I have been hear criticism that Obama ran on ending Iraq and that he has not done enough on that and I agree and he did not even mention it in his address. The wars are important to those of us with family and friends over there fighting and dying. Rebuilding the economy however is job one for Obama and I am afraid I have to agree as, if we totally collapse we are really screwed. Just think about it!
Obama's address was a picture of total confidence and control. A welcome change to the catastrophic train wreck that was George W. I loved it when the CNN reporter Ed Henry thought he was going to be a smart ass and goadingly asked President Obama a stupid question on A.I.G. He set himself up, this is Obama not Bush the idiot! He was stupid enough to ask why it took 2 days to come out and talk about the A.I.G. bonuses. Obama's answer was great and what I would have said myself. He said because I like to know what I am talking about first.
I love it! A president who not only knows the English language but he can think and talk. He is capable and does what I taught all my sons from day one and that is "engage brain before opening mouth" I loved it! All the other reporters laughed and I clapped for Obama. That idiot sat down and shut up. I thought the questioning was great but of course his detractors said the questions were suspiciously soft ball. I venture to say after seeing that from the outset Obama had set the tone for the rest of the questioning and the rest of the report's did "engage brain before opening mouth" Obama is no pushover!
Honesty and leadership I love it! Obama's philosophy of persistence is what got me through College which I was attending full time days while raising the kids working full time 3rd shift and in the Army Reserves. Engage brain before opening mouth, no cover ups, honesty, and frankness not obvious blatant lies. After 8 years of clandestine underhanded Dictatorship this is a breath of fresh air I tell you. A revolution!
This was interesting and no coincidence but Obama took only one question from a main stream newspaper! It is the floundering newspaper industry's own fault. Instead he goes to Bloggers and what was once considered secondary sources to get the unbiased unblemished truth out. Main stream media seems to no longer be capable of that as illustrated by the CNN reporter. This is Revolutionary I tell you!
I know the criticism and I have some myself that Obama in many instances is disappointing and not the change he ran on but in many instances he is exactly that! He was in control and damn smart as to who he asked what. I thought it was masterful! Ebony Magazine asked the race question as to how Obama felt in this situation as the first Black President. He aid their was justifiable pride during the inauguration but he only feels he is the President and it is time to fix the mess it took Bush 8 years to make and it was not going to happen over night!
He said despite his critics we must increase spending in order to cut costs and save in the long run. I happen to agree! Knowing that recession's and depressions are brought to an end with increased spending due to war as McCain had planned to do. I would much rather see Obama do it in Peace and not just because three of my four sons are in this. Greenspan destroyed this economy for Bush and it took time. Obama will fix it if given the chance but it will not be done over night.
Pardon the spelling but Mexico's Univisione asked of course what President Obama was going to do about the increasing violence in Mexico and its spilling over into the US. He said he was backing Mexico's President and sending money and supplies and that some Border States are using the National Guard to guard their border but he as of yet had no plans to militarize the border.
Stars and Stripes was picked for a question and being the military paper it asked about the increasing number of military homelessness and helping the increasing cases of PTSD. Both of course of which he addressed very well and positive in caring for those defending our country as Bush said he would and never did. I am hoping for action this time.
Only one MSM was picked on to ask a question and in response he said education which fell apart under Bush and finding alternative energy sources were essential to rebuilding our economy and of course I agree 100%. In the past he was criticized for being too doom and gloom. Of late he has been criticized for going on talk shows and making light of our situation but as was right he was somber direct matter of fact and concise. Man the times they are a changing in many regards. With only one question asked by MSM Obama recognizes the necessity to circumvent the Biased Main stream Media as they ask biased questions with blemished reporting. Like Republicans their ear and voice is needed but we can no longer afford to be controlled by their destructive complicit lies!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I just found your blog and your articles are very interesting!
Mind you, perhaps you might even find some of my political blog-entries of interest:
and last not least, here is something about a completely different type of corruption, which I personally would like everybody to know about, so they don't fall into the same trap:
greetings from Scandinavia, Sarah Sofia
Hi Sarah from Scandinavia!
Welcome! As soon as I get myself situated you will see me! By the way Thanks!
In a strange twist of fate, it may well take the collapse of this country to end the Iraq war. As painful as that sounds it will save many American and Middle-Eastern lives.
As an alternative, we could end the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, bring home our military, and station them on the border. This would kill a whole flock of birds with one stone. It would secure the border and provide much-needed revenue to the areas. In addition, when the soldiers got their leave, they would easily get to go home to their families. Just the savings in fuel costs alone, would be astronomical.
As for the 'taking time to straighten out this mess', see my post for today.
You keep staying optimistic, Jim, somebody has to win the lottery. ;)
You know Brother before I even started this I said we better pull our military home because they will be needed right here and they can fight from here.
I am listening to so much crap right now on the news on how screwed up things are getting and people threatening AIG and saying the revolution is here that it is blowing my mind. I knew this was coming years ago but it is moving fast now.
There is a lot going on here today but I will be by eventually. Take care!
You know Brother before I even started this I said we better pull our military home because they will be needed right here and they can fight from here.
I am listening to so much crap right now on the news on how screwed up things are getting and people threatening AIG and saying the revolution is here that it is blowing my mind. I knew this was coming years ago but it is moving fast now.
There is a lot going on here today but I will be by eventually. Take care!
I really admired Obama for his press conference he did a fine job.
I differ with you on your opinion that wars build economies. All the evidence I've seen is that economies improve after wars are over. Even that old rascal Sun Tzu made the argument that wars will bankrupt a nation.
Now in the USA, WWWII did influence our economy, as after the war, we had idle factory capacity and a well trained workforce. We were set and ready to become a first tier industrial nation.
So from that perspective, I believe that increased borrowing and spending will cause further harm to our economy.
And did you catch the part where Obama explained that in order for his plan to work, we need 2.6% GDP growth? Considering that the US government is 50% of our GDP and growing, the does that mean that the private sector needs to see 5.25% GDP growth.
I worry that there's a lot of funny numbers being juggled around in his plan.
If we got our of Iraq and Afghanistan soon, while dramatically scaling back our military expenditures, we'd see an improved economy from the peace dividend.
How low can they go? Grrr....
Army vet billed $3,000 for war wounds
You are right in both examples! To the victor goes the spoils! War does bankrupt a Nation but the victor is set to benefit as you point out!
Bush manipulated the books and Obama I am sure is finagling them too. I do not like what I am seeing, we are degenerating rapidly now.
That pisses me off about that veteran it is a final insult a slap in the face. I have seen examples like that and worse but it still happens. This friggen sucks!
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