Thursday, November 30, 2017
With the billions we are throwing around 1 billion put into perspective
This is too true to be very funny The next time you hear a politician use the Word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about what it means!
This is too true to be very funny The next time you hear a politician use the Word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about Whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money. A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, But one advertising agency did a good job of Putting that figure into some perspective in One of its releases.
A. A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
B. A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.
C. A billion hours ago our ancestors were Living in the Stone Age.
D. A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
E. A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.
While this thought is still fresh in our brain, let's take a look at New Orleans It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division.
. Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D)asked the Congress for $250 BILLION to rebuild New Orleans after Katrina. Interesting number, what does it mean?
A. Well, if you are one of 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, child), you Each gets $516,528.
B. Or, if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans, your home gets $1,329,787.
C. Or, if you are a family of four, your family Gets $2,066,012.Washington, D.C... HELLO!!! ... Are all your calculators broken??
*Tax his land,Tax his wage,Tax his bed in which he lays.Tax his tractor,Tax his mule,Teach him taxes are the rule.Tax his cow,Tax his goat, Tax his pants,Tax his coat.Tax his ties,Tax his shirts,Tax his work,Tax his dirt.Tax his tobacco,Tax his drink,Tax him if he tries to think.Tax his booze,Tax his beers, If he cries,Tax his tears.Tax his bills,Tax his gas,Tax his notes,Tax his cash.Tax him good and let him knowThat after taxes, he has no dough.If he hollers,Tax him more, Tax him until he's good and sore.Tax his coffin,Tax his grave,Tax the sod in which he lays.
Put these words upon his tomb,'Taxes drove me to my doom!'And when he's gone,We won't relax,We'll still be after the inheritance TAX!!
Accounts Receivable Tax, Building Permit Tax, CDL License Tax, Cigarette Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Dog License Tax, Federal Income Tax, Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) Fishing License Tax, Food License Tax. Fuel Permit Tax, Gasoline Tax, Hunting License Tax, Inheritance Tax, Inventory Tax, IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax),
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
,Liquor Tax,
Luxury Tax,
Marriage License Tax,
Medicare Tax,
Property Tax,
Real Estate Tax,
Service charge taxes,
Social Security Tax,
Road Usage Tax (Truckers),
Sales Taxes,
Recreational Vehicle Tax,
School Tax,
State Income Tax,
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA),
Telephone Federal Excise Tax,
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fe e Tax,Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax,
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax,
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax,
Telephone State and Local Tax,
Telephone Usage Charge Tax,
Utility Tax,
Vehicle License Registration Tax,
Vehicle Sales Tax,
Watercraft Registration Tax,
Well Permit Tax,
Workers Compensation Tax.
**STILL THINK THIS IS FUNNY? Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, And our nation was the most prosperous in the world.We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.What happened? Can you spell 'politicians!' And I still have to 'press 1' for English.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saudi Arabia,
United States Government
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Arctic Council gives 6 more Nations the right to help destroy and plunder the Arctic
4 Years ago: China granted observer status in Arctic
Council: The meeting also witnessed the signing
of Kiruna Declearation, which recognized "the importance of maintaining peace,
stability and constructive cooperation in the Arctic," and "the importance of
the sustainable use of resources, economic development and environmental
Approximately 230 people, including ministers, delegates from the eight Arctic states, representatives of indigenous peoples, scientists and observers, participated in this event, which marks the end of the two-year Swedish chairmanship and the beginning of the Canadian chairmanship of the Arctic Council. The Arctic Council, founded about 20 years ago, includes eight Arctic countries, namely Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States.
India’s bid for observer status in the
Arctic Council was successful on Wednesday along with that of five other
countries — China, Italy, Japan, South Korea and Singapore. An MEA spokesperson
said India would contribute its scientific expertise, particularly its polar
research capabilities.
4 Years ago: China granted observer status in Arctic
Council: The meeting also witnessed the signing
of Kiruna Declearation, which recognized "the importance of maintaining peace,
stability and constructive cooperation in the Arctic," and "the importance of
the sustainable use of resources, economic development and environmental
Approximately 230 people, including ministers, delegates from the eight Arctic states, representatives of indigenous peoples, scientists and observers, participated in this event, which marks the end of the two-year Swedish chairmanship and the beginning of the Canadian chairmanship of the Arctic Council. The Arctic Council, founded about 20 years ago, includes eight Arctic countries, namely Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, Sweden and the United States.
India’s bid for observer status in the Arctic Council was successful on Wednesday along with that of five other countries — China, Italy, Japan, South Korea and Singapore. An MEA spokesperson said India would contribute its scientific expertise, particularly its polar research capabilities.
India’s bid for observer status in the Arctic Council was successful on Wednesday along with that of five other countries — China, Italy, Japan, South Korea and Singapore. An MEA spokesperson said India would contribute its scientific expertise, particularly its polar research capabilities.
U.S.'s Arctic plans may serve as a wake-up call for Canada and the world as they scramble for the resources as the Arctic thaws.
Cold War for Arctic resources is not just heating up – it’s leading to a growing
militarization in the remote North.
That’s the conclusion a study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which claims that Russia, Canada, Denmark and Norway are all developing their military interests there. Also, more countries are seeking access to the region’s important natural resources and transport routes, such as “outsiders” like China, India and Brazil.
U.S.'s Arctic plans may serve as a wake-up call for Canada: The Pentagon wants to know what’s happening in the Arctic; there’s an app for that. Well not yet, but Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants one in a hurry. In a call for proposals this week, it said it plans to pick, deploy and test two systems this summer. “Remote sensing may offer affordable advantages over traditional methods of monitoring the region – aircraft, satellites or manned ships and submarines – due to the great distances in the Arctic,” the agency said in a call for bids.
The U.S. military wants “new technologies to monitor the Arctic both above and below the ice, providing year-round situational awareness without the need for forward-basing or human presence.” Nothing nefarious about that. Except that slicing up the Arctic as retreating ice heralds a 21st-century resources rush and shipping boom at the top of the world is shaping up as a race for riches and control.Do you think it will matter?
I have been covering this for 6 years now, remember: The scramble for the Arctic: Russia to station 2 military Brigades in the Arctic: Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests and Putin is back
Russia's defense minister has said he plans to create two specialist army brigades to be based in the Arctic.The announcement comes days after Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests in the region.
Denmark to lay claim to North Pole: DENMARK which already counts Greenland and the Faroe Islands as its Arctic territories, is planning to lay claim to the North Pole. This will put Denmark on a collision course with Russia, the US, Canada and Norway but they all better make a share deal and avoid conflict over this.
I wanted to discuss that in 2007 when Russia declared that it had successfully planted their flag at the bottom of the Arctic claiming it as Russian territory Russia was disturbed that Canada the US and others dismissed it as a joke saying that is worthless in the 21st Century. Myself I wasn't as sure as it seems like a scary ratcheting up of the race for future resources and world domination. Well attitudes are changing when recent events are taken into account. I am sure Denmark's joining this venture will simply be dismissed.
It has been noted that Russian nostalgia for past greatness has been seen stretching from the North Pole to the Mediterranean via the Caucasus. First the Russians planted a flag on the bottom of the Arctic. Then they promised to return to the Mediterranean. .
Russia's Mediterranean plans pale in comparison with its audacious foray into the Arctic where they collected soil samples and planted the Russian flag two and a half miles below the sea. The official purpose of this first-ever manned mission was "to prove that the North Pole is an extension of the Russian coastal shelf." Geologists say the region could have big oil, gas and mineral reserves. Massive oil reserves is more like it!
Knowing that the Arctic features prominently in Russian Imperial mythology and the rising desire for Russia to regain prominence as a world power you have to be very concerned about this and Canada now is. Canada's prime minister went on a three-day trip to the Arctic in an effort to assert sovereignty over the region a week after Russia symbolically staked a claim to the North Pole by sending submarines.
Five countries -- Canada, Russia, the United States, Norway and Denmark -- are competing to secure subsurface rights to the Arctic seabed. One study by the U.S. Geological Survey estimates the Arctic has as much as 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas. PM Harper, who has pledged to spend billions defending Canada's sovereignty over the Arctic, is said "Economic development -- unleashing the resource-based potential of the North, environmental protection -- protecting the unique Northern environment, national sovereignty -- protecting our land, airspace and territorial waters were his priorities.
" In response to the building interest in the shelf Canada's PM Harper announced that six to eight new patrol ships would be built to guard the Northwest Passage sea route in the Arctic, which the United States insists does not belong to Canada. Canadian PM vowed in 2007 to defend Arctic
U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins had criticized Harper's promise to defend the Arctic, calling the Northwest Passage "neutral waters." This is all very troubling as we watch the ratcheting up of tensions around the world as we try to move into the future. The increased militarism around the world is tenuous but throw all the recent developments in with what is shaping up to be a fight over the Arctic and its resources which will only serve to ecologically destroy another very important part of the Ocean's and world's ecosystem in what is increasingly appearing in trouble.
Denmark's interest and claim is also old. The scramble for the Arctic also gathered pace in 2007 as Denmark prepared to challenge Russia's bid for the North Pole and Canada vowed to defend its "sovereignty" over the region's frozen waters. Boy are they getting desperate! Over the next month they searched for evidence that the Lomonosov Ridge, a 1,200-mile, underwater mountain range running close to the Pole, is a geographical extension of Greenland, a Danish possession.
That’s the conclusion a study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which claims that Russia, Canada, Denmark and Norway are all developing their military interests there. Also, more countries are seeking access to the region’s important natural resources and transport routes, such as “outsiders” like China, India and Brazil.
U.S.'s Arctic plans may serve as a wake-up call for Canada: The Pentagon wants to know what’s happening in the Arctic; there’s an app for that. Well not yet, but Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants one in a hurry. In a call for proposals this week, it said it plans to pick, deploy and test two systems this summer. “Remote sensing may offer affordable advantages over traditional methods of monitoring the region – aircraft, satellites or manned ships and submarines – due to the great distances in the Arctic,” the agency said in a call for bids.
The U.S. military wants “new technologies to monitor the Arctic both above and below the ice, providing year-round situational awareness without the need for forward-basing or human presence.” Nothing nefarious about that. Except that slicing up the Arctic as retreating ice heralds a 21st-century resources rush and shipping boom at the top of the world is shaping up as a race for riches and control.Do you think it will matter?
I have been covering this for 6 years now, remember: The scramble for the Arctic: Russia to station 2 military Brigades in the Arctic: Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests and Putin is back
Russia's defense minister has said he plans to create two specialist army brigades to be based in the Arctic.The announcement comes days after Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests in the region.
Denmark to lay claim to North Pole: DENMARK which already counts Greenland and the Faroe Islands as its Arctic territories, is planning to lay claim to the North Pole. This will put Denmark on a collision course with Russia, the US, Canada and Norway but they all better make a share deal and avoid conflict over this.
I wanted to discuss that in 2007 when Russia declared that it had successfully planted their flag at the bottom of the Arctic claiming it as Russian territory Russia was disturbed that Canada the US and others dismissed it as a joke saying that is worthless in the 21st Century. Myself I wasn't as sure as it seems like a scary ratcheting up of the race for future resources and world domination. Well attitudes are changing when recent events are taken into account. I am sure Denmark's joining this venture will simply be dismissed.
It has been noted that Russian nostalgia for past greatness has been seen stretching from the North Pole to the Mediterranean via the Caucasus. First the Russians planted a flag on the bottom of the Arctic. Then they promised to return to the Mediterranean. .
Russia's Mediterranean plans pale in comparison with its audacious foray into the Arctic where they collected soil samples and planted the Russian flag two and a half miles below the sea. The official purpose of this first-ever manned mission was "to prove that the North Pole is an extension of the Russian coastal shelf." Geologists say the region could have big oil, gas and mineral reserves. Massive oil reserves is more like it!
Knowing that the Arctic features prominently in Russian Imperial mythology and the rising desire for Russia to regain prominence as a world power you have to be very concerned about this and Canada now is. Canada's prime minister went on a three-day trip to the Arctic in an effort to assert sovereignty over the region a week after Russia symbolically staked a claim to the North Pole by sending submarines.
Five countries -- Canada, Russia, the United States, Norway and Denmark -- are competing to secure subsurface rights to the Arctic seabed. One study by the U.S. Geological Survey estimates the Arctic has as much as 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas. PM Harper, who has pledged to spend billions defending Canada's sovereignty over the Arctic, is said "Economic development -- unleashing the resource-based potential of the North, environmental protection -- protecting the unique Northern environment, national sovereignty -- protecting our land, airspace and territorial waters were his priorities.
" In response to the building interest in the shelf Canada's PM Harper announced that six to eight new patrol ships would be built to guard the Northwest Passage sea route in the Arctic, which the United States insists does not belong to Canada. Canadian PM vowed in 2007 to defend Arctic
U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins had criticized Harper's promise to defend the Arctic, calling the Northwest Passage "neutral waters." This is all very troubling as we watch the ratcheting up of tensions around the world as we try to move into the future. The increased militarism around the world is tenuous but throw all the recent developments in with what is shaping up to be a fight over the Arctic and its resources which will only serve to ecologically destroy another very important part of the Ocean's and world's ecosystem in what is increasingly appearing in trouble.
Denmark's interest and claim is also old. The scramble for the Arctic also gathered pace in 2007 as Denmark prepared to challenge Russia's bid for the North Pole and Canada vowed to defend its "sovereignty" over the region's frozen waters. Boy are they getting desperate! Over the next month they searched for evidence that the Lomonosov Ridge, a 1,200-mile, underwater mountain range running close to the Pole, is a geographical extension of Greenland, a Danish possession.
The mission it was felt would strain relations
between Denmark and Russia, which claims to have found evidence linking the
ridge to Siberia. Both countries will seek adjudication from a United Nations
commission in the next few years that could award a large swathe of Arctic
territory to the country with the most compelling case. The
scramble for the arctic The time is coming closer!
With the
ice melting all of a sudden everyone has a claim to the land below and we are
racing to destroy the Arctic. It sickens me to hear lies like China, India, and
the rest of them saying they just want a faster route of travel and want to
protect peace and the environment. Russia and Canada are not the only ones who
have long voiced the willingness to fight for what they believe is theirs. That
Arctic Council is a joke and will stop none of the impending destruct but merely
enlarge the amount of Countries allowed to do it.
* In closing:China Focus: China publishes Arctic policy, eyeing vision of "Polar Silk Road"1/26/2018
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
* In closing:China Focus: China publishes Arctic policy, eyeing vision of "Polar Silk Road"1/26/2018
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Arctic Council,
arctic shelf,
Lomonosov Ridge,
northwest passage,
South Korea,
United States
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Is Iran a Religious military dictatorship? You bet
Remember this? Barred from poll, Rafsanjani calls Iranian leaders ignorant and incompetent. This election will be much worse than 2009 but in the end?
"I don't think the country could have been run worse, even if it had been planned in advance," Rafsanjani said to members of his campaign team on Wednesday, according to the Kaleme report. "I don't want to stoop to their propaganda and attacks but ignorance is troubling. Don't they understand what they're doing?"
Of course they do! Rafsanjani was President after the Iraq war and rebuilt Iran. He became known as the easy man because he got things done. He is what is needed today. As a result the current regime looks at him as a threat to their warring regemin. Disallowing him from running is probably going to get things much worse because of the IRG. Remember the Iron fist they used on the people after the corrupt 2009 election. The people were finally quelled but we knew they were not silenced.
Of course they do! Rafsanjani was President after the Iraq war and rebuilt Iran. He became known as the easy man because he got things done. He is what is needed today. As a result the current regime looks at him as a threat to their warring regemin. Disallowing him from running is probably going to get things much worse because of the IRG. Remember the Iron fist they used on the people after the corrupt 2009 election. The people were finally quelled but we knew they were not silenced.

Is Iran a Religious military dictatorship? You bet
I say it to often today that once our so called leaders mention that something is an issue it is too late to do anything about it because it has gone too far. That is the case with Iran's clandestine nuclear weapons program and also labeling Iran as a military dictatorship. We have discussed this numerous times in the past. The fact that it is, is a long given as certainly events since the stolen election have proven. Iran's Revolutionary Guard is in charge!
On top of all the instigating Iran is doing in every instance I am very concerned with her desire for nuclear weapons, her willingness to use them, and the fact that we gave Iran her nuclear start in the 50s. The nuclear program of Iran was launched in the 1950s with the help of the United States as part of the Atoms for Peace program.[1] The support, encouragement and participation of the United States and Western European governments in Iran's nuclear program continued until the 1979 Islamic revolution that toppled the Shah of Iran. We are so concerned about Pakistan and Iran today in regard to nuclear abilities and nuclear weapons and security. I was blown away to find out that we built the first nuclear Reactors in both Iran and Pakistan. 1953 atoms for peace
Reading the book by Con Coughlin titled Khomeini's Ghost - The Iranian Revolution and the Rise of Militant Islam while as usual not totally correct it certainly makes you think and put everything in its proper frightening perspective. Please look at the book review and decide for yourself. From Khomeini's response on his return to Iran after 15 years of exile to today's events it all makes sense and the world better be concerned as there is more than idle threats and braggadocio coming from Ahmadinejad. Khomeini's Ghost - The Iranian Revolution and the ...
A reminder: When asked by a journalist how he felt upon returning to Iran after 15 years in exile. Khomeini’s curt, one-word reply “nothing” Whoa! From day one of his return to Iran Khomeini expressed no love for Iran only a love of the atom bomb. The drive even then was to possess a nuclear weapon though that desire is still denied until Iran can get their hands on one.
I have tried to give Iran the benefit of the doubt when they say their nuclear desires are peaceful knowing they could use nuclear power as an energy source for their growing population. I have always asserted that perceived need could be cover for the real goal of developing a nuclear weapon. I now believe it is!
IRG Ahmadinejad, the stolen election, the killing and imprisonment of the children of the Revolution, the violent crushing of all opposition, the clandestine nuclear program, It is all making sense, beware! Natanz, Qom, Isfahan, Bushehr, Natanz, how many more nuclear facilities? How will this end?
As this ratchets up instigated by the Basiji and the IRGC another reminder! You know how I feel about Iran's Revolutionary Guard Command, but now there are many pro Government citizens calling for the death of those against the current regime and the IRGC! Like most I believe the election was stolen. I originally thought it had to be known right to the top but I do not think so. I now thing even Ayatollah Khamenei was duped about the stolen election. Some not all of the clerics have been dragged into bed with the IRG!
As you know, the IRGC was set up to protect the ruling authority after 1979 and are supposed to be controlled By Ayatollah Khamenei's authority. I know Ahmadinejad and 2/3 of his first 21 member cabinet are ex IRGC members and that simply reinforces that I am right to believe the IRGC has become the final authority not the Supreme leader.
The IRGC is in control of furthering Shiite demands around the Middle East! You know by now what they are doing in Yemen, Iraq,, Syria, and everywhere they can in the Middle East. I now believe Khamenei is the power behind the crackdown but he is unknowingly enforcing a lie! Iran will not give up her nuclear weapons designs and will never give up power or efforts to dominate the Middle East. Ahmadinejad and the IRGC are the driving force and will not relent. Increasing sanctions will only work to defeat all the opposition has done.
Having said that, it will be interesting to see if Khamenei
in the end allows Ahmadinejad's close ally Esfandiar Rahim Mashaie to run. I
doubt it because they do not want to see their instigating come to a halt. As
long as we can keep from conflict with Iran I firmly believe that the people
will rebel again and it will be much worse than 2009 with the same result. I for
one do not like it but?
You know, I have long said that Iran’s civilian nuclear program is a cover for their nuclear weapons program. You know that Arab leaders feel the same way. They fear a nuclear arms race and I can only conclude that knowing how far along Iran is and how they feel, that they are hedging their bets and an arms race is already under way clandestinely. The only question is when will it become an overt arms race and just how big the middle east explosion I have been predicting since Bush attacked Iraq, will be?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, November 27, 2017
Another Example: In the 21st century military’s should wage peace not war!
You are watching our military fighting two wars. Meanwhile they saved the day during the Tsunami, Katrina, the Haiti earthquake and a growing number of natural and man made catastrophes. The gulf oil spill is just the latest and this is going to be worse than they realize even though Louisiana and Florida have both declared states of emergency also parts of Alabama and Mississippi.
The massive spill is still flowing and moving through very precious estuaries and breeding grounds not only for birds but out shellfish, sea life and their industries. This is an oil well not a tanker or a pipeline. This is going to dwarf the Exxon Valdez and be a thousand times more damaging to the ecosystem and us.US Gulf States Mobilize for Valdez-Like Oil Spill
Once again this is a mission that we have to attack with everything we have while only the military has the manpower and equipment to take the helm. Last year when the navy celebrated their 234th birthday they changed their motto to A Global Force for Good. So far the DOD is helping, ships satellites and navy and coast guard manpower and resources are increasingly being applied. So far 6,000 National Guard troops are called up and 2 c130’s are dropping chemicals to try and break down and disperse as much of the oil they can before it can reach land.
It will not be enough but I have to once again dig out something that some scoff at but it is dead true and we better wake up! I wrote a little piece more then 5 or 6 years ago and then updated it because of the promise of Obama! He is coming through and we stand a chance. Please read Life's cycles and the future duties of our military!
We should be using our military for the sole purpose of helping and ensuring honesty among the Nations of the world. There can be no action taken without the knowledge and complicity of all Nations that have the future of man and the planet as their goal. This is what we should have done with Iraq. This is what we should be doing with Iran, North Korea, and many other potential hot spots around the world today. We as the United States, must stop meddling and interfering with the Politics of other Nations around the world. We should be using our military not to wage war but to wage peace. Our military efforts after the tsunami were a shining example of the way our military should be used in the future. The world as a whole must be made to realize the fragility of our situation.
We can make this work despite the tenuous situation we have put ourselves in. With that said we must proceed and work as a world unit. It will not work as separate competitive entities as we have done in the past. We must Proceed into the future as one. We must proceed into the future with the future life of man and the planet as our only goal. Nothing less than the survival of man and the planet are at stake. Shortly the planets life sustaining ecosystems will no longer have the ability to sustain the current population of man.
We can not afford to destroy them altogether. That complete destruction and no less is what we have facing us right now. It would do man, the world well to wake up to that fact and act accordingly. This is exactly what will happen if there is another unnecessary world war. Countries must be made to realize that what they have today is all they are going to get. We can trade throughout the world for the items necessary for ones civilization and survival. However, the domination of the past must be history or we will be. We must take care of what we have. It is all we are going to get. The world must be made to realize that we march into the future with what boundaries and countries we have or suffer the dire consequences.
Our prime concern, our only concern at this point in mans and the planets life cycle has to be one of self preservation. The world must wake up to the fact that preservation of man and the planet has to be our only goal and ultimate victory. Shortly we will illustrate the life cycles in any life form and you will understand where man and the planet are in them today. We went into this in great detail in our first two books. It is very obvious and very plain, it bears repeating as we seem to be learning nothing. As we said in the past, life moves only in one direction, forward. We must not go back or attempt to go back to a cycle of life that man and the planet have already grown through and survived. We will not the next time. We have lived through the development stage of man and this planet. It is long overdue for us to get it together as a species and realize this and then face this important fact. We are now in the preservation stage of any life form. We have reached and passed the maturity stage of any life form as a species and as a planet. World wars, world dominance, world destruction, the times for that are passed. It is up to us as a world body to realize this and act accordingly.
Life’s stages
* The Infantile Stage – This is mans longest stage to date. With some luck we can surpass this in our maturity stage, our nurturing stage. Man was very much in his developmental stage. From mans beginning caveman day’s right up through The Dark Ages. Man was very much a live and learn being. You can not accuse man of that today. Man has lost this ability since what we will refer to as The Learning Stage. The 20th century seems to have killed this ability with its perceived lack of need. He now thinks he knows better and he knows everything. We know the thought as most of us have children. He wrongly thinks he has all the answers. We would do well to remember this phase of life.
* The Learning Stage – This period marks the end of The Dark Ages. The end of the Dark Ages coincidentally enough is marked by another perfectly cyclical event known as the Christian Crusades. This was in a point of time appropriate for the horror. The horrific thing is that Islam is going through this cycle right now. Their version of the Christian Crusaders is the Islamist Jihadists. This is occurring at a point in time when mans and the planets life cycles are beyond accepting or tolerating this behavior. At the point of time of the horrors that the Christian Crusaders committed they were accepted and tolerated.
This period covers the end of the Dark Ages up to the 20th century. This period covers the birth of mans great Religions. It covers the development of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. With the exception of the maturing of the Muslim Religion it marks the maturing of these Religions. It marks their role in the world order. This is again with the exception of the Muslim Religion. It is that time of Religious maturity which there is no place for in the world today. We, the world, humanity, have already gone through that. As a result we do not find what is happening with the Islamist Jihad particularly palatable. This period also opened the way for colonization. It marked the point in mans life cycle when the forceful taking of another country was the accepted norm. This was the time in mans and the planets life for needless pointless death and destruction. It was survivable by both man and the planet. This time is over and can no longer be accepted or tolerated.
*The Maturing Stage – This period includes WW1, WW2, and the recognition of man made hazards to mans and the planets life. This was the period in mans and the planets life cycles when world war was survivable by man and the planet. Our weapons are now too horrific for man or the planet to survive. Life only moves in one direction and for a reason. We can not allow any Nation to try and slide backwards and return to those ways. The time for that in the life cycle of the planet is over. We are becoming aware as to the frailty of the planets life sustaining ecosystems.
* The Nurturing Stage – This is mans mature stage. This is mans preservation period. The time is now. This period marks mans awakening as to the realization of mans negative impact on the life sustaining life cycle of the planet as a whole. This period marks the awakening of man as to the as to the necessity of revitalizing Natures life sustaining ecosystems. This period marks the necessity for an end to all out war. We must come to the realization that as a world we must destroy all advanced weaponry and their systems throughout the world. This is an absolute necessity for the survival of man and the planet. We must form a world board to ensure compliance by the entire world. It is for the benefit and survival of mankind and the planet. We now know the fragility of our planet and our negative role in it. As a world we must act responsibly, be held accountable, and act accordingly.
** Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creativity. Through the beginning of the 20th century man has been going through the maturity stages of his existence. Like a maturing teenager man now thinks he has all the answers. However he has none of the right ones. Would you send your Grandmother off to war? That is something you can relate to. Likewise man and the planet can not survive a world war this late in the life cycle of man and the planet. Whoever ushers in a new world war must be held personally accountable for knowingly and unwittingly bring about the end of the civilized world and our planet as we know and need it.
Whether you believe in Nostradamus or not, he gave us two scenarios at this juncture in life. We had two roads we could follow into the future. We could take the peaceful road down a successful road into the future or we could take the road into conflict that would lead to destruction of man and the planet as we know them.
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Balancing Power? United States led middle east breakdown is more like it!
Weapons Sales to middle east allies Move Ahead Despite US Worries
Weapons Sales to Iraq Move Ahead Despite US Worries: The Obama administration is moving ahead with the sale of nearly $11 billion worth of arms and training for the Iraqi military despite concerns that Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki is seeking to consolidate authority, create a one-party Shiite-dominated state and abandon the American-backed power-sharing government.
The military aid, including advanced fighter jets and battle tanks, is meant to help the Iraqi government protect its borders and rebuild a military that before the 1991 Persian Gulf war was one of the largest in the world; it was disbanded in 2003 after the United States invasion. What about what we did with our illegal attack? What about adding fuel to the fire of civil war we ignited with our illegal war?
US Seals $3.48B Missiles, Technology Sale To UAE: The U.S. and U.A.E. have a strong defense relationship and are both interested in “a secure and stable” Persian Gulf region.The deal includes 96 missiles, along with supporting technology and training support that Little says will bolster the nation’s missile defense capacity.The deal includes a contract with Lockheed Martin to produce the highly sophisticated Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, weapon system for the U.A.E.
US to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia: The Obama administration is poised to announce the sale of nearly US$30 billion worth of F-15 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia, U.S. officials said. The deal will send 84 new fighter jets and upgrades for 70 more, for a total of US$29.4 billion, according to the officials Wednesday, who requested anonymity because the sale has not been made public.The agreement boosts the military strength of Saudi Arabia, a key U.S. ally in the Middle East, at a time when the Obama administration is looking to counter Iranian threats in the region.
Underscoring that effort was a fresh threat this week from Tehran, which warned that it could disrupt traffic through the Strait of Hormuz, a vital Persian Gulf oil transport route, if Washington levies new sanctions targeting Iran's crude oil exports. About a year ago, the administration got the go-ahead from Congress for a 10-year, US$60 billion arms deal with Saudi Arabia that included F-15s, helicopters and a broad array of missiles, bombs and delivery systems, as well as radar warning systems and night-vision goggles. Don't forget the billions in advanced weaponry given to Israel as a "counter balance" Also the 70 Billion in advanced arms give to our so called middle east allies to defend against Iran.
A Moderate Official at Risk in a Fracturing Iraq: RAFE AL-ESSAWI is the man in charge of Iraq’s finances, a moderate Sunni doctor who greets his guests and denounces his foes in practiced English. He may also be the next leader to fall as the country’s Shiite prime minister takes aim at perceived rivals and enemies, his fate a litmus test for a country in crisis.
10 Years ago we noted: U.S. promises of military aid or arms sales to strengthen its Middle Eastern allies against Iran and other regional foes seem aimed at repairing a balance of power destroyed by the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. That is not what is going to happen or what this is about.
Supposedly Toppling Saddam Hussein ended Iraq's role as a counterweight to Iran, a part it had played since the 1980s in a Gulf security system that Washington had hoped would contain the rival powers. That was only the smallest of the repercussions. Toppling Saddam gave Bush the excuse to get into the middle east, upset the balance of the entire middle east as Bush knew would be the case, and set the stage for Bush's new middle east order that has long been planned and he will not stop now.
This is still just beginning but it will increase rapidly with Iran's threat to close the Gulf and us arming our Allies to help fight them. I had some interesting conversations in relation to this story. That made me remember how long this has all been planned, and put the rest of this developing scenario together. After 50 years of middle east policy and not arming them to fight wars Bush has changed that in hopes of getting them to fight Iran and Syria.
Bush now Obama will be freed to attack Pakistan and Iran from the Gulf as Iraq quiets and others fight Iran on the ground, or so they think!
We must make a Difference! We think we will now be free to go after Pakistan and Iran from the Gulf with our carrier and battle Groups while others will be able to defend themselves and will be doing the brunt of the fighting and ground combat. Everything is almost prepared. It gets much worse
Remember the Saudi Iranian Neo cold war It is soon to be out in the open and go virile!
Remember the Iran Saudi proxy war in Iraq gaining steam
Remember the Saudi's opened their air so Israel could attack Iran
I have to reiterate something I have said too many times since Bush chose to ignore all warnings of total civil war spreading throughout the entire Middle East so he could attack Iraq and straighten out the Middle East as God spoke to him and instructed him to. You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran.
Bush has created a hell on earth for Iraq that he calls liberty and success with promises to spread it throughout the entire Middle East. He has long wanted a Korea style force in Iraq to secure the peace! We were concerned because we knew that would never work in Iraq or the Middle East! Planting our military in the middle of the mess Bush has created out of the Middle East because of his failed Democratization program would be a Custer's Last Stand on a grand scale!
I still see a total civil war Sunni against Shiite erupting in the Middle East because Bush freed up Iran to instigate it on their end and they are. I still am concerned we will have a permanent presence in the Middle East but feel we will have to largely leave Iraq to her own demise. We will still be there but it looks like Yemen, and the Gulf of Aden will be the prime focus unless Iran gets something going between the US and Iran.
As you know, I talk about it often as I watch Bush's new Middle East (dis)order progress. He ignored Afghanistan so he could use the patriot acts powers to divert from Afghanistan to attack Iraq using the excuse of unseating Saddam so he could get in the Middle East to help Israel establish a buffer zone and establish a new middle east (dis) order or so Israel and Cheney thought. Bush at Cheney's urging made an abrupt shift in policy towards Syria, a shift that has now brought the entire Mideast region to the brink of war and chaos. Much worse than the hell on earth they created for Iraq. Did you ever read A clean Break, Cheney's well documented destructive plans for the middle east
That plan was put together in 1996 for Israel. They were just waiting for an idiot to come along so they could implement their plan for the Middle East. Along came the life long follower and life long alcoholic loser Georgie Bush. I wish I could say the rest is History but this is still barely beginning and just beginning to take shape. All Bush did by ignoring Afghanistan and attacking Iraq was to guarantee a loss of everything and a complete Middle East and Asian Breakdown.
He freed Iran up to pursue her version of new middle East order by interfering wherever she could while Bush was doing the same thing with his Middle East Democratization program. I think you can see how successful Bush and Cheney were with chaos creating Middle East Democracy program but you are barely seeing the results they created in Iran.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new Middle East (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
You know I firmly believe and have said so a million times by now that since 9/11 everything was construed to allow Bush to gain the power he needed to prosecute his new order not just in the Middle East but on the entire world! He diverted from Afghanistan to get back into the Middle East with the goal of setting up a larger safety zone for Israel and going after Iran. Both will fail! It has long been my contention that coming to Israel's aid once they attack Iran will be our in to Iran!
Watch out Iran! Watch out world!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Saturday, November 25, 2017
Analysis: Is the tea party crowd brewing a revolution? Hellooo! Anybody in there?
Remember them? Well,well, well we wrote this 7 years ago' Now what do you think?
Analysis: Is the tea party crowd brewing a revolution?
Republican's long instigated second revolution:
The so called Christian revolution began this mess. It began as far as I am concerned when they gained a niche in the Republican Party. They came to power as a direct result of Monica Lewinsky and President Clinton. I did a story a while ago because the founder of the so called culture war said they lost it to the Democrats. He declared the culture wars over and retired.
I said they were not over and as you know, they are only getting much worse. Perverted Christianity ruled the Bush Administration. Those perverted policies were highlighted when Republicans made poor Terry Schiavo suffered for years while the Republicans led by Bush used her for what they thought would be their Political gain. They finally lost that battle. She was allowed to die in March 2005 and the Republicans moved on to other divisive issues used to rally their base and hopefully conquer the Democratic party.
The movement has had a metamorphous and has metastasized. The Republicans are getting increasingly desperate. The Republican Party ultimately wants an armed revolution. They want Obama and the Democratic Party gone. A while back we emphasized the purposeful whipping up of anger to be used in the right's favor.
Remember Timothy Mcveigh returning from the first gulf war disgruntled and was brain washed. Napolitano worked on the case after the Oklahoma City Bombing. Napolitano warned of a rise of right wing extremists because of opposition to the recession, President Obama being black, Social programs, and Obama supposedly wanting to take their guns in which of course he has no interest in whatsoever. She warned of lone wolfs endangering society because of right wing extremism and of course Republicans are making a joke of her speaking the truth! There instigation is increasingly bearing fruit. It was a lone wolf worried about Obama taking his guns that ambushed and bushwhacked three cops in Pittsburgh!
Listen to Limbaugh, Gingrich, Hannity, Coulter, Bachus, Bachmann. Michael Steele saying it is Patriotic to not pay taxes. Patriotic? WTF? Tea parties were instigated by right wing extremists to protest taxes, bailouts, and anything Obama. They are making themselves our enemy. They are the extremists we have to fear. They will continue to whip fervor until something explodes. Like you I do not like what I see happening.
Remember a while back we saw Efforts increase every day to make Obama fail and stop his efforts to destroy the Republican version of America and restore our America. The more desperate Republicans get the more their efforts increase. This is getting bad and I have to wonder how bad this will get as they will not stop until they bring Obama and his Administration down!
Remember Bachmann and Chuck Norris "Yhep our Chuck Norris" openly advocating citizens to be locked and loaded. They are both calling for armed Revolution against Obama and his policies.Chuck Norris is organizing cells on line he will activate when the time is right! It is getting closer and very concerning. The incendiary rhetoric brings increasing violence. This is being done right under the President and societies noses and it is coming to a head.
It only takes one with a screw loose for the Cheney's and the Oreilley's to set off and do their "righteous" killing and destruction for them as with the killing of Tiller. They are the real killers and are ecstatic with Tiller's death. Another one bites the dust and Republicans are a step closer. Oreilley called for Tiller's death numerous times calling him a mass murderer and Tiller the baby killer. He is partially responsible for this. I want to hear what he says now!
Abortion in late term at first sniff sounds terrible to me. However abortion especially late term is a vital part of our health care and society. Obama should come out and say that publicly. That will instigate the Republicans to get their Revolution going. Roder, Tiller's killer was a Christian killer. He was anti Democrat and got off of charges for being caught with explosives. It really bothers me that guilty or not you can get off because of "illegal" search and seizure. Guilty is guilty who the hell care!
A woman and Mother I saw interviewed was horrified with Tiller's murder as he saved her life. She was 21 weeks pregnant when she found out her baby had no brain or skull and may kill her and would certainly die period. An abortion to her was her only choice. Abortion can be a heart rending life or death decision. The decision though life or death is not made lightly. Those that have cancer are allowed to do what they must to save their life. So too must someone who has a life saving abortion. They are not the killer nor Is Tiller.
Christian nut jobs are the killers. The Oreilley's of the world instigating them to do their killing are the real killers. The Republican party calling Obama the anti Christ and a secret Muslim might seem harmless or funny but it is not. Their inflaming rhetoric is creating a "brown shirt" environment as with the Nazi's. They espouse death to carry out their agenda. Fox does it Cheney does it and many Republicans do it. There are many madmen, Christian fanatics with guns and explosives ready to do their killing. Remember Michelle Bachmann and Chuck Norris along with a growing number of Republicans are calling for a Revolution. It is coming closer to reality and that is not a conspiracy theory!
READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in ...
The Group was founded shortly after Obama was elected but since they are supposed to be protecting the constitution and protecting the people’s rights they should have been after Bush! Anyway they are openly recruiting current and retired military and law enforcement officers to go against the Government "Obama" because they are the ones with the weapons!
They say Obama destroyed the constitution and the Oath keepers are asking the military and law enforcement to stand down if they are asked to oppress the people. This continues to grow and is not good. I hope to God something is being done behind the scenes! How can they with a straight face accuse President Obama a Constitutional Lawyer of destroying the Constitution? Get real!
They are recruiting these current and prior ex military and law enforcement officers to to promise to keep our cities from becoming prison camps at the same time thousands and thousands of armed militia are forming and may necessitate just that. They want the military and police to help their cause of anarchy and not to help the Government contain them and enforce order. They are openly instigating and advocating armed Revolution. This can not be legal!
Their call is to not aid in martial law but to me they are necessitating it! Many of those recruited are active duty military and law enforcement and say they will not subjugate any states sovereignty! If that was the case during the civil war I guess we just would have let the South secede as they want all States to have the right to do today. That means they will not help if called on if there is a law enforcement problem in any State and the Feds. have to get involved!
They expect concentration camps like for the Japs in WW2! I will say again that we do have the supposed FEMA concentration camps that were supposedly set up during the Bush years and many of us figured they were for us if martial law was enforced and we rebelled. The oath keepers, armed militia, Birther, Obama is a Nazi nutcases are determined that they will be used on them. They are trying to bring Armageddon to our America!
The "Oath keepers" feel there will be a crack down of right wing militia's, there better be and soon! Martial law, concentration camps, from my cold dead hands. They want a fight with the Obama Government and are doing their damnedest to instigate it! The anarchists are openly instigating the angry whites who want to take back their America they feel they lost to a Black President! They are many thousands strong and growing in numbers.
They are openly saying if you revolt we are behind you! Why is this condoned? They call themselves defenders of liberty but in reality are defenders of Anarchy! We are getting closer to the second armed Revolution many Republicans have long been instigating. They are appealing to the growing angry fringe! The growing number of nut cases, Birthers, tea partiers, town hallers, gun toters, angry whites who call Obama a Nazi a fascist a nigga and who knows what else! This just gets worse and worse daily. We have to quell this before it erupts. I hope someone is paying attention. This is more dangerous than they realize!
I read a superb essay the other day from a US marine. In the end what he said is those looking for a revolution who are untrained civilians better come to their senses because they will be facing marines and other forces who are seasoned and trained for war, I want you to read this as it is really good. Here it is
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Analysis: Is the tea party crowd brewing a revolution?
Republican's long instigated second revolution:
The so called Christian revolution began this mess. It began as far as I am concerned when they gained a niche in the Republican Party. They came to power as a direct result of Monica Lewinsky and President Clinton. I did a story a while ago because the founder of the so called culture war said they lost it to the Democrats. He declared the culture wars over and retired.
I said they were not over and as you know, they are only getting much worse. Perverted Christianity ruled the Bush Administration. Those perverted policies were highlighted when Republicans made poor Terry Schiavo suffered for years while the Republicans led by Bush used her for what they thought would be their Political gain. They finally lost that battle. She was allowed to die in March 2005 and the Republicans moved on to other divisive issues used to rally their base and hopefully conquer the Democratic party.
The movement has had a metamorphous and has metastasized. The Republicans are getting increasingly desperate. The Republican Party ultimately wants an armed revolution. They want Obama and the Democratic Party gone. A while back we emphasized the purposeful whipping up of anger to be used in the right's favor.
Remember Timothy Mcveigh returning from the first gulf war disgruntled and was brain washed. Napolitano worked on the case after the Oklahoma City Bombing. Napolitano warned of a rise of right wing extremists because of opposition to the recession, President Obama being black, Social programs, and Obama supposedly wanting to take their guns in which of course he has no interest in whatsoever. She warned of lone wolfs endangering society because of right wing extremism and of course Republicans are making a joke of her speaking the truth! There instigation is increasingly bearing fruit. It was a lone wolf worried about Obama taking his guns that ambushed and bushwhacked three cops in Pittsburgh!
Listen to Limbaugh, Gingrich, Hannity, Coulter, Bachus, Bachmann. Michael Steele saying it is Patriotic to not pay taxes. Patriotic? WTF? Tea parties were instigated by right wing extremists to protest taxes, bailouts, and anything Obama. They are making themselves our enemy. They are the extremists we have to fear. They will continue to whip fervor until something explodes. Like you I do not like what I see happening.
Remember a while back we saw Efforts increase every day to make Obama fail and stop his efforts to destroy the Republican version of America and restore our America. The more desperate Republicans get the more their efforts increase. This is getting bad and I have to wonder how bad this will get as they will not stop until they bring Obama and his Administration down!
Remember Bachmann and Chuck Norris "Yhep our Chuck Norris" openly advocating citizens to be locked and loaded. They are both calling for armed Revolution against Obama and his policies.Chuck Norris is organizing cells on line he will activate when the time is right! It is getting closer and very concerning. The incendiary rhetoric brings increasing violence. This is being done right under the President and societies noses and it is coming to a head.
It only takes one with a screw loose for the Cheney's and the Oreilley's to set off and do their "righteous" killing and destruction for them as with the killing of Tiller. They are the real killers and are ecstatic with Tiller's death. Another one bites the dust and Republicans are a step closer. Oreilley called for Tiller's death numerous times calling him a mass murderer and Tiller the baby killer. He is partially responsible for this. I want to hear what he says now!
Abortion in late term at first sniff sounds terrible to me. However abortion especially late term is a vital part of our health care and society. Obama should come out and say that publicly. That will instigate the Republicans to get their Revolution going. Roder, Tiller's killer was a Christian killer. He was anti Democrat and got off of charges for being caught with explosives. It really bothers me that guilty or not you can get off because of "illegal" search and seizure. Guilty is guilty who the hell care!
A woman and Mother I saw interviewed was horrified with Tiller's murder as he saved her life. She was 21 weeks pregnant when she found out her baby had no brain or skull and may kill her and would certainly die period. An abortion to her was her only choice. Abortion can be a heart rending life or death decision. The decision though life or death is not made lightly. Those that have cancer are allowed to do what they must to save their life. So too must someone who has a life saving abortion. They are not the killer nor Is Tiller.
Christian nut jobs are the killers. The Oreilley's of the world instigating them to do their killing are the real killers. The Republican party calling Obama the anti Christ and a secret Muslim might seem harmless or funny but it is not. Their inflaming rhetoric is creating a "brown shirt" environment as with the Nazi's. They espouse death to carry out their agenda. Fox does it Cheney does it and many Republicans do it. There are many madmen, Christian fanatics with guns and explosives ready to do their killing. Remember Michelle Bachmann and Chuck Norris along with a growing number of Republicans are calling for a Revolution. It is coming closer to reality and that is not a conspiracy theory!
READY TO REVOLT: Oath Keepers pledges to prevent dictatorship in ...
The Group was founded shortly after Obama was elected but since they are supposed to be protecting the constitution and protecting the people’s rights they should have been after Bush! Anyway they are openly recruiting current and retired military and law enforcement officers to go against the Government "Obama" because they are the ones with the weapons!
They say Obama destroyed the constitution and the Oath keepers are asking the military and law enforcement to stand down if they are asked to oppress the people. This continues to grow and is not good. I hope to God something is being done behind the scenes! How can they with a straight face accuse President Obama a Constitutional Lawyer of destroying the Constitution? Get real!
They are recruiting these current and prior ex military and law enforcement officers to to promise to keep our cities from becoming prison camps at the same time thousands and thousands of armed militia are forming and may necessitate just that. They want the military and police to help their cause of anarchy and not to help the Government contain them and enforce order. They are openly instigating and advocating armed Revolution. This can not be legal!
Their call is to not aid in martial law but to me they are necessitating it! Many of those recruited are active duty military and law enforcement and say they will not subjugate any states sovereignty! If that was the case during the civil war I guess we just would have let the South secede as they want all States to have the right to do today. That means they will not help if called on if there is a law enforcement problem in any State and the Feds. have to get involved!
They expect concentration camps like for the Japs in WW2! I will say again that we do have the supposed FEMA concentration camps that were supposedly set up during the Bush years and many of us figured they were for us if martial law was enforced and we rebelled. The oath keepers, armed militia, Birther, Obama is a Nazi nutcases are determined that they will be used on them. They are trying to bring Armageddon to our America!
The "Oath keepers" feel there will be a crack down of right wing militia's, there better be and soon! Martial law, concentration camps, from my cold dead hands. They want a fight with the Obama Government and are doing their damnedest to instigate it! The anarchists are openly instigating the angry whites who want to take back their America they feel they lost to a Black President! They are many thousands strong and growing in numbers.
They are openly saying if you revolt we are behind you! Why is this condoned? They call themselves defenders of liberty but in reality are defenders of Anarchy! We are getting closer to the second armed Revolution many Republicans have long been instigating. They are appealing to the growing angry fringe! The growing number of nut cases, Birthers, tea partiers, town hallers, gun toters, angry whites who call Obama a Nazi a fascist a nigga and who knows what else! This just gets worse and worse daily. We have to quell this before it erupts. I hope someone is paying attention. This is more dangerous than they realize!
I read a superb essay the other day from a US marine. In the end what he said is those looking for a revolution who are untrained civilians better come to their senses because they will be facing marines and other forces who are seasoned and trained for war, I want you to read this as it is really good. Here it is
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, November 24, 2017
Metal storm the deadliest fastest most powerful weapon on the battlefield, this is scary, scary!

This is the scariest weapon I have ever seen or heard of in my life. A million rounds per minute, 180 bullets being fired in less than one-hundredth of a second is perceived as one enormous noise to a human ear. Wow! Metal storm is more deadly than its name implies. Watch the video this is scary
Metal storm delivers pinpoint accuracy from ships plane helicopters the back of any vehicle, the ground, anywhere any time. This is super smart and lethal. 16,000 rounds per second and can even fire 1/4 million rounds of 40 mm grenades per minute. Metal storm can be operated unmanned and unattended. This is downright sinister. look at the pictures of versatility this is scary
Even unmanned Metal storm can detect movement anywhere watch this silent assassin it is down right scary All you need is a tube to hold all the rounds and it can go anywhere and be carried and shot from anything! It watches everything giving you total situation awareness.
I can't say it enough, this is a scary weapon. There is only one moving part, the Bullet. Bullets or high powered grenades are preloaded and fired electronically. No moving parts no jamming! General Downing former Commander in Chief of Special Forces is the advisor for what is the fastest and most powerful weapon on the battlefield.
This is a weapon the likes of which has never before been seen on a battlefield. It can monitor entire battle fields sensing any motion whatsoever and react accordingly. Using 40mm grenades it can flatten building, crush hardened bunkers, one can take out a battalion of tanks in seconds. watch this silent assassin it is down right scary
This is lethal and can even take down an intercontinental missile in seconds, dispatch a torpedo, used on mines, fired from planes laying down the most lethal barrage known to man. Just one question, if limiting killing noncombatants is a goal I would say that will not happen with this weapon and is the only drawback I can think of after watching the video.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Fidelity is not Human nature!
Cheating celebrities Busted!
Tiger joins a long, long, long, long list of celebrities who admit they are Human!
I do not indulge in or endorse infidelity but I am long convinced it is another part of human nature we do not admit to. Infidelity served it purpose in allowing man to reach the point he is at today. Whether you realize it or not or want to admit it it was part of survival of the fittest, mans need to procreate with whoever and as much as possible that allowed him to survive a prehistoric, vicious, violent world.
I have pointed out for years that what got us to this point is no longer needed or is abused and misused. Man's brain: Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creation and history.
That said let us talk Fidelity and monogamy in the Stone Age and in society today! Can you just imagine if man was monogamous in the Stone Age? We never would have survived to get where we are today. Man never would have survived. We had to procreate as much as possible to ensure we would survive as death was right around the corner!
That is not the case right now in today’s modern society but many seem to have a problem fighting human nature. It is not that people want to cheat and cheating knows no class “hmm, interpret that as you may” Enough is enough! Unless we wipe ourselves out in a nuclear war we do not have to worry about enough people surviving to keep mankind alive.
As we have progressed through history man has largely forgotten how to use his brain but he certainly has not lost his desire to copulate with every woman he sees. Some of us are monogamous but just knowing what we experience every day in every level of society and look at these two links and watch the video. This is counter to a stable society!
High Infidelity: Rachel Uchitel Joins Ranks of Other Women ...
Top Infidelity News Stories for 2008 - Wellsphere
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tiger joins a long, long, long, long list of celebrities who admit they are Human!
I do not indulge in or endorse infidelity but I am long convinced it is another part of human nature we do not admit to. Infidelity served it purpose in allowing man to reach the point he is at today. Whether you realize it or not or want to admit it it was part of survival of the fittest, mans need to procreate with whoever and as much as possible that allowed him to survive a prehistoric, vicious, violent world.
I have pointed out for years that what got us to this point is no longer needed or is abused and misused. Man's brain: Man has taken his ability to live and learn, an ability that has sustained and nurtured him for thousand of years and forgotten he ever had it. It had served us well throughout are creation and history.
That said let us talk Fidelity and monogamy in the Stone Age and in society today! Can you just imagine if man was monogamous in the Stone Age? We never would have survived to get where we are today. Man never would have survived. We had to procreate as much as possible to ensure we would survive as death was right around the corner!
That is not the case right now in today’s modern society but many seem to have a problem fighting human nature. It is not that people want to cheat and cheating knows no class “hmm, interpret that as you may” Enough is enough! Unless we wipe ourselves out in a nuclear war we do not have to worry about enough people surviving to keep mankind alive.
As we have progressed through history man has largely forgotten how to use his brain but he certainly has not lost his desire to copulate with every woman he sees. Some of us are monogamous but just knowing what we experience every day in every level of society and look at these two links and watch the video. This is counter to a stable society!
High Infidelity: Rachel Uchitel Joins Ranks of Other Women ...
Top Infidelity News Stories for 2008 - Wellsphere
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
The battle for the Arctic takes shape
The Arctic Is Melting, So The U.S. Military Has Another Place It Has To
Defend: The Strategy opens by saying the Arctic is at a “strategic inflection point” because “its ice cap is diminishing more rapidly than projected.” This brings increasing “human activity, driven by economic opportunity” that ranges from shipping and fishing to fossil fuel extraction and tourism.
Most experts believe there will be no Arctic sea ice in the summer by 2030. Secretary Hagel said in his speech that the U.S. “will remain prepared to detect, deter, prevent and defeat threats to our homeland and we will continue to exercise U.S. sovereignty in and around Alaska.
month, a Russian navy squadron led by the flagship of Russia's Northern
Fleet, nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great, visited the
archipelago, which occupies a strategic position on the Arctic shipping
route. Putin said that the military has already re-established a
permanent garrison there and will restore an airfield and other
facilities.China granted observer status in Arctic
Council: The meeting also witnessed the signing
of Kiruna Declearation, which recognized "the importance of maintaining peace,
stability and constructive cooperation in the Arctic," and "the importance of
the sustainable use of resources, economic development and environmental
Russia's defense minister has said he plans to create two specialist army brigades to be based in the Arctic.The announcement comes days after Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests in the region.
Denmark to lay claim to North Pole: DENMARK which already counts Greenland and the Faroe Islands as its Arctic territories, is planning to lay claim to the North Pole.
Most experts believe there will be no Arctic sea ice in the summer by 2030. Secretary Hagel said in his speech that the U.S. “will remain prepared to detect, deter, prevent and defeat threats to our homeland and we will continue to exercise U.S. sovereignty in and around Alaska.
Putin ramps up the world's fight for the Arctic
Putin said the Russian military has been restoring a Soviet-era military base on the New Siberian Islands that was shut down after the Soviet collapse. He added that the facility is key for protecting shipping routes that link Europe with the Pacific region across the Arctic Ocean.
month, a Russian navy squadron led by the flagship of Russia's Northern
Fleet, nuclear-powered cruiser Peter the Great, visited the
archipelago, which occupies a strategic position on the Arctic shipping
route. Putin said that the military has already re-established a
permanent garrison there and will restore an airfield and other
facilities.China granted observer status in Arctic
Council: The meeting also witnessed the signing
of Kiruna Declearation, which recognized "the importance of maintaining peace,
stability and constructive cooperation in the Arctic," and "the importance of
the sustainable use of resources, economic development and environmental
U.S.'s Arctic
plans may serve as a wake-up call for Canada and the world as they scramble for
the resources as the Arctic thaws.
Cold War for Arctic resources is not just heating up – it’s leading to a growing
militarization in the remote North.
That’s the conclusion a study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which claims that Russia, Canada, Denmark and Norway are all developing their military interests there. Also, more countries are seeking access to the region’s important natural resources and transport routes, such as “outsiders” like China, India and Brazil.
U.S.'s Arctic plans may serve as a wake-up call for Canada: The Pentagon wants to know what’s happening in the Arctic; there’s an app for that. Well not yet, but Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants one in a hurry. In a call for proposals this week, it said it plans to pick, deploy and test two systems this summer. “Remote sensing may offer affordable advantages over traditional methods of monitoring the region – aircraft, satellites or manned ships and submarines – due to the great distances in the Arctic,” the agency said in a call for bids.
That’s the conclusion a study by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, which claims that Russia, Canada, Denmark and Norway are all developing their military interests there. Also, more countries are seeking access to the region’s important natural resources and transport routes, such as “outsiders” like China, India and Brazil.
U.S.'s Arctic plans may serve as a wake-up call for Canada: The Pentagon wants to know what’s happening in the Arctic; there’s an app for that. Well not yet, but Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency wants one in a hurry. In a call for proposals this week, it said it plans to pick, deploy and test two systems this summer. “Remote sensing may offer affordable advantages over traditional methods of monitoring the region – aircraft, satellites or manned ships and submarines – due to the great distances in the Arctic,” the agency said in a call for bids.
The U.S. military wants “new technologies to monitor the Arctic both
above and below the ice, providing year-round situational awareness without the
need for forward-basing or human presence.” Nothing nefarious about that. Except
that slicing up the Arctic as retreating ice heralds a 21st-century resources
rush and shipping boom at the top of the world is shaping up as a race for
riches and control.Do you think it will matter?
I have been covering this for 6 years now, remember: The scramble for the Arctic: Russia to station 2 military Brigades in the Arctic: Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests and Putin is back.
I have been covering this for 6 years now, remember: The scramble for the Arctic: Russia to station 2 military Brigades in the Arctic: Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests and Putin is back.
Russia's defense minister has said he plans to create two specialist army brigades to be based in the Arctic.The announcement comes days after Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said Russia would strongly defend its interests in the region.
Denmark to lay claim to North Pole: DENMARK which already counts Greenland and the Faroe Islands as its Arctic territories, is planning to lay claim to the North Pole.
This will put Denmark on a collision course with Russia, the US,
Canada and Norway but they all better make a share deal and avoid conflict over
I wanted to discuss that in 2007 when Russia declared that it had successfully planted their flag at the bottom of the Arctic claiming it as Russian territory Russia was disturbed that Canada the US and others dismissed it as a joke saying that is worthless in the 21st Century. Myself I wasn't as sure as it seems like a scary ratcheting up of the race for future resources and world domination. Well attitudes are changing when recent events are taken into account. I am sure Denmark's joining this venture will simply be dismissed.
It has been noted that Russian nostalgia for past greatness has been seen stretching from the North Pole to the Mediterranean via the Caucasus. First the Russians planted a flag on the bottom of the Arctic. Then they promised to return to the Mediterranean. .
Russia's Mediterranean plans pale in comparison with its audacious foray into the Arctic where they collected soil samples and planted the Russian flag two and a half miles below the sea. The official purpose of this first-ever manned mission was "to prove that the North Pole is an extension of the Russian coastal shelf." Geologists say the region could have big oil, gas and mineral reserves. Massive oil reserves is more like it!
Knowing that the Arctic features prominently in Russian Imperial mythology and the rising desire for Russia to regain prominence as a world power you have to be very concerned about this and Canada now is. Canada's prime minister went on a three-day trip to the Arctic in an effort to assert sovereignty over the region a week after Russia symbolically staked a claim to the North Pole by sending submarines.
Five countries -- Canada, Russia, the United States, Norway and Denmark -- are competing to secure subsurface rights to the Arctic seabed. One study by the U.S. Geological Survey estimates the Arctic has as much as 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas. PM Harper, who has pledged to spend billions defending Canada's sovereignty over the Arctic, is said "Economic development -- unleashing the resource-based potential of the North, environmental protection -- protecting the unique Northern environment, national sovereignty -- protecting our land, airspace and territorial waters were his priorities.
" In response to the building interest in the shelf Canada's PM Harper announced that six to eight new patrol ships would be built to guard the Northwest Passage sea route in the Arctic, which the United States insists does not belong to Canada. Canadian PM vowed in 2007 to defend Arctic
U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins had criticized Harper's promise to defend the Arctic, calling the Northwest Passage "neutral waters." This is all very troubling as we watch the ratcheting up of tensions around the world as we try to move into the future. The increased militarism around the world is tenuous but throw all the recent developments in with what is shaping up to be a fight over the Arctic and its resources which will only serve to ecologically destroy another very important part of the Ocean's and world's ecosystem in what is increasingly appearing in trouble.
Denmark's interest and claim is also old. The scramble for the Arctic also gathered pace in 2007 as Denmark prepared to challenge Russia's bid for the North Pole and Canada vowed to defend its "sovereignty" over the region's frozen waters. Boy are they getting desperate! Over the next month they searched for evidence that the Lomonosov Ridge, a 1,200-mile, underwater mountain range running close to the Pole, is a geographical extension of Greenland, a Danish possession.
I wanted to discuss that in 2007 when Russia declared that it had successfully planted their flag at the bottom of the Arctic claiming it as Russian territory Russia was disturbed that Canada the US and others dismissed it as a joke saying that is worthless in the 21st Century. Myself I wasn't as sure as it seems like a scary ratcheting up of the race for future resources and world domination. Well attitudes are changing when recent events are taken into account. I am sure Denmark's joining this venture will simply be dismissed.
It has been noted that Russian nostalgia for past greatness has been seen stretching from the North Pole to the Mediterranean via the Caucasus. First the Russians planted a flag on the bottom of the Arctic. Then they promised to return to the Mediterranean. .
Russia's Mediterranean plans pale in comparison with its audacious foray into the Arctic where they collected soil samples and planted the Russian flag two and a half miles below the sea. The official purpose of this first-ever manned mission was "to prove that the North Pole is an extension of the Russian coastal shelf." Geologists say the region could have big oil, gas and mineral reserves. Massive oil reserves is more like it!
Knowing that the Arctic features prominently in Russian Imperial mythology and the rising desire for Russia to regain prominence as a world power you have to be very concerned about this and Canada now is. Canada's prime minister went on a three-day trip to the Arctic in an effort to assert sovereignty over the region a week after Russia symbolically staked a claim to the North Pole by sending submarines.
Five countries -- Canada, Russia, the United States, Norway and Denmark -- are competing to secure subsurface rights to the Arctic seabed. One study by the U.S. Geological Survey estimates the Arctic has as much as 25 percent of the world's undiscovered oil and gas. PM Harper, who has pledged to spend billions defending Canada's sovereignty over the Arctic, is said "Economic development -- unleashing the resource-based potential of the North, environmental protection -- protecting the unique Northern environment, national sovereignty -- protecting our land, airspace and territorial waters were his priorities.
" In response to the building interest in the shelf Canada's PM Harper announced that six to eight new patrol ships would be built to guard the Northwest Passage sea route in the Arctic, which the United States insists does not belong to Canada. Canadian PM vowed in 2007 to defend Arctic
U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins had criticized Harper's promise to defend the Arctic, calling the Northwest Passage "neutral waters." This is all very troubling as we watch the ratcheting up of tensions around the world as we try to move into the future. The increased militarism around the world is tenuous but throw all the recent developments in with what is shaping up to be a fight over the Arctic and its resources which will only serve to ecologically destroy another very important part of the Ocean's and world's ecosystem in what is increasingly appearing in trouble.
Denmark's interest and claim is also old. The scramble for the Arctic also gathered pace in 2007 as Denmark prepared to challenge Russia's bid for the North Pole and Canada vowed to defend its "sovereignty" over the region's frozen waters. Boy are they getting desperate! Over the next month they searched for evidence that the Lomonosov Ridge, a 1,200-mile, underwater mountain range running close to the Pole, is a geographical extension of Greenland, a Danish possession.
The mission it was felt would strain relations
between Denmark and Russia, which claims to have found evidence linking the
ridge to Siberia. Both countries will seek adjudication from a United Nations
commission in the next few years that could award a large swathe of Arctic
territory to the country with the most compelling case. The
scramble for the arctic The time is coming closer!
With the
ice melting all of a sudden everyone has a claim to the land below and we are
racing to destroy the Arctic. It sickens me to hear lies like China, India, and
the rest of them saying they just want a faster route of travel and want to
protect peace and the environment. Russia and Canada are not the only ones who
have long voiced the willingness to fight for what they believe is theirs. That
Arctic Council is a joke and will stop none of the impending destruct but merely
enlarge the amount of Countries allowed to do it.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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