Karzai Declared Afghan President
I guess the opium growers, drug lords like his brother, and other corrupt officials must be pretty happy that the election was handed to Karzai despite the corruption and the US stupidly says they will keep working with him! He is damn using us to keep power in his corrupt drug infested regime. What the hell is wrong with us? Karzai handed second term after Afghan election run-off cancelled
Think about this again: I do not know what you think about Ahmed working for the CIA or "rumors" of him being a Drug Lord but think about this! First hearing he is a drug lord makes me wonder what was being discussed in all the pictures I see of him visiting towns and conversing with tribal leaders. Being a a prominent political figure in the southern region of the country with regular visits makes for a lucrative convenient position in the opium world. I refuse to believe it can be ignored though Ahmed denies any involvement. Yeah like the million rigged ballots he didn't rig.
Okay! Ahmed is a drug lord. Him and his profits are probably helping to fund the war against us. Think about it! It gets worse. While returning from a successful mission searching a compound for drugs the helicopter crashed killing 7 troops and as we now know, 3 DEA agents. In the fight after the crash 12 "insurgents" were killed. 14 Americans die in Afghanistan chopper crashes
They were just returning from a successful mission cleaning out opium interests in Ahmed's region. Makes you wonder doesn't it?
Now our commander in chief: He has done his homework in what will be the most important decision he has ever made. He has done his homework dotting the eyes and crossing the T's. He has done his homework and is close to a decision. He has listened to General McChrystal, his advisers, all his joint chiefs, and all involved. He just paid a midnight visit to Dover to Salute the caskets and Honor 18 US soldiers that were killed this week in Afghanistan. Obama never stops impressing me! He is the first US President to go to Dover and honor the returning dead!
Anyway to top it off amidst escalating violence in Afghanistan Obama has sent his Commanders on the ground in Afghanistan province by province and village to village to talk to all tribal leaders find out what they need, what their issues are, and discern how many more troops will be need and what type. Obama take your time! He will do this if anyone can. What if his analysis dictates we leave? Think about it!
I was pretty impressed that President Obama went to Dover, Delaware to honor the 18 troops recently killed in Afghanistan as they were brought off the plane. I know Limbaugh is a so called entertainer but I was sickened when he called it a publicity stunt to make palatable whatever decision he makes on the troop count. I know it will influence his decision but I hope in the form of changing the mission purely to defense and training up Afghanistan to fight for themselves. This is Vietnam x 10 if we are stupid enough to stay there. I reiterate, it is time to start the slow good bye!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
this is really pissing me off, I keep loosing my comments to you, Jim!
third time now:
don't know what you're complaining about Jim, the chap from the video looks like a decent man, who surely never ever would be involved in drug dealing...! especially with his eyes half closed like that and the mafia-mustache...
re the Brits:
well, well well... that's the way it is with them - has always been that way! Remember how Chamberlain acted more like hitler's foreign minister than the prime minister of Britain?!
that's the cultural insanity that they have: be polite at all times, but not real, honest politeness, just the superficial crap and stay a spineless wimpish creep at all times!
but not just in politics, it goes all the way through society, you have it in the families as well. that's considered good behavior and the right thing to do.
but luckily once in a while you have somebody like Churchill (or other COs, or anybody really who dare to have a spine and a voice) who is not a jelly fish and then actually the Brits do accomplish great things. Mind you under those circumstances they may then really be the only ones to deliver and to rely on!
Am now splitting the comments up, so the entire crap doesn't always get lost...
re yesterday:
Brother Tim, that one word does sum it up quite well - though you might wanna add a couple of dozen swear words to get it just right and cover the actual mental state of those in charge of originating foreign policy...!
Jim, sorry to say that, but it's not natural resources that we're fighting over. We don't need oil, that's BS, cars could easily run on hydrogen and supply our homes with energy on top of that. no problem at all. we've got the technology to solve almost every problem on earth.
It's about suppression, about keeping us all bottled up, down there in the ditch, controlled and miserable without any means at all of getting out.
that little war-game is just for show. little w was playing the clown, while dicky and all the other fookers were making big cash
along the way. but the real thing is going on behind the scenes. I think both families donateded one idiot for the show (w and bin laden)and told them to make it look good, so we would all for for their crap and get really scared and would want them go enforce all kinds of security crap, like surveillance everywhere in every possible way.
your next passport is gonna be an ID-chip under the skin, medical records and other private info included.
and the medical way is how the complete control-mission will be enforced: every child born will be under strict supervision. Saying no to prophylactic treatment will no longer be an option. that means they will enforce any shots, physical and mental treatment onto any individual everywhere.
endless educations will do the rest and secure that nobody will ever again develop a thought of his own, that is not approved.
welcome to the new world order!
one last thing: looking at the aardvark-lady's post and blog... well so very different than what i think of when I hear the term.
check out a Scottish invention with the same name. Your youngest could use one of those right now in Iraq!
they're really cool, you can actually drive over IEDs or mines and all it does is just shake a bit!
And that's also very typical British: inventions like this. really reminds you of D-day, digging up the beaches like that...
oh, forgot one very important detail: who of you guys is getting a flu shot!
have you checked out what the ingredients are, who is selling it (you really love those guys, Jim!!!)and the statistics for the oh so terribly dangerous flu?!
that's what I'm saying: the control comes when they make you so scared that you want to accept their help for things you really don't need any help with. but with this help being completely destructive, manipulated and dangerous, we're all at risk!
You have a few good points there Sarah, but as for fighting for resources that isn't one of them. Afghanistan has nearly nothing. No oil, coal, or much in the way of minerals. I hear the Chinese are mining copper there. Their number one export is opium.
The only money being made there is by defence contractors and mercinaries.
I agree Jim time to get out and deal with the Pakistanis. That's were our problems are at the moment.
As for the flu shot I'll pass on it. I'm not in the high risk category and I had a strain of it back in the 70s.
exactly Demeur: It's not about the resources at all! it's just about keeping us entertained so we won't realize what's really doing on!
Some say it's Afghanistan's location. well there's something about that and history of course, the war has been going on for centuries... but really it's just about getting us into a position where we will agree to be controlled because the world just seems so dangerous to us... (even though it isn't in reality).
good for your to pass on the flu shot, demeur and if you should catch it anyway: remember that this flu is more contagious, but it's also not as dangerous as the normal flu. we've already had it in Denmark for a while. But make sure to get plenty of vitamin C( like trink freshly squeezed lemon- and orange juice), fresh air, clean water (2 litres a day), lots of sleep and you will be just fine! oh yes and keep warm - both physical and in spirit!
This way we should all survive rather well and if you want my personal opinion, Demeur: People in your line of work are anyway no pussies that get knocked out by a couple of bugs here and there!
Hi Sarah! I just got back from the dentist and all kinds of things have been going on here. Anyway Did you ever read Churchill's memoirs or his wife's Biography? His escapades in the trenches during WW1! Oops I have to go!
No, I didn't, but I know a lot about him, saw lots of documentaries and got it from many different sources.
Know about the trenches and himself volunteering because he was feeling so guilty because he had lost so many men...
there was also a book out by his bodyguard...
How are you feeling? Still got toothache?
Sarah new world order as you ee is total disorder, You are right about Cheney, he was the real decider not Bush. When Bush snuck in he chose Cheney to pick him a VP and of course he picked himself and you know the rest.
Sarah the Iranian's are passing out a new IED that there is no defense for and will cut through the thickest armor like butter. once that hits Iraq and Afghanistan I will really be worried!
Oh yeah! I found if you have a real long comment you have to cut it in two or it will not go.
The verdict is still out as to whether or not I get a flu shot. Heretofore I am not overly concerned. I know, famous last words!
Demeur you are right, the Chinese are mining copper and we are doing the fighting. I can not believe we have not insisted on them helping. With us this was all over the Taliban not allowing us to put a pipe line through to the Caspian.
Who is deciding whether you'll get a shot or not, Jim? Any particular reason why you should be at risk?
Tell me about the new type of IED. got any links? Am really curious about that one and you make it sound like a chinese manufactured standard-version - nothing improvised about that explosive device...
which makes you think why don't they at least give the troops some fire resistant suits? they're using
enough asbestos in the navy... here is would perhaps make some sense...
I know many people believe it's the pipe line and oil - but I really don't think so. the conflict has been on for much longer than oil and pipe lines have been an issue and I really do think, it's just to divert our attention.
and who needs oil anyway?
We could easily use other, cleaner power from tomorrow on, it's all researched and developed. It's only the greed and corruption of a few who keep selling us that "we need fossile-fuels"-BS!
Jim, I suppose I never really thought about it before, but I've heard the Taliban has a history of executing any and all drug offenses. If this is true, I don't think the drug money goes to them. I don't put it past al Qaeda though and some of the tribal warlords. But, like I said, I'm not all that informed about that issue.
Hi Sarah here is the link and I guess they have been around a while but are now getting out. Kinetic energy
Hi Sarah here is the link and I guess they have been around a while but are now getting out. Kinetic energy
Sarah, Bush was having meetings with the Taliban in Crawford and in the White House, when they finally refused the pipeline 10 days later 9/11 "happened" and Bush attacked them as promised.
Oh yeah Sarah, Here we have a choice on getting the shots but some States have been trying to pass a law that you do. So far I choose not to and will find a way to fight it until it has screwed someone else up as it will.
Robert I wrote about Bush's opium crop many times. The Taliban had it eradicated but now they grow it to pay to kill us! They now produce 100% of the worlds needs.
The drug business is big business, and without doubt, there are senior officials involved....
However, do you know... Jim,... that Britain now supplies her own mainstream health needs (Morphine, dia-morphine, codeine etc.)with thousands of acres of poppy farms.... and indeed, soon they hope to start exporting.
Lansker I didn't know that but I like it. All countries should and put Afghanistan and the rest out of business.
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