I realize that Rove is working hand in hand behind the scenes with McCain instructing him how to undermine Obama's credibility with manufactured lies. Yesterdays ad comparing Obama to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton and mocking him was way over the line. Goebbels all over! We are getting the divide and conquer crap all over again and I fear it will work once again as many just do not get it.
“Only celebrities like Barack Obama go to the gym three times a day, demand “MET-RX chocolate roasted-peanut protein bars and bottles of a hard-to-find organic brew — Black Forest Berry Honest Tea” and worry about the price of arugula,” Davis said. Davis was riffing off news coverage that the Illinois senator told congressional Democrats Monday that he has become the “symbol” for the world’s aspirations for America, and that the country is now at “the moment … that the world is waiting for.” Obama’s supporters said the comments were not about him, per se, but about the world’s view that the U.S. could be returning to the global community after years of ostracism following the war in Iraq. “Only a celebrity of Barack Obama’s magnitude could attract 200,000 fans in Berlin who gathered for the mere opportunity to be in his presence. These are not supporters or even voters, but fans fawning over The One,” Davis wrote. “Like most worldwide celebrities, this status has fueled a certain arrogance.”
The attempts to paint Obama as a diva followed comments by conservative blogger Michelle Malkin, who on Monday compared the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and his wife’s fame to that of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. “You couldn’t pass a grocery store line this weekend without seeing the picture-perfect smiles of the Obama family,” she wrote in a piece distributed by Republicans on Wednesday. “There were Barack Obama’s young daughters (whose privacy their parents so sanctimoniously claim to want to protect) flashing their pearly whites on the cover of People magazine. Malia and Sasha competed for attention right next to Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s toddler daughter, Shiloh, whose cherubic face was splashed on the cover of another celebrity tabloid.” For his own part, Obama on Wednesday compared himself to western legend Wild Bill Hickock while talking in Springfield, Mo., about taking on John McCain on taxes. McCain compares Obama to Hollywood Diva's
The ad shows images of the Illinois senator speaking to a 200,000-strong crowd in Berlin last week, interspersed with shots of celebrities Spears and Hilton. The ad, set to be broadcast in nearly a dozen key states, was followed by a rival ad from Mr Obama's own campaign team. It accuses Mr McCain of practicing the "policies of the past", and uses images of him with President George W Bush. Mr Obama's chief strategist, David Axelrod, told MSNBC the McCain ad was "baloney". "I am going to paraphrase, oops he did it again," he said, playing off the title of a Britney Spears song and album. "This is not the John McCain we expected." The Republicans have been keen to stress their belief that Mr Obama is not tested, not ready to lead and too out of touch with the public. please watch the asinine ad and Obama's response
* I am sick of this crap! McCain says he want negative because Obama did it first! What an ignorant lying child! Obama merely telling the truth so people know the difference. He is not creating an illusion a lie many will believe. Obama has become a celebrity. The entire world recognizes America needs Obama if we and the world are to have a future. Obama must start being more aggressive in countering these lies or we are in serious trouble.