"As one of the top business leaders it's welcome that Richard Branson has recognized the urgent need to tackle climate change. Whilst his investment in bio-fuels is welcome, this can only be a small part of the solution, and must not distract from the need to cut emissions. Biofuels can provide a greener alternative to oil based fuels, but this is only true if they are produced sustainably and don't interfere with food production and biodiversity protection. Richard's Branson's train business will be an important part of the future, encouraging people to take the train instead of flying, but the fast growth in air flights can not be maintained without causing climatic disaster. Just one of Branson's proposals
Finally someone from our Nation that can help has also stepped forward with a doable 10 year plan! Al Gore Al Gore is challenging the United States to produce all of its electricity through wind power, solar power and other environmentally friendly sources within 10 years. Gore said the transition would not only help resolve America's current energy and economic problems, but would also improve U.S. national security by reducing dependence on foreign oil. VOA Correspondent Cindy Saine reports from Washington. Al Gore received a rock star welcome at an energy conference in Washington, where he issued a challenge to the country.
"So today I challenge our nation to commit to producing 100 percent of our electricity from renewable energy and truly clean, carbon-free sources within 10 years," he said. Called an alarmist by some critics, Gore has made global climate change his signature issue, and his efforts won him a Nobel Prize. He admitted that weaning Americans off fossil fuels would require placing a carbon tax on burning oil and coal, which his plan would offset with a reduction in payroll taxes. But Gore said soaring gasoline prices and the current economic turmoil have created a new political environment where Americans are hungry for change. "I do not remember a time in our country when so many things seem to be going so wrong simultaneously," he said. "Our economy is in terrible shape and getting worse, people are hurting. Gasoline prices are increasing dramatically and so are electricity rates. Jobs are being outsourced, home mortgages are in trouble. Banks, automobile companies, other institutions we depend upon are under growing pressure."
Gore called on all Americans to pull together, citing the kind of national effort that made it possible for Neil Armstrong to walk on the moon just eight years after former President John F. Kennedy issued that challenge. He said both presidential candidates, his fellow Democrat Barack Obama and the presumptive Republican nominee John McCain are way ahead of most politicians in the fight against global climate change. But Gore did criticize President Bush's proposal to resume offshore oil drilling as a way to address the current energy crisis. "It is only a truly dysfunctional system that would buy into the perverse logic that the short-term answer to high gasoline prices is drilling for oil 10 years from now in areas that should be protected," he said. Amen Al Gore
In response to this T Boone Pickens responded to Al Gore's Generational Challenge to Repower America speech, saying he and the former vice president "have two different objectives and our plans should be viewed with that in mind." Last week, the billionaire discussed the Pickens plan he hopes will reduce foreign oil imports by more than 30% in the next 5 to 10 years. In a release issued through BP Capital, Pickens said Gore "put forward a framework of a plan that is focused on global warming and climate issues. My plan is aimed squarely at breaking the stranglehold that foreign oil has on our country and the $700 billion annual impact it has on our economy. ... Vice President Gore's plan does not address this enormous problem.
In a speech on Thursday at a Washington energy conference, Gore called for the U.S. to produce all of its electricity from renewable energy and carbon-free sources within 10 years. Last week, Pickens unveiled a plan that involves using wind to supplant natural gas, which could then be used towards transportation. "It's time for us to take responsibility for the problem we've created and act now," Pickens said. "The Federal Government should provide the leadership to clear the way for action and private enterprise should build the infrastructure to get it done. Only in that way can we recapture our energy destiny. Pickens Says He And Gore Have Different Objectives
* We all know how one sided my way or nothing Partisan bickering resulting in absolutely nothing getting done is destroyin us and the world. It is a breath of fresh air to see 3 distinguished fellows step forward with money and positive ideas. That they differ is a plus as we see from Politics there is no one idea but a melding of many will get us out of this. I am afraid we still have to hope our Governments will realize this and cooperate with "we the people" If we are to be saved it will come from us!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
It's about time, but I still think it's a lot of smoke and mirrors.
They are starting to run scared though, mainly due to the 20 Eco-cities/year the Chinese are building (400 in 20 years) and the half dozen or so the Saudis are building.
Big Oil has screwed us for so long, we are now finding ourselves behind times. Branson, T-Bone, and to some degree, Gore, are partly responsible for the situation we now find ourselves in today. THAT is why they're running scared. It may turn out to be 'too little, too late'.
We'll see.
Right on Brother
Branson, T-Boone, and to some degree, Gore, are partly responsible for the situation we now find ourselves in today. THAT is why they're running scared. It may turn out to be 'too little, too late'.
They are realizing the brevity of our situation but it is even worse than they think. I was just on the phone with TC while I was reading this. No time frame yet but he is doing okay. He just happened to say big oil keeps sending gas and oil to Europe to keep the prices up. Cspan is all he can watch right now. The right is vetoing shit to help us right and left. I am friggen sick of these scum!
Scum! Thy name is Big Energy!! And all the 'oily' and 'coal-blackened' folks they paid to have elected to lead(?) us. Too bad the only place they seem able to lead is far worse than where we are or where we've been.
This fall, do as I generally do, vote anti-incumbant regardless of their professed stands, beliefs, or morality.
I can't stop wondering who the hell are the real powers behind all this underhanded crap pulling the strings. Who really runs the country? It isn't us or the Government!
I like you have decided in most every instance to vote anti incumbent. We have to get rid of this worthless scum whichever party if we are to get anything done in the future. We need the entire country back!
The media led by the corporate nutjobs are already trying to depict Gore and Pickens as wacky environmentalists.
Sadly corporations will continue to rule/run the country and the economy into the sewers of malaise and despair.
I know! At this point it would be funny if it wasn't so detrimental to the future of us and the world. It pisses me off it has been going on since day one. They just laugh, ignore it, and dismiss the speaker of truth as a nut job or conspiracy theorist and just continue with their underhanded deceitful destructive mess. Mean while the real conspiracy the destruction of the old system of order continues. The scum McCain is slated to lyingly continue it!
It has always been about money and it will always be about money. We need those like Branson and Gore. If they can aid us in demonstrating how the money can shift to other resources and methodologies then we will have a better chance of shifting corporate America. They will always follow the money. The rest of the world will dominate us by shear numbers and their demand for resources. Cuba? Oil? Brazil? China? 24 Miles away? Hmmmmmmmm?
One spill like the Valdez and no more Caribbean. Is that really what we want?
Welcome! You can bet accidents will happen. What peeves me is developing world war aside someone has to have a livable planet unless the end of days is the goal. It is all about war and the money not the better of the country or the world and Bush has set in motion the screwing of all of us. This will not be stopped. Be prepared!
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