As in every action Bush takes he only succeeds in buying more time to continue on his course of destruction and once again the Petraeus and Bush lies have bought him time in this instance. President Bush's eighth prime-time address on Iraq since the invasion seems to have met his immediate political goal of buying himself more time to pursue his current strategy, despite being a speech full of contradictions.
The president said the surge of forces in Iraq is succeeding from a security standpoint, though not succeeding enough to forge the political reconciliation that was a primary goal of the increase of troops.
Buying more time
I really have to wonder why Bush would have to "Buy Time" when he has already announced we would be in the middle east indefinitely. Besides, he is the Decider! Is this just a Political and Media game? Anyway While The recent lies of success in Iraq were being told so Bush can stay in Iraq until he attacks Iran we heard some truth as to the volatility in and around Baghdad, Bush's success. With the at least temporary loss of Blackwater security all convoys Diplomatic and construction, out of the area would have to be suspended because their security could no longer be ensured.
travel suspension
Meanwhile as Bush is doing his share in lying until he finds his excuse to attack Iran in his next new world order war, Iran is doing there share on their end. The deputy commander of Iran's air force said Wednesday that plans have been drawn up to bomb Israel if the Jewish state attacks Iran, according to the semi-official Fars news agency.
The announcement comes amid rising tensions in the region with the United States calling for a new round of U.N. sanctions against Iran over its disputed nuclear program and Israeli planes having recently overflown, and perhaps even attacked, Iranian ally Syria's territory. "We have drawn up a plan to strike back at Israel with our bombers if this regime (Israel) makes a silly mistake," deputy air force chief, Gen. Mohammad Alavi was quoted as telling Fars in an interview.
It has been threatened in the past that Israel would be Iran's first retaliatory target if attacked by the United States. But Alavi's comments were the first word of specific contingency plans for striking back on Israel. Alavi also warned that Israel was within Iran's medium-range missiles and its fighter bombers, while maintaining that Israel was not strong enough to launch an aerial attack against Iran. "The whole territory of this regime is within the range of our missiles. Moreover, we can attack their territory with our fighter bombers as a response to any attack," the general said.
Iran's threats
Knowing they are prepared to attack and that their long range bombers and missiles can reach all of Israel this last bit of news is most disturbing. Proof of cooperation between Iran and Syria in the proliferation and development of weapons of mass destruction was brought to light Monday in Jane's Defense Weekly, which reported that dozens of Iranian engineers and 15 Syrian officers were killed in a July 23 accident in Syria.
Reports of the accident were circulated at the time; however, no details were released by the Syrian government, and there were no hints of an Iranian connection but now we know better. Syria began developing chemical weapons in 1973, just before the Yom Kipper War. Globalsecurity.org cites the country as having one of the most advanced chemical weapons programs in the Middle East.
missils andchemical Syria Iran cooperation
I find this all especially the latest, very disturbing knowing Bush will attack Iran and his new societal, middle east, and world order, will continue to the detriment of average American's and the entire world.
Again I ask, knowing this will no longer end with Bush as it is too far along, How will all this end for average American's and peace lovers of the middle east and the world?
Boy. That's a good question Jim. As I read down through your entry, the more hopeless the situation reads.
One thing is for sure. bush has "stoked the fire". The U.S. propaganda has taught me throughout my life that the Middle East is a powderkeg. It seems that it's going to be an easy in on Iran for bush. I've seen a couple of blogs lately showing the attack plans. There's going to be a lot of aerial bombardment if it happens. There aren't any troops for ground acquisition for a country that's four times the size of Iraq. bush's troops can't even control one city in Iraq after five years, let alone take on another country.
It gets more hopeless as time goes by. It is sickening to watch our lives being eroded knowing Bush is not done and wondering what comes next and how this will all end up.
Anon's post on the FEMA concentration camps motivated my story yessterday on the whole story. this is getting bad and it will get a hell of a lot worse as Bush speeds everything up before he runs out off time.
If it means destroying Israel than by all means let them be destroyed.
They have now become the new Nazi enablers of the American Republican Fascist Nazi's and if they want to commit genocide against those of the Muslim faith them let them pay the consequences.
And sadly so will the American People.
God Bless.
A few profit from war:
While policymakers in Washington wrangle over how much progress we've made in Iraq, one thing is clear: The war on terror is making some people rich.
President Bush's military buildup has caused defense-contractor revenue to double, triple and even more during the past five years, and their executives have reaped huge bonuses and stock windfalls as the companies' share prices have jumped.
Take a look:
CEOs at top defense contractors have reaped annual pay gains of 200% to 688% in the years since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.
The chief executives at the seven defense contractors whose bosses made the most pocketed nearly a half-billion dollars from 2002 through last year.
The CEOs made an average of $12.4 million a year, easily more than the average corporate chief. Since the start of the war, CEOs at defense contractors such General Dynamics (GD, news, msgs), Halliburton (HAL, news, msgs) and Oshkosh Truck (OSK, news, msgs) have made, on average, more in four days than what a top general makes in a whole year, or $187,390.
Defense contractor CEOs are enjoying these big rewards partly because much of the war effort is being outsourced by an administration that believes private companies do things better than the public sector, say researchers at the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy.
"In the most privatized war in history, lucrative opportunities abound for chief executives of defense contractors," says Sarah Anderson of the Institute for Policy Studies.
$19.5 million a year
General Dynamics CEO Nicholas Chabraja tops the list of defense-contractor chiefs who have made the most money during the 2002-2006 defense buildup. Between 2002 and 2006, he pocketed $97.9 million, or an average of $19.6 million a year.
Sales at General Dynamics increased 76% from 2002 to 2006, with significant help from Department of Defense spending. Overall sales increased to $24.1 billion from $13.6 billion, and at least a third of that increase came from higher Department of Defense spending.
I think Bush speaks now in a futile attempt to support the Rethugs running for President.
I say this only because he, Cheney and Rove have stated numerous times they don't give a damn about polls or what American's think of the war..its the only logical explanation for me.
As for Iran..they love all this bs in the middle east. They embrace it as much as Bush does. Ahmadinejad is a tool made in the same mold as King George.
I can't tell you how much all these developments stress me the hell out. The vast majority of the American Public don't care because there is NO draft. They have nothing invested personally in the Wars going on..so as far as they are concerned..go for it George, even if we dont 'like' it.
The only thing that will galvanize the American public would be the draft. Bush knows this and that is why we will not see a draft..its the one card he will not use.
Right on buddy! It would be itonic but that is the way life and history goes. It is cyclical.
I agree with you of course but iablogger hit the nail on the head. I have discussed it numerous times that Israel would give Bush the reason to attack Iran. Many at kos got pissed at me and that is just one reason I have refocused amongst you but I am going to post there todaqy thanks to Dan Rather.
Anyway iablogger supplied a site I have not checked out yet but will. we all know it but the site is why attack Iran and Here is the obvious
Of course you are entirely right and knowing that and the fact that Bush is staying in the midle east and will attack Iran they will bw getting much richer. Everything is so obvious it sucks we are powerless to make a difference.
I agree with you of course but iablogger hit the nail on the head. I have discussed it numerous times that Israel would give Bush the reason to attack Iran.
Many at kos got pissed at me and that is just one reason I have refocused amongst you who get it but I am going to post there today thanks to Dan Rather.
Anyway iablogger supplied a site I have not checked out yet but will. we all know it but the site is why attack Iran and Here is the reason
I have said numerous times that there is no reason to attack Iran but Bush is going to do it and he will lie to stay in the middle east until coming to Israel's rescue gives him the reason.
Iran even if they had nukes could not reach us but their missiles and long range bombers can reach all of Israel. As you may have known or might have read in this story Iran and Syria by now have a missile armed with at least chemical weapons if not nuclear? nuclear waste?
Bush will stay in the middle east permanently until he attacks Iran and Larry is right that the defense industry is getting enriched and they will be a lot richer. This really stinks because this will all be to the detriment of the entire world.
I have to agree with everything you said. Bushco does not care about polls or what paeople think only if he can use them to further his new world order wars. He will attack Iran and I expect this fall as you might know.
Ahmadinejad is benefitting from all this too as they want their version of new middle east order not Bush's and war will not be avoided period!
Dusty don't be stressed out because there is nothing that will accomplish. You are right about the Draft too. The Draft will happen thanks to Bush but it will be avoided until Dems are in office and hopefully things will start to get done, though we will get the blame for that and everything else Bush screwed up.
You want to hemmorage? I wrote the other day how our permanent presence in the middle east would baloon our debt and you mention the defense Industry getting enriched but look how bad it is. Markos tid this today. OMG
“I have said numerous times that there is no reason to attack Iran but Bush is going to do it and he will lie to stay in the middle east until coming to Israel's rescue gives him the reason.”
Oh, I think Bush & friends plan to stay in the Middle East forever, in fact they’re already talking about modeling the occupation of Iraq on that of South Korea, an occupation that has last more than fifty years. I don’t necessarily think that Israel is the primary reason, but more for resource control (oil, natural gas, fresh water, &c.), enforceable market access (esp. Iran, Pakistan, India), and general geopolitical strategic significance (open military access the entire subcontinent, to central Asia, the eastern Africa) and so on.
Worse still, having us enmeshed in the Middle East, I don’t think we’ll be leaving even once Bush is gone unless we’re forced into doing so through an economic crisis or a massive public reaction against foreign military adventurism. Judging by the last few years of US public reaction, I’d suggest an economic crisis is more likely, but I don’t think Hillary or Obama would be interested in withdrawing anymore than Bush or any Republican is.
“Iran even if they had nukes could not reach us but their missiles and long range bombers can reach all of Israel. As you may have known or might have read in this story Iran and Syria by now have a missile armed with at least chemical weapons if not nuclear? nuclear waste?”
Actually there is absolutely no secret that Iran has massive stockpiles of chemical weapons [1] as they openly used them in defense against Saddam Hussein’s usage of the during the Iran-Iraq war. Further, Iran’s Shihab-3 & Shahab-4 missiles [2] have both the range to hit Israel (as well as all US forces in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Gulf States) and the carrying power to deliver chemical weapon warheads.
Iran’s recent declarations regarding the “600 missiles” aimed at Israel [3] is a very prudent move. Although it is virtually unquestionable that Israel has the military means (nuclear & chemical) to utterly destroy Iran’s urban centers and state, the simple reality is that Iran has this ability in return, although it is somewhat indirect. Specifically, a few missiles with chemical weapons landing in densely populated areas of Israel would be all that is required to end the Israeli “demographic contest” with the Palestinians and thus the whole Zionist project. Despite Israel’s overwhelming military might, it is in an extremely precarious position and simply can’t survive too many serious blows. This is why they’ve always sought to maintain a total regional dominance, to prevent any of its neighbors from being able to inflict any significant blows at all. This is plainly no longer the case. [For the record, Syria too has this “doomsday” option based on its own extensive – and perfectly legal – chemical weapons stockpiles and their Scud missiles. The Scuds are very undependable and crude, but Syria is so close to Israel, all it has to do is lob the missiles in the general direction and they’ll hit something. This is why Israel – despite the occasional potshots and the like – has no intention of forcing Syria into a “nothing to lose” type situation.]
In the end, unlike the raq war where a myriad of different interests (including the Israel-First crowd) united in support of Bush’s invasion; it is really only the Israel-Firsters and their allies that are promoting for war on Iran. All the other interests are either doing fine as it is (e.g. defense contractors, oil companies) or are stretched to capacity (e.g. the military, our “allies”). Only the Israel-First crowd is advocating for war on Iran, so Iran’s decision to make it crystal clear that Israel will NOT avoid immediate repercussions for any attack is a very good move. It is bound to make the Israel-Firsters think twice. It just wouldn’t take very much to bring the whole Zionist project to an end.
“Bush will stay in the middle east permanently until he attacks Iran and Larry is right that the defense industry is getting enriched and they will be a lot richer. This really stinks because this will all be to the detriment of the entire world.”
I couldn’t agree more.
Anyway, thanks for the kind words and you’re absolutely right, we have to keep this fight up. Most of the in depth speculation suggests that we probably won’t attack Iran until next year sometime, so if we can undermine all the arguments and have a decent anti-war infrastructure addressing Iran ready, we might just have some influence. Just let me know if I can be of any assistance.
John S.
[1] Federation of American Scientists, “Chemical Weapons,” FAS Website, undated, http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/iran/cw/index.html or John Pike, “Chemical Weapons,” Global Security, undated, http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/iran/cw.htm
[2] Charles P. Vick, “Shahab-4,” FAS Website, 1 December 2005, http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/iran/missile/shahab-4.htm
[3] JPost Staff, “600 Iranian Missiles Pointed at Israel,” Jerusalem Post, 17 September 2007, http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1189411419433&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull
You want to hemmorage?There is a new Congressional report out on the costs of the Iraq war. kos wrote about this today. additional trillions in debt That is not even counting inflation or the trillions in added cost from having our military in a middle eastern Korea style force permanently until Bush attacks Iran and institutes what he thinks will be his new order.
With the so called Islamists on the other side wanting theirs this still unfolding hell will not be avoided. There are many starting to ramp up in order to prevent what is about to happen but many do not get it and unless the entire world gets involved and they will no.
I believe it is too little too late. I have been trying for years now and no one has been listening but we can not stop. I have 2 of my 4 sons in this. One just back and another in EOD going back in July. What will the situation be then. You stay in touch and I will keep you abreast. Please do the same!
Royal Treatment
Your allegations that Iran and Syria have Chemical weapons of mass destruction are FALSE and baseless!
Do all Americans "imagine" stories out of nothing in order to make a point?!
I like discussing with you. Please squelch your bias and try to be free thinking.
The link to Chemical weapons and what just happened is not a surprise and is in the story.
America started Syria on its program and that is in the story too.
American's, like you and everyone else in the world only need their imagination in searching for the truth as all sides merely feed you what they want you to think is the truth so they can follow their hidden agenda's.
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