Saturday, December 31, 2011
After a decade of disappointment what does New Year 2012 mean to you?
The first Decade of the 21st century was dominated by alcoholic and life long loser George w Bush and his damage to the US and the worlds order. Every year under his misleader ship got worse and worse. Sadly his damage will be felt for decades and generations to come. He started in 2000 with a stolen election, he allowed 9/11 to happen, and he followed that with the hell of a mess he made out of Katrina. He illegally attacked Iraq, and did his damnedest to instigate more war around the world.
After Bush's destruction anything to look forward to would be from President Obama undoing Bush's damage but Republicans are doing their damnedest to make sure he fails us and the country so they can get back in and get Bush's elitist agenda back on track. Anyway It is New Years Eve and I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
After Bush got reelected in 2004 he announced that the election was a mandate, oh yeah! He said he had earned Political Capital and he was going to spend it,remember? many of us believed he was politically bankrupt even then. He had no Political Capital to spend. He had been since day one working on making us morally and financially bankrupt but I'll leave that alone today as I promised to be nice.
Every New Years Eve we have had a feeling of dread facing the upcoming year! On 12/31/05 I noted We're in trouble, Bush Promises to make 2006 as bad as 2005!! I said Today is New Years Eve and we just heard the Presidents weekly radio address. It was his last hurrah for 2005 and he was talking about how he wants to continue his abuse of the past through 2006. This had to really scare you the average American. Bush was a nightmare and he flew into the sunset proud of his societal and world destruction.
President Bush vowed to continue what to you and I as average Americans witnessed and experienced as the continued destruction of society and the country as we like to remember it. He still thinks we are the envy of the world. This is still partially true but only because a large part of the world is still behind us in their progression. Due to his insistence on continued tax cuts for the wealthy. His continued destruction of the lower classes, his continuing outsourcing of his Karl Rove’s taught 3D politics (deceitful, deceptive, divisive, politics) contributing to world disorder he is continuing to erode this envy as we moved into 2006.
New Years Eve 12/31/06 I noted Bush promised to make 2007 more deadlier than 2006 for American's and Iraqi's! He certainly did just that. I woke one morning to hear the 3,000th American had been killed in Iraq that number is now 4370. I reiterated that this Bush created Iraqi breakdown will spread throughout the middle east, being a total war between Shiite and Sunni as you can see it developing still
Thanks to President Obama's election in 2008 2009 dawned with renewed hope but the decade of Bush's destruction was still playing out and will be for many years. Millions have lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance. We saw massive bailouts for our capitalist system. Capitalism was bailed out so we still have hope. Now for us! More than a year into President Obama's Presidency we had not seen any accomplishments.
That said New Year 2010 arrived: Our troops are scheduled to depart Iraq in 2011, foreclosures have slowed down, Job losses have slowed drastically, the economy of the wealthy is recovering and ours looks to be showing positive signs of improvement so we have hope. We watch the mess in Iran, our and the worlds financial mess hopefully improving and we have hope for 2010. Again we were wrong, our hope misguided.
2011 sees the middle east just beginning to explode and not just Syria, Iran, and the Arab spring countries as our troops just came home at least for now.We would do well to remember the History of what an Arab spring often brings, "WAR" The entire world is unstable as never before in my lifetime.
With a house divided and nothing period being done for the United States or its average citizens, the too real prospect of more impending "wars", and the people's and countries situations worsening in every respect around the world, I ask you what does New Year 2012 mean to you? What do you think? How do you feel?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, December 30, 2011
The 2 million permanent Iraqi nomads President Bush created must not be forgotten
Iraq war ends; refugee protection does not: . the President barely mentioned the Iraq that the United States leaves behind – including the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis forced to flee their country, and the 2 million-plus internally displaced inside Iraq.
The conversation over the coming weeks must include an acknowledgement of the millions of Iraqis displaced by the war. Thousands lack permanent and safe housing in Iraq; thousands more languish without formal legal status in their countries of first asylum, awaiting protracted and uncertain resettlement processes.
What Bush (now Obama) doesn't want you to hear about his created Hell for Iraqi civilians! First "Despite claims that the security situation has improved in recent months, the human rights situation is disastrous," Amnesty International said in its report, titled "Carnage and Despair: Iraq Five Years On." In a summary of the report, Amnesty writes that "a climate of impunity has prevailed, the economy is in tatters and the refugee crisis" keeps escalating.
The International Committee of the Red Cross, in a report titled "Iraq: No Let-up in the Humanitarian Crisis," writes, "Despite limited improvements in security in some areas, armed violence is still having a disastrous impact. Civilians continue to be killed in the hostilities. "The injured often do not receive adequate medical care.
Millions of people have been forced to rely on insufficient supplies of poor-quality water as water and sewage systems suffer from a lack of maintenance and a shortage of engineers." "Nothing has changed people but we are leaving them to their own demise and it will spread through the entire middle east."
Both Amnesty and the Red Cross slam the Iraqi government for failing to grapple with the critical needs of their populations.
The two reports cited a litany of concerns that will not be corrected, including severe widespread poverty, a lack of food and water, and broken families left to scrounge for whatever they can find to get by. Both reports described a situation that shows no sign of clear improvement. Many women "have been forced to wear Islamic dress or targeted for abduction, rape or killing. That is not to speak of the more than 2 million permanent nomads because of Bush's and Obama's.
There is no progress needed. Just the excuse for us to stay there until the excuse can be found to attack Iran. That is why Iraq was attacked and it will not be avoided. The hell the world sees in Iraq that the likes of Bush and McCain call success will be spread through out the entire middle east creating a permanent nomadic culture before the entire world is involved in this success of Bush's. We created one of the greatest refugee crises in the world!
If Bush had stayed in Afghanistan as he should have instead of diverting from the war on terror to attack Iraq so he could start implementing his new middle east order, Iraq may still have a Dictator but they would have security, electricity, water, fuel, and a lot more than they have now or will have in the future.
We cannot and will not bring stability back to Iraq. Despite the political rhetoric it will get a lot worse and then spread throughout the entire middle east. We will never be able to bring services anywhere close to the level they were at when Saddam was in power. It is laughable to think that anyone thought they would be better post Saddam.
The Congressional investigation into reconstruction in Iraq found that six out of eight projects the Bush administration claimed to be a success were falling apart, throwing doubts over the long-term viability of much of the $30 billion program. I have to tell you, the entire program, the surge, Democracy, everything, was guaranteed lost from the get go. What ever is built will be destroyed.
The report which was published today looked at hospital projects that at last count their was one capable of operating at all and that great success McCain was bragging about, the increasingly secure Baghdad Airport. It does not matter how much money or effort we put into Iraq. Iraqi's as a whole do not want Bush's new Iraqi order they want their own version.
Each sect is only concerned with looking out for their own interest and future and as we are told to ignore everyday because it is not "the reality on the ground" reality is much worse! The inspectors found serious plumbing and electrical failures due to looting, equipment lying idle to me primarily because people are scared to death to venture out into the reality Bush has created for them. This 2007 report blames Iraqi's for the disaster Bush created and still exists today From the Political system to the oil Industry, Hospitals, electricity, plumbing, security, everything, It will not be turned around and will only get a lot worse before it spreads throughout the entire middle east.
In closing, the 2009 report:The humanitarian situation remained alarming. According to the UN, at least 4 million Iraqis still did not have enough food, around 40 per cent of the population did not have access to clean drinking water, and 30 per cent did not have access to adequate health care services. The education system was near collapse with schools and universities lacking essential materials such as books, and teachers and students terrorized by violence. Many schools were bombed. The unemployment rate remained extremely high at 50 per cent or even higher. If this is success the entire middle east is screwed!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Syria pulls tanks from streets as Arab League observers in Homs - live updates: Russia offers Bashar Al-Assad asylum
The Israeli Maariv newspaper on Sunday reported that Russia proposed to the Syrian Vice President Farouk al-Shara to assume the powers of President Bashar al-Assad for a transitional period and until elections are being held. This in exchange for Assad being granted a political asylum in Moscow.
The newspaper added that the Russian proposal is one of the offers raised to resolve the crisis in Syria. It says that the United States agreed to this proposal. According to Ma'ariv, the difficult situation in Syria and the fear of the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood to power raise concern in Russia , which is Syria's closest ally in the region.
The first question is how is this going to affect Iran who is holding naval exercises on how to shut down the Strait Of Hormuz and stop the worlds oil which they say they can do if pushed?
Iran begins 10-day drill in Strait of Hormuz: Iran has kicked off 10 days of naval exercises in the Strait of Hormuz. Concerns are now being raised over a possible closure of the world's most strategic oil transit channel in the event of an outbreak of military conflict between Tehran and the West.
Drills on one of the busiest straits in the world. The military drills, dubbed "Velayat-e 90", comes as tension between the West and Iran is escalating over Iran's nuclear program. Israel and the United States have not ruled out military action if diplomacy and sanctions fail to rein in Iran's nuclear ambitions.
Is Iran legally permitted to close Strait of Hormuz to countries that impose ... Who the hell cares is it is legal or not?
Lavrov: Russian Draft Resolution on Syria Aims at Guaranteeing Its Stability, Ceasing Violence, Holding National Dialogue: He pointed out that throughout the 2011 events in the Middle East and North Africa, Russia sought to adopt a course that ends violence, protects human rights and helps all sides of conflicts to resolve issues peacefully through dialogue, affirming his country's readiness to continue developing partnerships with the region's countries on the basis of equality and reciprocal interests. Talking does not work unless it is to alleviate the fatigue of war! There is no fatigue here from Syria and Iran only the desire to fight, kill, and dominate.
Syrian Army 'Kills 20' As Arab League Arrives: A renewed military campaign in Syria has reportedly killed at least 20 people as an Arab League delegation arrives in the country to assess the ongoing crisis. Heavy machine gun fire and mortar shells fired by government troops targeted the Baba Amr district of Homs, activists said. It is the third day of violence following car bombs that rocked the capital Damascus which killed 44 people and wounded over 100 more.
Syria: Arab League observers head to Homs - live updates
The observers will make no difference unless Syria lets them close to where they are slaughtering civilians and starts killing them too so they can blame it on protesters. The IRG and Syria will stop for nothing and talk will only give them more time to kill more.
Syrians are going to have to do this themselves unless WW3 is the goal. I am afraid that, that will be the case once someone gets the war with Iran out in the open. Keeping it from becoming WW3 is the best we can hope for but Russia sending war ships over there makes me wonder.
I know the protesters vowed not to be deterred stating they will break the Government period but there is no way. The Syrian Government will kill and arrest who they have too. Iran will accept nothing less and they "the IRG" are in charge! The elephant in the room is Iran and they are not now and will not in the future stand idly by and allow Syria to fall to Democracy.
I remember the Syrian opposition saying that they would not stop and would ultimately defeat the Government saying Democratic transition would safeguard Syria from violence. As outsiders looking in we know nothing could be further from the truth. People are being imprisoned and murdered and I can not see that stopping until the Democracy movement is crushed. Supposedly this expected situation is begging for us to get involved but we damn well better not. Unless that is going to war with Iran is the goal.
I still see a total civil war Sunni against Shiite erupting in the Middle East because Bush freed up Iran to instigate it on their end and they are. I still am concerned we will have a permanent presence in the Middle East but feel we will have to largely leave Iraq to her own demise. We will still be there but it looks like Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden will be the prime focus unless Iran gets something going between the US and Iran.
Saddam Hussein with his lies about possessing WMD kept Iran in check. Bush freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with their chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
You have to be very concerned about what is happening in Syria especially. Iran is not going to allow Syria to fall to Democracy,Iran is in Syria helping Bashar Assad. What we saw after the voter fraud in Iran was mild compared to what the IRG will do if this movement spreads to Iran. I really wish Bashar would step down but Iran is the elephant in the room any way you look at it. The total middle east breakdown we have written about numerous times is well under way. We can only hope we keep it from erupting into WW3.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
China and U.S. Brinkmanship in the South China Sea:
China and U.S. Brinkmanship in the South China Sea: Two weeks ago, The Washington Post broadsided us with another Beltway bombshell: China's "Underground Great Wall" – a "vast network of tunnels" with a "sophisticated missile and nuclear arsenal" dug by "a secretive branch of the Chinese military."
China is also challenging its neighbors over the Spratly Islands, the Paracels, the Scarborough Shoals, Reed Bank and Tungsha in a South China Sea home to 17.7 billion tons of oil and gas? According to the Indonesian Center of Democracy, Diplomacy and Defense, Beijing has deployed 27 battleships, an aircraft carrier and unknown submarines to the area amid competing claims with Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.
After years of covering the growing tensions between China the US and all of the rest of Asia feeling bullied by China the story is getting long. Factbox: Pentagon details China's military expansion :The Pentagon said that China was on track to forge a modern military by 2020, a rapid buildup that could be potentially destabilizing to the Asia-Pacific region. Its annual assessment to Congress on China flagged all the major concerns over its growing military might, including Beijing's widening edge over Taiwan.
It also noted cyber attacks in 2010 -- including on U.S. government computers -- that appear to have originated in China. Here are details from the report:
The United States wants a prominent role in Asia to counter China's developing aggression The U.S. move to "return to Asia" aims to gain more interests from Asia's regional development and cement its dominant position in Asia. First, it should learn to get along with China. Its "return" to Asia has drawn people's attention back to a possible confrontation between itself and China. Many Western scholars believe that the reassertion of the leading U.S. role in Asia is directed against China because only China's rise can pose a potential challenge to its hegemony. Furthermore, a few Asian countries hope to take advantage of the United States, especially its military power, to strike a so-called strategic balance with China.
U.S. wants to use India in missile shield against Russia, China
We have been discussing increased tensions due to ownership claims over long disputed islands and unrecovered raw material riches below the east and South China Seas for years. China is embroiled in territorial disputes with Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei Japan, and India:
China has been making all these ownership claims while warning other Asian countries to stay away. Meanwhile they have supposedly been building their world war machine with "innocent" intentions. China accuses Japan of exaggerating it as a military threat: It is no exaggeration it is called truth and you better be concerned and China calls weapons modernization drive warnings alarmist "cock-and-bull story. Also US senators warn Beijing on South China Sea, China warns US to stay out of it
All this to no avail as China's answer is always that her intentions are innocent "yeah like Hitler's military buildup prior to WW2" We must all stop playing these games at this point and like it or not "share" if we are to survive into the future. Sadly we know the powers to be are not smart enough to do that. We are already in severe trouble with the condition of the world environmentally and due to power struggles getting ready to erupt in the Middle East and make things horrifically worse in many regards.
I am a little worried that China too is getting a little too heavy handed and abusive with her new position of power and beginning to take what she wants instead of being content with what she has which is what I constantly lecture has to be the case if we are to have a future. The time when man and the planet could handle war and colonialism is over, period or else!
We are Taiwan's, the Philippines, and Japan's protectors and now Vietnam's. Vietnam is no real threat to China so what is up here? As China flex's their military muscles in the area we are not supposed to worry. Just what are we supposed to think they are going to do with their advanced weaponry, missiles, stealth aircraft, aircraft carriers and the like.
Their threats are going to become more ominous until they cannot be ignored and it is too late. We have been here before. The world was not supposed to worry as Hitler built his arsenal and we know how that turned out. If peace is truly the goal then try something unique and share the wealth. We need peace to succeed as a world into the 21st century not more and never ending war.
To make the situation worse as we've discussed often, the US is pledged to defend Taiwan who "at least they say" will never unify under China. There is no way we can get militarily involved with China's lust to rebuild Imperial China. Three years ago the US signed a deal to deliver a massive amount of advanced weaponry to Taiwan. The package includes a variety of U.S.-made weapons systems, including Patriot III anti-missile missiles, Apache attack helicopters, Harpoon missiles and Javelin anti-tank missiles.This was 3 years ago Some deliveries are in process and some still being worked out.
China is not taking this lying down! We have covered East, South, and China sea disputes extensively
Knowing all of this I must once again express naivety. We are so kept in the dark as to any truth in any incident here and around the world. I had no idea or even thought in this context but President Hu Jintao's call for a rejuvenation of the country 100 years after the Xinhai Revolution that ended more than 2,000 years of dynastic rule in China is something new to me. Worse part is that this includes Taiwan too and China is not going to settle for no! China Urges Reunification at 100th Anniversary of Demise of Last Dynasty
President Hu calls on all of China's sons and daughters to join hands to carry on with the work of the Chinese Republic's first president, Sun Yat-sen, and realize his ideals of what he described as “China's great rejuvenation.” China has not been building her military and flexing her muscles for nothing. China wants Asia period and not just supremacy. She is going to have her Dynasty once again United States be damned. I do not like this, once again we are putting ourselves right in the middle of a growing conflict or war.
As we discussed there have been at least three cases of groups of Chinese military ships crossing through the area of Okinawa since November 2008, first 4 ships then 6 then 8 and now 10 including destroyers and submarines. That case appeared to be the first involving surfaced submarines. The group of 10 ships, including the submarines, was observed about 90 miles (140 kilometers) southwest of Okinawa in international waters.
Two missile destroyers and three frigate ships from the same group were spotted participating in a flight exercise of carrier-based helicopters April 7-9, the Defense Ministry's Joint Staff Office said in a statement The war ships were in international waters but close to Okinawa and Japan was not notified. That area as you may know has natural resources under the ocean and islands claimed by both Nations.
It is important that we stay in Okinawa as China plays a more important role in Asia and around the world as she gains strength militarily and economically as we just discussed. Remember our discussion on the importance of China and the US staying together to move successfully through the 21st century
We must maintain as much of the old world balance and order as we can to maintain a balance as we try to move progressively and successfully through the 21st century! I know of China and Japan's past, I know of the still ongoing Island disputes, the disagreement over natural gas in another area of the East China Sea, I also remember that with China's economic clout rising she took the number 3 seat on the world bank and we talk constantly that China is taking the leading role in Asia and Asia relations.
Being in a superior position puts one in a unique position of power and that power must be handled gracefully, with humility, responsibly, and not abused. That is something I taught all my sons and America under Bush did a lousy job of handling. I am a little worried that China too is getting a little too heavy handed and abusive with her new position of power and beginning to take what she wants instead of being content with what she has which is what I constantly lecture has to be the case if we are to have a future. The time when man and the planet could handle war and colonialism is over, period or else!
We are Taiwan's and Japan's protectors. As China flex's their military muscles in the area we are not supposed to worry. Just what are we supposed to think they are going to do with their advanced weaponry, missiles, stealth aircraft, aircraft carriers and the like. Their threats are going to become more ominous until they cannot be ignored and it is too late. We have been here before. The world was not supposed to worry as Hitler built his arsenal and we know how that turned out.
Not too long ago China was in North Korea reasserting their military ties and the fact that China would be there for North Korea. We know that North Korea starves and ignores its citizens while she builds one of the worlds largest militaries and instigates the west. China though for what its worth had me fooled.China makes us think she is a wealthy Nation but after reading the story in the above link it makes total sense that she is in trouble too.
We think of China as being very wealthy with its vast military build up but I forgot something I repeat often right here. Europe their biggest market and the US are both hurting and since we are all tied together today that automatically means China is hurting too. China does a heck of a job hiding it but when you look at the vast military area she has rapidly had to invest in, in order to compete with the US who has had centuries to build theirs it all makes sense. I would like to know what you think about all this.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, December 26, 2011
Nine Myths And Misconceptions About Money That Can Literally Kill You
I chose to reprint this at this time because I am currently experiencing problems with this issue. First I want to say that as you read this you will see too why it is no surprise who is really in charge. You will also understand why President Lincoln and President Kennedy were assassinated. Anyway we hear every day how low the bank rates are and offers from everyone and their brother to refinance your mortgage at a lower rate and for maybe no cost. Well!
It has been over a month of phone calls now and we are still having a problem finding a bank who will do a Refi for us because we do not owe enough money to make it worth their while. I was under the misconceived impression that it behooved any bank to lower your rate but boy was I wrong. Our current bank will not cooperate with us and is trying everything under the sun to keep us feeding their inflated rate but we are out of there.
The final straw for me was when they said closing costs would be 7 to 9 thousand, for a 46 thousand dollar loan get real! I finally talked to a woman at one agency who finally spoke the truth. She used my standard line and that is that we do not matter. She said the Federal Reserve does not represent us they work for and represent the banks.
That led me to dig this up as she was right and we are so screwed. This is sobering and reaffirms what I was being told. I am just so peeved at this lie we are living they call a Democracy. This is all disquieting but give this a quick glance.
This was sent to me with no Author by someone more than in the know but I will leave that alone.Read it and weep, I am wanting to say every expletive in the world as once you hear this it makes 100% common sense and we are powerless? I do not know who the Author is but this is frightening, sobering, debilitating, and frustrating, what do we do about it? Pay particular attention to all of it, Google whatever you want. Man am I peeved with this set up they call a Democracy. SOB!
1) If we paid off our debts, our problems would be solved. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. The banks wrote the Federal Reserve Act in secret. They said you would not be allowed to have money unless you first went into debt. In fact when you pay off a loan, the bank cancels money supply. So if we all paid off our debts including the government debt, we would have no money and the economy would collapse. We would all be reduced to barter.
2) The bankers who wrote The Federal Reserve Act in 1913 knowingly engineered a Fatal Debt Bomb into the legislation. This is true. When you go to a bank to get a loan, the banker created ten thousand dollars in new money by entering that amount onto a checking account. Notice that if you signed a note for simple interest at 10%, you will owe the banker $11,000 in one year’s time. He only created $10,000 so how do you pay him back the principal plus interest? Good question. What he does is to create more money through more loans so there is enough money to pay the note plus interest.
This means that the total amount of debts in the society are growing at a compound rate. Bankers have known since the Babylonians that unchecked exponential growth of unplayable debts will destroy any nation with a Debt Bomb. This is what is happening to America and the world today. Michael Hudson wrote about the Babylonian solution. They developed a formula that told them how long this rising tide of Unpayable Debt could grow before they had to cancel all the debts and start over again.
Let me repeat that the bankers have known this for over 4,000 years. But they have made sure that you know nothing of it because they want to foreclose on you and your nation so they can but everything for pennies on the dollar in bankruptcy proceedings.
The Russian demographer Borisov tells us that the bankers starved millions of Americans to death in the 1930s rather than allow people to understand the Babylonian solution. The Bible writers copied this concept when they wrote of the Jubilee cancellation of debt.
3) The Federal Reserve Act was written to transfer wealth from us to the bankers through the creation of a Debt Based money system. This is true. President Lincoln had created Greenbacks without borrowing money from the banks so there was no national debt and no interest on the debt. Lincoln simply printed the money and spent it into circulation.
There is absolutely no reason to have a national debt except to collect interest on a fictional debt. Why give the power to create money to the banks when government alone according to the Constitution is supposed to coin money? I will tell you why. The banks want to bring back slavery. They want you to become an indentured servant who inherits a national debt that is unpayable. They want to reduce you to slavery,
Any politician or pundit who does not understand this is either stupid or lying.
I should point out that President Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110 which directed the Mint to issue US Banknotes to replace Federal Reserve Notes. These JFK Banknotes were to be debt free as were Lincoln’s Greenbacks. They were withdrawn from circulation after his assassination. JFK was murdered on the 53rd anniversary of the secret meeting of the bankers on November 22nd, 1910 in a private rail-car that took them to Jekyll Island. Bankers like to do things on the anniversary of an important date to make sure you understand that monetary reform carries a death penalty.
4) All we have to do to solve our economic woes is to balance the budget. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. All those knuckleheads need to listen and learn. The Gross National Product is the total sales of a country. Economists write it as a formula Where GNP = C + I + G or GNP equals Consumption plus Investment plus Government spending. The total GNP is currently 14 trillion dollars. Suppose we balance the budget by cutting spending two trillion dollars. That would mean we subtract two trillion from G and our new GNP is reduced to 12 trillion dollars which means that one seventh of the American economy would disappear overnight. That would send us instantly into a worse economic blight than the first Great Depression. Currently the states owe the federal government almost 100 billion dollars for extended unemployment benefits.
A man was recently explaining to his young daughter that we have no bread lines like they did in the 1930s because we have almost 49 million people on Food Stamps. Suppose we cut off unemployment extended benefits and Food stamps to make a down payment on that two trillion dollar budget cut. America would have nationwide food riots. 90% of all black children are on Food Stamps. I do not know the figures for Hispanics. But there would be no grocery stores in major cities that would not escape the riots.
If you hear someone talking of cuts, tell them to eliminate Unpayable Debts and interest on the national debt by bringing back non-interest bearing debt free Greenbacks. Then they can cut out the five foreign wars and remove our troops from at least 100 foreign nations. Then they can seize the assets of the banks that stole over 27 trillion dollars from us during the Banker Bailouts.
5) Fiat currencies always fail. What we need is a gold standard. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy had fiat currencies that were successful. And only ended with their assassination. The Isle of Guernsey and the American colonies both had fiat currencies that were successful.
The Italians had a gold currency that failed in 1348. The bankers loaned out more money than they had on deposit. This is called fractional reserve banking. Usually a bank will loan out nine times what it has on deposit. The Italian banks in Venice were unable to meet demands for gold from their depositors.
Currently, the risk manager at JP Morgan has two thousand dollars in risk for every dollar in deposits. I think this is an underestimate.
6) America could go onto the gold standard because we have all that gold at Fort Knox. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. America has gold plated tungsten bars at Fort Knox. And the banks leased our gold and sold it four or five times to keep themselves from going bankrupt.
The gold was stolen by the Rothschild s and their friends. If we went back to the gold standard, we would be entering slavery to the Rothschild network because they would have all the gold money. The Rothschild s financed the Jewish trade in African slaves. Ask a black man how well that Rothschild slavery worked out for him.
I personally own silver because I expect this fractional reserve debt based monetary scheme to collapse very soon. I would use a gold exchange standard to get things going. But I could manage a monetary system with Greenbacks if Zionists and morons on welfare were not allowed to vote.
7) All we need to do to balance our trade deficit is to cut wages by devaluing the dollar so we can become more competitive. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Steve Keen is an Australian economist who says we need to increase wages so debts become payable. Unpayable debts lead directly to slavery. The US dollar eleven years ago was worth $1.20 when measured against a basket of six currencies. Today the US dollar is worth almost 75 cents. This has not created one job in the past decade. What it has done was raise the price of oil so everything costs more to produce.
In China factory workers are lucky to make a dollar an hour. They work 72 hours a week. They get no overtime and have no benefits. The Chinese workers do not make enough money to ride those Mag Lev fast rail trains you have read about. Suppose we cut American wages in half? Would that create jobs? No. We have been cutting wages since 1970 and we have fewer jobs today than then. It never worked in the past. No reason to believe it will work now.
To make the debts easier to pay we need to raise wages. To do that we have to stop issuing a million Green card work permits for legal immigrants. And we need to send back a few million illegal immigrants to open jobs for millions of unemployed Americans. But to create jobs we need new industries. We need to protect those industries with a 25% tariff. We need to create new jobs in computers, materials science, bio-engineering, aviation and energy by releasing the Top Secret research that is held in government labs. We could collect royalties from American industries employing American citizens. We could lease these patents to foreign competitors but we need a tariff to protect American jobs.
We made America prosperous by repealing the Glass Steagall Act and by allowing Credit Default Swaps to remain unregulated. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. The bankers passed NAFTA and the WTO in 1994 so they could send 11 million jobs and 43,000 manufacturing plants overseas. They created the illusion of prosperity under Clinton by pumping up real estate and the stock market. The stock market was deliberately crashed in 2000 so the Zionists could elect George W Bush President because they wanted lots of wars for Israel. When the stock market failed, the Zionists created the subprime lending bubble on top of the already existing housing bubble. They loaned money to people who had no means of paying the loans. That did not matter. Some mortgages were sold as many as five times in Mortgage Backed Securities. When these loans failed, the banks collected on their Credit Default Swap insurance. There were no reserves set aside to pay losses. That did not matter. The bankers had the taxpayers pay out 27 trillion dollars in Bailouts to cover their frauds and keep the banking criminals out of jail. When the Europeans threatened a run on the American banks if they were not compensate for the trash Wall Street sold them, Ben Bernanke created 12.3 trillion dollars in new money and use it to but 6.3 trillion dollars in fraudulent bonds.
Glass Steagall was passed in 1933 and forbade investment banks from becoming commercial banks so the depositors are not exposed to speculative risks. With the repeal of Glass Steagall Jamie Dimon at JP Morgan was allowed to sell 80 trillion dollars in Credit Default Swaps betting that interest rates will not go up. If interest rates do go up, there will be worldwide Depression. Jamie Dimon isn’t worried about it because he probably knows when the Zionists will start World War III.
This is not a free market. It is criminality on a grand scale.
9) We have a moral obligation to pay our national debt. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Jim Willie pointed out to Max Kaiser that in the 1990s under beloved leaders Bill Clinton and George H W Bush the Treasury sold 2.2 trillion dollars more in Treasury bonds than were required to fund the deficit. That money was pocketed by the banks who now expect you to pay them back for the money they stole plus the interest. Catherine Austin Fitts has been telling us for years that the government allows the banks to steal billions of dollars every week from government spending which we are not allowed to audit.
We owe the banks nothing. We need to take back what they have stolen.
I also need to make this point about money creation. When a bank makes a loan, they are creating money by adding credits to a bank account. They are not lending you Mrs. Jones life savings. What they are doing is creating money. Money is a claim against our right to purchase goods and services. If we increase the money supply, then we are all in a sense bearing a burden by the diminished purchasing power of our money. But only bankers are allowed to participate in the benefits of granting a loan. I don’t think so. Cancel the debts and seize all of the banker’s wealth. And that of their co-conspirators. We ought not to suffer because the bankers killed our Presidents.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas in 360 languages and a cute Christmas Story!
Check out Merry Christmas and Happy New Year said in more than 360 Languages including Iraqi! Is yours missing? Contact the site and add it! 360 ways to say Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Now: When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee elves didn't produce toys as fast as the regular ones, and Santa began to feel the Pre-Christmas pressure.
Then Mrs. Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more.
When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were out, Heaven knows where.
Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and all the toys were scattered.
Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had drank all the cider and hidden the rum. In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor. He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten all the straw off the end of the broom.
Just then the doorbell rang, and irritated Santa marched to the door, yanked it open, and there stood a little angel with a great big Christmas tree.
The angel said very cheerfully, 'Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't this a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?'
And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Syria and Iran relationship strategic and stronger than ever
Syria, Iran: We will never give in to foreign pressure: Syria's opposition may have plans to cut ties with Ahmadinejad's Iran but for now Tehran, Damascus are closer than ever before. News agencies reported that Syrian Vice President Farouk al-Sharaa thanked the Islamic Republic for standing by the Syrian people and government steadfastly during hard times and said that Syrian leaders will never give in to foreign pressure.
He said the Syrian leaders will never sway under the pressures exerted by foreigners to make them lower their friendly ties with the Muslim Iranian nation. Sharaa described the Tehran-Damascus relationship as strong and strategic and hailed the two countries’ efforts and cooperation meant to reinforce the resistance front against the "Zionist regime".
Russia sent war ships to Syria: According to Russian sources, the recent move conveys the message that Moscow will block any NATO-led attack under the guise of “humanitarian intervention,” The Nation reported. Russia has been voicing support for Syria, which it says is currently going through a civil war.
That will leave Iran and Syria to crush this revolt by the people and they will unless the entire majority of the Syrian Army revolts and joins the protesters and their brothers in arms that already have.Syrians are going to have to do this themselves unless WW3 is the goal. I am afraid that, that will be the case once someone gets the war with Iran out in the open. Keeping it from becoming WW3 is the best we can hope for but Russia sending war ships over there makes me wonder.
I know the protesters vowed not to be deterred stating they will break the Government period but there is no way. The Syrian Government will kill and arrest who they have too. Iran will accept nothing less and they "the IRG" are in charge! The elephant in the room is Iran and they are not now and will not in the future stand idly by and allow Syria to fall to Democracy.
This is all our fault after more than a century of interference in the Middle East and Africa. Bush set it all in motion by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
I remember the Syrian opposition saying that they would not stop and would ultimately defeat the Government saying Democratic transition would safeguard Syria from violence. As outsiders looking in we know nothing could be further from the truth. People are being imprisoned and murdered and I can not see that stopping until the Democracy movement is crushed. Supposedly this expected situation is begging for us to get involved but we damn well better not. Unless that is going to war with Iran is the goal.
Those of you that follow me know going after Iran is why Bush lied to get to attack Iraq and get back into the Middle East. Iran is helping Syria, us helping the protesters is exactly what Iran wants so they can bring out in the open the war against the United States.
I have to reiterate something I have said too many times since Bush chose to ignore all warnings of total civil war spreading throughout the entire Middle East so he could attack Iraq and straighten out the Middle East as God spoke to him and instructed him to. You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. As expected this democratization started by Bush has taken on a life of its own.
I still see a total civil war Sunni against Shiite erupting in the Middle East because Bush freed up Iran to instigate it on their end and they are. I still am concerned we will have a permanent presence in the Middle East but feel we will have to largely leave Iraq to her own demise. We will still be there but it looks like Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden will be the prime focus unless Iran gets something going between the US and Iran.
Saddam Hussein with his lies about possessing WMD kept Iran in check. Bush freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with their chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too. Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama.
Actually Russia, China and Lebanon have blocked a move for the UN Security Council to condemn Syria's crackdown on dissent. Sanctioning slaughter is more like it!
You have to be very concerned about what is happening in Syria especially. Iran is not going to allow Syria to fall to Democracy,Iran is in Syria helping Bashar Assad. What we saw after the voter fraud in Iran was mild compared to what the IRG will do if this movement spreads to Iran. I really wish Bashar would step down but Iran is the elephant in the room any way you look at it. The total middle east breakdown we have written about numerous times is well under way. We can only hope we keep it from erupting into WW3.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Deir Al-Zour,
middle east breakdown,
President Bashar al-Assad,
Sectarian violence,
United States
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wave of bombings across Iraqi capital kills 63 of both sects as Kurds refuse to give up Sunni al-Hashemi to Shiite Al-Maliki
Wave of bombings across Iraqi capital kills 63: A wave of bombings ripped across Baghdad on Thursday morning, killing at least 63 people and injuring nearly 200 in the worst violence Iraq has seen for months. The bloodbath comes just days after American forces left the country.
The blasts also came on the heels of a political crisis between Iraq's Sunni and Shiite factions that erupted this weekend. The political spat, which pits Iraq's Shiite prime minister against the highest-ranking Sunni political leader, has raised fears that Iraq's sectarian wounds will be reopened during a fragile time when Iraq is finally navigating its own political future without U.S. military support. It gets worse! The wounds have never healed, we opened them wider by attacking and further unsettling Iraq, and now the Kurds are hiding the Sunni leader and refusing to give him back to to Al- Maliki the Shiite leader.
Explosions Rock Baghdad Amid Iraqi Political Crisis: The attacks began at 6:30 a.m. and transformed the morning commute into a bloodbath. Car bombs and improvised explosives destroyed schools, markets and apartments. An ambulance packed with explosives incinerated a government office. At least 63 people were killed and 185 wounded. 14 bombings in all targeting both sects!
Anti Shiite Kurds refuse to turn over the Sunni leader: Al-Hashemi has taken refuge in the Kurdish region, which is part of Iraq but has its own security forces. The Iraqi army and national police do not operate there. As long as the Kurdish officials allow him to stay there, he is effectively immune from prosecution in Baghdad.
The Kurds, who have been trying to work out a solution to the crisis, are also wary of al-Maliki's perceived authoritarian streak. But they have also clashed with Sunni politicians from Iraqiya over the future of disputed areas in northern Iraq claimed by both Baghdad and the Kurds. The charges have thrown Iraq into crisis just days after the last U.S. troops left the country and ended a nearly nine-year war.
Handing over al-Hashemi “out of the question” – KRG president’s chief of staff: In the latest development in the crisis that has embroiled the Iraqi political scene this week, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki called on the Kurdish authorities on Wednesday to hand over Sunni Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi to face charges that his office was responsible for running death squads, a charge al-Hashemi strongly denies.
Speaking to a news conference yesterday, Iraqi Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi strongly denied all the accusations made against him, stressing that he has not committed any “sins” against Iraq, whilst he described the charges against him as being “fabricated”. Talking to reporters during a televised news conference held in the Kurdistan Region capital Erbil on Tuesday, the Iraqi Vice President said “I’m shocked by all of these things…I swear by God that I haven’t committed any sins or any wrong doings against any Iraqi, whether today or tomorrow, and this is my pledge to God.” It is looking as if the Americans have no longer than just left Iraq and the Shiite propped up by Iran are already trying to take control of Iraq as expected. This is not good!
The feuding among Iraqi leaders, largely divided by sectarian and ethnic loyalties rather than real political differences, is nothing new, but the timing of the latest crisis underscores how most view the final U.S. troop withdrawal as validation of America's diminishing role in Iraq and a signal to press ahead with their own agendas.
The breakdown Sunni against Shiite was guaranteed the day Bush ignored all good advice to the contrary and attacked Iraq. It was guaranteed as soon as we left whether we left today or were stupid enough to hang around longer as Republican nominees are wrongly criticizing Obama for not doing. From Iraq it will spread throughout the entire middle east compliments of Bush not Obama.
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East. He has long wanted a Korea style force in Iraq to secure the peace! We were concerned because we knew that would never work in Iraq or the Middle East! Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program would be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale!
I still see a total civil war Sunni against Shiite erupting in the Middle East because Bush freed up Iran to instigate it on their end and they are. I still am concerned we will have a permanent presence in the Middle East but feel we will have to largely leave Iraq to her own demise. We will still be there but it looks like Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden will be the prime focus unless Iran gets something going between the US and Iran.
As you know, I talk about it often as I watch Bush's new Middle East (dis)order progress. He ignored Afghanistan so he could use the patriot acts powers to divert from Afghanistan to attack Iraq using the excuse of unseating Saddam so he could get in the Middle East to help Israel establish a buffer zone and establish a new middle east (dis) order or so Israel and Cheney thought. Bush at Cheney's urging made an abrupt shift in policy towards Syria, a shift that has now brought the entire Mideast region to the brink of war and chaos. Much worse than the hell on earth they created for Iraq. Did you ever read A clean Break a 2003 Executive intelligence Review that tells the truth as to our diabolical plans
That plan was put together in 1996 for Israel. They were just waiting for an idiot to come along so they could implement their plan for the Middle East. Along came the life long follower and life long alcoholic loser Georgie Bush. I wish I could say the rest is History but this is still barely beginning and just beginning to take shape. All Bush did by ignoring Afghanistan and attacking Iraq was to guarantee a loss of everything and a complete Middle East and Asian Breakdown.
He freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that we call liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East Sunni against Shiite. Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open and we will make sure we are. It gets closer every day. Watch out Iran!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Action in Syria and Iran coming to an ugly head as Leon Panetta on "the Doomsday plane" threatens Iran
230 killed in 3 days of Syrian uprising 111 killed in Syria's "bloodiest day: Bashar killing as many as possible ahead of Arab League, At the same time on a plane titled "the Doomsday plane" where operations will be held in the event of a nuclear war Leon Panetta said Iran very close to a nuclear weapon and we will stop them. Meanwhile Syrian protesters due to increasing slaughter they want the Arab League and the United Nations security council to step in.
230 killed in 3 days of Syrian uprising - : Syrian forces battled army defectors and anti-government activists Wednesday, in violence human rights groups said killed more than 230 people in three days. More than 10,000 soldiers have deserted the Syrian army, and as many as half of those conscripted did not report for duty in the last three call-ups, Western intelligence agencies told Israel's Haaretz daily.
Activists say 111 killed in Syria's "bloodiest day: Rami Abdulrahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 111 civilians and activists were killed in addition to over 100 casualties among army deserters in Idlib province, turning Tuesday into the "bloodiest day of the Syrian revolution."
"There was a massacre of an unprecedented scale in Syria on Tuesday," said French foreign ministry spokesman Bernard Valero. "It is urgent that the U.N. Security Council issues a firm resolution that calls for an end to the repression."
Panetta: Iran will not be allowed nukes: Leon Panetta, said despite the efforts to disrupt the Iranian nuclear program, the Iranians have reached a point where they can assemble a bomb in a year or potentially less. Secretary Panetta spoke with us at the end of an overseas trip during which he reviewed strategy in Afghanistan and formally ended the war in Iraq.
CBS News anchor Scott Pelley caught up with Secretary Panetta on his tour last week of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. On the way home, he boarded the jet nicknamed "The Doomsday Plane." This is the command post where he and the president would direct a nuclear war.
I am incensed! I am sure none of those in charge have been smart enough to put two and two together yet and realize what is happening and getting ready to happen. They are being played !
Iran not now and will not in the future stand idly by and allow Syria to fall to Democracy. You better know for a fact Iran's IRG is leading the atrocities against the protesters and Al Qaeda if not Saudi Arabia is helping the protesters. Both sides are fighting for what they think will be the future direction of the middle east.
Russia already has warships on sight prepared to protect their interests in Syria and Russia and China say they will protect their vast interest in Syria. It is no surprise that the whole package is coming to a head all at once meaning the Arab spring countries too along with Iraq which has already started to break. Question is can we keep it contained to the middle east and from erupting into WW3?
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too. Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama.
You have to be very concerned about what is happening in Syria especially. Iran is not going to allow Syria to fall to Democracy. What we saw after the voter fraud in Iran was mild compared to what the IRG will do if this movement spreads to Iran. I really wish Bashar would step down but Iran is the elephant in the room any way you look at it. The total middle east breakdown Sunni against Shiite we have written about numerous times is well under way. We can only hope we keep it from erupting into WW3.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Gingrich calls Palestinians an "invented" people: History proves he is dead wrong and that there will never be a peaceful 2 state solution
Muslims of Palestine are largely descendents of Christians and Jews of the southern Levant. The Southern Levant roughly encompasses Palestine, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, along with the modern sovereign states of Israel, Jordan and the southern parts of Lebanon and Syria. We are talking all the way back to prehistoric times people. Where the hell does Gingrich get that divisive war mongering information from? It is no wonder the Arabs support a Palestinian State!
Gingrich calls Palestinians an "invented" people: Gingrich differed with official U.S. policy that respects the Palestinians as a people deserving of their own state based on negotiations with Israel. "Remember, there was no Palestine as a state. It was part of the Ottoman Empire" until the early 20th century, Gingrich said.
"I think that we've had an invented Palestinian people who are in fact Arabs, and who were historically part of the Arab community. And they had a chance to go many places, and for a variety of political reasons we have sustained this war against Israel now since the 1940s, and it`s tragic," he said.
Palestinian people 'invented'?: Those remarks drew a swift rebuke from a spokesperson for the American Task Force on Palestine, Hussein Ibish, who said "there was no Israel and no such thing as an 'Israeli people' before 1948.""So the idea that Palestinians are 'an invented people' while Israelis somehow are not is historically indefensible and inaccurate. Such statements seem to merely reflect deep historical ignorance and an irrational hostility towards Palestinian identity and nationalism," he said.
Gingrich went on to say his views are in line with those expressed by the war monger Benjamin Netanyahu which means Gingrich vows to continue and defend the lies expressed by Netanyahu who vows not to share Jerusalem with Palestinian's or anyone else.
Gingrich fuels more Mideast conflict: Saeb Erekat, a senior Palestinian official, described his comments in an interview as "despicable." Hanan Ashrawi, another top official, said Gingrich's "very racist comments" showed he was "incapable of holding public office."
"This is the lowest point of thinking anyone can reach," Erekat, a close advisor to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, told Reuters. Such comments served only to "increase the cycle of violence," he added. "What is the cause of violence, war in this region? Denial, denying people their religion, their existence, and now he is denying our existence," said Erekat, for years a leading figure in peace talks aimed at the creation of a Palestinian state alongside Israel.
Genetic analysis and historical accounts suggest the Muslims of Palestine are largely descendents of Christians and Jews of the southern Levant,"The Levant is the geographical region bordering the Mediterranean, roughly between Egypt and Anatolia (modern Turkey). The Southern Levant roughly encompasses Palestine, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, along with the modern sovereign states of Israel, Jordan and the southern parts of Lebanon and Syria [1]." and descendents of a core population that lived there in prehistoric times.[22]
Since the time of the Muslim conquests in the 7th century, religious conversions have resulted in Palestinians being predominantly Sunni Muslim by religious affiliation, though there is a significant Palestinian Christian minority of various Christian denominations, as well as Druze and a small Samaritan community. Though Palestinian Jews made up part of the population of Palestine prior to the creation of the State of Israel, very few identify as "Palestinian" today. Acculturation, independent from conversion to Islam, resulted in Palestinians being linguistically and culturally Arab.[18] The vernacular of Palestinians, irrespective of religion, is the Palestinian dialect of Arabic.
Absolutely there should be a 2 state solution with an Israel and a free state of Palestine side by side. However as we keep asserting, it will never happen. Netanyahu vows never to share Jerusalem and the likes of Gingrich back him up saying he is dead right. I am afraid he is dead wrong and defending Netanyahu's divisive war mongering stance and saying Palestinians are an invented people is grotesque and will only help guarantee a total middle east breakdown. I refuse to believe that ass can get away with voicing such war mongering destructive divisive rhetoric.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Iraq's Government Teeters as US Exiits: Sunni VP threatened with arrest, Shiite Al-maliki condemned. Here we go!
Iraq's Government Totters as US Exits: Iraq's shaky government coalition was on the brink of collapse Sunday, with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki moving against senior Sunni political leaders amid an intensifying campaign by some Sunni areas for more autonomy from Baghdad.Iraqis on the streets reacted with a mixture of indifference, disbelief and fear to the U.S. withdrawal, with some voicing concerns about the future of their fragile democracy.
Iraq VP barred from overseas travel: Hashemi and Deputy Prime Minister Saleh al-Mutlak, both Sunnis and members of the secular Iraqiya bloc, have come under increasing pressure, with three of the vice president's bodyguards arrested in connection with "terrorist activity" and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki calling for Mutlak to be sacked.
Iraqi Sunni leaders denounce PM Maliki
The feuding among Iraqi leaders, largely divided by sectarian and ethnic loyalties rather than real political differences, is nothing new, but the timing of the latest crisis underscores how most view the final U.S. troop withdrawal as validation of America's diminishing role in Iraq and a signal to press ahead with their own agendas.
The breakdown Sunni against Shiite was guaranteed the day Bush ignored all good advice to the contrary and attacked Iraq. It was guaranteed as soon as we left whether we left today or were stupid enough to hang around longer as Republican nominees are wrongly criticizing Obama for not doing. From Iraq it will spread throughout the entire middle east compliments of Bush not Obama.
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East. He has long wanted a Korea style force in Iraq to secure the peace! We were concerned because we knew that would never work in Iraq or the Middle East! Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program would be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale!
I still see a total civil war Sunni against Shiite erupting in the Middle East because Bush freed up Iran to instigate it on their end and they are. I still am concerned we will have a permanent presence in the Middle East but feel we will have to largely leave Iraq to her own demise. We will still be there but it looks like Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden will be the prime focus unless Iran gets something going between the US and Iran.
As you know, I talk about it often as I watch Bush's new Middle East (dis)order progress. He ignored Afghanistan so he could use the patriot acts powers to divert from Afghanistan to attack Iraq using the excuse of unseating Saddam so he could get in the Middle East to help Israel establish a buffer zone and establish a new middle east (dis) order or so Israel and Cheney thought. Bush at Cheney's urging made an abrupt shift in policy towards Syria, a shift that has now brought the entire Mideast region to the brink of war and chaos. Much worse than the hell on earth they created for Iraq. Did you ever read A clean Break a 2003 Executive intelligence Review that tells the truth as to our diabolical plans
That plan was put together in 1996 for Israel. They were just waiting for an idiot to come along so they could implement their plan for the Middle East. Along came the life long follower and life long alcoholic loser Georgie Bush. I wish I could say the rest is History but this is still barely beginning and just beginning to take shape. All Bush did by ignoring Afghanistan and attacking Iraq was to guarantee a loss of everything and a complete Middle East and Asian Breakdown.
He freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
What about the Kurd's who want their autonomy and they do not want to share their oil fields period. Nuri Al-Maliki wants that issue resolved and it will never be. The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too.
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he still calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East Sunni against Shiite. Bush had long wanted a Korea style force in Iraq to secure the peace! That will never work in Iraq or the Middle East! Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama. Watch out Iran!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Turkey vows not to stand idly by and allow Bashar Al-Assad to kill his people
Homs massacre warning - live updates as Bashar Al-Assad is saying he is a "puppet" and the military controls him and Turkey vows not to stand idly by

Syria: Homs massacre warning - live updates: • Opposition claims Syrian army preparing to attack Homs
• Former Lebanese PM "proudly" backs Syrian uprising
• Muslim Brotherhood boycotts constitution council
Syria kills 60 fleeing soldiers, reports sayDeserters felled by machinegun fire; 40 civilians also killed, say rights campaigners
Syrians launch civil disobedience campaign: Syrian activists launched a campaign of civil disobedience to pile pressure on President Bashar al-Assad, after he drew a stinging rebuke from the US for denying he ordered a deadly crackdown. Okay so Bashar is saying he is a "puppet" and the military controls him! Bashar said he would step down immediately if the people did not want him, well see ya later and don't let the door hit you in the backside.
15 Killed as Syrian Protests Spread
Syrian pipeline attack raises supply threat: Rebel fighters have blown up a key oil pipeline in Syria, in their first significant attack against the oil industry since the uprising began nine months ago. Damascus confirmed the attack on Thursday, blaming “terrorist groups”, according to the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency. “A destructive terrorist group targeted a crude oil pipeline in Tal Al-Shur, north-west of Homs refinery,” the agency said.
Turkey considers Iraq as alternative trade route: Regional pressure mounted against President Bashar Assad's regime on Tuesday as Saudi Arabia urged its citizens to leave Syria, and Turkey said it could use Iraq as an alternative trade route. That would cut out Syria entirely as Damascus faces broad economic sanctions over its deadly crackdown on an 8-month-old uprising. Russia's foreign minister, however, gave the regime a boost, warning against imposing ultimatums on Assad's government.
Turkey: We won't allow Syria to threaten security of region: Turkey cannot stand by and watch if Syria's crackdown on a popular uprising puts security in the region at risk, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Friday. While Turkey has no desire to interfere in Syria's internal affairs, it has a duty to tell Syria "Enough!" if it puts Turkey's security at risk by fighting its own people and forcing people to flee the country, he said.
Turkey, which has the second-largest army in NATO, said last month it did not want any military intervention in Syria but that it was ready for "any scenario" including setting up a buffer zone inside Syria. Turkey, which has become increasingly critical of its one-time ally, fears an all-out civil war based on sectarian lines in Syria could spill across its borders and spark tensions among Turkey's own people.
I hope Turkey realizes that the elephant in the room is Iran and they are not now and will not in the future stand idly by and allow Syria to fall to Democracy.
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too. Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama.
You have to be very concerned about what is happening in Syria especially. Iran is not going to allow Syria to fall to Democracy. What we saw after the voter fraud in Iran was mild compared to what the IRG will do if this movement spreads to Iran. I really wish Bashar would step down but Iran is the elephant in the room any way you look at it. The total middle east breakdown Sunni against Shiite we have written about numerous times is well under way. We can only hope we keep it from erupting into WW3.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, December 19, 2011
Army defectors increasingly killing soldiers signaling the undeniable arrival of civil war in Syria
Syrian army defectors have killed six government troops in heavy fighting in the country's rebellious central region, activists said, in the latest sign that the nation's uprising may be shifting toward civil war. It is spreading as this follows recent tit for tat killings.
Syrian Army Defectors Kill 27 Soldiers as Armed Conflict Spreads: The attack in the southern governorate of Daraa, where the nine-month uprising against Assad began, came after eight Syrian soldiers died in an ambush by deserters near Hama. At least 32 civilians were also killed yesterday. Human Rights Watch today accused Syrian military and intelligence officials of giving both “direct and standing orders to use lethal force.”
Syria’s repression of protests has led to defections from the army and an escalation of clashes in which both sides are armed. Assad has blamed the unrest on foreign provocateurs and the government has used tanks, armored vehicles and artillery to crush the uprising. “The statements of soldiers and officers who defected from the Syrian military and intelligence agencies leave no doubt that the abuses were committed in pursuance of state policy and that they were directly ordered, authorized, or condoned at the highest levels of Syrian military and civilian leadership,” New York-based Human Rights Watch said in a report published today.
40 dead in Syria as troops raid Hama: As the Syrian revolt enters its 10th month, the pressure on the regime of President Bashar al-Assad has been increasing. Additionally, the death toll among civilians and members of the security and military forces is on the rise, with conflicting reports on the number of dead on Wednesday.
Activists reported that the government militia ("Chabihah") stormed Hama to end the general strike, but encountered resistance from dissidents from the army. Activists said Syrian troops backed by tanks killed at least ten people when they stormed yesterday the city of Hama. In response, dissidents from the Syrian army attacked a convoy of military jeeps outside of Hama, killing eight soldiers, according to various sources. At least 30 people were killed in other parts of Syria.
Iranian Kayhan Newspaper stressed that intensifying media and political pressures and spending huge sums of money by the Western and regional countries to create chaos in Syria come in the framework of a Western-Zionist scheme aiming at undermining the last fort of resistance in the region and at achieving the Zionist dream in imposing hegemony on it.
The Newspaper on Thursday indicated that Syria's enemies, particularly the Zionists, have failed to achieve their goals in this regard after more than nine months, and that is what forced them to change their style. It affirmed that Syria will always remain a steadfast castle in the face of the Zionist plots.
I know the protesters vowed not to be deterred stating they will break the Government period but there is no way. The Syrian Government will kill and arrest who they have too. Iran will accept nothing less and they "the IRG" are in charge! The elephant in the room is Iran and they are not now and will not in the future stand idly by and allow Syria to fall to Democracy.
The entire military must defect but Iran will still not capitulate and they are the real elephant in the room in Syria.
This is all our fault after more than a century of interference in the Middle East and Africa. Bush set it all in motion by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fighting it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
I remember the Syrian opposition saying that they would not stop and would ultimately defeat the Government saying Democratic transition would safeguard Syria from violence. As outsiders looking in we know nothing could be further from the truth. People are being imprisoned and murdered and I can not see that stopping until the Democracy movement is crushed. Supposedly this expected situation is begging for us to get involved but we damn well better not. Unless that is going to war with Iran is the goal.
Those of you that follow me know going after Iran is why Bush lied to get to attack Iraq and get back into the Middle East. Iran is helping Syria, us helping the protesters is exactly what Iran wants so they can bring out in the open the war against the United States.
I have to reiterate something I have said too many times since Bush chose to ignore all warnings of total civil war spreading throughout the entire Middle East so he could attack Iraq and straighten out the Middle East as God spoke to him and instructed him to. You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. As expected this democratization started by Bush has taken on a life of its own.
I still see a total civil war Sunni against Shiite erupting in the Middle East because Bush freed up Iran to instigate it on their end and they are. I still am concerned we will have a permanent presence in the Middle East but feel we will have to largely leave Iraq to her own demise. We will still be there but it looks like Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden will be the prime focus unless Iran gets something going between the US and Iran.
Saddam Hussein with his lies about possessing WMD kept Iran in check. Bush freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with their chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
The entire middle east and north Africa and our more than century of interference and exploitation can take the blame for that too. Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program is going to be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale if we are still there when this breaks open! Looking at the war cabinet Obama has amassed I am going to say at this point that this is going to happen even under a President Obama.
Actually Russia, China and Lebanon have blocked a move for the UN Security Council to condemn Syria's crackdown on dissent. Sanctioning slaughter is more like it!
You have to be very concerned about what is happening in Syria especially. Iran is not going to allow Syria to fall to Democracy,Iran is in Syria helping Bashar Assad. What we saw after the voter fraud in Iran was mild compared to what the IRG will do if this movement spreads to Iran. I really wish Bashar would step down but Iran is the elephant in the room any way you look at it. The total middle east breakdown we have written about numerous times is well under way. We can only hope we keep it from erupting into WW3.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Deir Al-Zour,
middle east breakdown,
President Bashar al-Assad,
Sectarian violence,
United States
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