This morning I caught wind of just one more stupid thing Bush seems so adept at saying. That idiot is such an embarrassment and the frightening thing about Bush saying anything is he is never right and has no problem eating his words and staying his damaging course.
Anyway amidst reports that Iraqi security forces should be disbanded and Iraq is worse off than with Saddam as basic human needs can not be met not to speak of the 7 additional Americans killed yesterday we have Bush declaring he is kicking Ass in Iraq. When President Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq last weekend, he made clear he was pleased with what he saw. "The security situation is changing," Bush told reporters during the visit. "There's more work to be done. But reconciliation is taking place." But according to the Sydney Morning Herald of Australia the president gave a more-to-the-point assessment to Australia Deputy Prime Minister Mark Vaile.
"We're kicking ass," Bush said to Vaile Tuesday, according the Herald, after the deputy prime minister inquired about his trip to Iraq. On Thursday, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino would not confirm or deny the reported comment. That means he said it! (Related Video: Jack Cafferty reads your e-mails on Bush's blunt talk
The whole story
That was bad enough, then I saw the story about calling an end to the Korean War. In a rare public exchange highlighting the delicacy of political diplomacy, President Bush told South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun a formal end to the Korean War begins when North Korea halts its secretive nuclear weapons program. Both leaders met in Sydney ahead of the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, spending much of their meeting discussing the international diplomatic stagnation over the communist North's nuclear arms program. Bush said. They agreed there had been progress, with Roh characterizing it as "positive" and "meaningful."
Then, in a rare back-and-forth exchange before the cameras, Roh pressed Bush to be "clearer" on his stance to officially ending the Korean War, which ended in 1953 with a truce, and not a peace treaty, meaning on paper they are still at war. "I think I might be wrong. I think I did not hear President Bush mention a declaration to end the Korean War just now. Did you say so, President Bush?
"If you could be a little bit clearer," he continued. Bush's tone was positive, but his message was firm. "I can't make it any more clear, Mr. President. We look forward to the day when we can end the Korean War. That will happen when Kim Jong Il verifiably gets rid of his weapons programs and his weapons." Watch the subtleties of the exchange between Bush and Roh » Under a deal reached in February after years of negotiations, North Korea agreed to end its nuclear programs, including one that has made bomb material.
Bush ending Korean war
As you know, Iraq is a failure from day one, it will not be turned around before it spreads throughout the entire middle east, and Bush is not "kicking Ass" I will also guarantee you that once North Korea has disbanded its nuclear ambitions Bush will add ending the Korean War to his so called list of accomplishments. The division between north and south is still there and the only thing Bush has accomplished is world wide chaos!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
I don't know why because I did it a lot this morning but I just couldn't embed my links?
Does this mean that in 50 years, the President of the United States can finally end the occupation of Iraq and take credit for that?
We all know Bush likes the Korean Model for Iraq.
Ot, on your links, are you using The Link Here? Toggle between views "Edit html" and "compose". My guess is if you look at the links in html view, you'll see they're messed up.
Ok, the format didn't come out right in the post. I can't post it here without making blogger go apeshit.
Check the html view to see that you have the proper link format.
Here is a w3 schools link http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_links.asp
Hi Jim,
Just wondering how your hand is. I also want to apologize for having been snappy these days. It's just pain and frustration ... I feel suffocating under the weight of disinformation campaign against my country ... when someone pushes the pillow against my face, I just kick like any dying organism.
Let's stop these morons ... why do morons lead the world?
Makes sense to me but a hundred or a thousand years, there will be no victory as we envision it. This mess is still just getting started and will make the hundred years war look short.
No I never heard of that but will check it out so thanks. It is working right now and I noticed it was a problem with Blogger because when I publish, it dropped in extra code. Anon told me about compose otherwise I wouldn't have known that either.
Thanks Polishifter
I will learn. I never bothered before because I was more concerned with the story but now I have to start prettying things up. I am getting there thanks to some of you.
Don't worry I understand. We are very frustrated and powerless as Americans. Knowing Russia and China will step in on the side of Iran who knows what that will mean here or anywhere in the world. Ever hear of the surprise they have for Bush called the Assassins Mace? Let me see if I can dig up the link on the 7,000 suicide bombers.
polishifter gave you a good link. I wish I had it so I could have explained it better to you.
That's about the only html that I really use and its helped me a lot in posting links.
I always usually add a slash after the closing " before putting the greater than symbol.
I have found though that sometime I don't really need it.
Yes, Der Fuhrer Adolph Bush is a moron, an insane moron on top of that.
God Bless.
No china and Russia will not stand by Iran. they will just stand in the sidelines, will let both Iran and the US get weakened.
They will be the ultimate winners of this folly!
The irony is that the average Iranians (neither the west-trained intellectuals, nor the islamists; both of which are minorities) like Americans and trust them far more than they trust the Brits or the French for example.
Bush is "kicking ass" in Iraq, he is "kicking ass" of the U.S soldiers and the innocent Iraqi people.
Good, I have to take a moment and check it out. I am hindered in more ways than one with my arm. plus I am thinking of putting a story together for today.
I really hate to be thought of as a cospiracy theorist. I just know we never hear it and I am searching for the truth.
Anyway I write a lot about Bin Laden furthering Bush's cause. This latest tape though is a bit much. He is out and out coming out on Bush's side and supposedly speaking against te Dem Congress. This is too much!
That's interesting! I personally think China and Russia will help Iran because more than anything they want to see the US toppled and thanks to Bush I can't blame them.
I am thinking of putting a story together for today.
I really hate to be thought of as a conspiracy theorist. I just know we never hear it and I am searching for the truth.
Anyway I write a lot about Bin Laden furthering Bush's cause.
This latest tape though is a bit much. He is out and out coming out on Bush's side and supposedly speaking against the Dem Congress. This is too much!
Anyway what you say certainly doesn't speak well for the French and the Brits. Myself I have been surprised to hear the increased rhetoric coming from their new leaders. Are we peace lovers of the world ever in trouble!
I am so sick of the chief idiots rhetoric. He is kicking the asses of our military ind Iraqi's.
I am thinking of putting a story together for today. I really hate to be thought of as a conspiracy theorist. I just know we never hear it and I am searching for the truth.
Anyway I write a lot about Bin Laden furthering Bush's cause.
This latest tape though is a bit much. He is out and out coming out on Bush's side and supposedly speaking against the Dem Congress. This is too much!
I had to stop by and say "Welcome to the Blog World Report." Of course, I thought I already had you blogrolled. Sorry.
Hey Robert
Thanks! I have been meaning to stop by your place and now I will. I am a bit slow right now nursing a recently shattered dislocated wrist. Also for some reason I have found myself caught up communicating with naj on like interests. Thanks again robert now I will check out the World Blog Report. Is that your site?
I didn't see it on your site. What is the World Blog Report? Which is your Blog if I link to you?
yes China and Russia will help Iran, but not openly. They will sell weapons in secret and get cheap oil in return, in case of China; and get land treaties in case of Russia.
Iran and Russia have a few land/water disputes; and the russians have been benefiting from America's pressure on Iran, greatly!
I am finding I agree with you most often and I do agree with you here but with them now being military allies , allies with Iran, against what Bush is doing in the middle east, and wanting to see the US dethroned I fully expect them to join Iran and then enter a power sharing agreement where under Bush he wants to dominate everyone. Anyway you look at it this mess is still just getting under way.
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