Why have new supply routes to Afghanistan never been cultivated? They will change nothing though in Obama's Vietnam compliments of Bush!
Pakistan militant attack halts US, NATO supplies
NATO seeks Iran help over Afghanistan
Militants take out bridge in Khyber region
Afghanistan: Can Obama succeed in the 'land of the unruly?' No! Afghanistan is Obama's Vietnam compliments of Bush! Land of the Unruly, Graveyard of Empires, front of the war on terror, whatever you call it they have never been defeated militarily and will not now. Adding thirty thousand troops will do nothing. This is just beginning!
Afghanistan Obama's Vietnam
This is an interesting read From Arab news! Afghanistan: Obama’s Vietnam?
It is really sickening that this seems to be true today but the Arab news was saying you are not a US President until you attack somebody! Well now Obama has been bloodied after sending drones into Pakistan and killing insurgent as he promised he would do while he was running. This is just beginning and after 7 years!
One of my sons wants to go back there and one is there right now flying supplies into Afghanistan. It is blowing as you know and Bush guaranteed a loss there and everywhere else with his war mongering anti Islam actions and his attack on Iraq to get into the middle east and help Israel set up a new middle east order. Our supply lines from Pakistan to Afghanistan have been the focus of Islamists for a while and I was wondering why we have not looked for a supply route from one of our allies the Stans?
However looking at the map and giving it some thought the same problem would exist wherever we change the supply route too! We could add a million troops and it would only be matched by the Taliban and other insurgents. They can and will more than match us fighter to fighter and this is their home turf. I used to say if we could secure the Afghan Pakistan Border we could then concentrate on the Taliban and rebuilding Afghanistan. However, knowing the territory and seeing the map there is no way in hell that is going to happen.
Remember when we had Bin Laden trapped in Tora Bora? We could not even secure that or wouldn't! I have four men or sons 3 of which are in this! It sickens me knowing that I advocated the military as a career. In my defense I will say that was pre war monger Bush. The three of them insist on being Lifers and knowing this entire mess is just beginning I have to wonder what is next for them or their children for that matter thanks to the mess bush has already made of their future!
James Joiner
Gardner' Ma
Obama forces charges dropped against USS Cole bombing mastermind
Rahim al-Nashiri is the accused mastermind of the USS Cole bombing that killed 17 American sailors. He was one of the three al Qaeda prisoners to be water boarded. He confessed. The charges against him have been dropped because of President Obama's request that legal proceedings against Gitmo detainees be halted pending a review of the process.
The Intellectual Redneck
The Intellectual Redneck
Hi! I have to admit I heard this, this morning and could not understand why? He admitted it so that makes no sense! I have yet to hear home countries step up to take the obviously guilty nor have I of yet heard the charges being dropped attributed to Obama yet though that would sound right I am afraid!
Plus they let Khan go too.
And Mullah Omar! Funny I just had a thought "hey your'e outa the cornfield!
Afghanistan is Vietnam, but not Obama's, IMO. Don't know what the answer is, tho. I don't ever see us *winning* there.
You were right!
I am so so so angry!
Yes, Obama's set for failure! What a DUMBASS! WHAT A DUMBASS ...
Hi Karen
You are right! He did not start it but like all the rest of the crises Bush created present and future they are his now!
I am not kidding, I really love conversing with you as you think and observe coming back with helpful input!
I am not quite sure what you mean by Biden screwed up, what did he do?
It is interesting that you say that because today I posted the counter to this and Russia said they wanted to work together in Afghanistan and in the so called war on terror.
Now Biden while in Germany agreed and said we should. This may be a start I don't know but it never would have happened under Bush who instigated division and future war.
Naj you are as confused and disgruntled as the rest of us maybe even more and deservedly because of your location.
I did a post on the purposeful confusion developed so a selfish hidden agenda can be followed on www.allvoices.com yesterday. I think I will post it here tomorrow now! It is all part of the lie we are living!
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