Today's meeting with our voice Jerome Grossman The Relentless Liberal
"Let liberals read and see Jerome Grossman as their example, the proof that the individual can make a difference."
John Kenneth Galbraith
Jerome Grossman is a leader in the movement to eliminate weapons of mass destruction, particularly nuclear weapons. A self-styled relentless liberal, Grossman played key roles in many electoral campaigns and efforts to end the Vietnam War and the Iraq War.
Born in Boston, Massachusetts, raised in Brookline, he lived in Newton for 30 years, then in Wellesley for 30 years where he now resides. A 1938 graduate of Harvard College, Grossman is the author of “Relentless Liberal,” New York, Vantage Press, 1996 and many newspaper and magazine articles. His blog can be found at www.relentlessliberal.com. Grossman has had a number of careers: Business as President of Massachusetts Envelope Company Education as lecturer at Tufts University, Regis College, Palm Beach Community College Political as Member, Democratic National Committee Chairman, Father Drinan for Congress Director, Eugene McCarthy for President Director, George McGovern for President Manager, Stuart Hughes for Senate Anti-war activist as Chairman, Council for a Livable World.
Jerome Grossman managed five careers simultaneously: Business Executive, political activist, teaher, writer, and radio commentator. I Consider grassroots organizer his greatest accomplishment and he is still at it. Originator, Vietnam Moratorium Movement and Chairman of council for a livable world. Radio Commentator at WCRB – Massachusetts, WJNO – Florida Civil Liberties as Chairman, Civil Liberties Union of Massachusetts Foundation.
Jerome Grossman has been a leader in almost every peace and liberal Movement for over sixty years. He has written articles for many publications and currently teaches at Tufts University and Palm Beach Community College and is a graduate of Harvard College. needless to say I was very impressed with his lecture today which was an Analysis of current affairs. we were all riveted and he was not only witty but on top of everything. I was happy to see he did not even mention Giuliani and he said after that Rudi is a non entity and we agree on that for sure!
* I have been away from the news today beyond listening to the radio to and from Jerome's lecture. Two stories played over and over all day. New Hampshire and the situation in the Gulf with the IRG and our ships. As many of you know, I believe that there is no analysis necessary at least for me. Barak will be our next President. It is all his to lose Unless he gets assassinated, the election is stolen once again, or Bush gets himself another war to fight. Pakistan is shaping up in that direction as we all know and it got a little closer with Iran with the incident in the Gulf between the IRG and the navy. We know the IRG was instigating they said in a standard way and it was nothing but Bushco played it up and said it was the worse ever and they were moments from blowing the IRG out of the water. Anyway you look at it, it is getting closer.
** I discussed today with Jerome the fact that attacking Iraq was to get into the middle east and go after Iran and he will not leave and will attack Iran. Things are only going bad to us. They are going great for Bush. He will get his war soon. Looking at our concerns for the elections and bush's purposeful furtherance of wars so he can stay in office and prosecute his new world (dis)order we have got to do something. I must admit I have the absolute utmost respect for Jerome Grossman and realizing how diverse, caring, intelligent, and resourceful he is, I implore any and all of you that care about peace, prosperity, the average American, and the future of America and the World, to comment on the relentless Liberal and voice your concerns.
You all care! You all have your opinions! you are all on top of the issues, some of you are peace activists and have other interests positive to the future of our America. To me this is our chance to talk to someone who cares, hopefully will advise, maybe get involved, and make a difference. He has done it many times over the years and his flame of concern and knowledge is burning hotter than ever. let him know your concerns at least so it can be passed on to the right channel. You can learn more or contact Jerome at relentless Liberal
I will be back with my regular analysis tomorrow!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
your new-english prediction seems to be holding true! :)
Hi naj
If you mean Bush and his new world order Forever War one world economy and Government with us at the helm I am afraid I agree! I can only shake my head as you know what that means period!
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