Definition of narco-state - WordReference.com Dictionary Military involvement and Governmental corruption Hmm!
Narco-capitalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A thousand dead and rising: Mexico's drug war worsening
Mexico Hasn’t Lost Any Territory to Drug Cartels, Calderon Says Calderon said corrupt US authorities are aiding the drug trade! What?
Obama sees new policy on Mexico border security
US plans to combat Mexico drugs
US police nab guns bound for Mexico
Signed Wed. US legislation will stop Mexican truckers at the border
Mexico's drug war hits home eastern California, southern Arizona and New Mexico are clamping down and National Guard troops are being requested! With 560 kidnapped this year Phoenix has become the kidnap capitol of the US!
You can guard the border from your computer
Mexico's Powerful Drug Cartels May Be Joining Forces With a reported 100,000 foot soldiers many of them trained military soldiers who have deserted to fight on the more lucrative side this is a formidable force! What about the Mexico mafia?
We keep hearing that Mexico's war on drugs is spilling over into the US. Now Congress is meeting about it. We are hearing of National Guard troops being called to help because Mexico's drug war has endangered Border States. Weapons are being purchased from gun dealers around the United States and being smuggled into Mexico to be used by the Drug cartels to fight Mexico's military in fighting Mexico's drug war. I have a few questions for our brain dead Politicians as they are once again in denial!
First I want to say when you work with the US you are taking on a lot of trouble. Anyway if I remember correctly our authorities have bragged for years that they are fighting a war against drugs!
war on drugs the price tag
America's Own 100 Year Failed War on Drugs
We have been fighting a self professed war on Drugs for one hundred years! I wish someone would be able to figure out at what cost. It seems to me that the drug war has spilled over the Border with Mexico. However it went north to south. It is our drug war that has spilled into Mexico. It is us that have made Mexico the narco State it is. I do believe we should at least put American military on the border and do not really understand why it is not. That would go a long way in stopping the problem so I do not understand why they are not on the Border unless it is because a certain political interest still does not want the border secured to enable illegal immigration? Why else? A desire to keep this war going? For gain? of what?
I do believe we can end this! Put our National Guard on the Border in shifts! After I got out of the military I joined the reserves. I do not know how it works today because our troops are flat out. Besides one week end a month we use to be required to do 2 weeks as a unit somewhere to train. With 50 States they could all do their required 2 weeks on the border doing one thing or the other. The other half of the equation:
Legalize marijuana! That would kill much of the incentive for Cartels to be waging a war on drugs. Yes there is cocaine heroine and other drugs but marijuana is America's number one cash crop! That blew me away. According to official Government figures The value of the annual harvest exceeds that of corn, soybeans, or hay, the country's top three legal cash crops with an annual crop value of $35 Billion. There have been an estimated 100 million pot plants destroyed between 1081 and 2006 yet production has still increased 10 fold to 22 million pounds!
Legalize it, secure the border! Just imagine what it would be if it was legalized. Regulate it like alcohol, sell it in package stores! Tax it! Look at the potential revenue. Legalizing marijuana would end a hell of a lot of problems and create exactly zero! Think about it! The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalization? None, none whatsoever!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
No shit Cisco!
I wonder what the man hours gained would be if pot was legal.
As for the % of the drop in violence - I say 50 to 60.
To expect much of a discussion from the ones who have the power to change it is being naive.
Another example why there needs to be Reality in this process.
I am amazed at the figures actually. I was amazed this has been going on for a 100 years, the cost to fight lives aside, the amount grown, cost, lost taxes, etc. Legalizing it would solve shit loads of problems. I always thought it f anything you could regulate it like alcohol!
Hi Brother
What numeral 1 ? One fly commented earlier no problem huh!
A shoot to kill policy should help stop narco traffickers.
Either that or you legalise the damn drugs.
I agree with you 100% I do not understand not having a shoot to kill policy but when all is said and done I do not smoke but I wish they would legalize pot. Just think of the problems that alone would solve. I think you read the stats.
Hope you are enjoying and the work on the house and grounds is going well!
I agree with you 100% I do not understand not having a shoot to kill policy but when all is said and done I do not smoke but I wish they would legalize pot. Just think of the problems that alone would solve. I think you read the stats.
Hope you are enjoying and the work on the house and grounds is going well!
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