* This deserves thought in light of recent developments and believe it or not this was my thought 2 1/2 years ago! Watching what is going on today in regard to Iraq I remembered discussing it two and a half years ago so I looked for the story, I found it and was stunned to find that the entire story applied to exactly what is happening today in Iraq, the middle east, and here at home. So much so that I decided to republish the story from January 2006. Think about it, the more things change the more they remain the same
Bush continues to insist our economy is going great guns. as we all know, average Americans do not benefit in this. However with that said it has to be because of the materials required for bush's created Iraq war. with the costs reaching as high as 2 trillion dollars according to Nobel award winning economist Joseph stillgitz we need all the money we can get. That monstrous expense in itself is a victory for the insurgents in Iraq. He keeps urging Iraqi unity. He unwittingly has given them the motivation for them to unify and against us. Bush says the Iraqi's have shown a willingness to come together for the sake of national unity.
It looks like they will be able to temporarily set aside their differences in order to concentrate on us and our removal from their soil. With Bush insisting on staying the course and refusing to exercise any sense at all he still refuses to learn anything at all from Vietnam. He still insists on overstaying our misperceived welcome. He is purposefully making us the targets. A Sunni politician has recently declared the U.S. as the enemy. With murders increasing of both Sunni's and shiite's now at more than 500 since Bush's so called successful election they are killing each other as we knew they would. After a U.S attack on a crowded Shiite Mosque killing 60 we gave the Sunni's the perfect opportunity to declare unity with the Shiite in declaring that we must get out of Iraq.
With Iraq continuing to degrade it is fundamentally in worse shape despite all our money, effort, and American lives, than during the Saddam days. Bush continues to insist on doing the wrong thing and strengthen their unity. He is succeeding and it will be turned against us. With Iran's meddling in the election and their insistence on enrich uranium and having nuclear capabilities things are about to open up in the Middle East as we knew they would. a great success for Bush and his straightening out of the Middle East. Just what were his real intentions anyway?
* My thought at that point in time was that if the sects in Iraq were smart they would at least make believe they were unifying, coming together, and stabilizing. Then once they got us out of there they could refocus on each other. Knowing Iraq still appears incapable of satisfying basic human needs to its citizens and there are 2.5 million permanent refugees all because of Bush as well as peace Israeli style with walls being used to separate cities and keep the peace it dawned on me to rethink!
* My thought at that point in time was that if the sects in Iraq were smart they would at least make believe they were unifying, coming together, and stabilizing. Then once they got us out of there they could refocus on each other. Knowing Iraq still appears incapable of satisfying basic human needs to its citizens and there are 2.5 million permanent refugees all because of Bush as well as peace Israeli style with walls being used to separate cities and keep the peace it dawned on me to rethink!
We are now openly advocating pulling troops out quicker to redeploy them in Afghanistan where they should be but with 2 or 3 battalions redeployed to Afghanistan what the hell would be the repercussions if McCain was elected? If Obama was elected? and Iraq showed its true colors and erupted as I keep saying it will? This entire mess is only going to now get much more tenuous and hairier! Also I see with us redeploying in Afghanistan not success as I should but a set up for future failure of Iraq and Afghanistan, as was set in motion on day one when the chief idiot used his abusive powers to divert from Afghanistan to attack Iraq to go after Iran and destabilize the entire middle east in setting up this Forever War. I now see a return to the draft as inevitable amongst other nightmares for our future!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I have to laugh! I just walked past the radio and heard the chief idiot talking. I remembered something I first said years ago that Three Stooges Moe said to Curley! Every time you speak you weaken the Nation! Man that is so Bush! That scum!
The war in Afghanistan is as misguided as the war in Iraq.
We could have gone in covertly and gotten bin Laden. There was no reason to invade and occupy Afghanistan.
The reason for the invasion had absolutely NOTHING to do with terrorism.
The true reason, just like Iraq, was oil, pure and simple. People seem to forget all the $millions in financial aid we gave the Taliban to fight the war on drugs. It back-fired horribly, the Taliban were extremely successful in eradicating the poppy fields, which the Military/Industrial Complex profits extensively from. We also conveniently forget about when Bush had the Taliban as his guests at his 'ranch' in Crawford in 2001. That meeting was to try to get the Taliban to rescind their contracts with Bridas, the Argentine energy company, for the pipeline from the Caspian Basin. Bush wanted the contract to go to Unocal. When the Taliban refused, Voila!!! We attacked Afghanistan under the ruse of fighting terrorism. The real reason was to take out the Taliban, thus voiding the contract with Bridas. Bridas sued in U.S. Federal court and won a $500 million dollar settlement.Read this and and this for starters.
Although some of this was reported, it was under-reported, and the story finally buried. (We now had the contract, and that was good for America, right?) To this day, the bulk of our troops are stationed along that pipeline, protecting 'our' interests. This sh*t is just not sustainable. We never gave a 'rats-ass' about Osama bin Laden. If anything, Bush needed him alive and free, to keep the facade of the war on terror going.
Like I've said so many times before, Jim: We can redeploy every last troop in Iraq to Afghanistan, along with all our mercenary contractors, and we will not be victorious. You don't wage a full-blown conflict in someone else's backyard. Especially when the 'backyard' is as mountainous and hard to get to as Afghanistan. Our arrogance is ludicrous! The British, the Russians, and others have all tried and failed miserably. We will be no different. It's a cultural thing; these people are NOT nationalistic, they're tribal. Short of genocide, which the terrain makes nearly impossible, we are heading for expensive failure. Even with all our world-class weapons technology, we are being defeated by simple human ingenuity. Just like Viet-Nam, just like Iraq. You can be victorious in nationalistic wars (like England, Germany, Japan, Mexico, et al) but never in cultural wars where you're fighting a tribal mentality.
Too bad the history major from Yale spent his classroom time drinking and snorting, instead of studying. Hard-headedness, and a refusal to admit mistakes, is not a good character trait in a President. Neither is complacency or apathy in the people he leads.
Without a drastic change in foreign policy (180 degrees) we are doomed to our demise. The land will still be here alright, and there will still be people who occupy it, but it won't be the America you and I have grown to love. What a shame! All because of the arrogance and greed of a few, and the complacency and apathy of many.
Damn Brother that is extensive. I just read your comment and the first link. I have to look at the other one next but this is a lot of stuff.
I know it is all about the oil but to me Bush attacked Afghanistan and then Iraq to go after Iran and their oils too before getting the entire world embroiled. I remember the efforts fr a pipeline through Afghanistan but you just made it entirely obvious that if they don't do what you want attack them.
I don't friggen get it! Why the hell does the truth on this warmongering never get out? Why does no one make sure this underhanded scummy crap gets out.
You know we the people are righteous and Patriotic but I have to question the Governments motives for war in every instance now because Bush has made the dirty side of America front and center and blatant routine policy. I don't friggen get it. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! I have to look at the other link now. Take care! This is a mellow moody day for me but you will see or hear from me. Adios for now!
Before I read that I have to tell you this friggen country will not change and we are doomed. So much happens today and so fast we can't friggen address one problem before the next one is created. As you know it is getting worse as the chief scums time gets short!
You asnd I both have said it a million times that this will all be lost and Bush guaranteed it. That is why Bush seems to just be generating more and more future war like we will persevere in an all out war. WTF! I have to get to that link you laugher you!
Damn Brother!
I just sent that second link to Larry! That is really something. It blows me away that this stuff is known and has never gotten out. WHY? You know we are living a lie from beginning to end but is peeves me to see it done so blatantly and right in our feces and all the scum do is laugh it off and continue on with it. I could never understand why the bush Nazi shit never came out and why the scums were never imprisoned. Then there is all Georgie did before and after the Presidency. i was screaming during that farce they called the 9/11 hearings, Then McCain! We are so screwed! Frig!
Bwahahahahahahahahha You're a riot, with your Freudian Typos!!!
......peeves me to see it done so blatantly and right in our feces....."
ROFL Bwahahahahahahaha
He's in our sh*t, alright. Hehehehe
The Collapse Jim:
Uncomfortable Answers to Questions on the Economy
You have heard that Fannie and Freddie, their gentle names notwithstanding, may cripple the financial system without a large infusion of taxpayer money. You have gleaned that jobs are disappearing, housing prices are plummeting, and paychecks are effectively shrinking as food and energy prices soar. You have noted the disturbing talk of crisis hovering over Wall Street.
Something has clearly gone wrong with the economy. But how bad are things, really? And how bad might they get before better days return? Even to many economists who recently thought the gloom was overblown, the situation looks grim. The economy is in the midst of a very rough patch. The worst is probably still ahead.
Job losses will probably accelerate through this year and into 2009, and the job market will probably stay weak even longer. Home prices will probably keep falling, shrinking household wealth and eroding spending power.
“The open question is whether we’re in for a bad couple of years, or a bad decade,” said Kenneth S. Rogoff, a former chief economist at the International Monetary Fund, now a professor at Harvard.
Is this a recession?
Officially, no. The economy is not in recession until a panel at a private institution called the National Bureau of Economic Research says so. Unofficially, many economists think a recession started six or seven months ago, even as the economy has continued to expand — albeit at a tepid pace.
Many assume that if the economy expands at all, then it isn’t a recession, but that’s not true. The bureau defines a recession as “a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months.” If enough people lose their jobs, factories stop making things, stores stop selling things, and less money lands in people’s pockets, it is probably a recession.
Whatever it is called, it is a painful time for tens of millions of people. Indeed, this may turn out to be the most wrenching downturn since the two recessions in the early 1980s; almost surely worse than the recession that ended the technology bubble at the beginning of this decade; perhaps worse than the downturn of the early 1990s that followed the last dip in real estate prices.
But, despite what some doomsayers now proclaim, this is not the Great Depression, when unemployment spiked to 25 percent and millions of previously working people woke up in shantytowns. Not by any measure, even as your neighbors make cryptic remarks above dusting off lessons passed down from grandparents about how to turn a can of beans into a family meal.
How bad is housing?
Bad in many markets, awful in some, and still O.K. in a few.
The downturn has its roots in the real estate frenzy that turned lonely Nevada ranches into suburban ranch homes and swampland in Florida into condominiums. Speculators drove home prices beyond any historical connection to incomes. Gravity did the rest. After roughly doubling in value from 2000 to 2005, home prices have fallen about 17 percent — and more like 25 percent in inflation-adjusted terms — according to the widely watched Case-Shiller index.
Even so, most economists think house prices must fall an additional 10 to 15 percent to get back to reality. One useful measure is the relationship between the costs of buying and renting a home. From 1985 to 2002, the average American home sold for about 14 times the annual rent for a similar home, according to Moody’s Economy.com. By early 2006, home prices ballooned to 25 times rental prices. Since then, the ratio has dipped back to about 20 — still far above the historical norm.
With mortgages now hard to obtain and speculation no longer attractive, arithmetic has replaced momentum as the guiding force for housing prices. The fundamental equation points down: Even as construction grinds down, there are still many more houses on the market than there are people to buy them, and more on the way as more homeowners slip into foreclosure.
By the reckoning of Economy.com, enough houses are on the market to satisfy demand for the next two-and-a-half years without building a single new one.
The time it takes to sell a newly completed house has expanded from an average of four months in 2005 to about nine months, according to analysis by Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research.
And many sales are falling through — more than 30 percent in some parts of California and Florida — as buyers fail to secure financing, exacerbating the glut of homes, Mr. Baker said.
No wonder that in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Phoenix and Las Vegas, house prices have in recent months declined at annual rates of more than 33 percent.
When will banks revive?
So far, they have written off more than $300 billion in loans. Many experts now predict the toll will rise to $1 trillion or more — a staggering sum that could cripple many institutions for years.
Back when home prices were multiplying, banks poured oceans of borrowed money into real estate loans. Unlike the dot-com companies at the heart of the last speculative investment bubble, the new gold rush was centered on something that seemed unimpeachably solid — the American home.
But the whole thing worked only as long as housing prices rose. Falling prices landed like a bomb. Homeowners fell behind on their loans and could not qualify for new ones: There was no value left in their house to borrow against. As millions of people defaulted, the banks confronted enormous losses in a bloody period of reckoning.
In March, the Federal Reserve helped engineer a deal for JPMorgan Chase to buy troubled investment bank Bear Stearns. Many assumed the worst was over. But, this month, the open distress of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — two huge, government sponsored institutions that together own or guarantee nearly half of the nation’s $12 trillion in outstanding mortgages — sent a signal that more ugly surprises may lie in wait.
To calm markets, the government last weekend hurriedly put together a rescue package for Fannie and Freddie that, if used, could cost as much as $300 billion. The urgent need for a rescue — together with another round of billion-dollar write-offs on Wall Street — has unnerved economists and investors.
“I was a relative optimist, but I’ve certainly become more pessimistic,” said Alan S. Blinder, an economist at Princeton, and a former vice chairman of the board of governors at the Federal Reserve. “The financial system looks substantially worse now than it did a month ago. If the Freddie and Fannie bailout were to fail, it could get a hell of a lot worse. If we get more bank failures, we have the possibility of seeing more of these pictures of people standing in line to pull their money out. That could really scare consumers.”
In one respect, Mr. Blinder added, this is like the Great Depression. “We haven’t seen this kind of travail in the financial markets since the 1930s,” he said.
More than two years ago, Nouriel Roubini, an economist at the Stern School of Business at New York University, said that the housing bubble would give way to a financial crisis and a recession. He was widely dismissed as an attention-seeking Chicken Little. Now, Mr. Roubini says the worst is yet to come, because the account-squaring has so far been confined mostly to bad mortgages, leaving other areas remaining — credit cards, auto loans, corporate and municipal debt.
Mr. Roubini says the cost of the financial system’s losses could reach $2 trillion. Even if it’s closer to $1 trillion, he adds, “we’re not even a third of the way there.”
Where will the banks raise the huge sums needed to replenish the capital they have apparently lost? And what will happen if they cannot?
The answers to these questions are unknown, an unsettling void that holds much of the economy at a standstill.
“We’re in a dangerous spot,” said Andrew Tilton, an economist at Goldman Sachs. “The big threat is more capital losses.”
Banks are a crucial piece of the economy’s arterial system, steering capital where it is needed to fuel spending and power growth. Now, they are holding tight to their dollars, starving businesses of loans they might use to expand, and depriving families of money they might use to buy houses and fill them with furniture and appliances.
From last June to this June, commercial bank lending declined more than 9 percent, according to an analysis of Federal Reserve data by Goldman Sachs.
“You have another wave of anxiety, another tightening of credit,” said Robert Barbera, chief economist at the research and trading firm ITG. “The idea that we’ll have a second half of the year recovery has gone by the boards.”
Is my job safe?
Economic slowdowns always mean job losses. Unemployment already has risen, and almost certainly will increase more.
The first signs of distress emerged in housing. Construction companies, real estate agencies, mortgage brokers and banks began laying people off. Next, jobs started being cut at factories making products linked to housing, from carpets and furniture to lighting and flooring.
But as the real estate bust spilled over into the broader economy, depleting household wealth, the impacts rippled out to retailers, beauty parlors, law offices and trucking companies, inflicting cutbacks throughout the economy, save for health care, farming and energy. Over the last six months, the economy has shed 485,000 private sector jobs, according to the Labor Department. Many people have seen hours reduced.
The unemployment rate still remains low by historical standards, at 5.5 percent. And so far, the job losses — about 65,000 a month this year — do not approach the magnitude of those seen in past downturns, particularly the twin recessions at the beginning of the 1980s, when the economy shed upward of 140,000 jobs a month and the unemployment rate exceeded 10 percent.
But Goldman Sachs assumes unemployment will reach 6.5 percent by the end of 2009, which translates into several hundred thousand more Americans out of work.
These losses are landing on top of what was, for most Americans, a remarkably weak period of expansion. From 1992 to 2000 — as the technology boom catalyzed spending and hiring — the economy added more than 22 million private sector jobs. Over the last eight years, only 5 million new jobs have been added.
The loss of work is hitting Americans along with an assortment of troubles — gasoline prices in excess of $4 a gallon, over all inflation of about 5 percent, and declining wages.
“In every dimension, people are worse off than they were,” said Mr. Roubini, the New York University economist.
Are consumers done?
That is a major worry.
The fate of the economy now rests on the shoulders of the American consumer, whose spending amounts to 70 percent of all economic activity.
When people go to the mall and buy televisions and eat out, their money circulates through the economy. When they tighten their belts, austerity ripples out and chokes growth.
Through the years of the housing boom, many Americans came to treat their homes like automated teller machines that never required a deposit. They harvested cash through sales, second mortgages and home equity lines of credit — an artery of finance that reached $840 billion a year from 2004 to 2006, according to work by the economists James Kennedy and Alan Greenspan, the former Federal Reserve chairman. That allowed Americans to live far in excess of what they brought home from work.
But by the first three months of this year, that flow had constricted to an annual rate of about $200 billion.
Average household debt has swelled to 120 percent of annual income, up from 60 percent in 1984, according to the Federal Reserve.
And now the banks are turning off the credit taps.
“Credit is going to remain tight for a time potentially measured in years,” said Mr. Tilton, the Goldman Sachs economist.
This is the landscape that has so many economists convinced that consumer spending must dip, putting the squeeze on the economy for several years.
“The question is, will it get as bad as the 1970s?” asked Mr. Rogoff, recalling an era of spiking gas prices and double-digit inflation.
Long term, Americans may have no choice but to spend less, save more and reduce debts — in short, to live within their means.
“We’re getting a lot of the adjustment and it hurts,” said Kristin Forbes, a former member of the Council of Economic Advisers under President George W. Bush, and now a scholar at M.I.T.’s Sloan School of Management. “But it’s an adjustment we’re going to have to make.”
Who’s to blame?
There is plenty to go around.
In the estimation of many economists, it starts with the Federal Reserve. The central bank lowered interest rates following the calamitous end of the technology bubble in 2000, lowered them more after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and then kept them low, even as speculators began to trade homes like dot-com stocks.
Meanwhile, the Fed sat back and watched as Wall Street’s financial wizards engineered diabolically complicated investments linked to mortgages, generating huge amounts of speculative capital that turned real estate into a conflagration.
“At the end of this movie, it’s clear that the Fed will have to care about excesses,” Mr. Barbera said.
Prices multiplied as many homeowners took on more property than they could afford, lured by low introductory interest rates that eventually reset higher, sending many people into foreclosure.
Mortgage brokers netted commissions as they lent almost indiscriminately, offering exotically lenient terms — no money down, no income or job required. Wall Street banks earned billions selling risky mortgage-linked securities around the world, aided by ratings agencies that branded them solid.
Through it all, a lot of ordinary Americans borrowed a lot more money then they could afford to pay back, running up enormous credit card bills and borrowing against the value of their homes. Now comes the day of reckoning.
More proof Jim:
Commercial bankruptcies soar, reflecting widening economic woes
By Tony Pugh
Driven by a sour economy and skittish consumers, U.S. business bankruptcies saw their sharpest quarterly rise in two years, jumping 17 percent in the second quarter of 2008, according to an analysis by McClatchy.
Commercial filings for the first half of 2008 are up 45 percent from last year, as the national climate for commerce continues to deteriorate amid rising energy and food costs, mounting job losses, tighter credit and a reticence among consumers to part with discretionary income.
From April through June, 15,471 U.S. businesses called it quits, according to data from Automated Access to Court Electronic Records, an Oklahoma City bankruptcy management and data company.
States that saw the biggest increase in filings were Delaware, Montana, Oregon, Maryland and Connecticut, suggesting that the economic gloom is spreading beyond large population centers.
It was the 10th straight quarter that business bankruptcy filings have increased. Nearly 29,000 companies filed in the first half of 2008.
Another 60,000 to 90,000 others probably have closed, because roughly two to three businesses fold for every one that files for bankruptcy, said Jack Williams, resident scholar at the American Bankruptcy Institute.
The vast majority of these failed companies are among the nation's 23 million small businesses, with fewer than 100 employees. Their fortunes have tumbled as the national economic downturn has deepened.
"The climate is turning desperate for small businesses," said George Cloutier, founder of American Management Services, a consulting firm that helps small companies increase profits. "They are in crisis, and, as these numbers show, it's getting worse and worse."
Larger enterprises typically have more capital to weather downturns, but many of them also are reeling from the sputtering economy.
"I've been doing this for 36 years, and this is clearly the worst I've ever seen," said Harding Dawahare, the president of the Lexington, Ky.-based Dawahare's clothing store chain, which employs more than 400 people.
It was 1907 when Dawahare's Syrian immigrant grandfather, Serur Dawahare, began packing his mules with bags of fabric and linens and peddling his goods door to door to coal miners in Eastern Kentucky.
From those modest beginnings, Dawahare's grew to a 32-store clothing chain with outlets throughout Kentucky and a few stores in Tennessee and West Virginia.
However, Harding Dawahare did the unthinkable recently and filed for bankruptcy after amassing more than $9 million in debts. He said his problems began after a tough year in 2006, but it was the 2007 holiday season that did him in.
"We had a great third quarter, but if you don't have a good fourth quarter, you're not gonna make it. And that's essentially what happened. The economy tanked in late November and it never came back, and we just couldn't overcome it."
More than 20 percent of the newly shuttered businesses were in California, which logged 3,141 bankruptcies in the second quarter.
Texas fielded the next highest number of bankruptcies with 1,168, followed by Michigan with 702 and Florida with 635. New York was next, with 618 petitions, and Colorado had 547.
Commercial bankruptcy filings reported by Automated Access to Court Electronic Records are typically higher than official government figures due to a more thorough reading of the petitions.
Robert Lawless, a law professor at the University of Illinois and a bankruptcy expert, has researched and written about the federal government's underreporting of business bankruptcies. He estimates that roughly one in seven people who file for consumer bankruptcy do so in connection with their businesses.
Tom Clements' pet shop in Tampa, Fla., started seeing steep declines in business in April of last year.
"We didn't know what it was at the time, so we were trying to work through it," Clements said.
But as sales stayed flat for the next 15 months, Clements, 62, realized that the economy was forcing customers to make tough choices. "Obviously a puppy isn't something that everybody has to have."
With listed assets of about $2,605, Clements filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in June, owing more than $260,000 for back taxes, a property lease, auto leases, unpaid inventory, dog food, phone service, advertising, pest control, waste removal and other services.
"I absolutely loved that business," Clements said wistfully. "It's the kind of business where people were happy. You come, get a puppy or a dog, you go home happy. Unfortunately, I'm not a philanthropist."
Clements said the lingering debt and the money he invested had jeopardized his and his wife's retirement.
"That's why I wouldn't ever consider going back into something like that again," he said.
Williams of the bankruptcy institute said that because bankruptcies were lagging economic indicators, they probably would "continue to increase at least for the next year to 18 months at the rate that we're seeing right now."
Cloutier wants the federal government to create a $10 billion emergency-loan fund to help struggling small businesses avoid bankruptcy. Williams is skeptical.
"I think most of the business problems are not simply market-driven, they're operational. So there's a mix. Throwing more money at a poor operation means you just spent more money, but the operation is still poor."
Jodi and Steven Carbaugh of Waynesboro, Pa., ended up in bankruptcy court after they tried to expand their Cupo' Joe coffee shop in Greencastle, Pa.
In 2006, the couple used their home as collateral to buy a nearby Amish-owned bakery. "Big mistake," Jodi Carbaugh said.
As their debt increased, the couple tried to juggle four business-related loans and their home mortgage as well as pay vendors, employees, utilities and insurance. At the same time, business at the coffee shop began to slow.
Some 70 miles outside Washington, the Cupo' Joe was a favorite morning launching pad for residents who drive to work in the nation's capital. But as gas prices increased, Jodi Carbaugh noticed that business began to wane, falling 40 percent since last year.
"People had to spend more money to buy gas to get to D.C. instead of buying lattes and specialty breads," Carbaugh said. At the same time, food prices spiked. A case of eggs tripled to $60 and a 50-pound bag of flour went from about $20 to more than $50.
"The price of goods increased so drastically that we couldn't ask folks to pay what it cost to make the products," Carbaugh said.
Their fortunes bottomed out in June, when they filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy protection.
"We worked as hard as we could for as long as we could," Carbaugh said of their failed ventures. " . . . Some of life's lessons aren't so easily learned, but we learned our lesson."
Seems to me something similar, but not as bad, happened in the last year of Daddy B's term. Must be a family trait.
There's an old adage in the Middle East; "I will fight with my brother & I will fight with my cousin, but I will fight beside my brother & my cousin against the invaders." Getting involved in Iraq was like trying to join in a family fight, they direct their ire toward the intruder.
What a riot Brother perfect! I seem to do that a lot. That one is perfect!
Despite what the so called experts say this recession or more aptly Depression is at least a year and a half old! This is Bush's baby and as you know a total collapse has to happen so people will willingly give up their remaining rights! This is all just starting as I continuously say! This morning I heard people are bailing out of their houses and loans before they are in trouble. This manufactured mess is just beginning. Did you see the two links brother sent above? I think with credit to him as I speak about it often I am going to include them in today's story and I found a stunning video!
Businesses are increasingly failing. At leas one of the airlines is expected to go down this year. Some home owners not even in default are bailing before they are. Vehicles are being dumped! Food prices will continue to skyrocket with the price of oil and gas and it will get a lot worse! Just wait until war with Iran starts and then the world. They think it is bad now? Not the chief idiot though. He says we are fundamentally sound, yeah like a wooden drum!
Yes Reagan started this crap daddy B picked it up but Bushie is bringing it to fruition. McCain is slated to take it after Bush's mess to bring it along even further. This will get a lot worse.
Anyway I have to laugh because what you said about Iraq is dead true and I was relating that to my wife yesterday using family as an example. They will unite to repel us and then turn on each other again as is normal. What the hell did they think?
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