Iran was doing its share again today: Iran demands end to U.N. nuclear charge TEHRAN, Iran // Iran's top leader demanded an end to U.N. Security Council oversight of the country's nuclear program during a meeting yesterday with the chief of the U.N. nuclear watchdog, state-run television reported. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has the final say on all state matters in Iran, told International Atomic Energy Agency head Mohamed ElBaradei that the IAEA should exclusively handle Iranian nuclear questions - not the Security Council. Iran is under two sets of Security Council sanctions for its refusal to freeze uranium enrichment, a potential pathway to nuclear arms, and Washington is pushing for additional U.N. penalties. You know this will only instigate further action from the chief idiot!
Also on the middle east peace front or lack there of The head of the Arab League said yesterday that he was leaving Lebanon after failing to get the country's feuding politicians to agree on a plan to elect a new president and end the deepening political crisis. After four days of talks, Amr Moussa said that the situation in Lebanon was still "serious" and promised to return to Beirut in the next few days to continue his discussions with members of the Western-backed government and pro-Syrian opposition. "I don't want to give a dose of optimism, nor to describe the situation as pessimistic," said Moussa. "There is still hope as long as we are working." middle east and world news
Also Iran accused the United States on Sunday of "adventure-seeking" policies in the Middle East and said Washington owed the region an apology for fooling its people over a naval incident in the Gulf last week. The two foes have stepped up a war of words since the Jan. 6 incident, when Washington says Iranian speed boats threatened U.S. ships in the Strait of Hormuz, a vital oil transport route. Iran says it was a routine identification. The increase in tension coincides with a Middle East tour by U.S. President George W. Bush, who is seeking Arab support in reining in Iran and has repeated his assertion that the Islamic Republic was a "threat to world peace".
Foreign Ministry spokesman Mohammad Ali Hosseini said Iran had acted with restraint over the incident but the United States sought to use it to paint the Islamic state in a negative light. "What we witnessed shows that some circles inside the United States are still pursuing its adventure-seeking policies," Hosseini told a news conference. His comments were translated into English by Iran's Press TV satellite station. "But their plans fell flat and we advise them not to pursue such policies of fooling the people in the region and now I think they have to apologize to the people of the region and also to the American nation," he said. Iran rightly accuses US of messing up middle east
You know damn well Iran is right and Bush's so called middle east Democracy program has set the entire middle east up for an explosion that will not be prevented. Can anyone name one country Bush has not meddled with? Anyway while Iran was doing their share to see that Bush's so called "adventure-seeking" policies in the Middle East do not go unrewarded. You know Bush is on his own hidden agenda and will apologize to no one. It has only been a few weeks since Iran said we were going to pay for Bush lying about their nuclear interest and ever since Bush has merely gone from one demand and instigation to get this war with Iran going.
* Meanwhile Bush was in Bahrain marshalling so called Arab allies! President Bush said Sunday that Iran is threatening the security of the world, and that the United States and Arab allies must join together to confront the danger "before it's too late." what the hell does the chief war monger call what he is doing? Bush said Iran funds terrorist extremists, undermines peace in Lebanon, sends arms to the Taliban, seeks to intimidate its neighbors with alarming rhetoric, defies the United Nations and destabilizes the entire region by refusing to be open about its nuclear program. They want their new order not Bush's. You can't blame them. it blows me away that seeing what Bush has done in the middle east and why he has caused this middle east breakdown he has the nerve to accuse Iran of destabilizing the middle east!
* "Iran is the world's leading state sponsor of terror," Bush said in a speech he delivered about mid-way through his eight-day Mideast trip that began with a renewed push for an Israeli-Palestinian peace pact — an accord he said whose "time has come." "Iran's actions threaten the security of nations everywhere," Bush said. "So the United States is strengthening our long-standing security commitments with our friends in the Gulf, and rallying friends around the world to confront this danger before it is too late." Bush lauded democratic reforms in Gulf nations ruled by authoritarian leaders. "This new era is being built with the understanding that power is a trust that must be exercised with the consent of the governed," Bush said. "the consent of the governed? Is that what he calls what he the decider is doing to us? I don't understand how he gets away with this crap?
* On Iran, Bush was to offer security assurances to Persian Gulf allies nervous about Iran's military might and spreading influence. Gulf allies are jittery after in Jan. 6 confrontation between U.S. and Iranian naval vessels off their shores, but seek assurance that Bush doesn't want war. Any attack on Iran could bring retaliation against military bases on Arab soil or choke the lucrative oil trade through the Strait of Hormuz. what the hell do they think? Of course Bush wants war with Iran. That's why he attacked Iraq to get us back into the middle east. War with Iran is a given that is why Bush has supplied those so called allies with Patriot missile batteries! In visits over three days in Kuwait, Bahrain and Abu Dhabi, Bush also was urging continued and visible Arab support for fragile peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Arab backing, and probably funding, is considered essential to make any agreement stick. He forgot to mention Bahrain restricts freedoms of press, speech, assembly, association, and some religious practices. And in the UAE, the State Department report found what it called significant human rights problems including: no citizens' right to change the government and no popularly elected representatives of any kind; flogging as judicially sanctioned punishment; arbitrary detention and incommunicado detention, restrictions on freedom of speech and the press. Bush rallying Arabs against Iran
* On Iran, Bush was to offer security assurances to Persian Gulf allies nervous about Iran's military might and spreading influence. Gulf allies are jittery after in Jan. 6 confrontation between U.S. and Iranian naval vessels off their shores, but seek assurance that Bush doesn't want war. Any attack on Iran could bring retaliation against military bases on Arab soil or choke the lucrative oil trade through the Strait of Hormuz. what the hell do they think? Of course Bush wants war with Iran. That's why he attacked Iraq to get us back into the middle east. War with Iran is a given that is why Bush has supplied those so called allies with Patriot missile batteries! In visits over three days in Kuwait, Bahrain and Abu Dhabi, Bush also was urging continued and visible Arab support for fragile peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians. Arab backing, and probably funding, is considered essential to make any agreement stick. He forgot to mention Bahrain restricts freedoms of press, speech, assembly, association, and some religious practices. And in the UAE, the State Department report found what it called significant human rights problems including: no citizens' right to change the government and no popularly elected representatives of any kind; flogging as judicially sanctioned punishment; arbitrary detention and incommunicado detention, restrictions on freedom of speech and the press. Bush rallying Arabs against Iran
While we're on the subject of Democracy I wonder why Bush didn't mention Saudi Arabia's nasty habit of beheadings? I know Democracies can be different but that doesn't sound Democratic to me! Saudi authorities on Saturday beheaded an Indonesian maid convicted of killing her employer, the Interior Ministry announced. In a statement carried by the official Saudi Press Agency, the ministry said the maid used a pillow to suffocate her employer Aisha Al Makhaled and then stole her jewelry in the southern province of Asir. Saudi Arabia follows a strict interpretation of Islam under which those convicted of murder, drug trafficking, rape and armed robbery are executed in public with a sword. The maid is the second person to be executed this year in the desert kingdom, according to an Associated Press count. ** Saudi Arabia beheaded 137 people last year, up sharply from the 38 in 2006. That's a great move towards Democracy isn't it? Saudi Beheadings
This mornings news was full of his crap with Bushat Bahrain talking about Democracy, the hijacked Islamic Religion, and the worst threat to them Iran. Bahrain is no Democracy and Bush trying to force it on the middle east is only part of the problem. Bush has hijacked and perverted Christianity and Democracy to get his way in the middle east. It will not work but it will create the division he needs to fight for his new middle east order with all us peace lovers of the world caught in the middle. This is still just beginning and Bush's world war will not be avoided. He can go after Iran and Pakistan it that blows too from the Gulf with our 4 carrier battle groups and the DeGaulle at the mouth. Russia if not China too will step in and protect their significant interests in Iran. China could also sit by and capitalize off all our destruction. Time will tell! This will not be stopped and it is still just taking shape.
In closing, knowing Russia will protect its interests in Iran and most likely will be joined by China I want to remind you of a nasty little surprise they have for Bush. Remember whoever controls space controls the future as without satellites a Nations entire military would be dead in the water. Please read this sobering expose on the assassins mace
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
Read through this Jim:
An Open Letter to the New Generation of Military Officers Serving and Protecting Our Nation
By Dr. Robert M. Bowman, Lt. Col., USAF, ret., National Commander, The Patriots
“The Nuremberg Principles says that we in the military have not only the right, but also the DUTY to refuse an illegal order. It was on this basis that we executed Nazi officers who were ‘only carrying out their orders’… The Constitution which we are sworn to uphold says that treaties entered into by the United States are the ‘highest law of the land,’ equivalent to the Constitution itself. Accordingly, we in the military are sworn to uphold treaty law, including the United Nations charter and the Geneva Convention… Based on the above, I contend that should some civilian order you to initiate a nuclear attack on Iran (for example), you are duty-bound to refuse that order. I might also suggest that you should consider whether the circumstances demand that you arrest whoever gave the order as a war criminal.”
Dear Comrades in Arms,
You are facing challenges in 2007 that we of previous generations never dreamed of. I’m just an old fighter pilot (101 combat missions in Vietnam , F-4 Phantom, Phu Cat, 1969-1970) who’s now a disabled veteran with terminal cancer from Agent Orange. Our mailing list (over 22,000) includes veterans from all branches of the service, all political parties, and all parts of the political spectrum. We are Republicans and Democrats, Greens and Libertarians, Constitutionists and Reformers, and a good many Independents. What unites us is our desire for a government that (1) follows the Constitution, (2) honors the truth, and (3) serves the people.
We see our government going down the wrong path, all too often ignoring military advice, and heading us toward great danger. And we look to you who still serve as the best hope for protecting our nation from disaster.
We see the current Iraq War as having been unnecessary, entered into under false pretenses, and horribly mismanaged by the civilian authorities. Thousands of our brave troops have been needlessly sacrificed in a futile attempt at occupation of a hostile land. Many more thousands have suffered wounds which will change their lives forever. Tens of thousands have severe psychological problems because of what they have seen and what they have done. Potentially hundreds of thousands could be poisoned by depleted uranium, with symptoms appearing years later, just as happened to us exposed to Agent Orange. The military services are depleted and demoralized. The VA system is under-funded and overwhelmed. The National Guard and Reserves have been subjected to tour after tour, disrupting lives for even the lucky ones who return intact. Jobs have been lost, marriages have been destroyed, homes have been foreclosed, and children have been estranged. And for what? We have lost allies, made new enemies, and created thousands of new terrorists, further endangering the American people.
But you know all this. I’m sure you also see the enormous danger in a possible attack on Iran , possibly with nuclear weapons. Such an event, seriously contemplated by the Cheney faction of the Bush administration, would make enemies of Russia and China and turn us into the number one rogue nation on earth. The effect on our long-term national security would be devastating.
Some of us had hoped that the new Democratic Congress would end the occupation of Iraq and take firm steps to prevent an attack on Iran , perhaps by impeaching Bush and Cheney. These hopes have been dashed. The lily-livered Democrats have caved in, turning their backs on those few (like Congressman Jack Murtha) who understand the situation. Many of us have personally walked the halls of Congress, to no avail.
This is where you come in.
We know that many of you share our concern and our determination to protect our republic from an arrogant, out-of-control, imperial presidency and a compliant, namby-pamby Congress (both of which are unduly influenced by the oil companies and other big-money interests). We know that you (like us) wouldn’t have pursued a military career unless you were idealistic and devoted to our nation and its people. (None of us do it for the pay and working conditions!) But we also recognize that you may not see how you can influence these events. We in the military have always had a historic subservience to civilian authority.
Perhaps I can help with whatever wisdom I’ve gathered from age (I retired in 1978, so I am ancient indeed).
Our oath of office is to “protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” Might I suggest that this includes a rogue president and vice-president? Certainly we are bound to carry out the legal orders of our superiors. But the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) which binds all of us enshrines the Nuremberg Principles which this country established after World War II (which you are too young to remember). One of those Nuremberg Principles says that we in the military have not only the right, but also the DUTY to refuse an illegal order. It was on this basis that we executed Nazi officers who were “only carrying out their orders.”
The Constitution which we are sworn to uphold says that treaties entered into by the United States are the “highest law of the land,” equivalent to the Constitution itself. Accordingly, we in the military are sworn to uphold treaty law, including the United Nations charter and the Geneva Convention.
Based on the above, I contend that should some civilian order you to initiate a nuclear attack on Iran (for example), you are duty-bound to refuse that order. I might also suggest that you should consider whether the circumstances demand that you arrest whoever gave the order as a war criminal.
I know for a fact that in recent history (once under Nixon and once under Reagan), the military nuclear chain of command in the White House discussed these things and were prepared to refuse an order to “nuke Russia .” In effect they took the (non-existent) “button” out of the hands of the President.. We were thus never quite as close to World War III as many feared, no matter how irrational any president might have become. They determined that the proper response to any such order was, “Why, sir?” Unless there was (in their words) a “damn good answer,” nothing was going to happen.
I suggest that if you in this generation have not had such a discussion, perhaps it is time you do. In hindsight, it’s too bad such a discussion did not take place prior to the preemptive “shock and awe” attack on Baghdad . Many of us at the time spoke out vehemently that such an attack would be an impeachable offense, a war crime against the people of Iraq , and treason against the United States of America . But our voices were drowned out and never reached the ears of the generals in 2003. I now regret that I never sent a letter such as this at that time, but depended on the corporate media to carry my message. I must not make that mistake again.
Also in hindsight, President Bush could be court-martialed for abuse of power as Commander-in-Chief. Vice President Cheney could probably be court-martialed for his performance as Acting Commander-in-Chief in the White House bunker the morning of September 11, 2001 .
We in the U.S. military would never consider a military coup, removing an elected president and installing one of our own. But following our oath of office, obeying the Nuremberg Principles, and preventing a rogue president from committing a war crime is not a military coup. If it requires the detention of executive branch officials, we will not impose a military dictatorship. We will let the Constitutional succession take place. This is what we are sworn to. This is protecting the Constitution, our highest obligation. In 2007, this is what is meant by “Duty, Honor, Country.”
Thank you all for your service to this nation. May God bless America , and sustain us in this difficult time. And thanks for listening to the musings of an old junior officer.
Robert M. Bowman, PhD, Lt. Col., USAF, ret.
This is what we have to look forward to Jim:
80 Percent of Americans Have Experienced a Falling Share of US Income:
By Paul Craig Roberts
New Hampshire voters have chosen warmonger clones of Bush/Cheney for their party's presidential candidates. The only candidates not in Israel's pocket are Kucinich, Paul, and Gravel, who have no chance for their party's nomination.
Obama, who provided some hope for change, undercut his support on the eve of the New Hampshire primary by declaring that he would invade Pakistan in order to protect America. It is a mystery why Obama thought this message would motivate those inclined to support his candidacy.
This means change is unlikely. Neocon think tanks, media, evangelical preachers, President Bush, Vice President Cheney, and many other members of the government have succeeded in turning a majority of Americans into scared Islamophobes and in denying Americans any reliable information about the cause of the conflict.
Unfolding economic events during 2008 are likely to increase fear among the US population--the fear that comes from recession and indebtedness.
As the German National Socialists said, a fearful population welcomes a savior. The Bush Regime has put into place all the necessary pieces for rule by the executive.
The Greenspan Fed created money and low interest rates to hide the effect on the US economy of job loss from offshoring. The low prices, achieved by substituting low-cost Asian labor for American labor, masked the inflationary impact of the Fed's monetary policy.
The low interest rates created artificial increases in home prices by reducing the carrying costs of mortgages. Most people buy according to monthly payment, not purchase price of the home.
Many homeowners refinanced to capture and spend the rise in home equity produced by the low interest rates. This spending and the construction boom misled people about the strength of the economy.
So did US productivity and GDP statistics. As Susan Houseman has shown, US statistics have not been adjusted for offshoring and include in US productivity and GDP growth both the lower labor costs and the real output of offshored goods that are in fact part of Asian GDP.
Performance-driven executives at financial institutions were suckered into purchasing subprime derivatives, which have crashed, leaving the financial system with serious problems.
Bailouts require yet more liquidity, but the exchange value of the US dollar has been reeling from US budget and trade deficits. Creating more dollars makes holding existing dollar assets even less attractive to the foreigners who finance US deficits.
The dollar has retained its reserve currency role despite its loss of value, because there is no clear alternative. The euro is a currency without a country, and might be adversely affected by differential interest rates arising within the EU membership. The UK economy is comparatively small and faces similar problems to the US. The rising Asian economies are not ready to assume the role.
As I have documented repeatedly, job growth in the US has been confined to domestic nontradeable services. The US is now far more dependent on imported manufactured goods than it is on imported energy. Offshoring makes it impossible for the US to balance its trade as offshoring turns US GDP into imports.
Offshoring is now reaching beyond manufacturing into high-end service jobs. Princeton University economist Alan Blinder, a former vice chairman of the Federal Reserve, estimates that there are as many as 30 million US service jobs filled by college graduates that are susceptible to offshoring.
As long as China continues its currency peg to the dollar, lower prices from a continuation of offshoring can hide the new round of Fed money creation. But can a new round of money creation create enough new consumer spending by over-indebted consumers to mask the jobs lost to offshoring with more employment for waitresses and bartenders, or will the new liquidity be used up in saving the troubled financial institutions? Access to more credit does not help people who are maxed out and cannot pay their bills, especially when they are losing their jobs.
Studies by economists with the Economics Policy Institute report that as of 2006, the most recent data, the typical American family's income remained $1,000 below its peak in 2000. Six years of "economic recovery" were unable to put the real median family income back to its previous peak. The combination of massive indebtedness, offshoring job loss, and recession is likely to produce further decline in US living standards.
Last month (December 2007) the Congressional Budget Office released its report on household incomes. The CBO data show that 80% of Americans have experienced a falling share of US income, and that the top 1% of the income distribution has received almost the entire income gain of the top 20% of Americans. Keep in mind that some of this measured income gain is in reality phantom income according to the research of Susan Houseman.
An economy that concentrates its income gains at the very top while wiping out high value-added jobs by sending them abroad, thus dismantling the ladders of upward mobility, is an economy headed for serious troubles even without subprime derivative and currency problems.
All of the presidential candidates currently in the running have authoritarian personalities. America's next president is likely to seize upon rising domestic economic hardship and growing resistance abroad to US hegemony to complete the dismantling of America's constitutional system.
bush provides hours and hours of horror.
Why do I think, "Gulf of Tonkin"? Or for the yunguns maybe Gulf of Sidra/Gabes?
Or "he tried to kill mah daddy"?
Larry I am glad you sent me this. Do yoy know how I can communicate with this Gentleman? this is what he closed with and I am afraid it is our only option but!
Also in hindsight, President Bush could be court-martialed for abuse of power as Commander-in-Chief. Vice President Cheney could probably be court-martialed for his performance as Acting Commander-in-Chief in the White House bunker the morning of September 11, 2001 .
We in the U.S. military would never consider a military coup, removing an elected president and installing one of our own. But following our oath of office, obeying the Nuremberg Principles, and preventing a rogue president from committing a war crime is not a military coup. If it requires the detention of executive branch officials, we will not impose a military dictatorship. We will let the Constitutional succession take place. This is what we are sworn to. This is protecting the Constitution, our highest obligation. In 2007, this is what is meant by “Duty, Honor, Country.”
Thank you all for your service to this nation. May God bless America , and sustain us in this difficult time. And thanks for listening to the musings of an old junior officer.
Robert M. Bowman, PhD, Lt. Col., USAF, ret.
We ex military realize this must be stopped however as you witness Bush if someone will not do his underhanded bidding he wilol get rid of them and put someone in that will.
We are bound and we wrongly in this case think our leaders have truth and Justice as there guide but they do not, sadly we do and are often blinded by that. As I have told you, I asked my sons what they would do and they did not know. I am afraid too many still do not realize what Bush is doing and how serious this is and will be in the future. We cannot stop. Thanks again Larry!
What Paul Craig Roberts said as you know is right on but what you and I have discussed and most do not realize is it is all being done on purpose as Bush moves his created Fascist America towards his desire for a one economy one Government world.
It will all end in total disorder though as you know. Chaos is our future and Bush has ensured it. He has ensured the necessity of fighting wars for many years to come. He has been succesful but to us a failure! there are many discussions underlying here and I think we have had them all in the past. I only wish we could start making a difference as we are rapidly running out of time!
Hi Karen!
Sadly you are right and again sadly as I have said many times he has almost a year left and watch 08 as he has yet to create his greatest damage!
Gulf of Tonkin is an under estimate. Like everything else with the Nazi's or Vietnam he will dwarf it. This nightmare is still just beginning and regardless of who is elected if America even has elections we will be forced to react to what the chief idiot has set in motion!
Amphibious glad to see you are back. I hope to keep hearing your input. We are all in this together. I responded to your comment on my other post but went to your page and found no way of contacting you. Did you see Larry's input and my replies? I think you would be interested. Oh what a mess Bush has purposely set in motion for our future and the bastard is as happy as a clam!
I'm amazed at the diminishing contrast between the Iranian theocracic fascism and Bush's theocratic fascism. It's utterly astonishing to conlude that Iran's story is closer to truth than the "American." But we know that isn't really America anymore pushing the propaganda. We've lost our national soul.
The other picture of diminishing contrast is the Saudi's and the (mostly) Texans' fondness for executions. Add China to the mix and we see the true values of these nations come into focus.
Thanks to Bush's lust for war, the value of human life has become degraded to an all time low. We (our govt. and lapdog media) don't even acknowledge the suffering and death over there. No photos, please, we are at war.
It is amazing! you consistently watch the chief idiot decry other Nations for doing what he is doing clandestinely. It is sickening watching him steal control over us and he has destroyed our Democracy while he accuses other countries of controlling their citizens and not being Democratic enough. We are by no means a Democracy today. I am sick that the idiot continues to brag how great we are and no one holds him accountable. We are a friggen mess!
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