Yesterday we talked about the race to war and looking at Atlanta and around the world I have to ask what the hell is wrong with the world? We are already in the fight of our lives! Water wars and the environment!
Yesterday I wrote about the world allying themselves against Bush and the Forever Wars he started in Iraq and threatens to spread throughout the entire middle east before it encompasses the entire world. last night I dwelled on the terrible prospect of running out of water and the prospect of water wars after thinking of Atlanta facing the prospect of running dry in 45 days with no rain in sight and 9 million people. This is one city! This is happening around Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North and South Carolina, as well as throughout the middle east, and the Great Lakes, while floods and horrific storms cover Texas and much of the rest of the country.
This morning I was thinking about that while replying to comments I received after I got off line last night. Many are concerned as to what the future will bring to us and the world. Noting the world is racing to another world war and knowing our weapons are too powerful for man or the planet to survive it and the fact that the environment is turning on us and much of the world is running out of water, fresh water I first wondered why Areas such as Georgia and many of the areas around the ocean and world do not turn to desalinization as this problem did not crop up over night.
I then decided to Goggle water wars as I know there are many problems developing daily around the world as countries harness water sources running through their land and was horrified at what I was finding. There were 136,000 stories encompassing water wars around the world. Let alone within ones own boundaries.
What the hell is wrong with the world? We are already at war! We are already in the fight of our lives, why are we racing to end them? The Washington Post had a good article. Global warming will intensify drought, and it will intensify floods: As the air gets warmer, there will be more water in the atmosphere. That’s settled science. Where the atmosphere is configured to have high pressure and droughts, global warming will mean long, dry periods. Where the atmosphere is configured to be wet, you will get more rain, more gully washers.”
The droughts will be especially bad. How bad? Richard Seager, a senior researcher at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, looked at 19 computer models of the future under current global warming trends. He found remarkable consistency: Sometime before 2050, the models predicted, the Southwest will be gripped in a dry spell akin to the Great Dust Bowl drought that lasted through most of the 1930s.
Droughts and water shortages already been driving conflict around the globe: The potential for conflict is more than theoretical. Turkey, Syria and Iraq bristle over the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt trade threats over the Nile. The United Nations has said water scarcity is behind the bloody wars in Sudan’s Darfur region. In Somalia, drought has spawned warlords and armies. Already, the World Health Organization says, 1 billion people lack access to potable water. In northern China, retreating glaciers and shrinking wetlands that feed the Yangtze River prompted researchers to warn that water supplies for hundreds of millions of people may be at risk. Water wars will worsen
Water has emerged as a key issue that could determine if Asia is headed toward cooperation or competition. No country would influence that direction more than China, which controls the Tibetan plateau, the source of most major rivers of Asia. Tibet's vast glaciers and high altitude have endowed it with the world's greatest river systems. Its rivers are a lifeline to the world's two most-populous states - China and India - as well as to Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. These countries make up 47 percent of the global population.
Yet Asia is a water-deficient continent. Although home to more than half of the human population, Asia has less fresh water - 3,920 cubic meters per person - than any continent other than the Antarctica and China is taking it. The looming struggle over water resources in Asia has been underscored by the spread of irrigated farming, water-intensive industries and a growing middle class that wants high water-consuming comforts like washing machines and dishwashers. Household water consumption in Asia is rising rapidly, although several major economies there are acutely water-stressed.
The specter of water wars in Asia is also being highlighted by climate change and environmental degradation in the form of shrinking forests and swamps that foster a cycle of chronic flooding and droughts. The Himalayan snow melt that feeds Asia's great rivers could be accelerated by global warming. Man am I naive! Yesterday I couldn't understand China's wanting to control Tibet, the Himalaya's, and the Dali Lama, today I know. Asia's water wars
This is a crisis that will only worsen every day around the world . Tens of millions of Americans have or are migrating to the southern and western states where there are many areas of chronic water shortages (duh). Now Governor Bill Richardson has fired the first shot, suggesting a national water policy, which is shorthand for stealing water from the Great Lakes. Rustbelters are outraged, some suggesting we sell Richardson water at $80.00 a barrel.
Vegas, probably the fastest growing area in the country, is sucking as much from the Colorado as it can, and will still have major shortages, perhaps within months. The Great Lakes are in a low cycle and any diversion would probably be an ecological disaster. I was looking at the links that follow and the Great lakes are being fought over as we speak and America is already experiencing water wars as well as much of the world. Please look at the overwhelming amount of stories on The worlds water wars
The world is already at war with our shrinking changing environment. A war we are bound to lose. I cannot comprehend the world racing to another world war that will only serve to seal all of their demise even sooner. What is wrong with us?
it is apropos that the google ad above this post- at the moment- goes like this:
'warming is not a crisis! gore won't debate. learn the truth about co2.'
i keep asking myself the same question. surely the short term sacrifices made are worth the long term advantages of sustaining life on the planet. or so i keep telling myself. i guess most folks firmly believe that things have a way of working themselves out if left to others to do. it's sad really.
Hey betmo
That's funny! Those idiots sicken me. I refuse to believe they can deny this. It is worse than I thought. It makes a lot of what is happening around the world now, sense. Especially with Asia, China and most recently Tibet and the Dalai Lama. This is getting deeper!
well...this is a cheery post...wow...this would drive any of us to drink wouldn't it ? oh my...and I sometimes think that "An Inconvenient Truth" , should maybe have been called " Dangerous Truth"...it is beyond inconvenient at this point...
I am so glad that you mentioned the water issue...it is critical....
I wish there was more that we could do day to day....
I am so sorry that this world is in such shambles....
The game is on and I was just going to write you but first yeah it might drive you to drink and i do have to recalll but even Al is a bit behind reality and I have tried to wake even him up to reality over the last thirty years. It is quiockly going to hit us all in the face and I am pissed!
enigma Yukilouas just hit a homer I really wish you luck and fun! Best of luck as I know you care and I do not. My concern is for the country!
Here is a film of truth:
Meeting Resistance
We will lose Georgia in 45 days if they don't get any rain. That's how long they have left of drinking water and if looting breaks out to get water we have a ready made crisis for Martial Law.
Just what we need huh?
Anyway I want to apologize for going off topic here. I found this on another site and felt I should leave it on most of the sites I link to. I hope you don't mind.
As your aware I have been saying for some time now that I don't believe there will be elections in 2008.
While many say we will get a change we so desperately need after the elections no one wants to admit that there may not be any. So this is something I think everyone should see and hear.
You will hear what I have been saying only this is from a Democrat speaking, but in context of something else. So please check this out when you get time.
Here's the reason the Democrats won't impeach Der Fuhrer Bush or the Dark Lord Dick {Heinrich Himmler} Cheney.
Watch this short YouTube of Ralph Nader explaining why.
No Impeachment.
We really don't have an opposition party.
God Bless.
I will keep an eye out for that. The information on the film is very limiter but I already know why they are fighting and how far they will go.
They are fighting for the same reason you and I would be and like us will go as far ass they have to in order to get out from underneath the yoke.
Instead of paying attention to the obvious consequences and warnings to get off their land the idiot attacks and occupies them. As you know, this will quickly come to its horrible head and the chief idiot is happy as a pig in shit. I am pissed!
By the way, that isn't by any chance a blunt those guys are rolling is it?
What you said can be the only reason nothing has been said or done about Atlanta and it isn't alone. It is obvious what is going to happen. This is getting ready to go off not just around the world and in the middle east but right here.
Like you, you know I believe there will be martial law and no elections and it is coming very soon. I was stunned when I did the research for this at the level of environmental and water wars around the world and the idiotic world leaders are preparing to go down the road of an unsurvivable world war and bringing about the End Of Days can be the only reason and obvious outcome.
I will look at the link now so thanks Bud!
You know, it really pisses me off because Olver is my Congressman and I have told him just that many times. On top of what I wrote in this story we are all in serious trouble. Let us stay together!
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