Nobel peace Prize sweet revenge but can we get Gore to run and save us and the world? He should be Beholden to finish what he started!
I just had my cast removed now my arm is killing me and I'm glad I saved those pain killers. The healing begins! I wanted to discuss Al Gore running but I blew it away and this is more than I thought so I will leave you with the ad and give me your thoughts. I hope to be able to write more tomorrow.
For the past year, Al Gore has gone about his considerable business without showing much interest in running for president. While picking up an Oscar and an Emmy, publishing a very smart book and playing host at a global concert for the planet, he's never done more than tease the idea. And yet all that time, the leaders of the Draft Gore movement have been clinging to a single fervid dream: that Gore would win the Nobel Peace Prize and use it to catapult himself to an eleventh-hour bid for the presidency.
Now the Nobel Committee has done its part, awarding Gore the Peace Prize for being "probably the single individual who has done most to create greater worldwide understanding of the measures that need to be adopted" to combat climate change, according to his citation. (The United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was also a joint winner of the prize.) And so, after the obligatory spasms of celebration and the equally obligatory gnashing of Rush Limbaugh's teeth, will Americans finally get to enjoy one of the great spectacles in political history, as Gore's ultimate honor levitates him beyond his leading rival, Hillary Clinton, and into the Oval Office?
We at draft Gore.com ran a full page ad Wednesday. I am banking on it working. We need Al at the helm to clean up America and the world after Bush Please look at The PDF
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
This is a test to see if I have done the signin acct right. If so, thanks Jim for your help.
CNN has a story that Gore thinks the HRC machine is unbeatable and won't enter. It's CNN, so now sweat yet, but it does cause a slow leak in my Hope balloon.
Except that my real name shows instead of 'mirth'.
No biggie, but I'll try to change it.
One more test:
Apologies for using your thread as a testing ground.
Hey Elizabeth
Whatever the test. It worked. I am really going to be bummed out if Al doesn't run. Now is his time. He is the only one that can clean this mess up. He has to run.
Whatever a siging account is you have it!
Go with your name. I don't understand people hidingbehind aliases. Good job!
use away Elizabeth Mirth. At least someone is talking. I didn't get any comments yesterday and I had my cast off now my arm is killing me and I am trying to heal my arm so I am going slow. I am amazed you get this screwed up! Take care!
I just had to create a new google acct so I could comment here.
Mirth isn't so much an alias as it's the name people have come to identify with me. If I don't continue to use it, I might say something profound as Elizabeth and not get the credit for it. ;-)
The CNN story that an unnamed source sez Gore won't run because he doesn't think the HRC machine can be beat...bullshit. All week we have been reading that the Dem "leadership" is dumbfounded by a fractured and rebelling Dem base. I will bet $ that this source is James Carvelle. Whatevah, I won't stop hoping until Gore himself says no.
Oops, forgot to ask:
Why was your arm in a cast?
I don't think Al will run. He has so much more to accomplish that a Presidential run will deter and detract him from what he loves to do and that is working on the Global Warming issue.
What I believe we need is a third party candidate like Kucinch\Paul or Paul\Kucinch. It really don't matter who the President or Vice President is with them.
They will give us our Constitution and our country back and whomever gets the Vice Presidency will get the Presidency when the Presidential term for the winner is over.
I'm glad Al won the Nobel Peace Award as he truly deserves it. Now let us work on getting a true American elected to the highest office in America's Country.
Hope your arm starts hurting you less and take it easy with the pills.
God Bless.
Oh yeah Mirth. I remember you saying you had to open up a google account. Then I guess you have had success.
You and enigma, I understand the use of Acronyms. I am just a first name kind of guy as it is more personable. My own thing I guess!
Glad I can hear from you now!
Elizabeth Mirth! Thats's funny. Please excuse me having fun, thats me even in the worst of times.
Now, the cast! Yes I shattered and dislocated my wrist. I have mostly been talking to enigma about it as she understands and is a kind heart.
Anyway. I have been typing using only my middle finger on my right hand and I thought this hurt before.
Now that the cast is off, it was from fingers to armpit, the real pain and work begins. I knew I shattered it good but I did not realize how bad until the Dr. started talking about it and how surprised he was that it healed so well.
Anyway now I have to try to get my right arm back. He is giving me 10 days to see if I can do this then I will go see him and he will tell me if I need a therapist.
So I have something to work for. I want to be able to hold my wrist and arm in a push up position then I will work on putting pressure on my arm and doing one. This pain is absolutely amazing to me but I will get this. Anyway this swelling and stiffness he called cast disease. I call it a pain in the ass, Ha!
Glad to hear from you, I think you are right but like you I don't even see elections happening let alne Paul. I really don't see Al running either but we have to keep trying as to me and others he is the only one capable of cleaning up after the idiot if we even have the chance.
Anyway I won't touch those vicodin again they mess up my head and do nothing for the pain. After the atrophe of a cast now the real pain starts but I'll beat this without a therapist. Take care and stay in touch!
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