I must admit it! I am often slow to react to a story because I am compelled to observe it and see how it unfolds. This is the case with the Jena 6 case and way beyond Racism I do not like the implications and neither will you. I have to say that beyond the obvious double standards being openly employed by the Jena "I use the term loosely" Legal System. Like most I hope, I was shamed and surprised that the obvious bias can be displayed today let alone seemingly accepted until I remembered the environment since Bush's 9/11 and Patriot Act abuse.
The Knee jerk reaction is disgust but I figured this another embarrassing moment in America's civil Rights history that would just play itself out. Wrong! First, my feeling was heightened as Al sharpton I have to point out who always jumps on the bandwagon and is often discredited by a degrading situation and Reverend Jackson as they went to Jena and led a civil Rights March in order to bring attention to what I originally like the rest of you thought was another case of discrimination. I thought the Jena events would point out that nothing has changed and there was still much work to be done.
The Knee jerk reaction is disgust but I figured this another embarrassing moment in America's civil Rights history that would just play itself out. Wrong! First, my feeling was heightened as Al sharpton I have to point out who always jumps on the bandwagon and is often discredited by a degrading situation and Reverend Jackson as they went to Jena and led a civil Rights March in order to bring attention to what I originally like the rest of you thought was another case of discrimination. I thought the Jena events would point out that nothing has changed and there was still much work to be done.
However, when hearing that the Judge refused to be fair and was openly bragging that despite the unfair treatment the entire world was witnessing the students involved would get the treatment he the Judge deemed appropriate. Needless to say, since their election of Bush and his stacking of the courts It doesn't matter of course but I have no respect for Judges. I remembered the recent needless brutal Tasering of the student, remembered another recent multiple tasering of a woman. The all day long "so called Isolated" cases of daily police brutality and I was getting further sickened realizing there there was something big here and it was way beyond Black and White!
This morning when my radio went off to the usual diet of distasteful news It started dawning on me how deep this is and started putting two and two together as to the worsening brutality and unacceptance in this society of Bush's and his constantly voiced hate for "the Democrat" party and the subservience of all the party stands for.
Anyway, as I watch nooses cropping up after Jena events, not hearing anything officially from either party, and again hearing Herr Bush Decry the "Democrat Party" First I am sick of this ignoramuses childish displays of in your face arrogance and ignorance. Mind-blowing to me is this time it was said by the idiot as he said he would veto the Democrats $35 Billion program to give Healthcare to more children because it was Political and too expensive. WTF!
Then I awoke this morning to hear the chief idiot asking for another $200 Billion for his wars and only for a year. This idiots Audacity, God forbid the children of this country take money that could be used for Bush's illegal new order "Forever War" currently in Iraq but soon costing trillions and coming to a country near you!
Recent events in the country reminded me of the Nazi programs and level of control and unacceptance for deviance from the Fuhrer! anyway Anon's post on Fema concentration camps is what started me in putting everything together.
You know I am a Big Picture person! Look at what is happening around the world and more specifically the country as one "whole Picture" and put it together! We are the enemy to Bush. Not the so called terrorists, he needs them to justify his actions as he clandestinely uses Neo Fascisms to set up his new world order Reich more aptly named the 4th Reich!
Bush has no need for the Democratic party beyond someone to ridicule to create the division he needs to say we are a Democracy but in fact we are no longer as his sole goal is to progress his new societal and world order through his Forever War.
He has no need for the Democratic party that represents all he hates and wants to stop his new societal, middle east, and world order. Remember in his own words he must reduce what he calls "unfunded Liabilities.
The "Unfunded Liabilities" Ruse:
Of late the mainstream media have been parroting claims that the federal government, particularly the Social Security and Medicare programs, have dozens of trillions of dollars in "unfunded liabilities." For example, USA Today ran a long feature in early October 2004 that proclaimed that "the long-term economic health of the United States is threatened by $53 trillion in government debts and liabilities that start to come due in four years." Many other articles, news reports, and commentary have included comparable numbers that make the fiscal future look not just frightening but entirely unmanageable. Just put Bush's trillions in there and have a real hemorrhage.
These claims appear aimed at scaring us into making radical changes in our social insurance system for old people. But whatever the motivation, how scared should we be? What is true and what is phony about the alarms that fiscal disaster is looming just ahead? Unfunded Liabilities Ruse
It is all phony! he is doing to the segment of the population he has deemed counter to his new order cause, what his heroes the Nazi's did during WW2. The Democratic party the idiot calls the Democrat Party with disgust, those we represent, the elderly, the sick, the needy,gays, anyone counter to Bush and his F.U. march to his new order, is in serious jeopardy.
Remember he now has the ability to declare martial Law when he deems the Government in danger. That is his Government not ours, and you and I are the dangers to "his Government. Please peruse this document. You can click on everything and go almost anywhere. Check out the Bush, Nazi, frightening comparisons. Scroll down look around, get involved stopping Bush's Forever War
We are in trouble People!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
It is all phony! he is doing to the segment of the population he has deemed counter to his new order cause, what his heroes the Nazi's did during WW2. The Democratic party the idiot calls the Democrat Party with disgust, those we represent, the elderly, the sick, the needy,gays, anyone counter to Bush and his F.U. march to his new order, is in serious jeopardy.
Remember he now has the ability to declare martial Law when he deems the Government in danger. That is his Government not ours, and you and I are the dangers to "his Government. Please peruse this document. You can click on everything and go almost anywhere. Check out the Bush, Nazi, frightening comparisons. Scroll down look around, get involved stopping Bush's Forever War
We are in trouble People!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Aren't you going to impeach this menace yet? :)
It looks like the comment I left about the Forever War is gone. I couldn't find the video you spoke of when I clicked on your link.
I went to the Trance link there and all it was was a windows media audio file of music.
Anyway I do agree that we are looking at a very long War if the Decider does not use Nukes.
If he uses Nukes than all bets are off. Russia and China won't hesitate to use them also in response to a possible threat to them by Der Fuhrer Bush using Nukes against them as well.
All I can really say is were screwed.
God Bless.
Yep...some deep doodle is awaiting us...all we have to do is step outside...or turn on the TV!
Newsweek Magazine reported Sunday that Vice President Richard Cheney may have considered a plan for Israeli missile strikes against an Iranian nuclear site in an effort to draw a military response from Iran, which could in turn spark a U.S. offensive against targets in the Islamic Republic.
Citing two unnamed sources the magazine called knowledgeable, the magazine quoted David Wurmser, until last month Cheney's Middle East advisor, as having told a small group of people that "Cheney had been mulling the idea of pushing for limited Israeli missile strikes against the Iranian nuclear site at Natanz - and perhaps other sites - in order to provoke Tehran into lashing out."
According to the report, "The Iranian reaction would then give Washington a pretext to launch strikes against military and nuclear targets in Iran."
This is coming soon.
In the last two weeks, two sources, one of them inside of the Justice Department, have told me that a scheme was hatched in the upper echelons of the Bush Administration shortly after it took office in 2001 or early in 2002. The project identified John Edwards and Hillary Clinton as likely Democratic challengers to President Bush, and identified prominent trial lawyers around the United States as the likely financial vehicle for Edward’s rise. It directed that their campaign finance records be fly-specked, and that offenses not be treated as administrative matters but rather as serious criminal offenses.
The scheme contemplated among other things that raids be staged on the law offices involved, and that the records seized not be limited to campaign finance—there was an acute interest in all politically oriented documents, in order to seize valuable intelligence on strategic planning from the enemy camp.
This all sounds rather fantastic—even more insidious than the enemies list days of the Nixon era. It is precisely the sort of crude harassment that a primitive dictatorship would use against its enemies—like Alexander Lukashenko in today’s Belarus, for instance. But as the descriptions were passed to me, I instantly recognized the pattern described recently in a case which has made the headlines in Michigan involving a prominent lawyer there, and a second case in Los Angeles. According to one source, the number of these cases is at least five and they are scattered about the country. One case, described to me in some detail, closely matches the pattern in Michigan and Los Angeles and occurred in the south on the Gulf of Mexico.
Why, I wondered, would the attorneys involved not scream bloody murder about this? Then it struck me. The threat of criminal investigation and prosecution is devastating to their law practices. Of course, they would keep it completely secret. And that silence has made the entire scheme possible. I am told that these cases involved the attorneys general personally—both John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales—that their go-ahead was needed to stage the raids. And that in each case, the greatest concern within the political pirates commanding the operation has been that the public would get wind of the bigger picture. It was essential to pull it off that each case be viewed as something standing all on its own, and that the fact that there was a politically motivated project be obscured.
The key factor here is that all the cases involve campaign finance violations which are of a rather mundane nature. And in each case the FEC violations have been hyped into something quite preposterous. The political angle, I am told, is simple: make trial attorney’s money radioactive. Dry up the source. Take out a key element of the Democrats’ campaign finance strategy.
This looks very suspiciously like a Rove strategy.
And this bring us back to the key unanswered questions about Rove’s involvement in the process of directing political prosecutions. His fingerprints are all over the prosecution of Governor Siegelman in Alabama, and further substantial evidence of that will shortly be public, linking him both to federal and state prosecutors and to the principal figures in the Alabama G.O.P. in connection with the scheme to “get Siegelman.” It strikes me as probable that the plot to take out the trial lawyers and to use the Justice Department as the vehicle was also hatched by Rove.
All of this helps explain why the documents that the Judiciary Committee is seeking are so vital to get to the bottom of the cloud now hanging over the Justice Department. It is essential to find out what conspiracies were involved driving prosecutions, to correct what was done, discipline those involved, and exonerate the victims. This in fact is the essence of what justice demands. For five years Washington has had a Department of Political Persecutions where the Department of Justice used to stand. That needs to be cleaned up.
A significant first step is coming in the Senate Judiciary Committee’s recently passed bill requiring a tracking of contacts between the White House and the Justice Department. This was the fountain of abuse. Paul Kiel reports:
If Dick Cheney or his right-hand lawyer David Addington are talking to Justice Department officials about individual cases, Congress wants to know about it. What could be the second law change to emerge from the U.S. attorney firings scandal passed the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), would require the White House and Justice Department to detail in reports to Congress twice a year which Department officials had spoken to which White House officials about cases.
During questioning of Alberto Gonzales this spring, Whitehouse revealed that the Bush White House had thrown the door open to literally hundreds of White House officials being able to confer with Department officials about cases. A memo signed by John Ashcroft had initially opened the door. But a May, 2006 memo by Gonzales had exacerbated the problem and seemed to take special care in ensuring access for Cheney’s staff. Gonzales, under questioning, was characteristically befuddled by the document that he’d signed: “I’d have to go back and look at this…. I must say I’m troubled by this.”
This is Bush's Nazi America!
Many of us have been advocating Impeachment for years now but Congress will not. If they ever decide to do that, take action against Bush to prevent an attack on Iran, or anything constructive, it will be too late.
I expected the idiots attack this fall and certainly before he gets out of office. His advocates would then call for a Constitutional Amendment so the Nazi can stay at the helm of his wars.
The scenario in your link I have announced numerous times. many at kos were livid with me for saying Israel would be Bush's excuse to attack Iran and for citing the Perle Wurmser Report.
I might have shown it to you already but attacking Iran was only one of the foregone conclusions when Bush used the excuse of attacking Iraq to get our military back into the miuddle east and as the world knows now, he will not leave until ha gets his new order or so he thinks.
Here is the same link again, different page. Scroll way down look around, look at Bush in 30 years, Look at Impeachment, there are videos of at least Cheney but I must admit I have not listened to any music. Stopping this idiot is my concern not entertainment but here it is Bud!
Bush's Forever War
Despite our best efforts since we do not matter it will get worse every day and it will continue but we can get consolation out of trying. How is Mr Sumo? Did you see Anon's post from yesterday?
I would laugh if things were not so serious. I have been saying this for years as I have told you and have been called a Nazi, a warmonger, a Repug, you name it.
Naj said the same thing as you and here is my response.
Many of us have been advocating Impeachment for years now but Congress will not. If they ever decide to do that, take action against Bush to prevent an attack on Iran, or anything constructive, it will be too late.
I expected the idiots attack this fall and certainly before he gets out of office. His advocates would then call for a Constitutional Amendment so the Nazi can stay at the helm of his wars.
The scenario in your link I have announced numerous times. many at kos were livid with me for saying Israel would be Bush's excuse to attack Iran and for citing the Perle Wurmser Report.
I might have shown it to you already but attacking Iran was only one of the foregone conclusions when Bush used the excuse of attacking Iraq to get our military back into the middle east and as the world knows now, he will not leave until ha gets his new order or so he thinks
Sadly none of that sounds far fethed to me but rather standard underhanded Rove taught and denied tactics. I hate these underhanded Nazi tactics. You know wha they are doing but they will merely laugh everything off as usual, deny it , and continue on course.
I just can't stand this underhanded crap. Of course everything will continue to be denied until it is too late to do anything.
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