I cannot apologize for the length or diversity of this. The truth sometimes takes a little longer to tell! I have been trying to get people to realize that attacking Iran was only one of the reasons for diverting from the war on terror to get our military back into the middle east. Many people are stupid enough to think Russia and China will stay out of what is soon to happen and they will not. They have their own nasty surprise for us in a space war called the assassins mace. http://anaverageamericanpatriot.blog...
If I haven’t written on this 50 times I haven’t mentioned it once. There is a reason why an Admiral with command experience is in charge in the middle east. One of my sons returns today from flying support in Iraq thank God. I warn him and his EOD lifer brother not to get tired because Bush’s attack on Iran is imminent and both sides are prepared as of today. I have been gathering the latest and waited until today before I put my story together.
If I haven’t written on this 50 times I haven’t mentioned it once. There is a reason why an Admiral with command experience is in charge in the middle east. One of my sons returns today from flying support in Iraq thank God. I warn him and his EOD lifer brother not to get tired because Bush’s attack on Iran is imminent and both sides are prepared as of today. I have been gathering the latest and waited until today before I put my story together.
What most people do not realize is that whoever controls space controls the battlefield. Soldiers on the ground are not the issue. Remember China’s downing of one of their satellites? That was a shot across our bow. Ours, China’s, Russia’s, entire militaries are run by depleted uranium powered satellites. Think about that, the nuclear fallout, and entire militaries being dead in the water.
Anyway, as the latest developments on both sides of the Iran issue played out yesterday showing that both sides are prepared for what is getting ready to happen I received and article and a summarization of it showed why many of us who try to get the truth out are thwarted successfully at every turn. This will happen despite what you think or are told!
America is steeped in conspiracy, and even more steeped in propaganda that discredits those who try to expose the conspiracies. Whether we’re talking about MLK, Jr., JFK, RFK, Iran-Contra, 9/11, or, most importantly, the status quo, anyone who works to uncover the truth is branded a “conspiracy nut” and discredited before any evidence has a fair hearing. The government/corporate/media version is THE VERSION. Anything else is illusory. The necessary Embrace of Conspiracy By Robert Shatterly:
Anyway, as the latest developments on both sides of the Iran issue played out yesterday showing that both sides are prepared for what is getting ready to happen I received and article and a summarization of it showed why many of us who try to get the truth out are thwarted successfully at every turn. This will happen despite what you think or are told!
America is steeped in conspiracy, and even more steeped in propaganda that discredits those who try to expose the conspiracies. Whether we’re talking about MLK, Jr., JFK, RFK, Iran-Contra, 9/11, or, most importantly, the status quo, anyone who works to uncover the truth is branded a “conspiracy nut” and discredited before any evidence has a fair hearing. The government/corporate/media version is THE VERSION. Anything else is illusory. The necessary Embrace of Conspiracy By Robert Shatterly:
In fact, the cultural success of labeling investigative reporters and forensic historians, and, simply, anyone who tries to name reality, “conspiracy nuts” is perhaps the most successful conspiracy of our time. Well, not the most successful. That prize goes to the conspiracy to give corporations all the rights of individual persons under our Constitution. That conspiracy has codified and consolidated corporate power so that it controls our lives in almost every meaningful way.
It controls the election funds of our candidates, and them once they are in office. It controls our major media including public broadcasting. It controls the content of our television programming. It controls how are tax dollars are spent making sure that the richest get the most welfare. It controls the laws, the courts, the prison system and the mind numbing propaganda that we are the greatest democracy on earth.
It controls the values with which we raise our children. It controls our ability to dispense justice. It controls how we treat nature, how we deface our land with strip malls, and blow the tops off our mountains — a form of corporate free speech. It dictates our modes of transportation. It controls our inability to respond to true crises like climate change. It attempts to create a spiritual deficiency in every person that can be filled and healed only with stuff — and no stuff is ever enough.
It is obvious to say that we have been engineered into a culture that values competitive consumption and consumers instead of community cooperation and citizenship. Capitalism with its obsessive and necessary appetite for consumption, expanding markets, resource depletion, and increasing profits has consumed democracy.
It is obvious to say that we have been engineered into a culture that values competitive consumption and consumers instead of community cooperation and citizenship. Capitalism with its obsessive and necessary appetite for consumption, expanding markets, resource depletion, and increasing profits has consumed democracy.
Immediately after 9/11, President Bush advised Americans to demonstrate their love of freedom and their resistance to terrorism by courageously, selflessly, hurrying to the mall to buy something. What we aren’t told is that the more precarious and unstable the world is, the better the business for the arms dealers I’d call that conspiracy.
The neocons have claimed, with some accuracy, that they can create reality faster than we can react: the deed is done, now deal with it. The troops have invaded, Halliburton, Blackwater, and Lockheed signed their contracts, the prisoners are tortured, your email is bugged, the resources for social programs are gone, the laws are changed, the Wal-Mart is built, the sludge dump has already polluted the aquifer, truth is hollowed out, catch me if you can!How is that not conspiracy? The reason we can’t talk about conspiracy is because it is the modus operandi. It isn’t the elephant in the room, it is the room itself. We all live there. We can impeach a few elephants, and we should, but the architecture is in place. And they control it.
Please read the entire story at the link. If you can deny it you are part of the conspiracy!http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/08/31/3521
Anyway these are the latest facts as we know them in the race for war with Iran: as most know by now Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, said last week that US military planners were not preparing for “pinprick strikes” against Iran’s nuclear facilities. “They’re about taking out the entire Iranian military,” he said.
Debat was speaking at a meeting organized by The National Interest, a conservative foreign policy journal. He told The Sunday Times that the US military had concluded: “Whether you go for pinprick strikes or all-out military action, the reaction from the Iranians will be the same.” It was, he added, a “very legitimate strategic calculus”. President George Bush intensified the rhetoric against Iran last week, accusing Tehran of putting the Middle East “under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust”. He warned that the US and its allies would confront Iran “before it is too late”.
One Washington source said the “temperature was rising” inside the administration. Bush was “sending a message to a number of audiences”, he said to the Iranians and to members of the United Nations security council who are trying to weaken a tough third resolution on sanctions against Iran for flouting a UN ban on uranium enrichment.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) last week reported “significant” cooperation with Iran over its nuclear program and said that uranium enrichment had slowed. Tehran has promised to answer most questions from the agency by November, but Washington fears it is stalling to prevent further sanctions. Iran continues to maintain it is merely developing civilian nuclear power.
Please read the entire story at the link. If you can deny it you are part of the conspiracy!http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/08/31/3521
Anyway these are the latest facts as we know them in the race for war with Iran: as most know by now Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, said last week that US military planners were not preparing for “pinprick strikes” against Iran’s nuclear facilities. “They’re about taking out the entire Iranian military,” he said.
Debat was speaking at a meeting organized by The National Interest, a conservative foreign policy journal. He told The Sunday Times that the US military had concluded: “Whether you go for pinprick strikes or all-out military action, the reaction from the Iranians will be the same.” It was, he added, a “very legitimate strategic calculus”. President George Bush intensified the rhetoric against Iran last week, accusing Tehran of putting the Middle East “under the shadow of a nuclear holocaust”. He warned that the US and its allies would confront Iran “before it is too late”.
One Washington source said the “temperature was rising” inside the administration. Bush was “sending a message to a number of audiences”, he said to the Iranians and to members of the United Nations security council who are trying to weaken a tough third resolution on sanctions against Iran for flouting a UN ban on uranium enrichment.
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) last week reported “significant” cooperation with Iran over its nuclear program and said that uranium enrichment had slowed. Tehran has promised to answer most questions from the agency by November, but Washington fears it is stalling to prevent further sanctions. Iran continues to maintain it is merely developing civilian nuclear power.
If you want to know the truth about Iran, Iranian women, and the IAEA I suggest you go to the web site of an Iranian woman living in America who is trying to educate Americans before it is too late and Bush attacks Iran. http://www.iranfacts.blogspot.com
As you know, regardless of what any of us do to get the truth out as to the march to war by little Bush and Iran. Iran is doing its share too as Iran’s leaders issued dual, defiant statements on Sunday, with the president announcing that the nation had 3,000 active centrifuges to enrich uranium and the top ayatollah appointing a new Islamic Revolutionary Guards commander who once advocated military force against students,Brig. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari in December 2006.
The news of the change at the top of the Revolutionary Guards, in particular, was greeted with surprise and keen interest by Iranians. Ayatollah Khamenei announced that Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi, who had led the force for a decade, would be replaced by Brig. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari.
The Guards, which has about 200,000 members, controls a huge empire that has a stake in every significant corner of Iran’s economy and its civil system of governance. Mr. Ahmadinejad was a member of the Guards during the 1980 to 1988 war with Iraq, and he has placed dozens of former members in leadership positions around the country and in the central government in Tehran.
The Guards are, by design, the most economic and politically independent body in the country, outside of the supreme leader’s office. General Jafari has an established record of support for the theocratic system of government, and its hard-line policies. In 1999, he showed a willingness to use the guard’s military force to quell student riots. In a letter to Mohammad Khatami then the president, he wrote, “We have reached the end of our rope and can no longer tolerate it if the situation is not confronted.”
It is imperative that people realize all of the above facts and concerns are observations not of conspiracy theorists but of those who are trying to avert what is rapidly developing to the demise of the entire world!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Larry I would be very interested in what you think in regard to this mornings conversations.
Wow nice blog here! Thanks to Larry for introducing me.
I will read your post thoroughly when I am a bit less angry :) (oh by the way I am married to an Iranian, I am Iranian within and without :) )
By the way, did you know that Khamenei, the supreme leader, has recently changed the commander of the the revolutionary guards?
Well, war against Iran is a Humanitarian necessity. And it is not about the clichés about Sunni hatred of shiaas. It is not about shiaas and Sunnis, but rather the Irani criminal role in Iraq. Redefining demography in a core Arab country by ethnic cleansing and pushing millions of Iranian settlers in Iraq, empowering Iranian-Iraqis ( I used ethnic and not sectarian because Iranians are killing shiite arabs as well).
And the most horrible of all, is the ethnic cleansing of shiite Arab clans in the south, seculars, Christians, Palestinians and anyone who dares to oppose the Irani role in Iraq.
Iraq was a secular country where shiites constituted the majority of Baathists and the republican guards elite army which forced the terrorist Khomeini to end his medival projects for the region. The revolution of the Mullahs in Iran resisted the attempts of the Iraqi government to secularise and modernise the south.
And it doesn’t really take an expert to tell that Iran is the main power behind the ascendance of sectarian discourse in the region, as it is the only way that factual entity could ever play a role in region where it has been shut out for thousands of years except during the times of the bloody barabric different empires of Achamenids, Parthians, and Sassanid.
Practically speaking, the blood bath in Iraq will never stop unless the hands of Iran is cut off the Arab world.
The United states made a big mistake by dismantling a secular progressive Arab country and handing it over, to its medival Iranian enemies who are commiting horrible crimes over there.
The Iranian model is inducing the rise of radical islamism in sunni countries, and that would set the region centuries back. Therefore, the U.S has a duty to fix its mistake by ending the Iranian horrible terroristic ascent and handing Iraq back to its legitimate government
I am honored and I am the one that owes Larry thanks. I do know about the IRG commander change. The choice and at this time is no coincidence. His picture and that statement is at the head of this story.
I have been trying to wake up Americans for years now as to what Bush is doing and how this is going to turn out to no avail.
I don't know if it is Bush trolls on kos where I first tried to reach people but many get upset and toss names at me when I tell them what is happening and the way thngs are going to turn out. This is not going to be good!
I stated that I have written 50 stories on this but I bet it's closer to 150. We can not stop trying to wake people up but I am afraid that neither side will be swayed and their minds were made up years ago as to war.
If you can let go your anger long enough to read this especially the part from, The necessary Embrace of Conspiracy By Robert Shatterly: you will understand why Americans are "snowed" by what Bush and his handlers are feeding them. I could go on forever but I am filled with anger too and I better shut up. Please stay in touch!
Amre El-Abyad said...
Well, war against Iran is a Humanitarian necessity. And it is not about the clichés about Sunni hatred of shiaas. It is not about shiaas and Sunnis, but rather the Irani criminal role in Iraq. Redefining demography in a core Arab country by ethnic cleansing and pushing millions of Iranian settlers in Iraq, empowering Iranian-Iraqis ( I used ethnic and not sectarian because Iranians are killing shiite arabs as well).
And the most horrible of all, is the ethnic cleansing of shiite Arab clans in the south, seculars, Christians, Palestinians and anyone who dares to oppose the Irani role in Iraq.
Iraq was a secular country where shiites constituted the majority of Baathists and the republican guards elite army which forced the terrorist Khomeini to end his medival projects for the region. The revolution of the Mullahs in Iran resisted the attempts of the Iraqi government to secularise and modernise the south.
And it doesn’t really take an expert to tell that Iran is the main power behind the ascendance of sectarian discourse in the region, as it is the only way that factual entity could ever play a role in region where it has been shut out for thousands of years except during the times of the bloody barabric different empires of Achamenids, Parthians, and Sassanid.
Practically speaking, the blood bath in Iraq will never stop unless the hands of Iran is cut off the Arab world.
The United states made a big mistake by dismantling a secular progressive Arab country and handing it over, to its medival Iranian enemies who are commiting horrible crimes over there.
The Iranian model is inducing the rise of radical islamism in sunni countries, and that would set the region centuries back. Therefore, the U.S has a duty to fix its mistake by ending the Iranian horrible terroristic ascent and handing Iraq back to its legitimate government
What you do not realize and you are allowing him to do it, is that Bush is usiing your hatred of one another against you. Like most Americans you think Bush made a mistake and to most Americans he did, However Bush is quite pleased the wa things are going.
His intenntion in the middle east had nothing to do with terrorism. That was merely his excuse to get the American military in the middle east again and he will leave for nothing. Rememember like the so called terrorists thisn idiot thinks he is doing Gods work and he will not stop.
I have a new computer and have not transferred all my files yet as I dislocated my wrist but when I do I will send you an old Document that will floor you. It shows that Saudi Arabia and Egypt are also on Bush's radar. You are serving his cause by eliminating each other.
I have said from the beginning that in the middle east it will be a total breakdown Sunni againstr Shiite and the whole world will be in this if you looked at the link to the assassins mace. This will not be good for anyone in the world.
ahhhh, naj did find you good...that is wonderful..I see Larry brought two great minds onto the same turf...thank you larry....
I think Iran situation is a mess. and yes we need more truth and transparency regarding it...and less propaganda crap...( but as you said above exposing ANY Truth in this country is soooo hard..)
keep up the writing...and blogging...and take care of that wrist...( no scratching with knitting needles???!!!)
Thanx Larry for your reponse, Hope your wrist will get well soon!
Looking forward to the documented you promised to send
Hi James,
all three of your posts are up now :)
Oh! I see Amro has found you! Take a look at how he is profiling me on his blog! Be ware! He wishes for massacre of Iranians ;)
By the way, since I JUST saw it:
HAve you seen: "This film is not rated!" by Dick Kirby!
This person amre is an Egyptian and from what I have read of his comments on naj's site is he don't like Iranians who are Persians.
What he don't realize is what you are saying is in fact something that is no good for not only the whole Middle East, but the rest of the World as well.
Be sure too send him that link you told him about. Everyone over in the Middle East need to unite before it is too late for them.
Catch you later and...
God Bless.
ooops, how embarrassing. You have an entire paragraph on changes of IRG commander ... blush!
Frankly, I am no friend of RGs! But at this point, I trust that Iran needs its BEST TRAINED and MOST LOYAL defenders. At this very moment, I can trust the RGs more than anyone else!
It ABSOLUTELY angers me that I NEED (AM FORCED TO) line behind the people whom I have dreaded for most of my adult life, because the Capitalist corporate interests are afraid of Iran!
Iran is powerful! So bite it! Live and let live!
But you are right, they are after disintegration of the middle east. The Alliance of Iran with Asia (india and China) will be too costly. And if Iran goes that way, the little Arab states will follow as well!
Yes trolls try to shut us up! That is why I have started moderating my site (well mostly because I started receiving rude messages from Amre!) ... and I think this is the BEST time to awaken Americans, because all conspiracy theories seem to be proven by facts and numbers!
When you comment on naj's site your post will not appear right away. She has comment moderation on and she reads them before they show up.
I see you left three comments thinking they disappeared off to no where land, however they did not.
Just a heads up friend.
Take care and ...
God Bless.
I thank you for the great compliment. naj has a good mind and means well. That and disclosing the truth is all that matters to me.
I see from many at kos and Amre why the task is impossible but for all of them as well as us we cannot stop trying to prevent even in the late stages what is unfolding.
Amre does not realize he is playing into Bush's hand in wanting Sunni and Shiite to eliminate each other and save his new order efforts.
I told Amre I dislocated a wrist and have not transferred all my files to my new computer.
I told him he is doing exactly what Bush wanted by wanted the Shiite killed. That makes Bush's job easier.
I told him I would send him an old factual official document called the Perle Wurmser Report that shows that Egypt and Saudi Arabia are also on Bush's radar. Once he embroils the entire middle east then the world he can really get going on his new world order. There are many nightmares still to unfold even for Americans.
Thank you for responding and I will send that to you. I have many saved and some as the one I told you about are official Documents. It takes a month or 2 for a dislocated wrist to mend so if you are in a hurry I might be able to dig it up elswhere or you can google the Perle Wurmser Report and probably find it. I am going to look myself, hold on!
@ James please accept my deepest appology for wirting Larry instead of James. I always do that while Iam writing leeters to my friends
Here you go Amre I hop naj sees this too. No one including us is safe from Bush. I wrote this a year ago.
Bush's Terrible plan for new middle east order from the get go! now I have the proof! This is not good!
I was looking at the notes I took down last night from the various articles I had from Bush's most recent Rant on Iraq. Like you, I find his senseless babble very disturbing. Especially knowing that he is going to say or do anything to follow his plan for new world order. Many of you know
I have been saying for quite a while that Bush will do or say anything in order to follow his Russian Doctrine of Destruction for new societal, middle east, and world order. His plan at the link!
I knew Bush purposely upset the middle east, Iraq would be lost, Iran attacked, and the entire middle east embroiled. Thanks to Shergald, a diarist on kos, I now have the proof.
In this short policy memo, which Netanyahu, and his successor-Likud Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, totally adopted as the core strategy of their administrations, spelled out a four-pronged attack on the peace process and the entire Arab world. It has become a self-evident truth that, since the Bush "43" and Sharon governments came into power simultaneously in early 2001, "A Clean Break" has been the guiding strategic doctrine of both--particularly following the irregular warfare attacks on New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001.
The Perle-Wurmser policy document demanded: 1) Destroy Yasser Arafat and the Palestinian Authority, blaming them for every act of Palestinian terrorism, including the attacks from Hamas, an organization which Sharon had helped launch during his early 1980's tenure as Minister of Defense. 2) Induce the United States to overthrow the Saddam Hussein regime in Iraq. 3) Launch war against Syria after Saddam's regime is disposed of, including striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and targets in Syria proper. 4) Parlay the overthrow of the Ba'athist regimes in Baghdad and Damascus into the "democratization" of the entire Arab world, including through further military actions against Iran, Saudi Arabia, and "the ultimate prize," Egypt http://www.larouchepub.com/...
The timeline for this is a little different than what we now know. As for the reality of what the real reasons and goals for all this, we will never know. I will again guarantee you that there will be a new middle east order.
It will be total disorder and no one will like it. With Bush and Israel wanting their idea of a new middle east order and the so called Islamist's wanting their conflicting version, they have guaranteed a disastrous result for the entire middle east and Bush promises to keep our troops in the middle of it regardless!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
I will look for it don't trouble yourself
I think Amre will have a different outlook once he reads the things i sent him. Egypt is 0ne of Bush's targets too. What film is it you were talking about.
I am sure I haven't seen it because I spend all my time trying to get the truth out. It is my role in life and I must do this.
Thanks man! I just sent him some official reports that will convince him that he is being used by Bush to do his dirty work and that Saudi Arabia and Egypt in the long run are targets too. One of the reports might surprise you and it is a couple comments above.
Good so you caught that. Did you see the part about the so called conspiracies? Having them blanketed as such is a conspiracy in itself.
It is very interesting and a very worthy long discussian. Anyway Bush is about to take all our petty Political Bickering and everything everyone is trying to do to stop him and kill it all as he beats Congress and makes his next move.
Then the Political spectrum here will get real bleak. He will not relent his power and has some distasteful otions.
Just this second my son flying in Iraq just hit the ground iin South Carolina. Yeahh!
Anon I figured that out after a while but didn't figure it out right away because I was anxious to get it throuugh to her. And amre you should have that report now, let me know what you think if you would.
James, I wanna link to your post but I don't know where to get it from!
the name's too long I guess! Any ideas?
To answer your question about smear campaign againstthe so called conspiracists ... These kind of institutional exclusions happen ALL over society! As soon as one strays from the mainstream, he/she is labled as "odd", and unhealthy!
I want to make a little clarification here, in case it is not crystal clear from my blog:
Neither I, nor Iran, is not against ANYONE in the middle east or elsewhere! Iran is against Israeli Apartheid. Iran was also against south African Apartheid! Iran is against the Zionist Regime. "regime" not Israel, not Israelies, not Jews! Just like America is against Iranian regime!
Commenting on my own naivite here: before I started this blog, i had NO IDEA Arabs hated persians so much. Iran is in fact in polite and good terms with every one in the middle east; but it is the rest f teh middle east who is against Iran. Iran hurts some of Arab's egos! I understand that. And I just know that insecure friends are dangerous ones to have, as they sell you easily, to cash in their own inferiority complexes.
Anyhow ... do whatch that movie please! This Film Is not Rated! :))
Conspiracy nut here. Very well wriiten Jim. I haven't checked out some of the links yet, but I will. Thanks.
Jim- those links won't open for me. I checked out the properties and the address looks unrecognizable to me. Just an FYI. I'll paste them directly into my address bar.
This is Bush Reason To Live:
We keep reading and hearing how U.S. troops casualties are down since the surge. They are not down. If you compare them to last years numbers, they are WAY not down! Casualties in the summer traditionally go down because it’s so friggin hot. This year they didn’t. They are down from April, May and June of this year, but only because of the summer heat and they go down at this time anyway. Just to set the record straight………
Janurary 2006 62
January 2007 83
February 2006 55
February 2007 81
March 2006 31
March 2007 81
April 2006 76
April 2007 104
May 2006 69
May 2007 126
June 2006 61
June 2007 101
July 2006 43
July 2007 79
August 2006 65
August 2007 81
Iraq Civilian Casualties
Aug-06 2966 Aug-07 1674
July-06 1280 Jul-07 1690
Jun-06 870 Jun-07 1345
May-06 1119 May-07 1980
Apr-06 1009 Apr-07 1821
March-06 1092 Mar-07 2977
Feb-06 846 Feb-07 3014
Jan-06 779 Jan-07 1802
Deaths by the number: Bush's Real Legacy!
Check this out:
The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America summit in Canadareleased a plan that establishes U.N. law along with regulations by the World trade Organization and World Health Organization as supreme over U.S. law during a pandemic and sets the stage for militarizing the management of continental health emergencies.
The “North American Plan for Avian & Pandemic Influenza” was finalized at the SPP summit last week in Montebello, Quebec.
At the same time, the U.S. Northern Command, or NORTHCOM, has created a webpage dedicated to avian flu and has been running exercises in preparation for the possible use of U.S. military forces in a continental domestic emergency involving avian flu or pandemic influenza.
With virtually no media attention, in 2005 President Bush shifted U.S. policy on avian flu and pandemic influenza, placing the country under international guidelines not specifically determined by domestic agencies.
The policy shift was formalized Sept. 14, 2005, when Bush announced a new International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza to a High-Level Plenary Meeting of the U.N. General Assembly, in New York.
The new International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza was designed to supersede an earlier November 2005 Homeland Security report that called for a U.S. national strategy that would be coordinated by the Departments of Homeland Security, Health and Agriculture.
The 2005 plan, operative until Bush announced the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza, directed the State Department to work with the WHO and U.N., but it does not mention that international health controls are to be considered controlling over relevant U.S. statutes or authorities.
Under the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza, Bush agreed the U.S. would work through the U.N. system influenza coordinator to develop a continental emergency response plan operating through authorities under the WTO, North American Free Trade Agreement and the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization.
WND could find no evidence the Bush administration presented the Influenza Partnership plan to Congress for oversight or approval.
How about 1500 Iraqi deaths in August??
My site is http://www.anaveragepatriot.com That will bring you to my main page, kos, my Blog. or access to anything else I have done. Thousands of stories by now.
Dear James,
Thank you for the link, I have red it but I need some time to reflect on its content.
About Iran and the Arab world. I assure you that as Arabs we have basically nothing against Iran. We just want to be left alone.
Unfortunately Iranians suffer from huge inferiority complexes because of Arab historical and modern upper hands over tthem .
Semitic Arabs in Babylong and Egyptian A´rabs invented civilsation from scratch untill it was ruined by the Barabrians coming from the Iranian plateau.
Arabs in the medival times brought Alphabet and letters to the persians.
In the modern times Arabs in Iraq had a secualr regime that surapssed Iran in all aspects of health care, social welfare, military prowess.. That was driving the Iranioans very jealous because it shielded them from entering the region.
Egyptians have entered modernity fom the begining of 19th century, and the gap between education, technological embeddment, civil society, although unsatisfactory and traumatic compared to U.S and western Europe, is far better than Iran
We dont want to have anything to do with Iran, we don' want toe their enemies. It is them who insited on exporting their medival ideologies and fanaticism to the Arab world fo geopolitical reasons!!!
I dont undestand what ha Iran got to do With Arab-Israeli conflict. That is not their region.
I 1973 war Iran alied with Israel against Egypt Syria and Iraq.
During the Iraqi war of defence against Iranian fanaticism in the eighties Israel was supplying the Khomeini regime with Arms to attirate Iraq.
Therefore, it is very strange their insistance on sticking themselves now in the Palestian and Lebanese issue, they simåply want to blackmail the west, so they can get away with Nuclear bomb they will use to threaten their neighbours.
The Arab issues has got nothing to do whatsoever with Iran
You are right! It is by design to discredit anyone that gets too close and may get in the way.
We are not conspiracy theorists just individuals on a search for the truth that we never hear because selfish interests are on their own journey and want you to believe the line they feed you is the truth so they can follow their selfish agenda.
Naj said...
I want to make a little clarification here, in case it is not crystal clear from my blog:
Neither I, nor Iran, is not against ANYONE in the middle east or elsewhere! Iran is against Israeli Apartheid. Iran was also against south African Apartheid! Iran is against the Zionist Regime. "regime" not Israel, not Israelies, not Jews! Just like America is against Iranian regime!
Commenting on my own naivite here: before I started this blog, i had NO IDEA Arabs hated persians so much. Iran is in fact in polite and good terms with every one in the middle east; but it is the rest f teh middle east who is against Iran. Iran hurts some of Arab's egos! I understand that. And I just know that insecure friends are dangerous ones to have, as they sell you easily, to cash in their own inferiority complexes.
I for one realize Iran's main opposition is to Israel who the West nicely interjected on their door step. Their desire to create a security buffer around Israel and Bush's own desire for new middle east order conflict with Iran's desire for their new middle east order now that Bush destabilized the entire region and opened it up to Iran, Saudi Arabia, or any other interested party.
I have to say I knew of the hate relationship between Arabs and Persians. What they do not know is Bush is using that hate against them and no one is safe from him.
I don't consider me, you, or anyone else as a conspiracy theorist just someone who rightly questions the lies they are fed so any given selfish agenda can be followed.
I don't know what happened to those links They should have been fine especially mine and naj's. Here is the one on conspiracies you will find very interesting. http://www.commondreams.org/archive/2007/08/31/3521 Naj's is in fact http://www.iranfacts.blogspot.com let me see if I can find the limk to my assassins mace story without disrupting things. http://anaverageamericanpatriot.blogspot.com/2007/02/experts-learning-us-iran-war-is-coming.html Hopefully that will do it plus I am sure if you goggled assassins mace you would get some very interesting info if not mine too.
"What they do not know is Bush is using that hate against them and no one is safe from him"
Great point James, But you should tell that to Iranians it is their actions in Iraq that are stirring up Arabs agianst them. Had they shown moderation and civilty in Iraq and refrained from tearing up the wounded country. Iran woul have gained the hearts of all Arabs.
I have to admit that Bush has created a very comåplex mess in the middle east, everyone is scared of the other, basically because Arabs and PERSIANS, UNLIKE Israelians, are very parochial and irrational. They simply dont know where their best interests lie.
Admit it James, the neo cons are a bunch of geniuses
Larry I agree with you as would anyone who looked at a month by month comparison. Bush uses the excuse that deaths would rightly increase because troops are in more danger.
My measure is Iraqi sucess not ours. Regardless of battle successes. Iraq can secure nothing, govern nothing, and cannot supply the basic needs for life, without any of that you have nothing.
Larry I am so sickened watching Bush circumvent every single constraint we have built in to prevent a President from controlling everything. Our military under Bush will soon control everything and as we discussed if Bush thinks what he wants will not pass he will get it through clandestinely and underhandedly.
I am afraid Iraqi civilian deaths will only get a lot worse before it spreads throughout the entire middle east thanks to Bush and his new middle east order. This is all still just beginning.
It is a very complex issue indeed. I see no wat out of any of this but militarily because of the ingrained hate and everyone thinking they can win their way militarily. No one is going to like the way this is going to turn out.
I would be very interested in hearing what you think of that report from your view. What a mess is all I keep coming up with and no good way out of it. Emotions go back forever but Bush is the one that set the standards to set this entire mess into motion. It really peeves me!
What a tangled web the madministration has woven over the Middle East. It's a travesty to contemplate. Because we know this would not be happening now if there had been no oil in the desert in the first place. These people would have remained barbarians as far as most of the world was concerned...were it not for their oil. England got in there really quick at the turn of the century and the US tagging right along behind. What a moment in time in history can cause for generations to come. We need that wayback machine from the Professor. Bush has turned this new Millennium into the "Rocky and Bullwinkle Show"...but this involves millions of lives instead of laughs!
Ooopsie! Let me make it perfectly clear...I am not certainly referring to Middle Easterners as barbarians...I was making a point about the past only and the mindset back then. The white nations certainly felt they were superior to those nations...but of course needed to use them for their own gain. I was speaking from an historical point of view...not from my own feelings.
No need to explain the obvious hon! I knew what you meant. As soon as you mentioned Brits,oil, and the turn of the century I thought 1908. Anyway thanks to comments by naj, Larry, and, anon, I figured I had to learn how to embed links and I just did.
Check out the Perle Wurmser Policy from 2003. It will make you realize so much and why I have said for years the middle easts horror is just beginning. I will do the right up to the link shortly.
Naah, Middle East's horror will not begin. It is not like the middle easterners are babboos who would just sit passively and let the world happen to them.
Perhaps teh Americans think Middle east is occupied by camel riders, who are feeling up their bellies and their belly dancers with Oil .... not quite so :)
I assure you Iranians are "ready" ... Let's not forget that your country unleashed Iraqis on us (and Egyptians and Saudi Arabians joined in against Iran) ... while sanctioning us, while watching us being chemically bombed, while their missiles were falling on our schools and birthday parties ...
do NOT underestimate Persians ... they, unlike their neighbors, are "mountain" people ... supremely stoic, if they must!
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