As you know, I am very concerned this election too will be stolen from us too in any number of a growing myriad of ways. This Government manufactured "perfect" storm is going to get much worse but its affect is coming to a head. This morning I was listening to more bail outs coming up for financial Institutions, the shocking price to heat my house, drive my car, eat, foreclosures up nation wide 121% since this time last year and here in Massachusetts up 330%. I thought I would check into what Polishifter said about the secret meeting many of us heard Congress held last March on declaring Martial Law if things continue to get much worse and sure enough!
A secret meeting of Congress discusses immanent martial law? B A Brooks The United American Freedom Foundation March 13, 2008 On March 13th 2008 there was a secret closed door meeting of The United States House Of Representatives in Washington. In the history of The United States this is only the fourth time a secret meeting was held by the house. Even though Representatives are sworn to secrecy by House Rules XVII, some of the members were so shocked, horrified, furious, and concerned about the future of America by what was revealed to them inside the secret meeting, that they have started to leak this secret information to independent news agencies around the world. The mass media said almost nothing about the secret meeting of the House, mentioning only one of the items being discussed. (The new surveillance techniques that are going to be used by the US Government to watch all American citizens).
* The story was first released in a newspaper out of Brisbane, Australia revealing the contents of the secret US Government meeting and plans for America including all of it’s citizens. Shortly there after, David J Meyer from Last Trumpet Ministries found it and made it more available for the world to see... Here is what was revealed: The imminent collapse of the US Economy to occur sometime in late 2008 The imminent collapse of the US Government finances sometime in mid 2009 The possibility of Civil War inside the United States as a result of the collapse The advance round-ups of “insurgent US Citizens” likely to move against the government The detention of those rounded up at The REX 84 Camps constructed throughout the United States The possibility of public retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses The location of safe facilities for members of Congress and their families to reside during massive civil unrest The necessary and unavoidable merger of The US with Canada and Mexico establishing The North American Union The issuance of a new currency called the AMERO for all three nations as an economic solution. Except for a few hundred thousand US Patriots, most Americans have no clue what has really been going on within The United States over the past 100 years, and the sad thing is that most do not want to know the truth.
The further you look into the rabbit hole, the deeper it gets. Go to any currency conversion site and convert US dollars to Euros so you can see for yourself the massive decline of the dollar. Look at how much money is and has been spent on the Iraq War to date, ($12 billion per month)... Look at our currency and when it stopped being backed by gold... The Federal Reserve is not federal but a private bank who does not have Americans best interests at heart. We no longer have any manufacturing really based out of America and there is no way that our economy can survive this incredible strain very much longer... The IRS strong arms every American yearly with income taxes, yet there are no laws saying an income tax is to be paid... The CIA is involved in everything from global drug trafficking and covert military missions, to assassinations around the world and including US Soil. Look at JFK for instance. It did not take long after JFK announced that he was going disband the CIA that he was shot in Texas... America’s new Stasi The Department Of Homeland Security is and has been slowly eradicating our rights for a few years now based organization called House Bill H.R. 1955/S-1959 was read by the senate and then sent to DHS for some reason, but is now back and sure to pass. Once passed, this bill introduced by Jane Harman (D/CA), will be the proverbial last nail hammered into every American patriots coffin. H.R. 4279 or the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008 which was recently passed by the US House of Representatives, will give the government draconian powers to do just this...
This legislation gives the government the power to seize property that facilitates the violation of intellectual property laws The legislation also mandates the formation of a formal Intellectual Property Enforcement Division within the office of the Deputy Attorney General to enforce this insanity... It has been revealed that F.E.M.A. has been building internment camps all over America granting Halliburton a massive $385 million dollar construction contract to make this happen. Most of these sites only need refurbished because they are mostly closed prisons, old WW2 internment camps still intact and other facilities taken over by the government. Some people have referred to them as FEMA Death Camps where the infamous Red list/Blue Lists will be used to decide who goes where...
A secret meeting of Congress discusses immanent martial law? B A Brooks The United American Freedom Foundation March 13, 2008 On March 13th 2008 there was a secret closed door meeting of The United States House Of Representatives in Washington. In the history of The United States this is only the fourth time a secret meeting was held by the house. Even though Representatives are sworn to secrecy by House Rules XVII, some of the members were so shocked, horrified, furious, and concerned about the future of America by what was revealed to them inside the secret meeting, that they have started to leak this secret information to independent news agencies around the world. The mass media said almost nothing about the secret meeting of the House, mentioning only one of the items being discussed. (The new surveillance techniques that are going to be used by the US Government to watch all American citizens).
* The story was first released in a newspaper out of Brisbane, Australia revealing the contents of the secret US Government meeting and plans for America including all of it’s citizens. Shortly there after, David J Meyer from Last Trumpet Ministries found it and made it more available for the world to see... Here is what was revealed: The imminent collapse of the US Economy to occur sometime in late 2008 The imminent collapse of the US Government finances sometime in mid 2009 The possibility of Civil War inside the United States as a result of the collapse The advance round-ups of “insurgent US Citizens” likely to move against the government The detention of those rounded up at The REX 84 Camps constructed throughout the United States The possibility of public retaliation against members of Congress for the collapses The location of safe facilities for members of Congress and their families to reside during massive civil unrest The necessary and unavoidable merger of The US with Canada and Mexico establishing The North American Union The issuance of a new currency called the AMERO for all three nations as an economic solution. Except for a few hundred thousand US Patriots, most Americans have no clue what has really been going on within The United States over the past 100 years, and the sad thing is that most do not want to know the truth.
The further you look into the rabbit hole, the deeper it gets. Go to any currency conversion site and convert US dollars to Euros so you can see for yourself the massive decline of the dollar. Look at how much money is and has been spent on the Iraq War to date, ($12 billion per month)... Look at our currency and when it stopped being backed by gold... The Federal Reserve is not federal but a private bank who does not have Americans best interests at heart. We no longer have any manufacturing really based out of America and there is no way that our economy can survive this incredible strain very much longer... The IRS strong arms every American yearly with income taxes, yet there are no laws saying an income tax is to be paid... The CIA is involved in everything from global drug trafficking and covert military missions, to assassinations around the world and including US Soil. Look at JFK for instance. It did not take long after JFK announced that he was going disband the CIA that he was shot in Texas... America’s new Stasi The Department Of Homeland Security is and has been slowly eradicating our rights for a few years now based organization called House Bill H.R. 1955/S-1959 was read by the senate and then sent to DHS for some reason, but is now back and sure to pass. Once passed, this bill introduced by Jane Harman (D/CA), will be the proverbial last nail hammered into every American patriots coffin. H.R. 4279 or the Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008 which was recently passed by the US House of Representatives, will give the government draconian powers to do just this...
This legislation gives the government the power to seize property that facilitates the violation of intellectual property laws The legislation also mandates the formation of a formal Intellectual Property Enforcement Division within the office of the Deputy Attorney General to enforce this insanity... It has been revealed that F.E.M.A. has been building internment camps all over America granting Halliburton a massive $385 million dollar construction contract to make this happen. Most of these sites only need refurbished because they are mostly closed prisons, old WW2 internment camps still intact and other facilities taken over by the government. Some people have referred to them as FEMA Death Camps where the infamous Red list/Blue Lists will be used to decide who goes where...
Whether you believe that The NWO/Illuminati/Globalization is real or not, there is a lot of proof that exposes definite plans or plots by the rich, political and religious elite to bring on an era of the end times. It is almost like some individuals are trying to make bible prophecy come true in their own sick and twisted ways. Not to mention that the world only has about 10 to 15 years of drinking water left before the wars fought for oil today will be fought for water in the near future. It has been said that these powers want to depopulate the planet of over 30% of it’s human inhabitants in the coming years... Examine all of the executive orders that have been signed into place allowing the president to basically become dictator in control of all government from tribal to federal in the event of any national emergency... If you did not know, In late 2006, Congress revised the Posse Comitatus Act and the Insurrection Act to make it far easier for a president to declare martial law. Those changes were repealed at the end of this January as part of Public Law 110-181 (HR 4986), the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (signed into law by President Bush on January 28, 2008)... Unfortunately it is not the great victory in which one might think because of the total militarization of all local and State police forces all across America... Will there be martial law? Is martial law coming soon to America? When you see law enforcement being armed with automatic weapons, bullet proof vests and riot gear in small towns that have not had a murder or crime in years, then you have to ask yourself why... please read you need to know the rest
** Mind blowing! We have not been wrong once yet but are always laughed at and dismissed as conspiracy theorists so the real conspiracy the destruction of America can be carried out. The perfect manufactured storm to achieve that end is coming to a head. Stay united and be prepared please!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
** Mind blowing! We have not been wrong once yet but are always laughed at and dismissed as conspiracy theorists so the real conspiracy the destruction of America can be carried out. The perfect manufactured storm to achieve that end is coming to a head. Stay united and be prepared please!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Hell we nearly have martial law now why wait till tomorrow to arrest us all.
I know! what sucks is you know something is going to be done by the right to keep their power and inderhanded agenda going but what? this entire friggen mess is just beginning and will get a hell of a lot worse. Something is going to happen and that is not paranoia just fact.
They didn't allow MLK RFK and JFK happen they are not going to let this happen either. They will not let their power and agenda go or allow unity here or around the world. It has them very desperate and pissed!
I'm sick of Mccain and all his crap of everyone but himself being a traitor when he was and still is the traitor as he tries to destroy the u.s
I know it sucks! Those scum do exactly what they criticize everyone else for and feel not a pang of idiocy as following their new (dis)order war mongering is all that matters! It is really sickening as I know you are feeling to, to watch this and listen to the blatant lying and be powerless to stop it while watching us and the world purposely being brought down the tubes! AAARRRGGGHHH!
So apparently you don't have any hopes that the avg well-armed american can outgun a militarized police force? I don't either, but I have noticed the tendency of many "regular" people to be arming themselves with more than the good old saturday night special. Of course I fear a Bwater type police force, but I also fear my idiot neighbor who decides to take matters into his own sweaty palms. This is a recipe for disaster and goes right along with many of the things you cite for how fast we will fall apart once the tipping point is reached.
"A secret meeting of Congress discusses immanent martial law?"
That sucks!!
Where are the patriots?
I have to believe it is bush and the rest of the big oil government that started this mess as you probably know if you read what I wrote a couple days ago as to why Afghanistan was really attacked. Taliban would not cooperate with Bush on a pipeline through Afghanistan! 10 days after they shut Bush off 9/11 happened and Afghanistan was attacked. Once again no coincidence but another created "coincidence"
Thanks for the link I will check out the newsletter and welcome. Thanks for your contribution!
Stay with me! Many are fed up and falling out! The "tipping point" to this manufactured perfect storm is coming soon and at a perfect time for Bush to take control. It has all been planned and I have failed to get anyone of consequence to see it and intervene. There are no surprises here! There are no coincidences. Only manufactured coincidences. Take care and stay in touch!
Yes Karen! That is an understatement as this has all been done on purpose. It is coming to a head soon! What should hit you is the complicit Democrats have been planning for martial law instead of stopping Bush and the events he created that will necessitate it!
I was contacted this morning by someone that must have found me on your site Alison or Polly from Oz but I have not had the chance to get back to her yet. I really love anyone contacting me and trying to help us through this!
We are the Patriots and we will not stop until we wake up the Patriots with the power to organize against this underhanded crap! I keep getting contacted by the one who can really get the powers in Government and Business going but I have not gotten to his last 2 concerns or his sons E's but I will. I am a bit overwhelmed right now! I have so far failed to get Jerome realize how bad this really is but I will not stop. Stay with me Bud!
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