This will be the result of Bush's mess minus the massive immigration he has loosed!

With help from Iran, Saudi Arabia and now actively, Turkey, Bush's middle east breakdown commencing in Iraq, the spread and results should now be obvious!
You know, I have written many times about how Bush ignored all warnings as to what would happen to Iraq and the middle east if he attacked Iraq. As you know, he attacked Iraq to get our military back into the middle east and everything he ignored is now coming true and a lot worse. We all knew ahead of time that countries around Iraq would take an active role in seeing their own interests served and that is exactly what is happening.
I expect you have looked at it before but look at the map. It is too much to think that even with the ignorance and audacity of Bush that this would turn out any different than it is. He had to realize what the end result of his attack would be and he did not care. Getting our military back into the middle east so he could begin to implement his new middle east order was his only concern. as he has shown, he really has no concern for the people, Religion, or Democracy. He has perverted Democracy and Christianity while sacrificing the people of the middle east to create his new middle east order.
We have said numerous times that the civil war he created in Iraq would spread throughout the entire middle east and it is in ways most do not realize. it is obvious and expected that Iran, Saudi Arabia, and turkey, would get involved and try to further their own interests as they are. We knew Iran was trying to further its own interest and the interest of the Shiite and Saudi Arabia was actively supporting the interests of the Sunni in Iraq but now we have Turkey that has now taken an active military role in the breakdown.
Turkey started forays into the Kurdish area of Iraq in 1991 under cover of the American no fly zone. With half of the worlds 12 million Kurd's living in Turkey the Kurdistan Workers Party (ppk) has killed an estimated 30,000 Turks as they endeavor to make a separate autonomous Kurdish homeland. That was all our fault to start with and before Bush attacked he ignored the warnings that Turkey would attack the Kurdish area and attempt to annex it. That too is now a reality.
Turkey is now shelling suspected Kurdish rebel camps across the border in northern Iraq, a newspaper reported Wednesday, but the government appeared unlikely to move toward sending ground troops until next week. A member of the governing Justice and Development Party said a request for parliamentary approval for a cross-border ground offensive was unlikely to come to the floor before the end of a four-day religious holiday on Sunday. He asked not to be named because he was not authorized to speak to reporters.
You know, I have written many times about how Bush ignored all warnings as to what would happen to Iraq and the middle east if he attacked Iraq. As you know, he attacked Iraq to get our military back into the middle east and everything he ignored is now coming true and a lot worse. We all knew ahead of time that countries around Iraq would take an active role in seeing their own interests served and that is exactly what is happening.
I expect you have looked at it before but look at the map. It is too much to think that even with the ignorance and audacity of Bush that this would turn out any different than it is. He had to realize what the end result of his attack would be and he did not care. Getting our military back into the middle east so he could begin to implement his new middle east order was his only concern. as he has shown, he really has no concern for the people, Religion, or Democracy. He has perverted Democracy and Christianity while sacrificing the people of the middle east to create his new middle east order.
We have said numerous times that the civil war he created in Iraq would spread throughout the entire middle east and it is in ways most do not realize. it is obvious and expected that Iran, Saudi Arabia, and turkey, would get involved and try to further their own interests as they are. We knew Iran was trying to further its own interest and the interest of the Shiite and Saudi Arabia was actively supporting the interests of the Sunni in Iraq but now we have Turkey that has now taken an active military role in the breakdown.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters that preparations for the parliamentary authorization were under way but he did not say when a motion could reach the floor.A large-scale military incursion would disrupt one of the few relatively peaceful areas of Iraq and jeopardize Turkey's ties with the United States, which has urged Ankara not to take unilateral steps.The Turkish military launched a major offensive on its side of the border this week in response to more than a week of deadly attacks in southeastern Turkey by the Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK.
Turkish troops targeting the guerrillas' suspected escape routes in mountainous areas in Sirnak province have "squeezed" a group of about 80 rebels on Mt. Gabar, in Sirnak, the Hurriyet newspaper reported. Escape routes were being bombed by helicopter gunships while transport helicopters were airlifting special commando units to strategic points. turkey moving into Iraq
This should come as no surprise an anyone and once Turkey is in there militarily they will not be leaving. This is not the worst part. Again I ask you to look at the big Picture! We now have the scenario we have discussed often and mapped last week all set up but that is not the worst of it. In the middle of all this we have Bush promising to keep us in the middle of this middle east breakdown permanently so he can attack Iran and implement his new middle east order by setting up a Korea style force. This is still not the worst of it! With the promise of Iraq breaking into 3 separate regions, worse to be gobbled up by surrounding countries and Bush's promise to stay there permanently and his desire to attack Iran, you have to see the horrible result we talked about yesterday and it is looking worse by the day.
Right now there is an estimated 4.2 million Iraqis alone that have been driven from their homes. But experts say assistance from the United States and other Western nations is only a tiny fraction of what may be needed to stabilize the biggest Middle East refugee crisis since 1948. This is just the beginning of a crisis that will encompass the entire middle east thanks to Bush and will dwarf 1948. Host countries in the region, particularly Jordan and Syria, have been overwhelmed by more than 2 million refugees and could need billions of dollars in aid to cope with the social and economic strains.
Countries are now closing their borders forced to turn their backs on Bush's immigrants and with a promise of a permanent US presence in the middle east, the still developing immigrant crisis around Israel, Bush's desire to attack Iran and dwarf the current situation, the world better start realizing what the future will be at best. Bush talks about Darfur while he has purposely created a worse situation in the middle east and Bush and Ahmadinejad do their best everyday to spread this to Iran then the entire middle east.
This will only end one way as has been the plan all along. The chief idiot would prefer Iran to lay down but he will fight if he must and nothing like sense is going to deter him. The entire middle east will be embroiled! Bush has created what promises to be a permanent, monstrous, middle east if not worldwide Global immigration population in his new world order Forever War. 4.2 million and Bush promises to dwarf that. You are not stupid. Minus even world war, you know what that means. We are all in trouble!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Gardner Ma
Don't be naive!
Things in that side of the world are complex Jim!
Check this out Jim:
57 Killed, 120 Wounded
Turks Authorize Iraq Incursion
Guerrilla violence left at least 57 dead in Iraq on Tuesday, with 22 killed in two truck bombings in the northern
refinery city of Baiji. The violence left nearly 120 wounded. (The attacks in Baiji appear to have targeted a tribal sheikh allied with the US.) Guerrillas set off three major bombs in Baghdad. A private security firm based in Kuwait killed two women in a car, which apparently did not slow down as they had ordered. In the northern big city of Mosul, gunmen assassinated the deputy chief of police.
Gunmen kidnapped the director of Basra International Airport in south Iraq. The British are drawing down their troops in Basra on the grounds that it is now secure.
The Institute for War and Peace Reporting recently posted a report on journalists in Basra living in an atmosphere of fear:
' "The red lines that no media outlet in Basra dares to cross include writing stories about militias, administrative and financial corruption by officials and the interference of some parties in government affairs," said a local reporter who preferred no to be named. Iran is also another red line. No one dares to write directly about what Iran does in Basra." '
After Kurdish guerrillas killed over a dozen Turkish troops, Turkey's prime minister authorized a military strike against suspected guerrilla strongholds in Iraqi Kurdistan on Friday.
The US State Department immediately asked Turkey to reconsider using force in this way. Turkey's leaders are already annoyed with the US over the looming Congressional resolution condemning Turkey for the Armenian genocide of 1915, and some politicians are suggesting that Incirlik Air Force Base could be closed to the US if the resolution passes. The base is now a major route for getting supplies to the US military in Iraq. The Armenian Lobby is behind the congressional vote and is being opposed by the Turkey Lobby.
Time asks if the US has abandoned Shiite south Iraq, and answers "yes."
The incredible shrinking "Coalition" in Iraq.
At the Napoleon's Egypt blog: an officer complains of having been dragooned into Bonaparte's effort without even knowing that he was headed for Egypt. He says of that country's tribal leaders: "As soon as we were put on shore we began to fight against certain nations, known by the name of Bedouins: nations of the most barbarous kind. At first they made no prisoners. When General Bonaparte saw this, he sent them a Manifesto in their own language, informing them, that if they put their prisoners to death, he should be obliged to retaliate. Notwithstanding this, they have not altered their conduct."
Labels: Iraq
KPFK: Threats to Academic Freedom
A podcast from KPFK on the threats to academic freedom emanating from the Israel lobby, including comments from Laurie Brand (chair of the Committee on Academic Freedom at the Middle East Studies Association); and a firsthand account of what happened to Desmond Tutu at the University of St. Thomas.
87 members of House pledge not to fund war. TPM notes that 87 members of the House “have now added their names to a letter to the President pledging not to vote for any more funding for the war and only to vote for supplementals that fully fund withdrawal.” In July, 70 House members signed onto a similar letter. “Now more than 15 new members have added their names to the letter…another significant step forward.” The letter reads:
Dear Mr. President:
Seventy House Members wrote in July to inform you that they will only support appropriating additional funds for U.S. military operations in Iraq during Fiscal Year 2008 and beyond for the protection and safe redeployment of our troops out of Iraq before you leave office.
Now you are requesting an additional $45 billion to sustain your escalation of U.S. military operations in Iraq through next April, on top of the $145 billion you requested for military operations during FY08 in Iraq and Afghanistan. Accordingly, even more of us are writing anew to underscore our opposition to appropriating any additional funds for U.S. military operations in Iraq other than a time-bound, safe redeployment as stipulated above.
Pelosi will stop this.
Here's my offering of the day a very absent argument from the general discussions!
Very complex to say the least. What I want to point out is the horror Bush has set in motion for the entire middle east and you saying that points out that people still do not get it.
It is so complex! Turkey will put their tanks in Iraq and they will not leave. The partitioning Bush ignored and has set in motion has begun.
The Genoicde resolution will pass in Congress and the rift between Turkey and us will widen.
Those two women who were killed were killed accidently by Australian security who at least apologized but this entire mess Bush has started purposely is spreading throughout the entire middle east as expected and it will engulf the entire world.
I haven't figured out what I am going to talk about today but jimmy Carter and others have certainly made the day interesting.
I certainly wish Congress success but distrusting the chief idiot entirely I have to wonder what underhanded tactic the dink is going to employ to stop them? Did you see the Marines want to pull out of Iraq and redeploy in Afghanistan leaving the Army in Iraq for now? That makes sense to me!
I have to tell you, the subject in that article is not talked about because that was the original expected scenario. Our forces went in ready fo that scenario and were surprised when it didn't happen.
As the article points out, the end results would be the same. You know I believe the hell on earth Bush created for Iraq will encompass the entire middle east as planned then spread through the entire world in Bush's new order Forever War!
I haven't had a chance to visit yoyur blog recently. Well what you write goes along the same line as my recent posting, the breakdown of Iraq and the ME. However, I think you are focusing too much on Bush, not that I don't blame the guy but he is kindly assuming the position of the chief of the criminal gang that is vandalising the ME.
Keep writing. I promise I will return more often.
Hi Sophia
The focus should be on the still just unfolding horror developing in the middle east.
I focus on Bush because he is the Decider and has facilitated all of this with his new order Frever War!
That is not to imply that he is the designer of all this. He is merely the facilitator that was elected to cheerlead the agenda through. I really would like to know who is behind this but we will never know though I have heardmany theories including secret financiers and societies etc.
I have written a manifesto to the world I would love to have you read and hear your thoughts on.
Sophia I have to go look at your profile again but you are pretty smart and you get it. I find that the vast majority does not!
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