Russia considers Nuclear Bombers in Cuba compliments of Bush's phony MDS system to instigate war with Russia!
Russia considers using Cuba to refuel nuclear Bombers to counter Bush
Russia considers using Cuba to refuel nuclear Bombers to counter Bush
Dear ACLU Supporter,
Here they go again. On Monday, Bush’s Attorney General, Michael Mukasey, called on Congress to take dramatic steps to subvert the Constitution.
Mukasey is demanding that Congress issue a new declaration of war that would make the entire globe -- including the United States itself -- a “battlefield” where the president decides who will be locked up forever.
Instead of ending the Bush system of injustice, he wants Congress to make it permanent.
Tell Congress to reject the Bush/Mukasey plan to subvert the Constitution.
Not only has Bush’s Attorney General called on Congress to issue a new declaration of war, but he is also asking Congress to:
1. Gut habeas corpus -- the freedom that protects people from being thrown in prison illegally -- with no help, no end in sight and no due process.
2. Cover up the Bush administration’s systemic torture and abuse of detainees. Judges would not be allowed to see evidence of torture and abuse and would instead simply have to trust that a president is holding the right people as ”enemy combatants.”
With only five weeks left in the congressional schedule and only six months left in the Bush presidency, Mukasey’s power grab should be laughed out of town. But, given this Congress’ track record, the Mukasey proposal is no laughing matter.
Tell Congress to reject the Bush/Mukasey plan to subvert the Constitution.
Too many times, we’ve seen Congress cave in to the most outrageous Bush demands for out-of-control powers: The Patriot Act. National Security Letters. The Military Commissions Act. The Protect America Act. And, most recently, the congressional sell-out on FISA.
Four times the Supreme Court has rejected the Bush administration’s efforts to design a war on terror system of injustice that defies the Constitution and mocks the rule of law. In the past, the administration has responded, not by respecting the Constitution, but by counting on Congress to legitimize its indefensible conduct.
There is no way we can let that happen this time. Even as the House Judiciary Committee investigates whether high-level Bush White House officials may have committed crimes of torture and abuse, the Bush administration has the arrogance to ask Congress to give it the power to detain people without trial and hide torture and abuse from the courts.
Tell Congress to reject the Bush/Mukasey plan to subvert the Constitution.
We can’t take for granted that Congress will reject the Bush/Mukasey plan. We have to meet this outrageous proposal with an immediate wall of protest that says to Congress: “Don’t you dare.”
* I had an extensive format set to go this morning outlining Bush's 2 terms of absolute lies and war mongering but had to digress once again as this is too important. Pleas contact Congress we can not allow Bush unilateral war powers as he will instantly use and abuse it like everything else in his hands! Please get involved! This can't happen!
Hey Patriot. Just checking in with you! That damned John McCain accusing Obama of wanting to win the election but not the war! You know the more he opens his mouth, the more evil he seems. Am awaiting Obamas speech in Berlin! Take care friend>
Hey Minnesota
Thanks for stopping by! I am at your place every day but I haven't seen anything new. I am so sick of the lying crap from McCain. Obama is playing well around the middle east and the entire world and McCain and Bush hate it. The more popular Obama gets the more underhanded they get.
I heard the scum Bush is going to speak at the GOP. I am so sick of this crap. I am very concerned at what the right is going to do to stay in power to keep their war mongering going. I am waiting to hear about Berlin but all they are talking about here is possible tornadoes. Oh well take care!
I've been telling you this is coming, Jim. The world has been steadily banding together to take out the bully. All they were waiting for was a strong leader to lead the charge. Putin has fired a shot across our bow. We'd better take heed and pay attention, just as Kruschev did when JFK fired his shot across their bow.
Russia is justified in it's actions. Bush is trying to set up missle batteries in Russia's backyard. You can call them missle defense shields if you want, but they are still batteries of missles that can be used offensively and aggresively.
Better put on your goggles, bud, the sh*t is gettin' ready to hit the fan.
China will clean up the mess and take over as the world's sole Superpower.
Heckuva job, Chimpy!
Ahhhhhh, what the hell, I love Chinese Buffets.;)
Hey Brother!
Glad to see you're still kicking. This is still just taking shape and as you know Bush created this and purposely. Now he wants unilateral war power. Oh man! I was just listening to Obama's Berlin speech. Great! Wonder how they are going to negatively spin a great speech?
The only bad thing I got out of it was about Iran and their having nukes. This forever war will progress regardless of who the President is. Unfriggenbelievable!
I like Chinese myself but not rat and dog! Forgot to say what I have thought before and was thinking last night and that is with the chief idiot insisting China is a friend, okay, and going to the Olympic openings I am thinking again that since they are our bank and we owe them so much as well as the fact that we employ much of their Nation, that they will join us against Russia and then when it is over come out on top! No?
Check out this piece from the HuffPo.
I don't think so, Jim. It would be like Canada or Mexico siding with Russia. We may buy China's trinkets, but you need oil to make them, and they get that from Russia, Iran, and Venezuela. The Chinese are not known to cut off their noses to spite their faces.
That link brings me to live mail to sign in or up. I am not a member. Did you have an article? Someone had a Huffpo Item this morning but I can't think who or what about.
I got it from my inbox. I'll see if I can get it up for you.
You may be right but I really wonder especially since you have made me so aware that this is all about us getting control of the oil supplies. Just listen to these scum it is sickening!
Thanks Bud!
At least tell me what it was about!
Barack's speech was awesome today in Berlin!
I've posted pics and credit to you, Jim!
I heard the other day Congress had a closed door secret meeting to discuss implementing Martial Law should economic conditions continue to deteriorate and such a rate that we start seeing chaos in the streets.
We aint out of the woods yet by a long shot.
I still dont put it past Bush to try some sort of bullshit before he leaves like attacking Iran or trying to make himself Dictator for Life...
well, he does seem a bit tired and wanting of nothing more than to ride his bike but I bet Cheney would be up to it...
He may seem a bit tired, but giving him the dictatorship would be like giving him a 'speedball' made up of crystal meth and viagra.
I thank you but credit for what? I will be by of course to see what you put up. Take care!
Oh yeah Karen that speech was awesome! I may put a follow up on it today but I have to check out the situation first. The world really liked it and of course McCain was an ass. The right will not allow him to happen. I am very concerned! Things are getting out of control rapidly and on purpose at a very opportune time for the right to stay in power!
We are not out of the woods as you say this is just beginning and is all part of the plan. This perfect manufactured storm is not happening at the perfect time for the right to stay in power for nothing. This is long planned and long expected. This once more is not a coincidence but a planned clandestine "coincidence"
If he steals it or it is given to the next false Republican God we are screwed. I am hoping the electoral College knows it and are heavily in favor of Obama which makes me worry about what we have long thought and Shifter just mentioned! Oh man! Be prepared and stay together!
I worried all night about how we were going to heat the house this winter. We got a hundred Gallons yesterday at almost $500. The oil company said it will be $800 per month. WTF!
shifter, Brother, you know many of us expect it but in light of what Shifter said and I remember hearing I looked it up and sure enough! I will put it together soon for today and forego all the other crises again. Take care!
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