Yesterday we said the Revolutionary Guard, CIA, US Military, all were declared terrorist Organizations, Iran bought more time to prepare as Bush and Ahmadinejad's war comes closer and wondered what the trigger and excuse for war would be?
First I hate to say it but I have to agree with Ahmadinejad's recent statement blaming the US for 9/11 and saying we have mismanaged the war. Mismanagement is Bush's calling card! As we have been saying it seems for years now, Bush and Ahmadinejad's war will happen. Everything is now set in the US and Iran and as expected it looks to be this fall or as son as either side can find the excuse to instigate it!
First I hate to say it but I have to agree with Ahmadinejad's recent statement blaming the US for 9/11 and saying we have mismanaged the war. Mismanagement is Bush's calling card! As we have been saying it seems for years now, Bush and Ahmadinejad's war will happen. Everything is now set in the US and Iran and as expected it looks to be this fall or as son as either side can find the excuse to instigate it!
We now have the Revolutionary Guard which is of course a part of Iran declared terrorist's and the CIA and the US Army now declared by Iran as being Terrorists.The Iranian parliament on Saturday voted to designate the United States' Central Intelligence Agency and the U.S. Army as terrorist organizations, IRNA, the country's state-run news agency, reported.
The CIA and the U.S. Army "trained terrorists and supported terrorism, and they themselves are terrorists," the parliament said, according to IRNA. The Iranian parliament said the condemnation was based on "known and accepted" standards of terrorism from international regulations, including the U.N. charter. The parliament said it condemns the "aggressions by the U.S. Army, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan" and calls on the United Nations to "intervene in the global problem of U.S. prisons in Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and secret jails in other countries," IRNA reported, quoting a statement from Iranian lawmakers. That is as far as any semblance of logic went and as they went beyond reason you can read the rest that goes back to WW2 at The link
We know conversely that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Ahmadinejad, Iran, whoever, is training and arming so called terrorists in Iraq. So My question yesterday was, knowing that Iran is A Ticking Time bomb what is going to happen next?
Iran will not stop enriching Uranium and has been clandestinely arming themselves as much as possible to defend against what appears to most of us as an imminent attack. Columbia was viewed by Iranian's as a victory for Ahmadinejad, gaining him more support at home.
Today I hear the ridiculous mention of surgical strikes. this is really asinine and only Bush can be this stupid. Now we know the the trigger and excuse for war with Iran will be.THE WHITE HOUSE is planning "surgical" strikes in Iran to cripple agents the United States says support Iraqi insurgents fighting American soldiers, a new report says.
The plan coincides with a change in the administration's rhetoric against Iran - redefining the source of tension from nuclear weapon development to Tehran's support of America's enemies, Seymour Hersh writes in this week's New Yorker magazine. "Now the emphasis is on 'surgical' strikes on Revolutionary Guard Corps facilities and elsewhere, which, the administration claims, have been the source of attacks on Americans in Iraq," he writes. "What had been presented primarily as a counter proliferation mission has been reconceived as counterterrorism."
The Joint Chiefs of Staff have been working on plans to hit Iran with "a broad bombing attack" on suspected nuclear and military facilities, Hersh says. However, citing former intelligence officials and diplomats, Hersh reports the revised bombing plan is gaining support from the military leadership and the British government. But the idea is being resisted by the Israelis, who would rather see Iran's nuclear facilities targeted directly, he said.
Hersh claims the main reasons behind the shift in strategy are a lack of public support for a major bombing campaign, and the belief in intelligence circles that Iran is at least five years away from developing a nuclear weapon. "We're threatening Iran," Hersh commented on CNN's "Late Edition" yesterday. "But instead of saying to the American people ... it's going to be about nuclear weapons, it's now going to be about getting the guys that are killing our boys." A recently retired CIA official told Hersh that the changing tone toward Iran is similar to the lead up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003, with the agency "moving everybody to the Iran desk." Bush has his excuse for war
This really blows me away. This is just the excuse bushco pundits want to hear so Iran can be attacked and the war with Iran started. As you know, a while back they ridiculously talked of hitting 1,200 locations including nuclear assets, however it didn't go over well so now Bush has changed course again in looking for an excuse and is now going to use surgical strikes to stop our soldiers from being killed by Iranian interests.
I have to agree with Israel that this will be bad news for them with Iran in possession of missiles capable of reaching anywhere in Israel and them being the self professed target of attack if Bush does attack Iran and he will. This will give Bush his excuse for full scale war. Just a stupid instigation to have to come to Israel's rescue as I have been asserting for years now. What a mess!
Umm, I've seen this movie before and it doesn't have a happy ending.
I know, what stinks is Bush will dwarf everything as he follows what I now call Bush's Forever War!
Check out this list of reasons not to attack Iran from Earl's Place:
Earl's Place
From what I remember, the US and Iran have had years of strained relationships. Mainly (although it may be from biased sources) at the hands of the US.
That said, I think that the backlash of labeling a (the Iranian) military guard as a terrorist group was immediate and foreseeable. I don't agree however, that Iran is going above and beyond in helping terrorist groups. There may be some Iranians who are, but as a whole I think this is simply another fallacy, used to go to war to make profits - not just in oil - but also in the contract business and high rate foreign loans that will be needed to repair these war torn countries.
These tactics are part and parcel for a our country - only this president seems to go straight for the throat rather than use "Economic Hitmen" first, before trying force as a means of controlling other countries.
Just my two cents, of course. Nice blog.
Identity Check
Check out this:
Members of the US secretariat in the United Nations were asked earlier this month to begin "searching for things that Iran has done wrong", The Sunday Telegraph has learnt.
Some US diplomats believe the exercise — reminiscent of attempts by vice-president Dick Cheney and the former defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld to build the case against Saddam Hussein before the Iraq war — will boost calls for military action by neo-conservatives inside and outside the administration.
One diplomat revealed the plans for an Iran dossier to Steven Clemons, a fellow with the New America Foundation, a Washington think-tank, who has previously revealed attempts by Mr Cheney's allies to pressurise President George W Bush into war.
He said: "There are people more beholden to the Cheney side who have people searching for things that Iran has done wrong — making the case. They've been given instructions to build a dossier. They've been scouring around for stuff over the last couple of weeks." He recently exposed how a member of Mr Cheney's office used private meetings with neo-conservatives at the American Enterprise think- tank to reveal the vice-president's frustration that Mr Bush had authorised a diplomatic strategy against Iran by his secretary of state, Condoleezza Rice.
Last week, Newsweek magazine went further, claiming that David Wurmser, until last month Mr Cheney's Middle East adviser, had told fellow neo-conservatives that Mr Cheney had considered asking Israel to launch limited missile strikes against the Iranian nuclear site at Natanz. The intention, it was said, would be to provoke a reaction from Teheran that would help justify wider US air strikes.
Mr Wurmser, an analyst in the Pentagon unit that tried to link Saddam Hussein to the September 11 attacks, denied the claims, saying, "That conspiracy is unrecognisable to anything I have ever seen or heard or done." But he refused to discuss Mr Cheney's views.
Spiegel Online: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was just in New York for the United Nations General Assembly. Once again, he said that he is only interested in civilian nuclear power instead of atomic weapons. How much does the West really know about the nuclear program in Iran?
Seymour Hersh: A lot. And it’s been underestimated how much the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) knows. If you follow what [IAEA head Mohamed] ElBaradei and the various reports have been saying, the Iranians have claimed to be enriching uranium to higher than a 4 percent purity, which is the amount you need to run a peaceful nuclear reactor. But the IAEA’s best guess is that they are at 3.67 percent or something. The Iranians are not even doing what they claim to be doing. The IAEA has been saying all along that they’ve been making progress but basically, Iran is nowhere. Of course the US and Israel are going to say you have to look at the worst case scenario, but there isn’t enough evidence to justify a bombing raid.
Spiegel Online: Is this just another case of exaggerating the danger in preparation for an invasion like we saw in 2002 and 2003 prior to the Iraq War?
Hersh: We have this wonderful capacity in America to Hitlerize people. We had Hitler, and since Hitler we’ve had about 20 of them. Khrushchev and Mao and of course Stalin, and for a little while Gadhafi was our Hitler. And now we have this guy Ahmadinejad. The reality is, he’s not nearly as powerful inside the country as we like to think he is. The Revolutionary Guards have direct control over the missile program and if there is a weapons program, they would be the ones running it. Not Ahmadinejad.
Spiegel Online: Where does this feeling of urgency that the US has with Iran come from?
Hersh: Pressure from the White House. That’s just their game.
I agree with Seymour Hersh that it is coming.
Hersh was on Countdown tonight. I haven't watched it yet but I taped it.
Israel has the best missle defense system this side of the U.S. They will be able to shoot down anything that is shot at them..but that said, it wouldn't take much for BushCo to go off half-cocked..you know, his usual modus operandi.
If wishes were horses, most Americans would have known the sordid history of their country’s contemptuous attitude toward smaller countries of this planet. They would have known, for example, that back in the 80s, a tiny country by the name of Nicaragua was subjected to violent assault by their country in which tens of thousands of people died with that country itself substantially destroyed. They would have known that rather than responding by setting off bombs in Washington, a la the American way, the poor Nicaraguans went to the World Court that ordered the U.S. not only to stop the atrocities but also to pay reparations. The U.S. scornfully responded by escalating the attacks. The Nicaraguans next went to the Security Council who ruled in their favor. The U.S. derisively vetoed the resolution. The Nicaraguans then obtained a similar resolution from the General Assembly. The U.S. and Israel opposed that one for two years in a row. read more
On the verge of an all out glorious war...something Bush dreams about. Like playing John Wayne in a movie, always saving the day.
I feel extremely sad inside. It seems it is inevitable. The NeoCons are fond of saying wer're in WW3 now. Well, if we bomb Iran then they will finally be able to say "now this is WW3 baby!"
Not too many people mentioning just how many Americans will die. We've got 160,000+ troops in Iraq a stone's throw from Iran. I don't think Iran will throw stone but they will lob missles.
Could be some dark days ahead.
I just checked out the list on earls place. people just do not get it. Aside from Paraguay not being far enough away which of course is true. People do not get it, Bush does not work for us or care about our America.
He talks to and works for God. He is trying to bring about the End of Days and to a large degree will succeed.
Looking at Earls list I have to agree that it is much worse than that but Bush is on his own agenda. This is all a success to him. You have read my stuff. Bush has to create total disorder, create war, and replace the old order with his new order and I specified in Bush Uncovered years ago but I have never been able to get enough people to realize it.
You know, I really have to laugh! I said China could have put an end to all this by calling in Bush's debt but are letting him hang us. Also, this is not all about oil as most think.
That is only a very small part of this. It is all about the money as people should realize by now. Look at the defense Industry, that and the stock market is all Bush cares about as he prosecutes his new order.
Long ago I said Bush has to plan on defeating China in the end of his Forever War and erasing our debt. Everything is going according to plan for Bush. This is still just beginning and Bush is the happiest person on the planet. Unbelievable. I don't know what else to say right now.
Thanks! I agree with you 100%. I just got through telling Larry that oil is only a small part of this and everything is going according to plan for Bush and the chief warmonger is a very happy camper.
You remember I am sure that I included in one of my posts a way back the Perle Wurmser Report from 03. Everything you said was a foregone conclusion years ago. Bush only had to find the right excuse to attack and now he has it. It will come soon now.
You and Hersh are both right and as you aluded to Bush could not justify an attack because of nuclear reasons but now he has an excuse people will fall for. Saving our troops lives and the attack will come soon now.
My EOD son was here last night sayin he wants to go back to Iraq sooner than planned so I am very concerned.
You are right and as you just read this, Bush now has an excuse to go to war that people will get behind. It will now happen soon and the idiot will go off half cocked.
People do not get it, Bush does not work for us or care about our America.
He talks to and works for God. He is trying to bring about the End of Days and to a large degree will succeed.
Bush is on his own agenda. This is all a success to him. You have read my stuff. Bush has to create total disorder, create war, and replace the old order with his new order and I specified in Bush Uncovered years ago but I have never been able to get enough people to realize it.
You know, I really have to laugh! I said China could have put an end to all this by calling in Bush's debt but are letting him hang us. Also, this is not all about oil as most think.
That is only a very small part of this. It is all about the money as people should realize by now. Look at the defense Industry, that and the stock market is all Bush cares about as he prosecutes his new order.
Long ago I said Bush has to plan on defeating China in the end of his Forever War and erasing our debt. Everything is going according to plan for Bush. This is still just beginning and Bush is the happiest person on the planet. Unbelievable. I don't know what else to say right now.
Give us some credit. We do remember the contra crap. Sadly you know the chief warmonger is the Decider and like the rest of the world, we do not matter and the idiot now has an excuse to attack that will make it appear justifiable. I am sickened because we are all powerless to stop this and there is a lot more.
People do not get it, Bush does not work for us or care about our America.
He talks to and works for God. He is trying to bring about the End of Days and to a large degree will succeed.
Bush is on his own agenda. This is all a success to him. You have read my stuff. Bush has to create total disorder, create war, and replace the old order with his new order and I specified in Bush Uncovered years ago but I have never been able to get enough people to realize it.
You know, I really have to laugh! I said China could have put an end to all this by calling in Bush's debt but are letting him hang us. Also, this is not all about oil as most think.
That is only a very small part of this. It is all about the money as people should realize by now. Look at the defense Industry, that and the stock market is all Bush cares about as he prosecutes his new order.
Long ago I said Bush has to plan on defeating China in the end of his Forever War and erasing our debt. Everything is going according to plan for Bush. This is still just beginning and Bush is the happiest person on the planet. Unbelievable. I don't know what else to say right now.
Sorry! you are right!
As for the decider, you know who is pumping his ill wills though, the Zionist machine!
By the way, did you knw Iran has dropped its dollar share of oil trade to only 15%! The rest Euro!
More reason to bomb the hell out of bastards, heh? ;)
An Article by American Conservative
It's all right. Any dialogue is better than none at all. I do remember hearing that about Iran.
You know, I don't like the idea of attacking anyone of course but the warmonger has his excuse to attack Iran that people will fall for and I know it will be soon.
I am so sick of hearing Lieberman the Jew(sorry) advocating attacking it really bothers me. This is all so obvious it is sickening!
I read that Conservative article. I am so sick of the warmongering. You know Bush has changed his reason for wanting to attack many times like in Iraq.
He now has one excuse people will fall for. For at least a year now I expected it this fall and have written numerous stories on it.
Now that he has the excuse he wants he will do it soon and then the entire world is in trouble but Bush will be happy as he has the excuse to prosecute his new world order Forever War and look like he was forced to do what he has wanted all along and attacking Iran was only one of his reasons for attacking Iraq.
Larry said:
Last week, Newsweek magazine went further, claiming that David Wurmser, until last month Mr Cheney's Middle East adviser, had told fellow neo-conservatives that Mr Cheney had considered asking Israel to launch limited missile strikes against the Iranian nuclear site at Natanz. The intention, it was said, would be to provoke a reaction from Teheran that would help justify wider US air strikes.
ARGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Mind if I copy and paste your comment in a post on my blog? I think everyone should read it.
An Average Patriot
Thank you for your response, here and on my blog. Tell me, do you read any stuff by John Perkins? I'm in love with the man's candor and amazed by the size of his cajones. He talks a lot about the American control of foreign nations through loans and contracted work. The other eerie connection about that is, at least to me, have you noticed there is an economic similarity between now, and pre Great Depression? There are a few differences, of course, but our government is falling into much of the same economic traps that it did the better part of a century ago.
Man, hindsight is only 20/20 if your eyes are open ;)
You are correct - Americans are slowly waking up to it all though. I wrote a little bit about it some time ago, here Although the focus is more on education it ties in.
But like An Average Patriot said, don't forget our government doesn't speak for all of us, and there are those of us who have been paying close attention!
I'm glad you brought up Nicaragua though, there were several other countries where we did the same thing.
Very interesting! Can't say I ever heard about John Perkins but I will give him a look see now. I did find a couple things you said very interesting.
Larry will not mind if you use what he said. Cheney is old news and I thought you would find Wurmser, Cheney,clean break Report telling Let me get something else you mantioned. It will amaze you!
Here you go! It is funny you mentioned the depression. Here is a report I first did in February. The last link does not work but if you are interested I will give you the limk to Mike Whiney's Report.
Here is The Second Great Depression
Mike Whitney's Report
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