Thursday, May 31, 2007

Missile Defense Systems Target Russia: Russia Develops Intercontinental Ballistic Missile to Overcome them!

Missile Defense Systems target Russia? Russia Develops intercontinental missile to Overcome them! What now?
I have been writing about Bush's MDS for quite a while now. The last update was on 5/9 when the last notable event took place. I asked then, what happens next? Well, now we know. First a rundown on events involving the MDS in the last year. We have gone a long way towards confrontation.
Knowing that in the past Russia had expressed their anger over the missile Defense system proposed for Poland and Chezhoslovakia and at one point to counter this proposal even offered to have them housed on their own soil. Of course this offer was turned down as was the offer by Britain to have them on their soil.
The Bush line is that these systems are needed to counter the threat from Iran and North Korea. That sounds absolutely ludicrous if you ask me. In response to Bush's refusal to not deploy the systems Russia countered when President Vladimir Putin announced that Russia would suspend its compliance with a treaty on conventional arms in Europe that was forged at the end of the Cold War.
Instead, Putin said, the Kremlin would use future compliance with the treaty as a bargaining point in the dispute with United States over its proposals to install missile defenses in Europe. Can you blame them?
Putin's announcement, made in his annual address to Parliament, underscored the Kremlin's anger at Washington for proposing a new missile-defense system, which the Bush administration insists is meant to counter potential threats from North Korea and Iran.
But Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice brusquely dismissed Russian protests, saying the missile-defense system the United States plans to install in Poland and the Czech Republic would pose no danger to the security of Russia.
I thought quite to the contrary! A lesson from Hannah here at kos showed me that What they are proposing to set up are boost phase interceptors--missiles that target a missile during it's relatively slow liftoff stage while it's still in the atmosphere. To accomplish a take down, the chase missile has to take off within 50 seconds--i.e. it has to be in relatively close proximity to the missile it wants to take down. That's why the argument that missiles in Poland are supposed to deal with missiles coming from Iran or North Korea is nonsensical. Condi using the word nonsense against Russia gives the game away. They always ascribe their own motivation to others.
Looking at a recent statement that Russia cannot alter a U.S. plan to set up a missile defense system in nearby Poland, a senior U.S. official said in an interview that is likely to stoke Russia's anger over the project. Russia is enraged! "We have listened to them but they have been so intransigent in their position that most NATO allies now support our proposal," he added.
U.S. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said Russian fears were unjustified as the project was purely defensive and could not be modified to launch attack missiles. He said Russia must remember they are not part of NATO and therefore have no say in the matter. what?
These statements by Burns just told ignorant little me that while these systems could not be modified but they were solely to neutralize any interference by Russia in Bush's plans. The only result of these rising tensions and the purposeful politics of confrontation practiced by Bush is to bring us closer to WWW and Bush's goal of what he thinks will be his version of new world order. These are my thoughts on the worsening situation, what are yours?
With Bush's in your face Politics in mind I asked what will happen next? What will Russia do? Now we know.
Moscow, May 30: Russia test-launched a new intercontinental ballistic missile on Tuesday that is capable of carrying multiple independent warheads, which is designed to overcome missile defense systems developed by US. Taking the stock of the situation, Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that the deployment of a US missile shield in Europe would turn the continent into "a powder keg."
I have to believe as I have from the beginning that turning the Continent into a powder keg was Bush's intention right from the beginning. What else could one expect? What is going to happen next? Bush despite what he says seems to be rushing purposely towards world conflagration. What say You?

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma

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