You have to read this about Ronald Reagan the Destroyer of Main Street! I have been saying it for years and am finally happy to see someone of repute who is not calling him an American hero. He is the Father of this nightmare we are living and it is just beginning. You better be very concerned they want to return to the ways of Ronald Reagan.
They call themselves the party of Ronald Reagan! That scares the hell out of me because Reagan was the Father of the war mongering high Deficit compassionate Conservatives that gave Birth to much war present and future unless Obama can turn around the disaster they created around the world with their war mongering!
If only because I feel compelled to keep reminding the country of it Reagan also was the leader of the over spending "small Government" "fiscally Conservative" trio Reagan, Daddy Bush, and Bushie, who rang up 74% of our Nations debt choking our children's future while once again they want to blame Democrats for and Obama for worsening as he must in order to try and rescue us from the mess they have created and passionately want to continue!
Allow me a little Debt and Republican "success" history!
It was President Reagan's "success" in keeping us "safe" that made it necessary for us to start the "Debt Clock" as due to Reagan's success our debt was climbing so fast a clock keeping track of its rapidly changing total was a necessity! Due to Bush's "success" last year the Debt clock had to be refitted as it could only handle a $9 trillion figure. it was refitted to handle $10 trillion plus. It is now moving so rapidly it makes your head spin. This article is awesome. Actually it is a book and it backs up 100% everything I keep repeating over the years. The book is a scathing, and well deserved, indictment of that "empty suit" Ronald Reagan, and his ultra-grasping political creed, "Reaganism," which directly led to the "Financial Meltdown of 2008. Reagan was nightmare leader and The President who destroyed main Street America
I frequently listen to Reagan's Republican son Michael Reagan and can't stand him! He is arrogant and I can not stand listening to his cynicism about President Obama and his and the Democrats wanting to destroy everything Ronald Reagan stood for. If that is true we can thank god and look forward to surviving as a viable successful America well into the future! I was very pleased as I once again was awake last night and I turned the TV on to CNN and was listening to D. L. Hughley interview Ronald Reagan Jr. Awesome! A Reagan I agree with!
There is no way on earth to eliminate or make up for the nightmare Ronald started! That said self admittedly Ronald Reagan Jr. said he is the lone voice, the lone Democrat, the voice in the wilderness that is today's America thanks to Reagan and his followers of Reaganism to finish off our version of America, the Bush's! Junior at least speaks with some sense and maybe he can start a groundswell but I know not in the Reagan family. As you can tell, I am no fan of Reagan's so I shied away from the name whenever I heard it mentioned. I had been out of the service a while when I went back in the Army reserves to help supplement my income because I was married with 3 kids working full time 3rd shift while going to school full time. It was the beginning of Reagan's presidency and his war mongering concerned the hell out of me so I got out after one hitch!
It was an absolute pleasure to hear the discussion with his son defending not Reagan and his nightmare policies but stem cell research! Wow! Reagan reiterated that with stem cell research you can turn stem cells into into pancreatic stem cells to make a new pancreas or anything else you need. Reagan mentioned something I found very intriguing and that was that with increased funding with Federal money it may be possible to some day have your very own personal repair kit. Just think about the implications! How the hell can anyone in their right mind be against that?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
he also has 2 other children who do defend him. i found it ironic that nancy sided with him years ago during the bush misadministration. going back to eisenhower and friedman- then moving ahead to nixon- there were the seeds of our destruction right there. reagan didn't have the brains to do more than implement the program he was given. he just did a better job at showing up and hitting his mark than bush 2. but yes, it was the reagan era that started the water rising in the pool and now, we are drowing.
All right Betmo!
We always agree! I can not stand Michael Reagan's idiocy. Ronnie Junior did say he is the lone Democrat. Hell it is a start!
You are right about Reagan. Even though Bush (and Clinton with deregulation) made things worse, he is not the true culprit behind the crisis: that is Reagan.
By dismantling control over financial markets, it was as if the government instructed a wolf to guard a herd of sheep.
By dismantling the government piece by piece, we now see the results: in area after area, the citizens of the U.S. are living on par with second world countries, not first world countries. The U.S. is becoming more like Brazil, Turkey and Mexico every day with respect to health care, income distribution, education and much more.
Interestingly enough, according to the so-called "world values study", which measures values with respect to ethics, religiousity and politics, the U.S. is very close to Turkey, Brazil and other second world countries, and very different from first world countries...
Hi Jacob, Welcome!
Yes, Reagan is the Father of this friggen mess the right calls success. You see the nightmare of Reaganism and they want Obama to fail so they can get it back on track. That will finish us if that happens!
I wish instead of people bragging about him going from actor to President they realized it gave him the talent to lie believably and do one thing while saying another which another bad actor followed up on. Bush!
Reagan was the father of Bush's idiocy. His justification for ignoring Congress and doing what he wanted. I did not like him! Remember Ollie North? Coke to the Contras? Missiles to the Mullah's? American hero my ass!
Personal repair kit? How silly when you can pray instead!
I know, those fools! I'm telling you, it sounds great and with Government money behind any real effort to master something it will happen!
We'll only be a second world country like Turkey and Mexico for a short period of time. We will soon be a third world country.
Sadly it is worse than that! With no manufacturing base we have the economy of a third world Nation!
But look at the bright side, Jim, we're still Number 1........ The biggest Banana Republic in the world. ;)
We are number one all right. I believe we are number one in many categories and none of them good. Being up again last night and watching a myriad of news shows I ma disgusted at an aver growing pile of shit and lies. This is really disgusting. Every fucking body is lying. Every friggen one of them!
Everyone but us, Bro.
Bingo Brother Bingo!
So, did you learn this at your communist party meeting or is this the sort of thing they talk about when your at the local bath house.
John sadly for us it is all documented official undeniable fact. Google it sometime, the truth hurts!
That was real special James you not calling this Brooster nut a very bad name. I would have.
I just don't get into their childish games and wish they would just do their homework and look at the facts and let the chips fall where they may.
The right wing trolls don't care about facts Jim. Apparently they don't care about their being fooled for the last 40 years over the lie of trickle down reaganomics either. No point in fighting with them though as they think their ignorance of facts and reality are a matter of pride to them.
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