From Outrage to the Future: Learning From the AIG Bonuses The American people have not been fooled by AIG we have been fooled by the fools in the Government. What do you think that makes us?
SocGen defends payments from AIG
I refuse to believe that our taxpayer money was taken by AIG and given to European Banks. WTF is wrong with us? They took on bad debt it is up[ to their countries to help them out not us! SocGen was the biggest recipient at $11.9 billion, Deutsche Bank AG received $11.8 billion and the UK's Barclays Plc was paid $8.5 billion. Those are just the ones we know. It is sick when you know the vast majority is hidden from us whose money it is. I do not friggen get it!
AIG's Bailout and the Price of Doing Business
Having no control over our money using the excuse that you have little or no control when you are trying to save a large financial institution then let them fail or they play our game. We do not play theirs!
This really pisses me off! The Government has given away trillions of our dollars we do not even own most of which seems to have been pocketed and abused. Now they are going to tighten up finance laws because of the backlash? It is about friggen time but it sickens me that our Government while taking our money claims to be powerless to stop it from being absconded to enrich the guilty! If we do not have the power to control what they do with our money then put a damn to the flow until we do!
AIG is using the excuse of "prior" contractual obligations to justify paying obscene bonuses to the executives responsible for allowing the company to fail to the tune of $165 million to as high as $450 million! They sank the friggen company how key can those executives be? Hell the best thing would be to let them go to the competition then they can do for them what they did for AIG! So called leaders in the White House are venting their anger at AIG but is that anger real? If so just say no, It is our money! I am sick of us playing the fool.They and everyone else will have their hand out again!
3,500 hundred bonuses amounting to I hear as high as $450 million is sick! Valuable employees? prior negotiations before they tanked? Prior contracts? BS! Contracts are made to be broken break them and now if your concern is genuine! I am as I'm sure you are, sick of the sorry excuses. If you had financial problems you would tighten your belt curb your spending not continue spending like a drunken sailor!
* Remember I talk often about the total lie we are living today? This is another small part of the total lie we are living today! Remember! Those obscene bonuses were "supposedly" promised when McCain and Bush were going around daily playing up the economy! saying the economy was strong. Sounds like a plan to me. Think about it!
The Jon Stewart ass chewing of analyst Jim Cramer was more than well deserved and at this point legendary but I doubt if that lying enabling mouth piece will suffer any for what he did like the rest of the guilty! I can see that ass now screaming like an idiotic banshee saying if I was you I would buy Bear Stearns, the fundamentals are strong! Meanwhile Greenspan was setting this entire up that is just starting. We were set up! Or should I say you were because I am okay and have been warning for years now!
I keep hearing the McCain Obama statement about the economy being sound as being one and the same. During the campaign for President the idiot McCain stupidly said the Fundamentals of the economy were sound. We all knew they were not! McCain showed he was brain dead and simply wanted to continue the lie we were living under Bush! Obama's exact words were "If we are keeping focused on all the fundamentally sound aspects of our economy, all the outstanding companies, workers, all the innovation, and dynamism in this country, then we’re going to get through this.”
* It is being made an issue on all the news station making something out of nothing so they can get an audience. Obama is being called a hypocrite now that he is President saying the exact same thing he accurately criticized McCain for. Look at the words people! He did not say The Fundamentals of the economy were sound. He said we are keeping focused on all the fundamentally sound aspects of our economy, all the outstanding companies, workers, all the innovation, and dynamism in this country, then we’re going to get through this. Sound Aspects, aspects, aspects!
In closing I want to say if our so called leaders really want to help the situation with AIG and the economy let it go! Let it sink! Chop it up into little pieces! Let them compete with each other and not feast on us and our wallets. If they are the best and the brightest their little companies will flourish and they will grow once again. That would be good for the economy. Superb actually! What do you think!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I keep reading in our news papers about the bankers who have made a hash of things but still get those huge bonuses and pensions, whilst the ordinary man in the workforce is now struggling to make ends meet. There is just no justice.
Sorry I haven't been here for such a long time but we had computer problems (not this one but the one I write MD on) and we have to manually rewrite episodes already written on David's computer. My fault as my computer is so ancient, it had to break down but funnily enough it was the printer that gave up the ghost.
So ... I'm downstairs sitting by the screen with the telephone in my hand, dictating David upstairs with his telephone in his hand all the episodes we now have to get on his computer for printing off.
Hi Monique
Sorry you are having computer problems. I hope it isn't too bad. They give me a lot of angst!
It makes me sick that the little guy always takes it in the chin!
The people and supposedly now Obama and Congress are up in arms. Right now Congress plans on taxing A.I.G's Bonuses at 90% To me they should be paying fines. Hari Kari would work too!
What gets me is they say we bail them out or the economy will collapse!
If you ask me, giving them billions we don't have IS economic collapse.
Corporatocracy equals kleptocracy.
Hi Dave
Once again we have been lied to from beginning to end and from all sides and everyone from what I can see.
The crap never stops! Bush knew about the bonuses in 2008 and did not pass it on to Obama so screw them ass holes.
Obama knew about it for two weeks so should have said something immediately. It would have gained a lot of converts and avoided all this crap!
I want to say if our so called leaders really want to help the situation with AIG and the economy let it go! Let it sink! Chop it up into little pieces!
Let them compete with each other and not feast on us and our wallets. If they are the best and the brightest their little companies will flourish and they will grow once again.
That would be good for the economy. Superb actually! What do you think!
It makes me sick that the little guy always takes it in the chin!
The people and supposedly now Obama and Congress are up in arms. Right now Congress plans on taxing A.I.G's Bonuses at 90% To me they should be paying fines. Hari Kari suggested by Grassley would work too!
Obama has literally, hundreds of people researching for him. Believe me, Jim, Obama KNEW about the bonus BS last year. He's a consumate con man; big smile and a lot of rhetoric. Tell the people what they want to hear, and continue picking their pockets. Tell me something signifigant he's done since being elected. Even crap like Gitmo and the Stimulus are nothing more than smoke and mirrors.
Obama is either as corrupt as the rest of them, or he's cowardly. One is as bad as the other.
He is a smart talker but I am beginning to think he in many ways is corruptive and a liar which seems to be a prerequisite to be a Politician period. This crap just has to stop and now. These children better grow up!
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