Monday, January 11, 2010

The drone wars! Are we at war or not?

PBS: "Targeting the Taliban"

McCain and Lieberman offer reassurance about relations with US as Pakistan renews call for end to US drone strikes to improve them!

While Lieberman and McCain were in Pakistan touting our cooperation and success in the drone program they both promised to continue Pakistan has renewed calls for an end to US drone aircraft strikes, an issue that could strain ties as the CIA hunts down Muslim militants after one of the deadliest attacks in its history in neighboring Afghanistan. In Pakistan, McCain and Lieberman offer reassurance about ...

As they have from the beginning Pakistan officially objects to the operations against suspected al Qaeda and Taliban militants along its border with Afghanistan, saying they violate its sovereignty to satisfy their citizens. At the same time Islamabad has pushed Washington to provide it with the drones to allow it to carry out its own attacks on Taliban insurgents, a move that could ease widespread anti-American sentiment in Pakistan.

Under Obama from the beginning The United States has stepped up its attacks with the pilot less drone aircraft attacks in Pakistan even more so since a double agent blew himself up at a U.S. base in Afghanistan on December 30, killing seven CIA agents. The so called weak President on terror has drastically increased the use of like it or not what has become an important tool in the so called war on terror. Pakistan renews call for end to US drone strikes

Are we at war or not? I am not going to say the US should be able to put boots on the ground wherever she wants in this still just beginning so called war on terror but it must be realized and acknowledged that like it or not the US is a prime target if not the main target and is the prime face in the so called war on terror.

We have been saying from the beginning that this is a new kind of war, a war like no other. We the entire world better make believe they realize that and act accordingly. Our future depends on it. Everyone who reads my reports knows I did not trust Bush and Cheney an iota. They made me question everything we have done in the past.

That said, consider the source! I would hope that Obama has no designs of dominating the sovereignty of Pakistan, Yemen, or anywhere else we have to go to prosecute this so called war on terror. Muslim countries do not want our boots on the ground so they have to allow openly or clandestinely our use of drones in this the first war of the 21st century!

The uses of Drone’s are a necessary evil. They are our equalizer as IED’s are the militant’s necessary evil and equalizer in the new battlefront! The draw back in IED’s or drones is civilian casualties. Civilians always pay the price!

That said, civilian casualties are hard to verify as the so called enemy inflates the numbers to win the media war for hearts and minds with wild allegations as we are not allowed to put boots on the ground in Yemen or Pakistan.

Therefore civilian casualties are Yemen and Pakistan’s fault as all sides agree we can not relent and we must all increase our efforts and do what we can to ensure our success and our successful future!

James Joiner
Gardner, Ma


Holte Ender said...

Saudi Arabia stand to lose the most if Yemen falls into hostile hands, and becomes a failed state like Somalia, which is just across the straits.

The Saudis need to step and protect their cash cow, even though they could be fighting their Wahhabi brothers.

Middle Ditch said...

It's always civilians who suffer the most in any kind of war.

jmsjoin said...

You're right Holte, right after the oil fields and everything else. The Houthi rebels have already made forays into Saudi Arabia!

jmsjoin said...

Hi Monique! I know, civilians and children the expendable or so they think!

Demeur said...

Don't kid yourself Jim Saudi Arabia is helping to fund both sides of this "war". They paid off Bin Ladin to leave their country. When they get caught they get to go back to Saudi Arabia for "re-education" (treated like spoiled teenagers).
This whole situation reminds me so much of Catch 22 I can't believe it.

Demeur said...

I was watching a documentary late last night on abu ghraib. In the beginning they had about 200 detainees. Then things changed when the troops would go out and just round up all males between 16 and 60. No charges, no reason, just to get them off the street. Then they showed them in stress positions and naked for hours on end and these kids (guards) didn't think that was torture. And we wonder why they hate us.

Lily said...

Would agree with Monique!
And also Demeur got a good point about Saudi Arabia - only that I think they didn't probably just pay him for that but a whole lot worse things...

Unknown said...

Hi James,

I thought you might like to watch this film (about you!!! :-) ... it's a bit boring at the beginning but it gets exciting towards the middle...

Thanking a Hero: James M Joiner

Lily said...

cool one, Hillblogger!
But how do you know that he's paying???

anyway Jim while you're still in such a good mood, just remembered, here is something that should piss you off:

jmsjoin said...

Demeur I am sure you are right! I will never stop wondering who was on the plane that right after 9/11 flew to Saudi Arabia and we were never told who was on it!

jmsjoin said...

We made quite a mess at Abu Graib and that crap came right from the top as the commander who took the hit said. It pisses me off again they got away with lying.

jmsjoin said...

Hi Sarah Sofia you must have time to breath, great!

jmsjoin said...

What the heck is that Anna? Hi by the way! I am going to check it out now.

Demeur said...

Who was on the plane? That was the Bin Ladin family who were never interviewed by the FBI before they left. Though everybody knew that.

jmsjoin said...

That sounds familiar and I still refuse to believe we were never given a list and if we were it would be nothing but lies like everything else. I just hate this crap!

jmsjoin said...

Oh yeah I suppose we paid for the gas too!

Unknown said...

Hahahah! Wasn't that fun?

jmsjoin said...

Yes! I passed it on and everyone is having fun with it. I made a comment on ADB I think it was because I thought you should know. Enjoy your house!