Because of Bush's Nazification of America McGovern is right but next President will be forced to regroup and deal with the results around the world!
Isn't it interesting that Prescott supported Hitler and tried to overthrow and murder FDR and install martial law and a fascist dictatorship in America and his grandson wants to continue his work? Nothing was done then and nothing is being done now, why?
The Bush's, going back to Prescott and his father being involved in Eugenics and supporting population destruction or genocide like the Nazi's they supported is well known, documented, and ignored. Their amazing history in Eugenics and their backing and involvement with the Nazi party and worse are ignored and just blows me away!. It pisses me off Prescott got away with it and now the little Nazi is finishing us off. Here is the main link!
his is only a small reason why we George McGovern is right but this is never mentioned. Why? George McGovern, the Democratic Party's 1972 nominee for president, is calling on Congress to impeach President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney. And in an editorial in Sunday's Washington Post, McGovern writes the case for impeaching the current president is "far stronger" than the case made against former President Richard Nixon — the man who soundly defeated McGovern in the general election match up. "Bush and Cheney are clearly guilty of numerous impeachable offenses," McGovern writes. "They have repeatedly violated the Constitution. They have transgressed national and international law. They have lied to the American people time after time.
"Their conduct and their barbaric policies have reduced our beloved country to a historic low in the eyes of people around the world," he continued. McGovern, a former three-term senator who ran for president on a fiercely anti-war platform, also called the administration's policy in Iraq a "a murderous, illegal, nonsensical war" in violation of international law. "This reckless disregard for life and property, as well as constitutional law, has been accompanied by the abuse of prisoners, including systematic torture, in direct violation of the Geneva Conventions of 1949," he added. But McGovern acknowledged there is little bipartisan support for an impeachment effort, blaming "superficial partisanship" among Republicans, and a "a lack of courage and statesmanship on the part of too many Democratic politicians." George McGovern,impeach Bush and Cheney now
Anyway, in that link is a story of how the Republicans are worried about Obama as well they should be. I am concerned about him getting killed or having the elections stolen in one of a growing number of ways.
Anyway even the bookies are already paying off. Ireland's largest bookmaker, Paddy Power, are today claiming that the Democratic Nomination race is well and truly over and are already paying out on Barack Obama to be the successful Democratic nominee. The early payout signals a massive EUR50,000 ($75,000) payday to lucky punters who backed Obama over the recent number of weeks at various odds ranging from 4/1 to 4/9. The unexpected decision by the Irish bookmaking firm comes almost a week after the Iowa primary election and just a day before the New Hampshire primary election where Barack is now the odds on favorite at 1/12 to demolish his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Irish Bookmakers pay off on Obama
With the people that cooperate with Bush in the middle east getting assassinated. Cooperative Sunni leaders assassinated by al Qaeda
Suspected Islamic militants fatally shot eight tribal leaders involved in efforts to broker a cease-fire between security forces and insurgents in Pakistan's volatile northwest, authorities said Monday. Peace brokers killed in Pakistan
** Whoever is going to be our next President and I am banking on Barak there being elections and him not being assassinated, Is going to have to deal with the fallout from Bush's failed nazification program! An immediate announced withdrawal from Iraq based on Iraq showing normalcy should be announced then events watched before preparations for the inevitable are made ASAP (as soon as possible). A force of special forces advisors should be left in Iraq with air support at their immediate disposal if things should get out of control. We will be able to quickly evaluate how much Iraq wants unity and act accordingly. If outside forces start interfering we will be able to deal with that. The vast majority of our forces can redeploy from whence they came, Kuwait because they will be needed elsewhere in the area regardless of what we want.
** This would leave the largest mass of troops and equipment on foreign soil prepared for deployment since D day! Whoever is elected I am afraid neutralizing Bush's American Nazification program will be the easy part though any and all of it will be monumental in task! Between Iran and Pakistan if not any of the other potential reasons coming down the pike, our forces like it or not will at the very least be needed in the middle east area! This is still just beginning thanks to Bush and like it or not we will be reacting to situations far into the future that his world Nazification program set in motion.
James Joiner
Gardner Ma
I'm still not trusing Bush/Cheney to go away quietly or willfully.
Cheney's already planning military action in Pakistan and this latest 'incident' between Iran and the US Navy has shades of the Gulf of Tonkein all over it.
I have no doubt Bush/Cheney would love to stir up another 'military intervention' somewhere before Nov '08 as a way to help the Republican nominee or, god forbid, pave the way for them to sieze total power and fulfill Prescott's life long dream.
I just wrote to Jerome He's 90 now. Have you read any of my posts on him? Unbelievable! grassroots organizer and activist. I have hope!http://relentlessliberal.blogspot.com who I am going to meet tomorrow and said the same thing to him about the excuse for with Iran is closer with that incident and it will be found. I absolutely don't expect elections this fall!
Polishifter did you hear the latest on that confrontation in the Gulf? The Iranian's dropped white Boxes in the water, driving erratically in and out of our formation, taunting on the radio. One US ship had permission to blow them out of the water if things ratchetted up. the excuse for war is being egged on by both sides and it will happen before Bush is gone them it will really get started.
I am finishing up and will be gone most of the day going to meet the relentless Liberal I will try to get something on about his lecture and our meeting later in the afternoon or when I can.
I wish we could only learn the real story about the alleged gulf "incident". You can bet your bottom Bush Buck (Valued still less that Canadian) we didn't get the truth.
How about this Jim:
Creeping Fascism: History's Lessons
By Ray McGovern
Global Research, December 30, 2007
“There are few things as odd as the calm, superior indifference with which I and those like me watched the beginnings of the Nazi revolution in Germany, as if from a box at the theater. ... Perhaps the only comparably odd thing is the way that now, years later....”
These are the words of Sebastian Haffner (pen name for Raimund Pretzel), who as a young lawyer in Berlin during the 1930s experienced the Nazi takeover and wrote a first-hand account. His children found the manuscript when he died in 1999 and published it the following year as “Geschichte eines Deutschen” (The Story of a German).
The book became an immediate bestseller and has been translated into 20 languages—in English as “Defying Hitler.”
I recently learned from his daughter Sarah, an artist in Berlin, that today is the 100th anniversary of Haffner’s birth. She had seen an earlier article in which I quoted her father and e-mailed to ask me to “write some more about the book and the comparison to Bush’s America. ... This is almost unbelievable.”
More about Haffner below. Let’s set the stage first by recapping some of what has been going on that may have resonance for readers familiar with the Nazi ascendancy, noting how “odd” it is that the frontal attack on our Constitutional rights is met with such “calm, superior indifference.”
Goebbels Would be Proud
It has been two years since top New York Times officials decided to let the rest of us in on the fact that the George W. Bush administration had been eavesdropping on American citizens without the court warrants required by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) of 1978.
The Times had learned of this well before the election in 2004 and acquiesced to White House entreaties to suppress the damaging information.
In late fall 2005 when Times correspondent James Risen’s book, “State of War: the Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration,” revealing the warrantless eavesdropping was being printed, Times publisher, Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., recognized that he could procrastinate no longer.
It would simply be too embarrassing to have Risen’s book on the street, with Sulzberger and his associates pretending that this explosive eavesdropping story did not fit Adolph Ochs’s trademark criterion: All The News That’s Fit To Print.
(The Times’ own ombudsman, Public Editor Byron Calame, branded the newspaper’s explanation for the long delay in publishing this story “woefully inadequate.”)
When Sulzberger told his friends in the White House that he could no longer hold off on publishing in the newspaper, he was summoned to the Oval Office for a counseling session with the president on Dec. 5, 2005. Bush tried in vain to talk him out of putting the story in the Times.
The truth would out; part of it, at least.
There were some embarrassing glitches. For example, unfortunately for National Security Agency Director Lt. Gen. Keith Alexander, the White House neglected to tell him that the cat would soon be out of the bag.
So on Dec. 6, Alexander spoke from the old talking points in assuring visiting House intelligence committee member Rush Holt, D-New Jersey, that the NSA did not eavesdrop on Americans without a court order.
Still possessed of the quaint notion that generals and other senior officials are not supposed to lie to congressional oversight committees, Holt wrote a blistering letter to Gen. Alexander after the Times, on Dec. 16, front-paged a feature by Risen and Eric Lichtblau, “Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts.”
But House Intelligence Committee chair Pete Hoekstra, R-Michigan, apparently found Holt’s scruples benighted; Hoekstra did nothing to hold Alexander accountable for misleading Holt, his most experienced committee member, who had served as an intelligence analyst at the State Department.
What followed struck me as bizarre. The day after the Dec. 16 Times feature article, the president of the United States publicly admitted to a demonstrably impeachable offense.
Authorizing illegal electronic surveillance was a key provision of the second article of impeachment against President Richard Nixon. On July 27, 1974, this and two other articles of impeachment were approved by bipartisan votes in the House Judiciary Committee.
Bush Takes Frontal Approach
Far from expressing regret, the president bragged about having authorized the surveillance “more than 30 times since the September the 11th attacks,” and said he would continue to do so. The president also said:
“Leaders in Congress have been briefed more than a dozen times on this authorization and the activities conducted under it.”
On Dec. 19, 2005, then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and then-NSA Director Michael Hayden held a press conference to answer questions about the as yet unnamed surveillance program.
Gonzales was asked why the White House decided to flout FISA rather than attempt to amend it, choosing instead a “backdoor approach.” He answered:
“We have had discussions with Congress...as to whether or not FISA could be amended to allow us to adequately deal with this kind of threat, and we were advised that that would be difficult, if not impossible.”
Hmm. Impossible? It strains credulity that a program of the limited scope described would be unable to win ready approval from a Congress that had just passed the “Patriot Act” in record time.
James Risen has made the following quip about the prevailing mood: “In October 2001, you could have set up guillotines on the public streets of America."
It was not difficult to infer that the surveillance program must have been of such scope and intrusiveness that, even amid highly stoked fear, it didn’t have a prayer for passage.
It turns out we didn’t know the half of it.
What To Call These Activities
“Illegal Surveillance Program” didn’t seem quite right for White House purposes, and the PR machine was unusually slow off the blocks.
It took six weeks to settle on “Terrorist Surveillance Program,” with FOX News leading the way followed by the president himself. This labeling would dovetail nicely with the president’s rhetoric on Dec. 17:
“In the weeks following the terrorist attacks on our nation, I authorized the National Security Agency, consistent with U.S. law and the Constitution, to intercept the international communications of people with known links to al-Qaeda and related terrorist organizations. ... The authorization I gave the National Security Agency after September 11 helped address that problem...” [Emphasis added]
And Gen. Michael Hayden, who headed NSA from 1999 to 2005, was of course on the same page, dissembling as convincingly as the president. At his May 2006 confirmation hearings to become CIA director, he told of his soul-searching when, as director of NSA, he was asked to eavesdrop on Americans without a court warrant.
“I had to make this personal decision in early October 2001,” said Hayden. “It was a personal decision. ... I could not not do this.”
Like so much else, it was all because of 9/11. But we now know...
It Started Seven Months Before 9/11.
How many times have you heard it? The mantra “after 9/11 everything changed” has given absolution to all manner of sin.
We are understandably reluctant to believe the worst of our leaders, and this tends to make us negligent. After all, we learned from former Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill that drastic changes were made in U.S. foreign policy toward the Israeli-Palestinian issue and toward Iraq at the first National Security Council meeting on Jan. 30, 2001.
Should we not have anticipated far-reaching changes at home as well?
Reporting by the Rocky Mountain News and court documents and testimony on a case involving Qwest strongly suggest that in February 2001 Hayden saluted smartly when the Bush administration instructed NSA to suborn AT&T, Verizon, and Qwest to spy illegally on you, me, and other Americans.
Bear in mind that this would have had nothing to do with terrorism, which did not really appear on the new administration’s radar screen until a week before 9/11, despite the pleading of Clinton aides that the issue deserved extremely high priority.
So this until-recently-unknown pre-9/11 facet of the “Terrorist Surveillance Program” was not related to Osama bin Laden or to whomever he and his associates might be speaking. It had to do with us.
We know that the Democrats briefed on the “Terrorist Surveillance Program” include House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-California, (the one with the longest tenure on the House Intelligence Committee), Rep. Jane Harman, D-California, and former and current chairmen of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Bob Graham, D-Florida, and Jay Rockefeller, D-West Virginia, respectively.
May one interpret their lack of public comment on the news that the snooping began well before 9/11 as a sign they were co-opted and then sworn to secrecy?
It is an important question. Were the appropriate leaders in Congress informed that within days of George W. Bush’s first inauguration the NSA electronic vacuum cleaner began to suck up information on you and me, despite the FISA law and the Fourth Amendment?
Are They All Complicit?
And are Democratic leaders about to cave in and grant retroactive immunity to those telecommunications corporations—AT&T and Verizon—which made millions by winking at the law and the Constitution?
(Qwest, to its credit, heeded the advice of its general counsel who said that what NSA wanted done was clearly illegal.)
What’s going on here? Have congressional leaders no sense for what is at stake?
Lately the adjective “spineless” has come into vogue in describing congressional Democrats—no offense to invertebrates.
Nazis and Their Enablers
You don’t have to be a Nazi. You can just be, well, a sheep.
In his journal, Sebastian Haffner decries what he calls the “sheepish submissiveness” with which the German people reacted to a 9/11-like event, the burning of the German Parliament (Reichstag) on Feb. 27, 1933.
Haffner finds it quite telling that none of his acquaintances “saw anything out of the ordinary in the fact that, from then on, one’s telephone would be tapped, one’s letters opened, and one’s desk might be broken into.”
But it is for the cowardly politicians that Haffner reserves his most vehement condemnation. Do you see any contemporary parallels here?
In the elections of March 4, 1933, shortly after the Reichstag fire, the Nazi party garnered only 44 percent of the vote. Only the “cowardly treachery” of the Social Democrats and other parties to whom 56 percent of the German people had entrusted their votes made it possible for the Nazis to seize full power. Haffner adds:
“It is in the final analysis only that betrayal that explains the almost inexplicable fact that a great nation, which cannot have consisted entirely of cowards, fell into ignominy without a fight.”
The Social Democratic leaders betrayed their followers—“for the most part decent, unimportant individuals.” In May, the party leaders sang the Nazi anthem; in June the Social Democratic party was dissolved.
The middle-class Catholic party Zentrum folded in less than a month, and in the end supplied the votes necessary for the two-thirds majority that “legalized” Hitler’s dictatorship.
As for the right-wing conservatives and German nationalists: “Oh God,” writes Haffner, “what an infinitely dishonorable and cowardly spectacle their leaders made in 1933 and continued to make afterward. ... They went along with everything: the terror, the persecution of Jews. ... They were not even bothered when their own party was banned and their own members arrested.”
In sum: “There was not a single example of energetic defense, of courage or principle. There was only panic, flight, and desertion. In March 1933, millions were ready to fight the Nazis. Overnight they found themselves without leaders. ... At the moment of truth, when other nations rise spontaneously to the occasion, the Germans collectively and limply collapsed. They yielded and capitulated, and suffered a nervous breakdown. ... The result is today the nightmare of the rest of the world.”
This is what can happen when virtually all are intimidated.
Our Founding Fathers were not oblivious to this; thus, James Madison:
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations. ... The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home.”
We cannot say we weren’t warned.
Most Americans understand that Prescott Bush helped to finance Hitler and his ambitions of a pure white race that would rule the world.
Which was coincidentally the ambition of rightwing America, and yes, even many here in Europe supported the notion that only white Christians and Jews were capable of ruling over the masses.
Less Americans know that that Rockerfeller (is he Jewish?) and standard oil supplied the fuel for the German airforce, and chemicals for the manufacture of fuel and explosives.
Or that Henry Ford supplied the German Army with trucks...
Or that IBM helped with the record keeping of Jewish names and adresses, and General Electric helped organise the electrification of German industries.
Or how ITT owned shares in Focke-Wolfe and organised the German telephone system, and helped the Nazis to eavesdrop on their own citizens.
Oh yes, it was a very "Wall street" invasion of Europe, German soldiers with ambitions of a single party corporate state.
When suddenly...... American troops arrived on our soil, to help defeat the mad dictator, rather like the illusion and bullshit that surrounded the arrival of troops at the oilfields of Iraq.
Such a classic bait and switch, the ruse just wasn`t clever enough, and thanks to the Russians, the Nazi dream was squashed and rendered impotent.
The right wing of America continued to build its` military power, always focused on the support of Israel, always pushing towards control of the world and its resources.
Always behind the American throne is a circle of wealthy powerful families, whose goal is not peace and equality, but personal wealth, coupled with racist and religious prejudice.
Unfortunately, Jim, we do not have the leadership needed in Congress to wipe this scourge from office. The majority of the Democrats in office have completely ignore the grass roots movement that gave them the majority back. The only thing we can still hope for is the 2008 elections to brace their backbone and give them the nerve they need to bring the war criminals in the Bush Administration to justice.
If only more Americans would heed the words of both Ray and George McGovern. These two men are the kind of enightened and compassionate heroes this country desperately needs.
Did anybody see any media coverage of George McGovern's impeachment editorial?
Just wondering.
Dave I just got in from my meeting with the relentless liberal. amazing! We talked for over an hour after the Lecture. The guy is unbelieveble. He's 90 but 30 would be more like it. He should have been tied down.
Going down there and coming back all I heard was New Hampshire and Iran's provocative behavior in the Gulf. We'll never hear the truth here either. I am sure Iran is provoking and I am sure Bush is playing it up.
Anyway you look at it, one way or the other one of them will find a way to get this war going. That is why we attacked Iraq and will not leave. It will happen then you know Bush will stay in office.
I know Jerome is 90 but it was a pleasure to talk to someone who knows what's going on and has serious clout. He knows intimately and parsonally every Politician in America. You should read his book! Anyway I have to play catch up and I was hoping to put something together for today. Take care!
creeping Fascism by Ray mcgovern: I am going to send this to Jerome who I just got back from talking with. We discussed the Nazification of America which he agrees with and knows how we feel about him and Prescott but he wanted concrete proof on Prescott and Of course I didn't have it off hand. I learned so much I want to discuss but I have to try and get situated right now so bear with me.
Do you live in Germany? I loved it there. Anyway most Americans don't know much about anything, cartainly about the involvement of upper crust American businesses in Financing and aiding Nazi germany.
You got me curious about Rockefeller so I looked it up. I know the Bush's, Rothchilde's and many others were complicit with Hitler and the Nazi.s but was surprised at this. Those with a hidden Jewish ancestry
You're entirely right! Democrats and the MSM are complicit and they prove it daily. It's funny you, you should have met the connection I just got back from meeting with after one of his lectures.
The premiere grassroots organizer in the country. He has been at it since 1940. he has the clout financially and politically to make things happen. he is behind every single Liberal accomplishment since ww2. He is 90 now but man he should have been tied down.
He wanted proof on the Bush Nazi ties and of corse I didn't have it off hand. Of course he has donated to avery politician willing to stand up for his anti nuclear proliferation Organization. I was amazed.
He originally contacted me over something I wrote. There is a lot there but I found out today that he does not know how to type nor does he use computers. He writes his stories and faxes them to his 65 year old son Danny who Is the one that first informed me why Jerome was different.
You should google Jerome Grossman and learn about him. Amazing! He can make things happen Bud! This is our chance. I have been flooding him and Danny the last few months and he asked me how long I have been in politics. Very interesting.
I am pretty slow at best and since I have been out all day i want to try to get something together on Jerome Jerome Grossman
I didn't hear anything on the news about his thoughts on Impeachment for Cheney and Bush. I saw it on Google news and thought it should get some air time but beyond you and I, I didn't see or hear anything more on it nor did I get any feedback on it. Damn, we are shovelling shit against the tide but I can't stop shovelling.
Ah yes, the Rothschilds.
Nefarious is hardly the word!
As bankers and warmongers, they financed both Napoleon and the British, and have, amongst other enterprises, for the last few hundred years, made it their prime concern to maintain and expand warfare across the globe.
They are slowly being exposed, and thus their power is lessening.
I`m not German, though in I briefly worked aboard a German ship (Hamburg), plus a couple of months ashore in Munich, and yes, I agree with you, life is good there.
By the way, Wall street not only supported Hitler, but in lesser amounts also gave encouragement to Mussolini and Franco.
European politicians, even now the British, are these days well aware of their history, and seem intent on never again going to war.
America sustains her wars, only as long as there is money to finance them, and young people willing to die for the desires of the rich.
Both the money and the recruits are dwindling, maybe the change is already happening.
I am slow but I have awoken. I fear many never will here. A couple of my sons are fighting Bush's wars and the one who is EOD and going back to Iraq is brain washed and thinks we are the enemy.
I am blown away as I find out more every day that we as America have wars for the enrichment of a few. Being bankrupt is supposed to be the end of us and the West and with China buying more than 2 Bullion of it aq day we are well on our way.
I have to come to the obvious conclusion that Bush plans on defeating them in his still developing Forever war and excusing the debt.
Hope your sons come through to a peaceful outcome, there are many of your compatriots starting to realise that Bush is the mouthpiece and puppet of the war machine.
As you say, it is "Forever war", a policy to enrich the few at the expense of us all.
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