Who is the most dangerous man in the world Bush or Ahmadinejad or their idol Hitler? Connections continue to deepen!
I was just doing research in preparation for a commentary on who is the most dangerous man in the world Bush or Ahmadinejad. As usual things never turnout the way you intend when you start. This is no exception and now I have more questions than ever and I think you will too.
We know of Bush and his Nazi connections as well as the fact that he at least to me is the worlds leading fascist. However while I was checking out facts I saw an article referring to Ahmadinejad as the Muslim fascist, a Muslim Hitler. Makes sense I guess listening to the term Islamo-Fascist I guess, but on the other side of the issue we have our own Fascist, Herr Bush. This started out as a simple comparison then got very deep. I just heard Ahmadinejad called a soldier of God but wait a minute that's Bush. Man are we in trouble!
Bush as you know is creating new societal and world order on our backs amidst ever growing crushing debt
I was just doing research in preparation for a commentary on who is the most dangerous man in the world Bush or Ahmadinejad. As usual things never turnout the way you intend when you start. This is no exception and now I have more questions than ever and I think you will too.
We know of Bush and his Nazi connections as well as the fact that he at least to me is the worlds leading fascist. However while I was checking out facts I saw an article referring to Ahmadinejad as the Muslim fascist, a Muslim Hitler. Makes sense I guess listening to the term Islamo-Fascist I guess, but on the other side of the issue we have our own Fascist, Herr Bush. This started out as a simple comparison then got very deep. I just heard Ahmadinejad called a soldier of God but wait a minute that's Bush. Man are we in trouble!
Bush as you know is creating new societal and world order on our backs amidst ever growing crushing debt, ever decreasing human rights, threats to our individual freedom, perverted unbridled Religiosity, sounds like Ahmadinejad's Iran after listening to President Bollinger. Anyway Iranian President Mahmoud AhmadiNejad took the stage at Columbia University to a blistering reception from the president of the school, who said the hard-line leader behaved like "a petty and cruel dictator." AhmadiNejad smiled as Columbia President Lee Bollinger took him to task over Iran's human-rights record and foreign policy, and AhmadiNejad's statements denying the Holocaust and calling for the disappearance of Israel.
"Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator," Bollinger said, to loud applause. He said AhmadiNejad's denial of the Holocaust might fool the illiterate and ignorant. "When you come to a place like this it makes you simply ridiculous," Bollinger said. "The truth is that the Holocaust is the most documented event in human history." of course I started wondering about the school and why Bollinger was talking the way he was.
First , we have Bush imposing his will on the entire world. Knowing we are captive to Bush's will because he is the Decider and that he will soon attack Iran and we will ultimately be fighting Russia and China and we have Ahmadinejad and Bush pushing for a war in the middle east that will engulf the entire world I have to ask, just who is the most dangerous man in the world?
I am sure most of you agree but I think it is the chief warmonger Bush because he is in control of the most powerful military in the world and he is looking to force it on the world to create his new world order in what I now call Bush's Forever war. However this article says it is Ahmadinejad but it really blew me away because of the Nazi history of the schools founder and knowing George Prescott Bush's and what Bollinger was saying in the regard that it was right in line with Bush.
In the 1930s, Columbia was run by Nicholas Murray Butler, to whose name a special sort of infamy attaches. Butler was an outspoken admirer of Italian fascism and of its leader, Benito Mussolini. The Columbia president, who also was in the forefront of Ivy League efforts to restrict Jewish enrollment, worked tirelessly to build ties between his school and Italian universities, as well as with the powerful fascist student organizations. At one point, a visiting delegation of 350 ardent young Black Shirts serenaded Butler with the fascist anthem. Butler also was keen to establish connections with Nazi Germany and its universities. In 1933, he invited Hans Luther, Adolf Hitler's ambassador to the United States, to lecture on the Columbia campus. Luther stressed Hitler's "peaceful intentions" toward his European neighbors, and, afterward, Butler gave a reception in his honor. As the emissary of "a friendly people," Luther was "entitled to be received with the greatest courtesy and respect," the Columbia president said at the time.
It was such a transparently appalling performance all around that one of the anonymous authors of the New York Times' "Topics of the Times" column put tongue in cheek and looked forward to the occasion when "the Nazi leaders will point out that they were all along opposed to any measures capable of being construed as unjust to any element in the German population or as a threat to peace in Europe." Arrogance, though, is invincible -- even to irony.
This is very telling and scary especially when you read the link and see they were talking in regards to Ahmadinejad and not Bush as you may think.
Bollinger clearly had an American audience in mind when he denounced the Iranian leader to his face as a "cruel" and "petty dictator" and described his Holocaust denial as designed to "fool the illiterate and the ignorant." Bollinger's remarks may have taken him off the hook with his domestic critics, but when it came to the international media audience that really counted, Ahmadinejad already had carried the day. The invitation to speak at Columbia already had given him something totalitarian demagogues -- who are as image-conscious as Hollywood stars -- always crave: legitimacy. Bollinger's denunciation was icing on the cake, because the constituency the Iranian leader cares about is scattered across an Islamic world that values hospitality and its courtesies as core social virtues. To that audience, Bollinger looked stunningly ill-mannered; Ahmadinejad dignified and restrained.
Back in Tehran, Mohsen Mirdamadi, a leading Iranian reformer and Ahmadinejad opponent, said Bollinger's blistering remarks "only strengthened" the president back home and "made his radical supporters more determined," According to an Associated Press report, "Many Iranians found the comments insulting, particularly because in Iranian traditions of hospitality, a host should be polite to a guest, no matter what he thinks of him. To many, Ahmadinejad looked like the victim, and hard-liners praised the president's calm demeanor during the event, saying Bollinger was spouting a 'Zionist' line."
Read the whole story
Read the whole story
The way I look at it they are all a bunch of Fascists including Ahmadinejad and Columbia seems to have Bush ties and has furthered both Bush's and Ahmadinejad's desire for war. I would be interested in what you think And who you think is the most dangerous man in the world/ that title seems to be shared by Ahmadinejad and Bush with many also deserving the title in this developing mess we call the future. James Joiner
Gardner Ma
George W Bush, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Of course you are right at least that is the way it started out. Irlam was formed to give Muslims a sense of belonging and equality with Jews and Christians. As you know, it has now turned into a desire for Islamists to dominate as you should know.
With the Jews and Bush with his perverted Christianity on the other side this wanting the same thing for them this will only end up one way as no one wants to cmpromise. God help all the true Jews, muslims, and Christians.
Here comes the crux of this piece and I would like to hear your input.
Who is behind the Push to War:
Freedom’s Watch, a deep-pocketed conservative group led by two former senior White House officials, made an audacious debut in late August when it began a $15 million advertising campaign designed to maintain Congressional support for President Bush’s troop increase in Iraq.
Founded this summer by a dozen wealthy conservatives, the nonprofit group is set apart from most advocacy groups by the immense wealth of its core group of benefactors, its intention to far outspend its rivals and its ambition to pursue a wide-ranging agenda. Its next target: Iran policy.
Next month, Freedom’s Watch will sponsor a private forum of 20 experts on radical Islam that is expected to make the case that Iran poses a direct threat to the security of the United States, according to several benefactors of the group.
Although the group declined to identify the experts, several were invited from the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington research group with close ties to the White House. Some institute scholars have advocated a more confrontational policy to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, including keeping military action as an option.
Last week, a Freedom’s Watch newspaper advertisement called President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran “a terrorist.” The group is considering a national advertising campaign focused on Iran, a senior benefactor said, though Matt S. David, a spokesman for the group, declined to comment on those plans.
“If Hitler’s warnings were heeded when he wrote ‘Mein Kampf,’ he could have been stopped,” said Bradley Blakeman, 49, the president of Freedom’s Watch and a former deputy assistant to Mr. Bush. “Ahmadinejad is giving all the same kind of warning signs to us, and the region — he wants the destruction of the United States and the destruction of Israel.”
With a forceful message and a roster of wealthy benefactors, Freedom’s Watch has quickly emerged from the crowded field of nonprofit advocacy groups as a conservative answer to the 9-year-old liberal MoveOn.org, which vehemently opposes the Iraq war.
The idea for Freedom’s Watch was hatched in March at the winter meeting of Republican Jewish Coalition in Manalapan, Fla., where Vice President Dick Cheney was the keynote speaker, according to participants. Next week, the group is moving into a 10,000-square-foot office in the Chinatown section of Washington, with plans to employ as many as 50 people by early next year.
One benefactor, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the group was hoping to raise as much as $200 million by November 2008. Raising big money “will be easy,” the benefactor said, adding that several of the founders each wrote a check for $1 million. Mr. Blakeman would not confirm or deny whether any donor gave $1 million, or more, to the organization.
Since the group is organized as a tax-exempt organization, it does not have to reveal its donors and it can not engage in certain types of partisan activities that directly support political candidates. It denies coordinating its activities with the White House, although many of its donors and organizers are well connected to the administration, including Ari Fleischer, the former White House press secretary.
“Ideologically, we are inspired by much of Ronald Reagan’s thinking — peace through strength, protect and defend America, and prosperity through free enterprise,” Mr. Fleischer said.
Among the group’s founders are Sheldon G. Adelson, the chairman and chief executive of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation, who ranks sixth on the Forbes Magazine list of the world’s billionaires; Mel Sembler, a shopping center magnate based in St. Petersburg, Fla., who served as the ambassador to Italy and Australia; John M. Templeton Jr., the conservative philanthropist from Bryn Mawr, Pa.; and Anthony H. Gioia, a former ambassador to Malta who heads an investment group based in Buffalo, N.Y. All four men are long-time prolific donors who have raised money on behalf of Republican and conservative causes.
For years, the group’s founders lamented MoveOn’s growing influence, derived in large part from its grass-roots efforts, especially on the debate about the Iraq war. “A bunch of us activists kept watching MoveOn and its attacks on the war, and it just got to be obnoxious,” said Mr. Sembler, a friend of Vice President Dick Cheney. “We decided we needed to do something about this, because the conservative side was not responding.”
Mr. Sembler, who is on the board of directors of the American Enterprise Institute, said the impetus for Freedom’s Watch “came out of A.E.I.” last winter. He said that at an institute event in December 2006 he listened to retired Gen. Jack Keane and Frederick W. Kagan, an A.E.I. scholar, talk about the need for a troop increase in Iraq, a plan adopted by Mr. Bush in January. “I realized it was not only what we needed to do,” Mr. Sembler said, “but we needed to articulate this message across the country.”
Mr. Sembler also said he was frustrated that he heard reports at institute events earlier this year that the increase was working, but that the news media was not reflecting the progress.
Mr. Fleischer said: “After the president announced the surge, and even Republicans started getting nervous, there was a palpable fear among several of us that this fall Congress was going to cut off the funding and the Middle East would explode and America would likely get hit. It really wasn’t much more complicated than that.”
Over the summer, Mr. Fleischer and the other founders recruited a president, choosing Mr. Blakeman, who served as a deputy assistant to the president in charge of scheduling and appointments. In 2000, Mr. Blakeman led the Bush-Cheney campaign’s public relations effort during the 36 days of the deadlocked election. He left the White House in January 2004.
Mr. Blakeman and Mr. Fleischer said they intended to turn Freedom’s Watch into a permanent fixture among Washington advocacy groups, waging a “never-ending campaign” on an array of foreign policy and domestic issues. They also hope to build an active, grass-roots support network.
But Eli Pariser, the executive director of MoveOn.org, which was founded in 1998 by two Silicon Valley venture capitalists, said he doubted the group’s ability to meet that goal.
“This is the fourth or the fifth group that intends to be the right-wing MoveOn,” Mr. Pariser said, naming other fledgling groups like TheVanguard.org and Grassfire.org. “So far, it’s not clear that this group is anything other than a big neoconservative slush fund. They are a White House front group with a few consultants who are trying to make a very unpopular position on the war appear more palpable.”
How could Bush not win this mantle since he is the one launching a war on the entire Mideast, in his bid for world dominance.
That wasn't Perle or Wurmser yiu were talking about at first was it? I am sickened that there is so much documented proof as to what is happening and what is going to happen and all the chief idiot does is deny it, laugh, and continue on with it.
This really Peeves me because it is so obvious while these Political idiots continue to play games like little kids to the demise of us and the entire world. This is going to cost trillions. Sometimes I think China is funding Bush's debt just to see us hang ourselves. Bush could be stopped if they called in the tab.
You know Bush has it hands down. I don't know if you read it but the link on Ahmadinejad really woke me up as to the ties with the Nazi's, columbia, and Bush. No wonder Bollinger beat up Ahmadinejad.
That article has to be right wing but you can probably tell me. You know, I was told Bollinger wqas a liberal and I thought I might be off base until I saw the history of the school. I would not doubt if the founder was a protoge of prescott Bush's.
Hey Patriot that isn't the real Ahmadinejad on your blog was it he made it look like it was
This is true:
John Dean knows something about White House abuse of power. He wrote a bestseller in 2004 on the Bush White House called Worse Than Watergate. In a recent interview I asked him what he thinks of that title now. Now, he replied, a book comparing Bush and Nixon would have to be called Much, Much Worse.
“Look at the so-called Watergate abuses of power,” he said. “Nobody died. Nobody was tortured. Millions of Americans were not subject to electronic surveillance of their communications. We’re playing now in a whole different league.”
And how does Bush compare with the Republicans seeking to succeed him? “If a Rudy Giuliani were to be elected,” Dean said, “he would go even farther than Cheney and Bush in their worst moments.”
One of them is Ari Fleischer and the other is Bradley Blakeman.
really good post...about such a difficult subject...it is a sad day here...dark times- we must get through this...and stay true to the truth...thank you for all that you do...
I have to laugh because I had to wonder myself. I first got contacted in May but decided to check this time after new comments.
You can click on the title but she is an Iranian woman in the military from Tehran. I contacted her yesterday. She does not write much and I don't know what you know about naj, but I would like to see them correspond and suggested so to both of them.
Larry your comment is interesting knowing Rove got his start during the Nixon mis Administration and he is behind this one still getting rewarded forhis underhanded Politics.
Cheney who had a hand in the Vietnam debacle along with Herr Bush will guarantee that this will be far worse. You know Bush by far is the worst most underhanded and abusive President the world has ever seen because he and he alone is the Decider and he is going to bring down the world. That will be his legacy!
Thank you enigma
I don't know what shape we as a Nation will be in but morally those like you and I will be intact and that is all we can ask for as we continue on with our legacy and not Bush's!
Ari Fleischer, the more I see of the idiots backing up the chief idiot like Snow job, the more upset I get. They should all be guaranteed trial and????
They are both blowhards with huge egos. But considering BUsh has power and Ahmadinejad is more of a figurehead..I vote for Bush being the biggest a-hole in the world.
Dusty you know I agree and sadly the chief idiot is going to bring the entire world down. The idiot thinks he talks to and works for God. He is trying to bring about the end of Days. Hold on!
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