With Bush declaring we will stay in the middle east indefinitely setting up a permanent military presence, many of us believe it is ultimately to attack Iran and that it is a foregone conclusion as that was only one reason he attacked Iraq in the first place. I use to think like some that Bush was foolish enough to use nuclear weapons. Recently I started thinking that at least the rest of the world would be smart enough to avoid using nuclear weapons in the total breakdown in the middle east that Bush purposely started as part of his so called new world order but I was not so sure about Islamist interests.
Recently Russia announced they had developed the Father of all bombs in response to America's Mother of all Bombs and that it could produce a nuclear size explosion without contamination and fall out. Emphasize was placed on the fact that it could be deployed and used anywhere around the world. Remembering that last year Putin told his special forces to defend all Russian interests in the event of a US attack on Iran my thought is that "Daddy" is headed to the middle east. This is sick but it seems like the interest is to protect the oil interests so the rest of the world would still be able to use them.
Recent developments having Israel attacking and taking out Syria's nuclear assets "which I never even knew existed" and supposedly from North Korea raised increasing concern for me that there was a desire to acquire nuclear assets to be used as weapons. I am very concerned that Islamist interests would have no qualms about rendering the middle east useless and in the name of Allah.
My concern of source though is first but not foremost, Pakistan. The Pakistani General passing out nuclear assets to anyone that wanted them aside. The growing vulnerability of their nuclear weapons causes me great concern.
Pakistan's political turmoil is deepening as Musharraf, who took power in a 1999 coup, maneuvers to extend his rule. He wants lawmakers to vote him back in by mid-October but faces legal obstacles because he still holds the office of army chief as well. Musharraf's popularity has plummeted since he tried to remove the country's top judge in March, sparking a pro-democracy protest movement. The Supreme Court later reinstated the judge. Musharraf is also struggling to contain an upsurge in pro-Taliban militants near the Afghan border.
Last week, Musharraf sidelined his chief political rival, former prime minister Nawaz Sharif sending him back into exile. But in doing that, he set up another showdown with the Supreme Court that had earlier ruled that Sharif could return to Pakistan. In an interview with The Associated Press Sunday, Bhutto said her party may join other opposition groups, including Sharif's, in resigning from Parliament and taking to the streets to try to force the U.S.-allied president from office.
Recent developments having Israel attacking and taking out Syria's nuclear assets "which I never even knew existed" and supposedly from North Korea raised increasing concern for me that there was a desire to acquire nuclear assets to be used as weapons. I am very concerned that Islamist interests would have no qualms about rendering the middle east useless and in the name of Allah.
My concern of source though is first but not foremost, Pakistan. The Pakistani General passing out nuclear assets to anyone that wanted them aside. The growing vulnerability of their nuclear weapons causes me great concern.
Pakistan's political turmoil is deepening as Musharraf, who took power in a 1999 coup, maneuvers to extend his rule. He wants lawmakers to vote him back in by mid-October but faces legal obstacles because he still holds the office of army chief as well. Musharraf's popularity has plummeted since he tried to remove the country's top judge in March, sparking a pro-democracy protest movement. The Supreme Court later reinstated the judge. Musharraf is also struggling to contain an upsurge in pro-Taliban militants near the Afghan border.
Last week, Musharraf sidelined his chief political rival, former prime minister Nawaz Sharif sending him back into exile. But in doing that, he set up another showdown with the Supreme Court that had earlier ruled that Sharif could return to Pakistan. In an interview with The Associated Press Sunday, Bhutto said her party may join other opposition groups, including Sharif's, in resigning from Parliament and taking to the streets to try to force the U.S.-allied president from office.
Pakistan is getting more vulnerable by the day! While I have to at least hope that the rest of the world does not want to render the middle east and her assets useless to the rest of the world, I am afraid I can't say that for AhmadiNejad and other Islamist interests and I am concerned some of Pakistan's nuclear assets would find their way into the hands of those that would use them like Iran.
Keeping all this in mind France's foreign minister warned Sunday that the world should prepare for war if Iran obtains nuclear weapons and said European leaders were considering their own economic sanctions against the Islamic country. We will not accept that such a bomb is made. We must prepare ourselves for the worst," he said, specifying that could mean a war. He did not elaborate on what kind of preparations that would entail.
I for one see that war as inevitable to the detriment of the world because all of these idiots seem to want it. The only question seems to be will nuclear assets be used? I reiterate, that is sick! Meanwhile As reports swirl in U.S. and Europe of plans to use military force to knock out Iran's nuclear development capability, the man behind the rogue state's defiance says he's coming to America to make his case to the U.N. President Mahmoud AhmadiNejad said he hoped to discuss policy with the U.S. at the opening meeting of the United Nations General Assembly during a Sunday appearance on Iranian state television, Reuters reports.
In the past AhmadiNejad has tried to speak with Bush but he refused. With the issues in the Middle East hitting critical mass what would it hurt to talk? what is bush afraid of? Is he afraid we would avoid another war that he wants in order to further his new world order? Maybe that is his fear as he has to be able to attack Iran as part of his new world order.
That is what it all boils down to, to me as Bush's daily actions are proving. He wants his new world order wars period and he will not be denied. How can we stop this? We must not stop trying!
After the huge clusterfark in Iraq, I can't believe any thinking American would buy into this crap.
But then..the American public always disappoints me.
You know what stinks is these idiots do not care and they will find their excuse to do this.
It was sickening today listening to Bush bragging how honest Gonzo was and how great a job he did and his replacement will be just as good for us.
Boy are we screwed, these idiots do not care as long as they get their way and continue this new order mess.
It really wouldn't surprise me if someone attempted to take him out when he comes here.
That would certainly lead to War and the Nazi's would welcome it with open arms.
God Bless.
Hey Patriot i don't understand why bush wants to nuke iran when he claims they have nukes and are dangerous it seems to me he is just like them
What do you think of this theory:
Pearl Harbor: they saw it coming and let it happen to galvanize public support for world war
There is overwhelming evidence that the Cheney-Bush regime knew in advance what, when and how the attacks would occur -- and that they were allowed to happen in order to further long standing goals of the military industrial complex for global empire and a domestic police state. It is even probable that the attacks received considerable assistance from elements in the US military-industrial complex to ensure their success. Giving more money and powers to the unelected secret government agencies will not make us safer. Indeed, we will be paying for our repression and the destruction of what is left of our liberties.
Most people who don't believe the official stories probably think that 9/11 was like Pearl Harbor - the government saw the attacks coming but chose not to intercept them, in order to reap political benefit (the domestic police state and the excuse for blatant global empire). It is true that the normal air defenses were muted (at best), not following the normal policies for these types of events (the "stand down" - the military's lack of reaction to the attacks - is detailed at www.oilempire.us/standdown.html).
General Ralph Eberhart, who was in charge of air defense on 9/11, was the first commandant of the new "Northern Command," the domestic unified military command established in October 2002. If the domestic use of the U.S. military escalates into full-scale martial law, the Northern Command would manage it. If 9/11 had been an "intelligence failure," General Eberhart would have been court-martialed instead of promoted.
The American Reichstag Fire:
The Pentagon attack - evidence that 9/11 was an inside job
The real issue is not whether "Bush Knew" and let it happen, but that the Air Defense system "stood down" to ensure that the attacks succeeded. Bush is one person. NORAD is a bureaucracy with specific protocols, chains of command, etc. - and its commander was PROMOTED after 9/11 to run the new "Northern Command" (domestic use of the US military). If and when we go to full strength martial law, General Eberhart (who was in charge of Air Defense on 911/2001) would be in charge of that.
The idea that they let it happen on purpose (to galvanize public support for war - like with Pearl Harbor, which was known in advance by FDR) and actual complicity (assistance with or orchestration of the attacks) are politically about the same. Either scenario involves a conscious, political decision to sacrifice thousands of citizens to create the pretext for global war -- which is a treasonous offense.
The "Pearl Harbor" analogy is not adequate to explain the evidence. Any plausible explanation needs to discuss why the plane that hit the Pentagon flew a 270 degree turn around the building and lined up with the nearly empty, recently reconstructed and strengthened sector. This is why 125 people were killed on the ground, instead of thousands.
Mr. Hanjour, the alleged pilot who supposedly flew with amazing accuracy into the Pentagon, was refused permission to rent a small plane a month before the attacks at Freeway Airport in Bowie, Maryland (he was said to have lacked any piloting skills). It is as if someone was learning to ride a bicycle and couldn't go around the block without training wheels - and the next week they claim to have won the Tour de France. The story that a muslim flight school drop out piloted a plane in a high speed, fighter pilot style 270 degree turn to spiral into the mostly empty, under reconstruction part of the Pentagon is analogous to the "magic bullet" that supposedly shot JFK and made numerous changes of direction (the only way the official story could support one gunman - which violates the known laws of physics).
.... That side of the Pentagon was virtually empty and had been for some time because the building had been under reconstruction quite visibly on that side for 5-6 years and part of that was to reinforce the building from external attack. In fact some photos show the difference in damage on either side of that reinforcement work and it is striking. That plane went 270 degrees out of its way at high speed, a very sophisticated maneuver with no possible military advantage, to hit the empty side of the Pentagon. There, as in New York, I would argue that they minimized the number of deaths by timing and method of attack. ....
- John Judge
I suggest you ask any pilot that has flown one what it takes to bank into a building at 550 miles an hour, or to dive in a 270 degree turn from 5000 feet to fly so low that streetlamps are clipped off, into a building. There are two options: Military or experienced civilian pilots (many are military anyway) piloted these planes. The planes were flown on remote control.
- John Judge www.ratical.org/ratville/JFK/JohnJudge/puzzlePieces.html
It is possible to believe that there could be a military pilot from Egypt, Saudi Arabia or another Islamic country with a sophisticated Air Force could have actually been the pilot of the Pentagon crash. But the fact that the building was struck in the part that was "under construction" makes this possibility even less likely that Oswald's alleged "magic bullet." An Egyptian or Saudi military pilot would merely have nose dived the Pentagon, and would not have come in low, hugging the ground in order to strike the side at the one part of the building that had been reinforced. Perhaps Lee Harvey Osama was at the controls of the plane ...
Evidence that the Pentagon attack (and therefore, all of the hijackings) was conducted by a remote control computerized system placed into the planes is listed at www.oilempire.us/remote.html
In 1933, after Hitler came to power, the Nazis burned down the Reichstag (Parliament) building and blamed it on the Communists to justify abolition of civil liberties and the imposition of dictatorship. The Pentagon crash - the plane hit the mostly empty part of the building (maximum political impact / minimum casualties) - means that 9/11 was the American Reichstag Fire.
I don;t get the Iran issue, WHY? I mean what does Bushco gain? and seriously , is is it really a good idea to shock and awe a country that has nuclear materials ? ( no) and many other countries in the region have nuclear materials ( cough...Isreal) so what gives ...There has been NO ONE that has come forward and backed Bush and Cheney...( well except for McCain who likes to joke about it on Hardball- even though we all know it is NOT a joke???)
And Larry- what you put above...well, all I have to say is I have MORE questions about 911 than answers...too many...and there are videos on Youtube that stagger the mind on this issue...and at some point we as Americans do need to talk about what the hell happened that day....cuz it aint' what we were told....
Pearl Harbor: "they saw it coming and let it happen to galvanize public support for world war"
The U.S jined this war in self defence; had th Germans been able to finish with Europe, they would have charged their full might at the U.S......My point is, war is a horrible aweful barabric process-but one has to keep on mind that it takes more than a singlr palyer to stop it
Hey Anon
Where are you in NewYork? Anyway I agree but the damn alternative is even worse right now.
Speaking of Nazi similarities the post you wrote yesterday was really good, set me to really thinking, and you know I agree as Bush needs the terrorists but he does not need us we are his enemmies.
Hi Holly
Bush does not want peace until he dominates. It has to be his way period. He is following the Russian Doctrine of Destruction and must create disorder which you see, impliment war, and replace existing order with the new order.
It is on my main page but you see his purposely adverarial Politics. Anyway attacking Iran was only one of his original goals in diverting from the supposed war on terror to get our military in the middle east and as you can see, he will not leave.
You are entirely right. I wrote this a couple years ago but i included it again ina story on the 11th. anyway he let it happen as all evidence proves. He needed the Patriot act powers to abuse for his new world order. He needed a 9/11 to get us behind him and it was allowed just like Pearl Harbor.
Anyway here you go! 9/11 was allowed to happen so Bush could get us and the world behind what he calls a war on terrorism. Think of all the powers he has been given and how he has abused them in his real goal of new societal, middle east, and world order.
9/11 was merely the excuse used to prosecute his new middle east and world order. If fighting terrorism was his goal he would have stayed in Afghanistan and attacked Pakistan who we know was funding Atta and the 9/11 attacks.
Instead he is in cahoots with Pakistan to prosecute the so called war on terror. Instead he used 9/11 as an excuse to attack Iraq and further destabilize the already unstable middle east. Last year we heard U.N.. Secretary-General Kofi Annan say leaders of Middle Eastern nations believed the Iraq war has "been a real disaster" for the region.
It is but it is a plan we have discussed many times, not pure ineptitude.
Most of the middle east leaders rightly believe now that the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath has been a real disaster for them. They believe it has destabilized the region. it was by design and I hate to tell them that it is still just unfolding and will get a lot worse. They are right to be worried, they are next!
Bush must stay the course and for a reason they don't know! Iraq is in civil war and it will spread throughout the entire middle east. Think about the events in proper context then tell me what you think! 9/11 was Bush's pearl harbor. Problem is, Bush is no FDR and has squirreled away any sympathy the world had for us. His true goal has come to light but we are powerless to stop it!
As you may remember, Bush was looking for something to happen that would put the country and the world behind what he already had plans to do. 9/11 gave him that something.
He had plans right from the beginning to establish a new societal, middle east, and world order. That is why it was important to him to whip up a media and public fury which of course, he has done and adeptly continues today. He then used the excuse of 9/11 to attack Iraq and unsettle the middle east so he could further his idea of a new middle east and world order.
In doing so he guaranteed the loss of Afghanistan as well as Iraq and the entire middle east Of course lying all the while and whipping up as much support and frenzy as he could in the media and minds he controls.
At this point it behooves him to continue to ignore reality and continue to whip up a frenzy so he can continue staying the course in order to further prosecute his new middle east and world order.
We are all shamelessly being used so Bush can follow his plan for new order. Who knows what Iraq and Afghanistan will be like in a year or two? Plus I will guarantee you Bush will find an excuse to attack Iran so he can further his plans for the middle east and the world and he is well along with that plan too.
Any way you look at it Bush has screwed up and just made a bad situation worse, as usual. His new middle east order will happen but it is out of his control!
Bush does not want peace until he dominates. It has to be his way period. He is following the Russian Doctrine of Destruction and must create disorder which you see, impliment war, and replace existing order with the new order.
It is on my main page but you see his purposely adverarial Politics. Anyway attacking Iran was only one of his original goals in diverting from the supposed war on terror to get our military in the middle east and as you can see, he will not leave.
I wrote this a couple years ago but i included it again in a story on the 11th. anyway he let it happen as all evidence proves. He needed the Patriot act powers to abuse for his new world order. He needed a 9/11 to get us behind him and it was allowed just like Pearl Harbor.
Anyway 9/11 was allowed to happen so Bush could get us and the world behind what he calls a war on terrorism. Think of all the powers he has been given and how he has abused them in his real goal of new societal, middle east, and world order.
9/11 was merely the excuse used to prosecute his new middle east and world order. If fighting terrorism was his goal he would have stayed in Afghanistan and attacked Pakistan who we know was funding Atta and the 9/11 attacks.
Instead he is in cahoots with Pakistan to prosecute the so called war on terror. Instead he used 9/11 as an excuse to attack Iraq and further destabilize the already unstable middle east. Last year we heard U.N.. Secretary-General Kofi Annan say leaders of Middle Eastern nations believed the Iraq war has "been a real disaster" for the region.
It is but it is a plan we have discussed many times, not pure ineptitude.
Most of the middle east leaders rightly believe now that the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath has been a real disaster for them. They believe it has destabilized the region. it was by design and I hate to tell them that it is still just unfolding and will get a lot worse. They are right to be worried, they are next!
Bush must stay the course and for a reason they don't know! Iraq is in civil war and it will spread throughout the entire middle east. Think about the events in proper context then tell me what you think! 9/11 was Bush's pearl harbor. Problem is, Bush is no FDR and has squirreled away any sympathy the world had for us. His true goal has come to light but we are powerless to stop it!
As you may remember, Bush was looking for something to happen that would put the country and the world behind what he already had plans to do. 9/11 gave him that something.
He had plans right from the beginning to establish a new societal, middle east, and world order. That is why it was important to him to whip up a media and public fury which of course, he has done and adeptly continues today. He then used the excuse of 9/11 to attack Iraq and unsettle the middle east so he could further his idea of a new middle east and world order.
In doing so he guaranteed the loss of Afghanistan as well as Iraq and the entire middle east Of course lying all the while and whipping up as much support and frenzy as he could in the media and minds he controls.
At this point it behooves him to continue to ignore reality and continue to whip up a frenzy so he can continue staying the course in order to further prosecute his new middle east and world order.
We are all shamelessly being used so Bush can follow his plan for new order. Who knows what Iraq and Afghanistan will be like in a year or two? Plus I will guarantee you Bush will find an excuse to attack Iran so he can further his plans for the middle east and the world and he is well along with that plan too.
Any way you look at it Bush has screwed up, bit off more than we can chew, and just made a bad situation worse, as usual. His new middle east order will happen but it is out of his control!
You are entirely right. I just prior to this sent a reply to enigma and Larry in this regard. You are right on and war is horrible but this one that will soon include the entire world thanks to Bush will continue uncontrolled, will be stopped by no one, and will be the worst the world has ever seen. Survival? Who knows and to what degree!
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