Sunday, December 31, 2017
Video Simulation Of 3 Million Gallons Of Dumped Radioactive Water Spreading Through The Pacific, Don't worry?
We keep being told this will be diluted so don't worry but what our government doesn't seem to be telling people is about the cumulative effect. You don't repeatedly get x rays because it's not good for you, when technicians give x rays they shield themselves. Add up the radiation in the air, the water, the rain which falls on the crops that animals graze on it goes into the milk and the meat and it all adds up. Now there is a great concern that contamination will spread well beyond Japan's shores affecting seafood overseas that is expected to concentrate in the upper food chain.
Japan considers wider nuclear evacuation zone
S. Korea shuts schools amid Japan radiation fears
After notching a rare victory by stopping highly radioactive water from flowing into the Pacific, workers at Japan's flooded nuclear power complex turned to their next task early today: injecting nitrogen to prevent more hydrogen explosions.
The growing concerns of nearby South Korea and China about radioactive fallout from Japan were underscored when China's health ministry reported trace amounts of radioactive iodine in spinach in three Chinese provinces. Japan's fishermen and farmer's are more than angry that their livelihoods are being destroyed and receiving a mere apology.
Radioactivity from the Fukishima plants has now been detected throughout the US, Canada, Russia, Scotland, the UK, South Korea, around the world, this is an environmental catastrophe our frail planet did not need.!
This really concerns me because the crisis in Japan just keeps getting worse despite the lies. It had to cross the country to get here on the east coast of the United States. This is not the legacy Japan wanted to leave for its children nor the one I want for mine. I have been saying from the beginning that this was going to dwarf Chernobyl and it will. It was obvious they were lying from the beginning and they still are.
They found that #2 and #3 were leaking plutonium and uranium directly in the sea but don't worry it will be diluted. What? That reactor three is the only one of the 6 that uses the deadliest of the deadly, a mixture of plutonium and uranium. Now we are hearing there is another in as bad a shape and they are worried about another hydrogen explosion from #1.. Seal them in cement now before things get any worse. Chernobyl was a 7 now they are talking 6, eventually it will be a 10 or for which they of yet do not have a classification.
I was blown away that Chernobyl is now a vacation destination knowing how much they are still hiding and that 25 years later the Germans pay hunters half a million apiece for wild boars to keep them off the table as they are still radioactive. This is 4 reactors and will dwarf Chernobyl!
Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is still poisoning Germany's boars nearly 25 years on, with authorities fighting to keep toxic meat off the market as the wild boar population rockets. Don't worry?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Boston Massachusetts,
japanese nuclear reactors,
nuclear meltdown,
South Korea,
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Full Core Meltdown will Send Deadly Radiation Over The US: Don't forget there are three not one
Full Core Meltdown will Send Deadly Radiation Over The US
Click here to watch and read, "Full Core Meltdown will Send Deadly Radiation Over The US"...
Also don't forget that Massive Japan Tsunami debris field approaching the west coast before it heads to Hawaii then back to Japan. Besides 200,000 houses and all the expected debris only God knows what else is in there. The floating debris will likely be carried by currents off of Japan toward Washington, Oregon and California before turning toward Hawaii and back again toward Asia, circulating in what is known as the North Pacific gyre
The more this develops the worse it gets:
Dr. Michio Kaku, Theoretical Physicist: Fukishima Daiichi Nuclear Facility is a "Ticking Time Bomb". The Japanese government is trying to calm fears about radiation levels and food safety in the region around the heavily damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility, even as it has raised the severity rating of the crisis to the highest possible level. "Radiation is continuing to leak out of the reactors, the situation is not stable at all," We are talking meltdown of three reactors not one as in Chernobyl!
Europeans Warned To Avoid Drinking Milk Or Eating Vegetables Due To High Radiation Levels, the radiation risk from Fukushima is "no longer negligible," says CRIIRAD, the French research authority on radioactivity. It is now warning expectant mothers and young children to avoid drinking milk or rainwater. They should also avoid certain types of vegetables and cheese due to the dangerously high levels of radiation they may contain thanks to the radioactive fallout spreading across the globe
The operators of Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant say they are moving equipment to higher ground after a series of strong aftershocks that have hampered efforts to repair the crippled facility. The latest strong tremor came at about 6 a.m. local time Thursday, with a magnitude of 6.1. It was the fourth aftershock since Monday with a magnitude of 6 or greater and the 14th with a magnitude greater than 5. Hundreds of aftershocks have rattled Japan's northeastern coast since the massive 9.0 earthquake and tsunami on March 11 that knocked out the plant's cooling systems. They are afraid another big one is coming.
I reiterate for those that need or want it: Cement all 4 reactors and get on with it! Even Chernobyl was encased by now, what is Tepco and Japan waiting for?
The growing concerns of nearby South Korea and China about radioactive fallout from Japan were underscored when China's health ministry reported trace amounts of radioactive iodine in spinach in three Chinese provinces. Japan's fishermen and farmer's are more than angry that their livelihoods are being destroyed and receiving a mere apology.
Radioactivity from the Fukishima plants has now been detected throughout the US, Canada, Russia, Scotland, the UK, South Korea, around the world, this is an environmental catastrophe our frail planet did not need.!
This really concerns me because the crisis in Japan just keeps getting worse despite the lies. It had to cross the country to get here on the east coast of the United States. This is not the legacy Japan wanted to leave for its children nor the one I want for mine. I have been saying from the beginning that this was going to dwarf Chernobyl and it will. It was obvious they were lying from the beginning and they still are.
They found that #2 and #3 were leaking plutonium and uranium directly in the sea but don't worry it will be diluted. What? That reactor three is the only one of the 6 that uses the deadliest of the deadly, a mixture of plutonium and uranium. Now we are hearing there is another in as bad a shape and they are worried about another hydrogen explosion from #1.. Seal them in cement now before things get any worse. Chernobyl was a 7 now they are talking 7, eventually it will be a 10 or for which they of yet do not have a classification.
I was blown away that Chernobyl is now a vacation destination knowing how much they are still hiding and that 25 years later the Germans pay hunters half a million apiece for wild boars to keep them off the table as they are still radioactive. This is 4 reactors and will dwarf Chernobyl!
Radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl nuclear disaster is still poisoning Germany's boars nearly 25 years on, with authorities fighting to keep toxic meat off the market as the wild boar population rockets. Besides all the other problems there is still a 35 square mile area around Chernobyl that is dead and off limits.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Friday, December 29, 2017
The Saudi-Iranian Neo Cold War
Saudi Arabia's decision to send troops into Bahrain to help stabilize the country following violent anti-government demonstrations marked another stage in Riyadh's reluctant emergence as a regional policeman at a time when the Arab world faces unprecedented turmoil and even armed rebellion. However Iran is not sitting still. Iran Calls Saudi Troop Presence in Bahrain 'Unacceptable'
On Saturday, the PGCC’s new Secretary General Abdullatif al-Zayani accused Iran of meddling in the internal affairs of the council members, claiming it “threatened security and stability in the region.”
Saudi cleric accused Iran of funding and ties to Yemeni rebels
Gulf states ask Yemen sides to Riyadh talks: Kuwait This is important in the Persian's against Arab's conflict.
The goal absolutely is to be the country who decides which direction the new middle east (dis)order will take. Bush started it by attacking Iraq to get into the middle east to destabilize it and start the new middle east order the idiot said God told him to do now it will be up to Iran and Saudi Arabia at least up front fight it out whether this goes the Iranian Shiite way or the Saudi Arabian Sunni way and do not forget Israel!
Both Iran and Saudi Arabia have been using Lebanon as their battlefront up to now able to avoid direct confrontation. Iran has pumped millions of dollars in supplies and arms much to the consternation of her suffering people while Saudi Arabia has been supporting the Palestinian Authority.
So far there has been no direct confrontation. However I absolutely see what I have been warning about since Bush diverted from Afghanistan to attack Iraq and get back in the middle east to create a new middle east (dis)order! I do not give a damn what anyone says. Bush Chaney and their Democratization program in an already historically unstable middle east set all of this and more in motion!
* The hell on earth Bush created for Iraqi’s will engulf the entire Middle East before it encompasses the entire world if we can not contain it. Under Bush we broke a long standing tradition of not adding fuel to the Middle East fire by supplying weapons. We are now, including advanced weaponry and missile defense systems. The Middle East breakdown Bush started armed and funded will continue under Obama. This up to now proxy war in the middle east is under way. Wait, watch, and listen, this is not good for the world and our future!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
new middle east order,
proxy war,
Saudi Arabia,
Yemeni rebel's
Thursday, December 28, 2017
America: Living to fight as it appears or Fighting to Live as we are told?
Many of you know that I have been writing about the truth of what is going on with us and the world since 9/11. Until the advent of the lying war monger Bush I always assumed the United States did the right thing for average citizens and fought and went to war only when provoked to protect our citizens and our autonomy. Boy was I ever wrong.
For one reason or the other we have been at war since 9/11 and after much research I no longer trust the Governments reasons for taking us to war. I realized our wars were for us to fight and for them to gain. Well the other day someone asked why I write about war so much so I thought I better illustrate why once again. I took to calling our current war situation Bush's forever war and for good reason.
I see no end and in fact as you watch the middle east, China, Russia, indeed the mindset of the entire world you know why as this is barely beginning and like it or not will dwarf the 100 years war. Yes war is our past and our future. We can only hope it turns out as good as the past.
Knowing I have been thinking of this for years and I based it on a book written in 2003 in which it was pointed out that we have been at war since our founding, 227 years, that is now 235 years so I had to revisit this thought. 209 out of 235 years of war or armed conflict Call it what you want but sadly the rest of the so called civilized world is no better!
Years ago now I was consumed with the crazy thought that my son who at the time was an EOD (explosive ordinance Disposal) Team Leader just got home from Afghanistan then volunteered for Iraq. I was very concerned as to how many civilians and American soldiers were going to lose their lives in what many of us considered an illegal war. I was sickened watching our Patriotic sons and daughters being abused and ill used.
I was listening again to the number of Americans killed in past wars including the civil war where some 562 thousand lost their lives as you know, fighting amongst ourselves. At first I was focused on the wasted lives in Iraq and was wondering how many there would be when all is said and done as well as feeling there is no foreseeable end and we still have to wonder, then I went to this list and I wanted to compare how many lives were lost in wars in contrast to how many we lost fighting amongst ourselves.
The numbers were getting too convoluted for me to come up with anything tangible I thought. I then was looking at the immense numbers of conflicts and wars we were in and I decided a comparison of war years to peaceful years would be best to tell our story. I couldn't figure it out. I was floored by the number of conflicts and wars America has been in since our founding and thought I would say we have only had approximately 50 years of peace and supply this link on our war and peace History. List of America's wars
Then I went back to Google and I found this compelling story by Jon Stanton showing that America has been at war openly or clandestinely essentially since we were founded. I merely want you to see what is out there and think about the whole story. Having read what he wrote I thought there was something at least worth reading, thinking about, and putting in perspective.
I never read him so I researched him and found him to be a Virginia based writer that writes from a left wing perspective and I am afraid I agree with much of what he says. In fact I have written much of it myself in the past. I am not a warmonger I am a peace lover so I thought I would give you the link to Jon Stanton's book 227 years of warfare written in 2003 and you could tell me what you think. 227 years of warfare
It did make me remember that I did a diary a while back in which I said the U.S. has a war economy and some took exception to that but looking at our History of wars our fault or not I really have to wonder, what are we? I am a peace lover willing to fight for my country as are my sons as you know but are the leaders of America fighting to live or living to fight? what is happening to us? How are we supposed to feel knowing we are right now in what I call at minimum our 100 years war, Bush's Forever war?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
America's oil supply,
American war History,
john Stanton,
middle east,
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Dying for democracy in Syria or for naught?
5Years later now what do you think? Then: Dying for democracy in Syria: Syria has been ruled ruthlessly by one party for nearly 50 years. Sooner or later the Assad regime will end. The international community must help the opposition by funding various opposition leaders to build political parties, so we can be ready to govern. It must help build democratic institutions and educate the population about political accountability, an alien concept to most Syrians, who have known only the anti-democratic Assad regime.
In short, we need all the help we can get to build a free, fair nation, one that represents all Syrians and respects human rights, the judiciary, international law and human life. Syrian lawyer and former judge Haitham Maleh has been awarded many prizes for his human rights activism. He lives part time in Europe and part time in the Middle East.
Aleppo blast: 'Several hurt' in new Syria unrest: At least three people were killed in the blast, which targeted a bus in the Tall al-Zarazeer district, said the opposition Syrian Observatory of Human Rights.At least four people were killed in the city on Thursday when security forces fired on protesting students.
In Damascus, two blasts caused damage on Saturday, but no-one was hurt. It is not known whether the people hurt in the Aleppo explosion were civilians or members of the security forces, a Syrian Observatory of Human Rights spokesman told AFP.
Two bombs explode on Damascus highway: Two bombs detonated on a central Damascus highway on Saturday, destroying nine cars, residents said, in a further sign that rebels fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad are shifting tactics towards homemade explosives.
Deadly blasts have shaken major cities as insurgents seek to even the odds between their outgunned forces and the tanks, artillery and helicopters in Assad's military arsenal. On April 30, explosions blew the fronts off buildings in the northern town of Idlib, where state TV reported nine people killed and 100 wounded, including security personnel. Three days earlier, a suicide bomber killed nine, including security men, at a Damascus mosque, the Interior Ministry said.
We knew Al Qaeda has been calling its fighter to come to Syria for a Jihad against the Government and suicide bombings are their calling card but they have become the calling card in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan not because Al Qaeda is spreading but what works is. Plus you can bet Assad is killing some of his own to gain favor so he can continue and worsen the slaughter.
It is the growing rebel force of military deserters that are turning into the most potent fighting force. I tried to find figures as to how many soldiers have now defected but could not. At last count 25,000 had defected but as of late despite atrocities by pro Assad forces the defections are increasing.
Hundreds at once and by a lead force so close to the palace has got to be making Assad nervous. I wish I had saved the link but I read a story from Syria that the Alawite minority was getting nervous. Some were getting nervous in Latakia and other Alawite areas that the other religions were going to come chop off their heads.
I now believe they have reason to worry. In the beginning we knew it would take the whole military to defect were this insurrection to have a chance and it looks like it is happening despite knowing Assad followers would put them to death if caught. At the very least the rebels will in the end know they are not fighting only the Alawite minority but Lebanese and Iranian IRG.
Any way you look at it the Russian's and Chinese have drawn the line on what they view as US hegemony and with the blood of the Syrian people. Taking us on is why Putin stole himself an extended election. This is just the opening battle in the war to determine who is going to lead the way into the future. It will not be short or good. As time progresses wars do not get easier they get much worse. Be very concerned!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Remember this? It's real! Navy test-fires first working prototype rail gun
Remember this? US navy to position three aircraft carriers near Iran: US President Barack Obama has warned that Iran’s leaders have to understand that “the window for solving this issue diplomatically is shrinking.” The US navy will have three aircraft carriers positioned near Iran in the coming days, and is doubling the number of minesweeping ships and helicopters based in the Gulf. Israel, meanwhile, is keeping up rhetoric that makes many think the Jewish state — the Middle East’s sole if undeclared nuclear power, which is not involved in the talks — is serious about possibly attacking Iran, with or without US support. A majority of Israel’s 14-member security cabinet now supports Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in launching a pre-emptive strike on Iran in a bid to end its nuclear programme, the Israeli newspaper Maariv reported on Thursday, citing political sources it did not identify. “Israel is very close to the point when a very tough decision should be made — the bomb or the bombing...
It's real! Navy test-fires first working prototype rail gun: Navy officials told this week that the rail gun, which relies on magnets rather than explosives to fire bullets at several times the speed of sound. Rather than relying on chemical propellants like gunpowder, the rail gun uses an electromagnetic pulse to create strong magnetic fields that propel the conductive bullet on a sliding metal sled and out of the barrel -- at 4,500 to 5,000 miles per hour and as far as 100 nautical miles away in about 5 minutes, with possible future expansion to 220 miles, according to ONR.The Navy’s most advanced shipboard gun in operation today, the 5-inch,54-caliber lightweight gun, has a range of about 13 nautical miles
Navy wants commando 'mothership' in Middle East: The Pentagon is rushing to send a large floating base for commando teams to the Middle East as tensions rise with Iran, al-Qaeda in Yemen and Somali pirates, among other threats.In response to requests from U.S. Central Command, which oversees military operations in the Middle East, the Navy is converting an aging warship it had planned to decommission into a makeshift staging base for the commandos.
Unofficially dubbed a “mothership,” the floating base could accommodate smaller high-speed boats and helicopters commonly used by Navy SEALs, procurement documents show. Navy documents indicate that it could be headed to the Persian Gulf, where Iran has threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz. The deployment of the floating base could also mark a return to maritime missions for SEAL teams, which for the past decade have spent most of their time on land in Iraq and Afghanistan.
In an undated photo supplied by Lockheed Martin, an Aegis-equipped destroyer launches a missile, using hit-to-kill technology to intercept and destroy short- and medium-range ballistic missiles.
The US Navy recently performed its first test of its new HEL system, destroying a small boat in a matter of moments. We've got the video above. The Navy has begun field testing early versions of its high-energy laser (HEL).
This concept of fighting with rail guns that fire non explosive projectiles at supersonic speeds to put holes in ships 100 miles away and destroy their munitions at the same time and firing lasers to destroy the engines of small boats to disable them is at first glance a concept strange and hard to comprehend in an environment of today's high tech weapons.
However make no mistake, these weapons are very high tech, still under design, and geared towards an enemy and location we will be facing in the future. It is no coincidence that these weapons were tested at the same time the military tested its most challenging test yet of its ballistic missile defense system, blasting an incoming target out of the skies over the Pacific Ocean.
I remember in 2009 when Obama first announced he was scrapping Bush's missile defense system that did not work other than to instigate war for the Aegis system used on land or water to go after land or water fired intermediate-range missile's. This was the first successful test of a land fired missile from a ship. Of course defending against Iran in the future is the announced goal. Iran can already reach Europe. US Military Successfully Tests Missile Defense System
That said, at the same time we test the high energy laser successfully its goal to be soon on every navy vessel in order to be fired from the ship at the motors of small boats setting them on fire thus disabling them rendering them useless and dead in the water. Supposedly the HEL would come of use against pirates but it is no surprise that Iran banks heavily on its use of small high powered boats in the Gulf. After watching the video disabling Iran's small boats used by the IRG is the least of the Lasers use. It has been worked on for decades and can take out Iran's much bragged about missiles by themselves.
These Lasers are designed to take them out of the equation. It is no surprise that both Bush and Iran with the IRG (Iran Revolutionary Guard) did everything possible to instigate war and it was only because cooler heads prevailed that they were not successful in this endeavor. There were many provocations as you may remember by fast boats just like the one taken out in the video above. We now have a defense against them.
It is only a matter of time before we at the very least have a "confrontation" with Iran. I always figured it would come from the Gulf as Gates said the navy as of yet is not over extended. Iran's primary navy weapon seems for now to be those high powered boats. We seem to be building a defense and offense capable of handling a confrontation with Iran and the IRG. At this point between Iran and Syria a confrontation is coming so I am glad to see we seem to be as prepared for it as possible. You still have to wonder about Russia and China who promise to stop US hegemony, that after all is why Putin is becoming Russia's President again.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Monday, December 25, 2017
Nuclear nonproliferation an honest Governmental goal? Hardly
I did a story a couple months back about tests that were conducted years ago at White Sands putting soldiers right next to ground zero to test a new kind of nuclear bomb with no fall out and it worked. Here it is!
JUST ANOTHER WEAPON : The year was 1955, and the U.S. Army had embarked on a program of developing relatively small tactical nuclear weapons that could be used on the battlefield.A series of atmospheric tests in Nevada had convinced military scientists that properly trained soldiers could not only survive such explosions but also take part in maneuvers planned to exploit these weapons.
These hypotheses, however, had never been tested, and the atomic bomb had taken on very frightening connotations. So to demonstrate that the weapons were “safe,” the Army decided to run a test with live soldiers. The purpose of the test was to teach troops that the bomb was just another weapon of war.
Test participants were selected from various units across the United States. I had just been promoted to captain and was stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas. I considered the opportunity to see a nuclear explosion a once-in-a-lifetime experience and was the first in my unit to volunteer.
Not only was I selected to take part, but I was put in charge of the entire 4th Army contingent, a group of two hundred and fifty officers and enlisted men drawn from posts throughout the Southwest. I knew one man slightly. The rest were strangers.
Our group assembled at Fort Bliss and began a two-day train ride to Las Vegas, Nevada, about an hour’s drive from the test site. During the trip I established a simple organizational structure, placing each of five lieutenants in charge of about fifty people. Together we prepared a handwritten list of the participants. Our morale was high.
We all looked forward to a unique military experience as well as a chance to do a little gambling. Our train arrived in Las Vegas so late that it became apparent we would have no supper that evening. However, a call to Camp Desert Rock, the tent city at the Nevada test site where we would sleep during our planned three-day stay, brought assurances that hot coffee and doughnuts would be waiting for us when we arrived around midnight. It was not. Nor had our group been assigned particular tents.
We were instructed to find cots wherever we could until more permanent arrangements could be made the following day. That plan might well have worked if one of the most violent storms in recent Nevada history had not struck at about three o’clock in the morning. It blew away every tent in Camp Desert Rock, soaking everyone and their personal belongings. Our personnel list disappeared.
I found I was responsible for two hundred and fifty wet, hungry, disgruntled soldiers whose names I didn’t know and who were scattered throughout the countryside. A noontime breakfast got everyone back together, and by evening a modicum of order had been restored—just in time for everyone to board buses for the big city.
The return buses left Las Vegas at 1:00 A.M. and arrived at camp an hour later. At 4:00 A.M. we were awakened for a dry run of the test. We boarded buses and drove for about an hour into the desert, where a series of trenches about eight feet deep awaited us. We climbed in, crouched for about an hour, and then returned to Camp Desert Rock, arriving about 8:00 A.M. We had the rest of the day to enjoy the 118-degree temperature in open tents in the middle of the desert. Little did we know this would be our normal routine for the coming week.
The test, called Apple II, was scheduled for the day following the dry run. However, after we settled in our trenches, wind conditions were pronounced unfavorable and the test was postponed. This sequence was repeated on the next five mornings. By this time only a few had money left to go to Las Vegas.
However, those who did learned that each evening a light on one of the buildings downtown indicated to the local populace whether there would be a test the next day. A blue light meant no test; a red light meant there would be one. Apparently our superiors hadn’t bothered to check the light each evening. On our seventh morning we learned that the light had been red the previous night, so we felt confident that this would be the real thing.
Our trenches were just over a mile from ground zero, the point immediately below the nuclear device. (No one ever used the term bomb.) We were told that the test device was roughly the same size as the bombs dropped on Japan and was located in a tower several hundred feet above the ground. We were also told there would be a bright flash, followed by a wave of heat. Next would come the ground shock. Finally there would be a rush of air as the blast wave passed over us.
At that point we would be able to leave the trenches and walk up to an area near ground zero where we could see the effect of the explosion on various types of military equipment. Since I knew that the blast wave would travel at the speed of sound (eleven hundred feet per second), I calculated that it would hit the trenches about six seconds after the explosion.
If I allowed a second for the blast to pass and an extra second’s margin, it would be safe to stand eight seconds after the initial flash. This meant that if I counted carefully, I would be able to view the fireball much sooner than my colleagues, who would be waiting for the official word to stand up. As the time for the explosion approached, we all crouched in the bottom of the trenches with our arms over our eyes. We shivered slightly in our field jackets; the desert is cold at six o’clock in the morning. Finally the countdown started —sixty seconds, thirty seconds, twenty, ten, five, four, three, two, one—and then came a flash of unbelievable intensity.
In the brilliant light I saw through my jacket—and through my arm—the pebbles at the bottom of the trench. (For many years I thought this must have been some type of optical illusion. However, I have recently learned that this is a real phenomenon, apparently caused by X rays induced by the explosion.) Contrary to my expectations, the flash lasted for a considerable time, more than a second.
As I was recovering from was recovering from the flash, the temperature changed from morning cold to well above that of the hottest day I could remember.Then, as I was reconciling myself to the blast of heat, the earth suddenly jumped what felt to be about six feet in the air and then fell back and began to tremble violently.
The thought rushed through my mind: They’ve miscalculated and blown up the whole world. After what seemed a very long time, I finally had convinced myself of the world’s probable survival when suddenly a tremendous freight train roared directly over my head. This lasted about a second, and then all was quiet—until a few seconds later, when the train roared back going the other way. Now all was quiet. I lay quivering at the bottom of the trench, the counting of seconds long forgotten, when the announcement came that it was safe to stand up.
By now several minutes had gone by since the initial explosion, and the fireball had spread considerably. Even so, it was a remarkable sight. A thousand colors, shining and mixing and changing and migrating—like tiny, colorful lightning flashes—appearing, disappearing, and appearing again. All of us stood in awe as the cloud expanded, gradually losing its colors and turning into a vast brown-gray balloon. The broad, dirty stem connecting the cloud to the ground slowly dissipated, and the now colorless ball of debris drifted away into the distance. The show was over.
About half an hour after the explosion, we were allowed to walk toward ground zero, stopping about two hundred yards from the actual spot. Along the way we saw an assortment of obliterated military vehicles, weapons, and dummies. The most impressive item was a heavy battle tank that had been split in two by the blast, with the turret blown one way and the main body the other. Contemplating my experiences in the trench, I realized that I was no longer concerned about nuclear weapons. I was now terrified by them.
Later in my military career I took part in many map exercises and maneuvers in which commanders simulated the use of nuclear weapons, often rather casually. I listened to a number of armchair war hawks, as well as some very prim and proper ladies, advocate that we drop a couple of nukes on Hanoi or Baghdad or Pyongyang to show those people we meant business. I feel confident their opinions would have been different if they had been in the trenches at Apple II.
My last assignment in the Army was with the Defense Atomic Test Command in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where I was the test-group director for two underground nuclear tests.
After I retired in 1970,1 got a Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from the University of Texas, and taught there for several years before leaving to start my own business. At present I am in great health and, to the best of my knowledge, I have suffered no ill effects from Apple II or my other work in the field. My wife and I have three healthy, intelligent children and six world-class grandchildren, with probably more to come. A few years ago there was some concern that participants in the Nevada test might have suffered long-term health effects. The Army responded that it had no way to evaluate the impact of the test; it had kept no record of the people who had taken part. —Dr. John H. Vanston is the chairman of Technology Futures, Inc.
* That was very interesting! I have been long convinced they are going to use them and they are survivable to some degree. My concern is the degree to which they get tossed about and what will happen to the environment and that the planet will not be sustainable as we need it today. I am convinced they know that! A few years back I had an Indian Politician and Professor send me a link and a story he wrote saying when all is said and done Pakistan and India would unite against the infidel if they attacked and whoever starts a nuclear war will be defeated by the rest of the opposing nuclear powers.
I commend all nuclear nonproliferation efforts but knowing this and knowing every country possessing Nuclear weapons reserves first strike rights and the situations ramping up rapidly with Israel, Pakistan, India, Ira, Russia? China? etc I do not see a nuclear war as being avoidable as too many are willing to use them and are willing to gamble they will live to fight another day. As I keep pointing out, mutual destruction use to be a deterrent but today it seems to be the goal.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Have a laugh and learn: A little Christmas cheer
Check out Merry Christmas said in more than 150 Languages including Iraqi! Is yours missing? Contact the site and add it! Merry Christmas in 150 different languages
Now: When four of Santa's elves got sick, the trainee elves didn't produce toys as fast as the regular ones, and Santa began to feel the Pre-Christmas pressure.
Then Mrs. Claus told Santa her Mother was coming to visit, which stressed Santa even more.
When he went to harness the reindeer, he found that three of them were about to give birth and two others had jumped the fence and were out, Heaven knows where.
Then when he began to load the sleigh, one of the floorboards cracked, the toy bag fell to the ground and all the toys were scattered.
Frustrated, Santa went in the house for a cup of apple cider and a shot of rum. When he went to the cupboard, he discovered the elves had drank all the cider and hidden the rum.
In his frustration, he accidentally dropped the cider jug, and it broke into hundreds of little glass pieces all over the kitchen floor.
He went to get the broom and found the mice had eaten all the straw off the end of the broom. Just then the doorbell rang, and irritated Santa marched to the door, yanked it open, and there stood a little angel with a great big Christmas tree.
The angel said very cheerfully, 'Merry Christmas, Santa. Isn't this a lovely day? I have a beautiful tree for you. Where would you like me to stick it?'
And so began the tradition of the little angel on top of the Christmas tree.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Sunday, December 24, 2017
China's obsession with Tibet is all about controlling Asia's water source for the future
China will "smash" any plan to undermine Tibet's place within China because the Himalaya's are China and Asia's water supply. Control that and you control Asia or start a war?
China stands firm against Tibet separatism: The man destined to take over the leadership of China said he will "smash" any plan to undermine Tibet's place within China. Xi Jinping made the statement during a major trip to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, where he and his entourage of nearly 60 senior central government ... China will "smash" any plan to undermine Tibet's place within China because the Himalaya's are China and Asia's water supply. Control that and you control Asia or start a war? We first discussed it 4 years ago
Droughts and water shortages already been driving conflict around the globe: The potential for conflict is more than theoretical. Turkey, Syria and Iraq bristle over the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Sudan, Ethiopia and Egypt trade threats over the Nile. The United Nations has said water scarcity is behind the bloody wars in Sudan’s Darfur region. In Somalia, drought has spawned warlords and armies. Already, the World Health Organization says, 1 billion people lack access to potable water. In northern China, retreating glaciers and shrinking wetlands that feed the Yangtze River prompted researchers to warn that water supplies for hundreds of millions of people may be at risk. Water wars will worsen
Water has emerged as a key issue that could determine if Asia is headed toward cooperation or competition. No country would influence that direction more than China, which controls the Tibetan plateau, the source of most major rivers of Asia. Tibet's vast glaciers and high altitude have endowed it with the world's greatest river systems. Its rivers are a lifeline to the world's two most-populous states - China and India - as well as to Bangladesh, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal, Cambodia, Pakistan, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam. These countries make up 47 percent of the global population.
Yet Asia is a water-deficient continent. Although home to more than half of the human population, Asia has less fresh water - 3,920 cubic meters per person - than any continent other than the Antarctica and China is taking it. The looming struggle over water resources in Asia has been underscored by the spread of irrigated farming, water-intensive industries and a growing middle class that wants high water-consuming comforts like washing machines and dishwashers. Household water consumption in Asia is rising rapidly, although several major economies there are acutely water-stressed.
The specter of water wars in Asia is also being highlighted by climate change and environmental degradation in the form of shrinking forests and swamps that foster a cycle of chronic flooding and droughts. The Himalayan snow melt that feeds Asia's great rivers could be accelerated by global warming. Man am I naive! I couldn't understand China's wanting to control Tibet, the Himalaya's, and the Dali Lama, now I know. Asia's water wars It is all about the water period!
This is a crisis that will only worsen every day around the world . Tens of millions of Americans have or are migrating to the southern and western states where there are many areas of chronic water shortages (duh). Remember when then Governor Bill Richardson fired the first shot, suggesting a national water policy, which is shorthand for stealing water from the Great Lakes. Rust belters were outraged, some suggesting we sell Richardson water at $80.00 a barrel.
Vegas, probably the fastest growing area in the country, is sucking as much from the Colorado as it can, and will still have major shortages, perhaps within months. The Great Lakes are in a low cycle and any diversion would probably be an ecological disaster. I was looking at the links that follow and the Great lakes are being fought over as we speak and America is already experiencing water wars as well as much of the world. Please look at the overwhelming amount of stories on The worlds water wars
The world is already at war with our shrinking changing environment. A war we are bound to lose. I cannot comprehend the world racing to another world war that will only serve to seal all of their demise even sooner. What is wrong with us?
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Dalai Lama,
Great Lakes,
Mekong Delta,
middle east,
Saturday, December 23, 2017
We are facing a disastrous monumental fiasco of Biblical proportions.
911 was not the defining moment of our time nor is our greatest threat underground as they stupidly say!
Post-9/11, biggest terror threat is underground Wrong! We are our own greatest threat!
We just cannot stop killing ourselves and the planet
High levels of toxic cadmium dumped into Tampa Bay ; About 45 million gallons of contaminated water has already flown from the former Piney Point phosphate plant through pipes that lead into nearby Bishop Harbor, a Gulf bay that is a sensitive habitat for fish and wildlife. We haven't done enough to the gulf already let alone the ocean and planet in general with the hidden nightmare of Fukijima. Plus now our "friends" at Exxon Mobil are screwing up another pristine part of America with another of their "safe" oil nightmares.
An oil pipeline under the Yellowstone river ruptured. What the hell is it doing there in the first place?
I didn't realize until I was looking at today's unwinding horrors we will be facing long into the future. We watch Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Iran, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, water pollution, air pollution, global warming, water wars, food wars, numerous future wars in the making, I decided it best to go back to something I wrote 5 years ago now long before I decided to interact daily trying to wake up the world still to no avail.
9/11 was not the defining moment of our time as we are told,that event has not occurred yet but that moment is coming and soon. A lot of people tell me to get over Bush but the US and the world will never be able to as he upset US and world balance that will forever affect us all. Up to now and all our horror Bush has been the defining moment of our time, but ?
The fall of the Russian Empire set in motion something that began with the founding of Islam in 610. Islam was established by Muhammad in order to give Muslims a formal religion and sense of belonging with the Jews and Christians. It failed and Muslims have never been able to gain equal footing or be willing to accept their role in the worlds society.
The Christian Crusades to take back Jerusalem turned into a blood bath against Muslims. Our nation was born during the enlightenment and industrialization completed a gap between our societies which will never close. Next comes the Berlin Conference in the 19th century, allowing Europe to divvy up Africa where they then took what they wanted and then reset the boundaries creating another mess with the Muslim world.
We are in a fight that is just beginning but this is not though just a fight between the west and Islam. Islam is also fighting itself! It is a war between Islam and the world at large, everyone. As Bush had no tolerance of anything but his version of perverted Religion and Democracy. The Muslim Islamists have no tolerance of any other version of Islam than their own. They want all their lands back which can not happen. They want us off their lands so what do we do we attack them once again?
We had enough problems in Afghanistan then Bush had to worsen things by diverting to Iraq to get into the Middle East to unsettle that already shaky balance to set up his idea of a new middle east order.To all our demise there is no desire for compromise here by anyone as Iran now freed up wants there version and you see how that is going.!
There is an easy answer to this and that is too fight and continue to fight and that includes it seems, our Governments and world leaders! At the very least there is no easy way out but to fight. We have no other choice as none of this will be quelled by diplomacy. Average Muslim's of all nations want peace and prosperity as average citizens of every nation do but our so called leaders have taken it upon themselves to fight and destroy our peace and prosperity.
Throw in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya,Pakistan, Iran, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, China and Taiwan, North and South Korea, water pollution, air pollution, global warming, water wars, food wars, numerous future wars in the making, and it is daunting but you must realize the defining moment of our time has yet to occur I am afraid.
We are more rapidly every day destroying our environment and our planet. Fukishima and the Gulf of Mexico as horrendous and horrific to humanity as they are are just 2 of the recent examples of mans self destruction. It seems like we have another oil or other man made disaster every week. I was very concerned with our growing oil disasters but hearing of the vast cadmium leak off Florida recently really flummoxed me. WTF?
We are more and more overwhelmed with more rapidly occurring climatic disasters, man made disasters, a world wide financial disasters, and wars and threats of wars. Sadly it will get worse. We are going to get hit with the culmination of all this, a disastrous monumental fiasco of Biblical proportions.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
air pollution,
China and Taiwan,
South Korea,
Friday, December 22, 2017
The "A"wful ABC's of what the Republicans are really doing today and why
I saw a post the other day on the fact that the Republicans have the goal of destroying the the middle class, elderly, and ailing. Some that hear that I am sure would say that was a bit hard because they are trying to save the country. They are not trying to save the country, they are trying to get Bush's version back on track. They will say and do anything to achieve that.
I remember when then President Bush wanted to revamp Social Security but due to outrage he could not. I remember when Mitt Romney was stumping for McCain when he was running for President against Obama and I was horrified when he told the audience the Democratic party was the countries biggest enemy because we tried to take care of the poor, sick, and elderly.
Romney said Social Security had to be ended. Social Security is making money still, it is not our problem. The Republican party wanting to put an end to our version of America is our problem. The fact that the gap between the wealthy and and those barely making it continues to widen. That is the goal my friends and has been since Bush.
There is no surprise here. Only by me that after all these years people still do not get what is going on. It will be horrible if the Republicans can lie and play enough fools to get back in control to finish us and Bush's agenda off and get their new version of America back on track. I first put this together in 2003 figuring people would see the obvious, get the word out, and act on it. The situation is getting grave people if you have not noticed.
A little reciting and hopefully enlightenment: Bush was following what I know as the Russian Doctrine of Destruction used in the 19th century to tear down the old Government and order and replace it with a new version. Please read this! It is very important and you now know right on: Bush's Forever War! Experts think they found a way around Bush's I'm sick of saying it, Bush won't be stopped and failure to us is total success for him! Before you go on remember he destroyed America and world order completely and flew away proud of what he did. Okay please continue and remember this was under Bush.
I had an interesting series of conversations this I would like to continue as I realized that after checking out a couple stories from supposedly enlightened sources that the supposed experts, the supposed enlightened, and people around the world not just in America do not get it. It is sickening to continue to hear it but those being credited with Political enlightenment do not get the fact that it doesn't matter. Only the all powerful Decider matters and he will not alter his course regardless. A report was issued saying the war on terror is being lost. They do not get it either. It is working. It is all a success for Bush. He needs the terrorist. He doesn't want to wipe them out. They are his excuse to continue his Forever Wars.
First I was sent a supposed enlightened article or thought process. Matt Stoller, one of the most significant emerging leaders of the new political left in this country, has just written a fascinating essay that I think is a real breakthrough in his thinking and hopefully in the strategic thinking of the netroots crowd in general. It might be a breakthrough in thought process but it is worthless against Bush and it better be realized.
Stoller's piece is called smart Trotsky. I mean this as a compliment to Stoller who is trying to weave together the incongruities of passion, earnestness, and purity of motive on the left with a shrewder, calculating, appreciation of domino effects on the political right. The essay is cerebral and cites a comment I made recently and have been making from time to time: "one of the characteristics of modern global politics is how organized minority factions are able to overwhelm majority views." It is frigging worthless, that should have been known for years now.
If Bill Richardson is right and most Americans think that the war in Iraq is against their interests and want the troops to come home, then it's clear that our political structure and the influence of a well-organized minority have been able to shrug off this strong public opinion. People do not get it, majority views,minority views, public opinion, none of it matters. Bush has irresponsibly been given to much power to abuse and he will. His worst damage is yet to come. Only Bush matters!
In this article we hear voiced what we all know and talk about often. The drive to war against Iran is beset by changing rationales. Like the war in Iraq, the administration is trying to find the rationale that sells best. Where is the alternative explanation? There is none. Attacking Iran is one reason Bush attacked Iraq and no one will keep that from happening. On warrant-less wiretapping and other erosions of civil rights, Democrats react. Why don't they create an alternative catch phrase. Some occasionally (actually rarely) use a term, like the War on the Middle Class. Why not actively promote it and use it with every crisis as further evidence? Why not use every instance of privacy violation as further evidence of Bush's War on Dissent?
And why not actively promote the wars in the Middle East as Oil Wars? Yes, such a term may not capture the full complexity of the situation, but Republican "issues" are effective and they are usually mere caricatures of real issues. And why not try to delegitimize the Israeli lobby and its supporters by labeling them tools of Sheldon Adelson, Bibi Netanyahu, and Likud, none of whom really serve Israel's long term interests? A supposed NetRoots Breakthrough
It isn't all about oil. That is a small part of it. I'm sorry but after years of trying to wake people up as to what Bush is doing and why, I can only laugh. I have 7 unpublished books documenting every single misstep. I hate to tell you and them but Stoller and Steve are pretty slow on the uptake. It was obvious to an idiot what has been going on from the start and they still do not have it. I was listening to Pelosi this morning talking about being confused why Bush can't see the effect he is having on the middle class.
Of course he does! He has been purposely changing our societal order from day one and will not stop. Have you read Bush uncovered on my main page? Bush is not failing in the war on terror. To him it is a qualified success. It has to be kept alive for his new world order Forever Wars so it is a complete success to him. He needs to embroil the entire world and he will. If you read Bush Uncovered which I wrote 4 years ago (that's 2003 folks) but no one gets it, Bush is following the Russian Doctrine of Destruction and must create war and disorder to replace it with his new idea of order.I have been trying to wake people up since day one but no one is listening or getting it. I am afraid it is too late as much beyond our control has been set into play around the world. It was never about John Bolton or anyone else like Gonzo. It was and is all about Bushco and pursuing new world order. Nothing else matters period!
No one seems to get it but all the waking up and organizing against Bush in the world is worthless because he was given too much power as a result of 9/11 and the Patriot Act and he can not be stopped unless he chooses it and he will not.Bush will ignore all the horror and attack Iran then the entire world will be engulfed in Bush's Forever War as planned from day one. Then his pundits will call for a Constitutional Amendment to keep him in office and at the helm of his wars. Either that or he will cancel elections and declare martial order which is in his power. People are waking up but it is too late and no one will stop the chief idiot because they do not matter, only the Decider they created does.
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Thursday, December 21, 2017
The federal government is ready to let farmers grow cannabis
Hemp Growing Going Legit After Decades-Long Ban:The federal government is ready to let farmers grow cannabis
Hemp Growing Going Legit After Decades-Long Ban:The federal government is ready to let farmers grow cannabis — at least the kind that can't get people high.Hemp — marijuana's non-intoxicating cousin that's used to make everything from clothing to cooking oil — could soon be cultivated in 10 states under a federal farm bill agreement that allows the establishment of pilot growing programs.
Hemp can save America: We make Hemp products but must import the Hemp, Legalize it again!
His information we all know is true. This is awesome
please give it a quick read. Hemp the most versatile "natural" product in the
Hemp Is Harmless, a Potential Economic Miracle, and Still Illegal in America --
But the Tide Seems to Be Turning: The American hemp industry, revived in the 1990s in a
wave of cannabis-fueled environmentalism, now sells $450 million a year of
products from hemp-oil soap to hemp-coned speakers for guitar amplifiers,
according to an industry trade group. Yet all the raw material used for these
products, from fiber to hempseed oil, has to be imported, as it’s still illegal
to grow hemp in the United States.
It's a Safe Health-Food Wonder, Agricultural Dream and Economic Jackpot: Hemp
a Safe Health-Food Wonder, Agricultural Dream and Economic Jackpot: It's Time to
End our Government's Insane Hemp Prohibition
The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp, our ships had hemp sails, and pioneers' covered wagons were covered in -- what else? -- hemp. David Bronner was recently arrested for attempting to eat a healthy breakfast.
Does that sound stupid? Even once you know the details, it should sound stupid: Bronner's food of choice was bread spread with hemp seed oil he pressed himself from industrial hemp plants, which he did in front of the White House under a banner reading: “Dear Mr. President Let U.S. Farmers Grow Hemp." Bronner's company, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, spends over $100,000 to buy over 20 tons of hemp seed oil from Canada each year to use in its soaps. Bronner wants to give that money to American farmers instead. He is 100% right!
7000-8000 B.C.
First woven fabric believed to be from hemp.
Jamestown Colony, Virginia passes law requiring farmers to grow hemp.
Hemp was the primary crop grown by George Washington at Mount Vernon, and a secondary crop grown by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello.
Marijuana Tax Act
1619 order for every member of Jamestown to grow marijuana.
There were several other “must grow” laws over the next 200 years (you could be jailed for not growing hemp during times of shortage in Virginia between 1763 and 1767), and during most of that time, hemp was legal tender (you could even pay your taxes with hemp — try that today!) Hemp was such a critical crop for a number of purposes (including essential war requirements – rope, etc.) that the government went out of its way to encourage growth.
The United States Census of 1850 counted 8,327 hemp “plantations” (minimum 2,000-acre farm) growing cannabis hemp for cloth, canvas and even the cordage used for baling cotton.
How many people realized that the first law written within the borders of what we call the United States was a 1619 order for every member of Jamestown to grow marijuana. Watch the documentary "The Union - The Business Behind Getting High". It is one of the best documentaries on the subject ever made.
The first 2 copies of the Declaration of Independence were printed on Hemp! Benjamin Franklin used Hemp to start Americas first paper mills. It was once legal and one of the largest crops in the world. The majority of fabrics, lighting oil, medicines, paper, and fiber. Hemp was touted as a billion dollar crop in the 19th century and its unparalleled universality made it a target of other sources. It produced more than 5000 products from its thread and 25000 from its cellulose including dynamite and cellophane.
They made it illegal because it was the most widely used product in the world and would interfere with other products and diversity. WW2 brought the necessity that it be legalized ounce again as there was so much of it , its wide use, and its abundance. WW2 ended and once again it was made illegal to protect other industries and interests.
Think about it! We can really use this phenomenal product, think about it!
The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalizing Hemp? None, none whatsoever!
Bronner is right! You can not get high from Hemp no matter how much you smoke or eat. Some day common sense should be forced to prevail at least in this one case. Looking at hemp's versatility and the thousands and thousands of products it can be used in you can only come to the conclusion that it was lumped in with marijuana to keep it from competing with more volatile inefficient products. That is especially true today with people looking for natural products. Legalize Hemp!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp, our ships had hemp sails, and pioneers' covered wagons were covered in -- what else? -- hemp. David Bronner was recently arrested for attempting to eat a healthy breakfast.
Does that sound stupid? Even once you know the details, it should sound stupid: Bronner's food of choice was bread spread with hemp seed oil he pressed himself from industrial hemp plants, which he did in front of the White House under a banner reading: “Dear Mr. President Let U.S. Farmers Grow Hemp." Bronner's company, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, spends over $100,000 to buy over 20 tons of hemp seed oil from Canada each year to use in its soaps. Bronner wants to give that money to American farmers instead. He is 100% right!
7000-8000 B.C.
First woven fabric believed to be from hemp.
Jamestown Colony, Virginia passes law requiring farmers to grow hemp.
Hemp was the primary crop grown by George Washington at Mount Vernon, and a secondary crop grown by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello.
Marijuana Tax Act
1619 order for every member of Jamestown to grow marijuana.
There were several other “must grow” laws over the next 200 years (you could be jailed for not growing hemp during times of shortage in Virginia between 1763 and 1767), and during most of that time, hemp was legal tender (you could even pay your taxes with hemp — try that today!) Hemp was such a critical crop for a number of purposes (including essential war requirements – rope, etc.) that the government went out of its way to encourage growth.
The United States Census of 1850 counted 8,327 hemp “plantations” (minimum 2,000-acre farm) growing cannabis hemp for cloth, canvas and even the cordage used for baling cotton.
How many people realized that the first law written within the borders of what we call the United States was a 1619 order for every member of Jamestown to grow marijuana. Watch the documentary "The Union - The Business Behind Getting High". It is one of the best documentaries on the subject ever made.
The first 2 copies of the Declaration of Independence were printed on Hemp! Benjamin Franklin used Hemp to start Americas first paper mills. It was once legal and one of the largest crops in the world. The majority of fabrics, lighting oil, medicines, paper, and fiber. Hemp was touted as a billion dollar crop in the 19th century and its unparalleled universality made it a target of other sources. It produced more than 5000 products from its thread and 25000 from its cellulose including dynamite and cellophane.
They made it illegal because it was the most widely used product in the world and would interfere with other products and diversity. WW2 brought the necessity that it be legalized ounce again as there was so much of it , its wide use, and its abundance. WW2 ended and once again it was made illegal to protect other industries and interests.
Think about it! We can really use this phenomenal product, think about it!
The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalizing Hemp? None, none whatsoever!
Bronner is right! You can not get high from Hemp no matter how much you smoke or eat. Some day common sense should be forced to prevail at least in this one case. Looking at hemp's versatility and the thousands and thousands of products it can be used in you can only come to the conclusion that it was lumped in with marijuana to keep it from competing with more volatile inefficient products. That is especially true today with people looking for natural products. Legalize Hemp!
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Attack on Gaddafi was about Gold, water and least of all oil and Gas
Bet you haven't heard this unheard of Lies in our middle East Mess: Invasion of Libya was About Gaddafi’s Plan to get rid of the dollar and Introduce Gold Dinar: Under the guise of “protecting civilians,” the United States led NATO into Libya and is attempting to assassinate the Libyan leader. Of course, Libya happens to be the largest oil producer in Africa, but many do not realize that Gaddafi was planning to introduce the gold dinar, a single African currency that would serve as an alternative to the U.S. dollar and allow African nations to share the wealth. It is surely no coincidence that Iraq’s prior leader, Saddam Hussein, was trying to do the same thing just prior to U.S. invasion for all of those “weapons of mass destruction.”
Water, Water, Water — Libya’s Hidden Asset: The Great Man-Made River, as the largest water transport project ever undertaken, has been described as the “eighth wonder of the world”. It carries more than five million cubic metres of water per day across the desert to coastal areas, vastly increasing the amount of arable land. The total cost of the huge project is expected to exceed $25 billion (US).
Consisting of a network of pipes buried underground to eliminate evaporation, four meters in diameter, the project extends for four thousand kilometers far deep into the desert. All material is locally engineered and manufactured. Underground water is pumped from 270 wells hundreds of meters deep into reservoirs that feed the network. The cost of one cubic meter of water equals 35 cents. The cubic meter of desalinized water is $3.75. Scientists estimate the amount of water to be equivalent to the flow of 200 years of water in the Nile River.
Oil & Gas Libya 2011: Libya has the largest proven oil reserves in Africa with 42 billion barrels of oil and over 1.3 trillion cubic meters of gas. With only 25% of Libya’s surface territory explored to date there is every chance that actual reserves could see this figure dwarfed in coming years.
As Europe’s single largest oil supplier, the second largest oil producer in Africa and the continent’s fourth largest gas supplier, Libya dominates the petroleum sector in the Southern Mediterranean area and has ambitious plans for the future.
What do you think now about the attack on Gaddafi and Libya and us helping the rebels unseat Gaddafi? I am sick! Also I remember when Gaddafi first disappeared one resident voiced fear that Gaddafi would poison the drinking water. Now that I know about the monstrous aquifers and extensive underground conduits I too am concerned since this mass murderer is under there somewhere.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Industrial Hemp could take over American industry if we had enough seeds
Industrial Hemp Could Take Root, If Legal Seeds Weren't So Scarce: Hemp
is the same species as marijuana, but a different variety — one that
lacks THC, the compound that gives users a high when smoked or ingested.
Hemp seeds are increasingly showing up in foods, and Denny says the
plant's fibers can be turned into everything from clothing to rope to
car interiors.
"The crop right now is sellable," he says. "I've already had people contact me on my website saying, 'We know you're growing stuff and we want to buy it from you already.' And we haven't even put it in the ground." During World War II, the U.S. was so hard up for hemp for use in rope on naval ships and on trooper's parachutes that the Department of Agriculture actually made a promotional film to encourage farmers to grow it. The film's title: Hemp For Victory.
Hemp can save America: We make Hemp products but must import the Hemp, Legalize it
His information we all know is true. This is awesome
please give it a quick read. Hemp the most versatile "natural" product in the
Hemp Is Harmless, a Potential Economic Miracle, and Still Illegal in America --
But the Tide Seems to Be Turning: The American hemp industry, revived in the 1990s in a
wave of cannabis-fueled environmentalism, now sells $450 million a year of
products from hemp-oil soap to hemp-coned speakers for guitar amplifiers,
according to an industry trade group. Yet all the raw material used for these
products, from fiber to hempseed oil, has to be imported, as it’s still illegal
to grow hemp in the United States.
It's a Safe Health-Food Wonder, Agricultural Dream and Economic Jackpot: Hemp
a Safe Health-Food Wonder, Agricultural Dream and Economic Jackpot: It's Time to
End our Government's Insane Hemp Prohibition
The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp, our ships had hemp sails, and pioneers' covered wagons were covered in -- what else? -- hemp. David Bronner was recently arrested for attempting to eat a healthy breakfast.
Does that sound stupid? Even once you know the details, it should sound stupid: Bronner's food of choice was bread spread with hemp seed oil he pressed himself from industrial hemp plants, which he did in front of the White House under a banner reading: “Dear Mr. President Let U.S. Farmers Grow Hemp." Bronner's company, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, spends over $100,000 to buy over 20 tons of hemp seed oil from Canada each year to use in its soaps. Bronner wants to give that money to American farmers instead. He is 100% right!
7000-8000 B.C.
First woven fabric believed to be from hemp.
Jamestown Colony, Virginia passes law requiring farmers to grow hemp.
Hemp was the primary crop grown by George Washington at Mount Vernon, and a secondary crop grown by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello.
Marijuana Tax Act
1619 order for every member of Jamestown to grow marijuana.
There were several other “must grow” laws over the next 200 years (you could be jailed for not growing hemp during times of shortage in Virginia between 1763 and 1767), and during most of that time, hemp was legal tender (you could even pay your taxes with hemp — try that today!) Hemp was such a critical crop for a number of purposes (including essential war requirements – rope, etc.) that the government went out of its way to encourage growth.
The United States Census of 1850 counted 8,327 hemp “plantations” (minimum 2,000-acre farm) growing cannabis hemp for cloth, canvas and even the cordage used for baling cotton.
How many people realized that the first law written within the borders of what we call the United States was a 1619 order for every member of Jamestown to grow marijuana. Watch the documentary "The Union - The Business Behind Getting High". It is one of the best documentaries on the subject ever made.
The first 2 copies of the Declaration of Independence were printed on Hemp! Benjamin Franklin used Hemp to start Americas first paper mills. It was once legal and one of the largest crops in the world. The majority of fabrics, lighting oil, medicines, paper, and fiber. Hemp was touted as a billion dollar crop in the 19th century and its unparalleled universality made it a target of other sources. It produced more than 5000 products from its thread and 25000 from its cellulose including dynamite and cellophane.
They made it illegal because it was the most widely used product in the world and would interfere with other products and diversity. WW2 brought the necessity that it be legalized ounce again as there was so much of it , its wide use, and its abundance. WW2 ended and once again it was made illegal to protect other industries and interests.
Think about it! We can really use this phenomenal product, think about it!
The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalizing Hemp? None, none whatsoever!
Bronner is right! You can not get high from Hemp no matter how much you smoke or eat. Some day common sense should be forced to prevail at least in this one case. Looking at hemp's versatility and the thousands and thousands of products it can be used in you can only come to the conclusion that it was lumped in with marijuana to keep it from competing with more volatile inefficient products.
The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp, our ships had hemp sails, and pioneers' covered wagons were covered in -- what else? -- hemp. David Bronner was recently arrested for attempting to eat a healthy breakfast.
Does that sound stupid? Even once you know the details, it should sound stupid: Bronner's food of choice was bread spread with hemp seed oil he pressed himself from industrial hemp plants, which he did in front of the White House under a banner reading: “Dear Mr. President Let U.S. Farmers Grow Hemp." Bronner's company, Dr. Bronner's Magic Soaps, spends over $100,000 to buy over 20 tons of hemp seed oil from Canada each year to use in its soaps. Bronner wants to give that money to American farmers instead. He is 100% right!
7000-8000 B.C.
First woven fabric believed to be from hemp.
Jamestown Colony, Virginia passes law requiring farmers to grow hemp.
Hemp was the primary crop grown by George Washington at Mount Vernon, and a secondary crop grown by Thomas Jefferson at Monticello.
Marijuana Tax Act
1619 order for every member of Jamestown to grow marijuana.
There were several other “must grow” laws over the next 200 years (you could be jailed for not growing hemp during times of shortage in Virginia between 1763 and 1767), and during most of that time, hemp was legal tender (you could even pay your taxes with hemp — try that today!) Hemp was such a critical crop for a number of purposes (including essential war requirements – rope, etc.) that the government went out of its way to encourage growth.
The United States Census of 1850 counted 8,327 hemp “plantations” (minimum 2,000-acre farm) growing cannabis hemp for cloth, canvas and even the cordage used for baling cotton.
How many people realized that the first law written within the borders of what we call the United States was a 1619 order for every member of Jamestown to grow marijuana. Watch the documentary "The Union - The Business Behind Getting High". It is one of the best documentaries on the subject ever made.
The first 2 copies of the Declaration of Independence were printed on Hemp! Benjamin Franklin used Hemp to start Americas first paper mills. It was once legal and one of the largest crops in the world. The majority of fabrics, lighting oil, medicines, paper, and fiber. Hemp was touted as a billion dollar crop in the 19th century and its unparalleled universality made it a target of other sources. It produced more than 5000 products from its thread and 25000 from its cellulose including dynamite and cellophane.
They made it illegal because it was the most widely used product in the world and would interfere with other products and diversity. WW2 brought the necessity that it be legalized ounce again as there was so much of it , its wide use, and its abundance. WW2 ended and once again it was made illegal to protect other industries and interests.
Think about it! We can really use this phenomenal product, think about it!
The number one abused drug in the world is legal, Alcohol! It destroys numerous lives! What sane argument is there against legalizing Hemp? None, none whatsoever!
Bronner is right! You can not get high from Hemp no matter how much you smoke or eat. Some day common sense should be forced to prevail at least in this one case. Looking at hemp's versatility and the thousands and thousands of products it can be used in you can only come to the conclusion that it was lumped in with marijuana to keep it from competing with more volatile inefficient products.
That is especially true today with people looking for
natural products. Legalize Hemp! Buy the seeds in Canada as we now buy our hemp to make hemp products because we can not grow it ourselves.
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
James Joiner
Gardner, Ma
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