Russia says Wer'e Back!
Gorbachev with the "real" story on Georgia and Russia!
Georgia's Truth! This is from the region seems Russian and very sobering! All RU's and outside communication cancelled!
Rice says Russia must leave now it's not 1968! cut the crap and of course Russia agrees and says Nyet!
To prove it
Medvedev and Saakshavili sign two different versions of peace agreement! What the hell is that?
Russia's president said troops would begin pulling out of Georgia on Monday, after his military issued a flurry of conflicting reports about whether a withdrawal had begun. Russian tanks and soldiers continued to roam freely over a wide swath of the country and President Dmitry Medvedev made no mention of leaving South Ossetia, the separatist province at the heart of the 11-day military conflict between Russia and Georgia. Medvedev said the troops would pull back toward South Ossetia from positions deeper in Georgia, according to a Kremlin statement Sunday. Russia to withdfraw starting Monday?
* Only after they destroy Georgia's infrastructure and I still wouldn't expect it permanent. This is just beginning thanks to Bush's instigation. What is next?
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Jim, you got yourself another award, come by and check it out..
Really! Isn't that cool. I was just at your place and I noticed Maria talking about one or something. I am on my way! Oh no!
I don't know if you watched the black video on the information Blackout in Georgia and Russia but they shut down the internet. Robert mentioned yesterday that he couldn't get a hold of our friend in Russia now I know why.
I wrote Robert because what the hell are we going to do when the time is right and they shut us down?
Gorbachev with the "real" story on Georgia and Russia!
Yes, he's right...
I'm surprised that it was translated on CNN :)
If you noticed, only USA and its allies - UK, France, Belgium , Netherlands, etc. denounce Russia. Asian countries keep scilence. Some Europe countries doubt if the conclusions of Bush are true.
Russia is not in the first time in such situation. But if Russia should once again to withstand USA and its allies - we'll do it!! we are doing it now. We don't want war, but we will defend our country and our citizens wherever they are.
He is totally right! Many of us know we know we are living a lie! I just sent this to someone else you will find it very interesting
Most of the world if not all of it realize Bush is the entire problem! I just sent you something I first wrote quit a ways back. You will find it interesting. I have 4 sons in this and I don't want war for the same reason anyone would not. Suffering and destruction is the least of it.
The planet is at a stage in its cycle of life where it can no longer sustain world war and be life sustaining. Someone has to be able to live here unless mutual destruction is the goal!
I am 100% American, but at the risk of seeming unpatriotic, I don't blame Russia. This is not just a moral or ethical question. Russia is doing less to Georgia, than America has done to Iraq or Afghanistan. Bush has set the precedents. Why should Russia have to play by a different set of rules than America?
Ahhhhhhhh...... Bush's chickens are coming home to roost, and they ain't layers either, they're all capons.
You're a riot! You know how patriotic I am and my sons are in this but we are living a lie beginning to end with this mis-administration and I feel the same way as you!
I was preoccupied with Theresa talking to me and kept duplicating my comment to you. Forgive me! I'll do it again if you like it, Ha!
How's this for a twist?
"We are all Russians."
We live in a wasting superpower (and world)with little hope of anythiing getting better.
Corporate greed and government corruption are sucking the lives and resources out of all of the world's people.
That sums it all up! It speaks for a world revol,ution of all the worlds people. I have called for it many times and got in trouble on a couple of sites for it.
It is the only thing that will avert what is about to happen but it will never happen as most want to fight not switch! As I keep saying, we are all going to get dragged down with all the sheep and Oh i'll shut up! You bring out the best in me!
Jim, it turns out that Comcast wouldn't let me send an email to Russia. Gmail went right through to Dushesrush. But what right does Comcast have with me reaching out to a Russian citizen for a dialogue? Perhaps they don't think we have a right to do what our own leaders refuse to do. Besiades, Russia isn't really our enemy, they're trying to become our competitor. Bush would prefer to have another enemy that we can pinpoint. This vague "terrorism" war just isn't working out the way he hoped.
Not long ago remember, it was an issue when some were complying with Bush's demands and some were not and Bush tried to protect those who were. Comcast must be one of them. I use verizon and have had no problem yet. I just noticed that video I posted was also blocking everything but TV for Russians and Georgians to control the information.
I will pose the question again, what the hell are we going to do if it happens to us as I fully expect? I saw your nice comment on Ingrid's and I have not nominated anyone yet but you were the first I thought of but I nominated you for TC's Patriot award and you didn't respond and I didn't see a set up on your site to put awards or you would have many!
Jim, I have a few awards that I haven't posted yet, and was going to get around to yours this week after Dustin is back in school.
I put up a couple of posts today at And, yes, I DO take it personally that I think you might enjoy. They're titled, 'Priceless, Simply Priceless' and 'Two Questions'.
BTW----Those two CNN videos, #1 and #4, come up blank on my screen. Wassup?
To set us up properly for war, our corporations need to take down communications.
If you have competing stories, then doubt lingers. Through doubt comes inaction.
If you have doubts that someone is your enemy, it's harder for you to be taught to hate them. And even harder to teach you that you're in the right to support their murder.
Knowledge and truth are the enemies of war. Before war can get moving, they have to be abolished.
Of course I will be by to see what you put up. I won't talk about it today but Musharraf is resigning. man!
Anyway I am listening to the 4th while I type this. They all still work so I don't have a clue. I sometimes have a problem with videos on Firefox but not right now. Sometimes if Firefox does not work I switch to windows and it does. The video on Gorbachev by the way was telling! Take care!
Okay I just thought maybe you didn't do them. To me the only one that matters is to get this mess back on track and be a contributor to it!
You are right! Having said that Russia as you know shut down the internet and all communications except for TV so they could control information in Georgia and Russia! My comment to Robert was what are we going to do when the time is right and they do it to us?
That is odd! Both of those videos you mentioned this morning i watched and told you they were working! Now they say on them "the video doesn't exist" I don't get it!
What the hell is this? I was just going to replace them now they're back again??
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