life.
* The Learning Stage – This period marks the end of The Dark Ages. The end of the Dark Ages coincidentally enough is marked by another perfectly cyclical event known as the Christian Crusades. This was in a point of time appropriate for the horror. The horrific thing is that Islam is going through this cycle right now. Their version of the Christian Crusaders is the Islamist Jihadists. This is occurring at a point in time when mans and the planets life cycles are beyond accepting or tolerating this behavior. At the point of time of the horrors that the Christian Crusaders committed they were accepted and tolerated.
This period covers the end of the Dark Ages up to the 20th century. This period covers the birth of mans great Religions. It covers the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. With the exception of the maturing of the Muslim Religion it marks the maturing of these Religions. It marks their role in the world order. This is again with the exception of the Muslim Religion. It is that time of Religious maturity which there is no place for in the world today. We, the world, humanity, have already gone through that. As a result we do not find what is happening with the Islamist Jihad particularly palatable. This period also opened the way for colonization. It marked the point in mans life cycle when the forceful taking of another country was the accepted norm. This was the time in mans and the planets life for needless pointless death and destruction. It was survivable by both man and the planet. This time is over and can no longer be accepted or tolerated.
*The Maturing Stage – This period includes WW1, WW2, and the recognition of man made hazards to mans and the planets life. This was the period in mans and the planets life cycles when world war was survivable by man and the planet. Our weapons are now too horrific for man or the planet to survive. Life only moves in one direction and for a reason. We can not allow any Nation to try and slide backwards and return to those ways. The time for that in the life cycle of the planet is over. We are becoming aware as to the frailty of the planets life sustaining ecosystems.
* The Nurturing Stage – This is mans mature stage. This is mans preservation period. The time is now. This period marks mans awakening as to the realization of mans negative impact on the life sustaining life cycle of the planet as a whole. This period marks the awakening of man as to the as to the necessity of revitalizing Natures life sustaining ecosystems. This period marks the necessity for an end to all out war. We must come to the realization that as a world we must destroy all advanced weaponry and their systems throughout the world. This is an absolute necessity for the survival of man and the planet. We must form a world board to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit and survival of mankind and the planet. We now know the fragility of our planet and our negative role in it. As a world we must act responsibly, be held accountable, and act accordingly.
** Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet as we know and need it.
Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.
* With the advent of President Obama We now have a chance at a future despite Bush's damage! America America God shed his grace on thee! Now crown they good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! That includes the world’s people, All the seas all the oceans, the entire world. Our future is dependent on us coming together!
We are all interdependent. We are one like it or not. We are all, all life, part of the planet we call earth! We are all part of that one organism called earth! Under Bush we had the worst, the divider, and the destroyer. Under Obama MLK's words now ring true "The Greatest among you shall be your servant" He is the guiding light we have been waiting for to lead us out of the dark tunnel Bush has us, the entire world in! This is not only Obama's time this is our time and Obama can lead the way if given the chance.
It is up to all of us collectively! I believe we are on the right track!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The Taliban are terrorizing Kabul and the Palace not because they are "desperate" they are excited!

Afghanistan rocked by Taliban attacks on govt buildings in Kabul
I wish Holbrooke and the rest of them would smarten up and realize what they are dealing with and act accordingly. They have to stop the stupid rhetoric that they are being hurt and are desperate. They are not desperate they have us right where they want us. They were not our enemy Al Qaeda was. They are our enemy now but the Taliban is indigenous. They are in their country we are the infidels the invaders the enemy.
They are in their glory! I wish Holbrooke and the rest of our so called leaders would read The Taliban get their first wish and realize what we have done to ourselves. We have due to our arrogance and ignorance I would have to assume walked or should I say flew right into their trap.
Many Muslims believe that ancient Khorasan which covers parts of modern-day Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan is the promised land from where they will secure the first victory in the end-of-time battle in which the final round, according to their beliefs, will be fought in Palestine-Lebanon-Syria. They are not desperate they are giddy this is finally under way!
Holbrooke has 45 years of service and is supposed to be a fierce negotiator and gifted Diplomat. He is in a highly visible critical position. I wish he would display a little bit of good sense. He is using the same childish ignorant irresponsible destructive rhetoric he used under Bush. We may need experience but we need someone who can think evaluate and change with the game. Adapt overcome and move forward not backward!
Taliban attacks Afghan capital
US Envoy Says Taliban Attack on Kabul 'Not Surprising'
I just heard Holbrooke say the Taliban who did these attacks on Kabul and in the Palace will be killed and they will not succeed. The idiot! They want to be killed “serving Allah” They want to be martyred. They fight and die for a living. We gave them a cause. They have succeeded! Sadly we insist in staying on their soil and giving them more success. We will never learn!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, January 18, 2010
Haiti: the final solution!

First we are not repairing this Nation we are going to have to build it and from the rubble of a major earthquake. On a good day Haiti had no infrastructure Governmental or societal to satisfy the basic human needs. We keep hearing we are not in the Nation building business. Afghanistan and Iraq aside we certainly are now! Secretary Clinton said we have a chance not to repair and patch up the destruction but to build a Nation, build a new Haiti.
Haiti is a 4th world Nation of to 10 million people 70% living on $1 per day. 3 million now injured and or homeless. Do you realize the monumental task of just trying to care for and feed 3 million people let alone clear the rubble and build a Nation to be proud of? I can not see it happening but I hope the world tries to make it a reality and not having fatigue set in and have it left to the US.
You know I just discussed the very real possibility of a Haitian boat lift as the situation worsens especially since Napolitano gave temporary immigration status supposedly only to those already in the US. The death rate will continue to climb as there are many areas yet visited everything else aside. Estimates are 150,000 now and violence is mounting. We can negate the possibility of a boat lift but it is going to take a concerted effort, sacrifice by legal Haitian Americans, and sacrifices from all Americans. I have to agree with General Honore!
I see riots breaking out and Government buildings being burned. I said from the beginning this will dwarf the Tsunami and it will. knowing that I would hope it would be a temporary arrangement but I agree with General Honore that we must begin a mass exodus of the sick injured and elderly to the US and set them up in camps. During the interim we can concentrate on logistical planning, getting food and care to those that need it, and security, security, security!
The solution for Haiti! There are said to be 530,897 Haitian Americans. I expect that number to be much higher and know there are currently 30,000 facing deportation who just got a temporary stay from Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. Anyway Haitian Americans that have the talents Haiti is going to need to build a better Haiti should return to Haiti to build the Government and societal infrastructure that has never existed. Now is their chance if they Love Haiti!
Every day can, will, and is getting better! However this is going to take an innovative and concerted effort. I have been hearing the fact that the USS Carl Vinson is in Haiti criticized. However, our military made the difference during Katrina and the Tsunami, and they are making the difference here. There is a new role for the military of the 21st century and we will discuss it again soon. The Carl Vinzon is is critical right now and recovery efforts are being coordinated from her decks. She also has the ability to make the much needed potable water.
There are so far 10,000 US troops slated to help in Haiti and thousands are already there. They are mission enablers in order to clear the way to supply and rebuild a better Haiti. I understand what some say in that you do not feed the hungry at gun point. However as people get desperate and attempts to feed the sick, elderly, children, and women, are sometimes blocked by desperate men sometimes wielding machetes so security is critical for a successful mission.
I agree with General Honore that despite criticism from some right wing radio hosts that Obama responded too quick because Haitians were black that the response was too slow. Also that the military experienced with rapid deployment should be in charge of the efforts in Haiti not the Agency for International Development "AID" as it is too slow and confused.
He is right! we should be paying Haitians to help distribute food and water to their compatriots. Get General Honore out of retirement! He was the white knight of New Orleans during Katrina. We need him once again to coordinate efforts in Haiti. With 37 years experience he is the man and an asset we can not waste and need now. Retired general: U.S. aid effort too slow - USATODAY.com
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Building Haiti,
rebuilding Haiti,
relief efforts,
USS Carl Vinson
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Yeah Sarah we need Fox like a hole in the head! They better limit your time or you'll bring them down too!
Palin joins Foaux news says America needs Fox
Remember when Bill Oreilly flipped out?
Palin Questions Existence of America Without Fox News
Sarah Palin: Fox News move widely discussed in US media
Three reasons why Sarah Palin joined Fox News
As you know, Palin made her debut on Faux! She made her debut on the Orelly show she looks forward to being fair and balanced. Cut the crap! Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, and many others there have been caught flat out lying so many times it isn’t funny!
Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, Palin, and their lying destructive guests, fair and balanced? I just learned Oreilly’s is the flagship show. That is sick! Watch the video of Oreilly flipping out live! Flagship? Their flag whatever it is flies upside down! Oreilly is an idiot.
Oreilly asked Paling why she attracted so many pinheads. He is an ass. That is easy, because she is a pinhead. He must be talking about her fans not her intelligent America loving good sensed detractors. Sarah Palin Slams President Obama, Critics in Fox News Debut
I think taking a job with Fox is a huge mistake not for Paling but for Faux news. During the campaign for President McCain’s aids had to teach her about WW1, WW2, and the Korean War. Even later she could not understand why there is a North and South Korea. Come on, that is 3rd grade! I am sure she is still confused about everything you can see the confusion in her face!
She couldn’t even remember Joe Biden’s name. In preparing for their debate she kept calling him Obiden. To try to avoid her looking stupid which is impossible from the get go they tried to avoid the issue and that is why you heard the line “can I call you Joe” She still managed to call him Obiden!
* She is a ditz albeit undeservedly now a rich ditz! Words of advice to Fox, you better limit her air time and coach her well. I do believe she has a big audience of dummies and when all is said and done will be bad for the Republican party. I believe she will use Fox as a jumping off platform for a 3rd party “the pity party”
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Remember when Bill Oreilly flipped out?
Palin Questions Existence of America Without Fox News
Sarah Palin: Fox News move widely discussed in US media
Three reasons why Sarah Palin joined Fox News
As you know, Palin made her debut on Faux! She made her debut on the Orelly show she looks forward to being fair and balanced. Cut the crap! Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, and many others there have been caught flat out lying so many times it isn’t funny!
Oreilly, Hannity, Beck, Palin, and their lying destructive guests, fair and balanced? I just learned Oreilly’s is the flagship show. That is sick! Watch the video of Oreilly flipping out live! Flagship? Their flag whatever it is flies upside down! Oreilly is an idiot.
Oreilly asked Paling why she attracted so many pinheads. He is an ass. That is easy, because she is a pinhead. He must be talking about her fans not her intelligent America loving good sensed detractors. Sarah Palin Slams President Obama, Critics in Fox News Debut
I think taking a job with Fox is a huge mistake not for Paling but for Faux news. During the campaign for President McCain’s aids had to teach her about WW1, WW2, and the Korean War. Even later she could not understand why there is a North and South Korea. Come on, that is 3rd grade! I am sure she is still confused about everything you can see the confusion in her face!
She couldn’t even remember Joe Biden’s name. In preparing for their debate she kept calling him Obiden. To try to avoid her looking stupid which is impossible from the get go they tried to avoid the issue and that is why you heard the line “can I call you Joe” She still managed to call him Obiden!
* She is a ditz albeit undeservedly now a rich ditz! Words of advice to Fox, you better limit her air time and coach her well. I do believe she has a big audience of dummies and when all is said and done will be bad for the Republican party. I believe she will use Fox as a jumping off platform for a 3rd party “the pity party”
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Bill Oreilly,
Fox news,
Glen Beck,
Sarah Palin,
Sean Hannity
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Limbaugh and Robertson on Haiti a pact with the devil! We expect it from Limbaugh and sadly Robertson too!
Pat Robertson calls Haiti earthquake a blessing in disguise
Haitians react to televangelist Pat Robertson's 'devil pact' remarks
Limbaugh said the earthquake has played into Obama’s hands, allowing him to look compassionate and a humanitarian while at the same time bolstering his standing in both the light skinned and dark skinned black community in this country trying to be funny about Reid's comment on Obama. That really peeved me that people are suffering and dying on that scale and that idiot could care les and is playing politics on their suffering. I am sick! Read more
You expect Limbaugh to act like a loud mouthed fool but not in a time like this. There certainly is no excuse for Pat Robertson who is supposed to be a "Religious" leader and sadly millions listen to and follow him. Robertson as you may remember the evangelical "so called" Christian who once suggested God was punishing Americans with Hurricane Katrina.
Now the fool says a pact to the devil brought on the devastating earthquake in Haiti. That fool said they made a pact with the devil if they could defeat the French and they did declaring their independence in 1804 and according to him have suffered one disaster after the next as a result. It gets worse
Knowing Pat Robertson has a penchant for being ignorant I want ted to look back at some of the idiocy I found necessary to mention in the past. I remember almost 5 years ago Pat Robertson (aka televangelist), saying we should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.We may or may not agree with that but Robertson is supposed to be a Religious leader.
Later in 2005 Pat Robertson once again proved himself to be a major quack. Thankfully to me he had proven once again the danger of Christian fundamentalism in our society. I had to talk about this because I thought the President had no right to inject his beliefs into this debate of teaching Religion in school. Bush said yes the school system said no! We then heard from another crackpot "Robertson" that God won't help the town of Dover because they don't want divine intervention taught in their Schools. What happened to the God that loves everyone? What happened to the god that forgives all? These Fundamentalist seem to worship the same God as the Islamists do
As we have said many times in the past, regardless of what the Religion extreme Religiosity is the most dangerous force in the world. It has been the force behind many of society’s problems and reasons for wars since the beginning of time. Right here in the U.S. under Bush we had developed great problems in the daily fabric of society by the purposeful infusion of hard line religious beliefs into our Political system.
Fundamentalist Christianity played a very boisterous and unhealthy role in our Government. I refuse to believe someone that professes a love for Christ and God can make such a stupid statement as God gave Ariel Sharon his stroke because of his stance in Gaza. I remember in 2006 when Obama had just 2 years in the Senate he said Obama said millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews have traveled similar religious paths, and that is why "we cannot abandon the field of religious discourse. In other words, if we don't reach out to evangelical Christians and other religious Americans and tell them what we stand for, Jerry Falwell's and Pat Robertson's will continue to hold sway. Bingo!
Robertson then said God told him during a recent prayer retreat that major cities would suffer a horrific terrorist attack and possibly millions of people will be affected by the attack, which should take place sometime after September. Robertson said God also told him that the U.S. only feigns friendship with Israel and that U.S. policies are pushing Israel toward "national suicide." I certainly can believe that now!
Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson predicted that 2008 will be a year of violence worldwide and a recession in the United States, followed by a major stock-market crash by 2010. Sharing what he believes God has told him about the year ahead is an annual tradition for Robertson. On Wednesday's "700 Club" broadcast, the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network predicted that evangelism will increase and more people will seek God as the chaos develops. Robertson said, "We will see the presence of angels and we will see an intensification of miracles around the world."
Can there be any doubt that this idiot is a false Christian a danger to society and a real fruit loop?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Haitians react to televangelist Pat Robertson's 'devil pact' remarks
Limbaugh said the earthquake has played into Obama’s hands, allowing him to look compassionate and a humanitarian while at the same time bolstering his standing in both the light skinned and dark skinned black community in this country trying to be funny about Reid's comment on Obama. That really peeved me that people are suffering and dying on that scale and that idiot could care les and is playing politics on their suffering. I am sick! Read more
You expect Limbaugh to act like a loud mouthed fool but not in a time like this. There certainly is no excuse for Pat Robertson who is supposed to be a "Religious" leader and sadly millions listen to and follow him. Robertson as you may remember the evangelical "so called" Christian who once suggested God was punishing Americans with Hurricane Katrina.
Now the fool says a pact to the devil brought on the devastating earthquake in Haiti. That fool said they made a pact with the devil if they could defeat the French and they did declaring their independence in 1804 and according to him have suffered one disaster after the next as a result. It gets worse
Knowing Pat Robertson has a penchant for being ignorant I want ted to look back at some of the idiocy I found necessary to mention in the past. I remember almost 5 years ago Pat Robertson (aka televangelist), saying we should assassinate Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez.We may or may not agree with that but Robertson is supposed to be a Religious leader.
Later in 2005 Pat Robertson once again proved himself to be a major quack. Thankfully to me he had proven once again the danger of Christian fundamentalism in our society. I had to talk about this because I thought the President had no right to inject his beliefs into this debate of teaching Religion in school. Bush said yes the school system said no! We then heard from another crackpot "Robertson" that God won't help the town of Dover because they don't want divine intervention taught in their Schools. What happened to the God that loves everyone? What happened to the god that forgives all? These Fundamentalist seem to worship the same God as the Islamists do
As we have said many times in the past, regardless of what the Religion extreme Religiosity is the most dangerous force in the world. It has been the force behind many of society’s problems and reasons for wars since the beginning of time. Right here in the U.S. under Bush we had developed great problems in the daily fabric of society by the purposeful infusion of hard line religious beliefs into our Political system.
Fundamentalist Christianity played a very boisterous and unhealthy role in our Government. I refuse to believe someone that professes a love for Christ and God can make such a stupid statement as God gave Ariel Sharon his stroke because of his stance in Gaza. I remember in 2006 when Obama had just 2 years in the Senate he said Obama said millions of Christians, Muslims and Jews have traveled similar religious paths, and that is why "we cannot abandon the field of religious discourse. In other words, if we don't reach out to evangelical Christians and other religious Americans and tell them what we stand for, Jerry Falwell's and Pat Robertson's will continue to hold sway. Bingo!
Robertson then said God told him during a recent prayer retreat that major cities would suffer a horrific terrorist attack and possibly millions of people will be affected by the attack, which should take place sometime after September. Robertson said God also told him that the U.S. only feigns friendship with Israel and that U.S. policies are pushing Israel toward "national suicide." I certainly can believe that now!
Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson predicted that 2008 will be a year of violence worldwide and a recession in the United States, followed by a major stock-market crash by 2010. Sharing what he believes God has told him about the year ahead is an annual tradition for Robertson. On Wednesday's "700 Club" broadcast, the founder of the Christian Broadcasting Network predicted that evangelism will increase and more people will seek God as the chaos develops. Robertson said, "We will see the presence of angels and we will see an intensification of miracles around the world."
Can there be any doubt that this idiot is a false Christian a danger to society and a real fruit loop?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Haiti earthquake,
pat Robertson,
Rush Limbaugh
Friday, January 15, 2010
Yemen Ready for Talks With Al-Qaeda Members Who Reject Violence as they kill Al Qaeda and fighting intensifies!
Yemen sends message to al-Qaeda - 09 Jan 2010
Yemen Says It Killed a Qaeda Leader as fighting intensifies Talk?
Al Shabab isn't coming over to help them talk. Look at Pakistan look at Afghanistan, look at the Chechen's, look at Al Shabab, they don't want to talk. That has been tried. They want to fight period. I just discussed this! Al Qaeda veterans are flooding into Yemen hiding in the hills
jihadis from across the Arab world are hiding in the lawless hills of Shabwa province . There are dozens of Saudi and Egyptian al-Qaeda militants who came to the province to join homegrown Yemeni radicals both from Shabwa and other regions of the country.promising to defeat Yemen and the US.
So what do they do? They want to talk! Talk to Al Qaeda? Come on get with it. Yemen Ready for Talks With Al-Qaeda Members Who Reject Violence
Yemen is running out of water. There wells are down 65 feet. Give them a water supply; build them a desalinization plant to be shared by all those cooperating. Give them the ability to grow food and feed themselves and avoid a blockade. Play our strengths. They do not want to talk! I really think that building a desalination plant and trying to help the country would defeat Al Qaeda there if they tried to destroy everything for the citizens. We have to keep military boots off the ground! Turn the people against them!
Thinking is counter to our way of doing things today but I firmly believe that we can turn the people against Al Qaeda in this instance if we play our cards right. Otherwise Al Shabab is coming over to help Al Qaeda in the Arabia Peninsula and keep this mess growing. Prove what I said the other day wrong I challenge you!
When are we going to realize that so called terrorism is the head of the Hydra? You cut one off and many spring up in its place. No one in their right mind can really think they will quit. I have said it to many times but we are winning nothing. This is still barely beginning, will keep growing, and will equal all past great Religious wars. As you know, Religious wars are the longest and the dirtiest!
We can change that here! Make believe if they have to that they really care about the citizens. Try to build them a desalinization plant and let them watch Al Qaeda try to destroy it and the peoples future then they will join in and help us you think?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Yemen Says It Killed a Qaeda Leader as fighting intensifies Talk?
Al Shabab isn't coming over to help them talk. Look at Pakistan look at Afghanistan, look at the Chechen's, look at Al Shabab, they don't want to talk. That has been tried. They want to fight period. I just discussed this! Al Qaeda veterans are flooding into Yemen hiding in the hills
jihadis from across the Arab world are hiding in the lawless hills of Shabwa province . There are dozens of Saudi and Egyptian al-Qaeda militants who came to the province to join homegrown Yemeni radicals both from Shabwa and other regions of the country.promising to defeat Yemen and the US.
So what do they do? They want to talk! Talk to Al Qaeda? Come on get with it. Yemen Ready for Talks With Al-Qaeda Members Who Reject Violence
Yemen is running out of water. There wells are down 65 feet. Give them a water supply; build them a desalinization plant to be shared by all those cooperating. Give them the ability to grow food and feed themselves and avoid a blockade. Play our strengths. They do not want to talk! I really think that building a desalination plant and trying to help the country would defeat Al Qaeda there if they tried to destroy everything for the citizens. We have to keep military boots off the ground! Turn the people against them!
Thinking is counter to our way of doing things today but I firmly believe that we can turn the people against Al Qaeda in this instance if we play our cards right. Otherwise Al Shabab is coming over to help Al Qaeda in the Arabia Peninsula and keep this mess growing. Prove what I said the other day wrong I challenge you!
When are we going to realize that so called terrorism is the head of the Hydra? You cut one off and many spring up in its place. No one in their right mind can really think they will quit. I have said it to many times but we are winning nothing. This is still barely beginning, will keep growing, and will equal all past great Religious wars. As you know, Religious wars are the longest and the dirtiest!
We can change that here! Make believe if they have to that they really care about the citizens. Try to build them a desalinization plant and let them watch Al Qaeda try to destroy it and the peoples future then they will join in and help us you think?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Al Qaeda,
Al Qaeda in the Arabian Gulf,
Al Shabab,
Thursday, January 14, 2010
China number one in the world in exports and tainted product! They are defeating us without firing a shot! Sound familiar?

Yet Another Toxic Import from China:Dangerous Drywall
Radioactive drywall, poisoned meats of every sort in our largest chains, toothpaste, fish, poison laced milk dog food, children’s jewelry, automobile’s, steel, latest millions and millions of tire stems for cars and due to this defect, motorists cannot fill their tires with air, leading to wear on the car, accidents and so far one death!
China Surpasses Germany as World's Top Exporter
Tainted Chinese Imports Common - washingtonpost.com
Stop Toxic Imports : Toxic Trade- Tires From China
Made in China: Seven toxic imports - THE WEEK
Are they destroying us from within? Not just us the rest of the so called civilized world that uses their tainted products. I refuse to believe there is not a process in place where they have to list the ingredients before they can sell a product in our country.
We have to! People better start looking at country of origin before they buy a product cheap or not and boycott China, your livelihood or life may depend on it. China has us cradle to Grave! What we wear, what we eat, what we drive, beginning to end they own us as you know literally since we owe them trillions!
We borrow from them so they can poison us! 60% of all recalls by the consumer products safety commission are products of every sort and ilk from China. I refuse to believe this is happening and too often. I am sure you can all add to the list.
Dried apples preserved with a cancer-causing chemical, Frozen catfish laden with banned antibiotics, Scallops and sardines coated with putrefying bacteria, Mushrooms laced with illegal pesticides, the list goes on and on and on!
These were among the 107 food imports from China that the Food and Drug Administration detained at U.S. ports just last month, along with more than 1,000 shipments of tainted Chinese dietary supplements, toxic Chinese cosmetics and counterfeit Chinese medicines.
What the heck is wrong with us? I have heard of China putting the guilty to death but this just goes on and on and on. They have to be doing this on purpose. Who was it Stalin that said we will destroy you without firing a shot? China is supposed to be our best friend (our bank) but I think in more respects than this are our worst enemy!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Mousavi's nephew killed by secret police,Shots fired at Mehdi Karroubi's car by the leaders of Iran the IRGC! It’s getting closer!

As this ratchets up instigated by the basiji and the IRGC another reminder! You know how I feel about Iran's Revolutionary Guard Command, but now there are many pro Government citizens calling for the death of those against the current regime and the IRGC! Like most I believe the election was stolen. I originally though it had to be known right to the top but I do not think so. I now thing even Ayatollah Khamenei was duped about the stolen election. Some not all of the clerics have been dragged into bed with the IRG!
As you know, the IRGC was set up to protect the ruling authority after 1979 and are supposed to be controlled By Ayatollah Khamenei authority. I know Ahmadinejad and 2/3 of his first 21 member cabinet are ex IRGC members and that simply reinforces that I am increasingly led to think the IRGC has become the final authority not the Supreme leader.
The Supreme leader is appearing as a puppet needed to keep the religious leaders together and to make it appear that they are still in charge. They have become a major force capable of taking control of Iran and I am afraid nothing less than that is what has happened.
Not only has the IRGC perpetrated the horror and brutality we have all witnessed in and out of jail and lord knows the horror we will never know about but to add insult to injury Brigadier General Yadollah Javani a senior official with Iran's increasingly powerful Revolutionary Guard is calling for the prosecution of two key opposition leaders and a former president, accusing them of fanning the protests that have gripped the nation since its disputed presidential election two months ago.
The IRGC is in control of furthering Shiite demands around the Middle East! You know by no what they are doing in Yemen, Iraq, and everywhere they can in the Middle East. I now believe Khamenei is the power behind the crackdown but he is unknowingly enforcing a lie!
Reading the demands from the professors and 5 Iranian intellectuals it sounds an awful lot like Mir Hossein Mousavi's 5 point plan in which he laid out what must be done to make amends for the transgressions against the people: calls for revising the election law to guarantee fair competition, freeing political prisoners, guaranteeing freedom of press and recognizing the right of the people to form political parties and to hold peaceful rallies.
You know the 88 University Professors and the 5 Iranian intellectuals just put themselves in bed with the protesters, Mir Hossein Mousavi, and all the protesters, tried, in jail, or on the street when they urged Ayatollah Khamenei to Halt Government Violence . The IRGC is calling the shots and they are not going to relent in establishing Shiite's in control of the new Middle East order! Profile: Revolutionary Guards
Now we find out Mir Hossein Mousavi's nephew received death threats from the secret police saying several times we will kill you before they succeeded and it was blamed on terrorists. Shot Iran reformer 'got threats from the secret police saying we will kill you
Now they are flat out trying to kill Mehdi Karroubi as a group of pro-government basiji militiamen, along with dozens of government supporters chanted slogans in favor of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in addition to calling Karroubi a "hypocrite and shot out the windows in his vehicle his son said as he tried to escape. Supposedly this was only to scare him but kill shots are next. Shots Fired at Iran Opposition Leader's Car, Son Says
Iranian Web Site Reports Attack on Opposition Leader Karroubi
Karroubi will not be cowed. He has gotten this before but the use of gunfire puts this on another level as this gets closer and closer to a direct open confrontation for control of Iran and her agenda.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, January 11, 2010
The drone wars! Are we at war or not?
PBS: "Targeting the Taliban"
McCain and Lieberman offer reassurance about relations with US as Pakistan renews call for end to US drone strikes to improve them!
While Lieberman and McCain were in Pakistan touting our cooperation and success in the drone program they both promised to continue Pakistan has renewed calls for an end to US drone aircraft strikes, an issue that could strain ties as the CIA hunts down Muslim militants after one of the deadliest attacks in its history in neighboring Afghanistan. In Pakistan, McCain and Lieberman offer reassurance about ...
As they have from the beginning Pakistan officially objects to the operations against suspected al Qaeda and Taliban militants along its border with Afghanistan, saying they violate its sovereignty to satisfy their citizens. At the same time Islamabad has pushed Washington to provide it with the drones to allow it to carry out its own attacks on Taliban insurgents, a move that could ease widespread anti-American sentiment in Pakistan.
Under Obama from the beginning The United States has stepped up its attacks with the pilot less drone aircraft attacks in Pakistan even more so since a double agent blew himself up at a U.S. base in Afghanistan on December 30, killing seven CIA agents. The so called weak President on terror has drastically increased the use of like it or not what has become an important tool in the so called war on terror. Pakistan renews call for end to US drone strikes
Are we at war or not? I am not going to say the US should be able to put boots on the ground wherever she wants in this still just beginning so called war on terror but it must be realized and acknowledged that like it or not the US is a prime target if not the main target and is the prime face in the so called war on terror.
We have been saying from the beginning that this is a new kind of war, a war like no other. We the entire world better make believe they realize that and act accordingly. Our future depends on it. Everyone who reads my reports knows I did not trust Bush and Cheney an iota. They made me question everything we have done in the past.
That said, consider the source! I would hope that Obama has no designs of dominating the sovereignty of Pakistan, Yemen, or anywhere else we have to go to prosecute this so called war on terror. Muslim countries do not want our boots on the ground so they have to allow openly or clandestinely our use of drones in this the first war of the 21st century!
The uses of Drone’s are a necessary evil. They are our equalizer as IED’s are the militant’s necessary evil and equalizer in the new battlefront! The draw back in IED’s or drones is civilian casualties. Civilians always pay the price!
That said, civilian casualties are hard to verify as the so called enemy inflates the numbers to win the media war for hearts and minds with wild allegations as we are not allowed to put boots on the ground in Yemen or Pakistan.
Therefore civilian casualties are Yemen and Pakistan’s fault as all sides agree we can not relent and we must all increase our efforts and do what we can to ensure our success and our successful future!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
McCain and Lieberman offer reassurance about relations with US as Pakistan renews call for end to US drone strikes to improve them!
While Lieberman and McCain were in Pakistan touting our cooperation and success in the drone program they both promised to continue Pakistan has renewed calls for an end to US drone aircraft strikes, an issue that could strain ties as the CIA hunts down Muslim militants after one of the deadliest attacks in its history in neighboring Afghanistan. In Pakistan, McCain and Lieberman offer reassurance about ...
As they have from the beginning Pakistan officially objects to the operations against suspected al Qaeda and Taliban militants along its border with Afghanistan, saying they violate its sovereignty to satisfy their citizens. At the same time Islamabad has pushed Washington to provide it with the drones to allow it to carry out its own attacks on Taliban insurgents, a move that could ease widespread anti-American sentiment in Pakistan.
Under Obama from the beginning The United States has stepped up its attacks with the pilot less drone aircraft attacks in Pakistan even more so since a double agent blew himself up at a U.S. base in Afghanistan on December 30, killing seven CIA agents. The so called weak President on terror has drastically increased the use of like it or not what has become an important tool in the so called war on terror. Pakistan renews call for end to US drone strikes
Are we at war or not? I am not going to say the US should be able to put boots on the ground wherever she wants in this still just beginning so called war on terror but it must be realized and acknowledged that like it or not the US is a prime target if not the main target and is the prime face in the so called war on terror.
We have been saying from the beginning that this is a new kind of war, a war like no other. We the entire world better make believe they realize that and act accordingly. Our future depends on it. Everyone who reads my reports knows I did not trust Bush and Cheney an iota. They made me question everything we have done in the past.
That said, consider the source! I would hope that Obama has no designs of dominating the sovereignty of Pakistan, Yemen, or anywhere else we have to go to prosecute this so called war on terror. Muslim countries do not want our boots on the ground so they have to allow openly or clandestinely our use of drones in this the first war of the 21st century!
The uses of Drone’s are a necessary evil. They are our equalizer as IED’s are the militant’s necessary evil and equalizer in the new battlefront! The draw back in IED’s or drones is civilian casualties. Civilians always pay the price!
That said, civilian casualties are hard to verify as the so called enemy inflates the numbers to win the media war for hearts and minds with wild allegations as we are not allowed to put boots on the ground in Yemen or Pakistan.
Therefore civilian casualties are Yemen and Pakistan’s fault as all sides agree we can not relent and we must all increase our efforts and do what we can to ensure our success and our successful future!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Afghzanistan. Pakistan,
Joe Lieberman,
John McCain,
use of drones,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
US military intervention could strengthen Qaeda: Yemen Of course it will, haven't we learned anything?

When are we going to realize that so called terrorism is the head of the Hydra? You cut one off and many spring up in its place. No one in their right mind can really think they will quit. I have said it to many times but we are winning nothing. This is still barely beginning, will keep growing, and will equal all past great Religious wars. As you know, Religious wars are the longest and the dirtiest!
Yemen fertile ground for terror groups
US military intervention could strengthen Qaeda: Yemen
Despite 2 insurgencies and Al Qaeda Yemen is already in trouble. They are running out of water! Wells are down 65 feet per year, many wells have dried up and they can not grow food. They are rapidly running out of water and that problem too is now. Yemen water woes in the poorest Arab Nation
With our air raids in the East, civil war looming in the north, pro-independence protests in the south and al-Qaeda in the background threatening a wave of attacks on America, Yemen is today’s war. To top it off Yemen is running out of water! There is more Al Qaeda there than in Afghanistan why are we in Afghanistan and not Yemen?
Somalia will be the next war as those Al Qaeda who did not flee the existing wars to help in Yemen have gone to Somalia! Al Qaeda has always been in Yemen but it has now become Al Qaeda central. Their principle targets are Saudi Arabia, Yemen, and the US, allies and allies in this so called war on terror.
The Saudi and Yemen branches of Al Qaeda have joined forces and many outsiders are moving in to join the fight. We must act in kind! Yemen is on the verge of being a failed state as you already know especially if you have been following my story line. Yemen is on the Abyss and we must help them for own good!
Ya think they have been preoccupied? They have been dealing with terrorism and insurgencies for years! They are not a failed state but well on their way! Their attention has been on survival as a country.
Al Shabab in Somalia and Al Qaeda in Yemen are both reinforced by those fleeing the fight in Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Somalia is a failed State and Yemen is rapidly headed towards being a failed State. They are perfect havens for Al Qaeda to set up new training camps in lawless regions.
Yemen has stepped up its efforts to go after Al Qaeda where they live and train. Yemeni Al Qaeda previously sent arms and help to Al Shabab in their fight in Somalia. Al Shabab is reciprocating sending fighters to Yemen to help Yemeni Al Qaeda.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Yemen Battle Intensifies
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Iran increasingly raising the Iron curtain!

Iran closes its society duplicating North Korea's failed policies!
Iran is increasingly Governing itself like a 3rd world country, a dictatorship going underground and closing its society to the real world in order to maintain their control, hide their real goals from the world, and follow a not so well hidden agenda. Hopefully as I just illustrated North Korea for whatever reason realized it must open the country and better conditions for its citizens. North Korea changing its ways?
However Iran is increasingly going underground and raising the iron curtain! You know that I have said numerous times that the current dictatorship wants Nuclear Weapons they are well on their way to getting them, and are not going to let their program be interrupted. Remember we started Pakistan and Iran's nuclear programs in the 50s in a program called Atoms for peace and it has been Iran's goal from the beginning to develop a nuclear weapon. Remember our discussion 2 weeks ago!
They are increasingly going underground hiding their nuclear programs and real intention in a maze of reinforced hidden tunnels. Iran Shielding Its Nuclear Efforts in Maze of Tunnels
Recently Iran sick of the truth getting out as to the terror it has been inflicting on those seeking the truth has decided to ban 60 organizations from Iran and will persecute anyone having any contact with them. Seems like it is the BBC, the voice of America, and other institutions that are trying to overthrow the current dictatorship and not the protesters who no longer want fair elections but regime change. Iran bars contacts with 60 organizations
Remember our discussion a few days ago as to events during Ashura and Mir Hossein Mousavi's 5 point plan we knew would be ignored and this so called protest will continue until it comes to a violent head. Remember
Iran's response is to raise the iron curtain and go deeper underground so she can ruthlessly clamp down on her citizens and continue their illicit nuclear program. Iran's current regime wants dominance of her people and Shiite dominance in the Middle east. Iran is not going to relent and neither is the US as they are within a couple weeks now of completing their massive 30,000 pound Bunker buster Bomb called the MOP
I really an sick that choler heads will not prevail here and on all fronts events in Iran continue to head towards a total clampdown on the protesters and direct violent military involvement between the west and Iran. I am very concerned!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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