I was lying in bed this morning thinking of Bush's Nazi like drive to war and as much as he can get in his drive for "new world order. This is frightening. I ask all of you to peruse the video below, contact them, and participate any way you can, our future depends on it! Bush's Forever War
Crushing Debt and Bush's Forever War! I said Bush has plenty of time and his greatest damage is yet to come. after thinking about all the repercussions of what this idiot is doing I now believe that it will not occur until long after he is gone if we are lucky enough to get rid of him. This Forever War he himself has started in the middle east will continue virtually "Forever" and will involve the entire world.
I was thinking about him getting ready to attack Iran knowing he wants us permanently in the middle east and China and Russia who by the was just strengthened their ties with Iran, will come to their defense, and we will be at war with them too.
It reminded me of a book I read while in the service 30 years ago titled "The Forever War" that went on for a thousand years and no one knew any longer why they were fighting and I realized Bush started it but we are in a Forever War and I wondered if China calls in our debt for whatever reason, what will happen?
In the beginning of this the so called Islamists said their stated goal was too drive us off all land around the world they consider theirs so what does he do? He attacks the Middle East. In turn the vow to drive us from Iraq and the middle east and what does he do? he says we will be there permanently. The results are obvious, Bush's Forever War. But how are we going to pay for it?
A new Congressional study finds that President Bush's plans for the US. in Iraq over the next several decades will reach the trillions of dollars, on top of the approximately $567 billion the war has already cost. That accounting assumes a significant troop draw-down -- and still tallies a daunting expense for the United States.
Story and Report
A couple of trillion Dollars for the wars that are coming are a gross underestimate when you look at $567 Billion just for the Iraq War. Look what is unfolding as we speak and will not be stopped. These wars that are no longer under control, they are just developing and will encompass the entire so called civilized world. Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran is coming, this is just the beginning and pretty soon the world..
Bush is getting interestingly and increasingly cocky and I have to ask, when Bush attacks Iran and for whatever reason we no longer have China to purchase all Bush's debt what is going to happen? Will that put an end to bush's new world order drive? China is funding Bush's forever War and his drive for new world order. Are they hoping to fund our Demise?
I as looking at the video I recommended you read earlier that as we are all too familiar with ourselves, starkly draws comparisons between Bush's quietly passed National Security Directive 51 which sets up Martial Law in the US and Hitler's which was called the enabling Act. They also said and I have heard this before, that there are 4 or 5 Admirals and Generals who will mutiny if Bush attacks Iran.
Bush's Forever War
I guarantee you he will. Do you really think a few mutineering Admirals and Generals are going to stop Bush's Forever War? He really has become Maniacal, all jokes aside! We have got to stop this mad man!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Check out this article.
Check out the full content of this site. This group are quietly amassing a multitude to take us down.
Good post. It is a very appropriate name for this mess, Bush's Forever War.
I check out the site and the videos and found it true to the point and one that needs to be passed around.
I am signing up to do whatever I can, and you are right the wordsw on this needs to spread.
In the beginning of this the so called Islamists said their stated goal was too drive us off all land around the world they consider theirs so what does he do? He attacks the Middle East. In turn the vow to drive us from Iraq and the middle east and what does he do? he says we will be there permanently. The results are obvious, Bush's Forever War. But how are we going to pay for it?
This says it all. What kind of logic deficient human doesn't get this VERY Simple point? A Chimpleton!
Thanks larry
I will check out the link before I address anything else.
I must admit, that is the first time I have seen that site about the NAM. However I mention it frequently and you migh have read some of them especially as to meetings involving Ahmadinejad and Chavez, both members.
People do not take the NAM or non aligned nations seriously but look at some of the mambers, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India.
India and Pakistan will unite against us along with the what was in my last reprt, 135 NAM States, Russia, China, and everyone else Bush has alienated and wants to see us dethroned.
On the other side will be us, Britain, and Bushco's precious Israel.
I thought I coined a new and obvious phrase and was surprised to find the video on Bush's Forever War. It is I am convinced very apropriate if we survive that long.
I have been spreading it around and will do what I can too and am. I am going to check naj's comment next and see what she had to say about it.
Oh Naj!
He sees it and knows it but he has to make it look like he isbeing forced to do it so he can fight his new world order ward. That is why he practices the Politics of confrontation around the world.
By design it has to fail so he can say I tried Diplomacy before they forced me to attack. It is all part of his new world order Forever War.
I really am inerested in what you have to say about that Forever War Video? There is quite a bit there and I would love to have you get involved. Pass it on to Sophia!
Ignore the links. I wrote this oddly enough a year ago today about the NAM. Long before I knew how to embed links but the story about the NAM is Telling!
Jim I can't find the video. can you please drop off the link for me?
Here you go , I will E it to you too to make sure you get it. Peruse it, it is very telling.
Bush's Forever War
I've had a rough day today mentally, so forgive me, but I can't find the video in your link.
I'll try a few more times, but all I'm getting is pictures in that "trance" section..
Sorry, I forgot to mention that I figured out the music.
Here is some video on Cheney and Impeachment. While there I clicked on Bush's picture and it got better from there. It is pretty in depth and very inereresting for those looking for the truth, activism, impeachment, etc
Hope you relax, recover, and fish around. It is very inforamtive. BTW I understand this tiring and stressing you out but just relaz and go with the flow. When all is said and done, we can try to make a difference but this is over our head.
Bush's Forever War
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