With one year left all of a sudden the little Bush feels a need to go to the middle east to show a facade of concern but in actuality to create more division to be used for his gain but it will give him cover if there are elections and his predecessor will get the blame for his mess in the middle east and have to quell that and the world as it thanks to Bush is taking sides and preparing for war.
As you know, it is merely another facade. You know Bush practices his Rove taught 3D Politics (divisive, deceptive, deceitful, Politics) in order to further his agenda. He creates division where there is none so he can forcefully enforce his will. Divide and conquer has not failed him yet. It is what he has been doing to us, he is doing it in the middle east, and he is doing it around the world to have to fight and enforce his new world (dis)order Forever war!
Like all the other future chaos Bush has laid the foundation for around the world this will be no exception. The elections though are very timely in relation to his "supposed" peace laying mission. If there are elections whoever is elected will get the blame for this Bush caused middle east war even though ensuring it is the reason he attacked Iraq to get our military into the middle east. He will not leave but is hanging there until the entire middle east explodes and he gets his new (dis)order world war. At the last minute he is using another of his numerous facades of concern this time looking for peace in the middle east but on his terms not Iran's or other Islamist interests. Forget it Iran will not allow the roots of peace on Bush's terms to take root in the middle east. the excuse for war will be found by oone side or the other!
While he is over there supposedly looking for peace Iran has denounced video and audio recordings released by the United States of the two nations' confrontation in the Strait of Hormuz as "fabricated," according to statements carried by state-run television station. However, President George W. Bush repeated his assertion that Iran is "a threat to world peace" and warned the Islamic republic against any escalation. "We have made it very clear, and they know our position, and that is: There will be serious consequences if they attack our ships," Bush said on Wednesday. "My advice to them is: Don't do it." Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman downplayed the incident earlier Wednesday, calling it "normal," state-run news agency IRNA reported.
The state-run Press TV quoted a spokesman for Iran's Revolutionary Guard Navy as saying that the video "had been compiled using file pictures and the audio had been fabricated." The Pentagon Tuesday released a four-minute, 20-second video of Sunday's incident, including video showing small Iranian boats swarming around U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf. In the audio recording, a man speaking in heavily accented English threatened, "I am coming to you. ...You will explode after ... minutes." Watch the confrontation
Read both sides of the story and watch the video of the confrontation. How do you fabricate something like that on the spur of the moment. I do not believe you can but the incident is serving the purpose of getting the people behind a war between the US and Iran that will embroil the entire middle east.
To prove it Iranian's were interviewed saying the US was behind the instigation and it should not be tolerated. with that said President Bush's visit to the Middle East comes amid waves of criticism and rancor from the Arab press. Newspaper columnists note the push for Middle East peace has not begun until the final year of the president's two terms in office. Mr. Bush remains one of the least popular world leaders in Arab opinion polls, and is held personally responsible by many in the region for the destabilizing chaos in Iraq. In his tour of the region, he will have to overcome widespread skepticism about his new push toward an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal. Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa acknowledged this when he spoke to reporters on Sunday, saying everyone - including himself - has lots of suspicions and doubts. Moussa said that the United States should bear its responsibilities if it wants to change the situation and the general feeling in the Middle East. Skepticism in the middle east
You do not have to be from the middle east even if you are Jewish and on Bush's side or not to realize Bush is almost solely responsible for the breakdown of the middle east. Attacking Iraq was his excuse to get into the middle east and help Israel create a new middle east order and it is only normal that he incur the rancor of middle easterners with Gaza being no exception. Brandishing placards showing George W. Bush as a vampire swigging Muslim blood, thousands of Hamas supporters protested in Gaza on Wednesday against the U.S. president's visit to Israel and the occupied West Bank.
Some 20,000 members of the Islamist group, shunned by the West for refusing to renounce violence, set U.S. and Israeli flags alight. Bush was a "butcher" whose first presidential visit to the Holy Land was skewed towards helping Israel, they said. "In his first words Bush talked about Israel, its security, its democracy and the right of America and Israel to defend themselves," senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar told reporters at the rally. "He did not talk about settlements or the assaults against our people." In Jerusalem, Jewish families waved Israeli and American flags and cheered Bush, who hopes his visit will invigorate efforts to reach an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal before he leaves office. Thousands protest vampire bush
** I take no sides in this issue beyond saying it should be obvious to the brain dead that this can only end one way. can't anyone see that? You have to assume yes and that dues are willing to be paid and world war fought. Again with that said I absolutely hate to agree with Bush but in light of the rancor he has created in the middle east and around the world I have to agree with him here. U.S. President George W. Bush on Tuesday said he wants Turkey to be admitted to the European Union "in the interests of peace," describing Ankara as a bridge between Europe and the Muslim world.
"Turkey sets a fantastic example for nations around the world to see where it's possible to have a democracy that co-exists with a great religion like Islam," Bush said at a White House meeting with Turkish President Abdullah Gul. "I strongly believe that Europe will benefit when Turkey is a member of the European Union," Bush added. "It's in the interests of peace that Turkey be admitted into the EU." In Gul's first visit to the White House as Turkish president, the two leaders also discussed energy issues and the Kurdistan Workers Party, which Bush called "a common enemy." "It's an enemy to Turkey, it's an enemy to Iraq and it's an enemy to people who want to live in peace. The United States, along with Turkey, are confronting these folks and we will continue to confront them for the sake of peace," Bush said. (Reporting by David Morgan) Bush says Turkey's EU entry would aid middle east peace
I think it is a step in the right direction but more likely all it will do is set further division to be used in Bush's favor as he continues to divide the middle east and the world in preparation for his inevitable new world (dis)order Forever War!
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
I will say that the idea that the tape was fabricated - at least to some extent - sprang into my mind immediately. The fabrication didn't have to be spur of the moment. The voiceover could have been taped from an encounter a long time ago - or even outright fabricated by the US - and then paired with the "swarming" (of all five little boats) to make it seem overtly aggressive. The news stated that the audio and video had been recorded separately, and then put together by the military.
I'm not huge on the idea of "conspiracy" but I wouldn't put it past this administration to orchestrate something like that just to push the issue. I'm just sayin' my first instinct when I read the story was Bullshit.
As for the rest of your post - absolutely. Georgie Porgie Puddin and Pie, bombed Iraq and made them cry - but when poor Georgie's time was near, all of a sudden, he holds them dear.
Hey! I made that up on the spot! I should take cold medicine more often!
We've seen these videos enough over the past years to know the Iranian speedboats are taunting, not threatening, the US Navy. Pure bluster on their part. This has got to be more routine than the US admits. Now the video is pulled out for it's propaganda effect, to be used purely for agitating Americans.
The amazing thing to behold is seeing that old stereotypical mice frightening the elephants cartoon, again.
Apparently Iran has released its own video which was state-broadcast.
Yes I think the voiceover IS fabricated.
And yes I think Bush has already made it clear he is not there to make peace, but to further inflame the Arabs against America (and any leader who supports America).
I don't know if this man is really dumb or if this is his plot:
he is clearly siding with Israel
he is explicitely asking Arabs to side AGAINST Iran!
ehm ... between Iran and Israel, Arab leaders will chose Iran, because after all, Iran is the one who is standing up "for" Palestine.
So ...
Very good Anok that was witty and funny! Bush wants peace my ass! Yeah his way and that won't happen.
You know I would not put it past Bushco to have fabricated that scenario. He is certainly capitalizing on it.
Regardless, this will only end one way regardless who manages to instiate it.
That's funny but you are right! Bush is doing the same thing he did with Iraq. He will keep fishing and changing his stories until he finds an excuse to attack Iran that people will fall for. This too will end only one way!
I am blown away as I just heard this morning how the idiot is adding more troops in Afghanistan as this is happening, Pakistan is exploding and promising to engulf Afghanistan as NATO is failing its obligations there too. Oh my poor sons. I plan on talking about this today!
You're alright! Bush is a dumb-ass but he is doing this on purpose right from day one. He creates division to be used to get his way and follow his agenda.
Thanks to him the middle east and the world will explode but no one is going to be happy nor will we be able to stop this though we cannot stop trying!
I would be interested in watching the Iranian video. I will look for it though I would not expect MSM to show it. Do you by any chance have a link?
naj You might like this but I hate this Bush underhanded crap! http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/01/10/degrees-of-confidence-on-us-iran-naval-incident/?hp
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